The production structure of the enterprise does not apply. Production structure of JSC "Trust KPD". The composition of production links, the principles of their organization. Organizational structure of management

Structure is a set of elements that make up the system and stable connections between them. An enterprise is a complex system, therefore, within the enterprise, depending on the goals, several interacting structures can be distinguished.

A modern industrial enterprise consists of: workshops, sites and farms, management bodies and an organization for servicing the employees of the enterprise.

Production units, units that manage the enterprise and service its employees, the number of such units and units, their size and the ratio between them in terms of the size of occupied areas, the number of employees and other characteristics represent the overall structure.

Production divisions, links, enterprises include workshops and areas where the main products of the enterprise, tools, spare parts for equipment repair are manufactured. In some production units, repair work is carried out and various types of energy are generated.

The composition of the production units of the enterprise, their interaction in the process of manufacturing products, the ratio of the number of people employed in production, the cost of assets, the occupied area and their territorial location form a production structure , which is part of the overall structure.

There is no sustainable standard structure. It is constantly being adjusted under the influence of production and economic conditions, scientific and technological progress and socio-economic processes. However, with all the variety of structures, production enterprises have the same functions, the main of which is the manufacture and sale of products.

The structures of the enterprise reflect, first of all, the presence of main, auxiliary and service shops (Fig. 9.1).

Figure 10.1. Company structure.

The production structure determines the principles of organizing the production process, such as the continuity of the production process, the rhythm of the production of products, as well as the level of labor productivity, the reduction of work in progress, the efficiency of material and labor resources, the quality of production.

The factors determining the production structure include:

Division of labor;

The level of specialization and cooperation of production;

The degree of competition in the given and technologically related markets;

The level of development of technology, technology and organization of production;

The nature of the manufactured products, nomenclature, assortment and volume of production.

The production structure should ensure: proportionality of all divisions of the enterprise, compliance with the organizational structure, compliance with human resources. The production structure must be flexible and dynamic because the external environment is constantly changing.

The formation of the production structure of the enterprise is the most important process in both organizational and economic aspects. To ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise, there should be subdivisions, which include workshops, sections, laboratories where it is manufactured, undergoes control checks, tests the main products manufactured by the enterprise, purchased components, materials, spare parts, etc.

As a rule, the main structural unit of the enterprise is shop - an administratively separate link in which products (or part of them) are manufactured or a certain stage of the production process is performed. Many small businesses have a shopless structure, i.e. consist of small production units - separate production areas or lines.

Workshops are independent and full-fledged divisions and can be considered as centers of responsibility in the financial structure of the enterprise.

In mechanical engineering, workshops can be divided into the following groups:

1. The main , carrying out operations for the manufacture of products,
intended for implementation. These include procurement,
processing, assembly and testing.

2. Subsidiary - provide the main workshops with the necessary
tools, devices, carry out technical
maintenance and repair of technological equipment, etc. it
tool, model, repair shops, non-standard shop
equipment, etc.

3. Offsite service shops and facilities carry out
maintenance work for main and auxiliary workshops
transportation and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished
products, energy transmission, etc. This group includes warehouse
subdivisions, transport, energy facilities, etc.

The main role in the production structure of the enterprise is played by design, technology departments, research departments and laboratories.

Workshops also have an internal production structure, which is understood as the composition of production sites, auxiliary and service units located in them, as well as the forms of their production ties.

The next structural unit is the production site. Production area - it is a structural unit united on a separate basis, which is a group of workplaces where a relatively isolated part of the production process is carried out. The composition, number of sites and production links between them determine the list of workshops and the production structure of the enterprise as a whole.

The primary link in the production structure of the enterprise is workplace - a part of the production area where a worker or a group of workers performs a separate operation for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process, using appropriate equipment and tooling. The nature and characteristics of the organization of jobs have an impact on the type of production structure. The workplace can be simple (one worker serves one machine), multi-station (one worker serves several pieces of equipment), complex (a group of workers serves one unit).

The ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops in terms of the number of workers employed in them, in terms of the area occupied in their production area should reflect the priority importance of the main shops in the structure of the enterprise, since it is here that all stages of the technological cycle of product manufacturing are carried out.

The production structure is formed during the creation of an enterprise, its reconstruction and technical re-equipment, with the development of new products.

Depending on the form of intra-plant specialization and the level of cooperation at the enterprise, three types of production structure are distinguished:

1. Subject: main workshops and their sections are built on the basis of
manufacturing by each division of one or a group of products or
their parts. In this case, in one workshop, several
heterogeneous technological processes, focuses
different types of equipment. This type is typical for enterprises
large-scale and mass production.

Benefits: reduction and simplification of in-plant cooperation, reduction in the duration of the production cycle, increase in the responsibility of employees and managers for the quality of work, simplification of planning, the use of continuous production, high-performance equipment, automatic lines. These advantages lead to an increase in labor productivity, an increase in output and a decrease in production costs.

2. With a technological structure: workshops specialize in
execution of certain homogeneous technological processes
(foundry, mechanical, assembly, etc.). They usually
the entire range of blanks or parts is manufactured. Or
products are collected. With an increase in production scale
technological specialization is deepening (workshops of large,
medium and small castings, steel and non-ferrous castings, etc.). This structure is typical for small-scale production.
Benefits: ease of management of the production link,
the ability to quickly switch from one product range to

Disadvantages: the complexity of in-plant cooperation, significant time spent on equipment changeovers, limiting the use of high-performance equipment, reducing the personal responsibility of managers and employees.

3. Mixed (subject-technological) production structure is characterized by the presence of workshops or sections at the same enterprise, organized according to both subject and technological characteristics (for example, procurement shops are organized according to technological, and assembly shops - according to subject).

Benefits: reducing the number of opposite technological routes, reducing the duration of the production cycle, increasing the level of equipment utilization, and, ultimately, increasing labor productivity and reducing the cost of products.

A rationally constructed production structure is most consistent with the organization of production, ensuring the proportionality of all structures of the enterprise.

The change in the production structure affects the improvement of the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, therefore it is necessary to determine the ways of its improvement.

The main ways to improve the production structure include the following:

Search and implementation of the perfect principle of building the production structure (for new enterprises) and using the reserves for improving the structure (for existing ones);

Improving the layout of the enterprise;

Rational ratio between main, auxiliary and service shops;

Development of specialization, cooperation and combination of production;

Unification, standardization of processes and equipment.

One of the methods of improving the production structure is to bring it in line with the organizational and financial system of the enterprise. The main trend in improving the organizational structure is the transition from a linear-functional to a divisional and matrix structure, and for the production structure this will be expressed in the deepening of the financial independence of the production units of the enterprise. One of the current trends in the improvement of the production structure is the formation of flexible production processes that allow you to quickly respond to the introduction of new products.

Course work

"Production structure of the enterprise"


The production structure of an enterprise is the internal structure of the enterprise, i.e. the totality of its constituent interconnected units (workshops, sections, departments, services, farms, workplaces) and communications. The production structure of the enterprise is created during the construction and reconstruction of the enterprise. The correct choice of its type predetermines the production efficiency. However, it cannot be arbitrary, since, in turn, it is determined by the type of production, the level and form of specialization and cooperation of production.

Relevance This topic is that regardless of the industry to which the company belongs, the issue of the production structure is one of the key in the management system. The results of the economic activity of the enterprise, as well as the effectiveness of all ongoing processes, depend on a correctly and clearly developed structure.

