Homemade plum wine: preparation. Plum wine at home: a simple recipe

It is not easy to buy high-quality plum wine in the store. Maybe that’s why connoisseurs of delicate, delicate and aromatic alcohol prefer to prepare such a drink at home. Moreover, the juicy fruits have a high sugar content, which promotes rapid fermentation, which brings the long-awaited tasting closer.

How to make wine from plums?

Even taking into account the fact that plum wine is an exclusive product, its preparation is no different from other wines. As always, the berries are cleaned, filled with water and set aside for two days. Afterwards, the mass is filtered, mixed with sugar, closed for fermentation for several months, poured into a clean container and sent to ripen.

  1. Whatever the recipe for homemade plum wine - for good drink We need ripe, juicy and high-quality fruits. Spoiled and rotten ones can ruin the entire batch of wine.
  2. Plums cannot be washed: they contain many bacteria that contribute to the fermentation process.
  3. The seeds must be removed from the fruit, as they contain harmful substances.
  4. The high pectin content in the berries makes it difficult to collect the juice, so the fruits must be filled with water or hot syrup.

Homemade plum wine according to a simple recipe is a classic that all inexperienced winemakers start with. In fact, this preparation is no different from the traditional one, where crushed plums are mixed with water, the mixture is allowed to ferment for a couple of days, filtered through cheesecloth, sugar is added and left for anaerobic fermentation for a month.


  • peeled plums - 4.5 kg;
  • water - 4.5 l;
  • sugar - 350 g.


  1. Mix crushed plums with water and set aside for 3 days.
  2. Strain the contents through cheesecloth into a separate container.
  3. Add sugar, stir, cover the container with a rubber glove with a hole and set aside to ferment for a month.
  4. Pour the dessert wine from the plums into a clean container and seal.

Yellow plum wine will delight lovers of light alcohol. Due to the fact that this variety of plums is characterized by increased sweetness and low acidity, you can make excellent wine without flavoring the wort with sugar. In this regard, wine turns into a harmonious drink that has useful action on the body.


  • plums - 10 kg;
  • water - 7 l.


  1. Puree the plums, cover with water and set aside for 3 days.
  2. Stir the mixture with a spatula every 8 hours.
  3. In due time, strain the pulp and juice through cheesecloth into a clean bottle.
  4. Place a water seal on the container.
  5. After 4 weeks the wine from yellow plums filter and bottle into clean bottles.

Skeptical winemakers consider wine made from plums with pits to be bitter and harmful. This misconception can be easily refuted. If the correct technologies are followed, sugar easily neutralizes the amount of cyanide and hydrocyanic acid in the seeds, and the finished drink turns out to be very aromatic, tasty and safe.


  • plums - 5 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 700 g.


  1. Peel the plums.
  2. Remove the kernels from some of the seeds.
  3. Mix the kernels with chopped plums, water and 250 g of sugar and leave in a warm place for 3 days.
  4. Filter the wort through cheesecloth, add another 250 g of sugar.
  5. Try it, if it tastes almondy, remove the kernels.
  6. Close the container in a convenient way and set the wine aside for 60 days.
  7. After 6 days, add the remaining sugar.
  8. Drain homemade plum wine through a straw into clean containers and refrigerate.

For those who want to get high-quality, tart and aromatic plum wine at home, yeast is a must. This indispensable component significantly accelerates fermentation, during which it suppresses the action of all pathogens, thereby increasing the stability, strength and providing a unique bouquet of wine.


  • plums - 7 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • yeast - 100 g.


  1. Mix peeled and chopped plums with sugar and water and set aside.
  2. After three days, strain through cheesecloth into a clean container.
  3. Add crushed yeast and seal the container with a water seal for 30 days.
  4. Carefully pour the wine from the plums into bottles and leave to ripen in the cold.

Even novice winemakers know that it is more convenient, easier and faster to prepare from plums and raisins. It's all about the features of this dried fruit: it is an incredibly high-quality raw material for making sourdough and an ideal component for adding taste, color and aroma to wine. In addition, it can be easily purchased in any market at a reasonable price and all year round.


