Andromeda's mass effect is not preserved. Mass Effect Andromeda errors and solutions

Gives a lot of reasons to complain: in it, the faces are poorly animated, and the optimization on the PC is bad, and bugs often torment. But BioWare promises to fix most of these shortcomings soon. In the meantime, we are waiting - here is a list of what it is quite possible to handle on your own.

PC optimization

Andromeda struggles to hit 60fps on high and ultra settings, even at the recommended settings, most GTX 1060-level gamers are forced to settle for no more than 55fps. The difference is small, but still not pleasant enough.

Fortunately, this is solved by finer tuning. You can read more about this, but, but in short - lower the quality of the shadows, and performance will improve noticeably.

General measures

This may seem obvious to some, but make sure your graphics card drivers are up to date - part of the booting issues, and performance can be due to outdated software.

Also make sure in the settings of the game itself that it is running in full screen mode- windowed and frameless windowed mode You consume more resources of your PC.

And one more banal, but not obsolete advice. open system unit and see if there is a lot of dust in it. You can take a ruler and measure the thickness of the layer - if more than two millimeters have accumulated, then this can no longer be attributed to a statistical error. Dust greatly affects the heating of components, and this, in turn, affects their performance and lifespan.

During cleaning, disconnect the computer from the mains and open the windows wider - it is better not to inhale the dust. And do not go to the components with a wet rag - we remove large shreds with a vacuum cleaner (preferably with a brush attachment so as not to damage anything), then we blow it with a hairdryer (preferably by the window and always with cold air), and then we go through with an alcohol wipe. If the computer is more than two years old, it is better to check if the thermal paste on the processor has dried up, but if in doubt, it is better to entrust it to a professional or at least call a friend.

Known solved bugs

Black screen on startup or when minimizing the window- various utility programs like Corsair Utility Engine can cause the problem. Delete them and restart the game.

The process is activated, but the game itself does not start- here, most likely, the antivirus or firewall is to blame. Find in the folder installed game this file is ActivationUI.exe (default C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesMass Effect Andromeda coreActivationUI.exe) and add it to your security exclusion list.

When HDR mode is activated, the picture looks incorrect- A compatible monitor or TV is required to use HDR. If everything matches, just restart the game. Sometimes Radeon graphics cards have problems displaying colors in the extended range, try going into the graphics card settings and checking the HDR section.

Hard to hear ambient sounds- change the sound output mode in the audio settings, perhaps the one you have does not match the actual speaker configuration.

The game freezes on the loading screen - this can happen at any time, not only when starting or loading a save. Close the program and go to the Origin settings. There, look for a way to disable cloud saves, and try running the game repair - something might have gone wrong during the installation.

The sound disappears- restart the game.

Rider stuck in texture or failed- take out/put away the weapon, activate the scanner, jump. If it doesn't work out, you can always use fast travel or just save and load the game in the same place - the character will be freed.

Scripts required for missions do not work- leave the location and return, the animation should be activated.

Problems with online play- reboot the router, disable the VPN, if any. In addition, the game uses a peer 2 peer connection in multiplayer. so if your "host" is on the other side of the planet (although matchmaking is usually done in one region), lag due to high ping can't be avoided.

Also check in settings network connection computer the following ports:

  • TCP: 443, 17503, 17504, 10000-19999, 42210, 42130, 42230
  • UDP: 3659, 10000-19999

Bugs that will be fixed soon

BioWare has promised to release a patch soon, which should solve several common bugs. Here is a list of issues that will definitely be fixed in the update:

  • Video cards in Crossfire almost do not give an increase in power
  • PC version does not support Dolby Vision
  • Image stretches unnaturally when running on 4:3 screens
  • FPS drops heavily in Storm Canyons location
  • teammates teleport out of control or get stuck in one place
  • Objects in space behave incorrectly and tremble
  • Autosave happens too infrequently
  • Main mission scripts not working
  • If you often skip cutscenes, Ryder can hang in the air
  • If you run in zigzags, the rider can get out of control and start a cycle of random animations
  • Disappearing sound
  • If you create a new character immediately after exiting the menu from an existing playthrough, some quests and Journal items may be carried over.

The update will be released in the coming days.

The game directory should not contain Cyrillic letters - only Latin. Check the integrity of the Origin cache.

How to turn off motion blur (soap).

  1. Go to the folder with the installed game. By default it will be located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda.
    Once in the folder, right-click and select the "create a new text document" option.
  2. Now rename the created document to "user.cfg" (without quotes, replace .txt with .cfg to turn it into a configuration file).
  3. Open this document with Notepad or any other similar program, and then add the line to it: "WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0".
  4. Save and exit. Everything, from now on the picture will cease to be blurry.

