"Astaxanthin" - what is it? Dietary supplement "Astaxanthin": reviews from doctors and contraindications. The effect of astaxanthin on the human body. Can astaxanthin be taken together with glycine?

What's happened Astaxanthin(Astaxanthin). What properties does it have? Where can you find it and how to take it.

This newfangled term has been on everyone’s lips lately: antioxidant. He promises and swears to protect us from all kinds of "bullshit" or (another commonly used term) free radicals.

Few people understand what these 2 words exactly mean, but most know that they need to eat more foods rich in these same antioxidants and by reading, for example, an article and seeing the phrase “free radicals” they already automatically know that this is “bad” and that it To deactivate radicals, you need to eat even more antioxidants!

No, friends, I didn’t try to laugh at you, I was simply describing the situation in which I myself arrived several years ago.

In principle, knowing what these terms implied, I never really went into the details of their mechanism of action.

As it turned out, even Vitamin E is also an antioxidant, or rather, it has antioxidant ability. Well, or one of the recent discoveries is Coenzyme Q-10, which is now even added to skin care products.

But in this post we will talk about another, recently discovered, but which has already managed to win the hearts of millions, and not only scientists, but also ordinary people who have tested its effect on themselves, the most powerful representative of this class of substances, the king of antioxidants - Astaxanthin.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this is your first time hearing this name, since I myself only learned about the existence of this unique substance about a year ago. And of course, I’ve already tried it on myself!

What are Antioxidants and Free Radicals?

Free radicals- these are, as it were, broken atoms, deprived of paired electrons due to the fact that they were “under the influence” of the process of oxidative (oxygen) stress or oxidation.

They constantly hunt for atoms to restore their integral structure. And by taking away electrons from other atoms, they trigger a whole reaction that transforms these atoms into Free Radicals.

Now imagine that a Free Radical decides to take away an electron from one of our cells. It is already clear that this violates its structure and does not lead to anything good.

For this reason, free radicals and oxidation are one of the causes of a number of serious diseases and conditions: heart attack, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, the list goes on forever.

So what is it Antioxidants? These are atoms that can prevent or slow down cell damage.

They seem to give the missing electron to the Free Radical, thereby preventing the destructive “domino effect” of oxygen oxidation.

An antioxidant is not a substance, it is a behavior pattern (even in nature, generosity is a positive trait).

There is a huge variety of antioxidants; the most common are Vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene.

What is Astaxanthin?

This is an antioxidant, or rather, a red pigment from the family carotenoids, but distinguished from them by their unique structure.

Carotenoids are phytochemicals that are synthesized by plants and some animals as part of their defense mechanism against sunlight.

Largest quantity Astaxanthin found naturally in the algae Haematococcus pluvialis.

Have you ever wondered why trout is red on the inside? Because it feeds on small seafood (krill), which in turn eat algae rich in this antioxidant pigment. And the pinkish color of shrimp and other marine life is also the merit of this unique antioxidant. By the way, flamingos also get their delicate pink hue thanks to a diet rich in Astaxanthin. This is the natural food chain.

Some scientists claim that it is Astaxanthin that gives trout the ability to swim against the current for several days in a row in order to lay eggs.

When I spoke about his strength, I did not exaggerate at all: according to the latest data it is 500 times stronger than Vitamin E and 6000 times stronger than Vitamin C.

Our body is not able to synthesize it and we can only get it from food.

How is Astaxanthin different from other antioxidants?

It differs in its mechanism of action.

Firstly, most other antioxidants can “take you by the horns” only one free radical, while our hero has the ability to fight as many as 19 at the same time.

Secondly, other antioxidants are deactivated immediately after electron donation, but Astaxanthin remains active longer.

Many studies confirm that this unique antioxidant improves overall health, improves well-being and appearance, and prolongs life.

Beneficial properties of Astaxanthin

  • For skin. Provides internal protection against solar radiation and burns. It has the ability to accumulate in our skin, protecting it from negative sun rays. .
  • For the immune system. Stimulates substances in our body that fight not only infections, but also cancer cells. Calms the overactive immune response that occurs in autoimmune diseases, allergies and inflammation. Increases the number and activity of lymphocytes. Has antifungal activity.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer . Protects DNA from oxidative damage (stress). Identifies and destroys cells that begin to divide uncontrollably. Blocks rapid replication in malignant tumors. Prevents the spread of tumors by reducing the synthesis of a special protein.
  • For the cardiovascular system. . Reduces the level of slow chronic inflammation in the body and the synthesis of enzymes that can provoke the deposition of oxidized cholesterol in our vessels. Increases energy synthesis by mitochondria, which improves the contractility of the heart muscle.
  • For the nervous system. Has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and protect nerve cells in the brain. Slows down the rate of aging of brain cells.
  • For eyes. Prevents and effectively fights existing degenerative changes, cataracts, glaucoma, caused by both age-related and diabetic changes.
  • For energy and stamina. Increases energy synthesis by cells.