Subject in this course work is the process of creating a production structure, and object - a set of elements of the production structure of the enterprise.

purpose term paper - theoretical study of the issue. To solve this goal, the following should be distinguished tasks:

1.) Consider the theoretical foundations of the production structure;

2.) Highlight the factors affecting the production structure;

3.) Analyze the principles of specialization of structures;

4.) Trace how the main production is organized at the enterprise;

5.) Consider the example of an enterprise from NGDU;

6.) Describe ways to improve production structures.

Work structure: Course work consists of 2 chapters, each includes three items.

1. The concept of the production structure of the enterprise

1.1 Determination of the production structure of the enterprise

The production structure of an enterprise is a form of organization of the production process in which the size of the enterprise, the composition, number and proportion of production units, as well as their areas and jobs are interconnected. The production structure of enterprises is influenced by the size of the enterprise, the types and nature of products, the technology of its manufacture, the stages and the degree of cooperation in production.

Depending on the processes and activities performed, there are: main production, auxiliary, service divisions, non-industrial farms and management services.

The main production divisions define the production profile of the enterprise. They carry out a production process, as a result of which raw materials and auxiliary materials are converted into finished products.

Auxiliary units are intended for the material and technical supply of the enterprise with energy of various types, for the performance of repair work.

Service workers - to carry out work on the transportation and storage of material resources, finished products (transport, storage). The structure of non-industrial farms includes subdivisions that provide household, social, cultural services for employees of the enterprise (canteens, medical institutions, recreation centers), subsidiary agriculture and their own retail network.

Management services organize and regulate the activities of all divisions of the enterprise. The general production structure of an enterprise should ensure a rational balance between its divisions, normal and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise, and a continuous increase in production efficiency.

The production structure of the enterprise includes only production units. It does not include general plant facilities and institutions for servicing workers (housing and communal services, sanitary and medical and educational institutions, social, cultural and domestic facilities), as well as the management and security services of the plant (plant management, fire station, checkpoints, pass bureaus etc.). (2, p. 124)

In practice, there are three levels of elements of the production structure of an enterprise:

Workshops, farms, services;

Sections, offices, spans;


The primary link in the organization of the production process is workplace ... It is a part of the production area equipped with the necessary material and technical means (equipment, tools, instruments, production furniture) with the help of which a worker or a group of workers (team) performs individual operations for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process.

The nature and characteristics of the workplace largely determine the type of production structure. It can be simple (a worker serves one machine), multi-station (a worker serves several machines) or collective (several workers work at one workplace). The totality of workplaces where technologically homogeneous work or various operations for the manufacture of homogeneous products is performed, forms a production site. Production area is a set of workplaces that carry out part of the technological process and are designed to perform technologically homogeneous work or various operations for the manufacture of homogeneous products.

Certain means of production are assigned to a production site: area, equipment, devices; the number of employees required to perform the selected work.

At large and medium-sized enterprises, production sites are combined into workshops.

Shop - an organizationally separate part of an enterprise that combines production and service areas, as a rule, with limited independence in matters of economic, legal and financial relations, in which products are manufactured or a certain stage of the production process is performed. The production area and property are assigned to the workshop. The shop is headed by the chief, who makes independent decisions about the organization and operational management of production, the placement of personnel, remuneration, keeping records of the consumption of material resources and the shipment of products. The shop manager is assisted in production management by section chiefs, foremen, and service managers. (4, p. 108)

In mechanical engineering and some other industries (in particular, in metallurgy) there are four groups of shops: main, auxiliary, auxiliary, secondary. In the main workshops, operations are performed to manufacture products intended for sale. In mechanical engineering, these are procurement, processing and assembly shops, in metallurgy - blast-furnace, steel-making and rolling. Auxiliary shops carry out energy, transport, repair and construction and repair and installation services for the main shops. Ancillary shops are intended for the manufacture of material components of production: tools, tooling, packaging, non-standard equipment, etc. Side shops are engaged in the utilization and processing of waste from the main and auxiliary production (pressing and remelting of shavings, making enamel dishes, other consumer goods, etc.). In the production structure of the enterprise, in addition to the above four groups of workshops, there are two more farms: warehouse and yard.

Sometimes homogeneous workshops in large enterprises are combined into buildings. It is impractical to create workshops in small enterprises with relatively simple production.

Figure 1 shows a diagram of the production structure of the workshop.

Figure: 1. The production structure of the shop (7, p. 140)

Distinguish between workshop, workshopless and hull production structures.

The shop structure includes shops, sections, workplaces;

The shopless structure contains sections, workplaces;

The hull structure includes a hull, production, workshops, sections, workplaces.

At present, organizational forms of small, medium, large enterprises are widespread, the production structure of each of which has its own characteristics.

The production structure of a small enterprise has a minimum or no structural production divisions, the management apparatus is insignificant, and a combination of management functions is widely used.

The structure of medium-sized enterprises implies the allocation of workshops in their composition, and with a workshopless structure - sections. The minimum necessary to ensure the functioning of the enterprise is created its own auxiliary and service divisions, departments and services of the management apparatus.

Large enterprises in the manufacturing industry comprise the entire set of production, service and management units.

Despite the diversity of workshops and areas of the main production, they are formed according to specific features that determine their structure. These features include technological and subject specialization. (4, p. 106)

1.2 Determinants of the production structure

The production structure of enterprises is very diverse and is formed under the influence of the following factors:

Type of production, the level of its specialization and cooperation;

Nomenclature of products, used commodity and material resources, methods of obtaining and processing them;

The scale of production;

The nature of the production process in the main, auxiliary, secondary and auxiliary workshops;

The composition of the equipment and technological equipment of production (universal, special or non-standard equipment, conveyor or automated lines);

The system for organizing equipment maintenance and its current repair (centralized or decentralized);

The level of requirements for product quality;

The ability of production to quickly and without great losses readjust to the release of new products;

The degree of structural and technological homogeneity of products.

The main task of the production structure of the enterprise is to ensure the rational organization of the production process in space. For this, when placing individual units on the territory of the enterprise, the following basic principles are guided:

- location of workshops in the course of the production process. To ensure the principle of direct flow, the main shops should be located on the territory of the enterprise in the course of the production process: procurement → processing → assembly;

- location of warehouses at the entrance / exit of the enterprise. Warehouses for raw materials and basic materials should be located on the side of the access roads for the import of goods near the procurement shops, warehouses for finished products - near the assembly shops on the side of the access roads for the export of goods; the location of auxiliary and auxiliary shops is closer to the main ones that consume their products, without disrupting the main cargo flows;

- placement of production facilities ensuring the rationality of transportation. Workshops, warehouses and other objects of the industrial infrastructure of the enterprise should be located so as to ensure the shortest path of movement of materials and the smallest mileage of vehicles during the production process (without reverse and oncoming traffic, unnecessary intersections);

- placement of production facilities taking into account external factors (natural, social, technogenic). Workshops serving the enterprise's farms should be located taking into account the wind rose, the possibilities of natural lighting and ventilation, in compliance with the established architectural, construction, sanitary, fire-prevention and other standards provided for enterprises of this profile;

- block structure of the elements of the production structure. Separate divisions, homogeneous in the technological process or closely interconnected during the production process, should, if possible, be combined into groups (foundry, forging, woodworking, mechanical assembly) with placement in one building;

- the possibility of building up and modifying the production structure. Objects on the territory of the enterprise and its subdivisions should be located so that there is a possibility of their further expansion and reconstruction with a minimum expenditure of time and resources;

- maximum use of volume and area (land plot, building, premises). This requires dense placement and blocking of buildings, increasing their number of storeys, simplifying the configuration of buildings and land, rational use of the area and space for passages (passages), the use of overhead, underground and multi-tiered transport highways and junctions, storage and cargo handling areas. (3, p. 15)

1.3 Basic principles of the formation of the production structure

The main principles for the formation of the production structure of the enterprise are technological, subject and mixed. In addition, the subject-closed principle is also distinguished.

