All about the treatment of lactostasis with compresses: magnesia, alcohol and more. Lactostasis: bad advice Compress with camphor alcohol for lactostasis

A compress with camphor oil helps relieve pain, get rid of bacteria, and stop the inflammatory process. It is recommended to be used for injuries caused by various tumor diseases, to relieve severe hematoma, it is also used to treat radiculitis, mastitis, relieves itching of the skin, and with the help of a compress you can cure otitis media, cough and myalgia.

Beneficial properties of camphor oil

1. With its help you can heal tissues and organs.

2. If camphor oil gets under the skin, it improves the functioning of the brain and blood vessels, so you can improve the metabolic process and get rid of venous diseases.

3. Improves blood circulation in the heart and lungs.

4. Camphor oil will help remove phlegm and has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

5. Helps improve hair condition.

External use of compresses with camphor oil

With the help of a compress you can cure arthrology, pain in the ears, sciatica, myositis, radiculitis, and protect against bedsores.

Oil should be administered subcutaneously in cases of collapse, if a person has been poisoned by sleeping pills, analgesics, or in cases of problems with the respiratory system.

Compress with camphor oil for various diseases

You need to heat the oil a little, then soak gauze in it and apply it to the chest area. Apply cellophane on top and put on a warm sweater. It is very important to apply the compress at night and remove it only in the morning.

With the help of a compress with camphor oil, you can get rid of bruises, it not only effectively warms, but also with its help you can heal wounds and cuts.

Please note that not all people tolerate camphor well; there may be an allergic reaction in the form of redness, because it greatly irritates the skin. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to first test its effect first on an area of ​​skin, then apply it to other places.

Video: How to apply a compress to children?

1. Dripping oil into the ear, it can cause a burn, which will worsen the disease even more.

2. The compress should never be used for children under two years of age; the oil can lead to serious intoxication.
To heal injuries, sprains, bruises, wounds that fester, you need to use oil lotions. After 4 days, you can notice how the skin quickly recovers. This is the best preventive remedy for diaper rash.

Video: Is it necessary to put a compress on the ear for otitis media? - Doctor Komarovsky

In addition to oil-based compresses, you can treat a cough by taking camphor oil orally, drop up to 5 drops into milk, consume twice a day.

It is effective to treat hair with oil; it can be used to strengthen it, improve its condition, protect against hair loss, and stimulate growth.

Video: Traditional methods of treating cough - camphor oil compress | #cough #cough treatment #edblack

Treatment of lactostasis with a compress of camphor oil

Inflammation in the mammary glands, their blockage can be cured with a compress. Lactostasis brings a lot of unpleasant sensations - severe pain, fever up to 38 degrees, the mammary gland swells and swells greatly, milk is not released from the breast. In this situation, it is important to consult with your doctor in time to prevent exacerbation and the appearance of mastitis.

In addition to a warm compress, the baby should be given breastfeeding as often as possible. If the disease is mild, this should be done once an hour. In case of severe lactostasis, it is necessary to carefully express the breast. Pay special attention to the area of ​​the breast that has become denser; move your fingers from the base of the breast to the nipple.

Only after the massage can you make a compress with camphor oil; for this, gauze is moistened and applied to the affected area, and wrapped in a warm scarf. Leave for up to 9 hours.

Treatment of throat with camphor compress

The oil is heated, cotton wool is soaked in it, then applied to the throat area, special paper for a compress must be applied on top, and wrapped to keep it warm. After the compress, it is recommended to gargle with eucalyptus infusion; to prepare it, you need to brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, gargle three times a day, and also rinse with calendula tincture.

Contraindications for a compress with camphor oil

1. Epilepsy.

2. Skin problems.

3. Drip inside the ear.

4. In case of an inflammatory process of an aseptic nature.

5. For small children, camphor oil may cause convulsions and seizures.

Often, due to external use, a serious allergic reaction can occur and severe irritation occurs. Camphor oil should be injected under the skin with caution; severe dizziness, headaches, and vascular problems may occur.

Using camphor oil compresses for children

With this remedy you can cure colds and coughs. For the recipe you will need camphor oil up to 4 drops, a teaspoon of turpentine, goat fat, heat everything and carefully apply it to the back and chest. After the first time it becomes much easier for the child.

Video: Treatment of otitis media with camphor alcohol

A cough can be cured with camphor oil by combining pork fat, camphor oil, a little camphor alcohol, and honey. Apply warm to the chest area, put on something warm on top. Leave the compress for at least three hours.

In cases where there is no high fever with a cold or cough, you need to combine iodine, camphor oil, and heat everything up.

Gently rub into chest and apply to heels. Put on woolen socks, warm pajamas and put the child to sleep, covering him with a blanket.

Thus, a compress with camphor oil will help cure colds, but it is very important to use it correctly and first ask your doctor about all contraindications. Use compresses especially carefully for children; the oil is toxic and can lead to serious health problems.

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The birth of a child is a very important moment, especially if it is the first experience. Young mothers are under constant stress trying to provide proper care for their baby. In the first months of life, breastfeeding is an important aspect. And then some difficulties may arise for the young mother.