Where to find and how to take?

Ideal natural sources of Astaxanthin are seafood such as salmon, trout and any other red fish, shrimp, crayfish, lobsters.

For example, 100 grams of wild salmon contains about 5 mg of this unique carotenoid.

I want to make a reservation right away that it is better not to buy or eat farmed fish; they are not fed what they eat in the wild, and they contain a minimal amount of not only this antioxidant, but also useful substances. Always buy so-called “wild” fish!

This antioxidant can also be purchased as a dietary supplement, where its content is much more concentrated.

The main source for food additives is the algae Haematococcus pluvialis. So, if you decide to purchase it for yourself, make sure that yours was obtained from a natural source and not a synthetic one, which of course costs several times less.

Since this unique pigment is absorbed much better in the presence of fat, most manufacturers sell it in capsules with a base oil. The most common is, of course, sunflower. .

Antioxidants are recommended for all people after 30 years of age, when our cells seem to be undergoing degeneration, or for people with chronic diseases.

For a pronounced therapeutic effect, this antioxidant must be used continuously at a dosage of 4-8 mg per day.

Unfortunately, it was difficult for me to test the effect of this carotenoid on myself, since I use it for general health. But I can note that I have more energy.


Astaxanthin is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation and for people taking medications for hypertension, as it has the ability to lower blood pressure.

Antioxidants are important for the whole body and its protection from many negative factors, the most common source of free radicals being oxidized vegetable oils.

Astaxanthin, being one of the most powerful substances of this class, can cope perfectly with all the negative consequences of the environment, natural processes occurring in the body and harmful substances in food.

Have you ever heard of Astaxanthin?

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Today, more and more people are starting to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of themselves. And many people know what antioxidants are and what they are needed for. For those who don't know, I'll explain. Our body ages and gets sick due to the destructive effects of free radicals, and antioxidants are active “fighters” against them. And when a person takes some supplements containing antioxidants and eats foods rich in them, he prolongs his youth and maintains health.

Astaxanthin. What is it and where is it found?

What is astaxanthin? It is a carotenoid that, compared to beta-carotene (and many other antioxidants), has 2 extra oxygen atoms on each of its six-digit rings.

Do you know anything about him? But it is a powerful antioxidant, practically the strongest of all available antioxidants. Our body, unfortunately, does not produce it itself, but we can get it from food. Its sources are rare algae, and, in fact, those creatures that eat these algae and have a pink color because of this are shrimp, lobsters, and salmon.

He gained fame in 2011 when Oprah Winfrey talked about him on her show. Shortly before this, in 2007, scientists conducted an experiment with laboratory mice. Astaxanthin was added to their diet, and after a while the mice lost a significant amount of body fat. As a result, scientists have officially confirmed that the carotenoid, which is astaxanthin, has a positive effect on lipid (fat) metabolism in tissues.

Many famous people take this antioxidant, and in Japan it has become almost an obligatory component of vitamin complexes. And it was thanks to the Japanese that its popularity began to grow, since they know a lot about such things and differ from the whole world in their late aging and longevity.

Astaxanthin. What is it for and what does it treat?

This antioxidant is very important for our health and longevity. Astaxanthin contains additional oxygen molecules, and it also protects cells from adverse environmental influences, stress, alcohol, harmful substances, ultraviolet radiation, and so on.

Astaxanthin plays a huge biological role in all metabolic processes. It actively participates in cell regeneration and prevents their premature aging.

Astaxanthin increases energy levels in the body, relieves pain and inflammation, and has a beneficial effect on joints and tendons.

This antioxidant will be useful to everyone who cares about their health. It will be especially useful for people with high cholesterol, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and poor blood quality, as it will protect against the destructive oxidative processes that occur in these cases.

Astaxanthin. Benefit

You can write a lot about the benefits of astaxanthin for our body. With its regular use you can:

1. Constantly saturate the cells and tissues of the brain with active oxygen, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis.

2. Increase your mental and thinking abilities, memory and concentration, which will serve as a prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Astaxanthin can also normalize blood sugar levels.

3. Increase immunity and resistance to viral, colds and other diseases. Avoid cell mutation, which is an excellent prevention of cancer.

