How to take cetrin correctly for allergies and how long you can use it. Cetrin course of treatment how many days Cetrin instructions for use how many days to take

In the modern pharmaceutical industry, there are a huge number of different medications that help against a wide variety of diseases. In this article I would like to talk about such a medicine as Cetrin - indications for use, instructions.

When should you use this product?

At the very beginning, it is necessary to understand in what cases this medication has the expected effect. So, Cetrin - indications for use:

  • This is an excellent preventive measure for various types of allergic reactions.
  • Suitable for treating allergic reactions and relieving main symptoms.
  • Effective for allergic dermatitis.
  • Helps relieve skin itching.
  • Helps cope with, including chronic.
  • Helps with seasonal conjunctivitis and rhinitis, which are allergic in nature.
  • Prevents development.
  • It is also used in complex therapy in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Pharmacological action of the drug "Centrin"

It is important to say that the active ingredient in this medicine is cetirizine (this is also the international name of the drug). It helps patients mainly in the first stages of allergies. So, by taking this medication, you can prevent tissue swelling, relieve spasm of smooth muscles, and significantly reduce capillary permeability (which will prevent the allergen from further affecting the body).

If you follow the dosage correctly and take the drug depending on the doctor’s prescription, it does not have a sedative effect (i.e., it does not suppress a person’s consciousness). The first effect is observed approximately 20 minutes after taking the drug (in about half of the patients); in other people, relief occurs within an hour.

The therapeutic effect lasts for two days. After a single dose of the medicine for three days, the patient’s condition will not worsen. It is also worth saying that if the dosages are observed, the drug does not cause addiction to the antihistamine effect of the medication.

Absorption of the drug "Cetrin"

For many patients, an important point will be that this drug is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract without damaging the walls of the stomach. Taking the medicine with food will not affect absorption. This medication begins to be eliminated from the body after about 10 hours (for adults), after 6 for children, after 12 hours for older people. Mostly the medicine leaves the body through urine.

Contraindications to the use of Cetrin

We next consider the drug “Cetrin”. Indications for use - everything has already been said about this. However, it is also necessary to talk about for whom this medication is contraindicated. So, the following categories of the population should stop taking it:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Ladies during lactation.
  3. For those who have increased sensitivity or intolerance to cetirizine, the active substance.

People with renal failure should be especially careful when taking this drug. As for children, they can take this medicine only on the recommendations of the treating doctor. In such cases, the usual dosage of the drug may be adjusted. As for babies under one year old, there are no reviews about the use of this medication by such patients.

Method of administration, as well as permissible dosages of taking “Cetrina”

We further consider useful information about such a drug as “Cetrin”, indications for use. The instructions strictly instruct you to adhere to the permissible dosages of taking this medicine. Tablet form of the drug:

  • The daily dose of this medication is 10 mg, i.e. one tablet per day. If we talk about adults, they are recommended to take one tablet once a day.
  • For children over 6 years of age, it is better to take half a tablet twice a day - morning and evening.
  • If the patient has problems with kidney function, you can take half a tablet once a day.

It is advisable for the patient to swallow the tablet completely, without chewing, with a small amount of clean water.

How to take Cetrin syrup correctly:

  1. Adult patients should take no more than 10 mg of syrup per day.
  2. Children over 6 years old also need to take 10 mg of syrup. However, in this case, you can take 5 mg twice a day - morning and evening, before bed.
  3. If we are talking about children from 2 to 6 years old, their daily dose is 5 mg. You can take the medicine once, or twice a day - in the morning and before bed.
  4. If this drug is taken by a patient with kidney problems, he should drink no more than 5 mg per day.

The syrup should be taken orally regardless of meals; if necessary, it can be washed down with a small amount of water. It is best to take this medicine in the morning or before bed.

Side effects from taking the drug "Cetrin"

It is worth saying that this drug is in most cases well tolerated by patients. And side effects are extremely rare. But still, there are:

  • The drug may affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the patient may experience abdominal pain, flatulence, dyspepsia (various digestive dysfunctions), dry mouth, as well as discomfort in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sometimes the drug also affects the functioning of the nervous system. This may manifest itself as headache, migraine, drowsiness, weakness, and slight dizziness.
  • Very rarely and mainly in case of individual intolerance to the active substance, an allergic reaction may develop after taking the drug: Quincke's edema, urticaria, itching.

Overdose of the drug "Cetrin"

What else needs to be said when we are talking about a drug like Cetrin? The instructions state that if you adhere to the dosage prescribed above, an overdose will not occur. Only if you exceed the dose of the drug by 30-40 times, urticaria, itching may occur, drowsiness, weakness in the body, and dizziness may also occur.

There may also be a delay in excretion of urine from the body, tremors, constipation, tachycardia and dry mouth. All the above symptoms disappear after gastric lavage. Hemodialysis will not help in this case. Also, there is no drug that would reverse the effect of Cetrin in case of an overdose.

"Cetrin": instructions regarding the interaction of the drug with other drugs

It is worth saying that this drug can be taken simultaneously with various antibiotics. When taken simultaneously with “Theophylline” (a bronchodilator, a diuretic), the effect of “Cetrin” is reduced (the kinetics of “Theophylline” is stable). You should take this drug together with sedatives with caution (it is better to consult your doctor first).

As mentioned above, if the dosage of the drug is observed, it does not affect the patient’s consciousness. However, when taking more than 10 mg of Cetrin per day, the speed of reaction can significantly decrease (according to reviews from most patients). That is why people who drive a car should take this medicine with caution. It is also not recommended to take Cetrin together with ethanol (i.e. alcohol).

Active substance

Cetirizine dihydrochloride (cetirizine)

Release form, composition and packaging

Film-coated tablets white or almost white, round, biconvex, with a notch on one side.

Excipients: lactose, corn starch, povidone (K-30), magnesium stearate.

Film shell composition: hypromellose, macrogol 6000, titanium dioxide, talc, sorbic acid, polysorbate 80, dimethicone.

10 pieces. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - blisters (3) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

A competitive histamine antagonist, metabolite, blocks H1-histamine receptors. Prevents the development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions, has antipruritic and antiexudative effects. Affects the early stage of allergic reactions, limits the release of inflammatory mediators at the “late” stage of the allergic reaction, reduces the migration of eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils. Reduces capillary permeability, prevents the development of tissue edema, relieves spasm of smooth muscles.

Eliminates skin reactions to the introduction of histamine, specific ones, as well as to cooling (with cold urticaria). Reduces histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in mild bronchial asthma.

