How to correctly and quickly choose effective ear drops for otitis media? Ear anti-inflammatory drops: how to drip ears with inflammation Decongestants for ears

If such a misfortune has already happened, then the most important thing in this situation is to choose the right drug, since there cannot be an effective drug for all occasions. In such a case, it is better to entrust the doctor, who will select the medicines individually for each case.

To understand all the doctor's prescriptions, you need to know what drugs can be prescribed as therapeutic agents for inflammation. So, for example, drops from otitis media in adults are often prescribed by an ENT. Let us consider in more detail this drug, the effectiveness of its use in otitis media and a variety of this class of drugs.

Otitis- pathology in the form of an inflammatory process that affects different parts of the ear cavity. It can be localized in one or simultaneously in several parts of the ear, depending on what determines such types of ailment:

  1. Interior.
  2. Average.
  3. Outer.

Each type of disease is characterized by its own symptoms manifestations and the nature of the pathology.

Important! If there is the slightest suspicion of ear inflammation, you should immediately consult an otolaryngologist. The disease develops quickly enough, and even a slight delay can threaten neglected form, severe course or dangerous complications.

Otitis media treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor.

Otitis media is an insidious disease and often it is not always possible to "catch" it at the initial stages of development.

Although children most often suffer from ear inflammation, it is not uncommon in adults as well.

A specialist, based on the set diagnosis, stage of the disease and the nature of its course, writes out complex treatment... Each case of the disease is individual, so the therapy is selected according to all the nuances.

As a rule, the following treatment regimen is prescribed:

  • drops in the ears;
  • nasal medications;
  • anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs;
  • antihistamines;
  • compresses, warming up, physiotherapy.

The therapy regimen prescribed by the doctor can be supplemented at home. But only add, not replace! And it is worth using only proven methods, and it is better to consult with a doctor so as not to harm your own health.

Ear drops and otitis media

Ear drops are an effective remedy in the treatment of otitis media

This type of drugs - integral component of treatment any inflammatory lesion of the ear.

Drops in the ear for otitis media in adults- An effective method to eliminate inflammation, relieve pain, suppress the reproduction of pathogens and accelerate recovery.

The main advantage of such funds- This is a local effect that manifests itself almost immediately after using them. Some people think that the drops are completely harmless when used, but this is not at all the case.

After all, any medicine has certain characteristics, contraindications and side effects that can negatively affect not only the effectiveness of therapy, but also the patient's health.

Attention! Before using any drops, you should consult with the ENT and carefully study the instructions for the medicine.

The medical industry currently provides a fairly large list of ear drops for otitis media in adults, but only a doctor can select a remedy. The use of this class of medications for self-medication is undesirable.

Mechanism of action the medicine depends on the components that make up the product. Distinguish in total 5 groups of ear drops, which are quite effective against otitis media:

  1. Antibacterial drops- based on an antibiotic that adversely affects microbial cells. This group of drops has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Prescribed for purulent or catarrhal otitis media ("Otofa", "Tsipromed").
  2. Drops with glucocorticosteroids- are prescribed for therapy of viral or ("Anauran", "Polydex").
  3. Anti-inflammatory drops- the most popular in the treatment of otitis media. They have a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect ("Otinum", "Otipax").
  4. Antifungal drops- are prescribed for otitis media that have developed due to fungal organisms ("Candibiotic").
  5. Antiseptic drops- with their help, the ear cavity is washed. Also used for instillation. Effective at the initial stages of otitis media (Miramistin, boric alcohol, 3% hydrogen peroxide).

All medicinal medicines have a certain active agent that affects the nature of the course and the source of the disease. In order to get success in treatment, you need to correctly determine the medication.

Drops for otitis media in adults: inexpensive drugs

Drops for the treatment of inflammation of the ear cavity are not noted for their cheapness. So, if otitis media nevertheless appeared, then you will have to fork out pretty much in order to acquire everything you need for complex treatment, and thereby take care of your health.