4. Beneficial effect on eye health. Remove dryness and prevent the development of cataracts and glaucoma. Astaxanthin can even restore vision.

5. Improve your mood, get rid of the effects of stress and depression.

6. Relieve inflammatory processes and reduce pain in the joints and significantly alleviate your condition with atritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

  1. Tumor formations. In this case, it will help in tissue restoration without increasing the division of pathological cells, which will prevent tumor growth.
  2. Diabetes. Astaxanthin lowers blood sugar levels and prevents disruption of insulin production.
  3. Elderly age. This antioxidant will help maintain the integrity of cell membranes, stimulate tissue renewal, which will prevent the occurrence of degenerative processes.
  4. Eye diseases. It increases visual acuity, in some cases even restores it, and prevents age-related changes.
  5. Low hemoglobin level. With regular use, blood quality and characteristics improve.
  6. Various unfavorable factors that affect quality of life. This includes stress, poor nutrition, an unfavorable environment, smoking, and strong ultraviolet radiation.
  7. Problems with . By improving fat metabolism, the fat layer will decrease.
  8. Problems with the liver and stomach. If used in complex therapy, it will help rapid recovery
  9. Autoimmune diseases and predisposition to them. Astaxanthin increases the body's resistance to various infections and significantly reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases.
  10. Sports activities. It is useful to take it, as it increases endurance and perfectly protects tendons from damage and restores muscles.
  11. Diseases of the reproductive system and predisposition to them. This is especially true for men; after 40 years of age, it is advisable for them to take astaxanthin regularly in order to prevent prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Astaxanthin for skin

Astaxanthin is also incredibly beneficial for the skin. With its help, you can significantly rejuvenate and smooth the skin, strengthen its turgor, and remove . Astaxanthin is able to stimulate the production of collagen in tissues.

Astaxanthin. What is its advantage

Yes, there are quite a lot of different antioxidants, but astaxanthin has a number of benefits.

Its high efficiency lies in the fact that it has a special structure. It has a couple of additional oxygen molecules on six-membered rings, due to which it is able to neutralize more than a dozen free radicals at once, which is quite rare in other substances with antioxidant effects.

Another advantage is that it retains its activity for some time after donating an electron, which does not happen with its analogues.

It is able to penetrate into the most difficult to reach places, such as the brain and retina, where other antioxidants cannot even come close to access.

The power of astaxanthin exceeds the effect of beta-carotene, vitamin E, lycopene, lutein, and other similar substances, which are considered strong antioxidants, several times. It is stronger and more powerful than vitamin E by 55 times, vitamin C by 65 times, and beta-carotene by 15 times.

To date, more than 1,500 different studies have been conducted around the world that have proven that astaxanthin is a fairly powerful antioxidant and deserves to be used regularly.

Astaxanthin. How to use

Any drug always comes with instructions, so it is important to read it, since each manufacturer may have different concentrations and recommendations.

The main thing to know is that astaxanthin is taken with food.

You will feel the first results within 2-3 weeks after starting treatment. The benefit of astaxanthin is that it has a cumulative effect, so even if you stop taking it, it will continue to work to benefit your health for some time.

I take astaxanthin as a supplement because to get my daily dose you need to eat 150 grams of salmon or 200 grams of shrimp per day. It is unlikely that we will be able to eat seafood every day; many people do not like it and cannot afford it. And from the indicated amount you can get 8 mg of astaxanthin. But this is theoretical, but in reality it is difficult to know how much of it will actually be absorbed.

And sometimes there is simply no time to buy and cook salmon and shrimp every day, so for me it is much easier to take a natural dietary supplement that will absolutely deliver the required amount of the substance to the body.

Yes, if you love seafood and are ready to buy and eat it every day, then I’m all FOR it! But it’s easier for me to take this dietary supplement and be absolutely sure that my body will receive everything in the right quantity, which will give me a guarantee of protection against premature aging and serious diseases.

Astaxanthin is also added to various vitamin complexes, therefore, after reading the composition of some dietary supplement and seeing astaxanthin in its content, then purchase this drug without hesitation. After all, astaxanthin itself is beneficial, and besides, it also enhances the effect of other substances.

Astaxanthin. Contraindications

Various studies have proven that astaxanthin has no contraindications or side effects. There is a small chance of developing allergic reactions, but it is quite insignificant.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have bronchial asthma, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin. Where to buy and how to choose correctly

The best astaxanthin supplement is considered to be one that contains natural krill oil.

Be sure to study the composition of the drug; astaxanthin itself should come first, and not catechins, ascorbic acid, and so on.