It has virtually no anticholinergic and antiserotonin effects.

In therapeutic doses it has virtually no sedative effect.

The onset of the effect after a single dose of 10 mg of cetirizine is 20 minutes, the duration of the effect is 24 hours. During the course of treatment, tolerance to the antihistamine effect of cetirizine does not develop. After stopping treatment, the effect lasts up to 3 days.


The pharmacokinetic parameters of cetirizine change linearly when administered at a dose of 5–60 mg.


After oral administration, it is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, Tmax after oral administration is about 1 hour. Food does not affect the completeness of absorption (AUC), but prolongs Tmax by 1 hour and reduces Cmax by 23%. When taken at a dose of 10 mg 1 time/day for 10 days, C ss in plasma is 310 ng/ml and is observed 0.5-1.5 hours after administration.


Protein binding is 93% and does not change with cetirizine concentrations in the range of 25-1000 ng/ml. Vd - 0.5 l/kg.


In small quantities, it is metabolized in the liver by O-dealkylation to form a pharmacologically inactive metabolite (unlike other histamine H1 receptor blockers, which are metabolized in the liver with the participation of isoenzymes of the cytochrome P 450 system. Cetirizine does not accumulate.


About 2/3 of the drug is excreted unchanged by the kidneys and about 10% in the feces.

Systemic clearance – 53 ml/min. T1/2 in adults - 10 hours, in children 6-12 years old - 6 hours, 2-6 years old - 5 hours, 0.5-2 years old - 3.1 hours. In elderly patients, T1/2 increases by 50 %, systemic clearance is reduced by 40% (decreased renal function).

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

In patients with impaired renal function (creatinine clearance below 40 ml/min), the clearance of the drug decreases, and T1/2 is prolonged (for example, in patients on hemodialysis, the total clearance decreases by 70% and is 0.3 ml/min/kg, and T 1/2 is extended by 3 times), which requires a corresponding change in the dosage regimen. It is practically not removed during hemodialysis.

In patients with chronic liver diseases (hepatocellular, cholestatic or biliary cirrhosis), there is an increase in T1/2 by 50% and a decrease in total clearance by 40% (adjustment of the dosage regimen is required only with a concomitant decrease in glomerular filtration rate). Passes into breast milk.


  • seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • hay fever (hay fever);
  • urticaria (including chronic idiopathic urticaria);
  • itchy allergic dermatoses (atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis);
  • angioedema (Quincke's edema).


  • hypersensitivity (including to hydroxyzine);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • children under 6 years of age (for this dosage form).


Chronic renal failure (moderate and severe - correction of the dosage regimen is required), old age (possible decrease in glomerular filtration).


Orally, regardless of food intake, without chewing, the tablets are taken with 200 ml of water.

For adults– 10 mg (1 tablet) 1 time/day or 5 mg (1/2 tablet) 2 times/day.

Children over 6 years old– 5 mg (1/2 tablet) 2 times/day or 10 mg (1 tablet) 1 time/day.

U patients with reduced renal function (creatinine clearance 30-49 ml/min) Prescribe 5 mg/day (1/2 tablet), with severe chronic renal failure (creatinine clearance 10-30 ml/min)– 5 mg/day (1/2 tablet) every other day.

Side effects

Cetrin is usually well tolerated.

In some cases: drowsiness, dry mouth.

Rarely: headache, dizziness, migraine, gastrointestinal discomfort (dyspepsia, abdominal pain, flatulence), allergic reactions (angioedema, rash, urticaria, itching).


Symptoms(occur when taking a single dose of 50 mg): dry mouth, drowsiness, urinary retention, constipation, anxiety, increased irritability.

Treatment: gastric lavage, prescription of symptomatic medications. There is no specific antidote. Hemodialysis is ineffective.

Drug interactions

No pharmacokinetic interactions were detected with pseudoephedrine, ketoconazole, erythromycin, azithromycin, diazepam and glipizide.

Co-administration with theophylline (400 mg/day) leads to a decrease in the total clearance of cetirizine (theophylline kinetics does not change).

Myelotoxic drugs increase the manifestations of hematotoxicity of the drug.

special instructions

If the dose exceeds 10 mg/day, the ability to react quickly may deteriorate.

Use in pediatrics

For children aged 2 years and older Cetrin is used in the form of syrup.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation


When analyzing prospective data on pregnancy outcomes, no cases of malformations, embryonic and neonatal toxicity with a clear cause-and-effect relationship were identified.

Animal studies have not revealed any direct or indirect adverse effects of cetirizine on the developing fetus (including in the postnatal period), pregnancy and childbirth.

There have been no controlled clinical studies on the safety of the drug during pregnancy, therefore cetirizine should not be used during pregnancy.


Cetirizine is excreted in breast milk in concentrations representing from 25% to 90% of the drug concentration in the blood plasma, depending on the time of administration. During breastfeeding, the drug is used after consultation with a doctor, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the child.


Available data on the effects on human fertility are limited, but no adverse effects on fertility have been identified.

Carefully The drug should be prescribed to elderly patients (with an age-related decrease in glomerular filtration).

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 2 years.

This drug belongs to the second generation antihistamines for allergies (in some classifications - new, third generation). It does not contain hormonal substances, so it is not a steroid drug.

During an allergic reaction, histamine “attaches” to special cells of organs and tissues - receptors, causing certain effects - increased permeability and dilation of blood vessels, which, in turn, causes swelling of soft tissues, itching and flaking. A spasm of smooth muscles occurs, which causes difficulty breathing.

The effect of Cetrin is based on blocking the release of histamine from mast cells, which allows you to break the chain of an allergic reaction.

Trade name: Cetrin® (in Latin - Cetrine)

International nonproprietary name: cetirizine

  • Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, LTD. India
  • Makis-Pharma, LLC. Russia

The drug begins to act 20 minutes after a single dose, the effect lasts more than 24 hours. After completion of treatment, the effect lasts up to 3 days.

A feature of the drug, unlike Diphenhydramine or Tavegil, is its inability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier in therapeutic doses. This means that, if taken correctly, it has no effect on the nervous system and, accordingly, does not cause drowsiness, lethargy, incoordination and unfocused attention. This same property allows it to be taken for a long time.

Composition and release forms

Cetrin for allergies is available in tablets, drops and syrup for children. It is not administered by injection or rectally, it is not applied topically, there are no corresponding release forms.

A careful study of the composition of the drug is necessary only if a person is allergic to one or another component that is standardly included in this form of release, or if there is a high risk of developing this allergy.