Among the huge list of drugs in this group, we present to the reader the following drops from otitis media in adults - inexpensive, but no less effective:

Boric alcohol and hydrogen peroxide (3%), which have a pronounced antiseptic effect, can be considered as inexpensive means for instilling the ear, but their effectiveness is manifested only in the initial stages of the inflammatory process.

Antibiotic ear drops

Antibiotics in the fight against otitis media- almost always a necessary measure for a complete cure of the disease. However, specialists can prescribe not only the usual antibiotics in tablet form or in the form of injections, but also antibacterial medicines for topical use in the form of drops.

Drops for otitis media in adults with antibiotics are available in a large assortment. The composition of some of them is supplemented with more components that provide an additional therapeutic effect. Let's dwell on the most popular and effective drops for the treatment of otitis media:

reference... It is worth noting that the aforementioned medicines have a number of their own characteristics of use, contraindications and side effects, therefore, therapy with ear drops should be prescribed by a doctor.


Compliance with all the rules and advice of the doctor on the use of drops will allow you to feel the effectiveness of their use in a few days. In this case, the question should not arise: "How to treat otitis media in an adult - drops or pills?"

Therapy for ear inflammation cannot be based solely on the use of ear drops or some other drug.

Ear pain in children is quite common. And in this case, many parents go to the pharmacy to purchase ear drops. Which ones are the most effective and how to use them?

How to choose baby ear drops?

Before using ear drops for children, you should decide on their choice. And what to look for when choosing such funds?

  • First of all, you should consult an otolaryngologist. The specialist must find out the causes of pain and other alarming or unpleasant symptoms, diagnose and assess the child's condition. For example, with perforation of the tympanic membrane, which can occur with purulent otitis media and other ear diseases, drugs with lidocaine and some other substances in the composition are not recommended (they can damage the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity and even provoke deterioration and hearing loss).
  • Causes of ear disease. If the ailment is provoked by the activity of bacteria, then the use of antibiotic drugs will be rational. And if the disease is of a fungal nature, then antifungal components should be included in the composition.
  • Symptoms and expected effects. To eliminate pain in the ears in children, ear drops with anesthetic effect, which include local anesthetics, are used. If there is severe edema, then a remedy with antihistamines will be effective, allowing you to eliminate puffiness. The anti-inflammatory components of the drug will help to relieve severe inflammation. If the baby has a sulfur plug, then a special tool will be required.
  • Before buying, be sure to read the instructions to find out contraindications to the use of the product, as well as possible side effects.

Funds overview

The most popular and effective ear drops for children:

  1. Otipax is the most popular and, as the reviews show, an effective drug that can be used almost from the first days of a child's life. It contains two active ingredients: phenazone and lidocaine. The first allows you to quickly relieve inflammation, and the second is a local anesthetic and relieves pain. These ear drops are effective for otitis media in children, but if the tympanic membrane is perforated, they cannot be used due to lidocaine. It should be noted that lidocaine often causes allergic reactions. In addition, in most cases, the drug eliminates the symptoms, but not the causes of the disease, especially such as viruses or bacterial infections. The drug should be used twice or three times a day, instilling 3-4 drops into the ear. The price of this product is about 170-190 rubles per bottle of 16 milliliters.
  2. "Otofa". This is an antibacterial drug, which contains a component of a fairly broad spectrum of action - rifamycin. This substance is effective against many pathogenic microorganisms. But this drug is not able to eliminate inflammation and pain, but it can be used even with perforation of the tympanic membrane. For children, the remedy is prescribed quite often, especially for bacterial infections. Three drops should be dripped, a total of three applications are required per day. The average course of treatment is a week. The cost of the drug ranges from 180-200 rubles. Reviews prove the effectiveness of these drops, but not in all cases.

