Dream interpretation golden chain with a pendant. A brief interpretation of the dream about the golden chain according to dream books. Interpretation of sleep in various dream books

If you dreamed of a gold chain, then you should definitely remember all the details. It is they who will help to figure out why such a dream is dreaming. Very often, the interpretation depends on the circumstances that accompany the appearance of this precious jewelry in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Gold


Found a lot of gold chains

Dream Interpretation Found a lot of gold chains dreamed of why in a dream I found a lot of gold chains? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. I found a lot of gold chains by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money)

Seeing golden dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it - to honors and wealth. The dream means the same, where you will see a richly laid table and many expensive gold items. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name.

A dream to see about golden chains, icons, headdresses is a harbinger of deceit, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or treason that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. A woman receiving golden trinkets as a gift in a dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If gold items are lost or broken in a dream, then you will find a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. Better to have a bird in a cage than a bird in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in relations with you. dear person. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for another - you can miss out on the benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes.

Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and well-being. To find a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to get rich easily. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful in order to avoid shame. To see a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown.

Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. goldfish to catch or hold in your hands in a dream - to extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale.

Buying gold in a dream is a hassle. To see a lot of gold metal in a dream - to poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deceit, falsehood, betrayal, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your happiest moment.

Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. gold chain means that you will make good use of your free time, a golden medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a golden necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one.

Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth.

A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring a lot of income after a while. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to bend your line, this can lead to a bad end.

Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art.

To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.


Dream gold chain with pendant

I'm with my friend. He is not there, I open the door, I ask the guard where he is.

The guard says something and points to my hand, and on it a gold chain with a friend's pendant is hooked to the bracelet.

The guard says that I must give it to him. I go to the annex and see a friend, I give him the chain.


Chose a gold chain and

Dream Interpretation I chose a gold chain and dreamed of why in a dream I chose a gold chain and? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream I chose a gold chain and by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes dependence or attachment to something.

Golden chain: this is a sign of dependence on one's passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Base metal chain: disappointment.

Broken chain: portends failure and loss.

Watch on a chain: a sign of punctuality.

Seeing a person with a watch on a chain or wearing such a watch yourself is a sign that you will need accuracy and diligence to achieve success in some business.

To feel in a dream that the chain is interfering with you, or to feel that it has become excessively heavy: it suggests that you are at risk of becoming a slave to your desires.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Chain - To receive a silver or gold chain as a gift - a dream tells you that you should finally stop doubting the feelings of a person close to you: he loves you and is trying to prove it to everyone possible ways. To see a wide chain around someone's neck - you think too much about the intimate life of other people.

Most likely, the reason for such a slightly unhealthy interest lies in your excessively long abstinence, which, of course, could not but affect the psyche. Be alert, otherwise your interest will go too far, and you will cease to be interested in your own life, clinging to someone else's "keyhole". To lose a chain donated by someone - you stubbornly do not notice what is happening behind your back.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, in which you see a chain on yourself in the mirror, indicates that confusion and confusion will arise in your affairs.

To break the chain in a dream - to disappointment in love, if you had such a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday, short-term but tedious work awaits you.

If from Thursday to Friday you dreamed that you were buying a chain, this predicts a cooling of your spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A door chain dreams of a robbery, a silver chain - to trouble, a gold chain to a series of big troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Get tangled in chains - have a lot of unfinished business.

To be chained - to carry a heavy load of worries and responsibilities.

However, such a dream can also mean a pleasant dependence on a loved one.

Other people in chains are failures and misfortunes for them.

Silver chain - to pleasant chores.

A gold chain around the neck - to fidelity in friendship and love, to wealth.

In general, a chain and chains from expensive or precious metals to a happy and prosperous marriage.

If the chains or the chain break or fall apart, you will be freed from something or someone, perhaps from some kind of obligation.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

If you dream that you are given a chain, this indicates vain doubts about the sincerity of a loved one.

