Termination of pregnancy in cats - CatDogPet. Abortion of pregnancy in cats Abortion pills in cats

Complete information on abortion in cats. Medicines and their side effects.

In veterinary medicine, there are various ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy in a cat. There may be several reasons to resort to such measures: 1. The owner’s desire 2. Testimony from the veterinarian.

– this is quite a lot of stress for her body. If you do not want offspring from a cat, it is better to take care of this in advance - sterilize or use hormonal drugs for a while, for example.

Abortion drugs can have serious side effects and you must be 100% sure that your cat has had intercourse with a male cat and can become pregnant or has already conceived. Pregnancy can be confirmed by a veterinarian approximately 20-22 days after conception. The presence of fetuses in the cat's womb can be diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound or palpation. If medication is given unnecessarily, it can lead to serious illness. In veterinary medicine, there are three types of drugs for terminating unwanted pregnancy in cats: estrogens,prostaglandins And glucocorticoids.
Estrogens- these are drugs that act on a fertilized egg and prevent it from attaching to the uterus. If you give this drug immediately after sexual intercourse with a cat, when pregnancy has not even been confirmed, then in 98% of cases, pregnancy will not occur. But your cat is subject to various side effects after taking estrogen.

These include:
1. Suppression of bone marrow function. This condition results in severe anemia when the levels of white blood cells and platelets drop sharply. This can occur two weeks to two months after the drug is administered and is usually irreversible and ultimately fatal.
2. Pyometra is an infection in the uterus of a cat. This infection is generally difficult to treat with antibiotics and often requires removal of the ovaries.
3. Infertility.
The most commonly used estrogens are:
Estradiol cypionate
Diethylstilbestrol Prostaglandins is a class of drugs that reduce progesterone levels in a cat, leading to termination of pregnancy. These medications are used when a cat is confirmed to be pregnant by a veterinarian. Prostaglandins are safer than estrogens and are preferred by many veterinarians.
The most serious side effects after using prostaglandins are pyometra and various uterine infections. Just as with estrogens, it may be necessary to remove the ovaries if antibiotics do not help. There have been no reported cases of infertility in cats following the use of prostaglandins.

The most common prostaglandins:
Alfa-prostol Glucocorticoids– drugs that are used to terminate pregnancy in cats in the later stages. How these drugs act to terminate pregnancy is not fully understood. In the later stages of pregnancy, kittens are almost fully formed and expelling them from the cat's uterus can be very traumatic physically and emotionally for both the cat and the owner. Temporary side effects after this procedure are increased thirst and increased urination, which goes away after the treatment is completed. The most commonly used drug is dexamethasone.
So that you do not have to resort to any drug, as mentioned above, sterilize the cat if you do not want offspring, or keep an eye on it so that it does not go outside and does not have contact with cats.

In cases where surgery is very undesirable, it is possible to terminate a cat's pregnancy using medications. This option is, in a sense, more gentle, since there are no risks associated with the operation.

In cases where surgery is very undesirable, it is possible to terminate a cat's pregnancy using medications. This option is, in a sense, more gentle, since there are no risks associated with the operation. However, the drugs used for medical abortions are quite dangerous. For this reason, a qualified veterinarian must decide on the choice of method of termination of pregnancy, as well as on the prescription of a specific drug.

The following groups of drugs can be used to terminate pregnancy in cats.

These drugs are given immediately after mating; the sooner they are used, the higher their effectiveness will be. The use of estrogens is possible up to 3 weeks of pregnancy. The action of the drugs is aimed at preventing pregnancy from occurring in the first place.

Estrogens have very serious side effects, including the risk of infertility and pyometra, as well as suppression of bone marrow function.

2. Prostaglandins.

These are hormonal drugs for termination of pregnancy at a period of 3-6 weeks. Their effect is to sharply reduce the level of progesterone, resulting in a miscarriage in the cat. The use of prostaglandins can lead to the development of uterine infections and pyometra.

3. Glucocorticoids.

Drugs in this group allow you to terminate a pregnancy at a relatively late stage (6-9 weeks). Just like prostaglandins, they provoke miscarriage, resulting in the termination of pregnancy. The effect of glucocorticoids on the reproductive system has not yet been fully studied, but it has been established that taking these drugs can be quite difficult for animals to tolerate.