According to the technological principle, divisions are allocated that perform a certain part of the technological process, common to most types of products manufactured by the enterprise. At the same time, a high load of equipment is ensured, but operational and production planning becomes more difficult, and the production cycle is lengthened due to increased transport operations. Technological specialization is mainly used in one-off and small-scale production. The technological structure has evolved with the increase in technical equipment and production scale. The individual phases of production were gradually separated into independent divisions.

Workshops or sections for the manufacture of products of one type or homogeneous products of several types are organized according to the subject principle. They carry out various technological operations and use heterogeneous equipment, which is served by workers of different professions and skill levels. This makes it possible to concentrate the production of a part or product within the workshop (section), which creates the preconditions for organizing direct-flow production, simplifies planning and accounting, and shortens the production cycle. Subject specialization is typical for large-scale and mass production.

A production structure based on a mixed principle is based on a combination of technological and subject principles.

If a complete cycle of manufacturing a part or product is carried out within a workshop or section, this division is called subject-closed. Workshops (sections), organized according to the subject-closed principle of specialization, have significant economic advantages, since this reduces the duration of the production cycle as a result of complete or partial elimination of counter or return movements, reduces the loss of time for equipment changeover, simplifies the planning and operational management system production progress.

The formation of the production structure, the allocation of workshops, sections and departments depends on specific conditions, taking into account the size of production, the level of control and responsibility of personnel, and the organization of accounting. The correct choice of it allows to improve the organization of labor and production, planning and accounting, to ensure the clarity and efficiency of production management. The structure of an enterprise can change over time: new divisions are organized, they are enlarged or differentiated depending on the goals and conditions of management. (8, p. 254)

Comparison of production structures for technological and subject specialization is shown in Figures 2 and 3.

Figure: 2. The production structure of an enterprise with technological specialization (fragment) (9, p. 124)

Figure: 3. The production structure of an enterprise with subject specialization (fragment) (9, p. 124)

2. The structure of the main production of the enterprise

2.1 Structure of the main production

From a technological and economic point of view, the main group of shops of the enterprise are the main shops that determine the volume of production and the main economic indicators of the enterprise.

The classification of the main workshops by stages of manufacturing the finished product is similar to the classification of production processes:

- procurement (foundry, forging, pressing, metalwork shops);

- processing (mechanical, woodworking, thermal, galvanic);

- assembly (assembly and general assembly shops, testing shops, painting finished machines).

Depending on the availability of procurement (C), processing (O) and assembly (C) shops in the main production of the plant, two types of production structure are distinguished:

- enterprises with a full technological cycle

- enterprises with an incomplete technological cycle

Primary production - part of the production process of the enterprise, during which the main materials are converted into finished products, carried out in the main workshops. The nature and structure of production equipment depend on the characteristics of the products, the type of production and the technology used. In mechanical engineering, for example, the production department includes procurement (foundry, forging, pressing), processing (mechanical, stamping and mechanical), and assembly shops; in metallurgy - smelting of pig iron in blast furnaces, steel in steel-making units, production of finished rolled products at rolling mills; in the textile industry - spinning and weaving and finishing departments.

The main production can be:

* synthetic, where one or several types of products are created from many types of raw materials (cars, shoes, etc.);

* analytical - obtaining various types of products from one type of raw material (in by-product coke, meat processing plants, etc.);

* in the form of direct processes characteristic of the extractive industries and some one-stage industries, where one finished product is created from one type of materials (brick, cement, etc.).

The main production is continuous (chemistry, metallurgy) or discontinuous (mechanical engineering, woodworking, light industry), aggregate or highly specialized.

The main production can be built on a technological basis, when individual links are distinguished according to the technological homogeneity of operations (foundry, mechanical and assembly shops), according to the subject, when each part of it performs all or most of the operations for the manufacture of a certain type of product (micrometer shop, gearboxes). The features of the organization of the main production depend on the type of production, the scale of production of the products of the same name, the frequency of technological routes and operations.

In modern conditions, the level of mechanization is constantly increasing. Manual and machine-manual processes are being replaced by mechanical and automated ones. The concentration of operations and the introduction of multi-position methods of processing products in combination with automation create the prerequisites for an increase in labor productivity, intensification and increase in production efficiency. The introduction of rotor lines leads to the coincidence in time and space of the main and displacement processes. The use of software-controlled units allows you to use the advantages of production automation and creates the ability to quickly switch from one type of work to another. Management is mechanized and automated.

Improvement of the main production is carried out in the direction of its specialization, i.e. strict consolidation of an increasingly limited range of various works performed at each production site. This is due to the standardization and unification of products and their parts and the typification of technological processes. A promising direction for the development of the main shops is its further concentration, bringing production to an optimal scale, which ensures the introduction and effective use of advanced technology. In many industries, OP is increasingly approaching continuous, which leads to a reduction in production time. On the basis of improving the methods of organizing production and introducing operational management and regulation using computers, the rhythm of production is improving.

Major divisions dominate total production costs. For normal functioning, it is necessary to rationalize its maintenance with repair, tools, energy, etc., in some industries a complex technology is being developed, covering all processes associated with the manufacture of products.

Production structure of the main workshops

The production structure of a workshop is a complex of production areas, auxiliary and service divisions with appropriate communications. This structure reflects the division of labor between the individual divisions of the shop, i.e. intrashop specialization and cooperation of production. The main structural unit of the workshop is the production site, which is a group of workplaces united by one reason or another, which has administrative independence and is headed by a foreman. The formation of production sites, as well as workshops, can be based on technological or subject specialization. With technological specialization, the sections are equipped with homogeneous equipment (group arrangement of machines) to perform certain operations of the technological process. So, a mechanical workshop can include turning, milling, revolving, drilling and other areas. With the subject form of specialization, the workshop is divided into subject-closed sections, each of which is specialized in the production of a relatively narrow range of products with similar structural and technological characteristics. In practice, as a rule, three types of subject-closed areas are distinguished:

Production of structurally and technologically homogeneous parts (for example, sections of spline rollers, quills, bushings, flanges, gears, etc.);

Production of structurally dissimilar parts, the entire manufacturing process of which, however, consists of homogeneous operations and the same technological route (for example, a section of round parts, a section of flat parts, etc.);

Production of all parts of a unit, a subassembly of a small assembly unit or an entire product (a complete operational planning system, in which a nodal set is taken as a planning and accounting unit).

Designing the production structure of the enterprise

An enterprise as an object of a spatial organization has a hierarchical structure, allows many alternative options for layout and planning solutions, which complicates the placement. Therefore, it is advisable to place subdivisions on the territory of the enterprise in stages in the following sequence, ensuring that the results are coordinated in the reverse order:

Workshops and general plant services on the territory of the plant;

Sections of shop services on the territory of the shop;

Workplaces and divisions on the site.