Registration date: 08/07/2007

Auxiliary formative substances:

Cetrin syrup (“Children’s Cetrin”)

Registration date: 12/25/2008

The greatest danger in terms of the risk of developing allergies is fruit flavoring, which can provoke an allergic reaction in young children.

Registration date: 02/26/2016

Cetrin: indications for use

Cetrin for allergies can be used to treat adults and children from two years of age. The indications are:

  • periodic, seasonal and chronic allergic conjunctivitis (including swelling of the eye mucosa, lacrimation, itching and burning in the eyes);
  • rhinitis (including allergic runny nose, sneezing);
  • hay fever (itching, sneezing, lacrimation);
  • skin itching;
  • urticaria (on the face, neck, on the skin of the hands);
  • Quincke's edema;
  • bronchial asthma (mild severity, as part of complex therapy);
  • itchy dermatoses (atopic dermatitis);
  • photodermatoses.

Special cases of using Cetrin

Allergy sufferers are often interested in what Cetrin tablets (and other forms of release) help with in particular cases.

  • It is able to eliminate minor bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the bronchi), which makes it effective for mild bronchial asthma.
  • It has the property of reducing the skin's reaction to exposure to low temperatures, so cold allergies are one of the indications for its use.

The drug relieves severe itching, eliminates runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes. Therefore, its use will give a positive result in the following cases:

  • Dermatoses: sun allergy, sunburn, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis.
  • Insect bites (such as wasps or bees).
  • Allergy to pollen.
  • Skin manifestations of food and contact allergies (for example, allergies to wool).

Cetrin does not affect the hypoglycemic effect of insulin, so its use is possible for diabetes mellitus.

Cetrin: instructions for use

How to take Cetrin for allergies depends on the age of the patient.

Taking Cetrin orally is not associated with food intake (therefore, it can be taken both before and after meals). The tablet should be taken with a small amount of water and not chewed. Simply wash down the syrup and drops with water.

Photo: instructions for use of Cetrin tablets

(save the photo to your computer or open it in a new tab to see it in full size)

Side 1 Side 2

Instructions for use of Cetrin for adults

Start with 10 drops/day (for a strong reaction - 20 drops). Sometimes the initial dosage is enough to achieve the desired effect.

The maximum daily dosage is 20 drops.

Instructions for use of Cetrin for children

With regular use, Cetrin can prevent atopic march in young children (the addition of respiratory allergy symptoms to existing skin symptoms).

There is a dosage adjustment based on the child’s weight: children weighing up to 30 kg take 1 measuring spoon (5 ml) per day, over 30 kg - 2.

From 1 year to 2 years:

  • 5 drops 2 times a day or 10 drops. 1 per day

How long can you take Cetrin if you have allergies?

The duration of taking the drug depends on the severity of the allergy. In case of an acute allergic reaction, the course of taking the drug is one day. Once symptoms disappear, you can stop taking it.

When preventing allergies, the duration of treatment increases. Cetrin is used for a month. In addition, it is recommended to use the medicine for the entire period of action of the allergen.

It is possible to use Cetrin as a basic antihistamine in the treatment of bronchial asthma in combination with other drugs. In this case, Cetrin should be taken for a day, then a break is taken for a week and the intake continues again.

Cetrin is also used to treat dermatitis in young children. The drug is a prophylactic agent. Should be taken 3-4 times a year, for 2 weeks.

Cetrin and vaccinations

The use of this product before vaccination (for example, mantu) is possible. However, if you have an allergy, you must inform your doctor in advance. Depending on the manifestations, he recommends an antihistamine that is suitable for you.

Cetrin during pregnancy and lactation

One of the important questions is whether it is possible to take Cetrin when planning pregnancy, during it, as well as during breastfeeding.

The active ingredient of this drug is cetirizine. There have been no controlled studies on the safety of its use during pregnancy, so the drug should not be used during pregnancy.

However, in an analysis of more than 700 cases of pregnancy outcomes, there were no cases of malformations, embryonic or neonatal toxicity with a clear cause-and-effect relationship with cetirizine use.

Cetirizine is excreted in breast milk - from 25 to 90% of its concentration in the blood plasma, depending on the time after administration. During breastfeeding, it is used after consultation with a doctor, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the child.

Available data on the effects on human fertility are limited, but no negative effects on fertility have been identified.

Side effects

The undesirable effects of the drug Cetrin for allergies, the instructions for use highlight the following:

  1. On the nervous system: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, tremors, increased excitability of the nervous system, depression.
  2. On the digestive system: dyspepsia, impaired liver function, stomatitis, dry mouth may occur.
  3. On the cardiovascular system: hypertension (increased blood pressure), tachycardia.
  4. Other side effects: arthralgia, myalgia, allergic reactions and individual intolerance are also possible.

There have been no studies on whether Cetrin changes the color of urine (only possible urinary retention is mentioned). There is also no information on whether it can cause weight gain.

Tsetrin and driving

During treatment with the drug, you should be careful when driving a car and other vehicles, as well as when engaging in activities that require increased concentration.

No formal studies have been conducted. However, given the fact that cetrin is an antihistamine and is aimed at “fighting” histamine, which actually lowers blood pressure due to vasodilation, it would be strange if it had hypotensive properties.

Allergies can occur both to the active substance of the drug and to additional substances included in its composition.

Regardless of the extent of the allergic reaction, it is prohibited to continue taking the drug against its background because after taking each subsequent tablet, the reaction may become severe and even require resuscitation measures. In this case, you need to consult your doctor and change the medicine.


Absolute contraindications are its use during pregnancy (it is believed that the drug can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus) and during lactation (Cetrin is able to penetrate into breast milk, through it enter the child’s body and have a negative effect on it, inhibiting the functioning of the liver and kidneys ).

Photo: Side view of the package. Please note - the shell contains lactose

The use of tablets is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, syrup - up to 2 years, drops - up to 6 months.

Persons with kidney pathology (especially chronic renal failure), as well as the elderly, should be especially careful when using Cetrin.

Expiration date and storage rules

The drug should be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight and at a temperature of about 25 ° C. The shelf life is 2 years.

In the video below you can see an overview of the appearance of the packaging and blister of the drug Cetrin for allergies.

It is highly not recommended to take a drug that has expired.

Cetrin: price, where to buy the drug

The price for all forms of the drug is quite affordable:

For comparison, below is a list of its analogues and their cost:

tab. 5 mg each, 28 pcs. - 533.00 RUR

drops 10 mg/ml, 20 ml - RUB 204.00

All forms of the drug (except for drops, which are just appearing on the market) are easy to purchase at any pharmacy.