It is important to understand that taking medications does not guarantee a complete termination of pregnancy. In some cases, cats additionally require surgery to remove fetuses from the uterus. The degree of risk and advisability of medical termination of pregnancy in each case is assessed individually.

The Vega network of veterinary clinics employs qualified specialists who will select and offer the safest and most effective method of terminating pregnancy for your cat.

Terminating a cat's pregnancy is a dangerous procedure for its health.

It's best not to spay your cat during pregnancy.

If the owners of the animal missed the moment, and the pet became pregnant, it is advisable to give her the opportunity to bear and give birth to kittens, having first made sure that there is an opportunity to place her babies. In this situation, the cat's health will not be at risk.

In some cases, the veterinarian advises to terminate the pregnancy due to possible complications with the pet’s health, which may threaten its life.

The age of the cat may be an indicator for termination of pregnancy

The main indications for sterilization of a pregnant cat may be:

  • Pathologies in fetal development.
  • The occurrence of health problems in the animal caused by pregnancy.
  • Old age of the cat.

Features of sterilization

It is very difficult to remove embryos from the uterus during the sterilization process without harming the cat’s health

Termination of pregnancy in cats is associated with certain structural features of its reproductive organs. The bicornuate uterus of the animal is relatively large in length and, in the pregnant state, can accommodate several embryos.

The most experienced specialist will not be able to remove embryos from the uterus without damaging its walls. Therefore, they resort to sterilization, during which the doctor makes an incision in the abdomen, extracting and removing the ovaries and uterus with developing embryos.

This operation is called “extirpation of the pregnant uterus” and is more dangerous than regular planned sterilization.

Dangers of Sterilizing a Pregnant Cat

The dangers of surgery are as follows:

  1. The pregnant, enlarged uterus is literally pierced by many blood vessels.
  2. During surgery, the animal's blood loss increases, and the postoperative suture due to the enlarged uterus will be much larger than during planned sterilization.
  3. The recovery period will also take longer than in a normal situation, since the body of a pregnant cat is subjected to severe physiological and hormonal stress.

The earlier sterilization, the better!

As pregnancy progresses, the risk to the health and even life of the cat increases. Therefore, it is very important not to wait, but to carry out sterilization in the earliest stages of pregnancy.

If pregnancy is suspected, an ultrasound examination should be performed two weeks after sexual contact with the cat. If suspicions of fertilization are confirmed, immediate sterilization is a reasonable option.

The most optimal period for sterilizing a pregnant cat is considered to be no more than six weeks.

Where is the best place to sterilize?

It is best to sterilize a pregnant cat at a “big” veterinary clinic

If the cat's owner decides to undergo sterilization, it is very important to ensure that the operation is successful and that the animal experiences minimal stress.

Therefore, many invite a specialist to their home so that they do not have to take the cat to the clinic, and she feels calm in her home environment.

Perhaps there is a reason for this if the operation concerns a non-pregnant cat.

However, based on possible complications during sterilization, it is better to operate on a pregnant cat in a clinic.

  1. In a medical institution, in the event of a critical situation, it is possible to connect the necessary medical equipment that the veterinarian will not be able to take home with him.
  2. You can leave the animal in the clinic under the supervision of specialists for the first especially dangerous days.
  3. In the hospital, the cat will be provided with proper postoperative care and the necessary manipulations will be professionally performed.

When should a pregnant cat be spayed?

A serious reason for sterilization will be nursing newly born kittens.

Despite the fact that it is better not to sterilize a healthy pregnant cat to avoid complications, situations arise when this operation cannot be avoided. This occurs due to the characteristics of the reproductive function and sexual behavior of the animal:

  • If the cat has free access to the street, it is very difficult for owners to determine her estrus period and the moment of mating.
  • Often a cat becomes pregnant not having time to raise the previous offspring.
  • An adult sexually mature cat has almost there is no break between feeding kittens and a new pregnancy.
  • Females reach sexual maturity at the age of four months and from that moment are ready to mate. Therefore, owners often do not even suspect that their little cat is in an interesting situation.
  • Many owners do not know which stranger the cat had sexual contact with. Therefore, they are unaware of the potentially fatal infections that the animal could have contracted at that moment.
  • Kittens born from an unknown male run the risk of becoming sick and joining the ranks of stray animals.