  3. Ear drops "Anauran" can be used to treat children over one year old. This drug works in two ways. Lidocaine effectively and quickly relieves pain, while neomycin sulfate and polymexin B help fight a variety of bacteria. The remedy is not allowed for perforations and damage to the tympanic membrane. Children are prescribed three or four times a day for one week. It should be instilled in 2-3 drops. The price of the tool is about 250-260 rubles. The activity of the components can provoke the occurrence of some local side effects, such as redness, peeling, burning or itching. Efficiency is confirmed by numerous positive reviews.
  4. The drug "Garazon" is combined and contains two active components. The first, gentamicin, is an antibiotic agent. And the second betamethasone is a glucocorticoid that has anti-inflammatory effects. This drug is used for otitis media that is not accompanied by damage to the tympanic membrane. The product is not used to treat children under 6 years of age. Usually two to four drops are prescribed 2-4 times a day. Before instillation, the ear canal must be cleaned of sulfur plugs and other contaminants. It is worth noting that these ear drops do not relieve pain, but help eliminate otitis media associated with bacterial activity. The price of the tool is about 200 rubles.
  5. "Candibiotic" is a combined drug with a broad spectrum of action, which is still the only one of its kind. It contains four active components at once. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic compound that is effective against many different bacteria. Clotrimazole is an antifungal agent. Beclomethasone dipropionate is a glucocorticosteroid and rapidly slows down and then completely prevents inflammation. And lidocaine hydrochloride is an effective local anesthetic. This remedy has been approved for use from 6 years of age and is not recommended for membrane perforations. The drug is effective for allergic and infectious ear diseases. Usually doctors prescribe 3-5 drops three or four times a day. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. As the reviews show, the tool allows you to quickly eliminate both pain and swelling, and also speeds up the healing process. The cost is 200-220 rubles.

  6. Ear drops "Sofradex" can be used to treat children, but not infants (treatment of young children should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor). The drug is effective for otitis media, as it contains several active ingredients. Framycetin sulfate is an antibacterial component. Gramicidin is also an antibiotic and broadens the spectrum of action of framididin sulfate. And dexamethasone belongs to the group of corticosteroids, this substance eliminates inflammation. You need to use the remedy three or four times a day, instilling two or three drops into the ear canal. The course of treatment cannot last longer than a week. In case of damage to the membrane, the drug is contraindicated. It is important to remember that after opening, the product can be stored for only one month. There are a lot of reviews, especially positive ones. The price is about 200 rubles.
  7. The remedy for children "Otinum" is prescribed for patients over 1 year old. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect (it is a non-steroidal agent), and also has antifungal, antibacterial and analgesic effects and allows you to eliminate congestion. In case of perforation of the membrane, use is prohibited. In the affected ear canal, 2-4 drops should be instilled three times a day. Side effects may occur: redness, peeling, burning, itching. The cost ranges from 160-180 rubles. Many who used the drugs were satisfied with the effect.

Finally, it is worth recalling that a specialist should prescribe any funds to the child.

Ear drops differ in their effect on the sore ear and the pathological microflora that caused the inflammatory process. If the causative agents of pyogenic processes in the ear are immune to the drug, then the treatment will be ineffective. For adults, there are ear drops with one active substance that has an antibacterial or anti-inflammatory effect, or several. Mono drops from otitis media can help in the initial stage of the disease, but will not be effective enough in complex advanced cases. For chronic diseases affecting the inner ear, complex combined drugs are used that have both anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and antibacterial effects on the hearing aid.

Ear drops from otitis media are often useless if the pain is due to a perforated eardrum. The medicinal liquid, getting inside, irritates the tympanic cavity, and this leads to increased pain. Some antibacterial ear drops can help suppress microflora when the membrane is perforated, but the appointment should be made by an otolaryngologist after finding out the reasons.

Manufacturers produce a large number of drops for the treatment of different types of otitis media, but they all have a specific purpose and contraindications that the doctor takes into account.

Unpleasant sensations in a person's hearing aid can appear for various reasons, they are not always associated with the inflammatory process. Insects crawling along the sensitive eardrum into the external auditory canal causes severe pain.

Pain in the left ear can be caused by an atypical form of myocardial infarction, although this is very rare.

When there is pain in the ear, you need to make sure whether there is an inflammatory process inside or it is a consequence of pain irradiation from other areas arising from irritation of 5 pairs of nerves.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by:

  • trigeminal nerve, inflamed with toothache;
  • a large auricular nerve that shoots into the ear due to inflamed joints in the cervical spine or lymph nodes located in the neck;
  • facial nerve affected by the herpes virus;
  • glossopharyngeal nerve that is inflamed due to injury;
  • vagus nerve, which causes ear pain during inflammation in the larynx.