He tries to express his love to you in all ways, but you do not notice anything and continue to hesitate.

If you see a wide chain around the neck of another person, this indicates your curiosity about intimate relationships between other people.

This unhealthy interest can be explained by the lack of personal life yourself.

Get into a close relationship with someone to stop meddling in someone else's life and focus on your own.

If you dreamed that you received a chain as a gift and then lost it, this means that some events are happening around you, but you do not want to notice them.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Your careless act can cause a whole chain of consequences. Be careful with your words and actions.

Imagine that you break the chain and throw it away.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your happiest moment.

Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will use your free time, a gold medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one.

Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth.

A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring a lot of income after a while. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to bend your line, this can lead to a bad end.

Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art.

To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Chain - find a true friend.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money)

Seeing golden dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it - to honors and wealth. The dream means the same, where you will see a richly laid table and many expensive gold items. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name.

A dream to see about golden chains, icons, headdresses is a harbinger of deceit, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or treason that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. A woman receiving golden trinkets as a gift in a dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If gold items are lost or broken in a dream, then you will find a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. Better to have a bird in a cage than a bird in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in relations with a dear person. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for another - you can miss out on the benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes.

Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and well-being. To find a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to get rich easily. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful in order to avoid shame. To see a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown.

Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. To catch or hold a goldfish in your hands in a dream - to extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale.

Buying gold in a dream is a hassle. To see a lot of gold metal in a dream - to poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deceit, falsehood, betrayal, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.


Take the gold chain

Dream Interpretation Pick up a gold chain dreamed of why in a dream to pick up a gold chain? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Picking up a gold chain by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes dependence or attachment to something.

Golden chain: this is a sign of dependence on one's passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Base metal chain: disappointment.

Broken chain: portends failure and loss.

Watch on a chain: a sign of punctuality.

Seeing a person with a watch on a chain or wearing such a watch yourself is a sign that you will need accuracy and diligence to achieve success in some business.

To feel in a dream that the chain is interfering with you, or to feel that it has become excessively heavy: it suggests that you are at risk of becoming a slave to your desires.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Chain - To receive a silver or gold chain as a gift - a dream tells you that you should finally stop doubting the feelings of a person close to you: he loves you and is trying to prove it in every possible way. To see a wide chain around someone's neck - you think too much about the intimate life of other people.

Most likely, the reason for such a slightly unhealthy interest lies in your excessively long abstinence, which, of course, could not but affect the psyche. Be alert, otherwise your interest will go too far, and you will cease to be interested in your own life, clinging to someone else's "keyhole". To lose a chain donated by someone - you stubbornly do not notice what is happening behind your back.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, in which you see a chain on yourself in the mirror, indicates that confusion and confusion will arise in your affairs.

To break the chain in a dream - to disappointment in love, if you had such a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday, short-term but tedious work awaits you.

If from Thursday to Friday you dreamed that you were buying a chain, this predicts a cooling of your spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A door chain dreams of a robbery, a silver chain - to trouble, a gold chain to a series of big troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Get tangled in chains - have a lot of unfinished business.

To be chained - to carry a heavy load of worries and responsibilities.

However, such a dream can also mean a pleasant dependence on a loved one.

Other people in chains are failures and misfortunes for them.

Silver chain - to pleasant chores.

A gold chain around the neck - to fidelity in friendship and love, to wealth.

In general, a chain and chains made of expensive or precious metals - to a happy and rich marriage.

If the chains or the chain break or fall apart, you will be freed from something or someone, perhaps from some kind of obligation.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

If you dream that you are given a chain, this indicates vain doubts about the sincerity of a loved one.

He tries to express his love to you in all ways, but you do not notice anything and continue to hesitate.

If you see a wide chain around the neck of another person, this indicates your curiosity about intimate relationships between other people.

Such an unhealthy interest can be explained by the lack of a personal life for yourself.