Considering these features and the need for vaccinations before sterilization, it is very difficult for owners to choose a convenient moment for sterilization.

In this case, we can advise you to approach the issue of carrying out this operation very responsibly and seek help only from a qualified specialist.

Sterilization of cats as a manifestation of responsible animal husbandry

Sterilization of a cat in any form is a manifestation of responsible animal ownership.

Cats are capable of reproducing very quickly and productively. If the owners do not breed purebred animals and the cat’s pregnancy makes you wonder what to do with newborn kittens, you should cast aside all doubts and sterilize it. In this case, a number of problems can be solved:

  • A sterilized cat will no longer bother the owner with its behavior related to the search for a partner.
  • The owners of a sterilized cat will make their contribution to control the birth rate and the number of homeless animals.
  • Domestic cats acquire infectious diseases from contact with stray cats. By controlling birth rates, cat owners help reduce the number of homeless animals and reduce the risk of infection in their pets.

The cat is one of the most prolific pets. It is virtually impossible to keep track of someone who lives outside the home. Too frequent births worsen the condition of the pet’s body, and placement of offspring is one of the most difficult issues in keeping a cat.

Almost every cat owner has encountered a situation where she became pregnant, but the kittens are not needed for one reason or another, or the cat’s health may suffer greatly from pregnancy and childbirth. And if there is no possibility of procreation, the question arises of what to do with pregnancy?

How to terminate a cat's pregnancy

There are several abortion options for cats. Unfortunately, human abortion methods are not suitable for the feline family due to the anatomical structure of the uterus: it is impossible to surgically remove the fetuses without damaging the animal's uterus itself. But humanity has long stepped forward, thanks to which we can regulate the fertility of our animal.

It is worth warning that any method of termination for cats can lead to irreversible health problems, and therefore it is strongly recommended to monitor the reproductive cycle and use drugs that suppress fertility and prevent pregnancy.

Non-hormonal methods of abortion in cats

The only non-hormonal method of aborting a cat is complete sterilization. The doctor removes the uterus with the embryos in it and the ovaries through an incision. This method is suitable for those who do not want to raise offspring. But the longer the pregnancy, the more difficult the procedure is for your pet. Therefore, it is best to carry out complete sterilization without waiting until it occurs or as soon as possible.

Hormonal methods of abortion

Animals are given various hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy from occurring. Estrogens are the most extreme method used in veterinary medicine. These hormones act on the fertilized egg and prevent it from attaching to the uterus. Estrogens are used immediately after mating and have a huge number of side effects for the animal.

After using this hormone only once, she will have to be sterilized, otherwise there is a high probability of developing various genitourinary diseases. Possible outcomes include suppression of brain function, which very quickly leads to death.


In the early stages

Prostaglandins are hormones used in the early stages of pregnancy that reduce progesterone levels.

This type of hormones causes a miscarriage, but there is a problem: if any of the embryos do not have time to separate, they will remain and decompose in the uterus, which entails an urgent need for surgical intervention. And there is also a high probability of developing various infections.

Is it possible to terminate a late pregnancy?

Glucocorticoids are hormones used at those stages of pregnancy when the embryos are already sufficiently formed. This type of abortion causes premature birth.

This is a painful and dangerous process for your pet. It suggests the possibility of cervical rupture and even failure of the dead fetus to pass through, which entails the need for an emergency caesarean section.

It is still not completely known how these drugs work.

Abortion at home

Is it possible to abort a pet at home? On the one hand, there is nothing complicated about this, you need to give the animal medicine or give an injection, on the other hand, without the correct dose of the hormone, irreversible consequences for the animal can occur, even death.

We looked at possible options for abortion in cats. From all of the above, one conclusion can be drawn: any method of abortion is dangerous and fraught with consequences and must necessarily occur under the close supervision of a specialist.

Abortion in cats

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy in your pet and the possible consequences of abortion, there are a huge number of methods and contraceptives. Modern veterinary medicine advises the use of hormonal injections and oral contraceptives.