Increase Frame Rate

In the file created above, add the following values:

  • RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
  • RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
  • RenderDevice.VsyncEnable 0
  • PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
  • WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
  • WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 256
  • WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
  • WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0

Correct graphics settings

Intel Core i7, GeForce GTX 1070 or better:

  • The "Shadows" parameter should be set to HBAO, high.
  • The "Effects" option is recommended to be reduced to the "high" value.

Intel Core i5, GeForce GTX 960:

  • Reduce anti-aliasing to Temporal AA.
  • The "Shadows" parameter should be set to SSAO, medium.
  • The "Effects" option is recommended to be reduced to the "medium" value.
  • Activate chromatic aberration.
  • It is recommended to reduce the "Lighting" option to the "medium" value.
  • The "Vegetation" option is recommended to be reduced to the "high" value.
  • The “Post-processing” option is recommended to be reduced to the “low” value.
  • It is recommended to reduce the "Shaders" option to the "low" value.
  • The "Landscape" option is recommended to be reduced to the "low" value.
  • It is recommended to reduce the "Texture filtering" option to the "medium" value.
  • The "Textures" option is recommended to be reduced to the "high" value.

Intel Core i3, GeForce GTX 750:

  • Activate resolution scaling.
  • Set the "Shadows" option to the minimum value.
  • Lighting should be reduced to a minimum.
  • Activate or deactivate vertical sync.
  • The rest of the settings can be left at low or medium.

Black screen

Click on the Alt + Tab button combination, it didn’t help, we move on through several methods.

  • If you are using the Corsair Utility Engine then you will have to uninstall it. This is the only way you can get rid of the black screen.
  • Install the latest drivers for your video card (tick "clean install" when booting Nvidia).
  • Disable your antivirus or add the game to the exception list.
  • Disable the Origin overlay (it can be found in the client settings).
  • Make sure the game is fully downloaded and up to date. You should not try to play when the client reports that the project is playable - wait for the complete installation.

all right? then we try like this:

  • Go to C:\Users\username\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect Andromeda\Save and open ProfOps_Profile.
  • Scroll down until you see GstRender.FullscreenMode. Next to it should be the number "1". Change it to the number "0" and then save.
  • Launch the game, it should be in windowed mode. Go to settings, then video options and change the display mode to borderless windowed.

Long five years ardent fans of the series Mass games Effect waited for the release of a new part and finally it happened - the long-awaited release of the game took place, which sends all players to explore the vastness of a completely new galaxy. However, even such a worthy project could not do without a fly in the ointment in a huge barrel of honey. The bottom line is that, like many modern AAA projects, it literally suffers from technical errors. Moreover, the game has both usual, familiar problems (black screen, the game does not start, crashes, low frame rate, freezes, does not install), and rarely encountered (the character gets stuck, crashes when saving, and much more). However, with all these problems, this technical guide is intended to help, in which it will be possible to find the solution to all errors, compiled by the "" command.

However, before you start blaming BioWare developers for various human sins, we recommend that you take a close look at the characteristics of your hardware and compare them with both the minimum system requirements and the recommended ones. It is possible that the game is not running due to the fact that your "machine" is too weak.

Minimum system requirements


: "Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-6350";

: "NVidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850 with 2 GB";

: "8 GB";

: "55 GB hard drive";

: "Compatible with DirectX";

: "eleven";

: Keyboard, Mouse.

: "Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (64-bit system only)";

: "Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD FX-8350";

: "NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD RX 480 with 3 GB of memory";

: "8 GB";

: "55 GB hard drive";

: "Compatible with DirectX";

: "eleven";

: Keyboard, Mouse.

. "Mass Effect: Andromeda won't launch"

So you downloaded and installed Mass Effect: Andromeda, but it still doesn't want to run. And when you click on the "executable" errors do not even appear? The problem is that, most likely, there was some kind of problem during the installation. To solve the problem, you must first check the integrity of the cache in "Origin" or "Steam" (depending on what you use), and then use the appropriate option. In addition, even a banal reinstallation of the game can help solve the problem, but before a new installation, do not forget to disable the antivirus, as it can take some important game files for a virus and then block them.

Also remember that in the Mass Effect: Andromeda directory there should not be Cyrillic letters - only Latin letters are allowed. Therefore, if you encounter such a problem, then you must immediately rename the folders. Always remember that such letters can have an extremely negative impact on the save system.

. "In Mass Effect: Andromeda a soapy picture"

So, if the picture in Mass Effect: Andromeda is blurry, or you are wondering "How to get rid of" soap "in the game?" and want to disable the feature called "Motion Blur", then you need to follow these steps:

Go to the folder where you installed Mass Effect: Andromeda. By default, the game is in this location: "Crogram Files (x86)Origin GamesMass Effect Andromeda".

