Medical examination at employment. How is a medical examination carried out when applying for a job? Is the employer obligated to pay for it and how much does it cost

The answer to the question of whether it is mandatory to undergo a medical examination when applying for a job depends on whether the planned vacancy or enterprise is included in the statutory a list of positions and places of work where a medical examination is required. In all other cases, the passage of medical specialists is carried out only with the consent of the applicant (employee) and cannot be a reason for refusing admission or continuing work duties.

Medical examinations can be:

  • mandatory preliminary - held for the applicant;
  • periodic - for already hired employees.

The frequency is established in the relevant legislation and is not the same for different positions. For those under the age of 21, physical examinations should be annual.

Although, in general, information about the state of health is a medical secret, in some cases the passage of medical examinations is one of the requirements of labor protection. But in any case, the employer is obliged to give an informational explanation to the employee about the grounds for undergoing a medical examination, and, if necessary, if they have spent their financial resources, fully compensate them, since all medical examinations are carried out at the expense of the employer.

It is not uncommon for newcomers to refuse to undergo a medical examination, citing the fact that this is mandatory for those already on the staff, and they have not yet been officially issued. This argument is untenable, since the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that a medical examination is carried out before the conclusion employment contract, that is, with an officially unaccepted person.

It is not necessary to visit public clinics: the employer may have an agreement with a specific institution. In addition, those seeking employment are legally given the opportunity to undergo an examination at any medical organization. The main thing is that it has the appropriate licenses, specialists and opportunities to conduct necessary analyzes and expertise.

An incomplete list of cases when a medical examination is required

It should be borne in mind that the list below is not complete, since the obligation to undergo a medical examination can be established not only by federal, but also by local laws. It can also be established by internal documents of the organization. In the latter case, the passage of a medical examination becomes mandatory for all those who are employed, and for those already employed - only if they have been familiarized with this document and they have signed that they do not mind the changed conditions.

A wide range of workers for whom the passage medical examination when applying for a job, it is mandatory, listed in the Russian Labor Code, article 213:

  • Working in Food Industry and trade, children's institutions.
  • Medical staff.
  • Those who deal with substances that are harmful or hazardous to health.
  • When work is associated with extreme conditions.
  • transport workers.
  • If work is carried out on waterworks.
  • Some other categories. This paragraph is interpreted very broadly: employees of departmental security can also be included here; rescuers; judges, prosecutors, police officers, state or municipal employees.

Based on other articles and legislative acts, the obligation to undergo a preventive examination is established:

  • persons under the age of majority and full legal capacity, that is, 18 years;
  • working on a rotational basis;
  • working in the conditions of the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • athletes;
  • judges;
  • hairdressers and beauticians.

If there is any doubt whether it is necessary to send employees for preliminary medical examinations, you can check the official document - the List of Works for Mandatory Medical Examinations, approved on July 12, 2011.

AT individual cases When applying for a job, you need to undergo a psychiatric examination. This procedure is required for those who apply for a job:

  • in which there are sources of increased danger,
  • the conditions of which suggest an increased risk.

A complete list of positions is given in Medical Psychiatric Contraindications.

In all other cases, the passage of medical specialists is carried out only with the consent of the applicant (worker) himself and cannot be either in the continuation of labor duties.

What are the dangers of violations

Knowing how the law punishes offenders will help to accept the right decision about whether it is mandatory to undergo a medical examination at work.

Sufficiently strict sanctions have been established in connection with the failure to pass a medical examination or a violation of the procedure for passing it

  • For employees:
  1. suspension from work. The employer must remove an employee who has not passed the examination. Moreover, regardless of whether the reason was valid or not;
  2. disciplinary sanctions from reprimand to dismissal - at the discretion of management;
  3. termination labor relations– if required by the supervisory authority that discovered the violation.
  • For employers (fines effective from 01.01.2015):
  1. Administrative fine for responsible employees, or (in their absence) for the head - 15,000-25,000 rubles.
  2. On the legal entities- 110,000-130,000 rubles.
  3. Suspension of the activities of the organization for up to 90 days.

Medical examination upon admission to work: Video

Monitoring the health of employees is the responsibility of the employer. And to observe the correct procedure for conducting periodic medical examinations is the duty of a personnel worker. In this article, we will tell you which groups of employees should undergo a medical examination and how to organize a periodic medical examination at an enterprise.