Astaxanthin must be extracted from algae (and not from mushrooms, for example). This must be written on the packaging.

The substance must be placed in a fatty base, this is very important, since without fatty acids it is very poorly absorbed, so it is unlikely to be effective.

It can be stored for no more than two years, so be sure to check the expiration dates. If it is indicated that the drug has a longer shelf life, this means that synthetic additives were used, and there is no need to talk about naturalness.

One capsule must contain at least 4 mg.

There are quite a lot of astaxanthin-based preparations on IHerb. I first bought it and drank it This , and then I decided to try another drug, and I liked it better. Or maybe I just didn’t feel a strong effect from the first one, because it was the first time I drank it. Now I drink all the time This Enhanced Astaxanthin and I’m not going to change it yet, everything suits me.

In addition, capsules with astaxanthin often contain vegetable oil, which also contains unrefined, cold-pressed olive oil, which also plays an important role for me.

Maybe it’s just that when I took the second one, I already had some accumulation of the substance in my body and I began to really feel the result. I lost weight, became slimmer, became prettier, my body somehow felt more light and energetic. And my vision has somehow become sharper and my eyes are less tired from working at the computer. And I just liked it better, although I have nothing against other drugs. I’m just one hundred percent sure of this, since I’ve been using Now Foods products for a long time.

Whether to introduce constant use of astaxanthin into your life or not is your choice. Some time ago I made a choice in his favor, which I have never regretted. After all, health is the most important thing in our lives and without it nothing is needed, not important, and not interesting! If you want to purchase, enter the code to receive a discount on your first order QPN133.

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The popularity of this drug has been growing recently, which means that its effects are quite serious and require detailed consideration. According to some evidence, it is used and actively advertised by major stars, such as Madonna. So, the Astaxanthin supplement - what kind of drug is it? To fully understand the situation, you should deeply understand the terms and study some facts.

Terminology and explanations of some commonly used terms

First you need to understand the terminology. Dietary supplements - biologically active additives. That is, it is not a medicine, but a composition of components useful for the human body, most of which are of natural origin.

Free radicals are atoms that do not have one electron in the outer electron orbital, and therefore strive to constantly return it (a natural process), attracting electrons from other atoms. The latter give up electrons, and the bonds in the molecules in which these elements were components are destroyed or rearranged. At the same time, they turn into the same free radicals and thus trigger the process along the chain. This leads to premature aging, chronic diseases, wrinkles, and cancer, which is what astaxanthin fights. Reviews from doctors about the need for this antioxidant emphasize that a small amount of this element is produced by the body as a result of natural processes. In addition, he receives quite good “recharge” from the outside with food. But in modern life, free radicals begin to enter the body in much larger quantities, but antioxidants do not increase their level.

Antioxidants are substances that can block the action of free radicals. The most powerful of them are representatives of the carotenoid group. The carotenoids themselves are divided into subgroups: carotenes and xanthophylls. Partially produced by the body, partially supplied with food.

Main components

The main component of the drug "BioAstin Astaxanthin", as you might guess, is a representative of carotenoids from the xanthophyll subgroup - astaxanthin. This is a red element, a fat solvent. Due to its properties, which will be described below, it is unofficially considered the “king of carotenoids.” It was first isolated in 1933 from salmon meat.

Characteristics of some components. Their content in nature

A naturally occurring element is astaxanthin. What does this mean? This means that it is calmly perceived by our body and interacts with it in a positive manner. At the moment, there is synthetically derived astaxanthin, but the beauty complex of the Swedish company Wellness uses its natural form. In nature, this element is found in seafood such as salmon, salmon (and all red caviar, crabs, shrimp, some types of algae, plants and even birds. The list is very long, but the content of this antioxidant in the same salmon is very small, almost negligible. This justifies taking dietary supplements.

The role of these components in the human body

What does astaxanthin do in the human body that supplements based on it have gained popularity even among such famous people as Madonna? Of course, it is stupid to consider the drug “Astaxanthin”, the price of which ranges from 400 to 600 rubles, as a panacea. However, some studies prove quite serious effects from its use.

The drug itself, or rather the element that is included in it (astaxanthin), has one distinctive feature of its internal structure - two additional oxygen molecules. This allows not only to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, but also to stop destructive reactions in molecules and molecular structures in the body. Also, this antioxidant interacts with its other “relatives” and, thus, enhances their effect! What’s also interesting is that it can penetrate the cell and “settle” on its surface, providing comprehensive care and “care.” So, you have decided to purchase an Astaxanthin supplement. Where can I buy this drug? You can buy it at almost any pharmacy!