How to recognize a fake


The administration of the portal has prepared an infographic that provides all the basic information about the drug.

Cetrin's analogs

These are medicines that also contain cetirizine as an active ingredient.

If Cetrin did not help you, then you should pay attention to drugs based on another active ingredient: Claritin (active ingredient loratadine), Erius (active ingredient desloratadine), Suprastin (active ingredient chloropyramine hydrochloride), etc.

In addition, it is worth thinking about: is this really an allergic reaction, and are the inflammation and itching due to a skin allergy? It is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and, if necessary, adjust treatment.

Comparison of Cetrin and other drugs: which is better?

There is a huge range of antiallergic drugs on the market, so allergy sufferers often wonder which drug is best to choose. Below we have tried to compare some popular medications.

Pharmacists believe that the active substance is of a higher degree of purification in Zyrtec and Zodak, which is why there should be fewer side effects, but, as practice shows, their frequency is the same.

Table: Comparison of Zodak, Zirtec and Cetrin according to some parameters

What is better for allergies: Tavegil or Cetrin?

Tavegil is a 1st generation drug, therefore it has all the inherent side effects, namely:

In addition, Tavegil must be taken 3 times a day, while Cetrin - 1 time.

Cetrin helps against allergies by blocking histamine receptors that irritate the immune system and cause an allergic reaction. The penetration rate through the BBB is so small that the drug does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system. The condition of a neutral effect on the central nervous system and the blood-brain barrier is determined by therapeutic doses; if the medicine is taken in large quantities, a negative reaction may be detected.

Cetrin can be taken by both adults and children over 2 years old. The active ingredients of the product provide relief for both mild and severe allergic reactions. The drug has its own number of contraindications, so before treatment you should read the instructions and consult a doctor.

The main component is cetirizine. It also acts as an H1-histamine blocker, which alleviates the condition when an allergic reaction occurs. One tablet of the drug contains 10 mg of active substance. 1 ml of syrup contains 1 mg of cetirizine.

It does not disrupt the functioning of other receptors, being a histamine antagonist. During clinical trials, no pronounced effect on anticholinergic and antiserotin receptors (regulate the functioning of the central nervous system) was revealed. Cetirizine completely suppresses the allergic reaction in the initial stage, prevents the release of inflammatory mediators in advanced forms of allergy.

Also, as binders and additional components in the tablets are:
  • starch;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium;
  • povidone;
  • talc;
  • sorbic acid;
  • polysorbate;
  • Dimethicone
Additional components are used in the syrup for better absorption of cetirizine:
  • sucrose;
  • glycerol;
  • sorbitol;
  • sodium citrate;
  • flavorings and additives that impart a fruity taste.

How long does it take for the effect to occur? 20-30 minutes after using the product in half of the patients, and after 50-60 minutes in 92%.

Even if the tablets are no longer used for therapeutic purposes, their effect remains for 72 hours. Blocking the allergic reaction after drinking a Cetrin tablet lasts for a day.

Cetrin quickly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body through the gastrointestinal tract. Food does not in any way affect the degree of absorption of the drug by the digestive tract. The maximum concentration is reached after 0.5-1 hour in an amount of 0.3 μg/ml. The liver interacts with only a small amount of the drug. The standard half-life is 10 hours, but it may be longer if a person has urinary or liver disease.

Sometimes age affects the rate of elimination of ½ of the drug. In 1/3 of the elderly, the half-life reached 15 hours, and the clearance rate from the drug was 30-40% lower.

In children 6-12 years old, partial cleansing of the drug from the body occurs after 5-6 hours. In children under 6 years of age, the half-life is 3-5 hours.

In case of moderate and extreme renal failure, the dosage should be regulated individually by a doctor. In this state, the half-life reaches 20-30 hours, and the clearance rate through the urinary system drops by 40-60%. Using the drug in standard doses can lead to internal intoxication and side effects.

In case of liver failure, the duration of elimination of Cetrin from the body increases by 5 hours, and the cleansing rate through the urinary system drops by 30%. Individual adjustment of the dose of the drug is required if the patient also has renal failure.

Cetirizine as an active ingredient helps stop the external signs of allergies, which reduce the quality of life and interfere with everyday tasks. An allergic reaction, accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, swelling, and skin rashes, occurs under the influence of Cetrin.

Cetrin helps with:
  1. Hives.
  2. Acute atopic conjunctivitis.
  3. Allergic rhinitis – runny nose, watery eyes, red eyes, swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  4. Quincke's edema.
  5. Bronchial asthma.
  6. Swelling of the larynx, oral cavity of an allergic nature.
  7. Itchy.
  8. Allergic dermatoses.
  9. Eczema.

The tablets help alleviate the condition and prevent the further development of allergies.

Instructions for use indicate the basic dosage regimen, which is accepted for all allergic manifestations. The decision to reduce or increase the dosage is made by the doctor depending on the course of the clinical picture and additional diseases of the patient.

How to take Cetrin for allergies:
  1. Adults. A whole tablet or 1 teaspoon of syrup once a day.
  2. Children from 6 years old. You need to drink 0.5 tablets or 0.5 tsp of syrup twice a day.
  3. Children under 6 years old. ½ tablet or 0.5 tsp of syrup once every 24 hours. It is not recommended to treat a child under 2 years of age with Cetrin independently, without a doctor’s prescription.

How many days should you take Cetrin? Standard course – 14-28 days. How long can you take Cetrin without side effects? It is not advisable to take Cetrin for more than a month; the course of the drug can be extended by a doctor based on medical indications.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, an adult needs 10-20 mg of medication (1-2 tablets). Amount exceeding 5 tablets can cause serious harm to the body.

Possible consequences of an overdose:
  1. Dizziness.
  2. Loss of strength, drowsiness.
  3. Drowsiness, confusion.
  4. Nervous excitability, inexplicable feeling of anxiety.
  5. Convulsions, tremors of limbs.
  6. Increased or slowed heart rate.
  7. Repeated loose stools.
  8. Headache attacks.

The instructions for use indicate that it is impossible to remove excess drug with diuretics, as well as neutralize its negative effects with the help of an antidote. It is necessary to rinse the stomach, provoke vomiting, and drink sorbents.

Numerous testing of the drug has shown that any possible side effect occurs with a frequency of no more than 2-3%. The main side effects are headache, dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, others occur much less frequently.