Depending on the nature of the products, the scale of production and the configuration of the land plot, various planning schemes of an enterprise with different spatial organization of material flows can be used.

Material flow schemes at the enterprise:

a - dead end with pendulum motion;

b - circular with flowing movement along the ring;

in-longitudinal-through with direct-flow movement

The dead-end scheme of material flows involves the combination of the entrance and exit of material flows at one point in space with the organization of the pendulum (back and forth) movement of transport. In this case, the return of vehicles takes place along the same routes as the arrival. When using railway transport, single-track traffic is possible. This scheme has the advantage of saving on track development. However, oncoming traffic makes this scheme feasible only for small enterprises with limited freight turnover. Ring diagram of material flows. Having, like a dead-end scheme, the entrance and exit of material flows at one point, this scheme is free from counter flows. At the same time, it requires additional costs for the creation of more extensive transport communications, which makes its use not always justified. The longitudinal-end-to-end scheme of material flows is the most rational of the three considered schemes for organizing transport services. It eliminates both unwanted oncoming traffic and unnecessary costs of track development. The entrance and exit in this scheme are separated in space. The accepted production structure of the enterprise is fixed in the enterprise passport and displayed in its master plan. The general plan of an enterprise is the projected or actual placement on the plan of the land plot of all its production and infrastructure facilities, consistent with the features of the terrain and the requirements for improving the territory. In the passport and general plan of the enterprise, a list and planning scheme for the location of all main and auxiliary workshops, servicing the enterprises of the enterprise, buildings, structures, installed equipment and the list of employees (workplaces) are given, indicating the occupied areas and distances, access roads and driveways, underground and ground engineering communications, etc. When developing the master plan, special attention is paid to the compactness of the building. If the distances between workshops and sections are too large, communications are lengthened, as a result of which transportation costs, losses in electricity and heating networks, etc. increase. At the same time, too dense building hinders the operation of transport, hinders the expansion of workshops and farms, increases the fire hazard and the risk of industrial injuries. The factor of building is an indicator of the compactness of the plant.

Indicators characterizing the production structure of the enterprise Important indicators characterizing the production structure of an enterprise are the number of workshops, sections, and within them jobs, and other departments and their specific importance in production. As the last indicator, it is used in labor-intensive industries - the proportion of the number of employees of each department in the total number of the enterprise, and in capital-intensive industries - the proportion of the value of fixed assets in their total amount for the enterprise.

2.2 The production structure of the oil and gas industry

In drilling, the main production includes the construction and installation of a drilling rig, drilling and strengthening of a wellbore, and its testing. In accordance with this, the subdivisions of the main production of the drilling enterprise include the rig workshop, drilling crews, grouting workshop and well development workshop. Auxiliary production at UBR is represented by a rolling and repair shop for drilling equipment, a rolling and repair shop for turbodrills (electric drills) and pipes, a rolling and repair shop for electrical equipment and power supply, a flushing fluid shop, a steam water supply shop, a production automation shop. oil and gas to the bottom of the well, lifting oil and gas to the surface, preparation of commercial oil and gas. Subdivisions of the main production of an oil and gas production enterprise (NGDU) include a workshop for maintaining plastic pressure, workshops for oil and gas production (field), a workshop for complex preparation and pumping of oil, a gas compressor workshop. a workshop for operating equipment, a rolling and repair workshop for electrical equipment and power supply, a workshop for production automation, a workshop for research and production, a construction and assembly workshop and a steam-water supply workshop. OGPU may have other structural subdivisions, taking into account the specifics of field development in certain areas. Recently, due to technical progress, complex automation of production processes, the production structure of drilling and oil and gas production enterprises has undergone significant changes. The drilling offices were strengthened and transformed into UBR. Most of the auxiliary workshops that are part of UBR and NGDU are combined into production service bases (BPO). Changes in the production structure of UBR and NGDU occurred due to the fact that in the oil industry the management of the main production was transferred to a two-tier system (ministry - association). The production association has emerged as a new, higher type of modern enterprise with broader rights and functions, with a new production structure. A production association differs from an ordinary enterprise by a higher degree of concentration, specialization and cooperation of production, an effective combination of science and production. The research sector is an integral part of the production structure. The departments of NGDUs became production units with some narrowing of their functions and rights. The more perfect production structure of enterprises ensured a deepening of specialization, wider introduction of new equipment and technology, reduction of management personnel due to the elimination of unnecessary links, operational influence on the course of production, and improved service culture. (11, p. 205)

2.3 Ways to improve the production structure

The main ways to improve the production structure imply: - regular study of achievements in the design and development of production structures in order to ensure the mobility and adaptability of the enterprise structure to innovations and new products; - strengthening and strengthening enterprises and workshops; - finding and implementing a more perfect principle of building workshops; - optimization of the number and size of production units of the enterprise; - maintaining a rational ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops; - constant work to rationalize the layout of enterprises; - ensuring proportionality between all departments of the enterprise; - ensuring that the components of the production structure of the enterprise comply with the principle of proportionality in terms of production capacity, progressiveness technological processes, the level of automation, the qualifications of personnel and other parameters; - ensuring the compliance of the structure with the principle of direct flow of technological processes in order to reduce the duration of the passage of objects of labor; - ensuring that the quality level of processes in the system (production structure of the enterprise) corresponds to the quality level of the input of the system. Then the quality of the output of the system will be high; - creation within a large enterprise (association, joint-stock company, firm) of legally independent small organizations with subject or technological specialization of production; - a rapid change in the production profile in a market economy, improvement of specialization and cooperation; - development of combination production; - reduction of the standard service life of fixed assets; - compliance with the schedules of planned preventive maintenance of the basic production assets of the enterprise, reduction of the duration of the repairs carried out and improvement of their quality, timely renewal of assets; - achievement of structural and technological uniformity of products as a result of wide unification and standardization; - increasing the level of production automation; - creating a shopless, where possible, enterprise management structure. Observance of a rational ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops and sections should be aimed at increasing the share of the main shops in terms of the number of employed workers, the cost of fixed assets, the share of profit in the total profit of the enterprise. Structurally, the economy of the enterprise should be formed as the economy of individual links and shops. ... The proportionality of the links included in the enterprise is characterized by a rational ratio of the production capacity of workshops and sections, interconnected by the joint production of the final product. (12, p. 325) The development of combination leads to the integrated use of raw materials and materials, saving living and materialized labor, as well as reducing the harmful impact on the environment. Constructive and technological uniformity of products creates good conditions for deepening the specialization of production, organizing in-line and automated production products, improving their quality and reducing costs, which is necessary in a market economy. The shop-free structure of enterprise management leads to improved management of its division, reduction of the service and management personnel, and, consequently, to lower production costs and better response to changes in demand for products. A correctly constructed production structure predetermines the proportionality of all the shops and services of the enterprise, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the improvement of technical and economic indicators: the level of specialization and cooperation, the rhythm of production, labor productivity growth, improvement of product quality, reduction in the number of management personnel, the most expedient use of labor, material and financial resources, increase in profits.


The production structure of an enterprise reflects the division of labor between individual departments, i.e. in-plant specialization and production cooperation.

According to chapter 1, we can draw the following conclusions:

1) The production structure of enterprises is influenced by the size of the enterprise, the types and nature of the products manufactured, the technology of its manufacture, the stages and the degree of production cooperation.

