The new dawn of electric rockets, Edgar Choueiri. Electric jet engine (EPE) Electrostatic rocket engine

A complex consisting of a set of electric propulsion engines, a working fluid storage and supply system (SHiP), an automatic control system (ACS), and a power supply system (SPS) is called electric propulsion system (EPS).


The idea of ​​using electrical energy in jet engines for acceleration arose almost at the beginning of the development of rocket technology. It is known that such an idea was expressed by K. E. Tsiolkovsky. In -1917, R. Goddard conducted the first experiments, and in the 30s of the 20th century in the USSR, under the leadership of V.P. Glushko, one of the first operating electric propulsion engines was created.

From the very beginning, it was assumed that the separation of the energy source and the accelerated substance would ensure a high speed of exhaust of the working fluid (PT), as well as a lower mass of the spacecraft (SC) due to a decrease in the mass of the stored working fluid. Indeed, in comparison with other rocket engines, electric propulsion engines make it possible to significantly increase the active lifetime (AS) of a spacecraft, while significantly reducing the mass of the propulsion system (PS), which, accordingly, makes it possible to increase the payload or improve the weight-dimensional characteristics of the spacecraft itself.

Calculations show that the use of electric propulsion will reduce the duration of flights to distant planets (in some cases even make such flights possible) or, with the same flight duration, increase the payload.

  • high-current (electromagnetic, magnetodynamic) motors;
  • impulse motors.

ETDs, in turn, are divided into electric heating (END) and electric arc (EDA) engines.

Electrostatic engines are divided into ion (including colloidal) engines (ID, CD) - particle accelerators in a unipolar beam, and particle accelerators in a quasineutral plasma. The latter include accelerators with closed electron drift and an extended (UZDP) or shortened (UZDU) acceleration zone. The first ones are usually called stationary plasma engines (SPD), and the name also appears (increasingly less often) - linear Hall engine (LHD), in Western literature it is called a Hall engine. Ultrasonic motors are usually called anode-accelerated motors (LAMs).

High-current (magnetoplasma, magnetodynamic) motors include motors with their own magnetic field and motors with an external magnetic field (for example, an end-mounted Hall motor - THD).

Pulse engines use the kinetic energy of gases produced by the evaporation of a solid in an electrical discharge.

Any liquids and gases, as well as their mixtures, can be used as a working fluid in electric propulsion engines. However, for each type of engine there are working fluids, the use of which allows you to achieve the best results. Ammonia is traditionally used for ETD, xenon for electrostatic, lithium for high-current, and fluoroplastic for pulsed.

The disadvantage of xenon is its cost, due to its small annual production (less than 10 tons per year worldwide), which forces researchers to look for other RTs with similar characteristics, but less expensive. Argon is being considered as the main candidate for replacement. It is also an inert gas, but, unlike xenon, it has higher ionization energy with a lower atomic mass. The energy spent on ionization per unit of accelerated mass is one of the sources of efficiency losses.

Brief technical specifications

Electric propulsion engines are characterized by a low RT mass flow rate and a high outflow velocity of an accelerated particle flow. The lower limit of the exhaust velocity approximately coincides with the upper limit of the exhaust velocity of a chemical engine jet and is about 3,000 m/s. The upper limit is theoretically unlimited (within the speed of light), however, for promising engine models, a speed not exceeding 200,000 m/s is considered. Currently, for engines of various types, the optimal exhaust velocity is considered to be from 16,000 to 60,000 m/s.

Due to the fact that the acceleration process in an electric propulsion engine takes place at low pressure in the accelerating channel (particle concentration does not exceed 10 20 particles/m³), the thrust density is quite low, which limits the use of electric propulsion engines: the external pressure should not exceed the pressure in the accelerating channel, and the acceleration of the spacecraft is very small (tenths or even hundredths g ). An exception to this rule may be EDD on small spacecraft.

The electrical power of electric propulsion engines ranges from hundreds of watts to megawatts. Electric propulsion engines currently used on spacecraft have a power from 800 to 2,000 W.


Although electric rocket engines have low thrust compared to liquid-fuel rockets, they are capable of operating for long periods of time and capable of slow flight over long distances.

ELECTRIC ROCKET ENGINES(electric propulsion engines, electric propulsion engines) - space. jet engines, in which the directional movement of the jet stream is created due to electricity. energy. An electric propulsion system (EPS) includes the electric propulsion system itself, a system for supplying and storing the working substance, and a system that converts electrical power. parameters of the electric power source to the nominal values ​​for the electric propulsion engine and control the operation of the electric propulsion engine. Electric propulsion engines are low-thrust engines operating for a long time. time (years) on board the spacecraft. aircraft (SC) in conditions of weightlessness or very low gravity. fields. With the help of electric propulsion, the parameters of the spacecraft's flight path and its orientation in space can be maintained with a high degree of accuracy or changed within a given range. With el-magn. or el-static. during acceleration, the exhaust speed of the jet stream in the electric propulsion engine is significantly higher than in liquid or solid-fuel rocket engines; this gives a gain in the payload of the spacecraft. However, electric propulsion engines require a source of electricity, while in conventional rocket engines the energy carrier is fuel components (fuel and oxidizer). The ERD family includes plasma engines(PD), el-chem. engines (ECM) and ion engines (ID).

