How to help a child with abdominal colic? Proven means. How to understand that a child has a tummy ache due to colic Colic in newborns how to recognize

Baby suffering from colic

You have a happy and contented baby, born 2 weeks ago, he is growing well, nothing bothers him. But suddenly his limbs tense, his back arches, his fists clench, he utters heartbreaking screams, presses his legs to his stomach, jerks them (knots) and does not stop screaming, as if in severe pain. His face is distorted: his mouth is completely round, his eyebrows are knitted over his eyes, which either open wide or close tightly, as if he is shouting: “I’m in incredible pain.” As the child’s tension increases, so does your helplessness: you, like him, cannot determine what causes this terrible pain. He is inconsolable, you are both in tears, suffering together.

Exhausted to the limit, he stops screaming and falls asleep, giving his parents a shaky hope that this will not happen again. Suddenly a friend comes to you and says: “What a beauty this child is. How happy you are!” And you answer: “You should have seen us a couple of hours ago - we all almost went crazy.” Your friend leaves thinking you have a sick imagination. Of course, nothing bad can happen with such a blooming baby. And suddenly, as if someone turned on some kind of switch, a new frantic outbreak of screaming begins, which continues for more than an hour. The child enters into a battle with himself. You try to caress him, but he kicks. You want to feed him, but he arches his back and pulls away. You rock him, sing, ride in a car, but all the calming techniques that worked so well yesterday are not suitable today. Once again you are faced with the familiar question: “What is wrong with my child, what is wrong with me?” And you eliminate yourself from the list of mothers who have good children.

You wonder: “What happened to the child who was so calm two hours ago?” In a cruel irony, your child is at his worst at the end of the day, when you are least able to calm him down.

And there is an endless stream of advice from friends and well-wishers. But the child continues to scream, and it begins to seem to you more and more that this is a consequence of your poor care, although deep down you feel that this is not so. He is going crazy from suffering, but you don’t know the reason, and, probably, the child himself doesn’t know it.

And when you have already tried all of Aunt Anne's herbal teas, all the latest remedies prescribed by the doctor, all possible methods of care, between the 3rd and 4th months of the child's life, the attacks of angry crying stop as suddenly as they began, and life goes on as usual in turn. Now you can safely carry your child, and you are relieved to close one of the most difficult pages in your child’s life, the name of which is colic.

How can you tell if your baby is colicky?

If you have doubts whether your baby is suffering from colic, then he is not suffering. Furious, close to agony, prolonged bursts of inconsolable crying leave no doubt about their cause - colic. When some parents think that their child has colic, we advise them to talk to those who have contacted us and whose children actually suffer from colic. More often than not, they come back, relieved, saying, “Yes, after what we saw, we are sure our baby doesn’t have this.” Approximately 20% of children experience daily bouts of angry screaming in the first months, which has nothing to do with colic.

What is colic?

Although there is no consensus on the origin and definition of colic in children, doctors suspect that they are the cause of unexpected and inexplicable bouts of inconsolable crying in the baby.
colic lasts at least 3 hours a day, occurs 3 times a week, and lasts at least 3 weeks
begins in the first 3 weeks of life
rarely last more than 3 months
occur in children who are otherwise healthy and growing well

We sometimes call this “Rule 3.”

Why colic?

The most depressing and frightening thing about colic is that it is unknown why the child is screaming and why what used to calm him down now does not work. You are usually tormented by the question: “Why does my baby have this, what am I doing wrong?” You suffer as much as a child and are very vulnerable to well-wishers making their own diagnosis: “It must be the milk,” “He’s just spoiled,” “You’re holding him too much.” We must be critical of the most popular myths about colic.

The myth of a nervous child with a nervous mother

The child's restless behavior is more a consequence of his own temperament than of the mother's inability. Researchers relieve parents of blame. There is no evidence that mother's stress is inevitably transmitted to the child. True, a mother who was nervous a lot during pregnancy is more likely to give birth to a baby with colic. The authors of some developments also suggest that the appearance of colic in a child is associated with self-hypnosis of their mother. Some expect their baby to have colic, and often get it. According to our data, the mother's mood rather affects how she cares for the child, and is not the root cause of colic. It’s just that the child feels uncomfortable in the arms of a nervous mother.

If parental anxiety caused colic in children, then it would be most legitimate to assume that first-born children should have colic, but this is not the case. Restless children and children with colic are born regardless of the number of children in the family. The most restless of our children was the fourth, Hayden, but she was born in the most relaxed family environment and Martha’s pregnancy was not overshadowed by anything. Colic does not have a social background. The child’s behavior cannot be attributed to the parents’ workload. Anthropologists claim that peoples who carry their children more have fewer fussy babies, but colicky babies are found all over the world. The Chinese call it "one hundred days of crying."