Rare side effects:
  1. Tachycardia.
  2. Increase in body mass index.
  3. Rash, itching, urticaria.
  4. Vasculitis.
  5. Depressive state.
  6. Sleep disorder.
  7. Hallucinations, confusion.
  8. Impaired vision clarity.
  9. Deterioration of memory and hearing.
  10. Dyskinesia.
  11. Fainting state.
  12. Urinary retention.

If a woman took Cetrin during pregnancy, the child may experience disturbances in growth and development.

It is advisable to take this drug during pregnancy only as prescribed by a doctor, in order to avoid complications, miscarriages, and premature birth.

Cetrin is a popular allergy remedy. The easy absorption of the drug by the body helps eliminate allergy symptoms without negative consequences.

There are 2 forms of Cetrin:

  1. The tablets are round, biconvex, white, film-coated. There is a risk on one side. The active substance of the tablets is cetirizine dihydrochloride, one tablet contains 10 mg. And there are several excipients: povidone, lactose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, talc, titanium dioxide, macrogol, sorbic acid, dimethicone, polysorbate. The package can contain 30, 20 and 10 pieces.
  2. The syrup is packaged in 60 and 30 ml, the package contains a measuring spoon for easy dosing. The syrup is homogeneous, transparent, uncolored, there may be a slight yellowish tint and opalescence, it has a pleasant, fruity smell. One milliliter of syrup contains 1 mg of cetirizine dihydrochloride. In its production the following is used: sucrose, sorbitol, benzoic acid, fruit flavoring, glycerin, sodium citrate, sodium edetate.

About generations of antiallergic drugs

There are three generations of antihistamines. MirSovetov will give a brief description of these three generations of histamine blockers.

The 1st generation did not have a selective effect on H1 receptors, so when they were taken, histamine receptors located in the central nervous system and organs of the digestive system were blocked. This generation of drugs has a very powerful anti-allergic effect, but there is a significant drawback - drowsiness. We are talking about drugs such as Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil.

The 2nd generation has less effect on the central nervous system, since the effect of these drugs is selective. These drugs have a less pronounced antiallergic effect than the first generation. But their advantage is that the feeling of drowsiness is felt to a lesser extent. This characteristic applies to Cetrin, Zyrtec, Zodak, Parlazin

The 3rd generation shows high selectivity of action on histamine receptors. Their therapeutic effect is powerful. There is no effect on the central nervous system, therefore there is no drowsiness. Claritin, Telfast, Erius have such effects.

Who needs Cetrin, how does it work?

Now let’s take a closer look at the medicinal properties of cetirizine. This histamine receptor blocker can bind to these H1 receptors and block them. It turns out that the released histamine is no longer able to contact the receptors and influence them. Let us remember that it is histamine that provokes allergic reactions in the body and their increase - redness, swelling, itching, skin rashes. If the development of allergic reactions is blocked at the cellular level, then their external signs no longer appear in such a significant form. Thanks to Cetrin, the amount of histamine released is reduced, in addition, the migration of eosinophils to the site of allergy is inhibited. Accordingly, the later stages of hypersensitivity will be less pronounced. Cetrin also has a general anti-inflammatory effect, because under its influence the production of cytokines that support the allergic reaction is significantly inhibited. Course use of Cetrin blunts the readiness of an increase in the allergic reaction in the cells of the bronchi. As a result, the number of attacks decreases in those suffering from bronchial asthma. Cetrin begins to act in the body approximately 20 minutes after taking it. It is stored for 24 hours. Even if the drug is completed, readiness for allergic reactions is restored within three days.

Cetrin is used if necessary:

  • relieve itching;
  • eliminate existing edema or prevent its development;
  • reduce capillary permeability and fluid release into tissue;
  • relieve spasm of smooth muscles.

Conditions for which Cetrin is needed:

Instructions for use of Cetrin

Both syrup and tablets are taken once a day, regardless of meal time, with some water. It is advisable to take the tablet or measured amount of syrup in the evening. Syrup can be given to children from the age of two, but tablets can only be given to children over six years of age. The dosages are as follows:

  • from two to five years - these children need to drink 5 ml of syrup per day (there are cases when this amount is divided by two);
  • For all children over six years old and adults, 10 ml of syrup is measured per day, or they swallow one tablet.

Attention, if you plan to conduct allergy tests, then you must stop using Cetrin three (or four) days in advance, otherwise you may get false negative results. You should not drink alcohol on the days you take this drug. Try to refrain from those activities that require increased reaction speed and close attention.

If the patient takes Theophylline, then the effect of Cetrin is prolonged. If the normal functioning of the kidneys is disrupted, the dose of the drug for patients is reduced by half. The same is done if the patient is elderly. If during the course of treatment one day you forgot to take this medicine, then the next day, be careful, take the drug without increasing the dosage. Another important question arises - how many days should you take Cetrin? And this depends on various factors, including: the nature of the course of the allergy, the degree of its severity. For acute forms of allergies, the course is usually from 10 to 14 days. If allergic manifestations go away earlier, then taking this medication can be stopped before the specified period.

In case of prevention, Cetrin should be taken throughout the days when potential allergens are present in the space around you. For example, if your allergies usually begin during the flowering season of plants, then the time of admission is April and May.

For bronchial asthma, doctors prescribe this remedy as one of the components of treatment. The scheme is as follows: days of admission, then a seven-day break, after which the use of Cetrin is resumed for another 20 days.

Cases of overdose are recorded if more than 50 milliliters of syrup were drunk at a time (or more than 5 tablets were swallowed). We list the signs of an overdose:

  • cessation of urine output;
  • dry mouth;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased irritability, anxiety and restlessness;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • drowsiness.

Gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment can help here.

About contraindications

Cetrin should not be used throughout pregnancy and during the period when a woman is breastfeeding her baby.

If during treatment with Cetrin there are signs of hypersensitivity to the drug, then it is immediately canceled. If you see a substance in the drug that you are intolerant to, then this product should not be used so as not to cause harm to your health.

Are there any possible side effects?

MirSovetov will list those undesirable effects that may appear when taking Cetrin:

If Cetrin is not available in the pharmacy, then it can be replaced with synonymous drugs, the main active ingredient of which is the same cetirizine. For example, these could be Cetirinax, Alerza, Zirtec, Zodak, Zincet, Parlazin, Allertek.

  • Now 5.00/5

Due to the three-dimensional optical illusion in the Ames room (invented in 1946), the child in the near corner appears to be a giant compared to the one standing in the far corner. In fact, the shape of the room is trapezoidal. The effect is enhanced by the distorted chess square.