Get into a close relationship with someone to stop meddling in someone else's life and focus on your own.

If you dreamed that you received a chain as a gift and then lost it, this means that some events are happening around you, but you do not want to notice them.

Dream Interpretation - Climb

The tree you are climbing suddenly breaks - a mortal wound, an ailment.

The crane climbs into your bosom - the birth of a noble offspring.

The swallow climbs or crawls into the bosom - the birth of a son.

A flying bird climbs into your bosom - happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Your careless act can cause a whole chain of consequences. Be careful with your words and actions.

Imagine that you break the chain and throw it away.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your happiest moment.

Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will use your free time, a gold medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one.

Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth.

A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring a lot of income after a while. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to bend your line, this can lead to a bad end.

Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art.

To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Did you dream of finding a gold chain? Dream Interpretation says: this good sign. A vision in a dream portends success - in a business or love field. But sometimes it warns of some difficulties. To understand what the plot is dreaming of, you need to take into account all the details.

Good luck at work and personal front

Usually, any find is interpreted as a symbol of good luck, and even more so a chain of gold. Vision means: there will be a chance to achieve excellent result in business, professional field.

Finding a gold chain in a dream portends luck in your personal life, an inseparable, but quite flexible connection. As a result of a chain of events, a person will appear who will be connected with you by common interests, a kinship of souls.

Why dream that they found a torn piece of jewelry? The dream interpretation warns: you have set unattainable goals for yourself, or they will negatively affect your health.

Did you find it in food in a dream? Give your love by calculation - for the blessings of life, a secure life, money.

Did you dream of seeing a massive cross on it? The dream interpretation suggests: you subconsciously feel the need to turn to God. Repent, try to atone for sins.

Do not be afraid of responsibility, set yourself realistic goals

If there were a lot of chains in a dream, there will be great responsibility, new complex responsibilities. But do not be sad - thanks to them you can gain authority from others.

In addition, seeing a lot of precious jewelry indicates that the sleeper does not have clear life goals, he is scattered over trifles. You should prioritize, correlate them with your capabilities and draw up a clear plan of action.

Happy future ahead

Why does a girl dream of finding a gold chain, but not one, but many? In reality, she will have a very difficult choice of a groom. You have to listen to your heart.

Success and good luck, according to the dream book, are promised by a dream decoration in the form of a cross, which was found by the sleeper. But do not think that luck itself will fall on his head and he will get everything without effort. You can't relax - you need to act.

Seeing a cross in a dream means: a happy future lies ahead. It can visit the dreamer's life right tomorrow or after a longer time.

What was she like?

  • just golden - ahead of a series of happy accidents;
  • faded - a disease is possible;
  • with a cross - new perspectives and acquaintances;
  • with a pendant - they will show interest in you;
  • with a medallion - some new feeling may capture you;
  • and rings - improvement in financial situation.

The subtleties of relationships

For family people, a chain found in a dream, decorated with a pendant, according to the dream book, is proof of fidelity, mutual love. For single women, a dream plot promises a permanent lover.

The chain is a symbol of connection, the connection of two elements. According to the concept of symbolism, the chain is similar to a staircase, in which the communicating parts that follow one after another stand out. A chain in a dream can represent marriage or even the doctrine of an infinite and uninterrupted universe. To understand in more detail what the golden chain is dreaming of, you should turn to well-known dream books.

Various dream books interpret the dream associated with such jewelry in different ways:

  1. Miller's interpreter. If a girl dreamed that a loved one gave her a gold chain, then she was gnawed by her partner's unfounded suspicions of infidelity. If the dreamer personally buys a chain of gold, then in reality he will be greatly deceived, unable to realize plans due to his own insolvency.
  2. According to the Romanian seer Vanga, a gold chain is a sign of great luck, which will “fall on your head” in reality. To touch jewelry means to be the owner of an aristocratic taste. But if the dreamer has lost a precious thing, this promises a quick loss of financial resources.
  3. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov says that the golden chain is the personification of a sincere relationship in which the participants are one. However, if the dreamer noticed some kind of flaw on the decoration, then this warns the sleeper about possible falsehood and hypocrisy.
  4. Hasse in his dream book considers expensive jewelry as a sign of an early meeting with a true friend who will become reliable support in any situation, even the most difficult.