2) There is a typology of the production structure. There are types of specializations:

- technological - assumes a clear technological isolation of certain types of production. Here, production is built on the principle of technological specialization, when each section performs operations of a certain type.

- subject - involves the specialization of the main workshops of the enterprise and their sections in the manufacture by each of them of a certain product assigned to it or its part (assembly, assembly) or a certain group of parts.

- subject-technological (mixed) - characterized by the presence of the main workshops at one enterprise, organized according to both subject and technological principles.

For chapter 2, we highlight the following:

1) From a technological and economic point of view, the main group of shops in the presented production structure of the enterprise are the main shops that determine the volume of production and the main economic indicators of the enterprise.

2) The main divisions occupy a predominant place in total production costs. For its normal functioning, it is necessary to rationally maintain it with repairs, tools, energy, etc., in some industries a complex technology is being developed that covers all the processes associated with the manufacture of products.

Over time, after the completion of construction or the next reconstruction of the enterprise, the production structure, as a rule, does not meet the new requirements. This is because during this period the nomenclature of the manufactured products changes, the seriality of its production, some production expands, the technology changes and, consequently, the arrangement of equipment. Therefore, in order to improve the production structure and determine ways to improve it, it is necessary to periodically analyze it, compare it with advanced similar enterprises, and it is also necessary to meet the requirements of the scientific and technical process not only in relation to the production process as a whole, but also to organizational management, while creating favorable conditions for working personnel.
List of used literature 1) Avrashkov L.Ya., Adamchuk V.V., Antonova O.V. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook for universities - M.:.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2008. - 742 p. 2) Gruzinov V.P. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook for universities - M .: Banks and the exchange, UNITI, 2009. - 535 p. 3) Dubrovin I.A., Esina A.R., Stukanova I.P. Economics and organization of production. Textbook - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation Dashkov and Co, 2008. - 356 p. 4) Ivanov I.N. Organization of production at industrial enterprises: Textbook - M.: INFRA - M, 2009. - 351 p.

5) Semenov V.M., Baev I.A., Terekhova S.A. Enterprise Economics: Textbook - M.: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2009. - 312 p.

6) Sergeev I.V. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. Benefit. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2007 .-- 304 p.

7) Turovets O.G., Anisimov Yu.P., Borisenko I.L. Organization of production at the enterprise Textbook for universities - M.: INFRA - M, 2008. - 458 p.

8) Turovets O.G., Bukhalkov M.I., Rodionov V.B. Organization of production and enterprise management: Textbook - M .: INFRA - M., 2008. - 528 p. 9) Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production: Textbook - M .: INFRA - M., 2008. - 672 p. 10) Chechina N.A. Basics of organizing production: Textbook - Samara: Publishing House of the Samara State Economic Academy, 2007. - 384 p. 11) Shtamov V.F., Malyshev Yu.M., Tishchenko V.E. Economics, organization and planning of production at enterprises of the oil and gas industry: Textbook for technical schools - Moscow: Nedra, 2007. - 441 p.

12) Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Ed. Prof. O.I. Volkova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: INFRA-M, 2009. -520 p.

The production structure of an enterprise is understood as the composition and size of its internal subdivisions (workshops, sections, services).

The production structure of an association is understood as the composition, size, ratio and interrelationships of its constituent production units.

The main elements of the production structure of the enterprise are workplaces, areas, workshops.

A workplace is an organizationally indivisible link in the production process, served by one or more workers, designed to perform a specific production operation, equipped with appropriate equipment and organizational and technical means.

The workplace can be:

Simple: 1 worker - 1 workplace

Multi-station: 1 worker - a group of machines

Collective: a group of workers - serving one unit.

A site is a production unit that unites a number of jobs, grouped according to a specific feature, carrying out part of the general production process for the manufacture of products.

A shop is an organizational-separate division of an enterprise, consisting of a number of sections, performing certain limited production functions.

In most industrial enterprises, the workshop is their main structural unit.

Some small and medium-sized enterprises are built on a shopless structure (it is divided directly into production areas)

All workshops of the enterprise are divided into workshops of the main production, auxiliary workshops and service facilities.

Ancillary workshops include those that contribute to the release of the main products, creating conditions for the normal operation of the main workshops: they equip them with tools and devices, provide spare parts for equipment repair and carry out scheduled repairs, provide energy resources. The most important of these shops are instrumental, repair and mechanical, repair and energy, repair and construction, model, die, etc. The number of auxiliary shops and their size depend on the scale of production and the composition of the main shops.

Side shops are those in which products are made from waste of the main and auxiliary production or used auxiliary materials for production needs are restored, for example, a shop for the production of consumer goods, a shop for the regeneration of molding sand, oils, cleaning materials.

Ancillary shops prepare basic materials for the main shops, and also manufacture containers for packaging products.

Service farms for industrial purposes include:

Warehouse facilities, including various factory warehouses and storerooms;

Transport facilities, which include a depot, garage, repair shops and the necessary transport and handling equipment;

Sanitary facilities, including plumbing, sewerage, ventilation and heating devices;

Central factory laboratory, consisting of laboratories for mechanical, metallographic, chemical, pyrometric, X-ray, etc.

All of them perform work on maintenance of the main, auxiliary and secondary workshops.

Along with the production structure, the general structure of the enterprise is distinguished. The latter, in addition to production workshops and service farms, includes various general plant services, as well as farms associated with servicing workers (polyclinics, housing and communal services, canteens, private facilities).

The main factors influencing the formation of the production structure of the enterprise:

The nature of the product and its manufacturing methods;

Specialization of the enterprise and its cooperation with other enterprises;

The scale of production, determined by the quantitative size of the output and its labor intensity;

Controllability of production structure objects, which means the need to take into account the size of departments and their number from the standpoint of their management efficiency.

Organizational types of building the production structure of the enterprise.

The production structure should be:

Firstly, flexible, dynamic and constantly in line with the changing private goals of the enterprise;

Second, to quickly adapt to unexpected changes in external conditions;

Thirdly, to have the ability to effectively self-organize production units as the tasks facing the enterprise change.

Depending on the form of specialization, the production units of the enterprise are organized according to the following types of production structure: technological, subject and mixed (subject-technological).

Each type of production structure is characterized by the following characteristics:

The nature of the construction of workshops and sections, that is, their specialization;

The nature of the location of the equipment (by groups, along the technological process);

The nature of traffic flows and small-scale production with a large range of parts.

The first type of building a production structure is technological.

The basis for the creation of workshops of such enterprises is the technological principle, when the workshops perform a set of homogeneous technological operations for the manufacture or processing of various parts for all products of the plant.

The technological structure predetermines a clear technological separation. Consequently, the equipment is located not along the technological process, but in groups. For example, at textile enterprises spinning, weaving, finishing workshops are organized; at metallurgical - blast furnace, steelmaking, rolling. Plots are created inside the shops on the principle of technological homogeneity. With this structure, workshops and sections perform certain operations on equipment located in groups of the same type.

This type of production structure simplifies the management of a workshop or site: a foreman in charge of a group of similar machines can study them comprehensively; if one machine is overloaded, work can be transferred to any free machine. The technological structure makes it possible to maneuver the arrangement of people, facilitates the restructuring of production from one product range to another, which is especially important in a market economy. But, despite this, this type of production structure is considered the most ineffective, which is associated with the inevitability of frequent equipment readjustments, since each of them processes different types of products, thereby limiting the possibility of using special machines, tools, fixtures.