  • plums - 10 kg;
  • water - 8 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • raisins - 2 kg.


  1. Add 5 liters of water to the crushed plums and set aside for 3 days.
  2. Heat the remaining water, mix with raisins and 550 g of sugar and set aside for 3 days.
  3. Strain the plum juice and add the strained liquid from the raisins.
  4. Set aside to ferment.
  5. After 3 months, pour into bottles and leave to mature for 60 days.

Lovers of quality, good drinks will like it. Vodka not only adds strength to alcohol, but also prevents further fermentation of sugar, and therefore the drink can be stored for a long time and not spoil. The fastening technology is as simple as possible, which is why it is popular in home winemaking.


  • plum - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • vodka - 300 ml.


  1. Make syrup from 1 liter of water and 150 g of sugar.
  2. Pour syrup over crushed plums for 8 hours.
  3. Pour the syrup into a bottle, and cook a new portion of syrup for the berries.
  4. Then remove the berries, add vodka and set aside for 2 weeks.
  5. Discard sediment and seal.

Plum wine can be made at home from available ingredients. It is especially convenient, practical and financially beneficial to use winter sweet preparations. An example would be a compote you brew yourself, which, with the right technology, will become a healthy, natural alcoholic drink in a few weeks.


  • plum compote - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • raisins - 50 g.


  1. Strain the compote.
  2. Heat the resulting liquid, add sugar, raisins and seal with a water seal for 3 weeks.
  3. Separate from the sediment and store for 3 months.

Thrifty housewives are happy to use the plum recipe. After all this method allows you to simply and without hassle dispose of sweet preparations that you have grown tired of over the winter, and in return get a tasty natural alcoholic product that leaves even high-quality store-bought drinks behind.


  • plum jam - 500 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g.


  1. Mix the jam with water and half the sugar and set aside for 3 days.
  2. Strain the liquid, add the remaining sugar and set aside for 2 months.
  3. Strain and seal in a bottle.

Making plum wine at home coincides with fruit picking, which is an excellent opportunity to add flavors to the drink. Plums are often combined with apples. The latter not only add flavor variety, but also make it easier to collect juice during the fermentation period, since, unlike plums rich in pectin, they easily release their juice.

Homemade plum wine cannot be called an elite alcoholic drink, but many people like its original aromatic bouquet and unusual taste. Semi-dry or semi-sweet plum wine goes well with meat dishes, and sweet wine can be served with dessert. The sugar content can be easily adjusted during cooking.

The most difficult stage of the technology is obtaining juice. The problem is that plums contain a lot of pectin, a substance that makes the fruit pulp jelly-like. That is why there is no pure plum juice on sale; only nectar can be purchased.

But plums have one significant advantage for winemaking - high content sugar, which makes it a little easier to make plum wine at home than, for example, from apples. Less sugar needs to be added, and fermentation is more intense.


  • plums - 10 kg;
  • water - 1 liter for every kilogram of pulp;
  • sugar - 100-350 grams per liter of juice.

Plum wine recipe

1. Harvesting and preparation. Any dark plum varieties are suitable for making wine. The harvest is harvested at the moment when almost all the fruits are ripe and begin to fall. Plums should be exposed to direct water for 2-3 days. sun rays, they need to be dried.

Do not wash the fruits, but only wipe with a dry cloth if necessary. During sun-drying, the skin of the plums becomes covered with fungi and bacteria (wild yeast), which contribute to the production of wine. If you completely wash off this yeast, the wort will not ferment.

Spoiled, rotten and moldy plums must be discarded. Even a small amount of bad pulp can ruin an entire batch of wine. Sort through the raw materials carefully, removing anything that seems suspicious.

2. Getting juice. Remove the seeds and grind the pulp to a homogeneous mixture. Each plum should turn into puree. Dilute the resulting mass with regular cold water in a 1:1 ratio.

