Games for automating sounds in words, a card index for the development of speech on the topic. Speech therapy games for automating and differentiating sounds Online games for automating sounds

Natalia Glotova

Didactic games for automating sounds.

Sound automation stage designated in the method of speech therapy intervention for correcting sound pronunciation as a stage in the formation of primary pronunciation skills (according to L. S. Volkova).

From a physiological point of view, the stage of sound automation is the stage of consolidating conditioned reflex speech-motor connections on a variety of speech material. The sound that has just been played is fragile; conditioned reflex connections without special reinforcements can quickly collapse.

The purpose of this stage- achieve the correct pronunciation of sound in phrasal speech, that is, in free, ordinary speech. It is possible to automate a given sound only when the child begins to pronounce it in an isolated state absolutely correctly and clearly with prolonged or repeated repetition. Sound automation includes introducing sound into syllables, words, sentences, and coherent speech.

To automate sound, techniques of reflected repetition and independent naming of language units from pictures, diagrams, and symbols are used. The work proceeds sequentially and gradually, from simple to complex.

The period of automation of a newly delivered sound sometimes stretches for a long time and is difficult for the child (this is especially true for children with minimal dysarthric disorders, since repeated repetition of the same type of lexical material is required. To prevent these exercises from causing boredom in children and reluctance to work, it is necessary to create conditions for successful solutions to this problem.

The use of didactic games and the game form of classes in general allows you to maintain the child’s interest in classes and increases the stability of his attention and self-control over the correct pronunciation of sounds in his own speech during class.

Games and gaming techniques used to automate sound in an isolated position.

In order to automate a sound, you must first learn to pronounce it in isolation, that is, separately from other sounds.

"Ladder" The toy climbs the ladder. At each new step, the sound being practiced is clearly pronounced.

"Sound Tracks" We move our finger along the path and pronounce the sound being practiced.

Use of onomatopoeia.

Sing the “water song” ssss. “Pump up the pump” ssss.

Ring like a “mosquito” z-z-z. mosquito s-z-z-z.

Hiss like a snake shhhh.

Buzz like a beetle.

Roar like a tiger rrrr. Tiger cub ry-ry-ry.

Sound like an airplane l-l-l.

Games and gaming techniques used to automate sound in syllables.

"Watch" the child pronounces a syllable or word as many times as the hand on the clock shows.

"Beads" stringing beads on a string, the child pronounces the syllable.

"Pyramid" By stringing the rings of the pyramid onto the rod, the child pronounces the syllable.

"Jingling Jars"

Each syllable is indicated by its own color. The child takes a circle and names the syllable corresponding to its color, then puts it in a jar. When all the syllables have been named, the jars turn into “ringing” jars.

"The bug flies to the petals"

A bug flies up to each petal, the child names a syllable.

"Buttons" pronouncing a syllable with an automated sound, the child simultaneously presses buttons (Kuznetsov applicator). How many buttons there are, how many times you need to repeat the syllable.

“Repeat as many times as…” The speech therapist will clap his hands, hit the stick, hit the ball on the floor, put the sticks or bones on the abacus.

"Piano playing", when, imitating playing the piano, the child pronounces a given syllable 5 times: ra-ra-ra-ra-ra.

Games and gaming techniques used to automate sounds in words.

Game "Collect the picture."

The child makes a cut picture and names the object depicted in the assembled picture with a word.

Game "Tracks".

We run to the picture and name the word.

Game "Find the path for the sound"

Walk along the path (pictures) that depict an object containing an automated sound.

Game "Spinner".

Pictures depicting an object containing an automated sound are laid out in a circle. The child starts the spinner. While the spinner is spinning, the child makes an isolated automated sound. The spinner stops and points to the picture with an arrow. The child names the object shown in the picture.

Game "Chamomile".

Collect chamomile petals to its core. Name the picture depicted on the petal.

Game "Train".

Attach carriages with pictures - objects containing automated sound - to the locomotive. Speak the words.

Game "Fisherman".

Fishing rod with magnet. Fish with a metal clip that attaches pictures with automated sound. The child catches a “fish” and names the object shown in the picture.

"Dry pool".

Box of pearl barley. Buried in the cereal are small toys with names that have an automated sound. The child catches a toy from the pool and names it.

“Guess the riddle - name the answer.”

Guessing riddles in answer words that have an automated sound.

Game "Sound Clock".

Name the picture-words that the arrow shows.

Game "Day-Night"

6-8 pictures with automated sound are posted. The child names the pictures. “Night” comes - the child closes his eyes. During the “night”, a picture is removed or a new one is added, or the pictures are swapped. The “day” comes - the child opens his eyes. Should he say what has changed?

Game “Name the words from the plot picture.”

The child must name the words based on the plot picture.

Game “Come up with words with sound.”

Come up with as many words as possible with automated sounds.

Game "Save the Sound".

A sound eater comes and “steals” the sound from the word, and the child must save the sound - return it to the word and say this word correctly: gla. a – eyes, k. from – mole.

Games and gaming techniques used to automate sound in phrases and sentences.

“Agreeing sentences using pictures.”

"Dunno's Suggestions."

Dunno makes mistakes all the time - in his sentences the words are not friendly (Roma is chopping wood. Egor is going to roll head over heels down the hill., or the words are out of place: The cat ate the mouse. The fur coat has a beautiful Masha. The child helps Dunno correct the mistakes, explaining that they did: “made friends” of words in a sentence, put the words in order.

Game "Come up with a proposal."

The goal of the game is to come up with a sentence that contains as many words as possible starting with R. We start with a sentence of two words. For example: Yura is playing. We add other words to it with R. Joyful Yura plays the drum. Other possible final sentences: Sad Roma paints the frame in the evenings. Egor collects beautiful, large red tomatoes from the garden. Zhora chops wood with an ax in the yard in the morning.

Automation of whistling sounds С, Сь

Automation of the correct pronunciation of sounds С and Сь: games, poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, proverbs, songs, stories with the sound C, entertaining tasks for children.