Electrochemical motors. In ECD, electricity is used for heating and chemical. decomposition of the working substance. EHD engines are divided into electric heating (END), thermocatalytic (TCD) and hybrid (HD) engines. In the END, the working substance (hydrogen, ammonia) is heated by an electric heater and then flows at supersonic speed through a nozzle (Fig. 1). In the TCD, a catalyst is heated with electricity (to a temperature of ~500 o C), which chemically decomposes the working substance (ammonia, hydrazine); then the decomposition products flow out through the nozzle. In the gas turbine, the working substance is first decomposed, then the decomposition products are heated and flow out. ECD design and used structures. materials are designed to be switched on board the spacecraft for 7-10 years with a number of launches of up to 10 5 , a duration of continuous operation of ~ 10-100 hours and a deviation of thrust characteristics from the nominal value of no more than 5-10%. Electrical power consumption level power - tens of W, thrust range - 0.01 -10 N. ECMs have very low energy for electric propulsion engines. thrust price ~3 kW/N, high jet speed (3 km/s) due to the low molecular weight of the working substance and its decomposition products. A hydrazine gas engine with a thrust of 0.44 H successfully operated on the Intel-sat-5 communications satellite; an ammonia END with a thrust of 0.15 N is part of the standard electric propulsion system of the Meteor series satellites, which corrects the orbit and orientation of the satellite.

Rice. 1. Electric heating motor circuit: 1 - porous electric heater; 2-heat shield; 3 - casing; 4- nozzle.

Ion engines. Will put it in the ID. ions of the working substance are accelerated into electric static. field. ID (Fig. 2) consists of an ion emitter 4, an accelerating electrode 5 with holes (slots) through which accelerated ions pass, and an external electrode. electrode 6 (screen), in the role of which the ID housing is usually used. The accelerating electrode is in negative. potential (~10 3 -10 4 V) relative to the emitter. Electric current and spaces. electric The jet stream must be zero, so the emerging ion beam is neutralized by electrons, which are emitted by neutralizer 7. Ext. the electrode is at a potential negative relative to the emitter and positive relative to the accelerating electrode; positive The potential shift is chosen such that relatively low-energy electrons from the neutralizer are electrically blocked. field and did not fall into the accelerating gap between the emitter and the accelerating electrode. The energy of accelerated ions is determined by the potential difference between the emitter and the external one. electrode. Availability is positive. spaces. charge in the accelerating gap limits the ion current from the emitter. Basic ID parameters: exhaust speed, traction efficiency, energy. thrust price (W/N), energy. ion price (eV/ion) - the amount of energy spent on the formation of an ion. The degree of the working substance in ID should be as high as possible (>0.90.95).

Rice. 2. Diagram of an ion engine with volumetric ionization designs by G. Kaufman: 1 - gas-discharge chamber cathodery; 2- anode; 3 - magnetic coil; 4-emitting electrode; 5 - accelerating electrode; 6 - external electrode; 7 - neutralizer.

Depending on the type of emitter, IDs are divided into surface ionization engines (SSI), colloidal engines (CD) and volume ionization engines (VID). In IDPI, ionization occurs when vapors of the working substance are passed through a porous emitter; the working substance must be less than the work function of the emitter material. Usually a pair of cesium (working substance) - tungsten (emitter) is selected. The emitter is heated to a temperature of 1500 o K to avoid condensation of the working substance. In CD (only laboratory prototypes exist), the working substance (20% solution of potassium iodide in glycerol) is sprayed through capillaries in the form of positively charged microdrops into the accelerating gap; electric the charge of microdroplets arises during the extraction of streams from capillaries in a strong electric current. field and their subsequent disintegration into droplets. The source of ions in the IDP is a gas discharge chamber (GDC), in which atoms of the working substance (metal vapors, inert gases) are ionized by electron impact in a low-pressure gas discharge [discharge between electrodes 1 and 2 (Fig. 2) or electrodeless microwave discharge ]; ions from the GRK are drawn into the accelerating gap through the holes of the emitting electrode-wall of the GRK, which together with the accelerating electrode forms an ion-optical. system (IOS) for accelerating and focusing ions. The walls of the GRK, except for the emitting electrode, are magnetically insulated from the plasma. IDOI - max. developed with engineering and physical From the point of view of IDs, their traction efficiency is ~70%, the operating life confirmed in ground tests is increased to 2 10 4 hours. The operating life of IDs is limited by erosion of the accelerating electrode due to its cathode sputtering by secondary ions resulting from the recharging of fast accelerated ions on slow neutral atoms working substance. Energy the thrust and ion prices in ID (with the exception of CD) are very significant (2·10 4 W/H, 250 eV/ion). For this reason, thrusters are not yet used in space as working electric propulsion engines (ECD, PD), although they have been repeatedly tested on board spacecraft. Naib. significant test under the SERT-2 program (1970, USA); The electric propulsion system included two IDPs designed by G. Kaufman (working fluid - mercury, power consumption 860 W, efficiency 68%, thrust 0.03 H), which worked continuously without failure for 3800 hours and 2011 hours, respectively, and resumed operation after a long period. break.