There are many interpretations of visions about jewelry, but for a more accurate understanding of them, you need to remember the details.

Find a gold chain

In a dream, find a gold chain - to receive wealthy and influential people. Also, such a find may be a harbinger of an easy solution to a long overdue issue that was “in a long box” because it seemed unsolvable.

If the dreamer found a torn product, then he should reconsider his plans - he sets the bar too high for himself.

Finding decoration in food is a love of convenience, when material wealth prevails over feelings. If the dreamer has found several chains, it means that soon he will have many responsibilities, or he will be entrusted with great responsibility. But do not be afraid, because over time it will help to gain credibility among friends and colleagues.

In order not to make a mistake in the interpretation, the dreamer should try to remember what the find looked like:

  • faded - to a possible ailment;
  • with a pendant - to a new romantic feeling;
  • in a set with a ring - to an increase in material well-being;
  • with a cross - to new, very successful acquaintances.

But if the dreamer failed to recreate the whole picture of what he saw, do not despair: just a gold chain is a symbol of a series of happy accidents.

See the decoration on yourself

If the dreamer dreamed that there was a gold item around his neck, then most likely this means that he will soon fall under someone's influence, become dependent in decision-making from both relatives and colleagues. In this case, it is worth remembering what feelings the sleeping person experienced: if positive, then such an impact will not deprive of personal freedom, but if negative, life will begin to resemble slavery.

The chain in such a plot most often symbolizes a trap into which the dreamer risks falling. It is worth being more careful in the near future and doing only carefully considered actions.

According to Freud, if you dreamed of a gold chain around someone else's neck, then this is a reflection of the dreamer's tendency to show a particularly strong interest in the intimate life of other people due to prolonged abstinence.

With pendant or pendant

If in night vision the decoration was with a pendant, then its meanings may be as follows:

  1. Dream Interpretation Longo considers a chain with a pendant as a harbinger of an upcoming expensive, but tasteless gift. If the pendant in a dream had the shape of a heart, and the dreamer was a girl, then such a vision promises her a meeting with a wealthy gentleman. The author also attaches importance to manufacturing: if the pendant is made by hand, a serious heart-to-heart conversation is coming.
  2. If the dreamer himself purchases a product with a pendant, then it is worth preparing for a meeting with distant relatives.
  3. A dream where the dreamer steps on a piece of jewelry with a pendant promises trouble, difficulties in work, and especially in the manufacturing sector.

On a note! If you dreamed that you stole a gold chain (with or without a pendant), you will soon become the owner important information perhaps even an insider.

What does it mean for a girl, a guy

Interpretations may vary depending on the gender of the dreamer.

If a man dreams about how he presents a golden chain as a gift to his beloved, then in reality he suspects her of infidelity. However, in reality, he has no reason to be jealous.

  • If a guy was presented with a gold chain in a dream, this could mean both his distrust of loved ones and a quick marriage with the donor.
  • If a young man dreamed about how he put a chain on his hand, then a strong and harmonious union, created out of love, awaits him ahead.
  • If a girl dreamed of a chain on herself, then she speaks of a rich inner world ladies, about her high morality and personal depth. Such a dream promises success and good luck.
  • But the product seen on the other is a bad sign. He warns, saying that betrayal, betrayal or deception is possible even on the part of those people whom the dreamer considered her close friends.

Why dream of a decoration with a cross

If you dream of a golden chain with a cross, it means that the wedding bell will sound soon, because a neat cross symbolizes joy and family harmony. If there is already a partner who is not in a hurry to tie the knot, then such a night vision portends an early meeting with a soul mate who will not doubt her feelings.