With normal speech development, by the age of five, the child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native speech. If the baby has shortcomings in sound pronunciation, then work to correct them goes to three stages:

  • Articulatory preparatory exercises for a specific group of sounds (in this case, these are the whistling sounds S, S', Z, Z', Ts)
  • Calling a given sound by imitation (its production),
  • Consolidating the correct pronunciation of this sound in syllables, words, and phrases.

Teaching the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. First, work is done on the sound C and its soft variant S, and games and exercises are conducted to automate the correct pronunciation of these sounds.
  2. Then the child learns to pronounce the sounds З and Зь. And exercises and games are conducted to automate these sounds.
  3. And then the child practices the correct pronunciation of the sound C.

Automation of whistling sounds С, Сь: speech games, poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, videos

Today in this article you will learn how to help your child learn to correctly pronounce the sounds S and S (whistle sounds). We will talk about the third stage - automating the correct pronunciation of these whistling sounds. You can read about the previous stages (the first and second stages of learning to pronounce the sounds S and S) in the article. In it you will find articulatory gymnastics, as well as a video demonstrating techniques for making whistling sounds and calling them by imitation. When the correct sound appears in the child’s speech, it is necessary to automate the correct sound pronunciation. For this purpose, games, play exercises, sayings, jokes, riddles, sayings, tongue twisters, songs, and stories are used in which the sounds C and Сь are often found.

For games and exercises to automate the sounds C and Сь in a child’s speech, you will need a list of words with the sounds C and Сь, which is given below.

This is important to know and consider: When choosing words to automate the sounds C and Сь, you need to take into account that in Russian, before the soft consonants t, l, ny, the sound C is pronounced softly. And therefore, in the words lingonberry, donkey, plum, suit, thermometer, the soft sound is S, and not the hard S.

Words with sound S:

  • Sound S at the beginning of a word– sled, dog, cheese, boots, candle, pig, table, owl, bench, scoop, sandals, fireworks, satellite, jump rope, pine, magpie, scooter, plane, glass, catfish, saber, whistle, juice, chair, kindergarten , cod, lard, bag, ship, construction site, builder, rolling pin, puff pastry, tablecloth, glory, sweetness, sugar, slush, frying pan, nightingale, snow, snowflake, snowman, snowfall, Snow Maiden, soldier, icicle, elephant, laughter, knitting needles .
  • Sound S in the middle of a word– wheel, mask, scales, cabbage, fox, paint, sock, dishes, oil, butter dish, beads, radish, wheel, pump, sausage, flippers, sand, meat, vacuum cleaner, pan, tie, bushes, spring, rhinoceros, herd , shepherd, snowdrop, baseball cap, boletus, badger, astronaut, cosmodrome, dump truck, bowl.
  • Sound S at the end of a word– nose, globe, ear, coconut, canopy, pineapple, bus, apricot, tennis, compass, gladiolus, tray, kvass, hour, forest, rice, boxing, pump, cactus, oats, cupcake, sail, dog, fruit drink, belt , frost (we write the letter z, but the sound s is heard)

Words with the sound S:

  • The sound S at the beginning of a word– herring (herring), hay, salmon, surprise, sideboard, earrings, heart, saddle, sister, middle, lilac, plum,.
  • The sound S in the middle of a word– geese, orange, taxi, autumn, donkey, pig, letter, sausages, donkey, bicycle, gazebo, cornflowers, leaves, lingonberries, suit, thermometer.
  • The sound S at the end of a word- goose, elk, crucian carp, lynx.

Games for the development of phonemic awareness. Sound S, S.

Game "Clapping". Game option 1.

Ask your child to clap if he hears the S sound in a word.

Mix up words with the C sound in different positions (at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of words). For example: telephone, boots, dad, fruit drink, book, rain, nightingale.

The child claps when he hears a word with the sound C (do not confuse the sounds themselves with and Сь - these are different sounds, although the letter is the same!)

If it is difficult for a child to hear the sounds in a word, then say the words in a drawn-out manner, for example mmmoooooorrrsss. This game teaches the child to distinguish different sounds in speech and develops phonemic hearing.

Option to complicate the game: You can give the task to clap if you hear the sound C and stomp if you hear the sound C.

Game "Clapping". Game option 2.

Tell your child, “Clap when you hear the syllable Sa.” Next we say a sequence of syllables, for example: sa, na, sha, sa, for, ra, yes, sa, tsa, sa, la, cha. Does the child distinguish between the sound C and the syllable SA in the speech stream? Is it confused with other similar sounds? Children very often confuse the syllable sa with the syllables za or tsa, as well as with hissing syllables with the syllable sha. And it is very important for us to teach children to distinguish between these sounds and syllables. This is also important for teaching writing at school, so that the child does not confuse these sounds and the letters that represent them in written speech when he begins to write.

Game "Echo"

Repeat three syllables in a row, and the child should repeat them as an echo, that is, a little quieter than you say. If your child repeats three syllables easily, increase the number of syllables in the repetition chain. Be sure to praise and encourage the little “echo.” If the “echo” makes a mistake, repeat the chain of syllables again.

Examples of tasks:

  • sa-so-sy
  • as-us-is-as
  • Sam-garden-sav,
  • so-su-si-su
  • asa-aso-asu-asy, etc.

Game "Guess what whistles?"

You will need two pictures - “pump” and “water flowing from the tap”. You can draw them yourself (schematically depicting the pump and tap). The main thing is that they are recognizable to the child.

Show your child a picture of a pump. Say: “The air coming out of the pump whistles like this: ssssssssssss. He whistles angrily sss!”

Show the second picture and say: “Water is pouring from the tap. The water whistles softly, sit like this.”

Ask the child to say how the water whistles (ss-s-s-s) and show the corresponding picture. Then ask him to imagine how the air whistles from the pump - sssss - and show the desired picture.