PD according to the scheme of plasma accelerators with closed electron drift and an extended acceleration zone is systematically used on spacecraft, especially on geostationary communications satellites.

Lit.: Gilzin K. A., Electric interplanetary ships, 2nd ed., M., 1970; Morozov A.I., Shubin A.P., Space electric propulsion engines, M., 1975; Grishin S. D., Leskov L. V., Kozlov N. P., Electric rocket engines, M., 1975.

"In the world of science" No. 5 2009 pp. 34-42

In conventional rocket engines, thrust comes from burning chemical fuel. In electroreactive ones, it is created by accelerating a cloud of charged particles or plasma by an electric or magnetic field.
Despite the fact that electric rocket engines are characterized by much less thrust, they make it possible, with the same mass of fuel, to ultimately accelerate a spacecraft to a much higher speed.
The ability to reach high speeds and the high efficiency of using the working substance (“fuel”) make electric jet engines promising for long-distance space flights.

Lonely in the darkness of space, probe Dawn(Dawn) NASA rushes beyond the orbit of Mars towards the asteroid belt. He must collect new information about the initial stages of the formation of the Solar system: explore the asteroids Vesta and Ceres, which are the largest remnants of embryonic planets, as a result of the collision and interaction of which with each other about 4,5-4,7 billions of years ago today's planets were formed.
However, this flight is notable not only for its purpose. Dawn, launched in October 2007, is equipped with a plasma engine capable of making long-distance flight a reality. Today there are several types of such engines. The thrust in them is created through ionization and acceleration of charged particles by an electric field, and not by burning liquid or solid chemical fuel, as in conventional ones.
The creators of the Dawn probe from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory chose a plasma engine because it would require ten times less working fluid than a chemical fuel engine to reach the asteroid belt. A traditional rocket engine would have allowed the Dawn probe to reach either Vesta or Ceres, but not both.
Electric rocket engines are quickly gaining popularity. Recent space probe flight Deep Space 1 NASA's approach to the comet was made possible through the use of electric propulsion. Plasma engines also provided the thrust required to attempt to land the Japanese probe. Hayabusa to an asteroid and for spacecraft flight SMART-1 European Space Agency to the Moon. In light of the demonstrated benefits, developers in the United States, Europe and Japan are choosing these engines for future missions to explore the solar system and search for Earth-like planets beyond it when planning long-distance flights. Plasma engines will also make it possible to turn the vacuum of space into a laboratory for fundamental physical research.

The era of long flights is approaching

The possibility of using electricity to create engines for spacecraft was considered back in the first decade of the 20th century. In the mid-1950s. Ernst Stuhlinger, member of Wernher von Braun's legendary German rocket team that led the US space program. moved from theory to practice. A few years later, engineers at NASA's Glenn Research Center (then called Lewis Research Center) created the first functional plasma engine. In 1964, such an engine, which was used to correct the orbit before entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, was equipped with a device that made a suborbital flight as part of the Space Electric Rocket Test program.
The concept of plasma electric propulsion engines was independently developed in the USSR. Since the mid-1970s. Soviet engineers used such engines to ensure orientation and stabilize the geostationary orbit of telecommunications satellites, since they consume a small amount of working substance.

Rocket Realities

The advantages of plasma engines are especially impressive compared to the disadvantages of conventional rocket engines. When people imagine a spaceship rushing through the black void towards a distant planet, a long plume of flame from the engine nozzle appears before their mind's eye. In reality, everything looks completely different: almost all the fuel is consumed in the first minutes of the flight, so then the ship moves towards its goal by inertia. Chemical fuel rocket engines lift spacecraft from the surface of the Earth and allow trajectory adjustments during flight. But they are unsuitable for deep space exploration, since they require such a large amount of fuel that it is not possible to lift it from Earth into orbit in a practical and economically acceptable way.
In long flights, in order to achieve high speed and accuracy of reaching a given trajectory without additional fuel costs, the probes had to deviate from their path in the direction of planets or their satellites, capable of accelerating in the desired direction due to gravitational forces (gravitational slingshot effect, or maneuver with using gravitational forces). This circuitous route limits launch capabilities to fairly short time windows to ensure precise passage of the celestial body that is supposed to act as a gravitational accelerator.
To conduct long-term research, the spacecraft must be able to adjust its trajectory, enter orbit around the object, and thereby ensure the conditions for completing the assigned task. If the maneuver fails, the time available for observations will be very short. Thus, NASA's New Horizons space probe launched in 2006, approaching Pluto nine years later, will be able to observe it in a very short period of time, not exceeding one Earth day.

Rocket equation of motion

Why hasn't there been a way to send enough fuel into space yet? What is preventing this problem from being solved?
Let's try to figure it out. To explain, we use the basic equation of rocket motion - the Tsiolkovsky formula, which experts use when calculating the mass of fuel required for a given task. It was developed in 1903 by the Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky, one of the fathers of rocketry and astronautics.


Chemical and electrical propulsion systems are suitable for different types of applications. Chemical ones (on the left) quickly create high thrust and therefore allow you to quickly accelerate to high speeds, but consume very large amounts of fuel. These characteristics are suitable for short distance flights.