This leads to parts lying in anticipation of their processing, lengthening the production cycle, reducing capital productivity, equipment utilization in time, labor productivity. In addition, with a technological production structure, there is no responsibility for the quality of the final product, since each workshop, site performs a part of the technological process. Transport traffic and oncoming freight flows are increasing, since the equipment is not placed in the course of the technological process.

Despite the ineffectiveness of such a construction of a production structure, its use is inevitable in a single situation. The disadvantages of this type are that the management of the shop is responsible only for a certain part of the production process, not being responsible for the quality of the part, assembly, product as a whole. It is difficult to arrange equipment along the technological process, because in the workshop producing a wide variety of products. The technological specialization of the shops increases the duration of the production cycle. The organization of the main workshops on a technological basis is typical for enterprises of single and small-scale production, producing a varied and unstable range of products.

The second type of building the production structure of an enterprise is subject.

The basis for the creation of workshops of such enterprises is the subject feature, when the workshops specialize in the manufacture of a certain limited range of products, using the most technologically different processes and operations, using a wide variety of equipment.

The subject type of building the production structure of an enterprise is the most progressive because subject specialization allows you to organize subject-closed areas in mass production and production lines in mass production.

The subject type of the production structure is the most progressive. But its use in its pure form is possible only in large-scale and mass production. All workshops and sections are specialized according to the subject principle, which makes it possible to arrange equipment in the course of the technological process, to use high-performance machines, tools, stamps, fixtures. But, first of all, the equipment in the shops when using the subject principle is arranged in the order of the sequential execution of technological operations.

It is heterogeneous here and is intended for the manufacture of individual parts or component parts of products. The workshops are divided into separate subject areas, for example, areas for the manufacture of gear shafts, pistons. The equipment is installed so as to ensure the rectilinear movement of the parts attached to the site. Parts are processed in batches, the operation time on some machines is not coordinated with the operation time on others. Parts during operation are stored at the machines and then transported by the whole batch. Subject areas strive, if possible, to carry out a complete (closed) cycle of production of products. Such areas (workshops) are called subject-closed.

As a rule, they are equipped with all the equipment required for the manufacture of products. A closed production cycle is achieved by combining various technological processes in the same workshop. This is not always possible for a variety of reasons. In mechanical engineering, most often in one subject shop, the processing and assembly stages of the production process are combined. Scientific and technological progress, manifested in the use of new resource-saving technologies and complex mechanization and automation of production, leads to the territorial convergence of individual stages of the production process and to the refusal of their isolation in separate shops.

When organizing workshops and sections according to the subject principle, favorable conditions are created for the application of advanced methods of organizing production and labor. Arrangement of equipment in the course of technological operations drastically reduces the path of movement of the processed parts and the time spent on their transportation.

Favorable preconditions appear for the organization of flow and automatic lines, equipment is used more fully, workers specialize in performing a narrow range of operations, as a result of which their qualifications are improved, labor organization is improved, responsibility for the quality of manufactured products is enhanced. In this case, the master is fully responsible for the entire cycle of manufacturing the product. All this leads to an increase in labor productivity and a decrease in production costs. The disadvantages inherent in subject workshops and areas include incomplete loading of equipment in individual operations due to the small amount of work.

As the scale of production increases, technological specialization deepens, taking into account the dimensions of equipment or products, the metal used or other characteristics. In mechanical engineering, the subject-technological, or mixed, type of construction of the production structure of an enterprise has become widespread. The creation of workshops for such enterprises is based on the subject-technological principle, when technologically specialized workshops, at the same time, have a limited nomenclature of subject-matter. So, in machine tool factories, mechanical shops can specialize as shops for large, medium and small parts, and foundries - like shops for gray, ductile iron shops, shops for steel or non-ferrous casting.

A mixed structure is characterized by the presence at the same enterprise of the main workshops, organized according to both the subject and the technological principle. Usually procurement shops are organized according to the technological principle. This is due to the fact that the procurement shops have powerful equipment, which produces blanks for any type of product, since otherwise it will be underused.

Processing and assembly shops are created according to the subject or mixed principle, depending on the mass of products. This type of production structure is practically applicable in any type of production. It is more widespread and used in most of the machine-building enterprises, light industry (footwear, garment), furniture and some other industries. The advantages and disadvantages of the type of production structure under consideration correspond to the principle of building each workshop: subject or technological.

When choosing the type of organization of the production structure, it should be remembered that it is predetermined by the conditions of production. The main ones here are, first of all, the type of production (mass, serial, individual), the specialization of the enterprise (subject, technological or subject-technological), the nature and range of products.

With the traditional approach to determining the structure and organization of the work of shops, the total amount of work is divided into separate operations for the manufacture of parts or assembly of products. These works were concentrated on the sites built according to the technological principle.

The structural diagram of the organization of the production process is that if the sections formed from machines of the same technological purpose, then with such a structure there are numerous direct and feedback links between technologically specialized sections for the manufacture of many parts.

When using a subject-closed structure in the shop there are sections built on the principle of detailed specialization at the intersection of external and internal relations. Here, the final goals of the production system are made up of the goals of the detached sections that produce finished parts.

Focusing sites on the end result reduces production ties, simplifies the planning and management of work progress. This method of organizing production is called program-targeted.

The essence of the target-oriented approach lies in the formation of goals and their achievements using special programs and resources.

The program-targeted method provides for such a construction of the organizational structures of the planning and management systems of workshops and sections, which is accompanied by:

Target (detailed or subject) specialization of sections, carried out using the design and technological classifier of parts, taking into account their relative labor intensity when forming the load of each section;

Unification and typification of technological routes or processes due to the concentration in each division of such homogeneous parts or products that would ensure their unidirectional movement in the production process;

The restructuring of the production structure of sites, workshops for their target specialization in accordance with the optimal organizational and technological route for the manufacture of parts assigned to each site.

The formation of production sites in a workshop is based on the classification of items manufactured in the workshop and assigning them to certain groups of jobs. In this case, parts or products are grouped according to their structural and technological characteristics, taking into account the parameter characterizing the degree of proximity of the structural and technological groups of parts.

The criterion of economic efficiency and expediency of choosing one or another type of production structure is expressed in the system of technical and economic indicators.

These indicators include:

Composition of production workshops and service farms, their specialization;

The size of production workshops and service farms by the number of PPPs;

Equipment capacity, the cost of fixed assets;

The share of different types of specialization of workshops, sections (subject, technological, subject-technological);

The ratio between the main, auxiliary and service departments in terms of the number of equipment and occupied areas in each of them;

Labor productivity and labor intensity of production;

The duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of main types of products;

Cost of the main types of products;

Length of transport routes;

The total freight turnover of the enterprise by type of transport;

A number of other indicators that take into account the specifics of the industry.

The production structure of an enterprise is a spatial form of organization of the production process, which includes the composition and size of production units of the enterprise, the forms of their interrelationships, the ratio of units in terms of capacity (equipment throughput), the number of employees, as well as the location of units on the territory of the enterprise.

The production structure of an enterprise reflects the nature of the division of labor between individual departments, as well as their cooperative ties in a single production process for creating products. It has a significant impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise.

The production structure of an enterprise is understood as the composition of the shops, services of the enterprise and the nature of the links between them.

The production structure of an enterprise is determined by:

  • · The nature of the products;
  • · Complexity;
  • · The type of production, primarily the range of products and the volume of output;
  • · Forms of relationships with other enterprises.

