Why God has arguments. Famous atheist scientist proved that God exists

Interesting: many believe that those who think that God created the Universe are so-called “believers”, and those who recognize the Darwinian theory or the theory of the origin of life through cosmic beings as correct are reasonable people, based on scientific facts and archaeological finds. However, to agree with Darwin you need no less faith, especially since science, including archeology, is finding more and more evidence of the reliability of the Bible and the existence of God. But is this evidence necessary for someone who refuses to believe in Him? After all, you can argue with anything.

For example, when I started studying chemistry at school, I flatly refused to believe in the existence of a crystal lattice. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that there are some special bonds between molecules in substances, and, in the end, I was simply not happy with the pictures in the textbook! And I decided that this was nonsense. And no Mendeleev could convince me (this is probably why I had so many problems with chemistry).

But disbelief in crystal lattice, even if it exists, it is not as dangerous as disbelief in God, if He exists. After all, then you doom yourself to real problems.

The saddest thing is that a person, not believing in God, sees the meaning of his life in the wrong way, hence the meaningless vanity, emptiness in the soul, all kinds of complexes, damaged relationships and much more.

But let's move on to the evidence for those who want to believe in the Great Creator, Who has everything under control,
who does everything with deep meaning and a wonderful goal. So, the first proof is not only scientific, but also quite logical.

Random appearance of the legendary mountainand the famous Boeing

Remember the famous Mount Rushmore? It features images of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt. Is it easy for you to believe that these images appeared by chance? Over the centuries, under the influence of rain and wind, this miracle of the world suddenly appeared. Of course it sounds stupid. Logic tells us that people planned and skillfully carved these images. If a mountain could not have appeared by chance, then certainly not our Earth, man, the Universe.

Frederick Hoyle, the famous astronomer, proved how mathematically absurd the random combination of amino acids in a human cell is. He illustrated this with an example: Is it possible that a tornado would pass over a junk market that contained all the parts of a Boeing 747, and accidentally form a plane out of those parts and leave it there, ready to take off? This possibility should not be taken into account. It's much wiser to get to know biblical history origin of the Earth.

So, evidence #1: There are too many “accidents.”

Lookon your brain

Thanks to the brain, a person is able to simultaneously process an amazing amount of information. The brain perceives colors and objects that we see, temperature environment, foot pressure on the floor, sounds, pain. The brain registers emotional reactions, thoughts and memories, controls processes occurring in the body, and much more. It processes over a million pieces of information in just one second. So, can we say that such a high-speed brain is the result of an accident, an explosion, the result of the miraculous transformation of a monkey into a human?

Evidence No. 2: Only a mind superior to that of man was capable of creating such an amazingly complex organ.

Ideal planet

If the human brain is so extraordinarily thought out, then what can we say about the wonderful structure of our entire planet? Our planet has a perfect size and corresponding gravitational force. If the Earth were smaller, the existence of an atmosphere on it would be impossible, just like on Mercury. If the Earth were larger, it would become similar to Jupiter, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen. Thus, the Earth is still the only planet known to us that is equipped with an atmosphere containing the necessary composition of gases to support plant and animal life.

Apparently, our Earth is much more complex than any Boeing. If his device speaks of a wise engineer, then even more so our entire planet, any part of it, points to such an Engineer who does everything perfectly.

Proof No. 3: extraordinary thoughtfulness of everything that surrounds us.


The thought that God exists comes to a person not only when he studies nature. God left for people an even clearer proof of His existence - His Word, the accuracy of which archaeological excavations continue to confirm. For example, historical finds in northern Israel in August 1993 confirmed the existence of King David, the author of many Psalms of the Bible. The Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Qumran caves and other archaeological discoveries prove the accuracy and immutability of the Bible.

As a result of the fact that it was rewritten (copies were made) and translated into other languages, the text written on its pages was not damaged.