Debunking the myth of gas as the cause of colic

“It’s full of gas,” reports another mother. Yes, children often have a lot of gas inside in the first months of life. Place your hand on the swollen belly of a one-month-old baby who has just been fed, and you will hear the gurgling noise that passes into the next feeding. X-rays cast doubt on the presence of gas as a cause of colic. They show that such gases occur equally often in both healthy children and babies with colic. In addition, on the contrary, there is more gas after an attack, and not before it. It is believed that when a child screams, he swallows a lot of air, so gases are not the cause, but the result of colic. Although many babies may be bothered by gas in the tummy, these studies undermine the theory that colic is caused by a buildup of gas.

What is comforting in our explanations for parents? If you intervene to interrupt the cries of a colicky baby, he will swallow less air. Look at a child during one of these attacks. He holds his breath for so long while screaming that he even turns blue, which sends his parents into a panic. Then, when it seems that the scream will never end, the child convulsively swallows air (as you do after holding your breath for a long time). Some of it may enter the stomach, and this excess air distends the insides, possibly causing the colic to continue.

Colic is a common cause of crying in newborn babies. Almost all parents face a phenomenon that threatens mothers with more than one sleepless night. The cause of colic is most often the adaptation of the baby’s digestive organs to independent feeding. A few tips for relieving colic will help ease the little man’s condition.

The main causes of colic in newborns

are nothing more than intestinal spasms due to increased formation of gases .

A healthy and cheerful baby suddenly starts crying, and his tummy becomes bloated and hard. The baby begins to suffer from intestinal spasms, while the child screams and blushes, presses his legs to his tummy or arches. The processes of the occurrence of infantile colic are still not fully understood.

Medicine cites the following reasons as more likely sources of discomfort in newborns:

Immaturity of the neuromuscular system responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

At the moment of birth, the baby's ventricle is sterilely clean. With the mother's first milk, it is filled not only with nutrients, but also with beneficial microorganisms, which later form the intestinal microflora. At birth, the baby’s body is still protected by the mother’s hormones; over time, their effect weakens. If by this time the intestinal microflora is not yet sufficiently developed, the baby begins to suffer from colic . Since in the body of the crumbs there are not only useful, but also conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. The predominance of the latter leads to poor digestion of food (especially in children who are bottle-fed), what causes constipation or increased gas .
Insufficient enzyme production (lactase deficiency) Like mother's milk, they are digested under the influence of enzymes to break down milk. Colic occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough lactose to process sugar. contained in milk. As the child grows, the need for milk increases, and the insufficiently productive work of enzymes cannot cope with the load on the baby’s stomach.
Often during feeding, due to the baby’s incorrect position, he takes in air along with milk , which causes regurgitation and colic. In addition, if the baby is weak or simply lazy, the breastfeeding time does not exceed 20 minutes. During this time, the baby does not have time to reach the most beneficial hind milk. . Foremilk contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which serve as initiators of the fermentation process in the baby's body.
Malnutrition of a nursing mother The cause of colic in a baby may be the mother’s poor diet during lactation. . Eating excess amounts of sweet or starchy foods (especially brown bread), as well as legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, or natural cow's milk. In artificial infants, the source of colic can be an incorrectly selected formula.
Reaction to physical and psychological stimuli Many parents have no idea that The cause of colic may be the baby’s increased sensitivity to physical or psychological discomfort . A wet diaper, cold, hunger or poor health or mood can also cause colic.

When does colic begin and how long does it last in newborns?

Over many years of observation, experts have identified a common trend for all newborns, which they call the “rule of three”:

Rule #1

Colic begins to bother the baby from the beginning of the third week of life.

Rule #2

The total duration of colic is up to three hours a day.

Rule #3

Colic causes problems for your baby until about three months of age.

Colic attacks usually begin at the same time in a child. This usually occurs after feeding in the evening or night hours. . The duration of the attack can be from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours, until the baby copes with the trouble himself or adults help him.

At the age of 3–4 months, the baby’s digestive system fully adapts to nutrition. Enzyme glands begin to function fully, and colic gradually ceases tormenting the baby. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor to promptly identify problems with the child’s digestion.

How to get rid of colic in an infant

To alleviate the torment of the baby caused by painful sensations, parents use various methods and medications.