Read our article:

Organization of periodic medical examinations

The second way is to create a special department within the enterprise and conduct surveys there. This is already more difficult, the company needs to obtain a license for medical activities. Whether it is worth it or not is up to you, based on the needs of the company and the number of employees.

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New order for medical examinations 2017

Let's say you went the first way and entered into an agreement with the clinic. Now you have to develop a schedule for the medical examination. Next, you need to coordinate the schedule you developed with the medical institution and approve it with a separate order for the enterprise.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations

The stages of the medical examination are described in special documents of the Ministry of Health. If we are talking about drivers, then the procedure for this procedure can be found in the letter of the Russian Ministry of Health dated August 21, 2003 No. 2510 / 9468-03-32. In all other cases, be guided by Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n. So here are the steps you should take:

Step 1. Make two lists of employees - one contingent, the second by name.

Step 2. Give each employee on the list a referral for a medical examination. This is a special document that states:

  • Company name;
  • name of the medical organization, PSRN, actual address;
  • type of examination;
  • Full name and date of birth of the employee;
  • department name;
  • the title of the employee.


The direction is issued to each employee against signature in a special journal. After all, an employee, under various pretexts, can - and you are responsible for his health.

Step 3. After your employee has been examined by doctors and he has passed all the tests, the clinic draws up a conclusion on the state of health. Such a conclusion is signed by the chairman of the medical board, and the document is certified by the seal of the medical institution. There are two copies: one is received by the employee, the second remains in the clinic.

Then the doctors draw up the final act. This procedure takes 30 calendar days: all diagnoses and results during this time become completely clear. The polyclinic sends copies of the act to three addresses: to Rospotrebnadzor, the regional center of occupational pathology and to your enterprise. The polyclinic retains the fourth copy and keeps it, according to the nomenclature, for 50 years.

Who Should Have a Periodic Medical Examination

You must necessarily conduct your employees through doctors if:

  • your people;
  • your employees (primarily drivers);
  • your company is engaged in the field of catering and trade, food industry, medical and preventive and children's institutions, water supply facilities;
  • your company provides departmental security services;
  • you have a hairdressing or beauty salon;
  • you have a construction industry;
  • you work in the field of public railway transport;
  • young people under the age of 18 work at the enterprise in any position - you are obliged to send them to the doctor at least once a year.

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List of contingent of employees subject to medical examinations

Periodic medical examinations must, firstly, be carried out by employees who are exposed to harmful production factors specified in the list approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n.

As well as people employed in the works listed in the list of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n. Based on these two documents, create a list of the contingent of workers subject to medical examinations. Be sure to include in it:

The list must be sent to Rospotrebnadzor within 10 days from the date of its approval by the enterprise.

Name list of employees

You form a list of names of employees based on the list of the contingent. It must include:

  • Full name, position of the employee;
  • the name of the harmful production factor;
  • department name.

You send this list to the clinic with which you agreed on a medical examination, no later than two months before the event. Such a period is needed so that the doctors can develop a calendar plan for the event and agree on it with you. As soon as the polyclinic and the employer come to an agreement, the employees also get acquainted with the plan, no later than 10 days before the examination.

The main objective of an employee undergoing a medical examination is to verify the ability of an employee to perform their duties without any harm to health. In addition, this event can be organized for company specialists with a preventive purpose: to identify the first signs indicating occupational diseases and take appropriate measures to prevent them. That is why every potential employee should know which doctors are included in the medical examination when applying for a job.

Referral for a medical examination allows the employer to monitor employees who perform their duties under the influence of negative factors in the enterprise. This procedure makes it possible to exclude the occurrence of any diseases that have arisen through the fault of the company's management.

In addition to the fact that the employer thus complies with the existing requirements of the law, he also attracts more reliable specialists to his organization.

At the moment, there are several types of medical examinations for enterprises, namely:

  • preliminary;
  • periodic;
  • extraordinary.

The first type involves the passage of this procedure in order to get a new job. If the specialist has been with the company for some time, then he will need to visit the hospital at least once every two years. According to article 213 Labor Code RF, employees under the age of 21 are required to undergo a medical examination every year. As for extraordinary examinations by doctors, they can be carried out according to the desire of the employee himself. The reason for such a request to the management of the organization may be medical advice from experts.