The Bible was written over 1500 years, by 40 different authors from different places, on three different languages, touching on different issues at different points in history. Nevertheless, there is a striking consistency in the biblical text. Throughout the Bible there is a red thread of thought
that God loves us and invites us to receive His salvation and establish a relationship with Him that will last forever.

Evidence #4: We have reason to trust what is written in the Bible.

It is interesting that the path of many scientists who later became Christians began with the fact that each of them tried to refute the existence of God, to prove that the Bible is not a historical book. So, for example, in Soviet time a group of scientists was commissioned to prove that the gospel stories are fiction, but, turning to historical references, they admitted that what was written about Christ was true. So, dear friend, I can congratulate you on the fact that you are not a victim of chance, you were conceived by God long before you were born, He loves you and is waiting for you to believe in Him and entrust your life!

Tatyana Gromova

Believe it or not

Does God exist? This is a fairly pressing question of all times and peoples. Of course, religion gives only a positive answer to this. If a person is not an atheist, then he believes in the Almighty, regardless of whether he exists or not! Until recently, it was impossible to prove the existence of God using mathematical calculations and physical formulas. The only and indisputable proof of the existence of the Creator was considered to be firm faith in him and knowledge gleaned from the Bible... But first things first.

"Seventh Proof"

Remember how Bulgakov’s heroes - editor Berlioz and poet Bezdomny - in the chapter entitled “The Seventh Proof” (novel “The Master and Margarita”) assured Satan himself (Woland) that neither the devil nor God exists? True, they should be given their due: they did not know who was in front of them. But Woland was not at all moved by this excuse. He did not like these atheistic speeches directed at the Almighty. Woland is evil, but fair! He firmly knows that God exists, and does not accept such speeches that refute such truths! In general, the above-mentioned literary figures were punished - each in their own way: Berlioz had his head cut off by a tram, and Bezdomny became schizophrenic and, pardon the pun, found his home in... psychiatric hospital. Do you see what I'm getting at? If you suddenly find yourself involved in a discussion on the topic “Does God exist?”, you should not vehemently, foaming at the mouth, deny the very fact of his existence! This could backfire on you! It’s better to get out of it with a joke, answering “I haven’t seen it - I don’t know”...

Let's take your word for it

Whether God exists or not - everyone decides for himself. Statistics say that today almost 90% of the world population believes in the Almighty. The remaining 10% are divided approximately equally into those who believe not so much in the Lord as in the existence of some higher powers, and those who believe only in themselves, calling all talk about the Creator an invention of religious fanatics. Be that as it may, it is impossible to prove with complete certainty whether God exists. In the same way, it cannot be refuted. The Holy Orthodox Book (Bible) says that a person must accept the existence of the Creator as an indisputable fact by his very faith in the Lord, which many people do with great pleasure.

Yes or not?

So, we have found out that the fact of the existence or absence of the Creator cannot be proven from the point of view of the rational logical mind; it can only be taken on faith. It turns out to be a kind of “axiom”. Now let's talk about something that may soon change some of our religious ideas, pleasantly surprising believers. Science has proven the existence of the Almighty!

Scientific basis for the existence of God

For a long time, pundits did not touch upon this aspect. Since the purpose of science is to study the material world using rational empirical methods, and the Lord is not material, no scientific explanation was given for this. The question “does God exist” was given entirely to religion. However, today it is scientists who take the liberty to unequivocally assert that there is a Creator! How do they prove this?


They say that the material world was created by an immaterial Lord, which corresponds to the law of conservation of energy (the first law of thermodynamics), which states that energy (matter) does not arise independently, that is, “out of nowhere.” Indeed, at the present time there is no longer any matter other than the existing one. This correlates with the biblical statements that the Creator completed his creation in the first six days. In other words, from that time on God no longer creates new matter. The second law of thermodynamics is clearly seen in the “curse” mentioned in the Bible. The Lord imposed it on the material world.

In the form of a conclusion

It is these reflections that are given as the main argument regarding the existence of the Almighty. This is a logical consequence of two fundamental and scientifically proven laws of thermodynamics, established empirically.