Medicines against colic in newborns

Just 2-3 decades ago you could buy in any pharmacy dill water , which was used to feed babies during colic attacks. The medicine coped well with its functions, quickly bringing relief to the child. Today in pharmacies you can buy various granulated teas for newborns , which mainly contain fennel.

The most commonly used medications for colic are those in the form of emulsions or suspensions.

The most famous of them include:



The drug is an emulsion with a pleasant odor, made on the basis of activated dimethicone. The medicine successfully relieves pain, relieving the baby of gases accumulated in the intestines . Eliminating colic, the drug does not have a negative effect on the intestines and is excreted from the body along with feces. The advantage of espumisan is the absence of lactose and sugar.

Baby Calm


The product contains oils from dill, anise and mint seeds, due to which it has a specific smell. Baby Calm is a nutritional supplement that is given to the baby before feeding. The drug can give, so at the first dose you need to give the baby no more than 2-3 drops .
Bifiform baby


The suspension, which combines 2 fractions - powder and oil, includes probiotics and prebiotics. They normalize intestinal microflora, helping to reduce discomfort and the likelihood of colic. .



Infacol is a homogeneous translucent suspension with an orange odor. The drug contains simethicone, which combines small bubbles in the baby’s intestines, forming free gases that are easily removed from the body .
Sub Simplex


The same as in Infacol, the main active ingredient in Sub Simplex is simethicone, therefore the drug has a similar effect on the baby’s body .

Today, pharmacists offer a large number of medications to help your baby cope with colic. As a rule, all these means are quite expensive. Our parents raised us without these miracles, so young mothers can gain experience from the older generation.

Folk remedies to help with colic in newborns

Folk remedies that incorporate the experience of many generations of parents can help a baby cope with colic no worse than modern medicines:

  1. Gas outlet tube . Not all young mothers are familiar with such a simple thing. At one time, our mothers and grandmothers used it. If the pharmacy does not have such a device for removing gases, you can use a regular, small enema with the top of the pear cut off.
  2. Warm diaper for tummy . The diaper is folded into several words, ironed or heated in any other way. A warm cloth is applied to the baby’s tummy and pulled tightly towards the baby’s body. Heat helps relieve pain and ease the passage of gas.
  3. Contact with mom . Instead of a warm diaper, you can simply take the baby in your arms, pressing your tummy to you. The warmth and closeness of a loved one will help the baby calm down, and gentle rocking will help the baby fall asleep.
  4. Dill water . To prepare it, you need to purchase dried fennel at the pharmacy. 2-3 grams of herb are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes. Dill water must be cooled and given to the baby 1 teaspoon after mixing with breast milk or formula.

Massage and gymnastics for colic in infants

Using massage for colic helps many children get rid of gases traveling through the ventricle. Any mother can do this procedure on her own.

To do this you need:

  1. Place the baby on a hard surface, tummy up.
  2. Using light movements with an open palm, stroke the body from the navel to the groin area for 2 minutes.
  3. Fold your palm and continue stroking, slightly increasing the pressure.
  4. With both hands, stroke the tummy on both sides, performing diagonal movements from the ribs to the groin.
  5. Do the same, pointing one hand up and the other down.
  6. Massage the tummy in a circular motion around the navel in a clockwise direction, gradually increasing the pressure.
  7. Pull the baby's legs towards the stomach and hold for about 30 seconds. At the same time, the baby may begin to push. This is a normal reaction for him.
  8. With the legs bent, make the baby “bicycle.” Pressing your feet on your stomach is the best way to promote digestion.

The use of massage for colic has a relaxing effect on the child, while intestinal function improves, which promotes the gentle passage of gases. In addition, this is facilitated by frequently placing the baby on his tummy.

Just don't do this right after feeding!

Prevention of colic in newborns

Before you start feeding, you need to pay attention to the baby's tummy. If he is bloated, you must first help him get rid of accumulated gases and only then start feeding.

  • To reduce the likelihood of colic , put your baby to the breast correctly. The entrapment of air along with milk provokes increased gas formation.
  • After feeding the baby, be sure to hold in an upright position for some time, stroking the back. You can't put your baby in the crib until he burps.
  • During breastfeeding give up foods that cause increased gas formation - cucumbers, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), soy and bean products, grapes and white bread. It is also worth eliminating any carbonated drinks from your diet.
  • If your baby has colic behave calmly, calm and caress the baby. Remember that your nervous state is passed on to the child and only worsens the problem.