Electric rocket engines (right), in which the working fluid (fuel) is plasma, i.e. ionized gas, develop much less thrust, but consume incomparably less fuel, which allows them to operate much longer. And in the space environment, in the absence of resistance to movement, a small force acting for a long time allows one to achieve the same and even higher speeds. These characteristics make plasma rockets suitable for long-distance flights to multiple destinations

In fact, this formula mathematically describes the intuitively realized fact that the higher the rate of exhaustion of combustion products from a rocket, the less fuel is needed to carry out a given maneuver. Imagine a baseball pitcher (rocket engine) standing with a basket of balls (fuel) on a skateboard (spacecraft). The higher the speed at which he throws the balls back (the rate of combustion gases), the faster the skateboard will roll after he throws the last ball, or, equivalently, the fewer balls (fuel) he will need to increase the speed of the skateboard by a given amount. Scientists denote this increment in speed with the symbol dV (read delta-ve).
More specifically: the formula relates the mass of fuel required by a rocket to perform a specific mission in deep space with two key quantities: the rate of combustion products flowing out of the rocket nozzle and the value dV achievable by burning a given amount of fuel. Meaning dV corresponds to the energy that the spacecraft must expend to change its inertial motion and perform the required maneuver. For a given rocket technology (providing a given exhaust velocity), the equation of rocket motion allows us to calculate the mass of fuel required to achieve the required value dV , i.e. to perform the required maneuver. Thus. dV can be thought of as the "cost" of the task, since the cost of getting fuel onto the flight path usually accounts for the bulk of the cost of completing the entire task.
In conventional rockets using chemical fuel, the rate of exhaustion of combustion products is low ( 3-4 km/s). This circumstance alone casts doubt on the advisability of their use for long-distance flights. In addition, the form of the equation of motion of the rocket shows that with increasing dV the share of fuel in the initial mass of the spacecraft (“fuel mass fraction”) grows exponentially. Consequently, in an apparatus for long-distance flights requiring great importance dV , fuel will account for almost the entire starting mass.
Let's look at a few examples. In the case of a flight to Mars from low Earth orbit, the required value dV is about 4,5 km/s From the equation of rocket motion it follows that the mass fraction of fuel required to carry out such an interplanetary flight is greater than 2/3 . For flights to more distant regions of the solar system, such as the outer planets, it is required dV from 35 before 70 km/s The share of fuel in a conventional rocket will have to be allocated 99,98 % starting mass. In this case, there will be no space left for equipment or other payload. As the destinations of spacecraft become increasingly distant regions of the solar system, chemical fuel engines will become increasingly futile. Perhaps engineers will find a way to significantly increase the flow rate of combustion products. But this is a very difficult task. A very high combustion temperature will be required, which is limited both by the amount of energy released by the chemical reaction and by the heat resistance of the rocket engine wall material.

Plasma solution

Plasma engines allow much higher exhaust velocities. Thrust is created by accelerating plasma - partially or fully ionized gas - to speeds significantly exceeding the limit for conventional gas-dynamic engines. Plasma is created by imparting energy to a gas, such as by irradiating it with a laser, micro- or radio-frequency waves, or using strong electric fields. The excess energy strips electrons from atoms or molecules, which as a result acquire a positive charge, and the detached electrons are able to move freely in the gas, making the ionized gas a much better conductor of current than metallic copper. Since plasma contains charged particles whose movement is largely determined by electric and magnetic fields, exposure to electric or electromagnetic fields can accelerate its components and eject them as a working substance to create thrust. The required fields can be created using electrodes and magnets, using external antennas or wire coils, or by passing current through the plasma.
The energy to create and accelerate the plasma is usually obtained from solar panels. But for spacecraft heading beyond the orbit of Mars, nuclear energy sources will be required, because As you move away from the Sun, the intensity of the solar energy flux decreases. Today, robotic space probes use thermoelectric devices heated by energy from the decay of radioactive isotopes, but longer missions will require nuclear or even fusion reactors. They will be turned on only after the spacecraft is launched into a stable orbit, located at a safe distance from the Earth; before operation begins, nuclear fuel must be maintained in an inert state.
Three types of electric rocket engines have been developed to the level of practical application. The most widely used is the ion engine, which was equipped with the Down probe.

Ion engine

The idea of ​​ion propulsion, one of the most successful concepts in electrical propulsion, was proposed a century ago by American rocketry pioneer Robert H. Goddard, while still a graduate student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Ion engines make it possible to obtain exhaust velocities from 20 before 50 km/s (box on next page).
In the most common embodiment, such a motor receives energy from panels of solar cells with a barrier layer. It is a short cylinder, slightly larger than a bucket, installed at the rear of the spacecraft. From the “fuel” tank, xenon gas is supplied to it, which enters the ionization chamber, where the electromagnetic field removes electrons from the xenon atoms, creating plasma. Its positive ions are drawn out and accelerated to very high speeds by the electric field between two mesh electrodes. Each positive ion in the plasma experiences a strong attraction to the negative electrode located at the rear of the engine and is therefore accelerated in the rearward direction.
The outflow of positive ions creates a negative charge on the spacecraft, which, as it accumulates, will attract the emitted ions back to the spacecraft, reducing the thrust to zero. To prevent this, an external electron source (negative electrode or electron gun) is used to introduce electrons into the stream of outgoing ions. This ensures neutralization of the outflowing flow, leaving the spacecraft electrically neutral.