Cetrin - indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Release forms

Composition and dosage

The syrup contains the following substances as auxiliary components:

Tablets contain the following substances as auxiliary components:

Cetrin – generation of antihistamines

Cetrin tablets for allergies (therapeutic effects)

2. Relieves and prevents swelling.

3. Relieves spasm of smooth muscles.

4. Reduces capillary permeability and fluid release into tissues.


  • seasonal or year-round runny nose;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • hay fever;
  • urticaria of any type;
  • dermatoses with severe itching (for example, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, etc.);
  • skin itching of any origin, except caused by cholestasis;
  • eczema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • Quincke's edema.

Cetrin - instructions for use (how to take)

How to take Cetrin syrup

1. Children from 2 to 6 years old take 5 ml of syrup (5 mg) once a day, in the evening. If the child does not tolerate this dose well, it can be divided into two doses - 2.5 ml of syrup 2 times a day, morning and evening.

2. Children over 6 years of age and adults take 10 ml of syrup (10 mg) once a day, in the evening, before bed. If necessary, you can distribute a dose of 10 mg into two doses - 5 ml of syrup in the morning and evening.

When treating an overdose, the first thing to do is gastric lavage to remove any remaining drug from the body. Hemodialysis in this case is ineffective. If necessary, symptomatic medications are used to maintain normal blood pressure, urination, breathing, etc.

How to take Cetrin tablets

Cetrin for children

Use during pregnancy

How many days should I take Cetrin?

Side effects


  • hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • children under 2 years of age (for syrup);
  • children under 6 years of age (for tablets).

Relative contraindications to the use of Cetrin are renal failure and old age. In these cases, the drug can be used by reducing the usual adult dose and arranging medical supervision of the patient's condition.


  • Alerza tablets;
  • Allertek tablets;
  • Levocetirizine-Teva tablets;
  • Cetirizine DS tablets;
  • Cetirinax tablets;
  • Cetirizine-OBL tablets;
  • Cetirizine-Teva tablets;
  • Zyrtec tablets and drops;
  • Zodak drops, syrup and tablets;
  • Letizen solution and tablets;
  • Parlazin drops and tablets;
  • Cetirizine tablets;
  • Drops, syrup and tablets Cetirizine Hexal;
  • Cetrin syrup and tablets;
  • Zetrinal syrup and tablets;
  • Zincet syrup and tablets.

Cetrin analogues include the following drugs:

  • Alerpriv tablets;
  • Allerfex tablets;
  • Beksist-sanovel tablets;
  • Glencet tablets;
  • Histafen tablets;
  • Gifast tablets;
  • Diacin tablets;
  • Dimebon tablets;
  • Dimedroquine tablets;
  • Dinox tablets;
  • Dramamine tablets;
  • Desloratadine-Teva tablets;
  • Clallergin tablets;
  • Clarifer tablets;
  • Ketotifen-Ros tablets;
  • LoraHexal tablets;
  • Loratadine Stada tablets;
  • Loratadine-Verte tablets;
  • Loratadine-Teva tablets;
  • Loratadine-OBL tablets;
  • Lordestin tablets;
  • Rupafin tablets;
  • Ciel tablets;
  • Telfast tablets;
  • Caeser tablets;
  • Fexadin tablets;
  • Fexo tablets;
  • Fexofast tablets;
  • Fexofenadine tablets;
  • Xizal drops and tablets;
  • Claritin drops and tablets;
  • Clargotil syrup and tablets;
  • Claridol syrup and tablets;
  • Clarisens syrup and tablets;
  • Clarotadine syrup and tablets;
  • Kestin syrup and tablets;
  • Ketotifen syrup and tablets;
  • Syrup and tablets Ketotifen Sopharma;
  • Loratadine syrup and tablets;
  • Syrup and tablets Loratadine-Hemofarm;
  • Peritol syrup and tablets;
  • Suprastinex drops and tablets;
  • Erius syrup and tablets;
  • Erolin syrup and tablets;
  • Tablets, lozenges and suspension Lomilan;
  • Dragees and Diazolin tablets;
  • Rapido capsules;
  • Semprex capsules.


Suprastin or Cetrin?

Cetrin or Claritin?

Zyrtec or Cetrin?

Cetrin for the dog

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Cetrin for allergies

At the first symptoms of an allergy, it is recommended to immediately take any medications to stop inflammatory processes in the body and alleviate the course of the disease. One of the effective antihistamines is Cetrin. We'll talk about the properties of this product further.

Generations of antihistamines

Medicine is constantly inventing new drugs; old ones are being replaced by more effective drugs that have less negative effects on the body, while helping to cope with the problem.

First generation

These drugs appeared the very first and everyone knows about them. These include tablets Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenistil. Antihistamines in this group block all receptors, while effectively relieving allergy symptoms. The downside is the abundance of side effects that occur very often, including drowsiness, decreased attention, and stimulation of the heart muscle. Therefore, they are not recommended for use by elderly people, as well as those whose work requires concentration. Drivers need to be especially careful when taking such drugs, since it is better not to drive during treatment.

Second generation

This includes Cetrin, as well as Zodac tablets, Zyrtec and other drugs. They no longer have such strong side effects, while still effectively coping with all allergy symptoms of various origins. Unfortunately, their effect is less pronounced, but such drugs also have much fewer restrictions in taking them due to the fact that they act only on certain receptors. Therefore, they do not have a sedative or cardiac stimulating effect.

Third generation

These include tablets Erius, Claritin, Telfast. They do not have a depressing effect on the central nervous system, but they effectively relieve symptoms and treat allergies. The invention of such drugs was a breakthrough in treatment, but other drugs do not lose popularity among allergy sufferers.

Therapeutic effect of Cetrin

The main active ingredient included in the drug is cetirizine. Any allergic reaction has the same development mechanism: a foreign substance enters the body, causing a response from the immune system. As a result, mast cells begin to produce histamine, which spreads throughout the body and causes various inflammatory processes that we observe as manifestations of allergies.

Cetirizine is able to block the production of histamine, as well as reduce the number of already formed cells. An allergic reaction does not develop at the cellular level. In addition, symptoms that have already appeared quickly stop, and the person calmly continues to function.

Cetrin reduces hypersensitivity to external irritants, reduces general inflammation in various manifestations, has an antipruritic effect, reduces swelling and prevents its development, is a mild antispasmodic, and also prevents an increase in capillary permeability.