Hello, Lyudmila. Help us resolve one issue that my husband and I are arguing about. Our son turned one month old, and I began to notice changes in his behavior. He often cries, curls up his legs and is capricious. Sometimes he even refuses to eat, and then suddenly calms down.

In general, by all indications, it looks like he is suffering from colic in his tummy. My mother-in-law thinks so too. But this is where our unanimity ends. She says that the main reason for this condition is increased formation of gases in the intestines and therefore the baby needs to be treated with diet, dill water and a gas tube.

But I am inclined to think that such problems are associated with the whole body getting used to new conditions, and this process cannot be disrupted by outside interference.

But I’m a young mother, and my mother-in-law has already raised two children. My opinion cannot compete with her parental authority. Need professional recommendations. Please explain for what reasons colic occurs in a newborn, and who is right about what to do to alleviate the baby’s condition.

What is colic

Of course, interfering in a dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a thankless task. Therefore, I will not undertake to judge you. But I can provide a qualified look at the nature of the origin of colic in newborns and, accordingly, the correct actions of parents in such cases.

First of all, I note that all experts agree on the natural causes of abdominal colic in newborns. They are considered as one of the manifestations of the adaptation process during the period of adaptation of the baby’s body to new conditions of existence, a new environment.

Until recently, it was believed that colic was associated exclusively with the restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of beneficial microflora in it. Nowadays, the opinion about the neurological nature of the origin of such spasms is gaining more and more popularity. Scientists provide evidence that colic can be considered a “companion” of headaches (migraines).

I will not go into the scientific details of the explanations for this statement. But many adults will confirm that under severe stress a person experiences serious discomfort, one of the symptoms of which is cramps and pain in the stomach.

It is quite possible that the baby is also experiencing a huge nervous shock from the abundance of new impressions that literally fall upon him in the first months of life. After all, it is precisely during the period when colic begins in a newborn that he gradually comes to realize himself as a separate being from his mother. He understands that he is now on his own and must ensure his own livelihood.

Imagine a similar situation. How will you feel after suddenly finding yourself on another planet, where you even need to breathe differently? Of course, you are guaranteed panic with all the accompanying symptoms.

Agree that the described condition is very similar to what a newborn should experience. Also fitting into this “symptomatic picture” is the fact that in all babies colic begins at exactly the same period and goes away abruptly in all of them, regardless of the intensity and quality of treatment (whether the baby’s parents give the baby dill water or nothing at all). do it - colic disappears).

Thus, we have two theories regarding colic in a newborn, and, accordingly, recommendations on what to do. Both have their supporters. Moreover, the second theory, thanks to modern medical research, is receiving more and more confirmation.

Signs of colic

The main symptoms of colic in a newborn are related to the condition of the tummy. He becomes tense and bloated. There are other symptoms:

  • the baby draws up his legs;
  • sometimes releases gas;
  • may try to push;
  • his stool changes.

In addition, noticeable changes occur in the child’s behavior. He:

  1. becomes moody and restless (especially immediately after feeding);
  2. often, for no apparent reason, begins to cry;
  3. does not calm down for a long time;
  4. may temporarily refuse to eat.

Typically, colic manifests itself in the form of attacks that periodically “roll up”, and then relief comes.

Causes of colic

So, based on the information above, it follows that there are two types of causes of colic.

Causes associated with intestinal problems:

  • The baby is born with a sterile intestine, i.e. it does not yet contain those beneficial bacteria that accompany and facilitate the digestion process. Therefore, this process occurs with certain difficulties;
  • During the period of microflora creation, the balance of beneficial microorganisms often changes. Exceeding the concentration level of certain species can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the development of dysbacteriosis;
  • A lack of food enzymes due to improperly organized breastfeeding can cause false lactase deficiency. To avoid this, you need to breastfeed correctly, change breasts during feeding on time and follow the rules of breastfeeding.

I will explain these rules to you in more detail in the course Secrets of Breastfeeding >>>.

This is an online course, which means you and your baby don’t need to travel anywhere. You will watch the course at home and start feeding your baby correctly, this will reduce the occurrence of colic.

  • When eating or crying, the baby may swallow air, which enters the intestines.

Also, colic in a newborn during breastfeeding is associated with errors in the diet of the nursing mother. There is an opinion that there are certain foods that cause colic in newborns. These include:

  1. vegetables: cabbage, onions, tomatoes, corn. Read more about what vegetables a nursing mother can eat?>>>;
  2. nuts;
  3. cow's milk and products made from it. Find out from the article, is milk ok for a nursing mother?>>>;
  4. products containing caffeine;
  5. dishes with spicy seasonings.

