How to hide friends on VKontakte? How to hide your VKontakte friends from strangers? Simple tips for users

If you registered on VK almost immediately after registration became available, you should know that for several years any user could hide absolutely all of his friends or leave this information in the public domain. Then Pavel Durov decided that since social networks were created for communication and new acquaintances, it would be worth making all friends open, which, in fact, happened. Whether it’s good or bad is not for us to decide - what’s done is done. However, VKontakte management left the possibility of hiding 15 friends at first, and later this number increased to 30 users. Today we will talk about how to hide your friends on VK.

There is a menu on the left side of the page, find the “My Settings” item in it and click on it.

Then select the "Privacy" tab. At the top of the page there is a section “My Page”, one of the items of which is called “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”. Here's what it looks like:

Since you have not yet hidden any of your friends, you will see this message:

You can select those friends you want to hide from other users. They will not appear on your page.

In order to add a person to the list of hidden friends, click on the cross that is to the right of the user's name. As soon as you do this, the icon with his avatar will move to the right half of the window, for example:

After you transfer the required number of friends to the hidden category (do not forget that there cannot be more than 30), be sure to click on the “Save Changes” button.

For the sake of example, we have hidden all friends. Now let's go to the page from another account and see if someone is visible in the list:

As you can see, no list exists at all, since all friends are hidden.

In order to remove a user from the list of hidden friends, you need to carry out the same procedure, only in reverse order.

And finally, a popular question. Is it possible to hide more than 30 friends on VK? Alas, this is not possible, at least at the time of writing. Perhaps the rules will be changed in the future.

If you are tired of your VKontakte friends constantly monitoring your friends list, then this article will be useful to you. We will talk about how to make a friend hidden on VKontakte, thus hiding him from other users in your contact list.

What can this be useful for?

There can be many reasons why you would like to hide some users. For example, you don’t want your friends to see your boyfriend or girlfriend, not because you are shy, but in order to avoid unnecessary questions and gossip.

How to make a friend hidden on VKontakte?

So, before I tell you about this “sacrament,” I would like to note in advance that you cannot hide all your friends. The maximum number is 30. This is how many users from your contact list you can make invisible to others. How to make a friend hidden on VKontakte?

  1. We go to the site using our credentials (login/password).
  2. Go to the section on the left “My settings” ».
  3. Click on the tab located at the top - “Privacy” ».
  4. We are interested in the last two subparagraphs from the subsection « My page »:
  • "Who sees my hidden friends." In this settings functionality, you can set those users who will have access to hidden users on your page. Click on the link and select the desired category of friends . These are all the settings that need to be made. If, after time has passed, you decide to change hidden friends or clear the “invisible” lists, then you need to go to the same section and click on the cross next to the names located on the right side of the window. To make sure that you did everything correctly, use the verification service, which allows you to see your page through the eyes of a specific user. There is a link for this in the “Privacy” section at the very end of the page. « See how other users see your page." All you need to do is copy the address of that person’s page and paste it into the line in the window that opens.

How to add hidden friends on VKontakte?

There is one important BUT: you can make a friend invisible only when you have already added him to your contact list. That is, the process of adding a user will appear in your friends’ news feed, unless, of course, you have made the appropriate settings in the “Privacy” section.

So, now you know how to make hidden friends on VKontakte - it’s quite simple and quick. The site administration introduced this feature in order to make communication between users more convenient and comfortable. Also in the “My Settings” section you can find many other functions that can make your “social” life easier. We hope you liked our article on how to make a friend hidden on VKontakte.

Limit on hiding friends in VK and ways to bypass restrictions social network

When working with the social network VKontakte, it would be nice to know the restrictions and limits. Over time, every advanced user of the VKontakte social network needs to use the option of hidden friends from third parties. How long can you hide friends on VK? What's the best way to do this? Find answers to these questions in our article.

We will definitely tell you about the limits on how many friends you can hide on VKontakte, but first let’s figure out how you can hide friends on the VKontakte social network. mobile phone in the application and in full version site on your computer.