With these types of pain, drops will not help. To relieve the pain symptom, painkillers from analgesics are taken orally, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol in tablets also help.

Ear pain appears with otitis externa, when either inflammation of the hair follicle in the ear canal occurs and a furuncle is formed, or the inflammatory process captures the entire ear canal.

Otitis media is often secondary, it develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infections.

For the same reason, Eustachitis occurs, which goes away almost painlessly. Pain or a feeling of congestion in the ear occurs when talking, chewing food, opening the mouth. With inflammation, hearing acuity may decrease, and your own voice can be heard in the ears. Eustachitis is accompanied by a gurgling sensation in the ears. Otitis media and eustachitis are so far removed from the external entrance that anti-inflammatory ear drops do not reach the inflammation focus and specific treatment is required for such diseases.

Acute perichondritis is treated only with antibiotics and antiseptics. To find out what hurts in the ear, you need a doctor who should be consulted at the beginning of an acute process.

Mastoiditis is a complication of otitis media and is expressed by a slight increase in body temperature. There is suppuration from the opening and pain both in the ear itself and behind the auricle.

It is impossible for patients to find out the cause of the ear pain on their own; they need to go to the doctor. If the cause of the illness is not clear, the doctor uses diagnostic equipment to prescribe treatment.

Simple treatments

Ear drops for otitis media at the onset of the disease can be the simplest. Boric alcohol is a traditional antiseptic and antipruritic agent that can be used as ear drops for early inflammation. Boric alcohol before use is heated to room temperature, lowering the bottle in hot water, moistened with turunda, which is inserted into the ear canal. From above, close the passage with a dry cotton swab so that the alcohol does not evaporate. After a few hours, the cotton wool will dry out. This is usually enough for the onset of inflammation to pass.

Instead of boric alcohol, you can use chloramphenicol, furacilinic alcohol or alcoholic extract of propolis.

These funds can be dripped into the ears if there is limited redness without purulent contents. If the pain is caused by the mechanical accumulation of sulfur in the ear, then the use of any alcohol solution will do more harm than good.

To remove the first signs of inflammation, you can use miramistin or chlorhexidine. These are two universal antiseptics that quickly and effectively destroy pathogens without causing any harm to the body.

The use of simple traditional forms should be considered as a test for the risk of disease. If the remedy does not help, you do not need to self-medicate.

Application of monopreparations

Anti-inflammatory ear drops for otitis media, which contain one active substance, are used to treat inflammatory processes. They relieve tissue swelling and pain relief. These drops have no antibacterial effect, they will not be effective for infections accompanied by the formation of pus.

Otinum is the trade name for choline salicylate solution. This active substance belongs to analgesics and anesthetics and is a derivative of salicylic acid. It should not be used by persons with intolerance to salicylates.

Otinum relieves pain and inflammation. It can be used in the initial stage of otitis media, which has become a derivative of angina complications. These drops in the ears for otitis media are used to relieve pain before flushing the external auditory canal.

If the tympanic membrane is damaged, the drug is contraindicated for use. Drops in this case can cause hearing impairment or deafness. The analogues of this drug are:

  • Brotinum;
  • Mundizal;
  • Sahol;
  • Holicaps.

Otipax - drops from otitis media, which is a mixture of lidocaine and phenazone. It is an analgesic, antiseptic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent that can be used in the initial stage for acute purulent and unspecified secondary inflammation of the hearing system. When used, phenazone blocks the inflammatory process, and lidocaine disrupts the course of the pain symptom. The drug has an analogue - drops Otyrelax, Dropleks, which use the same components. Anti-inflammatory drops have contraindications, which include an allergic reaction to components and mechanical damage to the tympanic membrane

Drug therapy

Antibiotic drops are designed to treat and relieve symptoms of a purulent form. They should not be used in case of allergic reactions caused by active substances, to pregnant and lactating mothers.