Next, say: “Now we are going to play an attentiveness game. If you hear the pump song - a solid sss sound - then pick up the picture of the pump. And if you hear the song of water - a soft sound - then pick up a picture of water.” You say these sounds separately (s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s), and the child picks up the desired picture.
First the game is played with sounds, then with words. You say a list of different words in random order: door, nightingale, herring, frost, banana, hat, water, and so on. If the word contains “pump song - hard sound C,” then the child raises up the picture with the pump. And if the word contains the sound s - a soft sound, “song of water”, then you need to raise the picture with water. If there is neither one nor the second sound, then there is no need to raise the pictures.

Prank game with sound C "Confusion"

Children are asked to guess which words are mixed up and put them in their places.

  • That's it, daughter! Beauty! My daughter has a long goat! (not a goat, but a scythe).
  • At Anya’s house, the bowl lives, dances, plays and sings songs! (Not a bowl, but a bear. Another correct alternative is a pussy).
  • Katya ate a delicious tooth. Katya's soup is sick. (On the contrary, I ate soup and got a toothache).
  • There is an owl in the room. And there is a sofa sitting in the forest. (No. There is a sofa in the room, and an owl in the forest).

Children usually laugh when they hear a joke - confusion. But not every child can correct a mistake and unravel the confusion. If a child has speech impairments, then you often have to give a hint - “Which word is lost? Which word fits the meaning? The answer also begins with the sound m. This is a toy. Guess what this is?)

Games for automating the sound S and S in words

Game “Tails” (author of the idea - S.A. Maksakov)

Show your child a strip of paper and tell him that different words are hidden in it - encrypted. The words are all different, but they have the same beginning. We need to figure out what words these are.

An example of a task: hidden in a strip are words that begin with “ska.” What words are these? Tell your baby: “I’ll start, and you continue: ska-... (make-up), ska... (rolling), Ska... (zka), ska... (rub).” If it is difficult for your child to guess, draw a small picture in which you depict part of an object and ask him to guess what kind of object it is and what kind of word it is that starts with “ska”.

Another example for this game is words starting with “sa”: sa... (fly), sama, sleigh, scooter, Saratov, Sasha, Sanya, independent, Samarkand, lard, bag, samovar, boot, Savka, garden, garden , gardener, soot, carp, fireworks, net, saber, sausage, sardines.

If you find it difficult to find words for a certain syllable, then there is a good helper - a dictionary. Introduce your child to a Russian dictionary, show him how to find words in it, read to him about several new words that begin with the desired syllable.

Game "Assemble a basket"

I usually play Tails and other game variations a little differently. It is very important for preschool children to see clearly the results of their actions. But in speech there is usually no such visual result that can be seen or touched. This is why children love to draw, sculpt, and do various crafts, but do not really like speech exercises. Let's take this feature of young children into account. I came up with a special game technique for teaching speech and called it in my research “visual result of children’s speech.” Despite the complex name of the technique, it is very simple and interesting, and all children like it, getting them interested in completing the speech task. The essence of this technique is for the baby to see that his speech action leads to a visual, tangible and vital result.

Tell the children that the Old Man-Speech lost all the words from his basket and was very upset. How can I help him? The words are lost - scattered all over the world (or throughout the album) and need to be collected again into one basket. The basket contained words with the sound S. We need to find them among other words. This is a game situation in which we will use visual speech assessment. Let's see how in a situation with a basket we can organize a visual assessment of children's speech actions.

We draw a silhouette of a basket on a board or easel, which we will “fill” with words. The task is to fill the basket completely. This is how you fill the basket: As soon as you and your child come up with a word, draw this word in the silhouette of a basket (for example, it will be an oval) and paint it over (color the oval). It's as if we "put" the word in a "basket". Next, each word with the sound C adds another oval to the basket. The game ends when we have completely “filled the basket with words.”

You can take a real basket and fill it with “words” - cubes from a building set.

In this game you can give any tasks - put words with the sound S in one basket, and words with the sound S in the other. Or collect in a basket only words in which the sound C is in the middle of the word. Or only words starting with the syllable Sa.

Children usually remember well where the word each child came up with is in the basket, what color it is, and point with their finger: “I put this in.” And this is Svetino’s word.” If you play in pairs with a child, then he remembers well where your word is, and where his words are and “who put in more words” :).

Game "Bag and Net"

This game was born to me unexpectedly during speech classes with preschoolers. I know that not all children are interested in matching words with sounds, but I wanted to make this activity fun for kids. But I really didn’t want to use competition for motivation (who can come up with the most words?) Why?

  • Firstly, because some children in this competition are obviously at a disadvantage.
  • Secondly, because there is too much competition in our lives, and too little cooperation.

So we started playing the “bag and net” game - a game that teaches everyone to do tasks together and enjoy the overall results together. And all the children began to like the exercise of matching words with sounds; moreover, the children continued playing with the bag and the net even after class.

How to play?

  • We draw a rectangle with handles - this is our bag in which we will put groceries. Next we draw an oval with handles. This is our grid.
  • Together with the children, we determine what sound the word “bag” begins with. Yes, from the sound S. This is a hard sound. Therefore, we will put products in the bag that have a hard consonant S in their names.
  • What sound does the word “grid” begin with? Yes, from the sound S. This sound is soft. Therefore, we will only put words in the grid that have the soft sound S’ in their names.
  • We begin to get ready for the trip and put the necessary things in a bag and net. The task is not to confuse what goes where. And have time to get ready for the trip and put items in a bag and net in 5 minutes. Let's set a timer.

Game options:

  • You can give children a set of pictures that need to be placed in a bag, in a grid, while there are extra pictures that need to be put aside and do not need to be used in the game (since these words do not have given sounds).
  • You can set the task differently, without pictures - come up with as many names as possible with the sounds C and Сь. We draw each word invented by a child or a group of children as a rectangle inside the outline of a bag or grid. And we complete the task - fill the bag and the net in a given time.