About the developers of the dietary supplement and its “predecessors”

The developer of the dietary supplement is the Swedish company Oriflame, whose products are not worth talking about, since their quality and competitiveness are extremely high. It has been on the market of dietary supplements and cosmetics for a long time. The drug is sold by the Wellness organization, which has many beauty complexes in its assortment. It is in active partnerships with many leading manufacturers. As a result of long experiments by professionals, the product “Astaxanthin” appeared. Oriflame, as mentioned above, transferred this product to a trusted partner for sale. So we can say that the supplement is sold and developed by two very prestigious, quality-conscious companies.

Environment and its impact on human health

In our world, the conditions of existence of the human body have changed beyond recognition when compared with the beginning of the last century. Free radicals are produced in the body upon contact with heavy air, water, poor-quality food, and alcohol. Synthetic components in products cause a sharp increase in the production of free radicals. The amount of microstress per day in our world is simply impressive, and every, even the most unnoticeable, stress is the release of free radicals by the body. Also, the amount and intensity of physical activity affects the amount of the above substances produced. Athletes are advised to regularly use the drug “Astaxanthin” (reviews from the athletes themselves are very positive) to relieve tension after training and overwork.

Often, all these factors, unnoticed by us, begin to simultaneously act on the body, which spontaneously releases an overwhelming amount of free radicals into its environment. Of course, the body becomes simply defenseless in the face of so many harmful elements it produces. It is unable to quickly generate the amount of antioxidants needed to extinguish the fire that has started. This is where drugs based on the substance astaxanthin come to the rescue. The instructions for this product describe in more detail in what cases it should be used. We will consider only the most important points.

What does Astaxanthin combat?

The drug fights the consequences of an incorrect, unhealthy (and almost all people in our world have this) lifestyle. It stops and absorbs the effects of free radicals on the body, fights the consequences of their actions (restores broken bonds between molecules), strengthens the immune system, and provides a high level of cell protection from the negative effects of destructive elements. While not a medicine, this drug strengthens the body, preventing diseases from arising. Above we looked at the basic facts about the drug “Astaxanthin”: what it is and why it is needed. It should be noted that it has several characteristic features that make the product unique in its kind.

Some interesting facts about this dietary supplement

Firstly, it has high permeability through biological membranes, which allows for more active interaction with cells and other antioxidants.

Secondly, anti-inflammatory effect anywhere in the body.

Thirdly, the ability to penetrate into the retina of the eye and create an active antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect there.

Fourthly, the distribution of the substance throughout the body and the performance of the above functions there.

And the drug Astaxanthin is also well tolerated. Reviews from people who take it report that during the entire period of use, not a single allergic reaction or incompatibility with other products was noticed. It is easily absorbed and accepted by the body. This fact makes it one of the safest drugs. This product has no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

Although Astaxanthin is sold in pharmacies, it is not a cure and is by no means a panacea. There are no specific tips for use, but there are certain recommendations about in what cases it will be most appropriate.

Most often, its use is recommended for people with severely weakened vision and/or eye diseases, skin diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infectious diseases associated with weakened immunity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatoid arthritis, ailments associated with the digestive and genitourinary systems , with cancer.

(Astaxanthin) is a unique substance of organic origin, the most powerful antioxidant, the effectiveness of which is 100 times greater than that of vitamin E. A often used substance as a dye in the food industry, its chemical formula is a carotenoid.

Due to the presence of attached oxygen atoms, it has a bright red color and can be used as a pigment.

In addition to its antioxidant effect in case of vitamin A deficiency, it can be used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin A deficiency. At the same time, this drug does not cause pronounced toxicity to the body, characteristic of a vitamin group consumed in large doses to compensate for deficiency.

Following the logic, the adult human body in adulthood is also characterized by a lack of vitamin A, which especially affects the quality of the skin after 50-60 years. Thus, consumption allows you to solve not only health problems due to its powerful antioxidant effect, but also aesthetic problems without the use of other means of support. The substance can be considered an effective means of protecting the skin from UVA and UVB rays, due to the powerful protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Astaxanthin: main action

Used as a substance that has a systemic protective effect on the human cell. It is with this property of having a positive effect on the state of the body and leading to normal processes that the well-known qualities of salmon fish, krill meat and shrimp are associated. Existing research shows that with regular use it can prolong the life of the body’s cells and resist DNA destruction and the appearance of natural “breakages” in them as a result of age-related changes and aggressive environmental influences.