But if there was a huge, massive cross on the chain in a dream, then a new stage will come in life:

  • business expansion;
  • career;
  • obtaining a long-awaited divorce;
  • change of permanent residence.

The main thing is that the fastener can withstand. Since if you dreamed that under the weight of the cross the chain breaks, then the interpretation will be completely opposite - a “black” streak in life is coming.

Break a golden chain in a dream

If we consider the chain as a kind of connection, then a torn decoration, according to Miller, means future losses that may be associated with a break in interpersonal relationships.

Holding a torn chain in your hands - to quarrels and troubles of a family nature.

If a person dreams about how he inadvertently breaks the chain when trying on, for example, in a jewelry store, then it is worth rescheduling the event organized by the dreamer for more late deadline. If the product breaks due to the fault of another person, then the event should be canceled or radically changed. Otherwise, the reputation of the sleeper may be in jeopardy.

But such a vision can also have a positive interpretation. Is the chain broken and lying on the floor? The sleeper will experience unexpected success in a business that seemed to him a failure.

In general, the gold chain does not bode well and fatal, so do not be afraid of dreams with similar plots. Sleep well and have pleasant dreams!

Chain in a dream - You were given a chain, but you lost it- look around! Someone is plotting right in front of your nose, and you don't notice anything.
Seeing a broken chain in a dream- to get rid of a big problem.
Seeing a chain around your neck in a dream- to a great attachment to some person.
To see a chain of base metal around your neck - in real life your marriage will be unhappy, you will constantly endure material need.
Seeing your chain around another person's neck- to deceit and betrayal by loved ones.
You give your soulmate a gold chain- in reality, you should not suspect her of infidelity. Talk heart to heart, and all your doubts will evaporate.
Give a loved one a chain in a dream- to make a nice offer.
For those who have a strong love relationship, the sincerity of which there is no doubt, the appearance of a golden chain in a dream will predict an early marriage (marriage). One of the couple will decide on this important step.
If you had a chain in a dream, then such a dream promises you an affair, dependence on a certain person.
If you dreamed of a gold chain, it means that in life you set yourself unattainable goals. The silver chain is dreaming of the fact that you want to receive undeserved money. A copper chain or a base metal chain dreams of losses.
If you dreamed of a chain on which a watch was hung, then in reality you will be successful in the business you started.
If you dreamed about how you choose and buy a chain - a symbol of the fact that your spouse (wife) is waiting for you to cool down.
If you dreamed that you bought a chain, then in reality you will be disappointed.
If during sleep you understand that it is yours or they give it to you, then it is you who will become a soul mate for someone.
If in a dream you are given an expensive chain, this indicates that everything will be fine in relations with your loved one.
If in a dream you give someone a chain, then in life you will lose best friend.
If in a dream you are very worried about a damaged jewelry, it means that in life you will be greatly upset by the loss of a loved one. Rather, it will not be your initiative to end the relationship, so do not try to renew it, it will not lead to anything good.
If in a dream the chain is broken, then in reality you are threatened by illness and injury. This dream warns you of the likelihood of an imminent break in relations with a lover or termination of communication with old friends.
If you put on a chain, and it suddenly crumbled, then you need to urgently examine your health.
If you saw a golden chain in a dream, then you can be sure that a strong relationship will soon begin. But this is provided that the chain is strong, not broken.
If you saw a thick gold chain around a person’s neck, then this is a soft hint that it’s time for you to stop being interested in the intimate life of others. Otherwise, your own life will become a dull and meaningless existence.
If they give you a chain, then your close person he no longer knows how else to prove his love to you and overcome your distrust of him.
If a girl dreams that she has a cheap chain around her neck, it means that in life she will be disappointed in her loved one.
If the reaction to the gift is negative, then the answer will be the same.
A golden chain in a dream for a family man promises an acquaintance with the future true friend or a girlfriend. Be attentive to new acquaintances, perhaps one of them is the person who can be completely trusted.
If you dreamed of a gold chain, then this means that your addiction to low passions is holding your soul in a vice.
A golden chain in a dream portends a gift. Material prosperity or wealth that will not last.
The gold chain that is torn in your hands indicates a break in the relationship.
When in a dream you are presented with a beautiful chain, then in reality do not let anyone command you and make decisions for you. Otherwise, it will end badly, and you yourself will be to blame.
Buy a chain for yourself- a dream warns you that by entering into a relationship with a rich person, you doom yourself for complete dependence and restriction of your own freedom. Think about it, do you want it?.
To receive a gold or silver chain as a gift, then this one says that you need to stop doubting your loved one, his feelings for you. Do not hesitate, he has very strong feelings for you, and he is trying in every way to prove it to you.
Lose the chain in a dream- to laziness or carelessness.
Lose the chain you were given You don't see what's going on behind your back.
To bring a gold chain as a gift to your soulmate - a dream indicates that in reality you will have doubts about the fidelity of your beloved. However, your fears are completely unfounded.
See the chain on yourself in the mirror- this is a sign that confusion and confusion will overtake your affairs.
To dream of a wide chain around someone's neck- you have a lot of thoughts about the personal, intimate life of strangers. Start taking more interest in your life.
To dream that you have broken the chain, then this dream warns you of disappointment in love relationships, also this is for short-term, but tedious work.
The chain on the door predicts that there is a possibility of robbery in your house. Be careful.