The children and I came up with more than 50 words in this game! I am always amazed at the activity of children in this exercise, I am surprised at how they want to “put” their word into a common grid or bag. At the end of the game we are happy that we were able to come up with so much together!!!
By the way, another idea that is suitable for children aged 6 years and older. Before the game starts, ask the children how many words you can put in the bag and net together. Write down your expected outcome. Then compare. Show the children how many words they planned to find and how many they actually found. Usually children say that they can find 10, 15, 20 words. How surprised they are that they were able to select so many words as a whole group, two to three times as many! “We didn’t even expect it! “- that’s what they usually exclaim. And this is very important for building self-confidence in children, the idea that they can do a lot, even things they don’t know about themselves yet!

Here are the words for bags and nets on the topic “Products. Food”, which we collected all together :). I admit that I didn’t even expect that our bag and net would be so full, there wasn’t even enough space! And the children were satisfied and happy with their success!


  • The bag will contain: salad, soup, sauce, sausages, dried fruit, butter, cheese, spaghetti, cabbage, pickle, salt, sugar, pineapple, apricot, soufflé, plum, rice, prunes, asparagus, coconut, radish, lingonberries, currants, russula, pie, juice, cheesecakes, sour cream, kvass, fruit drink, beef stroganoff.
  • The net will contain sausages, syrup, seeds, salmon, crucian carp, orange, herring, boletus, chanterelles, peaches, jelly, oatmeal, salmon.

Game "Guess what's in your hand"

Place in the bag an object or toy whose name contains the sound S (or the sound S, depending on the task). Give the bag to the child. Invite them to guess by touch what is in the bag. The child needs not only to guess, but also to correctly pronounce the sound in the name of this object.

Games for sound automation C in phrases

Game "Come Here"

This is a game for a group of children, but it can also be played in pairs. Then you need to show your child a re-enactment of how animals play such a game.

Option 1. Playing in a group. The leader of the game stands away from the group of children. He calls one of the children to him, calling him by name. At the same time, he must come up with a word with the sound S. For example, the leader is Vasya. Vasya calls: “Lena, come here! I found the whistle! (that is, the child came up with what he found - an object whose name contains the sound C). Lena runs up to Vasya and figures out what she found and who she will call. Lena calls: “Katya! Come here! I found a pussy! Katya runs up and comes up with what she found. You cannot repeat words. Katya says: “Denis! Come here! I found a fairy tale! and so on. In the game you need to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the sound. If the sound is pronounced incorrectly, then you still need to “find something,” that is, come up with another word with the sound C and pronounce it correctly.

Option 2. Staging. If you conduct such a game with toys in an individual lesson, then tell your child how the toys once played the game “Come Here.” Offer to play the same way. Select toys with sound for the game: pussy, fox, dog, elk, sailor, Sasha doll and others. Next, pretend to play with toys. You speak for the first driver, and then the child plays, performing all the roles in turn. For example, the fox says: “Pussy! Come here! I found a sausage." The pussy runs up and calls the next toy: “Sailor! Come here. I found the wheel."

Game "Shop"

You will need toys or pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound S (see the list of words with the sounds S and S at the beginning of the article). To “buy” a toy or picture in our store, you need to name it correctly, “pronounce” all the sounds and say where the sound C is located in a given word - at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end of the word. When pronouncing the name of an object, the sound C stands out a little, pronounced exaggeratedly, for example, “sssslon - the sound C is hard, stands at the beginning of the word”, “missssska - the sound C is hard, stands in the middle of the word”, “los'l - the sound C is soft, is located at the end of a word."

An example dialogue in the game is given below (the dialogue, of course, can be changed by adding other words with the C sound). Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the sound With children in all dialogue lines between the seller and the buyer.

Note: This dialogue can be introduced when the child already pronounces the sound s quite well. Otherwise, the triple task of “pronouncing a sound correctly + conducting a dialogue + determining where the sound is in a word” will be too difficult for children.

- Hello!

- Hello! Please pass. What do you want to buy?

- Give me an elephant, please. How much does it cost?

— We have a secret in the store. If you guess the secret, you can get an elephant as a gift. Tell me, where is the sound C hidden in the word elephant?

— In the word “sssslon” the sound C is hard, it is at the beginning of the word.

- Right! Here is your elephant! Goodbye! We will be glad to see you again!

- Goodbye!

Pure sayings for automating the sounds S and S'

Pure sayings often seem funny and unnecessary or even useless to a non-specialist. And indeed, at first glance, why should a child of five or six years old repeat such simple words and phrases that even a two-year-old can understand? In fact, pure language is very necessary. The athlete makes a run-up before the jump to achieve a better result. Likewise, a pure phrasing is a kind of “running start” for a child, which helps him move from the correct pronunciation of a sound in a syllable to the correct pronunciation of a sound in a phrase. This is a training of articulatory organs, in which it is easy for the child to monitor his correct pronunciation. In addition, pure rhyming sayings can be completely composed together with the child and made up your own versions. Below you will find a video with pure sayings - songs for automating the correct pronunciation of the sounds C and Сь.

Pure phrases with a hard C sound to automate the C sound:

Pure sayings with a soft sound S:

Pure saying songs (video) for automating the whistling sound S.

Osa - automation of hard consonant C

Fox - automation of hard consonant C

Humorous sayings “Correct the mistake”

There is a special type of pure talk - Pure sayings are jokes with a deliberate mistake. Here are our author's pure sayings with errors. Come up with similar sayings yourself - it's simple and fun! Children can also participate in inventing simple sayings - jokes for their peers and kids. Be sure to record your children's essays. By doing this, you not only preserve unforgettable moments of childhood for the child’s future, but also show him how important and significant his speech creativity is.