Causes associated with migraine:

  • Sleep disturbance: lack of sleep, excess, disruptions in sleep rhythm (read the current article: The child sleeps for 20-30 minutes >>>);
  • Psychotraumatic situations: sharp sounds, bright lights, strong odors, cold, etc.;
  • Ignoring the diet and improper diet of a nursing mother;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Change of weather.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all of these reasons are associated with natural processes that inevitably occur in the body of a newborn. In no case does the occurrence of colic indicate the development of any pathologies or problems with the baby’s health.

When does colic appear and go away?

Colic is a temporary phenomenon. They usually occur in a baby 3 to 4 weeks after birth. The length of time colic lasts in newborns may vary. Typically, 1 to 4 hours of crying are the main sign that a baby is suffering from colic and gas.

This period can last from 6 to 8 weeks. The latest period when colic in newborns goes away is 4 months of age.

How can I help my child?

And now the main question, which, as I understand, is the main subject of your dispute: how to get rid of colic in newborns. Here I am completely on your side, and on the side of the various manufacturers of colic drugs.

For more information about this, see my short video tutorial about colic in a newborn:

The effect of dill water, as well as tea containing fennel, anise, caraway or lemon balm, can be compared with the results from taking a placebo. In the same way, medications that are prescribed to eliminate colic in a newborn do not affect the causes that provoke these spasms.

Moreover, they can be harmful. It is important to understand that colic occurs during the formation of the body’s ability to function independently. Any artificially introduced components will only disrupt and “disrupt” this process.

Some mothers start giving medications containing bacteria and enzymes necessary for digestion. However, the body will reject them, they will not take root in the intestines and will not multiply there, as many mothers think. No, these medications, like all others, give a temporary effect and are completely eliminated from the body.

Breast milk contains all the necessary bifidobacteria and lactobacteria that help intestinal maturation. Focus your energy on proper breastfeeding. You will find a lot of useful information on this topic in the article How to properly breastfeed a newborn?>>>

This is how nature intended and how it should be. Giving a baby drugs can only worsen the already immature intestinal microflora.

Remember, there are not many effective ways to treat colic in newborns. I will tell you more about what really helps during colic and gas, as well as the secrets of helping a child with anxiety in the online course Soft tummy: getting rid of colic in a baby >>>

However, I in no way advocate doing nothing at all and simply waiting for the colic period to end, helplessly watching the suffering of the newborn.

The mother can significantly alleviate the baby’s condition during this period. After all, the most important thing that helps with colic in newborns is the love, care, and guardianship of their parents. The child needs to be made to feel that the connection with his mother is not completely severed, that he is not left without support.

  1. Provide constant tactile contact. Take the baby in your arms and hold him close. You can place the baby on your stomach and stroke his back;
  2. Breastfeed. The process of sucking itself, the feeling of warmth from your body, and the beneficial components of mother's milk - all this will only improve the condition of the newborn. You can apply to the breast very often without observing certain time intervals;
  3. Protect from stress. Use “white” noise to calm your baby (read the article: White noise for a newborn >>>). When sleeping at night, create twilight in the room. Do not expose to sudden cold (leave the hardening procedure for a later period);
  4. Provide a cozy, comfortable environment so that the newborn feels protected;
  1. Give a massage for colic in a newborn. This way you will stimulate intestinal motility. In addition, soft stroking movements bring pleasant sensations and provide an opportunity to relax. The baby will feel a similar effect if you put a warm diaper on his stomach.

I would like to note that during the period of colic in a newborn, the mother has to spend a lot of effort and patience. This is very exhausting, so you will need support from loved ones. Ask for help with everyday tasks while you care for your baby and help him through difficult periods of infantile anxiety.

After the birth of a baby, his mother has to face many problems, one of the most common is gas in the baby. This phenomenon does not pose a danger to the child’s health, but it causes a lot of trouble and anxiety. A newborn who is tormented by gases screams, cries, is capricious, eats and sleeps poorly.

Causes of gas in infants

The formation of gases in infants, as in adults, is a natural process that accompanies the act of digestion. If too many gases are released, they begin to accumulate in the intestines, which leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system. The result is colic, severe, sharp attacks of abdominal pain. Externally, it is not difficult to determine this condition in a baby. The child begins to squirm, grimace, twitch his legs, and becomes restless. The baby's belly is inflated, it feels dense and hard to the touch. Colic is manifested by a loud, high-pitched cry of the child. Other symptoms of gas in a baby include indigestion, causing diarrhea or constipation, frequent regurgitation, flatulence, colic and pain in the tummy.

