Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of place and time. Lesson summary "complex sentences with subordinate clauses of place and time"

Adverbial clauses

Subordinate adverbial clauses replace the position of circumstances of various kinds and answer questions specific to the circumstances. The following types of adverbial subordinate clauses are presented in the Russian language: time, place, cause, effect, condition, concession, comparison, manner of action, measure and degree. In all three educational complexes, these types of subordinate clauses are highlighted, but the subordinate clauses of manner of action and degree are combined in them into one group.

Complex sentences with clauses of time

The subordinate tense refers to the entire main part, indicates the time of the action in the main part, answers questions When? how long? since when? How long? and joins the main part with the help of subordinates unions when, how, while, barely, only, before, while, until, since, suddenly and etc.:

Since we know each other, you gave me nothing but suffering(M. Yu. Lermontov).

Just now you stop, he starts a long tirade(M. Yu. Lermontov).

If the main part contains a word with the meaning of time, including index word Then, subordinate clause is added union word When, stands after this word in the main part and refers specifically to it :

Today , When I opened the window, my room was filled with the smell of flowers growing in a modest front garden(M. Yu. Lermontov) -- the subordinate clause refers to the adverb nowadays and is joined by a conjunctive word When, which is a circumstance.

From sentences with a correlative adverb in the main part, it is necessary to distinguish sentences with complex alliances , which can be split into two parts by a comma. Such conjunctions are found not only in SPPs with subordinate clauses, but in their other types. Splitting a conjunction with a comma does not change its part-sentence and the type of subordinate clause. For example, sentences It is raining,since We have returned And It is rainingsince then , How We have returned have the same union since.

The scientific literature also presents a point of view according to which, when a conjunction is divided by a comma, it splits into two parts, the first part is included in the main sentence as a correlative word, and the second plays the role of a conjunction. The type of subordinate clause may change. For example, a sentence This happened while no one was there in this case, it should be interpreted not as an IPP with a subordinate tense, but as an IPP with a subordinate attributive.

In the absence of an indicative word, the subordinate part in the dictionary of time can be in any position in relation to the main part. There are only two cases when the position of the subordinate part is fixed.

1) conjunction is used how, how suddenly, expressing the relationship of suddenness, unexpectedness between the situations named in the main and subordinate parts. The subordinate clause comes after the main clause:

My hat was almost full of nuts,Suddenly I heard a rustling(A.S. Pushkin);

2) a two-component (double) union was used When --then, just then --how, when --That etc. The second component of these conjunctions is placed in the main part and can be omitted; the subordinate part is located before the main part:

Barely I put on a burkaHow it started snowing(M. Yu. Lermontov).

Topic: Complex sentences

Lesson: Complex sentences with clauses of place and time

Subordinate clauses indicate a place or space where an object is located or something happens, and answer the question where?, where?, from where?. Usually subordinate clauses come after the main part: “ Go where your free mind takes you..." (A. Pushkin.) The main part may contain indicative words there, there, from there - These are adverbs that act as adverbs of place in a sentence: “I went where all my classmates went.” A subordinate clause can also appear before the main clause. This technique is used to enhance the semantic meaning of the subordinate clause. Most often this is observed in proverbs, sayings and aphorisms: “Wherever you throw it, there’s a wedge everywhere.” (Proverb) Subordinate clauses are attached by allied words where, where, where. To determine the type of subordinate clause, you need to look at what it refers to and what question it answers. Compare: Everywhere(where everywhere?), where necessary, children's playgrounds were built. - Village ( what village?) There was a lovely corner where Evgeniy was bored.(A. Pushkin). In the first case we have a subordinate clause, and in the second we have a clause attributive.

Subordinate clauses of time answer questions When? how long? since when? How long? etc. Subordinate clauses are attached to the main sentence by conjunctions when, while, only, as soon as, barely, while. Main clauses can have demonstrative words then, until then. If the main part contains an adverb with the meaning of time, including an indicative word Then, the subordinate clause is added to the main conjunction word When: « We met when I was preparing for admission.”

The actions mentioned in the main and subordinate clauses can occur simultaneously or sequentially. When actions occur simultaneously, conjunctions are used when, while, as long as, how, while. When performing a sequence of actions, use simple conjunctions when, barely, as soon as, only, slightly, etc. These are stylistically neutral unions. Unions for now and a little have a conversational tone. All compound unions (while, before, before etc . ) have a connotation of bookishness. Unions for now, as soon as before, before outdated. Union How may in some cases give speech an archaic connotation, in others - a colloquial one.



1. How to distinguish a subordinate clause from a subordinate clause?

2. How are subordinate clauses attached to the main sentence?

3. How are subordinate tenses attached to the main sentence?

4. From which sentences should subordinate clauses be distinguished?

Exercise 1. Determine the type of subordinate clauses.