  • Sa-sa-sa-sa, a fox is flying above me. (Not a fox, but a wasp!)
  • Sy-sy-sy-sy, the titmouse has a mustache. (No, a titmouse doesn’t have a mustache. Who has one? Which word got lost? The kitten has a mustache, the baby squirrel has a mustache, the tiger cub has a mustache - come up with different correct versions of the correct phrase)
  • Su-su-su-su, I'm herding the kitten. (No, they don’t herd the kitten. You need to say it differently: I’m herding a little goat, or I’m herding a lamb).
  • So-so-so-so, the wheel became sad (No, the wheel is not alive, you need to say it differently: “so-so-so-so, the wheel rolled, the wheel fell off, the wheel spun, the wheel spun, the wheel creaked” - come up with different options).

In addition to pure phrases, there are also very interesting speech exercises called “Repeat Answers”.

Answers - repeaters with the sound C

I will give an example of answers invented by the famous speech therapist T. A. Tkachenko. You will find many different repeating answers in her books from the “Pronouncing Sounds Correctly” series. During answering and repeating questions, you need to teach your child to ensure that they pronounce sounds correctly. You can immediately give the answer to the question in the answer - repeater, but it is best to give the task to guess how to answer the question. The rule is that the answer word must have a s sound and the word must rhyme.

  • Did you see what was in the window? Sun, sun, sun, sun.
  • What will we drink now? Kvass, kvass, kvass, kvass.
  • Who did we see in the forest? Fox, fox, fox, fox.
  • What is girlish beauty? Braid, braid, braid, braid.
  • Where can I find apples? In the garden, in the garden, in the garden, in the garden.
  • What does Sanka have in his hands in winter? Sleigh, sled, sled, sled.
  • What will we all have for lunch? Soup, soup, soup, soup.

Tongue twisters and phrases with the sound C

Poems with sound S

In poetry, you need to monitor the child’s correct pronunciation of the sound C or Сь he has mastered. If the baby makes a mistake, then ask him to correct himself, remind him that his tongue has already learned to say the sound S. Also pay attention to the intonation expressiveness of the child’s speech. With what intonation is it better to pronounce the phrase? Try repeating the same phrase in surprise, joy, sadness, admiration, fear.

We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests,
Let's fly over the forests,
Let's go back to mom (A. Barto).

A sparrow sat on a pine tree.
He fell asleep and fell in his sleep.
If he hadn't fallen in his sleep -
I would still be sitting on a pine tree.

Smells like a painter
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.
You walk past the carpentry workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board. (J. Rodari)

A magpie once sat on a pear tree,
A magpie once sat on a pear tree,
She solved the magpie's affairs.
And she jumped off once and took off back,
And she jumped off two - and took off back,
And she jumped off three times and took off back,
But still I couldn’t decide
Forty forty things to do. (E. Berger)

Kiskin's grief.
Pussy crying in the hallway.
She has
Great sorrow.
Evil people
Poor pussy
Do not give
Sausages. (B. Zakhoder).

Two tits flew to a pine tree,
Two tits whistled about spring.
- How much light! How much light!
The height has turned blue!
Summer is coming soon! Summer is coming soon!
Beauty! Beauty! (V. Suslov)

The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands
Very happy about the sun! (A. Barto)

The snow has melted! The snow has melted!
This news is not easy!
This means it is coming
Real spring!

The grass is turning green
The sun is shining.
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter.
Chirp out of the way
Greetings to us soon.
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song.
What from distant countries
I brought it with me.

Icicle was afraid of heights.
The icicle began to cry out of fear.
And so the slush came again.

Sleepy day, sleepy day.
Sleepy winds are too lazy to blow.
Sleepy chickens are too lazy to peck.
Sleepy day, sleepy day...

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path!
Our Simochka is coming -
It will fall through the pussy!

My elephant is sleeping in the corner,
Two little elephants
They've been wanting to sleep for a long time.

Look at the little owls
The little ones are sitting next to each other.
When they don't sleep, they eat
They don't sleep when they eat.

The meadows are sleeping, the forests are sleeping,
Fresh dew fell.
The stars are shining in the sky,
The trickles in the river speak.
The moon is looking through our window,
Tells small children to sleep.

It's dark in the forest.
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One owl does not sleep.
He sits on a branch.

Elephants are smart
Elephants are quiet,
Elephants are calm
And strong.

Hello, winter guest!
We ask for mercy -
Sing songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.

It's so cold!
It's so cold!
Takes you by the nose
It brings me to tears.
Such bitter frost!
Stuck, stuck, bored.
Such frost, such frost!
Cover your nose
It has grown to the eyebrows.
Such a healthy frost!
It goes, the road crunches.

The pines want to grow to the sky,
They want to sweep the sky with branches,
So that within a year
The weather was clear. (I. Tokmakova)

Somehow four guys
It went downhill.
Two people are sitting in a sled.
How many fell in the snow? (N. Konchalovskaya).

Proverbs and sayings with the sound C

Why do they say this?

  • Don't sit in your own sleigh.
  • No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.
  • Take care of your nose in severe frost.

Video for speech lessons with children on automating the whistling sounds C and Сь. Songs.

He cooks the samovar himself.

Sonya loves to sleep very much. They started calling Sonya Sonya.

Sonya - sleepyhead


Poems-dialogues with sound C

Read the poem by role.

Do wolves sleep?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Do bees sleep?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Do the birds sleep?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
And the chanterelles?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Everything in the world
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Just me and the locomotive -
We don't sleep
We don't sleep
And flies to the very stars
Smoke to the sky
Smoke to the sky.

Dialogue game for automating the sound of S and S in phrases based on the poem “Is everyone full?”

This game I invented for speech classes with children is based on a poem by I.G. Sukhina.

We play like this. We lay out pictures of girls in front of the child (you can find many pictures on the Internet and print them for this game). Under each picture there should be an inscription (the girl’s name is printed).

How to play?