The tablets have a therapeutic effect within 20 minutes after administration, and it is enough to take them once a day to prevent the development of a reaction. After discontinuation of the drug, the effect persists for three days. During this time, Cetrin is completely eliminated from the body and reactions may gradually return if contact with the source of irritation is not excluded.

When should you take Cetrin tablets?

Cetrin is effective against the following types and symptoms of allergic reactions:

Cetrin can be used against allergic reactions that occur to plant pollen, fur and animal waste products, dust, food products, medications and chemicals. It should be noted that in case of serious disorders, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to formulate a comprehensive treatment, since allergies can develop to conditions that threaten a person’s life.

How to take the drug?

There are two forms of release of the drug: tablets and syrup. The second is used to treat allergy symptoms in children from 2 years of age, since the syrup is convenient to dose, it has a pleasant sweet taste, and children take the medicine with pleasure. The tablets are intended for the treatment of allergic reactions in adults and children starting from 6 years of age.

The syrup can be taken by both children from 2 years of age and adults. The dosage is as follows:

People suffering from kidney failure should follow special rules when taking Cetrin. The dosage depends on the glomerular filtration rate. With this indicator being 30 to 40 ml/min, when we are talking about a slight decrease in kidney function, the maximum daily dose is 5 ml daily. For those who have severe renal failure and the ratio is ml/min, you should take 5 ml of the drug every other day. The effectiveness of treatment will be achieved more slowly, but there will be no heavy load on the urinary system.

If any undesirable symptoms occur while taking the drug, as well as increased hypersensitivity of the body to external irritants, the use should be stopped immediately and consult with your doctor to change treatment therapy.

Cetrin tablets should also be taken depending on the condition of the urinary system. For those people who do not have kidney problems, the daily dose is 1 tablet per day. Even with minor renal failure, the tablets should be taken according to? once a day. For children under 12 years of age, it is also recommended to reduce the dose.

The drug is eliminated from the body 10 hours after administration. Moreover, for older people this process can take a whole day, and for small children only 5 hours. The tablets can only be taken by adults and children over the age of six. Until this age, only syrup can be taken.

Cetrin can have a positive effect in the complex treatment of sinusitis. This is due to the fact that allergic reactions often accompany this disease, worsening its course. Cetrin is able to reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, which is important in the treatment of sinusitis. How many tablets to take should be prescribed by your doctor; it is not recommended to prescribe the drug yourself.

Contraindications and special instructions for use

Cetrin is an effective remedy in the fight against allergies, but its use is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. This is due to the fact that the drug actively distributes in the body and is able to penetrate the placenta. In addition, it easily penetrates into breast milk, can change its taste and adversely affect the baby. In these cases, Cetrin can be taken only according to a doctor’s indications, if the benefits of its use outweigh the possible risks. During the period of use, breastfeeding must be interrupted.

As mentioned earlier, you need to be extremely careful when using the drug in patients with renal failure. Compliance with the dosage and observation by a doctor, as well as regular tests, are mandatory.

While taking Cetrin, you should not drink alcohol of any strength. Ethanol can cause an overdose.

Since Cetrin does not suppress the central nervous system, reaction speed and attention are not impaired. Therefore, while taking the drug, you can drive a car, as well as engage in any type of work that requires high precision and care. However, simultaneous use with sedatives may enhance their effect.

The duration of administration depends on the severity of the condition and the severity of the reaction. Usually the course of treatment is from 10 to 14 days. In the case where the symptoms go away faster, the course can be reduced to 5-7 days.

Cetrin is often used to prevent seasonal allergic reactions, as well as to treat bronchial asthma. Moreover, during prophylaxis, use can last quite a long time, 1-1.5 months. During bronchial asthma, Cetrin is used both during exacerbations and as a basic therapy. The dosage regimen is as follows: days of treatment with the drug, then a week break. Such therapy can be maintained for several years, as long as necessary.

Overdose and side effects

As mentioned earlier, Cetrin is one of those drugs whose side effects are minimized. This is due to the fact that it does not affect the central nervous system and blocks only some receptors. However, drowsiness may occur when taken, so it is recommended to take the drug in the evening. Unlike first-generation antihistamines, which require repeated doses throughout the day, there are no problems with concentration while taking Cetrin during the day. Mild headache, migraine and agitation may occur.

Side effects from the digestive tract may include constipation, diarrhea, diarrhea, and flatulence. In children, when taking syrup, these effects are more pronounced than when taking tablets.

With individual intolerance, aggravation of allergy symptoms, skin itching, eczema and even Quincke's edema is possible. This condition is life-threatening. Therefore, it is impossible to provoke him. If you notice these symptoms in yourself or your child, stop taking the drug immediately and consult your doctor. In addition, if the allergic reaction does not stop for a long time, consultation is also necessary.

In case of overdose, you must immediately rinse your stomach and call a doctor. In this case, drowsiness, tremor, lethargy, increased heart rate, and urinary retention are observed. Before providing medical assistance, you can use any sorbents, such as Activated carbon or Enterosgel.

Cetrin is not prescribed simultaneously with drugs containing theophylline, as this leads to an overdose.

How to take Cetrin for allergies

The pharmacological drug Cetrin is one of the most modern anti-allergy drugs. Its action is based on effectively blocking the mechanism of histamine release from the membranes of mast cells. The secondary effect is on H1 receptors, which are sensitive to the manifestations of histamine reactions. Thus, the chain of allergic reaction of any type is completely interrupted. It has no side effects such as drowsiness or decreased vitality. Does not inhibit nervous and mental reactions. Can be used over a long period of time.

Available in the form of tablets and syrup for use in young children. 1 tablet contains cetirizine dihydrochloride in an amount of 10 mg.

Instructions for use

When it enters the tissues and systems of the human body, the drug has a selective effect only on those H1 receptors that have connections with histamine. There is no effect on receptors sensitive to the effects of serotonin and choline. It is these nerve endings that are responsible for the speed of reactions and the general well-being of a person. Another distinctive feature is the inability to penetrate the blood-encephalitis barrier. Thus, the drug does not have the ability to have a negative effect on brain structures.

The drug Cetrin instructions for use is recommended for use in all forms and stages of allergic reactions. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is reached 40 minutes after ingestion. Food intake, its composition and quantity do not affect the absorption of the active substance. You can take Cetrin at any time of the day, regardless of food intake.

Removal from the body begins after 10 hours. In elderly people, the elimination period can last up to 1 day. In children, elimination of the drug is accelerated and can occur within 5 hours.