Caution for selection and intake: pay attention to the raw materials!

Meanwhile, before you buy, you should make sure of the origin of this product. Only the organic form has healing and restorative properties.

Inorganic compounds, which are used and banned in many countries for use in the food industry, can cause serious harm:

  • firstly, with regular intake of even a small amount of inorganic, it accumulates in tissues, which acquire a pinkish tint;
  • secondly, the inorganic substance is not excreted from the body and can lead to serious eye diseases and even loss of vision.

This drug should only be purchased from a reputable supplier. On the portal iHerb you will find a range of products with guaranteed control of the origin of raw materials. The use of dietary supplements containing , purchased at iHerb, completely safe. Each group of dietary supplements undergoes complex testing so that buyers can be completely confident about the quality of the purchased drug.

Please also note that iHerb does not have any dietary supplements that use it obtained from the genetically modified yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous. The original substance is found in salmon, lobsters, sea urchin gonads, the richest in natural content of this antioxidant is krill, it accumulates up to 1200 mg/kg, in the yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous - 200-400 mg/kg, in genetically modified types of yeast - up to 8000 mg/kg.

Seaweed is also a high quality source Haematococcus pluvialis, which is often used by manufacturers as a natural and natural raw material. Moreover, according to research, the most bioavailable is that obtained from yeast raw materials. As you know, salmon raised on closed salmon farms are fed 20 days before release for sale so that the meat acquires a beautiful reddish tint. It has been proven that fish meat that has had “yeast” added to its feed has greater value for human health.

Read more about the properties and effectiveness of Astaxanthin

Properties and effectiveness depend on raw materials and bioavailability. This substance is found in large quantities in seafood and fish meat, which has a reddish tint. In terms of its chemical composition, it is an aqueous carotenoid, which is significantly more effective and safer than lutein and zeaxanthin. is structurally similar to beta-carotene, but due to its structural features it is safer for people who need an influx of provitamin A.

According to practical and clinical data, it improves blood counts, reduces the risks of the occurrence and progression of cardiovascular diseases. When consumed up to 8 mg per day, it can influence the oxidation of “bad” cholesterol, preventing the synthesis of insoluble atherogenic substances that clog the vascular system. It also reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics, improves blood circulation and increases overall blood flow, while normalizing blood pressure. Products with are used in anti-inflammatory therapy, and are especially effective in the treatment of eye diseases.

There is a safe synthetic form known as Cardax. Currently, a more bioavailable drug, CDX-085, is being produced, which is used only in closed medical studies. Other forms of synthetic are not safe.

The chemical formula in nature is not constant. The substance belongs to the group of xanthophyll carotenoids; it is the only food carotenoid with ketone groups and two chiral centers. Due to this, it occurs in nature in the form of three isomers. These three isomers can exist in three configurations. All-E isomers in a straight chain are common in nature; three Z-isomers with a bent chain are also known, which are more effective when taken in tablets. Due to its chemical properties, it is an order of magnitude more effective antioxidant than beta-carotene, vitamin E and others.

Due to its lipophilic properties, characteristic of all carotenoids, it can interact with recirculating vitamin C in the cell and integrate into cell membranes, providing a pronounced protective effect. Accordingly, the composition of dietary supplements containing Z-isomers and vitamin C will be more effective.

How to take Astaxanthin?

Now you need to figure out how to take it, taking into account the fact that according to clinical studies, the “ideal” dose has not yet been established. The recommended amount, which is effective for the prevention of most “core” diseases and provitamin deficiency, is 6-8 mg per day. The substance is fat-soluble; dietary supplements based on it are recommended to be taken with fatty foods to increase bioavailability. The course of treatment is 1 month or more until a clinical result is achieved.

Please note that dietary supplements with such amounts are usually not based on salmon and krill raw materials. The human body accepts 20-50 mg without any side effects, but toxicity has not yet been established. Obviously, large doses can reversibly stain tissue pink.

Reception for children is permissible in volumes that are equal to the content of this substance in one serving of salmon or krill. If you are in doubt about choosing a dietary supplement, conduct a general strengthening course for your child using natural seafood.


All carotenoids are absorbed in the intestinal epithelium along with fatty acids, so OMEGA-3 or OMEGA-6 can be taken simultaneously to improve bioavailability, especially in cases of low fat content in food. The effectiveness of use in smokers is reduced by 40%, which is associated with peripheral metabolism.