It is advisable to leave the plum puree filled with water for 2 days in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25°C. To prevent flies from getting into the wort, cover the container with gauze. Stir with a clean hand or a wooden stick every 6-8 hours, immersing the top layer of peel and pulp (called “pulp”) into the liquid.

After 48 hours, the skin and pulp will begin to actively separate from the juice, and bubbles and foam will appear on the surface, which means fermentation has begun. You need to strain the wort through a fine mesh or cheesecloth, getting rid of the pulp. Pour the resulting plum juice into a fermentation vessel.

3. Fermentation. It's time to add sugar. The quantity depends on the initial sweetness of the plums and the desired type of wine. To prepare a dry or semi-dry drink, you need to add 100-250 grams of sugar per liter of juice; for semi-sweet and sweet wine, 300-350 g/l is required.

For normal fermentation, it is advisable to add sugar not all at once, but in parts. Add the first batch (approximately 50% of the total planned amount) immediately after pouring the juice into the fermentation container and mix well.

The vessel is filled with juice no more than 3/4 of the volume. During fermentation, foam will be released and carbon dioxide who need space. Next, install a water seal of any design on the container. Even a rubber glove with a small hole in the finger (made with a needle) will do. During fermentation, move the container to a dark room with a temperature of 18-26°C.

Homemade option
Glove like shutter

Add the rest of the sugar in 25% increments every 4-5 days. Technology: remove the water seal, pour some fermenting juice through a straw into another container (the juice required is half the amount of added sugar). Dissolve sugar in juice. Pour the resulting syrup into a container with wine, then install the water seal back.

Fermentation of wine from plums lasts up to 60 days. The process is complete when the water seal does not release gas (the glove is deflated) and a layer of sediment appears at the bottom. This means it's time to drain the young plum wine from the lees into another clean container for maturation.

Taste the drink and sweeten it with sugar if desired. You can also fix the wine with vodka or 40-45% alcohol. Typically, no more than 15% strong alcohol by volume of wine is added. Fortified wine stores better, but has a harsher taste.

If fermentation lasts longer than 55 days, in order to avoid the appearance of bitterness, you need to drain the wine from the sediment, and then put it under a water seal again until fermentation stops. Then proceed according to the recipe.

4. Maturation. Plum wine, unlike apple wine, takes quite a long time to clarify – months. In this case, particles are difficult to filter, it is better to just wait. The minimum ripening time is 2-3 months.

Close containers filled to the top with wine hermetically (if sugar was added at the end for sweetening, then it is better to keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days), then transfer it to a dark room with a temperature of 6-16°C. This could be a basement or a refrigerator. First, every 15-20 days, and then less often, as sediment appears at the bottom, filter the drink, pouring it through a straw into another container without touching the sediment. It takes 2-3 years for more or less complete lightening. Is it true, full transparency it is almost impossible to achieve due to the peculiarity of plums.

After 6 months of aging

After 3-6 months Home wine Plums can be poured into bottles for storage and hermetically sealed. Shelf life in the cellar or refrigerator is up to 5 years. Strength – 9-12% (without fixation).

Features of the technology are shown in the video.

P.S. Chinese and Japanese clear plum wine sold in our stores is not natural product. The drink is made from reconstituted wine material, I do not recommend buying it.

Due to the fact that plums are universal fruits, any plum wine recipe. Thus, both red and white wine are made from them, “armed” with bright blue or, respectively, yellow fruits. The plum fortified table drink is rich, aromatic, and sweet. Although blue fruit varieties produce stronger wine; and yellow ones - light. The wine product made from plums can hardly be considered a masterpiece of culinary preparations. It is more often used as a harmonious aperitif for meat dishes, or it is served at the end of a meal as an ordinary dessert or liqueur wine. In any case, this drink is extremely useful for anemia and diseases of the blood vessels.