Evidence of existence God as the Absolute, that is, the bearer of all qualities in superlatives, go back to the ancient Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. He believed that the complex and diverse (universe, as they would say later) is ordered due to the fact that it is controlled by the supreme mind (“Nus”). Later, the development of the theory of the Absolute will appear in Aristotle, who believed that every material thing has its own cause, that one - its own cause, and so on - until God, which has a first cause in itself.

In the 11th century, Anselm of Canterbury proposed his ontological argument in favor of being God. He argued that God is the Absolute, possessing all attributes (qualities) to a superlative degree. Because existence is the first attribute of any substance (which was proposed by Aristotle in the categorical structure), then God necessarily has existence. However, Anselm was criticized for the fact that not every thing that a person can conceive exists in reality.

Aristotle's ideas, as well as his logical structure, were close in spirit to the medieval scholastics. “Divine” Thomas Aquinas formulated five classical proofs of existence in the Summa Theologica God. First: every thing has a cause of movement outside itself; the prime mover, who himself does not move, is God. Second: every thing has an essential cause outside itself, except God, which is the essence and the cause of everything in the world. Third: all existing things take their origin from the highest essence, which has absolute existence - it is God. Fourth: earthly things are characterized by varying degrees of perfection and they all ascend to the absolutely perfect God. Fifth: all entities in the world are connected by goal setting, this one starts from God who gives purpose to everything. These are the so-called a posteriori proofs, that is, going from the given to the intelligible.

Immanuel Kant, credited with creating the famous sixth proof of existence God, takes up this topic in his Critique of Practical Reason. Idea God according to Kant, it is inherent in every person. The presence in the soul of a categorical imperative (the idea of ​​a higher moral law), which sometimes prompts one to act contrary to practical benefit, testifies in favor of the existence of the Almighty.

Pascal later considered the question of the advisability of believing in God from a game theory point of view. You can not believe and behave immorally, or you can be well-behaved, even if you experience some of the hardships of a righteous life. In the end the person who chose the side God, either he will lose nothing, or he will gain paradise. The non-believer will not lose, or he will go to hell. Obviously, faith will bring more benefit in any case. However, religious philosophers (in particular Frank) have questioned the "quality" of such faith and its value for God.

Professor of Bashkir state university Nazhip Valitov was previously very far from theology. He is a world-famous chemist, a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and has spent his entire life working exclusively on the problems of his science. And he did not imagine that spiritual leaders would be interested in his discoveries.

Professor Valitov's monograph, published by an academic publishing house, caused a shock in scientific circles. Using the strict language of formulas, Professor Valitov proved that any objects in the Universe interact with each other instantly, regardless of the distance between them. “Previously it was believed that no interaction could occur at a speed exceeding the speed of light,” says Professor Valitov about his discovery. - This is three hundred thousand kilometers per second. But it turned out that electromagnetic and gravitational fields interact instantly.”

Chemistry professor Valitov: “I substantiated this theoretically and confirmed it experimentally. And then I was amazed - after all, this speaks of the existence of some kind of single higher power in the Universe! After all, in essence, everything is connected to everything. But he did not make global philosophical conclusions in the monograph. I thought that my book was already a riot in academic science.”

Valitov received an envelope from the Vatican and could not believe his eyes. Nazhip Khatmullovich did not imagine that the Pope’s department was interested in chemistry and physics. And when I translated the text, I was even more surprised. “Dear professor! - wrote the Pope's assistant, Monsignor Pedro Lopez Quintana. - His Holiness Pope John Paul II assures you that he dedicates his prayers to you. He also wants you to know that the High Priest appreciates the feelings that prompted you to write this monograph. Only after careful research and solid expertise did we decide to send you our thanks.”