Despite numerous recommendations related to constant use, this may be excessive. Low dosages of up to 10 mg act on the body within 24 hours, up to 100 mg – within 72 hours. At the same time, it can accumulate in the body; the saturation effect can be achieved even with daily intake of up to 1 mg for a month. Higher dosages make the process of tissue accumulation more pronounced. Accumulation in tissues occurs at a dosage of 100-200 mg/kg. Smaller doses do not cause an accumulation effect.

Prevention and treatment of diseases with Astaxanthin

With the help of dietary supplements, you can prevent many diseases. This remedy can be used in drug therapy, as well as as support after treatment.

Highly effective in treating eye diseases

Shows high effectiveness in the treatment of eye diseases, accumulating in tissues, and has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Astaxanthin effectively reduces sugar in diabetics

Astaxanthin can be used as an adjunct to lower blood sugar in patients with diabetes, which, accordingly, allows it to be included in the diet with a restorative effect.

Astaxanthin stimulates stem cell production

Due to the proliferative effect, even with small doses of oral administration, it causes an increase in the total number of natural stem cells, the synthesis of which decreases with age. promotes cellular longevity; in laboratory experiments, the life expectancy of test mammals and non-mammals increased by up to 30%.

Astaxanthin improves cardiac activity and restores blood vessels

It can be used as an antioxidant to treat VSD and blood pressure problems, as it has been proven to lower blood pressure. However, to achieve an effect, dosages of 25-200 mg/kg are required, these dosages are safe for animals, but there is no known toxicity in this volume for humans. This substance is used to reduce the effect of cholesterol oxidation, treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Astaxanthin for the treatment of obesity

Sexuality and Fertility

Due to increased antioxidant activity, it affects fertility and sexuality. When taking dietary supplements that contain , the likelihood of pregnancy increases.

Astaxanthin: side effects and contraindications

When taking higher doses (about 50 mg), red stool may be observed, which is perceived as bleeding. This effect is not harmful to the body and is reversible when you stop taking it.

There were no obvious contraindications for use. The toxicity of high doses to humans has not been established at this time.

Effective preparations on iHerb containing bioavailable Astaxanthin

On iHerb a number of drugs with different contents are presented. Instructions for using these drugs will help you understand and choose a drug with the required dose for your problem.

For example, Hawaiian Astaxanthin from Nutrex Hawaii contains 12 mg of natural Hawaiian, obtained from algae, in combination with vitamin E, which improves the absorption of the drug. It is recommended for the treatment of eye diseases, for the restoration of tendons during physical activity, and for supporting the cardiovascular and immune systems. Reviews contain information about the high effectiveness of the drug.

Astaxanthin from Now Foods Available in two dosages of 4 and 6 mg, it is recommended to support eye health, as well as a gentle and effective antioxidant. These dietary supplements are GMP certified and are made from algae. The product is recommended by the manufacturer to support the functions of the brain and nervous system. Requires the consumption of fat-containing foods.

To understand how astaxanthin benefits the human body, you should analyze information about this compound, recognized as the most powerful natural antioxidant.


As a result of research, it has been proven that natural astaxanthin, having powerful antioxidant properties, helps neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on the body. By its nature, this substance is a carotenoid containing oxygen in its chemical formula. This is responsible for the red color of this compound.

Astaxanthin has a beneficial effect by preventing cell destruction and death. It also acts as a protective barrier against the negative effects of alcohol, nicotine, unfavorable environmental conditions, ultraviolet rays, and unbalanced nutrition on cells.


Many known antioxidants lose their properties after neutralizing a certain type of free radical. The uniqueness of astaxanthin lies in its long-lasting activity.

Its next feature is the integration of hydrophobic and hydrophilic qualities. Among natural antioxidants, there are usually hydrophobic varieties that are not able to dissolve in water. They are active in the cell membrane. There are also hydrophilic species that work in the cytoplasm. Astaxanthin, due to the presence in the molecule of two hydrophilic groups united by a hydrophobic bond, is a universal antioxidant.

Its effectiveness is due to the ability to simultaneously fight nineteen types of free radicals that have a destructive effect on cells. The action of other antioxidants is based on the simultaneous suppression of no more than one harmful molecule.

A feature of astaxanthin is noted to be its ability to overcome physiological barriers: hemato-cephalic (between the central nervous and circulatory system) and hemato-retinal (between blood and intraocular fluid). The antioxidant activity of this compound exceeds that of vitamin E by more than 100 times.