Normax is an Indian drug of a well-known company with the active ingredient norfloxacin, which belongs to the antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones. These otitis media drops are recommended for adults only.

Normax has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action, its active substance is low toxic, because it is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream. It affects pathogenic microflora, which is actively multiplying or is at rest.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of any secondary otitis media caused by infection. It can be used for:

  • prevention of infectious otitis media before and after medical interventions;
  • with injuries;
  • the ingress of a foreign body into the external auditory canal.

Analogs are ear drops, antibiotic containing:

  • Nolitsin;
  • Norbactin;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Tsipromed.

Otofa - drops that have the active substance rifamycin, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the ansamycin group. This dosage form can be used for purulent and unspecified otitis media, with isolated purulent lesions of the tympanic membrane and its perforation. The drug inhibits the synthesis of microbial cells and restores mucous tissues. This antibiotic is prescribed for advanced purulent otitis media, when penicillins and cephalosporins do not help. Rifamycin and Rifogal drops have a similar effect.

Combined medicines

Combined drugs include drugs that contain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory or hormonal components. These drops are produced by the company according to original recipes and there are no analogues to them. The action of broad-spectrum antibiotics is, in principle, the same, this allows manufacturers to produce a large number of original forms, so that when the microflora gets used to one antibacterial substance, one can switch to another solution. Drops should not be used for violations of the integrity of the tympanic membrane.

One of the widely used combination drugs is Sofradex, which has no analogues. This drug, used only for otitis externa, has several active ingredients. It includes the antimicrobial substances gramicidin C, framycetin and the glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone. The medicine relieves itching, allergic reactions and promotes the rapid disappearance of the inflammatory process. The drug will not help if the pathogens were of viral and fungal origin. Therefore, it should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor who made an accurate diagnosis.

Dexon contains dexamethasone and the antibiotic neomycin, which will help to cope with any unspecified otitis media, but the drug should not be used for tuberculosis of the ears.

Polydexa - ear drops, similar in action and composition to Dexon, but reinforced with polymyxin. The combination of two antibiotics expands the spectrum of action of the pharmaceutical form. Added to the indications is an infected eczema of the external auditory canal.

Anauran is a drug in which the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin were combined and the analgesic lidocaine was added to relieve pain in the first days of treatment. The remedy is strong enough and is used to treat the middle ear.

Candibiotic - drops for adults and children, starting from 6 years old. These are complex drops, which contain corticosteroids in combination with antimicrobial drugs, which makes it possible to use the agent for all types of otitis media and for the prevention of inflammatory processes after surgery.

It includes:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • beclomethasone dipropionate;
  • clotrimazole;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol.

The drug is effective against candidiasis, relieves tissue inflammation, has an anesthetic and antiallergic effect, fights opportunistic microflora.

Auricularum contains corticosteroids to fight inflammation and antibiotics to fight infection.

Ear drops can help a person treat a wide variety of ear problems. With the help of drops they treat:

  • Infections;
  • Inflammation;
  • Suppuration;
  • and other.

The effectiveness of any ear drops depends on whether the drug is chosen correctly. That is why it is worthwhile to undergo a diagnosis, and then use only those ear drops that are assigned by the attending physician.

It is believed that drops can help almost any patient without causing any harm. This is just a delusion. The pharmacological effects of each type of drops are completely different. That is why, an ordinary patient who does not know his diagnosis will not be able to choose those drops that will help to recover, relieve inflammation, etc.

Treatment with drops

Ear drops are one of the main drugs that is prescribed for. It allows you to efficiently and quickly fix the problem, and at the same time is easy to use. The use of drops allows you to act directly on the very focus of the inflammatory process, suppressing the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

Ear drops have a complex effect. Their appointment is made when conventional drug therapy does not give the desired result. However, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to apply drops with the same caution as, because improper use can lead to a deterioration of the existing situation.

Drops are prescribed by a doctor only after a diagnosis has been made. Independent use of drops is not permissible. Incorrectly selected drops in acute and can provoke the transition of the disease into an aggressive stage.