  • Let's get acquainted with the cards. The child is asked to read or guess the girls' names. Each name has the sound S. We check whether the child remembers all the names (3-5 cards are involved in one game).
  • Next, we make a wish for one of the girls. To do this, under one of the pictures we put a pictogram - a schematic image of a dissatisfied face. This girl in the game will be hungry, “not full.” You will need to guess it in the game. You need to place the pictogram under the image of the girl so that the child does not see your actions.
  • We ask the child to guess who they forgot to feed, who is not fed? We speak the text. For example, a child asks: “Is Sveta full?” You answer “Sveta is full” if this picture is not hidden. Or you answer “Sveta is not full! She's hungry! Then the child guessed right, congratulate him, and in the next game you will switch roles - the child wishes for a girl for you, and you ask him and must guess the name of the wished-for girl.

The game is very interesting! Children love to guess! Sometimes they need to be told names if they can't read yet.

Useful tips for conducting the speech game “Is everyone full?”

  • You can also play with boys' names. You will find a list of names for the game below.
  • In the game you need to pay attention not only to the correct pronunciation of the sounds S and S, but also to the correct intonation - interrogative and narrative in the question and in the answer.
  • As a variant of the game, you can give the child the task of choosing a treat and “feeding” the girl by finding a picture of food with the sound S in the name.
  • For one game, take 4-5 pictures with girls' names, no more. Then, in subsequent games, change the pictures to new ones, with new names. Then the child does not get bored with the game. In addition, he meets new names. And we continue to train him in correctly pronouncing the sound S.

Sample dialogue in the game

Is Nusya full?
Nyusya is fed up.
Is Nastya full?
Nastya is full.
Is Sophia full?
Sophia is full.
Is Anfisa full?
Anfisa is full.
Is Tosya full?
No. Tosya is not full!
(I.G. Sukhin)
Names for the game:

  • Girls names: Nyusya, Nastya, Sofia, Sonya, Oksana, Anfisa, Sveta, Tosya, Taisiya, Asya, Dusya, Ksenia, Sima, Musya.
  • Boys names: Sasha, Savva, Seva, Vasya, Osip, Senya, Styopa, Stasik, Maxim, Afanasy.

Outdoor game “Sunny Bunnies”

Give one child a mirror. He says the text:

"Sunny bunnies
They play on the wall.
Lure them with your finger -
Let them run to you!”

The presenter, when speaking the text, must correctly pronounce the sound S in it. Otherwise, the mirror passes to another child. If your child makes a mistake, ask him to correct himself.

Outdoor game "Two Frosts". Automation of the C sound in speech

Divide the playing area into two halves. Children will walk on one half of the site, and two Frosts will live on the other. On the side where the children live, draw a house where the children will run away from the Frosts.

Frosts says:

“I am Frost Red Nose!

I am Frost Blue Nose!

And together: “We’ll freeze you!”

Children answer Frosts:

“We are not afraid of threats!

And we are not afraid of Frost!”

After these words, the children run to their side of the house, and the frosts catch them and take the caught children to their half. The caught children become Morozov's assistants and in the next game they also catch the children.

Riddles with sound C

When learning riddles with children, you should always do this in order to solve some interesting life problem. For example, learn riddles in order to tell them to grandma or dad, or to tell them at a children's party or birthday party. It is necessary to monitor the correct pronunciation of the sounds С and Сь by the child in the text of the riddle. Below you will find a list of riddles in which the sound C is often found:

The calves fell asleep
The chickens fell asleep
You can’t hear the cheerful starlings from the nest.
Only one boy -
Named Vanka,
Named Vanka
Never sleeps! (Guess – Vanka – Vstanka)

No boards, no axes
The bridge across the river is ready.
The bridge is like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light. (The answer is ice).

They grow in the summer and fall off in the fall. (Leaves).

Who carries his own house? (Snail).

First there is a shine, after a shine there is a crackling sound, after a crackling sound there is a splash. (Storm).

I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose).

Proverbs and sayings with the sound S.

Ask your child to answer the question: “Why do they say that?”

  • Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.
  • The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.
  • Spring is red with flowers, and summer with sheaves.

Stories for teaching children the correct pronunciation of the sounds C and Сь

The story “Ladder” (authors - V.I. Rozhdestvenskaya, E.I. Radina. From the book: Education of correct speech in children) for automating the pronunciation of the sound C

Read the story to your child. Together, remember those words from the story that contain the sound C and the sound Сь. Read sentences with words that the child did not notice, and ask them to find words with the sound C in this sentence. Dramatize the story with toys. When dramatizing, you need to monitor the correct pronunciation of the sound with the child, ask him to correct his mistake.

“There is a ladder in the yard. There are five steps on it. A rooster jumped up onto the first step and sang loudly: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
The cat jumped onto the second step and meowed: “Meow-meow-meow.”
The dog jumped onto the third step. He sits and growls at the cat.
Borya sat down on the fourth step. He sits and dangles his legs.
And Sima sat on the fifth step. Sang a song:
"We are sitting on the stairs,
And we sing songs."
Suddenly the wind blew. Often, often the rain began to pound.
The rooster jumped under the porch. And the dog climbed in there too.
The cat deftly jumped out the window.
But Borya and Sima sit and don’t leave the stairs. They're crying.
Mom came. She took the children off the ladder and took them home.”

A story for automating the correct pronunciation of the C sound in phrasal speech “Sonya’s Corner.” Author – M.F. Fomicheva. From the book “Raising Correct Pronunciation in Children”

“Sonya has her own corner. There is Sonya’s table and chair. The table is by the window. The window faces the garden. There are cacti on the window. On a small bench near Sonya’s table are dolls: Oksana and Alice. There is a shelf above the bench. Sonya's books are on the shelf. Sonya loves her corner"

After reading the story, ask questions about its content. Ask the child to listen to the story again and remember it (you can lay out Sonya’s room from pictures on an easel or carpet). Next, tell your child: “Imagine that you are an artist and are drawing Sonya’s room. How would you draw it?