When you reach the desired folder, right-click and select the option called "Create a new text document."

After that, rename only the created document to "user.cfg" (in this case, quotes cannot be used, and the ".txt" format must be replaced with ".cfg" to turn the document into a configuration file).

Now open the document with Notepad or any other similar program. In any case, the following line should be added to this configuration: "WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0".

. "Mass Effect: Andromeda crashes without error"

If Mass Effect: Andromeda suddenly crashes to the desktop without an error window, then this is most likely due to overheating of your hardware. The point is that when the processor or video card reaches a critical temperature value, the system automatically turns off all applications, and in some cases even reboots. As for overheating, it can occur for several reasons: the first reason is the insufficient power of the components, the second reason is the accumulation of dust in the case, the third reason is a breakdown of the cooling system, the fourth reason is the presence of malfunctions in the power supply, the fifth reason is dried thermal paste and much other. Although there are many reasons, they all relate to one thing - it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive check of your hardware.

However, if your system is in perfect order, or crashes are observed only in Mass Effect: Andromeda, then most likely the game either was not installed correctly, or your computer is missing important updates or, in extreme cases, drivers. However, a puncture on the part of the developers can never be ruled out, so if suddenly nothing helped, then it remains either to wait for the official patch from them, or to report the error in the comments below.

. "Mass Effect: Andromeda has a black screen"

If you experience a black screen when launching Mass Effect: Andromeda or during gameplay, then most likely the problem lies with the graphics accelerator. To be more precise, it either corny does not “pull” the game, or simply overheats. In addition, a black screen may also appear in the case of old drivers, so they need to be updated.

But if everything is in order with the hardware, then I recommend doing the following trick, which, as a rule, solves the problem: press the Alt + Tab key combination to go to a new window, and then try to return back to the game. So, usually after such a not too difficult fraud, the black screen disappears. However, there are other solutions to the problem.

So, if you are using an application called "Corsair Utility Engine", then you will have to uninstall it. Only after that it will be possible to get rid of the black screen. In addition, Corsair posted a message on the Electronic Arts forum saying that they are currently working on the issue and it will be resolved soon.

The folder with the game should always be in the exceptions of the antivirus. In addition, the "Origin" overlay must be disabled (this can be found in the client settings). In the end, be sure to check that the game is fully downloaded and updated. Do not even try to play if the client reports that the project is playable - always wait for the installation to avoid errors.

But there is another way to solve the error. To do this, go to the folder at the following address: "C:Usersuser_nameDocumentsBioWareMass Effect AndromedaSave and open ProfOps_Profile". Scroll further down until you see a line with the following words: "GstRender.FullscreenMode". So, there should be a number “1” next to it, which will need to be changed to “0”, and then saved. As soon as you complete the list of steps described above, launch the game (it should start in windowed mode - this is normal). Go to the settings and then to the video option and change the display mode back to "frameless windowed" and enjoy the gameplay.

. "Mass Effect: Andromeda has lags, slowdowns, low FPS"

The new part in the Mass Effect series is noticeably ahead of Mass Effect 3 in terms of graphics, which, in fact, led to an increase in the system requirements of the game. However, in addition to this, a huge number of players complain about a variety of lags and even friezes. Therefore, if you encounter a similar problem, then I recommend optimizing the graphic settings as much as possible by lowering them, for example, to the necessary parameters that the system requires. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the resolution scaling, texture quality and dimming model. The problem is that these settings have the biggest impact on game performance. Never forget to disable third-party applications that happily "eat" your resources.

. "In Mass Effect: Andromeda the hero is stuck"

. "Mass Effect: Andromeda has multiplayer issues"

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A couple of days ago, something happened that many fans of the deservedly legendary space series from Bioware were waiting for - the release of Mass Effect Andromeda. So that no one talks about this game, no matter what problems it has with animation, and indeed problems with the technical component in general, but new game in the Mass Effect game series, this is always an important event.

Despite multiple negative feedback about the adventures of the Pathfinder, Mass Effect Andromeda can at least work stably and even give out a decent frame rate on many machines, despite the juiciest picture. But, nevertheless, a modern project is a modern project, and, of course, it could not do without some “jambs”.

In this article, we will look at various errors, bugs, and other issues in Mass Effect Andromeda, as well as show you how to fix them. To get started, as always, you need to familiarize yourself with the system requirements for Mass Effect Andromeda, because a huge number of problems can manifest themselves precisely because your PC does not meet these requirements.

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 3570 | AMD FX-6350
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • HDD: 55 GB hard disk space
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 | AMD Radeon HD 7850 with 2 GB of memory
  • DirectX version: 11
  • As well as: Keyboard, Mouse
  • Operating system: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 (x64 only)
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 | AMD FX-8350
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • HDD: 55 GB hard disk space
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 | AMD RX 480 with 3 GB of memory
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX version: 11
  • As well as: Keyboard, Mouse

So, we hope that your PC meets at least the minimum system requirements, as problems may stem from the fact that the computer simply cannot handle the game.