Today, commercial spacecraft (mainly communications satellites in geostationary orbits) are equipped with dozens of ion thrusters, which are used to correct their position in orbit and orientation.
The world's first spacecraft, which used an electric thrust-generating system to overcome Earth's gravity when launching from near-Earth orbit, was at the end of the 20th century. probe Deep Space 1 To fly through the dusty tail of Comet Borrelli, it needed to increase its speed by 4,3 km/s, for which less was spent 74 kg of xenon (about the same mass as a full beer barrel). This is the largest speed increase to date achieved by any spacecraft using thrust rather than a gravitational slingshot. Dawn should soon exceed the record by about 10 km/s Engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory recently demonstrated ion engines that can operate continuously for more than three years.


1903 g.: K.E. Tsiolkovsky derived the equation of rocket motion, widely used to calculate fuel consumption in space flights. In 1911, he proposed that an electric field could accelerate charged particles to create jet thrust
1906 g.: Robert Goddard considered the use of electrostatic acceleration of charged particles to create jet propulsion. In 1917, he created and patented an engine - the predecessor of modern ion engines
1954 g.: Ernst Stuhlinger showed how to optimize the characteristics of an ion engine
1962 g.: Published the first description of a Hall thruster - a more powerful type of plasma thruster - created based on the work of Soviet, European and American researchers
1962 g.: Adriano Ducati discovered the principle of operation of the magnetoplasma-modynamic (MPD) engine - the most powerful type of plasma engines
1964 city: Spacecraft SERT 1 NASA conducted the first successful test of an ion engine in space
1972 g.: The Soviet satellite "Meteor" made the first space flight using a Hall engine
1999 city: Space probe Deep Space 1 NASA's Inactive Thrust Laboratory demonstrated the first successful use of an ion engine as the main propulsion system to overcome Earth's gravity when launching from Earth orbit.

The characteristics of electric rocket engines are determined not only by the speed of the outflow of charged particles, but also by the thrust density - the value of the thrust force per unit area of ​​the hole through which these particles flow. The capabilities of ion and similar electrostatic thrusters are limited by space charge, which places a very low limit on the achievable thrust density. The fact is that as positive ions pass through the electrostatic grids of the engine, a positive charge inevitably accumulates between them, which reduces the strength of the electric field accelerating the ions.
Because of this, the thrust of the probe engine Deep Space 1 is equivalent to about the weight of a sheet of paper, which is a far cry from the thrust of engines in science fiction films. To accelerate a car using this force from zero to 100 km/h (in the absence of resistance to movement: a car standing on the ground, such a force will not even move from its place - approx. lane) would have taken more than two days. In the vacuum of space, which offers no resistance, even a very small force can impart high speed to the apparatus if it acts long enough.

Hall engine

A variant of the plasma thruster, called a Hall thruster (box on page 39), is free from the limitations imposed by space charge and is therefore capable of accelerating a spacecraft to high speeds faster than a comparably sized ion thruster (due to its higher thrust density). In the West, this technology gained recognition in the early 1990s, three decades later than the start of development in the former USSR.
The principle of operation of the engine is based on the use of a fundamental effect discovered in 1879 by Edwin H. Hall, who was then a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University. Hall showed that in a conductor in which mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are created, an electric current (called Hall current) arises in a direction perpendicular to both of these fields.
In a Hall thruster, plasma is created by an electrical discharge between an inner positive electrode (anode) and an outer negative electrode (cathode). The discharge removes electrons from neutral gas atoms in the gap between the electrodes. The resulting plasma is accelerated towards the outlet of the cylindrical engine by the Lorentz force, which arises as a result of the interaction of the applied radial magnetic field with the electric current (in this case, the Hall current), which flows in the azimuthal direction, i.e. around the central electrode. Hall current is created by the movement of electrons in electric and magnetic fields. Depending on the available power, outflow velocities can range from 10 before 50 km/s
This type of plasma thruster is free from the limitations of space charge because it accelerates the entire plasma (both positive ions and negative electrons). Therefore, the achievable thrust density and, consequently, its strength (and therefore the potentially achievable value dV ) are many times higher than those of an ion engine of the same size. More than 200 Hall thrusters are already operating on satellites in low-Earth orbits. And it was precisely this engine that was used by the European Space Agency to economically accelerate the spacecraft. SMART 1 while flying to the Moon.

The dimensions of Hall thrusters are quite small, and engineers are trying to create such devices so that they can be supplied with the higher powers required to obtain high exhaust velocities and thrust values.
Scientists at Princeton University's Plasma Physics Laboratory have achieved some success by installing sectioned electrodes on the walls of the Hall thruster, which generate an electric field in such a way as to focus the plasma into a narrow output beam. The design reduces the useless off-axis component of thrust and allows for increased engine life due to the fact that the plasma beam does not come into contact with the walls of the engine. German engineers achieved approximately the same results by using magnetic fields of a special configuration. And researchers at Stanford University have shown that coating engine walls with durable polycrystalline diamond significantly improves their resistance to erosion by plasma. All these improvements made Hall thrusters suitable for long-distance space flights.