How to hide VKontakte friends in an application on a mobile phone.

The list of actions necessary to hide users on VKontakte from prying eyes with mobile version, that is, from the phone:

This is how easy it is to hide your friends from prying eyes from a mobile phone running Android or iPhone.

How to hide friends in VK on a computer

Instructions on how to hide users on VKontakte from other people from the full version, that is, from a computer:

The steps are almost the same as on the phone.

You may have already noticed that there is nothing difficult in this operation. In the same way, you can carry out the further procedure by making your friend open to everyone.

Now let's talk about how many friends can you hide on VK in 2017 no problem. As you may know, in 2017 a limit was introduced on the number of hidden friends. The social network VKontakte allows a limit of up to 30 people.

How to hide more than 30 friends on VK

There are situations when you need to hide more than the permissible limit and you ask the question “how to hide more than 30 friends on VK?” Let's talk about this in more detail. Officially, the social network VK does not allow you to violate the limit. But the developers made a couple of mistakes. At the moment this method is working, but there is a high probability that it will be closed down.

List of actions required to hide more than 30 friends on the VK social network:

  1. In the same way as in the previous two instructions, according to the rules we hide no more than 30 friends;
  2. In the “my friends” section we delete those people who have been hidden;
  3. We go to the profile settings and use the same principle to hide the remaining number of friends, but always remember about the limitation. Save;
  4. Next, we return deleted users who were hidden from subscribers to friends. These people will remain hidden;
  5. This way you can hide any number of friends.

We hope we were able to answer all the questions posed for your broad understanding.

Often, when using a social network, we do not know how to hide one friend on VKontakte from unwanted eyes, although this is often very necessary for us. This article will tell and give detailed instructions about how to hide a friend’s VKontakte.


  1. The first thing you need to do in order to hide your VKontakte friend is to enter the “settings menu”. From this menu you need to go to the tab called “privacy”.
  2. In the new window that appears on the screen, you need to find the line “who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” On the contrary, by default, the “all friends” link will be indicated. You must click on this link.
  3. After clicking on the “all friends” link, a new window will appear with the title “select the friends you want to hide.” On the left side there will be a list of all your friends. And with right side there will be a list of hidden friends. Then you just need to select the friend you want to hide and click on the plus sign, which is located opposite the first and last name of the selected person.
  4. After everything is finished, you just need to click on the “save changes” button. That's it, the friends you need are hidden from prying eyes!

Now you know how to hide a friend on VKontakte, and you can do it if necessary! You also need to remember that according to the rules of the VKontakte social network, there is a limit on the number of people a user can hide from prying eyes. According to the site rules, you can hide no more than fifteen people!

And this really needs to be done, so don’t be upset, because it’s extremely simple and doesn’t take much time and effort. The first thing you need to do is understand how a social network works. You don't even need special software.

Just recently, no one would have thought that it would be possible to hide friends, but now it is possible. It’s difficult to say why exactly this option was invented, but it’s no secret that it is popular among active VK users. It is worth noting that this is extremely simple to do, but if you are a novice user, then this may cause some problems for you, so you need to figure out all the details that interest you. As practice shows, the management of this social network periodically changes the permissible number of friends who can be hidden. Once upon a time it was possible to make the entire list invisible, then there were 15 people, well, now there are about 30, which is also not bad. It is quite possible that in a week this will be completely banned, but if you need to do it right today and that’s it good reasons, then all this is possible.

Hide friends in Contact: why is it necessary?

In fact, the reason can be absolutely anything, starting from a banal reluctance for your friends to be seen or know with whom you communicate. But this happens quite rarely. Since this social network is quite popular, people play games of chance here, trade various goods and offer a wide variety of services. All this attracts a huge number of people, even the competition here is exactly the same as in a regular market. So why show your clients to your competitors? After all, this can harm business. Well, that's an example. As noted above, there can be any reason, but by and large, it is everyone’s personal choice - to hide or not to hide. Some people like it, but others find it annoying. You can only make a certain number of people invisible. If you really need it, then choose wisely. Now let’s move on to the practical part and answer the question “how to hide friends in Contact.” And doing this is quite simple and quick.