The child answers something like this: “I would draw a table and a chair. I would draw a table by the window. There would be a blue tablecloth on the table. And on the window I would paint cacti. The cacti would be green and with big spines, on one cactus I would draw a big flower - it would bloom, and so on.”

In this exercise - verbal drawing - not only the sound C in phrasal speech is automated, but the child learns to use the subjunctive mood of verbs in speech (would draw). Verbal drawing is always interesting for children, as it provides an opportunity for creativity and wide scope for imagination.

The story “In the Garden” to automate the correct pronunciation of the sound S. Author - M. F. Fomicheva. From the book “Educating Children to Pronounce Correctly.”

With this story, you can carry out speech work similar to that described above.

Story text:

“Sonya and Sanya in the garden. Sonya has a scoop. She pours dry sand into a bowl. Sanya has a scooter. The scooter is standing by the bench. Sanya is looking at a book on a bench. Sonya and Sanya have a dog, Box. Boxing in your booth. There is a bowl at the booth. There is soup for Boxing in a bowl. There is a flower bed in the garden. Sonya and Sanya planted poppies in the flowerbed themselves. An airplane was flying high above the garden. Sonya and Sanya saw the plane."

Story “Family” (words with a soft consonant Сь). Author – M. F. Fomicheva.

“The whole family is home today. Everyone is relaxing in the garden. Sima and Senya are sitting in the gazebo. Sima collects blue beads. Senya blows the whistle. Mom talks to Lyusya. Dad and Vasya are chasing geese out of the barn.”

See you again on the “Native Path” website. If this article helped you and seemed interesting, I would be grateful for your comment. Share the link to the article with your friends who are interested in the topic of children's speech development. We are always glad to see you in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school”, in which you will find a lot of additional material on the development of children’s speech.


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Development of cognitive processes
(memory, attention, thinking)
in speech therapy classes
on sound automation
in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.
Card index of didactic games
(using the example of sound automation

[R], [W], [L])

teacher speech therapist

Vokina Anna Alexandrovna

educational psychologist

Terebilina Olga Vasilievna

All mental processes in a child - memory, attention, imagination, thinking, purposeful behavior - develop with the direct participation of speech. For children with OHP, the following are typical:

instability of attention, decrease in its volume, limited possibilities for its distribution;

decreased verbal memory and memorization productivity;

lag in the development of verbal and logical thinking.

The inclusion of tasks for the correction and development of cognitive processes in speech therapy classes makes it possible to increase the level of development of memory, attention, and thinking of children with ODD and thereby increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work.

Memory development games:

  1. "Invisible hat"


  • development of visual memory;

Equipment: small objects, figurines from Kinder surprises, the name of which contains the sound [Ш], (mouse, cat, pencil, car, cone, etc.).

Progress of the game: within 3 seconds you need to remember all the objects collected under the hat, which rises during this time, and then list them, correctly pronouncing the sound [Ш].

  1. "Who Lives in the Zoo"


  • development of visual memory;

Equipment: 4–5 pictures of animals or small animal figures (cow, sparrow, rook, magpie, tiger, zebra, beaver, badger, rhinoceros, mole, kangaroo, etc.).

Progress of the game: The speech therapist invites the child to look at the pictures (figurines), remember which animals live in the zoo, and list them from memory.

  1. "Photographer"


  • development of visual memory;
  • automation of the sound [P] in words and sentences.

Progress of the game: the child plays the role of a photographer. He carefully examines the person he will photograph (or a picture of a child or any object), then turns away and gives a verbal portrait of him, answering the speech therapist’s questions:

– What kind of shirt does Yura have? (Yura has a red shirt.)

– What kind of shorts does Yura wear? (Yura has black shorts.)

– What is Yura holding in his right hand? (Yura holds a pencil in his right hand.)

-What's in his other hand? (He has a red ball in his other hand.)

  1. "Shop"


  • development of auditory memory;
  • automation of the sound [L] in sentences.

Equipment: natural objects, dummies of vegetables and fruits or object pictures whose names contain the sound [L] (apples, beets, onions, halva, robe, hairpin, magnifying glass, pin, boat, doll, squirrel, stick, jump rope, chalk, needle, bottle, etc.)

Progress of the game: The speech therapist can send the child to the “store” and ask him to remember all the items that need to be bought. Start with 2-3 items, gradually increasing their number to 5-7. After the child returns from the “shop” and brings the purchases, he tells the speech therapist what he bought, correctly pronouncing the sound [L]. For example: “I bought apples, strawberries and onions at the store”, or: “I bought two beets and one apple”, or: “I bought two hairpins, one pin and five forks”, or: “I bought a blue dress and white tights".

  1. "Memory"


  • development and training of short-term visual memory;

Equipment: a set of cards (5 pairs) with images containing the sound [L] in the title, for example: lamp, magnifying glass, spoon, skis, swallow.

Progress of the game:

the cards are thoroughly mixed together and laid out randomly, face down, in any order, the main thing is that the cards do not overlap each other. The child and the speech therapist can open and name any two cards in one move. If, upon opening, a “pair” is formed, then the player takes both cards for himself and makes the next move. If the pictures on the inverted cards are different, then the player places the open cards in their original place face up so that all participants in the game can look at them and remember their location, after which the open cards are turned back face down and the turn goes to the next player . The one who collects the most paired cards during the game wins.

  1. "Remember the words"


  • development of auditory memory;
  • automation of the sound [Ш] in words.

Equipment: card with words to remember; a card with pictures presented to the child by ear (hat, daisy, mouse, roof, bear) and “extra” pictures.

Progress of the game: The speech therapist slowly names words intended for memorization. A number of words are presented twice. The speech therapist then gives the child a card with pictures. The child circles and names the pictures whose names needed to be remembered.