Depending on the coverage of the stages of the product life cycle, a complex and specialized structure of an enterprise is distinguished.

  • · The complex structure focuses on a relatively large part of the cycle "idea - production - consumption". This structure is typical for research and production associations (NPO). It includes research and development departments, workshops or production departments of the main, auxiliary and service production. Organizations of this type often have overall responsibility for the design, manufacture and maintenance of equipment.
  • · The specialized structure focuses on a separate stage of the product life cycle, as a rule, on the release of products, and includes all the departments necessary for this.

Enterprises can be specialized in the production of finished products (subject specialization), parts or assemblies (nodal or detailed specialization), performing certain operations (technological specialization).

Depending on the forms of administrative and economic separation of the divisions of the enterprise, the production structure can be of various types. The most common is the shop structure. In addition to the shop floor, other types of production structure are being formed in industry: shopless, hull (block), and integrated.

A workshopless production structure is formed at small and some medium-sized enterprises, where instead of workshops, workshops or production areas are created, as a rule, subject-closed. The workshopless structure allows to simplify the enterprise management apparatus (production unit), to bring the management closer to the workplace, and to increase the role of the foreman.

With a hull (block) structure, the groups of shops, both main and auxiliary, are combined into blocks. Each block of workshops is located in a separate building. With a building structure, the need for territory decreases and the costs of its improvement are reduced, transport routes and the length of all communications are reduced. It is especially effective to combine workshops that are related in the technological process or have close and stable production ties.

The combine structure is used in those industries where multiple, or complex, processing of mineral or organic raw materials is carried out on a large scale, that is, where the predominant type of production enterprise is a combine. At the same time, production units are organized on the basis of rigid technological links, which are continuous technological flows.

The main elements of the workshop production structure of the enterprise are workplaces, sections and workshops.

The primary link in the spatial organization of production is the workplace.

A workplace is an organizationally indivisible (in given specific conditions) link of the production process, serviced by one or more workers, designed to perform a certain production or service operation (or a group of them), equipped with appropriate equipment and organizational and technical means.

The workplace can be simple and complex. A simple workplace is characteristic of a discrete type of production, where one worker is busy using specific equipment. A simple workplace can be single or multi-station. In the case of using complex equipment and in industries using hardware processes, the workplace becomes complex, since it is served by a group of people (brigade) with a certain delineation of functions during the process.

The workplace can be stationary and mobile. The stationary workplace is located on a fixed production area equipped with appropriate equipment, and the objects of labor are supplied to the workplace. The movable workplace moves with the appropriate equipment as the objects of labor are processed.

Depending on the characteristics of the work performed, workplaces are divided into specialized and universal.

The final results of the enterprise work significantly depend on the level of organization of workplaces, a reasonable determination of their number and specialization, the coordination of their work in time, the rationality of location on the production area.

Plot - a production unit that unites a number of jobs, grouped according to certain criteria, which carries out part of the general production process for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process. At the production site, in addition to the main and auxiliary workers, there is a manager - a site foreman . Production sites are specialized in detail and technology. In the first case, the jobs are interconnected by a partial production process for the manufacture of a certain part of the finished product; in the second - by performing the same operations.

The sections, interconnected by permanent technological links, are united into workshops.

Shop - the most complex system included in the production structure, which includes production sites and a number of functional organs as subsystems. In the workshop, complex relationships arise: it is characterized by a rather complex structure and organization with developed internal and external relationships.

The workshop is the main structural unit of a large enterprise. It is endowed with a certain production and economic independence, is a separate organizational, technical and administrative unit of production and performs production functions assigned to it. Each workshop receives from the plant management a single planned task, which regulates the volume of work performed, quality indicators and marginal costs for the planned volume of work.

To service the main and auxiliary workshops, production facilities are created:

  • - storage facilities;
  • - energy facilities (power grids, transistor);
  • - transport facilities (depots, garages, tracks);
  • - sanitary facilities;
  • - the central factory laboratory.

Subject, technological and mixed (subject-technological) production structure are distinguished.

With the technological principle of specialization, the sections include workplaces and equipment designed to perform individual technological operations.

The advantage of such a structure is: simplicity of management of the production link, the ability to quickly switch from one product range to another, the possibility of high equipment utilization, the use of rational progressive technological methods for the production of products.

With the subject principle of specialization, the equipment is selected according to the principle of direct flow in the technological process. As the advantages of the subject attribute of building a production structure, one can name the use of continuous production methods, high-performance equipment, the possibility of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, adherence to the principle of direct flow.

A mixed option is also possible - subject and technological specialization (for example, procurement shops are organized according to the technological principle, and assembly shops - according to the subject principle).


A modern industrial enterprise is a complex economic system in which the interaction of material, labor and financial resources lies. The production and technical unity of the enterprise is determined by the general purpose of the manufactured products and is the most important feature of the enterprise. An enterprise is an integral economic system, consisting of separate structural units that ensure the development of this system. The composition of the structural units of the enterprise, their number, size and ratio between them in terms of the size of production areas, the number of personnel, throughput characterizes the general production structure of the enterprise.

The production structure of an enterprise during the creation, construction or reconstruction of an enterprise, as a rule, does not meet new requirements. This is because during this period the nomenclature of the manufactured products changes, the seriality of its production, some production expands, the technology changes and, consequently, the arrangement of equipment. Therefore, in order to improve the production structure and determine ways to improve it, it is necessary to periodically analyze it, compare it with advanced similar enterprises, and it is also necessary to meet the requirements of the scientific and technical process. The issues of the foundations of the formation and improvement of the production structure of the enterprise are subject to disclosure in this work.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that regardless of the industry to which the company belongs, the issue of the production structure is one of the key issues in the management system. The results of the economic activity of the enterprise, as well as the effectiveness of all ongoing processes, depend on a correctly and clearly developed structure.

The subject in this course work is the process of creating a production structure, and the object is a set of elements of the production structure.

Essence, types and types of production structures

The concept of the production structure of an enterprise

The concept of the production structure of an enterprise is very general and similar definitions are given in almost all sources. Below I will give examples of several of them.

The most complete concept is given to us by the free encyclopedia "Wikipedia". She says that: “The production structure is part of the overall structure of the enterprise, represents the composition and relationships of the main and auxiliary production units. The primary structural unit of an enterprise is the workplace. Groups of jobs are combined into a production area. The production structure of an enterprise is called its division into subdivisions (production, workshops, sections, farms, services, etc.), carried out according to certain principles of their construction, relationship and location. The most important principle of the formation of the production structure of an enterprise is the division of labor between its individual elements, which is manifested in intra-plant specialization and production cooperation. In accordance with this and depending on the scale of the enterprise and the complexity of the manufacturing process of the manufactured products, each industrial enterprise is divided both into large subdivisions (first level): workshops, production, farms, and into smaller subdivisions (second level): sections, departments, jobs ”Internet resource:,

This definition touches absolutely all the nuances of the concept of the production structure of an enterprise. It says here that the structure is very complex and starts with the smallest parts that are in the enterprise, such as jobs, and with each step, these structural units are grouped and enlarged.

Also an important part of the definition is the division of labor into elements that specialize strictly in the manufacture of their part of the product.