In most cases, the main cause of gas in infants is poor nutrition of the nursing mother. It is expressed in the use of certain products that provoke increased gas formation. These include dairy products, legumes, grapes, coffee and others. It is better to exclude all such foods from the diet of a nursing mother, at least in the first few months of the baby’s life. The volume of milk a child eats at one time also affects. If it is too large, the baby may also experience bloating and flatulence. In this case, you should increase the number of feedings, while simultaneously reducing the one-time volume of each.

Swallowing can also lead to gas in infants.

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What to do if your baby has colic and gas. How to cope with colic.

Most babies, and especially boys, will experience colic in the first few months of life. This is one of the most difficult times for parents. The baby periodically screams sharply and very loudly for no apparent reason. And the parents’ hearts “bleed.” In this article we will describe the following questions in detail. What is colic? How can you tell if a baby has colic? What to do if your baby has colic? What to do to reduce the likelihood of colic to a minimum?

Colic is pain in the baby's colon, which is accompanied by an accumulation of gases. Colic pain is paroxysmal in nature. It is not known for certain why colic occurs in babies, and many pediatricians are still engaged in heated debate. But with a high degree of probability we can say that colic is associated with imperfections in the baby’s digestive system. Colic usually begins in the third to fourth week and ends at the beginning of the fourth month. The duration of attacks during the day usually does not exceed 3 hours. But these are only average statistics. In reality, colic in an infant can begin immediately after the start of full feeding and be accompanied by gas discharge with small attacks throughout the day. It all depends on the newborn’s body, the mother’s body (she is the one who produces milk), the mother’s diet, the baby’s and mother’s regimen, how the child’s body accepts bacteria (useful for digestion), whether the mother took antibiotics, and so on. We can conclude that anything can become a colic detonator. You can go into more detail on the main reasons:

1. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed; in its fragile intestines there are not enough beneficial bacteria to process milk, and sometimes pneumonia develops there

Gases in a newborn

In the first months of a child’s life, any mother has encountered such a common phenomenon as gas or flatulence. Gases do not pose any danger to the newborn and do not harm his health. However, this problem causes a lot of inconvenience for parents who spend more than one sleepless night calming the baby in every possible way.

Gas is a natural byproduct of digestion. Excessive formation of gases in a newborn leads to their accumulation in the intestines, disrupting the functioning of the digestive system, as a result of which the child experiences severe abdominal pain. It is quite simple to determine that a newborn has gas: if the child becomes restless, wrinkles his forehead, writhes, twists his legs, and his tummy swells and all this is accompanied by a shrill cry, then the baby is tormented by gas. Symptoms of gas in a newborn include frequent belching, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, and abdominal pain or cramps.

The diet of a nursing mother of a newborn baby is the main cause of gas in the baby. To prevent excessive gas formation in a newborn, a mother should exclude dairy products, acid-forming and gas-forming foods from her diet, since the consumption of these foods can cause anxiety in the child. Cabbage, legumes, grapes, a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, coffee, strong tea are best excluded from the mother’s diet during breastfeeding. In addition, the cause of bloating can be a large volume of milk at one feeding. Therefore, if there is excessive gas formation, you can try to reduce the volume of milk, while increasing the frequency of feedings.

Another reason for gas formation in a newborn is swallowing air. This occurs during breastfeeding, mainly due to improper breastfeeding technique.

Gases in infants: how to alleviate the baby’s suffering

Gases in infants may first appear in the maternity hospital, and continue for up to 3 months or even years. Increased gas formation can be a consequence of many reasons, ranging from improper feeding techniques to the immaturity of the digestive system. How to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon, and, most importantly, quickly help the baby?

Why do gases occur in infants? Flatulence concept

The causes of gas in young children have not been thoroughly studied. Scientists and pediatricians are only speculating about what is the main cause of flatulence (gas) in infants. First of all, this:

Consumption by a nursing mother of foods that lead to gas formation: legumes, broccoli, white cabbage, caffeine, flour products, hot and spicy foods;

Immaturity of the digestive system and lack of necessary enzymes to process lactose (milk sugar contained in milk);

Signs of gas in a baby

The process of gas accumulation in the intestines brings unpleasant sensations to the child, as a result the baby expresses his emotions with tears. Most parents face this problem, since the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract adapts to extrauterine life in this way. But how to recognize the signs of flatulence and, most importantly, not confuse them with anything else? This can be determined by a number of the following symptoms:

Gases cause quite unpleasant sensations in the baby, so the child may start crying and pounding his legs, clenching his fists. Most often, the baby begins to cry soon after feeding.