Which doctors will need to go

The list of doctors for a medical examination when applying for a job may be different. Everything will depend on what position the specialist plans to get. This procedure also differs in accordance with gender.

If we talk about a standard medical examination, you will need to see the following doctors:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon
  • therapist (to obtain the conclusion of the medical board).

In addition, it will be necessary to take blood and urine tests, as well as visit rooms for cardiogram and fluorography. This list is not strictly established, since a mammologist and a gynecologist may also be provided for women. Or, for example, to apply for the position of a collector, you will definitely need to check your vision with an ophthalmologist, since healthy vision is closely related to the future duties of a specialist.

Acceptance of a person in adolescence

For adolescents, a preliminary medical examination is provided according to the following points:

  1. Laboratory research. To do this, you will need to go through a fluorography room, as well as pass general analyzes urine and blood.
  2. Narrow specialists. Here you will need to see a neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, dentist, otolaryngologist, psychiatrist and therapist to make a general decision.
  3. Assessment of a teenager's physical readiness for work. It can be done by a therapist. For example, it can be squats for a while, but everything is individual for each medical institution.

For whom are medical examinations required?

According to Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees of enterprises or potential employees must without fail about their state of health in several cases:

  • if the activity is related to the management of any transport;
  • in industries where there are dangerous and harmful working conditions (crane operators, firemen, oil refineries);
  • specialists in the field of trade, public catering and food industry enterprises;
  • employees of educational and medical organizations;
  • workers engaged in the construction and repair of waterworks.

Persons under the age of majority are also equated to these categories and should be accepted for any position only after passing a medical examination (Articles 266 and 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, several categories of employees are provided for periodic medical examinations. Such specialists are laboratory employees who deal with citizens potentially ill with AIDS or infected with HIV, as well as the entire staff of companies that are involved in rescue activities or in nuclear energy enterprises. The list of doctors for a physical examination in such cases can vary significantly.

Labor law Russian Federation established that for certain categories of workers, when applying for a job, a medical examination is provided. It is necessary for an employee to undergo an examination in a medical institution in order for the specialists to determine his state of health and, accordingly, the possibility of working in the desired position. Let's take a closer look at the main points of the examination.

What categories of workers must undergo a mandatory medical examination?

For some workers in the conditions of employment, a mandatory item is the passage of a medical examination. But how to find out who can not do without providing a medical certificate when applying for a job? It's simple: you need to look into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely, refer to article 213. It is in it that the list of those workers who need to undergo a mandatory medical examination is indicated. These include the following employees:

  • transport workers;
  • workers in hazardous work and under harmful working conditions. This also includes underground work;
  • workers who are associated with the food industry;
  • working in public catering and trade;
  • medical workers;
  • working in children's institutions;
  • plumbing workers.

In addition to this list, there are some additions. So, articles 69 and 266 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicate that, regardless of the field of activity, they must undergo a mandatory medical examination when applying for a job. And Article 324 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that people who get a job in the Far North and nearby territories also cannot be accepted without a medical certificate. It must indicate that the employee can live and work in harsh conditions. Article 348.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for athletes entering into an agreement to also undergo a preliminary medical examination. Judges, customs officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and train workers can also be added to the above workers.

It should be noted that the local authorities of the regions have the right to independently introduce additional categories of workers who are required to undergo a medical examination when applying for a job. An employee undergoing a medical examination must have a personal medical book. In it, medical workers record the results of medical examinations, both primary and periodic.

What is the procedure for a medical examination?

Before an employee begins to pass medical examination, he needs to take a referral to him from the employer. In this direction, the data of the employee and the medical institution itself, where the medical examination will take place, should be indicated.

Now the employee can go to the medical institution indicated in the document, not forgetting to take a referral and passport with him. There, an outpatient card will be created for the employee, where all information on the conclusion of doctors will be noted. When all designated professionals have completed the inspection and all necessary tests, medical workers will proceed to the execution of the conclusion. It will indicate the result of the examination, as well as the presence or absence of contraindications.