“The production structure of an enterprise is a set of production units of an enterprise (workshops, services) that are part of it and the forms of connections between them. The production structure depends on the type of products and its nomenclature, the type of production and forms of its specialization, on the features of technological processes. Moreover, the latter are the most important factor determining the production structure of the enterprise ”V.Ya. Gorfinkel, V.A. Schwander "Enterprise Economics", Moscow, 2004. This formulation of the definition again states that the production structure is the interconnection of all parts of the enterprise, but it is specified that this structure depends on the type and forms of production, as well as on the characteristics of the production technology.

"The production structure of an enterprise is a spatial form of organization of the production process, which includes the composition and size of production units of the enterprise, the forms of their interrelationships, the ratio of units in terms of capacity (equipment throughput), the number of employees, as well as the location of units on the territory of the enterprise" .N. Chechevitsyna "Enterprise Economics", Rostov-on-Don, ed. Phoenix, 2008; This definition says that the production structure is a very large organizational form that unites all departments and subjects of the enterprise.

1.1.1 Brief description of each of the structural divisions of the enterprise

Let us briefly characterize the structural divisions of the enterprise and highlight their functions and goals.

Firstly, the main workshops, which play the most important role in the enterprise and form the main production. They are intended in order to carry out technological production processes in which this enterprise specializes. Technological processes are basically the alteration and processing of raw materials for their further transformation into finished products.

Secondly, auxiliary workshops, helping to efficiently operate the main production. The subsidiary workshops supply the main workshops with electricity, gas, steam and other types of energy, are also responsible for the serviceability of equipment and buildings of the main workshops, and manufacture spare parts and non-standard equipment.

Thirdly, it is an important service facility that provides transport services: road, rail, etc. It also carries out storage of both raw materials and finished products and semi-finished products, provides services for various additional laboratory tests.

The service farm also includes:

1. Ancillary production responsible for the production of containers that are required for packaging. Extraction and processing of various auxiliary materials (refractory products, scrap metal)

2. Ancillary shops that manufacture products from the resulting production waste. Secondary divisions can also work to reuse auxiliary materials in the main production.

3. Experimental production is supported where the production of high-tech products is mainly carried out, which are constantly being improved and updated.

Fig. 1

The production structure can be divided into three levels of its elements:

1. Workplaces

2. Workshops, farms

3. Branches, sections

The workplace is a part of the area, which is equipped with equipment, tools, various devices and other material and technical means, with the help of which operations for the manufacture of products or their maintenance are performed.

1.1.2 Types of production structure

Specialization is the performance of homogeneous labor operations by a production worker within the framework of his technological organization. Three forms of specialization can serve as the basis for the organization of workshops: technological, subject, mixed, of which the remaining types of the production structure of the enterprise are further distinguished.

Enterprises with a predominantly technological structure create sections on the principle of their homogeneity for the processing and manufacture of various parts for the company's products. Most of these are procurement shops, which differ from each other, depending on the specialization of the enterprise. These include: spinning, weaving and finishing workshops in textile enterprises, and, for example, in mechanical engineering - thermal, mechanical and blacksmithing.

Figure: 2. Production structure of an enterprise with technological specialization (fragment)

But in this structure there are disadvantages associated with the complexity of the location of technological equipment in the course of production. Those. It is very unprofitable to change machines every time a company needs to make a new product. That is why most often such a production structure is used at enterprises of single or small-scale production.

The subject structure is characterized by distribution into similar areas, which are built on the basis of the manufacture of each specific product, part of a product or a group of parts. Often such a structure is used in mechanical assembly workshops, for example, at an automobile plant, these are workshops for the manufacture of chassis, engines, and at a machine tool workshop, these are workshops for the manufacture of body parts, beds and shafts. This structure carries a lot of advantages for the enterprise, such as: it reduces the activity of the production cycle, allows you to arrange equipment in the course of the technological process. In this structure, subject-closed areas of serial production are also organized, for example, processing and assembly stages of production, combined together. Production lines also appear in mass production.

A mixed, otherwise subject-technological production structure combines workshops at an enterprise according to both principles of organization.

For example, procurement and mechanical assembly workshops, which are located in an engineering company with a mass production of finished products, are organized in different ways. So foundries, forging and pressing, that is, procurement shops, are organized according to the technological principle, and the mechanical assembly shops - according to the subject.

1.1.3 Factors determining the production structure of the enterprise

Without taking into account the factors and conditions for their formation, it is impossible to analyze, evaluate and justify the directions of improving the structures of the enterprise. The factors influencing the formation of the production structure of the enterprise are divided into several groups.

The completeness and complexity of the structure is determined by general structural or, in another way, national economic factors, for example: the composition of the sectors of the economy, the relationship between them, their degree of differentiation, the expected growth rate of labor productivity.

There are also industry-specific factors, which include: wide is the industry specialization,

2.the level of development of industrial science,

3. features of the organization of various supplies and sales of products,

4. providing services to other industries.

Regional factors, in turn, determine how well the enterprise is provided with various communications, these are: gas and water pipelines, communication facilities, highways along which transport goes, etc.

Production factors, i.e. all that, without which it is impossible to organize production, include factors of resource provision. These are structures, equipment, raw materials and materials, fuel and vehicles.

The factors that organize labor and production, as well as improve skills and introduce innovations, are called providing. They strive to establish the desired level of economic and technological development.

All these factors together form the external environment of the enterprise's functioning and their consideration is very important when forming the structure.

If the company decided to move to market conditions, then the importance of factors that ensured the commercial efficiency of the company, the rhythm of its production and cost reduction increases.

But there are also factors that hinder the improvement of the structure of the enterprise:

1. Low level of qualifications of personnel

2. Small capacity of service and support units

3. Lack of flexibility in production

4. Low level of management, organization, etc.

After all of the above, the question of the rational formation of the production structure, which largely determines the effectiveness of activities, arises. It is necessary to choose the correct ratio between the main production and various secondary and auxiliary shops, and this is explained by the fact that the final process of manufacturing the enterprise's products takes place in the main shops, which should include more workers. In addition, the main shops should occupy a large area and prevail in terms of the cost of fixed assets.

There are many factors at the enterprise that in some moments restrain it, and in others they improve. Above, we have listed many of both those and other factors and revealed their essence.

1.1.4 Indicators characterizing the structure of the enterprise

Wide the range of indicators is used to quantitatively analyze the production structure of an enterprise. The relationship between production: main, auxiliary and service, which is characterized by the number of workers, equipment in the enterprise, as well as the size of production areas.

The amount of output, the number and value of production assets, the energy capacity of installations. All this characterizes the size of the production units.

The degree of centralization of individual industries is the ratio of specialized work to the total volume of work.

The proportionality of the links that make up the enterprise, which is determined by the ratio of the interconnected sections responsible for the production process, production capacity and labor intensity.

Spatial placement and its effectiveness. So one of the coefficients is the ratio of the area occupied by buildings and structures to the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire site of the enterprise.

The relationship between production units, which are determined by recalculating the number of redistributions of the object of labor before it becomes a finished product, also the length of transport routes for the transportation of semi-finished products and the turnover of goods between redistributions.

The specialization of individual links, which is determined by the number of parts and operations performed at one workplace, which, in turn, characterizes the proportion of units.

In the first paragraph of the first chapter of the theoretical section, we gave definitions of the production structure of the enterprise itself and all the elements that make up it. We also briefly described some structural divisions of the enterprise in the second paragraph and identified the types of production structures of various enterprises in the third paragraph. In the following paragraphs, we talked about the factors that determine it and the indicators that characterize it. All this gives us the opportunity to look at the enterprise from the inside and explain its complex mechanism.