If a child has gas, he may wake up in the middle of the night, fall asleep briefly in his mother’s arms, and wake up again after a while. This can go on almost all night.

Intestinal colic in newborns is a phenomenon that frightens young parents long before the birth of their first child. Colic comes in different intensities, but small children react the same way. This phenomenon in infants begins almost from the first day of life. Many mothers strive to take all measures to eliminate them. Whether it is possible to quickly get rid of them, which helps alleviate the child’s condition, we will find out from this article.

When a baby is born, his body has a difficult job of adapting to the environment. The most important “achievement” for a baby is to cry after giving birth. The first cry is an indicator of the opening of the lungs, evidence that the child will continue to breathe on his own. Then the skin, kidneys, and other internal organs adapt to the conditions surrounding the baby. The intestines adapt gradually; adults learn about its adaptation when crying from colic begins.

In the first month, the doctor constantly monitors the newborn. Crying, anxiety, poor sleep due to colic are considered normal. Adults should be concerned if:

  • bowel movements are not daily or very frequent;
  • there are blood streaks in the stool;
  • foam accompanies feces;
  • mucus comes out along with feces;
  • feces are unnaturally green, dark in color;
  • The baby cannot defecate on his own.

Attention! With such phenomena, a cry is not an accompaniment of ordinary colic, but a signal about the development of a disease of the digestive tract.

Physiological causes of intestinal colic

The development of man and medicine has not eradicated the problem of intestinal colic. Surprisingly, modern medicine is unclear about why painful spasms develop and how to completely eliminate them. Until 3 weeks of age, the child lives under the influence of the mother’s hormones, which alleviate his condition and normalize processes in the body. After 3 weeks, the baby completely transitions to an autonomous existence, and then the symptoms of the phenomenon begin to appear.

The term "colic" is taken from the Greek language, the Greek word "kolikos" means "pain in the large intestine." Several are known reasons newborn intestinal pain:

  1. The immature neuromuscular apparatus of the intestine cannot cope with the functions of promoting and absorbing food.
  2. Immature enzymatic system of the organ, there is no normal production and action of enzymes.
  3. Tendency to gas formation, in infants during the final maturation of the intestines, flatulence appears.
  4. The occurrence of muscle spasm.

Other causes of intestinal pain

Pediatricians are inclined to believe that physiological processes are not the only cause of the painful phenomenon. The behavior of the mother and baby plays a role in the occurrence of colic.

  1. Incorrect nipple latching. Some newborns get used to latching onto their mother's nipple incorrectly during their first feedings. It depends on its shape, size and individual characteristics of the newly born. In addition to the discomfort of mothers and the lack of a feeling of satiety in children, improper latching of the nipple can cause intestinal pathologies: air penetrates through the digestive tract, increasing sensitivity to physiological pain.

  2. No belching. After feeding, the baby needs to be held in a “column”: the trapped air comes out, making it easier for the digestive system to work. Sometimes the air does not escape through belching, but is directed into the intestines, pressing on the walls of the digestive organ, increasing the pain of colic.

  3. Constant lying position. Difficulty in digesting food. Man is created to walk upright; from birth, his organs develop to walk upright. The horizontal position of the newborn makes it difficult for the passage of gases, and the digestion process is difficult. During the day and night, the intestines accumulate gases that press on the walls of the organ. It is especially difficult for sensitive children; they scream more when reporting pain.
  4. Constant crying of the baby provokes colic. It turns out that the newborn cries from pain, and crying makes it even more painful. Opening the mouth wide when crying leads to swallowing air. The mother should reassure the baby to prevent new portions of the “irritant” from entering the body.
  5. Overfed children experience intestinal pain. The stomach and intestines are not ready to digest the increased amount of food, the enzymes do not work. Result: food residue begins to ferment - the appearance of an increased amount of air.
  6. Poor nutrition of mother and baby. Pain in the epigastric region occurs when the mother eats foods that cause flatulence, smokes, or abuses alcoholic beverages. Another reason is the formula being unsuitable for the child.

