A short course of preparation for the Unified State Exam in physics. Physics theory

Physics is a rather complex subject, so preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics 2019 will take a sufficient amount of time. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the commission will test the ability to read diagrams and solve problems.

Let's look at the structure of the exam paper

It consists of 32 tasks distributed over two blocks. For understanding, it is more convenient to arrange all the information in a table.

The entire theory of the Unified State Examination in Physics by sections

  • Mechanics. This is a very large, but relatively simple section that studies the movement of bodies and the interactions that occur between them, including dynamics and kinematics, conservation laws in mechanics, statics, vibrations and waves of a mechanical nature.
  • Molecular physics. In this topic Special attention focuses on thermodynamics and molecular kinetic theory.
  • Quantum physics and components of astrophysics. These are the most difficult sections that cause difficulties both during study and during testing. But also, perhaps, one of the most interesting sections. Here knowledge is tested on topics such as atomic physics and atomic nucleus, wave-particle duality, astrophysics.
  • Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity. Here you can’t do without studying optics, the fundamentals of SRT, you need to know how the electric and magnetic fields operate, what direct current is, what are the principles electromagnetic induction How electromagnetic oscillations and waves arise.

Yes, there is a lot of information, the volume is very decent. In order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in physics, you need to have a very good command of the entire school course in the subject, and it is studied for five whole years. Therefore, it will not be possible to prepare for this exam in a few weeks or even a month. You need to start now so that you can feel calm during the tests.

Unfortunately, the subject of physics causes difficulties for many graduates, especially for those who chose it as their major for admission to university. Effective Study This discipline has nothing to do with memorizing rules, formulas and algorithms. In addition, mastering physics ideas and reading as much theory as possible is not enough; you need to be proficient in mathematical techniques. Often unimportant math training prevents a student from doing well in physics.

How to prepare?

Everything is very simple: choose a theoretical section, read it carefully, study it, trying to understand all physical concepts, principles, postulates. After this, reinforce your preparation by solving practical problems on the chosen topic. Use online tests to test your knowledge, this will allow you to immediately understand where you are making mistakes and get used to the fact that a certain time is given to solve a problem. We wish you good luck!

The session is approaching, and it’s time for us to move from theory to practice. Over the weekend we sat down and thought that many students would benefit from having a selection of basic physical formulas. Dry formulas with explanation: short, concise, nothing superfluous. A very useful thing when solving problems, you know. And during an exam, when exactly what was memorized the day before might “jump out” of your head, such a selection will serve an excellent purpose.

The most problems are usually asked in the three most popular sections of physics. This Mechanics, thermodynamics And Molecular physics, electricity. Let's take them!

Basic formulas in physics dynamics, kinematics, statics

Let's start with the simplest. The good old favorite straight and uniform movement.

Kinematics formulas:

Of course, let's not forget about motion in a circle, and then we'll move on to dynamics and Newton's laws.

After dynamics, it’s time to consider the conditions of equilibrium of bodies and liquids, i.e. statics and hydrostatics

Now we present the basic formulas on the topic “Work and Energy”. Where would we be without them?

Basic formulas of molecular physics and thermodynamics

Let's finish the mechanics section with formulas for oscillations and waves and move on to molecular physics and thermodynamics.

Coefficient useful action, Gay-Lussac's law, the Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation - all these dear formulas are collected below.

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Basic formulas in physics: electricity

It's time to move on to electricity, even though it is less popular than thermodynamics. Let's start with electrostatics.

And, to the beat of the drum, we end with formulas for Ohm’s law, electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic oscillations.

That's all. Of course, a whole mountain of formulas could be cited, but this is of no use. When there are too many formulas, you can easily get confused and even melt your brain. We hope our cheat sheet of basic physics formulas will help you solve your favorite problems faster and more efficiently. And if you want to clarify something or haven’t found the right formula: ask the experts student service. Our authors keep hundreds of formulas in their heads and crack problems like nuts. Contact us, and soon any task will be up to you.

Physics is one of the basic sciences of natural science. The study of physics at school begins in the 7th grade and continues until the end of school. By this time, schoolchildren should already have developed the proper mathematical apparatus necessary for studying a physics course.

  • The school curriculum in physics consists of several large sections: mechanics, electrodynamics, vibrations and waves, optics, quantum physics, molecular physics and thermal phenomena.

School physics topics

In the 7th grade There is a superficial familiarization and introduction to the physics course. Basic physical concepts are considered, the structure of substances is studied, as well as the pressure force with which various substances affect others. In addition, the laws of Pascal and Archimedes are studied.

In 8th grade various physical phenomena are studied. Are given initial information, about the magnetic field and the phenomena in which it occurs. Constant is being studied electricity and basic laws of optics. The various aggregate states of matter and the processes that occur during the transition of a substance from one state to another are analyzed separately.

9th grade is devoted to the basic laws of motion of bodies and their interaction with each other. The basic concepts of mechanical vibrations and waves are considered. The topic of sound and sound waves. The basics of electrical theory are studied magnetic field And electromagnetic waves. In addition, there is an acquaintance with the elements nuclear physics and the structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus is studied.

In 10th grade An in-depth study of mechanics (kinematics and dynamics) and conservation laws begins. The main types of mechanical forces are considered. There is an in-depth study of thermal phenomena, molecular kinetic theory and the basic laws of thermodynamics are studied. The basics of electrodynamics are repeated and systematized: electrostatics, the laws of constant electric current and electric current in various media.

Grade 11 dedicated to the study of the magnetic field and the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Are studied in detail different kinds vibrations and waves: mechanical and electromagnetic. There is a deepening of knowledge from the optics section. Elements of the theory of relativity and quantum physics are considered.

  • Below there is a list classes from 7 to 11. Each class contains topics on physics, which are written by our tutors. These materials can be used by both students and their parents, and school teachers and tutors.