The chairman heading the medical commission will sign this conclusion, and it is also certified by the seal of the medical institution. This document must be drawn up in two copies: one of them is taken by the employee to provide at the place of demand, and the second is filed into the outpatient card. The card itself remains in the registry of the medical institution. In the event that the employee has not passed the mandatory medical examination, he should not be allowed to work.

Employer's responsibility

Each employer should remember that the established rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding the mandatory medical examination of employees should not be violated. In the event that the employer nevertheless concluded an employment contract without providing the necessary medical certificate, he will bear responsibility for this. The employer will have to pay a fine for this misconduct in the following amount:

If the employer has already been noticed these violations of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, then he can be disqualified for three years in case of another such misconduct.

Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that if an employee of an enterprise has not passed a mandatory medical examination, he may be dismissed by the employer. This is quite acceptable, because the employee simply violated the rules for concluding an employment contract. In this case, the employer can safely refuse such an employee.

Who will pay for the employee's medical examination?

Of course, in order to undergo a medical examination, monetary costs are necessary. But who is obliged to pay for the medical examination of the employee?

Currently, as a rule, almost all organizations whose employees must undergo mandatory medical examinations conclude contracts with medical institutions. The contract implies that the medical institution conducts examinations of the employees of the enterprise. Here the payment will be carried out by bank transfer. All the nuances of monetary costs are discussed in the contract between the parties.

In the event that the employer, for any reason, sends the employee for a second examination, the employer must pay the cost of this examination. This is stated in article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

There is another option. If the company does not have an agreement with a medical institution, then the employee can pay for the examination on his own. The money spent must be reimbursed by the employer. The employee must present payment documents.

An obligatory condition for the interaction between employers and employees is the organization by the enterprise of preliminary and periodic medical examinations for personnel. The difference between these types of professional examination according to the provisions of Order 302n is that a preliminary examination is carried out upon admission to work and can be carried out on an individual basis.

At the same time, periodic medical examinations are aimed at dynamic research the health status of the staff, early detection they have occupational diseases, as well as symptoms / pathologies that are incompatible with the working conditions. This examination may be carried out collectively.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development 302n dated April 12, 2011, periodic examinations must be carried out at least once a year. Moreover, if there are no hazardous production factors at the enterprise, an examination of employees can be organized at any medical institution that has a license to carry out this type of activity.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia 302n dated April 12, 2011 also determines the procedure for organizing professional examinations at enterprises where harmful and dangerous factors for specialists are observed. The personnel of such companies for at least 5 years must be examined in specialized Occupational Pathology Centers or medical institutions licensed for professional suitability examination.

The preparation of lists for periodic medical examinations, as well as the approval of their calendar plan, is carried out by the employer together with the medical organization. By contacting our clinic, you can arrange a medical examination at any convenient time. affordable price.

Registration of a driver's medical certificate and EEG

The procedure for obtaining a driver's license or opening a new category changes regularly. However, for some categories, in particular:

  • C, C1, CE, C1E;
  • D, D1, DE, D1E;
  • Tm, Tb,

A prerequisite is the passage of the electroencephalogram of the brain.

If you have a question: “Where can I get a daily EEG in Moscow at an affordable price?” Our clinic offers to sign up for diagnostics. Here you can get fast and inexpensive results of the daily electroencephalogram.

How much does a health checkup cost?

Answer to the question: " How much does a health checkup cost?" - Prost: " A medical examination for work costs 2,400 rubles..

Depends the cost of a medical examination from professional harm? - No, it doesn't.

The procedure for passing a preliminary medical examination when applying for a job.

employee to pass preliminary medical examination or medical examination for work, it is necessary toSubmit the following documents to the hospital:

  • Referral for medical examination at work issued by the employer;
  • Passport (or other document of the established form proving his identity);
  • Employee health passport (if available) (recording form N 125 / u-PZ approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 18, 2013 N 382n);
  • Medical conclusion of the medical commission that conducted the mandatory psychiatric examination (in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Within up to 3 working days, after receiving all the data about the employee, our medical commission makes a decision on his professional suitability for the type of activity indicated in the referral.

Final package of documents:

  • Health passports;
  • Conclusions on admission to work;
  • Medical books (for certain categories of workers);
  • Final Act;
  • Account (original);
  • Certificate of completion in 2 copies.