For each person, gold will denote a symbol of wealth, power and prosperity. Naturally, it will be important to explain what the gold seen in a dream will lead to. In addition, if we consider not gold itself, but products made from it, such as a chain, then the meaning of the interpretation will be completely different.

What if you dream of a golden chain around your neck?

After all, the chain, and even around the neck, rather symbolizes the violation of freedom or human rights, even if it is golden.

Thus, if you see a chain in a dream, even if made of gold, then this will not be a harbinger of teaching wealth, but a restriction of freedom, which can be expressed in any capacity, including problems at work with projects and affairs, or even personal life.

Also, the chain symbolizes traps or dependence on something (bodily or moral slavery), which can result in dissatisfaction with the authorities, receiving censure, or simply the whims of your beloved (th).

Naturally, the gold chain in this case rather refers to big troubles, for which it would be nice to prepare in advance.

So, why dream of a golden chain around your neck if it is already hanging and in a dream a person simply pays attention to this fact?

Most likely, there will be dissatisfaction with dependence on loved ones or direct leadership. Difficult relationships with colleagues or partners are also acceptable. Bottom line this dream there will be not only discontent or trouble, but also disappointment.

If the situation is reversed and the chain is worn by one of the acquaintances, then the situation changes radically, and the sleeper himself dominates this person. Here it will be important to reduce the pressure a little, since the subconscious mind warns that this addiction is unpleasant for a person.

What portends?

If a person is necessary or a friend, it would be better to reconsider relations with him and build them on a different basis, more pleasant for both people.

A golden chain around your neck seen in a dream is also a symbol of sin that needs to be atoned for. Here situations may arise when a person does wrong with relatives or colleagues and he also needs to reconsider the situation and draw other conclusions. If he listens to his dream, he wins much more than he spends, making concessions, because goodness returns a hundredfold.

The links of gold connected in one chain will symbolize the relationship between people, naturally, one should pay attention to their brightness, position and size. The stronger the people are chained, the stronger the connection between them in reality, you can safely rely on such people, and they will not let you down in any situation.

However, such a connection with each other can also become a symbol of the need for liberation from attachment or a break in relations with a person. Naturally, in order to correctly interpret such dreams, it is necessary to pay attention to their nature and the object of sleep itself, interpreting them in life relationships and specific situation.