Professor Valitov felt somewhat uncomfortable: he asked the Pope himself a problem! Imagine what it was like for Catholic bishops to understand four hundred pages of formulas and graphs! And now the Pope himself is praying for Valitov, a man who previously considered himself a materialist and believed that where religion begins, science ends! Nazhip Khatmullovich took a letter from the Vatican and went to the Supreme Mufti of Russia Talgat Tadzhutdin. I gave him my book and told him about its essence.

The professor carefully asked the mufti how one should approach the prayers of the Pope: “I am a Muslim by origin, my grandfather went to Mecca: The mufti reassured: God is one for everyone.” And I will pray for you too! Professor Valitov re-read the Koran, studied the Bible, and studied the Torah. And he was surprised how accurately their texts indicated the essence of his scientific discovery. “In the sacred books of the main world religions,” says Professor Valitov, “it is written that God is all-seeing and all-hearing.

In the past, some atheist scientists often criticized this very definition. Their logic was, at first glance, ironclad: since the speed of light has a limit, then the Lord God, if he exists, cannot instantly hear and see what a person has done. However, it turned out that the thought of each of us is material. The atoms in the molecules that make up the neurons of the brain undergo translational, vibrational and rotational movements. And the process of thinking is necessarily accompanied by emission and absorption power lines electromagnetic and gravitational fields.

This process can be instantly detected from anywhere in the Universe. - So God knows our every thought? - Yes. There is a force to which everything is subordinated. We can call it Lord, Allah, the World Mind. The essence does not change. And interaction in the world is instantaneous, no matter where the objects are.

I came to the conclusion that the Bible, Koran and Torah, among a considerable number of different readings, have many exactly the same postulates. And their fundamental truths fit into my calculations. And that means there is nothing new in these formulas. Only confirmation of what was given to humanity over a millennium ago.”

Colleagues calculated: Professor Valitov’s theory refutes 12 laws of thermodynamics, 20 branches of chemistry, 28 physics, 40 branches of mathematics. He invited them to check their conclusions and no one could refute them. The most paradoxical thing is that seventeen industrial processes he introduced in chemical production are based on Valitov’s theoretical conclusions about the instantaneous impact. Including the production of the world's best rocket fuel. Colleagues from Canada invited Nazhip Khatmullovich to give a presentation at the international congress of chemists this fall.

Responses to his works poured in from religious and government leaders.

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia sent his gratitude to Valitov for proving the truths of the Koran.

Now Professor Valitov considers himself a believer: - First, I proved the existence of God with formulas. And then I opened it in my heart...

Most people in the world believe in the existence of God. Objectively arguing about its existence is not an easy task. However, you can make a strong case that it does not exist, using scientific, philosophical and cultural evidence. Regardless of the approach you take, when discussing the existence of God, remember to remain polite and tactful towards your interlocutor.


Part 1

Scientific evidence disproving the existence of God

    Point out that living beings are not perfect. The imperfection argument points out that if God is so perfect, why did he create us and so many other living things so poorly? For example, we are vulnerable to many diseases, our bones break easily, and as we age, our bodies and minds deteriorate. You can also mention our poorly designed spines, stiff knees and pelvic bones that lead to difficult births. All this is biological proof that God does not exist (or proof that he created us imperfect, and therefore there is no need to worship him).

    • Believers can challenge this argument by arguing that God is perfect and He created us as perfect as possible. They may also claim that what we consider to be flaws actually has a purpose in God's creation.
  1. Point out that everything supernatural can be explained scientifically. The "God of Blank Spots" argument is used very often when people try to prove the existence of God. It is based on the fact that although modern science and explains most of all things, she still cannot explain some things. You can counter this statement by saying that the number of things we don't understand continues to decrease every year, and that scientific explanations have replaced theistic ones, while supernatural or theistic explanations have never replaced scientific ones.