Unlike antibiotics, drops are more practical to use. They also have a number of other advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • effectiveness;
  • lower price;
  • convenient form of the drug;
  • versatility;
  • have the maximum therapeutic effect.

Doctors recommend combining drops with. This helps to quickly achieve recovery and eliminates the need to use antibiotics, which are known to adversely affect the intestinal microflora and the human immune system.

How to properly instill ear drops


Drops should not be used for every ear condition. So, there are a number of contraindications that you should be aware of before using the drug. You can find out in advance about the factors for which you cannot use drops, you can find out in the instructions for the tool.

Most often, ear drops are not prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • intolerance to certain components;
  • (not always);
  • lactation period (not always).

When treating an ear disease, the doctor must be sure to be notified of your health indicators. For this purpose, various diagnostic studies, tests for intolerance, general are carried out.


Each type of disease has its own kind of ear drops. In their selection, you need to be especially careful so as not to harm yourself and successfully heal. Each drug has its own set of active ingredients. It is thanks to them that the impact on the epicenter of the problem occurs.

There are these types of ear drops:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • monopreparations;
  • combination drugs;
  • drops with antiseptics;
  • anti-fungal.

All these drops are actively used for the treatment of patients. Remember that most drops cannot be reused after use, as they have a fairly limited shelf life.


- European quality ear drops, which are based on anti-inflammatory and analgesic components. The main advantage of the drug according to reviews is the ability to use it for all age groups of people.

Drops are used for otitis media of various forms, as well as for all kinds of viral infections that affect the ear canal.

Normax- a universal drug with a wide spectrum of action, which is used for, and purulent otitis media. Before using the product, a mandatory doctor's consultation is required.

Otofa- an antibacterial drug capable of destroying almost all types of bacterial infections. The remedy is also effective for protracted otitis media. Despite the absence of analgesic components, the drug is prescribed as the main substance for the treatment of advanced cases of ear diseases.


Monopreparations are funds that contain one main active ingredient, the purpose of which is to eliminate the focus of an infectious problem. These drugs are Otipax and Otinus. They work best with treatment while simultaneously providing pain relief and complex anti-inflammatory effects.


Garazon- used to treat the external ear canal. The drug is especially effective for acute and chronic otitis media, which is difficult to treat.

The drug has shown itself to be effective in complex types of bacterial infections.

Anurine- a drug for the treatment of ears with anesthetic and antibacterial properties.

It is used to treat patients with acute and chronic otitis externa, as well as postoperative complications.

With antiseptics

Miramistin- a drug with a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It belongs to the group of cationic antiseptics.


Candibiotic- a product that contains several substances at the same time. This allows you to treat not only, but also ailments of an inflammatory nature.

Sanguirithrin- a local antiseptic that can also be used to treat external fungal infections.

Children suffer from the same ear diseases as adults, and if one or another occurs, they must be sent to an otolaryngologist.

If adults, risking their health, can purchase certain drops in a pharmacy without a prescription, then self-medication is unacceptable for a child. There are several names for ear drops that doctors most often prescribe to children:

  1. Otofa. The action of the drops is aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms. Does not eliminate pain and inflammation.
  2. Otipax. That drug is the most popular. It can be used practically. Effective when.
  3. Garazon. Combined action drops. Effective when not accompanied.
  4. Otinum. Used for patients from 1 year old. Has anti-inflammatory effect, copes well with microbes, fungus and other infections. Also assigned.

Additional drugs for ear diseases

Along with the appointment of ear drops, the doctor may prescribe the patient and. You should not be surprised at this, since the nose and ears are directly connected with each other.

Usually nasal sprays are prescribed and. This improves the flow of mucus and helps to relieve congestion in the ears.

Folk recipes

In addition to the already existing ear drops, there are and. You can bury the juices of the following plants in your ears:

  • Plantain.
  • Ramson;
  • Mint mixed with honey-sweetened water;
  • Almond oil;
  • Aloe vera.

You need to bury the juices of these plants 2-4 drops 2 times a day. The drops must be warm or at room temperature. It is also important that the juice is always fresh. You can store it in the refrigerator.