Solving various problems and errors in Mass Effect Andromeda

Low FPS in Mass Effect Andromeda

Quite a standard problem for all newly released games. But you should not worry, because the solution to this problem has literally been in front of you all this time. You have installed new drivers for your video card that came out not so long ago, right? If not, then that's the whole point. The thing is that almost always with the release of some AAA game, drivers for video cards are also released, which will be optimized specifically for it. So head straight to your graphics chip manufacturer's website and download the latest drivers. And one more thing - if you are trying to play Mass Effect Andromeda on some kind of integrated card, then it is better to give up this idea, as they are not designed for use in such high-tech games.

Black screen in Mass Effect Andromeda

Black screen in games is already a fairly classic problem. In this case, you should not worry, as users have already found a couple of ways to get rid of this problem.

  • First you need to uninstall Corsair Utility Engine if such software is installed on your computer. Once you uninstall this software, restart your PC and try to launch Mass Effect Andromeda again.
  • The second step that you can resort to is running the game in windowed mode. To do this, simply launch the game, and then press the Alt + Enter key combination. If it works, go to the Mass Effect Andromeda Settings and change the game mode to Windowed or Borderless Windowed. After that, it should start up as it should.

Mass Effect Andromeda Won't Launch

It may also happen that your copy of the game does not start at all. Users have already found out that Anti-Virus can block one specific file - ActivationUI.exe. All you have to do is to put ActivationUI.exe on the exclusion list for your Antivirus. After that, try running Mass Effect Andromeda again.

Mass Effect Andromeda: Ryder stuck in animation

As we already know, Mass Effect Andromeda has huge animation problems. You may be in a position where your main character will get stuck during the execution of the next animation. To get out of this rather funny situation, do the following:

  • Try switching between combat mode and exploration mode.
  • …try to jump. As they say, sometimes it helps.
  • Try turning your scanner on and off.
  • Well, if everything is useless - restart the game.

Mass Effect Andromeda freezes in cutscene

During Ryder's becoming a Pathfinder, there is a possibility that the game will freeze during this cutscene. Quite an unexpected problem, but users have already found some ways to solve it.

  • Put Mass Effect Andromeda in windowed mode for the duration of the cutscene, and do the opposite after the cutscene ends.
  • If you have overclocking on the processor, then reset its settings to factory settings. Some users claim that this can help.

Bugs with HDR in Mass Effect Andromeda

Some players are reporting some weird graphical bugs and glitches while using HDR in Mass Effect Andromeda. All of this should of course be fixed in the coming patches, which we hope will follow soon, but there is one workaround for this problem. It consists in a simple Alt + TAB during the game.

Some gamers began to complain that Mass Effect Andromeda starts to freeze during the game. In most cases, freezes occur at the moment of combat or immediately before killing enemies. In this article, we will explain what to do if Mass Effect Andromeda freezes on kill using simple ways solutions.

Weak computer

First check if your computer can run ME Andromeda. If the computer is weak, then lower the graphics settings to a minimum, mainly the quality of shadows and lighting. Also disable third-party programs, this can reduce the chance of freezes.

Disabling some graphics options

If you have a powerful computer or the game lags even at the lowest settings, try turning off triple buffering and vertical sync. You can disable these features in the graphics settings in the game itself, then restart Mass Effect Andromeda and check if the freezes have disappeared or not.

Reinstall the game from another repack

If you have a pirated version of ME Andromeda, then it is likely that the freezes are due to its internal reconfigurations. Delete the game and download the repack (installer) from another source or torrent, such as xatab. But if you have a licensed version of the game, then check if a new patch has appeared.

Remove trainers

Some gamers who do not want to play the game honestly download the so-called trainers that allow you to enter certain cheats, for example, immortality. Over time, such trainers break the game, which can cause freezes. Delete the trainer and start saving from the point where you have not used it yet.

Update drivers and Directx 11

In some cases, a game freeze can be helped by simply updating the graphics driver or Directx program to version 11. You can update the drivers via the Internet, just type in the video card model and download the package from the official site, in most cases it is

Restarting the game

To temporarily get rid of freezes during the murder, you need to periodically restart the game, at least once every 1.5-2 hours. After all, as a rule, such freezes occur after a long game, but do not forget this is a temporary measure with the hope of a patch or new version drivers.

Summing up

Now you know what to do if Mass Effect Andromeda freezes on kill. It is worth noting that, as a rule, developers solve such problems by releasing a patch. Therefore, people who could not find a solution should not despair.

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