Types of contraception for cats

How to prevent a cat from becoming pregnant? Pregnancy pills for cats

The operation itself does not take more than half an hour, it is done under general anesthesia and veterinarians are already skilled enough to perform these operations so as not to cause any harm to your pet. Moreover, this operation will not at all deprive your cat of an active life with her beloved ones, it’s just that there will be no kittens from such meetings.

The second less popular, but also quite often used method is pregnancy pills for cats. More precisely, the pills are not for pregnancy, but for the desire to run away on a date with the cat. They are used when a cat yells with its tail raised, demanding a gentleman.

The tablets discourage the desire for a while, but over time cause serious harm to your cat’s health. They not only affect the functioning of the cat’s intestines and liver, but also destroy your pet’s psyche. All kinds of potions and tinctures are not very different from them.

Let’s say right away that almost half of them are complete quackery and, at best, at least they won’t harm your cat, but they definitely won’t do any good. So, the most effective way is sterilization. Almost all veterinary clinics and clinics provide the opportunity to do this.

Modern methods of surgery guarantee one hundred percent success, and modern materials used to stitch the incisions on your cat’s skin no longer require a second trip to the doctor to remove the stitches. The threads will dissolve themselves in the body without causing the slightest harm. The adaptation period after surgery and anesthesia is different for cats and cats.

The cats will recover within a day and completely restore their instincts, skills and vital activity. Cats will suffer longer, up to three days. At this time, you should not disturb them, bother them, or try to play with them. Just lay a soft blanket in a secluded corner, place bowls with water and a small amount of food nearby. I would also like to note. That this operation is performed at the age of 8 months to a year.

The cat is one of the most prolific pets. It is virtually impossible to keep track of someone who lives outside the home. Too frequent births worsen the condition of the pet’s body, and placement of offspring is one of the most difficult issues in keeping a cat.

Almost every cat owner has encountered a situation where she became pregnant, but the kittens are not needed for one reason or another, or the cat’s health may suffer greatly from pregnancy and childbirth. And if there is no possibility of procreation, the question arises of what to do with pregnancy?

How to terminate a cat's pregnancy

There are several abortion options for cats. Unfortunately, human abortion methods are not suitable for the feline family due to the anatomical structure of the uterus: it is impossible to surgically remove the fetuses without damaging the animal's uterus itself. But humanity has long stepped forward, thanks to which we can regulate the fertility of our animal.

It is worth warning that any method of termination for cats can lead to irreversible health problems, and therefore it is strongly recommended to monitor the reproductive cycle and use drugs that suppress fertility and prevent pregnancy.

Non-hormonal methods of abortion in cats

The only non-hormonal method of aborting a cat is complete sterilization. The doctor removes the uterus with the embryos in it and the ovaries through an incision. This method is suitable for those who do not want to raise offspring. But the longer the pregnancy, the more difficult the procedure is for your pet. Therefore, it is best to carry out complete sterilization without waiting until it occurs or as soon as possible.

Hormonal methods of abortion

Animals are given various hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy from occurring. Estrogens are the most extreme method used in veterinary medicine. These hormones act on the fertilized egg and prevent it from attaching to the uterus. Estrogens are used immediately after mating and have a huge number of side effects for the animal.

After using this hormone only once, she will have to be sterilized. otherwise, there is a high probability of developing various genitourinary diseases. Possible outcomes include suppression of brain function, which very quickly leads to death.


In the early stages

Prostaglandins are hormones used in the early stages of pregnancy that reduce progesterone levels. This type of hormones causes a miscarriage, but there is a problem: if any of the embryos do not have time to separate, they will remain and decompose in the uterus, which entails an urgent need for surgical intervention. And there is also a high probability of developing various infections.

Is it possible to terminate a late pregnancy?

Glucocorticoids are hormones used at those stages of pregnancy when the embryos are already sufficiently formed. This type of abortion causes premature birth. This is a painful and dangerous process for your pet. It suggests the possibility of cervical rupture and even failure of the dead fetus to pass through, which entails the need for an emergency caesarean section. It is still not completely known how these drugs work.

Abortion at home

Is it possible to abort a pet at home? On the one hand, there is nothing complicated about this, you need to give the animal medicine or give an injection, on the other hand, without the correct dose of the hormone, irreversible consequences for the animal can occur, even death.