Thinking games

  1. “Guess what the fourth word will be” (semantic series)


  • development of thinking;

Progress of the game: The speech therapist invites the child to listen to the semantic series and complete the word that matches the meaning. The speech therapist monitors the correct pronunciation of the sound [P] in these words:

squirrel - hollow, fox -... (hole);

squirrel - nuts, cow - ... (grass);

net - butterfly, fishing rod - ... (fish);

kitten - cat, calf - ... (cow);

train - rails, bus - ... (road);

man - house, mole - ... (hole);

hammer - nails, ax - ... (firewood);

man - child, thrush - ... (thrush);

drum - drummer, trumpet - ... (trumpeter);

coat - button, shoe -... (lace);

salt shaker - salt, sugar bowl - ... (sugar);

fox - hole, bear - ... (den);

nails - hammer, nut - ... (screwdriver);

paints - artist, medicines - ... (doctor);

crane operator - crane, tractor driver - ... (tractor);

wardrobe - clothes, refrigerator - ... (groceries);

painting - artist, soup - ... (cook);

giraffe - south, walrus - ... (north).

  1. “Call it in one word”


  • development of thinking ( developing the ability to divide objects into classes according to a given basis);
  • automation of the sound [P] in words.

Progress of the game: Children should listen to a series of words and name each group with one word, pronouncing the sound [R] correctly.

Perch, bream, pike are... (fish).

Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod are... (cities).

Russia, England, France are... (countries).

Lemon, grapes, pear are... (fruits).

A tram, a bus, a helicopter is... (transport).

Hide and seek, blind man's buff, catch up - these are... (games).

A doll, a pyramid, a ball are... (toys).

An axe, a hammer, a rake are... (tools).

Bread, milk, sausage are... (products).

A doctor, a salesman, a hairdresser are... (professions).

  1. "The Fourth Wheel"


  • development of thinking;
  • automation of the sound [Ш] in sentences.

Equipment: subject pictures with sound [Ш].

Progress of the game: The speech therapist asks the child to tell which of the four pictures is the odd one out and why.

  1. "Correct mistakes"


  • development of thinking;
  • automation of the sound [L] in sentences;

Progress of the game: the speech therapist reads sentences with semantic errors to the child. The child must correct mistakes and pronounce the corrected sentences correctly.

(Example: Alla put on the dress. Volodya ate halva, etc.).

  1. "Make a proposal"


  • development of thinking (development in children of the ability to quickly establish various, sometimes completely unexpected connections between familiar objects, creatively create new holistic images from individual disparate elements);
  • automation of the sound [P] in sentences.

Progress of the game: children are asked to come up with three words, unrelated in meaning, whose names contain the sound [P]. Then the task is given: to compose as many sentences as possible that would necessarily include these three words (you can change the case and use other words).

Games to develop attention:

  1. "What's missing"


  • development of visual memory;
  • automation of the sound [P] in words.

Equipment: object pictures with the sound [P] in their names.

Progress of the game: The speech therapist asks the child to remember 4–5 pictures lying on the table. Then the child turns away, the speech therapist removes one picture. The child must say what (who) is missing.

  1. "Listen and repeat"


  • development of attention;
  • automation of the sound [L] in words.

Progress of the game: The speech therapist invites the child to listen to a few words and name only what can be eaten:

onions, lamp, beets;

skis, apple, halva;

bun, butter, sausage;

eggplant, soap, marshmallow.

  1. The same sound automation game [R]:

fish, rainbow, watermelon;

pear, grapes, rocket;

mountain, cake, sandwich;

potatoes, carrots, fly agaric.


teacher speech therapist

Joke O.S.

Didactic game on sound automation [C]


Target: fixing the sound [S] in words.

Equipment: a picture of a Snowman; snowflakes, on the back of which there are pictures with automated sound.

Progress of the game: A snowman is the snowy grandson of Santa Claus. What do you think he eats? He also loves “delicious” snowflakes. Let's feed him. But it's not easy, look what's written on the snowflakes. Pronounce the words, clearly emphasizing the sound [S].

Didactic game on sound automation [Z]

“Treat Zoya with some candy”

Target: fixing the sound [З] in words.

Equipment: a picture of a girl Zoya; templates of candies, on the back of which there are pictures with automated sound.

Progress of the game: The girl Zoya loves sweets very much. Let's give Zoya a treat. You take a piece of candy and name what is written on it. If you clearly pronounce the sound [З] in a word, the candy will go to Zoya, if not, then the candy will remain with me.

Didactic game for sound automation [Ш]

"Daisies for Mishutka"

Target: fixing the sound [Ш] in words.

Equipment: a picture depicting Mishutka with a daisy; color templates, on the back of which there are pictures with automated sound.

Progress of the game: Today is Mishutka's birthday. He loves flowers very much, especially daisies. Let's collect a bouquet of daisies and give it to Mishutka. Name the picture on the back of the flower, clearly pronouncing the sound [Ш].

Didactic game on sound automation [H]


Target: fixing the sound [H] in words.

Equipment: a picture of a clearing with flowers; butterfly templates, on the back of which there are pictures with automated sound.

Progress of the game: Many beautiful flowers bloomed in the meadow. Butterflies flocked to their scent. It is necessary that each butterfly gets a flower. Name the picture on the back of the butterfly. If you pronounce the sound [H] correctly in a word, the butterfly will land on the flower, if not, the butterfly will fly to another clearing.

Didactic game for sound automation [L]

"The baby dreams"

Target: fixing the sound [L] in words.

Equipment: picture of a sleeping baby; cloud templates, on the back of which there are pictures with automated sound.

Progress of the game: The baby sleeps sweetly and has magical dreams. Let's see what he dreamed. Take the cloud and say the word, clearly pronouncing the sound [L].

Didactic game on sound automation [R]

"Carlson's Birthday"

Target: fixing the sound [P] in words.

Equipment: a picture of Carlson; gift templates, on the back of which there are pictures with automated sound.

Progress of the game: Today is Carlson's birthday. He invited many friends. Who do you think came to Carlson's party? The guests brought many gifts. Let's see what gifts Carlson received. Name the pictures, clearly pronouncing the sound [P].