Before instillation, the plant sap can be heated in a water bath.

It is important to remember that any of the alternative methods in some cases can be harmful. That is why it is worth consulting with an otolaryngologist before using any recipe.

How to prepare drops for otitis media at home:

Helpful information

First of all, you should know your diagnosis. If the diagnosis is unknown, there is a risk of worsening health. Drops can not only help, but also harm, especially in the case of their irrational use. If the drops have already been prescribed, then it is worth remembering how to properly bury them in the ear. There are a few basic rules:

  • In order to instill an ear, it must be pulled back and down a little by the lobe.
  • The ideal droplet temperature should match the patient's body temperature. Neither cold nor too hot drops should be instilled into a sore ear in any case.
  • You can not bury the ear directly, this leads to. Correctly instill drops on top of a cotton swab inserted into the ear.

How to properly drip drops into your ears:

Thus, for successful treatment, it is important not only to know your diagnosis, the form and neglect of the disease, but also the rules for burying the ears.

Ear drops are an effective remedy for otitis media. Their advantage is that the medicine goes directly to the site of the lesion, which is important for otitis media. However, drops are a serious remedy, and it can be dangerous to use it thoughtlessly. Therefore, it is important to know which is best in each specific situation.

It is important to remember that the treatment of otitis media is always complex. Therapy is selected only by a doctor after diagnosis, depending on the nature and severity of the disease, medications and procedures are prescribed. Therefore, it is better not to try to pick up ear drops on your own, you should immediately go through the necessary studies and get the right recommendations.

What drops can be used

In general, all drops can be divided into three groups:

  1. Drops based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Drops based on antibacterial agents.
  3. Combined drops with glucocorticosteroids and an antibiotic.

Also, for otitis media, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are sometimes used if there is a runny nose or severe swelling. For example, Naphtizin, Sanorin, Xymelin and others.

Correctly selected medicines will help to achieve a speedy recovery. The main thing is not to delay treatment, acute otitis media can become chronic if full therapy is neglected.

Important! If the condition does not improve or worsens with the treatment with drops, you should contact your doctor again.

In order for the benefits of a medicine to be most noticeable, you need to be able to use it correctly. Drops are topical preparations, therefore, the result of treatment depends on a more accurate application of the medicine. The general rules for instillation are as follows:

  1. You need to lie on your side, with the sore side up.
  2. When instilling in, adults need to pull the auricle back and up, for children under 3 years old - pull the lobe back and down, this will straighten the ear canal.
  3. When injected, the drops should be at a comfortable temperature. Before instillation, you can hold the bottle in your hands. The pipette can be held in hot water, the drops themselves are not worth it, they may deteriorate.
  4. You can drip either from a pipette, or moisten a cotton ball with medicine and insert it into the ear. You should carefully read the instructions for the drug, whether these drops can be used for perforation of the tympanic membrane.
  5. After instillation, you need to lie down for 3-5 minutes in order for the medicine to slide down the ear canal and reach the focus of inflammation.

Compliance with these rules will help make the treatment most effective. The subtleties of the introduction of drops may differ depending on the course of the disease and the chosen medication.


Otipax is a proven means of fighting otitis media. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, is more effective against otitis externa and in the early stages of middle, until the tympanic membrane is damaged. After its perforation, Otipax is contraindicated.

Otipax has almost no contraindications: drops are suitable for adults and for children, even infants. For pregnant women and during lactation, use with caution. Otipax can cause allergies, so it is best to consult a doctor.

Important! Otipax should not be combined with other drugs.

3-4 drops are dripped up to three times a day, the dosage is specified by the otolaryngologist. The duration of the course is no more than 10 days.


Sofradex - drops with antibiotics, which have a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It is used in the treatment of otitis media of the external ear, sometimes it helps with an allergic disease. Of the minuses of the drug - burning and itching in the ear after instillation, appears in most cases.

The drug is contraindicated in newborns, during lactation and during pregnancy. There are other contraindications, for example, damage to the tympanic membrane, since the antibiotic that is part of the drug has an ototoxic effect.