Another special feature of plum fruits for winemaking is that these fruits naturally contain a lot of sugar. And adding sand-sugar to the fermentation product is not necessary! They also have their own gelling agents (including pectin). Therefore, winter preparations from them are always somewhat jelly-like (for example,). But for wine, it is difficult to “separate” only the juice, and the liquid used will certainly have pieces of pulp. Some will consider this a disadvantage; others, on the contrary, like such an unusual consistency.

Plum wine recipes: classic

On homemade plum wine recipe Be sure to select slightly overripe fruits with juicy pulp and easily separated seeds. If free time allows, it would be good to dry the fruits in the open sun, spreading them on a baking sheet or other flat surface and leaving them for a couple of days. As a result of this “aging,” they acquire a spicy, smoked flavor, which is transferred to the wine. The prepared ingredients are pitted, and the unwashed halves are placed in a bulk bowl.

Next, the workpiece is crushed to a puree-like, almost homogeneous state. Filtered water is added to it in a 1:1 ratio. The container with the contents is covered with a towel and placed in a warm place for fermentation.

After a couple of days, foam will appear on the surface, indicating that simple plum wine recipe began to actively ferment. Visually, gas bubbles should be actively coming out. After keeping the wort for 3-4 days, it must be strained. And pour the drained rather thick juice into a glass bottle to continue natural fermentation. At this stage, you can add granulated sugar, for those who like sweet drinks, such as, for example. Based on the type of wine being prepared - dry or semi-dry, semi-sweet or dessert - the “sweetener” is added in the following quantities:

For dry and semi-dry use 0.2-0.25 kg of sand per liter of wine material;

For sweet and semi-sweet - 0.35-0.4 kg/l.

Sugar is hung in the container until the grains are completely dissolved. After which the bottle is closed more tightly with a water seal, and left to ripen at room temperature for a month and a half. The water seal will help to smoothly remove carbon dioxide from the container and limit the contact of the workpiece with air (which will lead to spoilage of the product).

The technology is being completed How to make wine from plums. Recipe» Removing slivovitz from the sediment, that is, decanting it. The new wine is ready! You can enjoy it right away, or leave it until ripening, a period of which takes about two to three months and makes the drink stronger. But even this time is not enough for the liquid to finally lighten and become transparent. Dense plum wine with a high content of pectins will lighten only after 2.5-3 years.

Plum wine recipes: with yeast

Same classic version performed with the addition of yeast to the main products. So, for 10 kilos of drain on "Homemade plum wine" step by step recipe add about 2 kg of granulated sugar and 50 g of “live” yeast (not instant).

According to the method, the fruits are washed, the seeds are removed from them, after which the preparations are placed in a cooking pan. The fruits are poured with a small amount of water and boiled over low heat, bringing them to moderate softening. Then the soft halves are rubbed on a sieve, and yeast and granulated sugar, chopped with a knife, are mixed into them. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed until the grains and yeast dissolve, and you can put it in a container where fermentation will take place. The neck is covered with a water seal or a pierced rubber glove.

The prepared container with the wort is transferred to a warm room. When fermentation of the wine material is complete, the liquid is drained from the sediment, additionally sugared to taste and then intensively mixed. The purified drink with added granulated sugar should still sit and ferment for about 3 days. And finally, young homemade plum wine (simple recipe) can be filtered and sealed in glass bottles. If the recipe described is to the taste of home lovers fortified wines, then you need to take note that viburnum is prepared in the same way.

Slivovitz is ideal for all kinds of winemaking experiments. And the following culinary techniques will prove it. After all, wine material is often combined with various interesting additives, adding spice and astringency to the taste of the drink, enhancing and refreshing its aroma. All these bold interpretations can be considered in “ Plum wine. Video recipe" So, excellent additions would be: apples, rowan berries, peaches, cherries, raisins, etc. Spices chosen include cinnamon, cloves or vanilla. By the way, these components also accompany preservation. So these combinations have already been verified! And their pleasant berry-fruit notes managed to win many fans.