Next generation engine

One way to further increase thrust density is to increase the total amount of plasma accelerated in the engine. But as the plasma density in the Hall thruster increases, the frequency of collisions of electrons with atoms and ions increases, which
prevents electrons from carrying the Hall current necessary for acceleration. The use of denser plasma is made possible by a magnetoplasmodynamic (MPD) engine, in which, instead of the Hall current, a current is used that is directed mainly along the electric field (inset on the left) and is much less susceptible to destruction due to collisions with atoms.
In general terms, an MTD motor consists of a central cathode located inside a larger cylindrical anode. Gas (usually lithium vapor) is fed into the annular gap between the cathode and anode, where it is ionized by an electric current flowing radially from the cathode to the anode. The current creates an azimuthal magnetic field (surrounding the central cathode), and the interaction of the field and current generates the Lorentz force, which creates thrust.
The MTD engine, the size of a regular bucket, is capable of processing about a megawatt of power from a solar or nuclear source and allows for exhaust velocities from 15 to 60 km/s. Truly, small and brave.

Another advantage of the MTD engine is the possibility of throttling: the exhaust speed and thrust in it can be adjusted by changing the current strength or the flow rate of the working substance. This makes it possible to change the engine thrust and exhaust speed in relation to the need to optimize the flight path. Intensive research into processes that deteriorate the characteristics of MTD engines and affect their service life, in particular plasma erosion, plasma instabilities and power losses in it, has made it possible to create new engines with high performance. They use lithium or barium vapor as working substances. The atoms of these metals are easily ionized, which reduces internal energy losses in the plasma and makes it possible to maintain a lower cathode temperature. The use of liquid metals as working substances and the unusual design of the cathode with channels that change the nature of the interaction of electric current with its surface helped to significantly reduce cathode erosion and create more reliable MTD motors.
A team of scientists from academia and NASA recently completed development of a new "lithium" MTD engine called a2. potentially capable of delivering a nuclear-powered spacecraft carrying a large payload and people to the Moon and Mars, as well as providing flights of automatic space stations to the outer planets of the Solar System.

Turtle wins

Ion, Hall and magnetoplasmodynamic are three types of plasma engines that have already found practical application. Over the past decades, researchers have proposed many promising options. Motors operating in pulsed and continuous mode are being developed. In some, plasma is created using an electrical discharge between electrodes, in others - inductively using a coil or antenna. The mechanisms of plasma acceleration also differ: using the Lorentz force, by introducing plasma into magnetically created current layers, or using a traveling electromagnetic wave. One type even involves ejecting plasma through invisible “rocket nozzles” created using magnetic fields.
In all cases, plasma rocket engines accelerate more slowly than normal ones. Nevertheless, thanks to the paradox “the slower the faster,” they make it possible to achieve distant goals in a shorter period of time, since they ultimately accelerate the spacecraft to a speed much higher than chemical fuel engines with the same mass of fuel. This allows you to avoid wasting time on deviations towards bodies that provide the gravitational slingshot effect. Just as in the famous story of the slow-moving tortoise that eventually outruns the hare, in the “marathon” flights that will become more common in the coming era of deep space exploration, the tortoise will win.

Today, the most advanced plasma engines are capable of providing dV before 100 km/s This is quite enough to fly to the outer planets in a reasonable time. One of the most impressive projects in the field of deep space exploration involves the delivery to Earth of soil samples from Titan, Saturn's largest moon, which, according to scientists, has an atmosphere very similar to the one that enveloped the Earth billions of years ago.
A sample from Titan's surface will provide scientists with a rare opportunity to search for signs of chemical precursors to life. Chemical fuel rocket engines make such an expedition impossible. Using gravity slingshots would increase flight time by more than three years. And a probe with a “small but remote” plasma engine will be able to make such a journey much faster.

Translation: I.E. Satsevich


    Benefits of Nuclear Electric Propulsion for Outer Planet Exploration. G. Woodcock et al. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002.

    Electric Propulsion. Robert G. Jahn and Edgar Y. Choueiri in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology. Third edition. Academic Press, 2002.

    A Critical History of Electrical Propulsion: The First 50 Years (1906-1956). Edgar Y. Choueiri in Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 20, No. 2, pages 193-203; 2004.