Symptoms of infant colic

Many adults remember the signs of pain in the digestive tract. Those whose children reacted minimally to an unpleasant phenomenon before 3 months were considered lucky. Intestinal pain in infants manifests itself in different ways:

  1. Constant restlessness, the child either moves or cries. Parents can only dream about a peaceful sleep for their baby.
  2. The little one constantly bends and straightens his legs. Raising the legs to the tummy, he signals “cutting” pain, manifested by spasms.
  3. A high-pitched scream that lasts several hours. Screaming and crying often appear in the evening, during the day the child eats and sleeps almost peacefully.
  4. Release of gases. This process is difficult for children. Before releasing gases they scream, after the release of air they calm down.
  5. Pallor. Children have pale skin.
  6. A characteristic symptom of colic in babies is their crying after feeding.

Based on the signs, parents and the pediatrician will know that the baby is suffering from intestinal pain. To relieve the baby from pain, adults will have to try, be patient, and have strength.

Help for newborns with colic

Not all advertising methods and doctor’s prescriptions work to treat colic. All we have to do is wait until the baby turns 3 months old. For many children, drug and non-drug assistance significantly reduces the intensity of pain. Let's take a closer look at the methods used to help with colic.

Mom's diet

If the baby is breastfed, the woman should reconsider her diet. This will help prevent the entry of substances that cause flatulence into the newborn's body through milk. Do not use during breastfeeding:

  • white cabbage;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • corn;
  • full-fat cow's milk, homemade dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • caffeinated products.

On a note! Following a diet will help normalize intestinal function.


If you cannot overcome the unpleasant phenomenon on your own, pediatricians prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. Common non-medicinal products are powder Plantex, Hipp tea. The action of the drugs is aimed at enhancing intestinal motility, calming spasms, and the release of gases. Medicines based on the active substance simethicone are also used:

A drugImageApplication
Promotes the collapse of gas bubbles, gas is removed from the body through the intestines and absorbed by its walls. Used for flatulence, in pediatrics the main use is for colic. Infants should be given 25 drops. For babies, the drug is added to food and served in a bottle at each feeding.
It acts exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract and is not absorbed into other organs. Made from simethicone. It is allowed to be used by infants from the 28th day of birth. The dose is 8 drops 4 times a day. The medicine is diluted with water, food
A drug with the same active substance helps reduce pain resulting from intestinal distension. For infants, 15 drops are added to food and water. This is a single dose. If colic symptoms are severe, the remedy is used after each feeding.
The main substance is dimethicone. It acts like simethicone. For children under 6 months of age, the medicine is given 4 drops before feedings. It is allowed to use the medicine for a long period
It is given to infants in syrup. The medicine has an analgesic effect and is used if the symptoms of colic are intense. At the age of up to 3 months, the daily dose is 6 mg/day, given 3 times. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, the final number of days of taking the drug is determined by the doctor

Products based on fennel fruits are also often used. Their effectiveness as carminatives that reduce the formation of gases has been proven. These remedies do not remove the cause, but help cope with the symptoms. Prescription of medications should be done by a pediatrician.

Help at home

Previously, people did not know about the existence of medications to eliminate colic. Therefore, we used improvised means:

  1. Before feeding, place the baby on his tummy. This is done on a hard surface.
  2. After feeding, the baby should be held upright - this will allow excess air to escape better.
  3. Using a heating pad or an ironed diaper. Place a warm object on the tummy; this method helps to reduce the intensity of colic as much as possible.
  4. A mother can help the baby emotionally and physically by placing a warm cloth on her stomach, then placing the baby on it with her stomach down.
  5. Slowly, pressing lightly, parents give the baby a tummy massage. You need to massage clockwise, in the direction of gas movement.
  6. Hold the baby to your chest and rock it to the beat of the song being sung.
  7. During an attack of colic, place the baby on his back and gently press his tummy with your palm.
  8. After eating, give dill infusion.
  9. A gas outlet tube helps to remove gases well.
  10. If the baby is bottle-fed, try changing the formula. Some children find it easier to tolerate pain on a different type of formula.

Baby massage

An effective way to help is massage. Below are the basic principles of its implementation.

To make the baby calmer, make movements with your hands, as shown in the figure. This helps to enhance intestinal motility and eliminate gases
Raise and lower your legs. Movement facilitates the removal of gases from the lower intestines
Turns the legs left and right, the back lies flat
Placing the baby on the stomach has a therapeutic effect for colic. If you put a little pressure on the back, the gases go away faster. You need to press very carefully

Intestinal colic in newborns is a nuisance that parents can experience. By following the doctor’s orders, helping the baby with improvised means, massage, and being patient, parents go through this period calmly and cheerfully. The reward for hard work is the toothless smile of a three-month-old baby. , read on our website.

Video - What is colic in newborns?