(1) What did you read this week while we weren't seeing each other? (A. Chekhov.) (2) The village where Evgeny was bored was a charming corner. (A. Pushkin.) (3) Sit down where you can. (D. Rosenthal). (4) I don't know where I can buy a new textbook. (5) She smiled and bowed, and they all loved it when she smiled at them. (F. Dostoevsky.) (6) In the evening of the same day, when the barracks had already been locked, Raskolnikov lay on his bunk and thought about her. (F. Dostoevsky.) (7) There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. (L. Tolstoy.)

Exercise 2. Determine how the subordinate clause is attached to the main clause.

(1) Where once everything was empty, bare, now the young grove has grown. (A. Pushkin.) (2) While other children were playing football, he played the violin for hours. (3) He laughed and went wherever he wanted. (M. Gorky). (4) When we met him, he was five years old. (5) We entered the classroom when the bell rang. (6) He lived at a time when there was no television.

Exercise 3. Write down the numbers of sentences from Exercise 2, in which subordinate clauses are attached to the main clause using allied words. Make a conclusion about the type of subordinate clauses.

1. Efremova T. F. New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative. - M.: Russian language, 2000 ().

2. Reference and information Internet portal “Russian Language” ().

Internet resources used

1. Preparation for the Russian Language Olympiad ().


Russian language: Textbook for 9th grade. educational institutions/ S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov, L.A. Czech. M.: Education, 2011.

Russian language. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions /M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; edited by MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard, 2011.

Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing M.: 2012

Unified State Exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Demo version control measuring materials of a single state exam 2013 in the Russian language, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary scientific institution"FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS".

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for state (final) certification in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 (in new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of the main general education, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS”.

Subordinate clause of time

A subordinate clause that indicates an action or manifestation of a characteristic that is correlated in time with the action or manifestation of a characteristic referred to in the main sentence. Subordinate clauses answer the questions when? how long? since when? How long? for how long? and relate to the predicate of the main sentence or to the circumstance of time, clarifying it. When the owner came out and took the light with him, darkness came again(Chekhov). Every time I arrived, Olesya greeted me with her pleasant, discreet dignity.(Kuprin).

Temporary relationships can be complicated by conditional investigative, explanatory, etc. I don’t find it funny when a painter worthless to me stains Raphael’s Madonna (Pushkin) ( Wed; ...if a painter is unfit for me, he stains Raphael's Madonna; ...that a worthless painter is dirtying Raphael’s Madonna for me).

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

Topic of the training session: Complex sentences with clauses of time.

Progress of the training session:

Organizing homework checks.

1 group – strong students; Group 2 – average students; Group 3 – weak students.

Group 1 (exercise 138):

Exercise: Using these schemes, compose an IPP and determine the meanings of subordinate clauses.

    …where… . 2) ... noun. , Where… .

3) Where... ,... . 4) ... noun. , Where… .

5) ...vb. , Where… .

Group 2 (exercise 137):

Exercise: supplement the main sentences with subordinate clauses with a conjunction word Where. What are these subordinate clauses?

    The ship stopped on the other side...

    We did not know…

    The city of Astrakhan stands there...

Group 3 (exercise 136):

Exercise: rebuild simple sentences in the NGN, replacing the allocated minor members subordinate clauses.

    The city of Kolomna is located at the confluence of the Moscow River and the Oka.

    Everyone rushed to the plane's landing site.

    The boat hit the shore with force at a sharp bend in the river.

    Conversation with the class.

    Which sentence is called complex?

    What do subordinate clauses of place indicate?

    What questions do subordinate clauses answer?

    What are the appendages used to attach? Give examples.

    Check exercises 138, 137, 136.

    Students 1 group read NGN compiled according to diagrams, name the meanings of subordinate clauses;

    Students 2 groups read the resulting sentences, name the meanings of the subordinate clauses:

1) The ship stopped at that shore, where there was a suitable pier.(Definitive).

2) We didn't know where are classified materials stored?. (Explanatory.)

3) The city of Astrakhan stands there, where the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.(Place.)

    Students 3 groups read the resulting IPPs with subordinate clauses.

1) The city of Kolomna is located where the Moscow River flows into the Oka.

2) Everyone rushed to where the plane landed.

3) The boat hit the shore with force where the river turned sharply.

    Answer the teacher's questions.

Teacher activities

Student activities

    "Third odd."

Task: 1) insert the missing letters, explain the choice of spelling; 2) which sentence is not an IPP with a subordinate clause?

    Where hope dies, emptiness arises. (Leonardo da Vinci.)

    In the place where the sun went down n Well, the sky was still glowing A dirty p O l O yourself.

    3) Where there were puddles during the day, now there are e under the O gami l e doc.

    Students fill in the missing letters to explain the conditions of choice.

    Find a sentence that is not an IPP with a subordinate clause.