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The invention relates to the field of creating electric rocket engines. An electric rocket engine device is proposed, which, just like the known type of engine with a uniform stationary plasma discharge (stationary plasma engines - SPD), contains supersonic nozzles, a magnetohydrodynamic accelerator channel located in a cylindrical cavity between the poles of a coaxial magnetic circuit, a magnetic field excitation coil connected to the EMF source. Unlike the SPD, the proposed engine uses a non-uniform gas-plasma flow of the working fluid. To create plasma inhomogeneities in the form of plasma rings, the engine contains a pulsed high-frequency voltage source connected to an additional coil installed at the input of the accelerator channel. The discharge in the plasma rings, inductively coupled to the magnetic field excitation coil, is maintained by a source of alternating emf connected to the coil. To break the current in the plasma rings at the moment of their exit from the channel of the magnetodynamic accelerator, radial dielectric ribs are installed at the entrance to the engine diffuser. The invention makes it possible to increase the thrust and duration of engine operation. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the field of creating electric rocket engines. There is a known method [I], which increases the thrust of an electric rocket engine, which proposes replacing a stationary homogeneous plasma discharge with a non-uniform gas-plasma flow. Plasma bunches (T-layers) are resistant to the development of overheating instability, which makes it possible to repeatedly increase the density of the working fluid passing through the engine channel, and thus proportionally increase thrust. The device that implements this method consists of a gas-dynamic nozzle, a magnetohydrodynamic accelerator channel of rectangular cross-section with electrode walls, a magnetic system that creates a magnetic field in the accelerator channel transverse to the flow of the working fluid, a pulsed electrode high-current discharge system that forms T-layers in the flow, a source constant EMF connected to the electrodes of the accelerator channel. The device must provide flow acceleration due to the electrodynamic force acting in the volume of T-layers, which in turn act on the gas flow as accelerating plasma pistons. Numerical modeling of the operating mode in the channel of this device has shown that an exhaust velocity of up to 50,000 m/s can be achieved at a thrust level of up to 1000 N. A disadvantage of a device that implements the known method is the use of electrodes both in the source circuit that forms the T-layers, and in source circuit providing acceleration mode in the MHD channel. The mode of current flow in T-layers is arc. The inevitable arc erosion of the electrodes significantly reduces the service life of the engine (from experience with plasma torches, it should be expected that the electrodes will provide no more than 100 hours of continuous operation). For reusable spacecraft, the engine life must be at least a year of continuous operation. An electric rocket engine (stationary plasma engine - SPD) is known, which is used to accelerate the plasma flow due to the electrodynamic effect on the electrically conductive medium. This device consists of supersonic nozzles, a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) accelerator channel located in a cylindrical cavity between the poles of a coaxial magnetic circuit, a magnetic field excitation coil connected to a constant EMF source, and a power supply system for a stationary plasma discharge. The device operates according to the following scheme. A gaseous working fluid is supplied through a gas-dynamic nozzle, which, upon entering the channel of the MHD accelerator, enters the region of a stationary plasma discharge supported by the power supply system, ionizes and passes into the plasma state. The current in the discharge flows along the channel, while the anode of the power supply system is a gas-dynamic nozzle, and the cathode is located at the outlet of the channel. A stable acceleration mode is realized only at a very low plasma density, at which the Hall parameter can reach values ​​of the order of 100. Under these conditions, a small discharge current along the channel generates a significant azimuthal current, closed on itself. The interaction of the azimuthal current with the radial magnetic field created by the excitation coil between the coaxial poles of the magnetic circuit generates an accelerating electrodynamic force in the plasma volume. The closure of the main current without the use of electrodes for this makes it possible to make the operating life of the engine almost unlimited. The disadvantage of the known device is the low density of the working fluid, which is necessary to ensure stable operation of the engine. Accordingly, the thrust of such an engine does not exceed 0.1 N. The invention is based on the task of creating a high-thrust electric rocket engine with a duration of continuous operation of the order of a year. This task is achieved by the fact that an electric rocket engine containing supersonic nozzles, a magnetohydrodynamic accelerator channel located in a cylindrical cavity between the poles of the coaxial magnetic circuit, the magnetic field excitation coil connected to the EMF source, according to this invention, is equipped with a pulsed high-frequency voltage source connected to an additional coil installed at the input of the accelerator channel, and a diffuser with radial dielectric ribs, while the magnetic field excitation coil is connected to a source of variable EMF. The invention is illustrated by a drawing showing a cross section of the device. An electric rocket engine contains supersonic nozzles 1, channel 2 of a magnetohydrodynamic accelerator located in a cylindrical cavity between the poles of a coaxial magnetic circuit 3, a magnetic field excitation coil 4 connected to a source 5 of a variable EMF, pulsed high-frequency voltage source 6, connected to an additional coil 7 installed at the input to channel 2 of the accelerator. The engine also contains a diffuser 8 with radial dielectric fins 9. An electric rocket engine operates as follows. Heated gas (for example, hydrogen), the temperature of which is determined by the conditions of the on-board heat source, and the pressure is determined by the requirements for engine thrust, which set the flow rate of the working fluid, is accelerated in supersonic nozzle 1. The pulsed high-frequency discharge system 6 is periodically turned on with a given time duty cycle, and each turn on forms a plasma clot in the gas flow at the input of channel 2 of the MHD accelerator. An external source of alternating EMF creates an alternating current in the excitation coil 4, which generates a time-varying radial magnetic field between the poles of the coaxial magnetic circuit 3. This generates an eddy electric field in the azimuthal direction. Under the influence of azimuthal electric and radial magnetic fields, self-sustaining azimuthal plasma current coils (T-layers) are formed from plasma clots, which in turn act on the gas flow as accelerating pistons. After the channel of the MHD accelerator, the accelerated flow enters the expanding channel-diffuser 8, in which radial dielectric fins 9 are installed. The fins are flown around by a gas flow, but the electrical circuits of the T-layers are broken on them, which makes it possible to interrupt the electrodynamic stage of flow acceleration. In diffuser 8, which is a continuation of the channel of the MHD accelerator, further acceleration of the gas flow is carried out due to thermal energy transferred from the T-layers to the flow. Numerical modeling of the process of accelerating the flow of hydrogen containing T-layers was carried out under conditions of a mode that implements the described method . It is shown that the proposed device can be implemented with the following parameters corresponding to the task of creating an efficient electric rocket engine (ERE): - the efficiency of the process of transforming electricity into the kinetic energy of the working fluid is 95%; - the average flow speed at the engine exit is 40 km/s; - the length of the MHD accelerator channel is 0.3 m; - the average diameter of the MHD accelerator channel is 11 cm; - the height of the channel (distance between poles) is 1 cm; - the mass flow rate of the working fluid is 12 g/s; - the temperature of hydrogen at the entrance to the electric propulsion engine is 1000 K; - hydrogen pressure at the entrance to the electric propulsion engine is 10 4 Pa; - the average value of the emf of the electric propulsion power supply is 5 kV; - the average value of the current in the excitation winding is 2 kA; ​​- the consumed electrical power is 10 MW; - the engine thrust is 500 N. The proposed electric rocket engine will find application in the creation space transport system intended for transporting cargo from near-Earth orbits to geostationary, lunar and further to the planets of the solar system. Sources of information1. B.C. Slavin, V.V. Danilov, M.V. Kraev. A method for accelerating the flow of a working fluid in a rocket engine channel, RF patent No. 2162958, F 02 K 11/00, F 03 H 1/00, 2001. 2. S.D. Grishin, L.V. Leskov. Electric rocket engines of spacecraft. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1989, p. 163.