Plum wine recipes: with cinnamon

The classic version of slivovitz will be well diluted with ground cinnamon. Ingredients for homemade plum wine recipe will become: 10 kilos of blue plums, 3 liters of water, 20 g of cinnamon and 4 kg of granulated sugar.

Are fruits of a certain variety (blue fruits are selected for table red wine) rinsed in cool water, “freed” from seeds, placed in a bottle and sprinkled on top? part of the measured sugar. Without stirring, all this is left for 3-4 days in a warm place for initial fermentation. And from the remaining sand, ground cinnamon and the specified volume of water, syrup is brewed. After boiling, the sweet liquid must be cooled and poured into the infused plum wort, closing the neck tightly with a water seal.

At the end of the fermentation process, the slivovitz is decanted from the settled cloudy sediment. By the way, the end of fermentation can be determined by the cessation of the release of carbon dioxide and the absence of bubbles in the liquid. The home-made fortified drink is additionally filtered before bottling into dry bottles. A cool place where various winter containers are located, including, is perfect for storage. Over time, sediment will also fall to the bottom of the bottles; it is removed by the same decantation into a clean container. The technology of straining and other stages of winemaking is described “Homemade plum wine. Simple recipe" video and other videos on homemade slivovitz.

Recipe 4 – blending with peach

Quite a successful combination of plums and peach. In addition, vanilla is added to the fruit. And the aroma of such a drink will shock anyone with its unsurpassed quality! The ingredients you will need for it are: 7 kilos of fleshy ripe plums and 3 kg of juicy peaches, 3 kilos of sand-sugar, 4 liters of water and 3 g of vanilla.

Begins “Wine from plums” recipe from the selection of fruits, which are then washed, pitted, and, if possible, thoroughly kneaded in an enamel bowl (in no case metal) until smooth. Although for the experiment you can simply cut them into small slices. Next, the fruity plum-peach mass is supplemented with vanilla and filled with pre-cooked sugar syrup that has had time to cool.

The mixture is placed in a bottle, with a rubber glove with pierced fingers placed over the neck, and left for high-quality fermentation in a sufficiently warm room; but not too hot, otherwise the wine material will turn into vinegar or quickly ferment, which in both cases will negatively affect the result of winemaking. It is convenient to use the glove to observe the fermentation process and its completion (it will deflate and fall off). After 1 month, the fermented wort is filtered. After taking the sample, it must be sweetened (if necessary).

The “purified” liquid is poured into a clean bottle (and the neck is again covered with a glove) and fermented for another week and a half, and then carefully decanted from the settled sediment. Ripens “Homemade plum wine” recipe with glove in bottles into which it is bottled after filtration.

Recipe 5 – with raisins

They are considered an excellent treat. This is both a great way to preserve them for future use and an original delicacy. But no less interesting preparation is slivovitz with raisins and prunes. Smoked fruits add a rather sharp but appropriate accent, and dried grapes complement it and speed up the fermentation process. For 10 kilos of plums for the drink you will need to take 200 g of raisins and 100 g of prunes, water and 3 kg of granulated sugar.

Fresh fruits selected for harvesting are first sorted out, rinsed in cool water, excess moisture is drained off, and the seeds are removed. Peeled prunes are also washed under cold water and finely chopped. After fresh fruits you need to pour water, covering all the fruits in level, and boil until softened. Next, they should be wiped on a sieve or a “thick” colander, and the resulting puree should be poured into a separate bowl.

Add crushed prunes, washed and briefly soaked raisins in warm water, and granulated sugar to the plum puree. All these components are mixed and a glass container is filled with them, where they will be fermented. The container is closed with a special plug for gas outlet. Upon completion of the process “Plum wine at home” simple recipe advises draining the upper liquid from the cloudy sediment, and if possible and having free time, filter it. After pouring the drink into bottles, they are tightly capped and transferred to a dark, cool place to mature for 2-3 months.