    • For example, you can use the example of evolution as a field in which science has corrected the previous God-centered reason for the presence of so many species in the world.
    • Point out that religion has often been used to explain the inexplicable. The Greeks used Poseidon to explain the occurrence of earthquakes, which we now know are due to the movement of tectonic plates.
  2. Point out the inaccuracies of creationism. Creationism is the belief that God created the world, usually relatively recently, approximately 5,000-6,000 years ago. Take advantage of the wealth of evidence that contradicts this, such as facts about evolution, fossils, dating radiocarbon dating and ice banks, and use them to challenge the existence of God.

    • For example, you might say, “We keep finding rocks that are millions or even billions of years old. Doesn’t this prove that there is no God?”

    Part 2

    Cultural Evidence Disproving the Existence of God
    1. Point out that belief in God was determined by society. There are several variations of this idea. You can explain this by the fact that in relatively poor countries, almost everyone believes in God, but in fairly rich and developed countries the number of believers is noticeably lower. You can also say that more educated people more inclined to the idea of ​​atheism than people with more low level education. Together, these two facts indicate that God is only a product of cultures, and belief in him depends on each individual's personal circumstances.

      Just because the majority believes in God does not mean it is true. One of common reasons belief in God is that most people believe in him. This "common consensus" argument may also suggest that because so many people believe in God, such a belief must be natural. However, you can break down this idea by arguing that the fact that most people believe something does not mean it is true. For example, you can say that during a certain period of time, most people considered slavery acceptable.

      • Tell them that if people are not involved in religion or the idea of ​​God, they will never believe in it.
    2. Explore the diversity of religious beliefs. Distinctive and character traits Christian, Hindu and Buddhist God are very different from each other. So you can say that even if God exists, it is impossible to determine which God should be worshiped.

      • This idea is known as the "Argument from Conflicting Religions."
    3. Point out contradictions in religious texts. Most religions consider their sacred texts to be the result and evidence of the existence of their God. If you can point out the contradictions and other flaws in the sacred texts, you will provide a strong argument that God does not exist.

    Part 3

    Philosophical Evidence Refuting the Existence of God

      If God existed, he would not allow so much unbelief. This argument suggests that in places where atheism is common, God would come down or personally intervene in worldly affairs and reveal himself to the atheists. The very fact of the existence of such large number atheists and the fact that God did not try to convince them through divine intervention means that there is no God.

      • Believers can challenge this statement by saying that God allows free will, so the inevitable outcome is unbelief. They can quote specific examples in his sacred texts about the occasions when God revealed himself to those who refused to believe in him.
    1. Uncover contradictions in the other person's beliefs. If his belief is based on the idea that God created the world because “Everything has a beginning and an end,” ask him, “If this is so, then who created God?” This will indicate that the other person has unfairly assumed that God exists, when in fact, the same premise (that everything has a beginning) leads to two contradictory conclusions.

      • People who believe in God can dispute this by saying that, being omnipotent, he is outside of time and space, and therefore is an exception to the rule that everything has a beginning and an end. In this case, you must direct the argument towards the contradiction of the idea of ​​omnipotence.
    2. Reveal the problem of evil. The problem with evil is how God and evil can exist at the same time. In other words, if God exists and he is good, then he must destroy all evil. You might say, “If God really cared about us, then there would be no wars.”

      • Your interlocutor may answer like this: “The government of man is wicked and erroneous. People do evil, not God.” Thus, your opponent may again resort to the idea of ​​free will and challenge the idea that God is responsible for all the evil that happens in the world.
      • You can go further and say that if there is a bad God who allows evil to happen, he is not worth worshiping.
    3. Show that morality does not require religious belief. Many believe that without religion the planet would plunge into chaos of immorality and immorality. However, you can say that your own actions (or any other atheist) are practically no different from the actions of a believer. Recognize that while you are not perfect, no one is, and that believing in God does not necessarily make a person more moral or righteous.

      • You can refute the idea of ​​a more moral believer by saying that religion not only does not lead to goodness, it leads to evil, since many religious people commit immoral acts precisely in the name of their God. For example, you might mention the Spanish Inquisition or religious terrorism around the world.
      • Moreover, animals that are unable to understand the human concept of religion exhibit obvious signs an instinctive understanding of moral behavior and what is right and wrong.
    4. Show that a good life does not require God. Many people believe that only with faith in God can a person live a rich, happy and full life. However, you can point to the fact that many non-believers live happier and more successful lives than those who choose religion.