How to hide the list of friends in "Contact"

The first thing you need to do is log into your own account. Then you need to go to "Settings". After this, a page with many tabs will open in front of you, where you need to find “Privacy”. This is what we are looking for. Here you will see a menu with several lines, including the inscription “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.”

You must select "All friends". If you don’t do this, nothing will work out, keep this in mind. Our next step is the actual moment of hiding the necessary persons. To do this, you need to select the person you are going to make invisible, and then click on his photo. You will see a cross in the appropriate shape, which indicates that everything was successful. We do the same with our remaining friends. Remember there are only 15 people available so choose carefully.

Save the changes and enjoy the results

If you did everything correctly, you will see how the tagged friends will move to hidden ones from the “All Friends” tab. But don’t rush to exit, because first you need to save the changes, because without this you will have to repeat everything all over again, and this is unpleasant, even though everything will take only a couple of minutes. But how do you understand that all those whom you have made invisible are really not visible? You can do this as follows. Go to your main page account. After this, we get to the “My Page” menu. Here you will see the entire list of your contacts. Opposite each of them will be written “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” You should see the inscription: “Everyone is visible except Ivan Ivanov,” etc. If everything is exactly like this, then the operations were done correctly. If you see the inscription “Visible to everyone,” then, obviously, you forgot to save the changes or select the people you were going to make invisible.

in contact with"?

This question is being asked by even more users. It is difficult to say about the motives, because, in essence, it makes no difference who is visible and who is not. However, each user of this social network has the ability to view hidden contacts. There is nothing complicated here, but you need to know the user id. First you need to sort out some details. For example, how to determine the same id. To do this, you need to go to the “In Contact” page of the person whose hidden friends you would like to see. Next, look at the address bar. There we see the corresponding address and the letters id, followed by numbers. This is exactly what we are looking for. We copy everything written after the id. In fact, half the work is done, the most interesting part remains. We have a unique code in our hands, take it and go to the page of Pavel Durov (creator of VKontakte). Here we have the opportunity to paste the code into the appropriate form and view the hidden friends of any user of this social network.

Another current way

We have already decided how to hide friends in Contact, there is nothing complicated here, but it was noted above that many are interested in the opposite question, that is, viewing the invisible friends of a certain user. We have already considered one method, but if for one reason or another it does not suit you, then do not despair, as there are several other working methods.

The same applies to photo albums. Click “Send message”, here you will see the same user id that we actually need. Next, the process takes place exactly as described above. Do not forget that there are many sites on the Internet that offer services such as viewing photo albums, users, etc. personal information. It is not worth visiting each of these resources. As practice shows, they require a password for your page, or rather, they ask you to log in, after which you can easily lose your account. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use proven resources based on visitor reviews.

Some useful information

Now you know how to hide friends in Contact. If you need it, then use it, but know that if you really want, almost any user of the same social network can easily view your hidden contacts. Little depends on you here, and in most cases it makes no difference whether the user is hidden or not.

Usually personal goals are pursued. But if this is still important to you, then it is recommended to do the following. We will try to make your id unrecognizable to other users. This can be done as follows. Go to "My Settings", then "General", and then - "My Page Address". Select the line “Edit address” and write whatever we want.


I would like to summarize all of the above. There are several ways to view other people's contacts. At the same time, there is only one method of hiding them, and not all of them, but only 15 people. Although it is worth noting that the settings change every day, so today it is 15 people, and tomorrow it will be 100. As noted above, someone can look at your hidden contacts. To protect against this, we hide our id address. This way you can be sure that no one will know about the existence invisible contacts. Moreover, currently there are ways that allow you to completely or partially make your own page invisible, but this is a separate topic for discussion. That, in principle, is all that can be said about how to hide friends on VKontakte in just a few minutes.