Recipe 6 – with cherries

Next “Wine from plums” step-by-step recipe offers a good option, which is a plum-cherry mixture. It will fit perfectly into any other celebration. To prepare the drink, you can use the following ingredients: 5 kilos of fresh plums, 2.8 kg of granulated sugar, 1 kilo of ripe cherries and 800 ml of filtered water.

Fruits for a homemade drink are rinsed in cold water and, without peeling the seeds, are transferred to a large, tall glass container. Then you should wash them a little and grind them with a wooden stick or pestle, and you can add sugar and water to them. The neck of the container is tied with gauze or thin linen.

After two days, the dishes with the contents that have begun to ferment are closed with a water seal and left in this position for 25-30 days. Completed recipe for homemade plum wine with pits filtered and “seasoned” with sugar if necessary. And again, the container is removed for 1.5-2 months in a dark place for further fermentation and ripening, after which the liquid is cleaned again before bottling into suitable glass bottles.

By the way, some may be interested “Plum wine with pits” recipe resulting in a fortified drink. For it, you need 12 kg of plums, water, granulated sugar and 6 liters of vodka (you can count and use “pure” alcohol). In a particular case, the fruits must be washed, as in, and dried. Afterwards, the fruits are slightly kneaded and poured into a suitable container, filled with vodka and infused for 20 days in a warm place. The liquid is drained from the resulting tincture. And this time the pulp is poured with hot water so that it covers the contents of the container. The workpiece is cooled and thoroughly wrung out. A syrup is prepared from squeezed liquid and sand, taken in a 1:1 ratio. The drained tincture is added to the resulting syrup; they are mixed and poured into a bottle. The container is covered with a water seal and the wine is fermented for 2-3 weeks. The fortified slivovitz is poured into bottles and capped.

Homemade plum wine can be prepared in a short time, and its production does not require too much money. The taste of the wine is quite harmonious, and the aroma is intoxicating. In this article we will examine in detail the preparation of plum wine, as well as some secrets.

Subtleties of cooking

Various varieties of plums can be used to create wine, but wild plums are considered the best. The technology for preparing wine will be the same for all varieties. What you need to know:

  • You cannot wash plums, as bacteria live on them, which can cause fermentation without the use of additional yeast.
  • To make wine, you need to use overripe berries. The fruit can also be placed in the sun to make the resulting wine sweeter.
  • The seeds need to be removed, as they contain harmful substances.

How to make plum wine at home

To make wine you will need the following ingredients:

  • plums - 10 kg;
  • water - for every kilogram of fruit pulp, take 1 liter of liquid;
  • sugar - take about 150-300 grams per liter of juice.

Detailed recipe for plum wine

1. Harvest and prepare the crop. You need to take ripe fruits that have begun to fall. Any variety is suitable, you can take dark fruits. Keep the fruits in the sun for about 2-3 days, but do not wash the plums after that.

2. Now you can get the juice. Remove the seeds from the fruit, then bring the pulp to a homogeneous mixture. All plums should be pureed. After this, dilute the resulting mass with ordinary cool water in a 1:1 ratio.

The resulting plum puree should be kept in a dark and cool place for 2 days at a temperature of about 20-23 degrees Celsius. Also use gauze to prevent various insects from getting inside. Take a wooden stick and stir the liquid once every 5-10 hours; the entire top layer of pulp and peel (“pulp”) should be immersed in the liquid.

After two days, you will see foam and bubbles on the surface - this means the start of fermentation. You will need to strain the wort to get rid of the pulp. After this procedure, it is necessary to pour the plum juice into another vessel for fermentation.

3. Fermentation. Now you need to add sugar to the mixture. If you want to get a dry or semi-dry drink, you need to take about 120-240 grams of sugar per liter of juice, if you want to get a semi-sweet or sweet wine, you need to take about 300-350 grams of sugar per liter of juice.