Benefits for the body

The benefits of astaxanthin for the human body are multifaceted. This antioxidant has beneficial effects in several key areas:

  • prevention of diseases by strengthening resistance to various infections;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • normalization of cardiac activity;
  • decrease in cholesterol concentration;
  • activation of the process of formation of red blood cells;
  • eliminating imbalances in gastrointestinal activity;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • reducing the risk of occurrence and development of malignant neoplasms;
  • suppression of the development of fungal infections;
  • improvement of liver functions;
  • prevention of glaucoma;
  • regulation of sugar concentration;
  • prevention of prostatitis;
  • supplying the body with energy.

Astaxanthin brings significant benefits to the face, since under its influence more active collagen production occurs. This helps restore the elasticity of the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Dryness, inflammation, flaking are eliminated from the skin, and protection from harmful ultraviolet rays is provided.

This compound is included in the cream from the “Power over Time” line. This allows you to additionally moisturize the skin, achieving noticeable rejuvenation. There is a day and night version of this brand’s regenerating cream, aimed at aging skin.

By saturating brain tissue with oxygen, astaxanthin vitamins help strengthen memory and enhance mental abilities. By taking them, it is possible to maintain normal mental activity until old age. Helps resist stress, relieve depression, and improve sleep quality.

Astaxanthin is useful for athletes because it reduces the concentration of lactic acid that accumulates in muscle tissue after intense exercise during training and competition. Thanks to this effect, pain in the muscles is leveled. At the same time, endurance increases, inflammatory manifestations are eliminated, strength increases, and energy appears. Joints become more mobile and muscles become stronger.

Astaxanthin is obtained from the microscopic algae Haematococcus pluvialis. Marine inhabitants that feed on these algae also accumulate this substance. These include planktonic crustaceans - krill, some mollusks, and shrimp. There is astaxanthin in the meat of salmon fish, as evidenced by the pink color of their meat. The human body does not synthesize this useful substance on its own.

Biological active supplements are produced based on astaxanthin, widely known by the abbreviation dietary supplement. They are attractive due to their ease of use and fairly high efficiency. It must be borne in mind that dietary supplements are not a medicine. The effect of taking it is based on improving the quality of vital processes.

When choosing the dietary supplement Astaxanthin, it is recommended to pay attention to its expiration date. This will allow you to purchase a quality product that does not lose its characteristics for an average of two years. The antioxidant is placed in a fat base, facilitating its complete and rapid absorption.

The composition of Astaxanthin is checked, making sure that the dietary supplement is based on a natural compound, and is not an integration of various vitamins, lutein with catechin. There should be no preservatives among the components. The most optimal concentration of the active substance in each capsule is four milligrams.

How to use?

The main points are regulated by the instructions for use of Astaxanthin, which allows you to correctly calculate the dosage and determine the mode of use of a specific type of biological additive.

An example of a drug is the dietary supplement Astin, produced by the American company Cyanotech Corporation in capsules. In addition to Haematococcus extract, the structural formula contains oils and safflower. You need to take one of these astaxanthin capsules per day.

Bioastin astaxanthin should be used in the same way, each capsule contains from four to six milligrams of the active antioxidant. Take dietary supplements with meals. Better absorption is facilitated by the inclusion in the menu of dishes made from fat-containing ingredients.

The recommended course is an average of three months. Then they take a break from two weeks to two months. By maintaining such an alternation, you can take the drugs throughout your life, preventing many serious diseases.

Similarly, a variety of astaxanthin-based dietary supplements from numerous Japanese brands, such as Seedcoms, are also taken. By the way, the Japanese make some of the highest quality dietary supplements in the world, but they are difficult to purchase outside of Japan. But some online stores still offer such rare goods.

In the Bioastin line, varieties of drugs with a specific focus have appeared - for joints, . Vegetarian capsules are available. Typically, results can be felt a month after starting to use the antioxidant. Sleep gradually improves and performance increases. Such manifestations serve as good motivation to continue taking this amazing natural compound.

Astaxanthin is recommended for children in a dosage similar to that for adults (capsule every 24 hours), starting from 12 years of age. When deciding where to buy astaxanthin, it is advisable to contact a pharmacy. Preparations based on this compound are offered in online stores; you can find them in specialized departments of retail establishments.


Despite the fact that contraindications for astaxanthin are not clearly indicated, and dietary supplements based on it are considered safe, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking astaxanthin. Based on the individual characteristics of the body, a specialist can make adjustments to the dosage or duration of use of this compound.

Astaxanthin may be harmful if you are allergic to seafood. It is recommended that pregnant and lactating women, as well as those with asthma, exercise caution or even avoid taking this powerful antioxidant.

Preparations produced on the basis of astaxanthin must have a natural base, since the expected result cannot be obtained from synthetic analogues.

Be healthy!