In the place where the sun went down n Well, the sky was still glowing A dirty p O l O yourself.

Teacher activities

Student activities

    Assignment: by lexical meaning determine which word it is and underline it.

1st word – with one continuous line; 2nd – two solid lines; 3rd – dotted line; 4th – dotted line with dots; 5th – with a wavy line.

Ecology- a science that deals with the protection and restoration of the environment.

The president-name of the leader, head of state.

Ecological– an adjective formed from a word denoting the science involved in the protection and restoration of the environment.

Opera – a musical and dramatic work intended for performance in a theater, as well as a theatrical performance in which the characters sing accompanied by an orchestra.

Ballet – a theatrical performance consisting of dancing and facial movements accompanied by music.

    Students determine the word by its lexical meaning and underline it:


    the president;


Teacher activities

Student activities

    Analysis of proposals:

    We ran to the station , when the train has already left.

    I won’t move anywhere until I’ve heard my fill of the simple spring purity of the song.

    When it gets dark, we'll make a stop.

    Working with tables “Adverbial clauses”.

Table No. 1

subordinate clause

for which

he answers

and allied words

When? how long?

since when? How long? for how long?

when (once... then), barely, barely, as soon as, while, slightly, as, before, after, before, while, since (since), until as (as long as).

Table No. 2

1. Contain: an indication of the time of the action referred to in the main sentence.

2. Answer the questions: When? how long? since when? How long? for how long?

3. Conjunctions and allied words are used: barely, just barely, as soon as, while, slightly, as, before, after, before, while, since (since), until (as long as) ).

4. Place in relation to the main clause: any.

    Students together with

The teacher analyzes the sentences.

    Work with tables

and answer the teacher's questions.

Teacher activities

Student activities

    Which complex sentence has

subordinate tense?

1. The whole room suddenly darkened, as if the curtains had been drawn. (Sergeev-Tsensky).

2. As soon as it began to get light, we moved on. (Kataev).

3. The boundaries where the plains meet the mountains are extremely sharply defined. (Kaverin).

    Working with the textbook.

    EXERCISE No. 140

    Make diagrams of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th sentences.

    Students do the exercise. No. 140, make up the schemes of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th sentences.

2) Bye... , .

3) When... , .

4) As soon as .

5) ...the way... .

6) In that..., as...,....

    Analysis of sentences (SPPs with subordinate clauses, SPPs with subordinate clauses that are externally similar to them):

Table 1.

    Tell me, when does the train leave? (Adverbial explanatory clause.)

Table 2.

    But the most difficult thing awaited us in the forest, when we entered the clearing. (Adverbial tense).

    There are autumn nights, deaf and silent, when the calm stands like a black forested edge. (Adverbial attribute.)

    Students analyze sentences and determine the type of subordinate clause.

Teacher activities

Student activities

    Which complex sentence has a subordinate clause?

1. Vitka really didn’t like being reminded of this.

2. We get to know friends and loved ones at an hour when trouble threatens.

3. When dusk came, I had to return home.

    Working with the textbook.

    EXERCISE No. 145.

    Make diagrams of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sentences from paragraph.I .

    Find NGN with subordinate tense:

When dusk came, we had to return home.

    Students do the exercise. No. 140, make up schemes 1, 2, and 3 of sentences from paragraph I:

1) ...where from... .

2) ...from the one from... .

3) when... , .

Teacher activities

Student activities

1 group – strong students; Group 2 – average students; Group 3 – weak students.

1. The village where Eugene was bored was a lovely place.

2. When you joke, I laugh.

3. Let’s go home before the weather completely deteriorates.


Group 1. Write it down using punctuation marks: complex sentences with subordinate tense, describe this type proposals.

Group 2. Write out, using punctuation marks, complex sentences with subordinate tenses, make diagrams.

Group 3. Write down the sentences using punctuation marks and make diagrams of them.

    Do exercises in groups.

Group 1

1. When you joke, I laugh.

    Subordinate clauses answer questionsWhen? how long since when? How long?

    Subordinate clauses apply to the entire main part.

    As a rule, there are no demonstrative words in the main sentence.

    The means of communication are conjunctions (simple and compound).

    The main thing and subordinate clause can be swapped.

Group 2.

1. When you joke, I laugh.

(When…), .

2. Let’s go home, before the weather completely turns bad, let’s go home.

, (Bye…).

Group 3

1. The village where Evgeniy was bored was a lovely corner.

[ ,(Where…), ].

2. When you joke, I laugh.

(When…), .

3. Let's go home before the weather turns completely bad.

, (Bye…).

Teacher activities

Student activities

    Summing up the lesson

    Instructions are provided on homework– exercise 146.

    Write down the vocabulary words in the “Modern School Student’s Dictionary.”

    Analysis of cases that caused difficulties for students.

    Listen and write down your homework.

    Ask questions about the most difficult cases.