It is used 2-3 drops up to four times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.


Anauran is a medicine with a strong anesthetic and antiviral effect, especially widely used for purulent otitis media. The drug is suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute forms.

Anauran is contraindicated in children under one year of age; it is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. It is impossible to use Anauran for more than a week, it contains an antibiotic, with prolonged use, strong side effects may appear.

3-5 drops of the medicine are dripped up to four times a day, depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.


Otofa - inexpensive drops for otitis media, a strong antibiotic. It is used for acute and chronic ear diseases as an antibacterial agent; this medicine is not used against pain.

Instill 3-5 drops three times a day, depending on the age of the patient and the course of the disease. Often these drops are referred to as remedies for children, but Otofa is contraindicated in pregnant women.


Otinum - cheap drops with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, help with otitis media of various types, including fungal. Otinum has almost no contraindications, allergic reactions are rare.

Otinum should not be used if the eardrum is damaged, the salicylic acid content can harm hearing.


Normax - antibiotics for otitis media in adults, children under 18 years of age, they cannot be dripped during pregnancy and lactation. The drug can cause severe allergies, therefore, a specialist consultation is needed before use, perhaps weaker agents are suitable. Of the advantages of this medicine is the low price.

Ciprofarm drops

Ciprofarm is used for diseases of the eye and ear; this medicine has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It is permissible to use it after operations in order to prevent complications.

3-4 drops are dripped every 12 hours, depending on the patient's age. The course should not last more than a week. Ciprofarm can be dripped to children after a year.

Important! If you are allergic to a drug, you should consult your doctor and choose another drug.

Other remedies for otitis media

There are other drugs that can be instilled into the ear for otitis media, but their effectiveness is controversial. They should be used only if it is not possible to consult a doctor or purchase specialized drops.


This remedy can only be used for purulent otitis media. Pregnant, lactating and children under one year old should not use Levomycetin categorically. This drug is available in different forms, an alcohol solution of Levomycetin is suitable for the treatment of an ear disease.

2-3 drops of the solution are dripped no more than three times a day. The frequency can only be changed with the permission of the attending physician. Levomycetin is usually used in combination, if there is a lot of discharge, the form of otitis media is severe, the medicine will not work to the full.

Boric alcohol

Boric alcohol is considered an outdated treatment for ear diseases, but some people prefer to use it because of its low price and availability. The benefits of boric alcohol are controversial, so it is better to use it if other treatments are not available.

Boric alcohol can be dripped into the ear by preheating it. Cold liquids can make the pain worse. For adults, drip three drops about four times a day. Drip with a pipette.

A safer way is to drip with a cotton swab. A few drops of boric alcohol are applied to a turunda or a small twisted flagellum of cotton wool, then it is inserted into the ear. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, the turunda should be left in the ear overnight.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use boric alcohol and chloramphenicol if the eardrum is damaged.

There are other contraindications and side effects in which boric alcohol can be dangerous:

  1. Pregnancy, lactation, age up to three years. Also, boric alcohol can not be used for violations of the liver and kidneys, with the likelihood of allergies.
  2. The results of the toxic effects of boric acid. Usually appear if alcohol treatment lasts more than ten days, the procedure is carried out too often.
  3. When using boric alcohol, nausea, vomiting, confusion, convulsions, and other symptoms of intoxication may occur. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

When used carefully, boric alcohol can be beneficial for otitis media.


If the acute stage develops rapidly and severe pains appear, accompanied by inflammation, you can make a vodka compress. This will temporarily weaken the course of the disease and help hold on to seeking professional medical attention.

You need to slightly warm up the vodka. For a compress, put a few drops of vodka on a cotton roll, attach it to your ear and wrap it around your head with a bandage, you can wrap it with a scarf on top to keep warm. The compress can be left overnight.

Important! You cannot use pure alcohol, the strength of the solution should not be higher than the strength of vodka.

Currently, there is a huge selection of different means and ear drops with different principles of action, with which you can quickly and relatively easily cure otitis media and prevent it from developing into a chronic form.