We looked at possible options for abortion in cats. From all of the above, one conclusion can be drawn: any method of abortion is dangerous and fraught with consequences and must necessarily occur under the close supervision of a specialist.

Abortion in cats

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy in your pet and the possible consequences of abortion, there are a huge number of methods and contraceptives. Modern veterinary medicine advises the use of hormonal injections and oral contraceptives.

Contraceptives come in the form of tablets and drops, and their effect is achieved by suppressing sexual arousal and preventing the onset of ovulation, in addition, these hormones calm and improve the functioning of the nervous system. A good veterinarian should choose the right contraceptive option.

But there are also disadvantages: It is very undesirable to use these drugs in nulliparous individuals and animals under five years of age, as the risk of developing serious diseases is high. Steroid sex hormones act exclusively on the animal’s brain, inhibiting sexual function, and therefore mating does not occur. Any uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs entails the risk of developing cancer, tumors and cysts.

Sometimes a situation arises when a cat or dog has had sexual intercourse, and obtaining offspring was not part of the plans of their owners. Sometimes pregnancy is simply contraindicated for some reason.

Today, the DobroVet veterinary center offers modern medical abortion in dogs and cats, and also offers methods that will completely prevent its onset. VC specialists remind that the best way to prevent pregnancy is still sterilization of a cat or dog.

Reasons that contribute to induced abortion:

Incorrect pelvic structure in your pet;

Presumably large fruit sizes;

First estrus.

Before prescribing medications that will terminate an unwanted pregnancy in a pet, the doctor must make sure that it has occurred 100%, which can be detected approximately on the 20th day, using palpation and ultrasound examination. The owner, in turn, should become familiar with the side effects of the drug on the pet’s body.

Today, there are three ways to terminate pregnancy using medications:

Estrogen series, which are effective only after administration immediately after sexual intercourse. However, there is a risk of developing health problems in animals, infertility, uterine infections, decreased bone marrow function;

Prostaglandins are used after a veterinarian has established the fact of pregnancy. It is considered the safest method, although it has a number of possible side effects: pyometra, the need for surgery to remove the ovaries, uterine infections;

Glucocorticoids are prescribed when abortion is required in cats and dogs in the final stages. But such intervention is fraught with severe emotional disorders in animals and is physically traumatic. Therefore, this method should be used only in special, extreme cases.

Recently, Alizin has become a popular drug - a drug that prevents pregnancy in animals, or terminates it if administered before implantation. The active substance acts on the pet's body safely and effectively.

Apply on days 0-45 of pregnancy, for cats - on days 7-8 after mating. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, lysin either expels the fetuses or provokes their resorption.

Aglepristone - or its trade name lysine - is an antiprogesterone drug developed in France back in the 90s. Officially approved in EU countries for termination of pregnancy in dogs and cats.


Aglepristone is a synthetic steroid that has antiprogestagenic activity, competing with progesterone at the progesterone receptor level. A triple dose of the drug in female dogs did not show any adverse effects other than inflammation due to the large injection volume.

Contraindications for use

It is not permissible to use the drug on your own, only after prescription and full supervision by a veterinarian. The oil base of the drug can lead to a long-term local reaction at the injection site.

Do not use in animals with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Important! In pregnant bitches, partial abortion occurs in up to 5% of cases, so owners are always warned about this. After using the drug, its effect on the animal’s body should be observed through palpation and ultrasound on days 10 and 30 to ensure that abortion has occurred.

The administration of aziline is usually accompanied by pain at the injection site and the occurrence of local inflammation.

On the 20th day of pregnancy in bitches, abortion is sometimes accompanied by signs of physiological labor, slight loss of appetite and stagnation of milk.

In some cases, aziline is used in the treatment of purulent endometritis to bring the closed form into an open form. But in the future, the doctor decides whether to treat conservatively or operate, but after stabilizing the animal’s condition.

Owners of pets who have been diagnosed with purulent endometritis (pyometra) should remember that aziline does not dissolve the uterus along with pus, as many people think. It blocks progesterone receptors in the wall of the uterus, causing it to open, after which pus may be evacuated from its cavity.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"