      • For example, talk about Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens and how much success they achieved despite the fact that they both don't believe in God.
    5. Explain the contradiction between omniscience and free will. It seems that omniscience (the ability to know everything) is contrary to many beliefs. Free will is the idea that you are responsible for your actions and therefore responsible for them also lies with you. Most religions believe in both concepts, although they are not compatible.

    6. Say that God cannot be omnipotent. Omnipotence is the ability to do everything. If God could do everything, then he could, for example, draw a square circle. But since this contradicts all logic, there is no reason to believe that God is omnipotent.

      • You can propose another logically impossible principle. God cannot both know and not know something.
      • You can also say that if God is omnipotent, why does he allow natural disasters, massacres and wars to happen?
    7. Place the burden of proving the existence of God on them. In truth, it is impossible to prove that something does not exist. Anything can exist, but in order for a belief to be recognized and worthy of attention, indisputable evidence in its favor is necessary. Suggest that the believer provide evidence that God does exist.

      • For example, you might ask what happens after death. Many believers also believe in an afterlife. Let them provide evidence of the existence of this afterlife.
      • Spiritual entities like God, Devil, heaven, hell, angels, demons and others have never been (and cannot be) studied scientifically. Point out the fact that it is simply impossible to prove the existence of all this.

    Part 4

    Preparing to Discuss Religion If your arguments are not presented in a simple and understandable manner, your message will be lost. For example, when explaining how a person's religion is determined by his culture, you must make your opponent agree with each of your premises (the main points leading to the conclusion).
    • You might say something like, “Mexico was populated by Catholics, wasn’t it?”
    • When they answer yes, move on to the next premise: “So most people in Mexico are Catholic?”
    • When they answer “yes” again, move on to your conclusion by saying the following: “The reason most people in Mexico believe in God is because of the history of religious culture in this country.”
  3. Be flexible when discussing the existence of God. Belief in God is a rather sensitive topic. Approach the argument as a conversation in which both you and your opponent have strong arguments in their favor. Speak in a friendly manner. Ask them why they believe so strongly. Listen patiently to their reasons and consider your response to what you hear.

    • Ask your opponent to share sources (books or websites) that can help you learn more about their point of view and belief.
    • Belief in God is complex, and claims about God's existence (for or against) cannot be taken as facts.
  4. Stay calm. Arguing about the existence of God can become emotionally charged. If you become too agitated or aggressive during an argument, you may ramble and/or say something you later regret. Breathe deeply to stay calm. Inhale deeply through your nose for five seconds and then exhale through your mouth for three seconds. Keep doing this until you calm down.

    • Slow down the speed of your speech so you have more time to think about what you want to say and avoid blurting out something you'll later regret.
    • If you start to get angry, tell your opponent: “We’ll agree that everyone will remain the same,” and then go your separate ways.
    • Be polite when discussing God. Don't forget that for many people the topic of religion is quite sensitive. Don't use offensive language like "bad," "stupid," or "crazy." Don't call your opponent names.
    • Instead of reaching an agreement, at the end of an argument your opponent may say the well-worn phrase: “I’m sorry you’re going to hell.” Don't respond in this passive-aggressive manner.
  • You don't have to argue about the existence of God with every believer you meet. Good friends You don’t have to argue with each other about everything. If you're always trying to argue with your friend or trying to screw him over, be prepared to have one less friend.
  • Many people choose religion to try to overcome a difficult stage in life, such as addiction or the tragic death of a loved one. Although religion can positively influence a person's life and help him in times of need, this does not mean that the ideas behind the religion are true. If you meet someone who claims that religion has helped them, be careful not to offend them. You don't have to avoid this person or pretend to understand him.
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