How to give Cetrin to children and adults

For children under 6 years of age, Cetrin can only be given in the form of syrup or drops.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of cetrin include conditions requiring long-term correction of the sensitivity of H1 receptors to the effects of histamine. It can be:

  • urticaria and other skin manifestations of allergies;
  • seasonal hay fever in the form of conjunctivitis and rhinitis;
  • itching after insect bites;
  • preventing attacks of bronchial asthma.

Effectively and quickly relieves developing Quincke's edema. You can also recommend this drug for any form of nutritional (food allergy) and intolerance to certain foods.

Contraindications, side effects and precautions

Side effects of cetrin occur extremely rarely only in case of violation of the dosage regimen. Reactions associated with overdose occur more often in people suffering from renal pathologies. They can manifest themselves in the form of mental agitation, low blood pressure, vomiting and nausea. Urgent medical attention is required.

Cetrin is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and intolerance to the active substance of this drug.

You should not even use low-alcohol drinks while taking Cetrin. Ethanol may enhance the effects of the drug. Cetrin has no effect on the speed of mental reactions. Driving motor vehicles during active therapy is not prohibited.

How to take Cetrin for allergies correctly and how long you can use it

Cetrin helps against allergies by blocking histamine receptors that irritate the immune system and cause an allergic reaction. The penetration rate through the BBB is so small that the drug does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system. The condition of a neutral effect on the central nervous system and the blood-brain barrier is determined by therapeutic doses; if the medicine is taken in large quantities, a negative reaction may be detected.

Cetrin can be taken by both adults and children over 2 years old. The active ingredients of the product provide relief for both mild and severe allergic reactions. The drug has its own number of contraindications, so before treatment you should read the instructions and consult a doctor.

Chemical composition and its mechanism of action

The main component is cetirizine. It also acts as an H1-histamine blocker, which alleviates the condition when an allergic reaction occurs. One tablet of the drug contains 10 mg of active substance. 1 ml of syrup contains 1 mg of cetirizine.

It does not disrupt the functioning of other receptors, being a histamine antagonist. During clinical trials, no pronounced effect on anticholinergic and antiserotin receptors (regulate the functioning of the central nervous system) was revealed. Cetirizine completely suppresses the allergic reaction in the initial stage, prevents the release of inflammatory mediators in advanced forms of allergy.

Also, as binders and additional components in the tablets are:

  • starch;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium;
  • povidone;
  • talc;
  • sorbic acid;
  • polysorbate;
  • Dimethicone

Additional components are used in the syrup for better absorption of cetirizine:

  • sucrose;
  • glycerol;
  • sorbitol;
  • sodium citrate;
  • flavorings and additives that impart a fruity taste.

How long does it take for the effect to occur? Within minutes after using the product in half of the patients, and after minutes in 92%.

Even if the tablets are no longer used for therapeutic purposes, their effect remains for 72 hours. Blocking the allergic reaction after drinking a Cetrin tablet lasts for a day.

Methods and speed of elimination from the body

Cetrin quickly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body through the gastrointestinal tract. Food does not in any way affect the degree of absorption of the drug by the digestive tract. The maximum concentration is reached after 0.5-1 hour in an amount of 0.3 μg/ml. The liver interacts with only a small amount of the drug. The standard half-life is 10 hours, but it may be longer if a person has urinary or liver disease.

Sometimes age affects the rate of elimination of ½ of the drug. In 1/3 of the elderly, the half-life reached 15 hours, and the clearance rate from the drug was 30-40% lower.

In case of moderate and extreme renal failure, the dosage should be regulated individually by a doctor. In this state, the half-life reaches hours, and the clearance rate through the urinary system drops by 40-60%. Using the drug in standard doses can lead to internal intoxication and side effects.

In case of liver failure, the duration of elimination of Cetrin from the body increases by 5 hours, and the cleansing rate through the urinary system drops by 30%. Individual adjustment of the dose of the drug is required if the patient also has renal failure.

Indications for use

Cetirizine as an active ingredient helps stop the external signs of allergies, which reduce the quality of life and interfere with everyday tasks. An allergic reaction, accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, swelling, and skin rashes, occurs under the influence of Cetrin.

Cetrin helps with:

  1. Hives.
  2. Acute atopic conjunctivitis.
  3. Allergic rhinitis – runny nose, watery eyes, red eyes, swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  4. Quincke's edema.
  5. Bronchial asthma.
  6. Swelling of the larynx, oral cavity of an allergic nature.
  7. Itchy.
  8. Allergic dermatoses.
  9. Eczema.

Instructions for use indicate the basic dosage regimen, which is accepted for all allergic manifestations. The decision to reduce or increase the dosage is made by the doctor depending on the course of the clinical picture and additional diseases of the patient.

How to take Cetrin for allergies:

  1. Adults. A whole tablet or 1 teaspoon of syrup once a day.
  2. Children from 6 years old. You need to drink 0.5 tablets or 0.5 tsp of syrup twice a day.
  3. Children under 6 years old. ½ tablet or 0.5 tsp of syrup once every 24 hours. It is not recommended to treat a child under 2 years of age with Cetrin independently, without a doctor’s prescription.

How many days should you take Cetrin? Standard course – days. How long can you take Cetrin without side effects? It is not advisable to take Cetrin for more than a month; the course of the drug can be extended by a doctor based on medical indications.


To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, an adult needs only 1 mg of medication (1-2 tablets). Amount exceeding 5 tablets can cause serious harm to the body.

Possible consequences of an overdose:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Loss of strength, drowsiness.
  3. Drowsiness, confusion.
  4. Nervous excitability, inexplicable feeling of anxiety.
  5. Convulsions, tremors of limbs.
  6. Increased or slowed heart rate.
  7. Repeated loose stools.
  8. Headache attacks.

Side effects

Numerous testing of the drug has shown that any possible side effect occurs with a frequency of no more than 2-3%. The main side effects are headache, dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, others occur much less frequently.

Rare side effects:

  1. Tachycardia.
  2. Increase in body mass index.
  3. Rash, itching, urticaria.
  4. Vasculitis.
  5. Depressive state.
  6. Sleep disorder.
  7. Hallucinations, confusion.
  8. Impaired vision clarity.
  9. Deterioration of memory and hearing.
  10. Dyskinesia.
  11. Fainting state.
  12. Urinary retention.

It is advisable to take this drug during pregnancy only as prescribed by a doctor, in order to avoid complications, miscarriages, and premature birth.

Cetrin is a popular allergy remedy. The easy absorption of the drug by the body helps eliminate allergy symptoms without negative consequences.