The container is filled with juice no more than 3/4 of the volume. You must leave room as fermentation will create carbon dioxide and foam. After this, install a water seal on the vessel. You can even use a rubber glove with a small hole in the finger (you can pierce it with a needle). Place the vessel in a dark place where the temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Add the rest of the sugar every 4-5 days in 25% increments. To do this, you need to remove the water seal and pour a little of the fermenting juice through a tube into another vessel (the juice you need is 2 times less than the amount of added sugar). Dissolve sugar in juice. Then add the resulting syrup to the container with wine, and then install the water seal again.

Plum wine will ferment for about 50-60 days. You will notice when this process is completed. The glove will “deflate” and a layer of sediment will form at the bottom of the wine. After this, the wine will need to be transferred to another vessel for maturation.

Some people like to add 40% alcohol or add a little more sugar if desired.

  • Also read -

4. Maturation period. The minimum ripening time for plum wine is 60-90 days. Vessels with wine filled to the top must be hermetically sealed. If at the end you added more sugar, then you need to keep the wine under a water seal for the first week, and then put the container in a dark place with a temperature of 5-15 degrees Celsius. The drink must be filtered every 20 days, pouring it through a straw into another vessel, but without touching the sediment. Complete lightening will not be achieved, however, to get a good result, you will need 2-3 years.

After just six months, homemade plum wine can be bottled for storage, do not forget to seal them tightly. The shelf life in the refrigerator or cellar is about 4-5 years.

Homemade plum wine - video

Plum is a versatile fruit; it can be used to make both white and red plum wine. If you like white homemade wine, you need to use the recipe for yellow plums, while blue plums will produce a bright, rich red wine.

An excellent white wine can be made from Mirabelle plums. It produces good sweet wines with a pronounced aroma. Blue varieties are good for light and strong table wines.

This homemade light drink made from plums can hardly be called an outstanding masterpiece of winemaking; it is quite an ordinary table wine. Nevertheless, it goes very harmoniously with meat dishes, and liqueur and dessert plum wine is perfect to complete a meal. In addition, the very healthy plum wine is recommended to be consumed in moderation in case of anemia and problems with blood vessels.

Plums contain a sufficient amount of sugar, but not only that. Plum fruits also contain a lot of gelling agents and pectins, so it is almost impossible to obtain the actual juice from plums; it always contains fruit pulp.

How to make wonderful plum wine at home

- We collect slightly overripe fruits.
- we hang them up straight sunlight within 2-3 days.
- remove the pits from the plums.
— Place the unwashed fruits in any container of suitable size.
— carefully grind the fruits to a homogeneous fruit puree.
— add water to the resulting puree at a ratio of 1:1.
- Cover this mixture with a clean towel and set aside in a warm place.
- foam appearing on the surface and emerging bubbles indicate the beginning of the fermentation process.
- strain the liquid.
— pour the juice from the plums into a bottle for subsequent fermentation.
- add granulated sugar, based on the type of wine you need to make: for a semi-dry or dry drink you will need at least 250 g of sugar per liter of juice, and for sweet and semi-sweet - already 350 g/l.
- Stir the granulated sugar until completely dissolved.
- tightly close the container with the juice from the plums with a special lid that has a hole for the gas to escape with a tube attached to it, which is lowered into a suitable container of water. In this case, carbon dioxide freely leaves the vessel with wine, but the air from outside does not penetrate inside.
— place the vessel in a room at room temperature for up to one and a half months.
- remove homemade plum brandy from the sediment.

And now the young plum wine is ready! You can take the first sample and begin the maturation process, which will take about two and a half months. Despite aging, the cloudy drink does not become clearer. It will take about 3 years to make it light. And even after this period, the wine is unlikely to become completely transparent due to high content pectin in plums.

Homemade plum wine provides endless scope for winemaking creativity. To enhance the tart taste and spiciness of the aroma, plum wine is often combined with rowan or apple wine, combining them in different proportions. And the addition of the usual cinnamon or cloves completely turns the drink into an exquisite delicacy, which invariably enjoys success among true wine connoisseurs.

Video of making plum wine