An electric rocket engine containing supersonic nozzles, a magnetohydrodynamic accelerator channel located in a cylindrical cavity between the poles of a coaxial magnetic circuit, a magnetic field excitation coil connected to an EMF source, characterized in that the device is equipped with a pulsed high-frequency voltage source connected to an additional coil installed at the input accelerator channel, and a diffuser with radial dielectric fins, while the magnetic field excitation coil is connected to a source of alternating EMF.

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The invention relates to plasma technology and can be used in electric rocket engines based on a plasma accelerator with closed electron drift, as well as in technological accelerators used in vacuum plasma technology processes

An electric rocket engine is a rocket engine whose operating principle is based on the use of electrical energy received from a power plant on board the spacecraft to create thrust. The main area of ​​application is minor trajectory correction, as well as space orientation of spacecraft. A complex consisting of an electric rocket engine, a working fluid supply and storage system, an automatic control system and a power supply system is called an electric rocket propulsion system.

Mention of the possibility of using electric energy in rocket engines to create thrust is found in the works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky. In 1916-1917 The first experiments were carried out by R. Goddard, and already in the 30s. XX century under the leadership of V.P. Glushko, one of the first electric rocket engines was created.

In comparison with other rocket engines, electric ones make it possible to increase the lifespan of a spacecraft, and at the same time the weight of the propulsion system is significantly reduced, which makes it possible to increase the payload and obtain the most complete weight and size characteristics. Using electric rocket engines, it is possible to shorten the duration of a flight to distant planets, and also make a flight to any planet possible.

In the mid-60s. XX century Electric rocket engines were actively tested in the USSR and the USA, and already in the 1970s. they were used as standard propulsion systems.

In Russia, classification is based on the mechanism of particle acceleration. The following types of engines can be distinguished: electrothermal (electric heating, electric arc), electrostatic (ionic, including colloidal, stationary plasma engines with acceleration in the anode layer), high-precision (electromagnetic, magnetodynamic) and pulse engines.

Any liquids and gases, as well as their mixtures, can be used as a working fluid. For each type of electric motor, it is necessary to use the appropriate working fluids to achieve the best results. For electrothermal engines, ammonia is traditionally used, for electrostatic engines, xenon is used, for high-current engines, lithium is used, and for pulse engines, the most effective working fluid is fluoroplastic.

One of the main sources of losses is the energy spent on ionization per unit of accelerated mass. The advantage of electric rocket engines is the low mass flow of the working fluid, as well as the high speed of the accelerated flow of particles. The upper limit of the outflow velocity is theoretically within the speed of light.

Currently, for various types of engines, the exhaust velocity ranges from 16 to 60 km/s, although promising models will be able to give an exhaust velocity of the particle flow of up to 200 km/s.
The disadvantage is the very low thrust density; it should also be noted that the external pressure should not exceed the pressure in the acceleration channel. The electrical power of modern electric rocket engines used on spacecraft ranges from 800 to 2000 W, although theoretical power can reach megawatts. The efficiency of electric rocket engines is low and varies from 30 to 60%.

In the next decade, this type of engine will mainly perform tasks for correcting the orbit of spacecraft located in both geostationary and low-Earth orbits, as well as for delivering spacecraft from the reference low-Earth orbit to higher ones, such as geostationary orbit.

Replacing a liquid rocket engine, which serves as an orbit corrector, with an electric one will reduce the mass of a typical satellite by 15%, and if the period of its active stay in orbit is increased, then by 40%.