One of the problems may be lactostasis in a nursing mother, which leads to blockage of the milk ducts. As a result, the milk stagnates in them, the tissues swell, pain and fever appear. Lactostasis is clearly a pathology, which is classified by ICD code 10 092.7.0.
With timely treatment, lactostasis can be eliminated quite quickly, within a few days. However, if you self-medicate or ignore symptoms, lactostasis can develop into a more serious disease.

Stagnation of milk in the milk ducts can occur for several reasons.

  1. When feeding the baby in the same position. As a result, the same ducts are released, and the rest of the milk remains. Thus, the milk duct becomes blocked.
  2. Sleeping in the same position also contributes to the development of the disease. Milk accumulates in one part of the breast, mainly under the armpits.
  3. Wearing tight underwear also leads to the development of milk stagnation. You should avoid tight bras or underwear with underwires that literally dig into the skin.
  4. A young mother should not forget about replenishing fluids in the body. Drinking enough water will prevent the milk from becoming viscous. In this case, it will be difficult for the baby to suckle and the milk ducts will become clogged.
  5. Quite often, the causes of lactostasis lie in trauma to the mammary gland. As a result of the impact, tissue swelling occurs and this prevents the normal outflow of breast milk.
  6. A common practice among women who have given birth is pumping. But the milk that remains after feeding the baby should not be expressed. This causes a constant increase in lactation. The baby simply cannot cope with this amount of nutrition, and the remaining milk causes blockage.
  7. Using nipples. A baby who drinks milk from a bottle using a pacifier will be reluctant to breastfeed in the future.

Previously, experts noted that the child needs to be fed once every 3 hours. The remaining milk after feeding had to be expressed. In fact, this schedule and method of feeding led to lactostasis or mastitis. To avoid such problems, it is enough to feed the baby on his demand.

At the initial stage of the disease, a nursing mother may not notice any particular deterioration in her health or other signs. However, after a few days the following signs of lactostasis appear:

  • pain and burning sensation in the mammary glands
  • feeling of discomfort while feeding the baby
  • mammary glands may take on a different shape
  • constant feeling of heaviness in the chest (stone chest)
  • the appearance of red spots on the chest or its complete redness
  • tissue swelling and swelling of the mammary glands

A fairly common symptom is temperature during lactostasis, which leads to general weakness of the body and chills. Usually, body temperature with this disease does not rise above 37.5 degrees. If the temperature continues to rise, this indicates the development of mastitis.
At this stage, it is important to know how to distinguish mastitis from lactostasis. As a rule, with mastitis, the symptoms of the disease appear more clearly and lead to a sharp deterioration in the woman’s well-being. The temperature with this disease is high. In order to understand that it is mastitis, experts advise measuring it not only in the armpits, but also in the groin and elbow bends.

When to see a doctor

Usually, stagnant processes in the milk ducts disappear within a few days. At this time, experts recommend feeding the baby more often. The baby can independently solve the problem of milk stagnation. Expressing during lactostasis immediately after feeding is not recommended.
If you do not feel better within 2-3 days, and the heaviness in your chest does not go away, then you should consult a doctor so that a simple disease does not develop into a more serious form. Using an ultrasound, the diagnosis will be determined and the correct treatment will be prescribed. If the treatment does not produce results, then they resort to laser removal of the seal.

Massage can be a good help with lactostasis. In the early stages, it will help get rid of unpleasant sensations and remove stagnation. It is best to do a massage after taking a relaxing shower. Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly and apply a rich cream or massage oil to your chest.
Rules for massage for lactostasis:

  1. Place your left hand under your chest and begin to gently massage with your right. Movements should be neat and soft and done clockwise. Massaging the breasts should begin from the top and gradually reach the nipple.
  2. Each seal must be worked out especially carefully. It is also massaged clockwise, you can knead it slightly.
  3. The breast in the nipple area is massaged very carefully. To prevent cracks, it is better to pre-lubricate it with a thick cream.
  4. Don't forget about armpit massage.
  5. After finishing the massage, you need to lean forward slightly and lightly shake off your breasts several times.

It is worth paying attention that sudden movements are not allowed during massage. They should be soft and not cause pain. For greater effect, lightly tapping the seals with your knuckles is allowed.
After finishing the massage, it is recommended to immediately feed the baby or express milk. Usually, a few procedures are enough for the breasts to become soft and the lumps to disappear. If this does not happen, then you need to consult a doctor who will perform this procedure professionally and express milk from the breast.

Decanting in a medical facility

Very often we hear from young mothers about the difficulties they encounter when expressing breast milk. If you cannot do this yourself at home, the doctor will continue to strain lactostasis in the clinic. For this, special equipment is used.
Physiotherapy is also used in combination with this. It consists of exposing the area where milk stagnation and stones have occurred to ultrasonic waves. A special UHF preparation creates ultrasonic waves that promote the expansion of the milk ducts. As a result, milk does not stagnate, but is easily expressed from the breast.
Treatment of lactostasis with ultrasound will take only a few physiotherapy procedures. The full course consists of up to 10 similar procedures.

Expressing after procedures

In home treatment, the last step is to express breast milk. It is important to know how to strain milk stagnation at home. You need to express milk from breasts that are congested.
To make the process of pumping during lactostasis easier, experts recommend lightly massaging the breasts at the same time. Don't be alarmed if the milk is thick. On the contrary, this indicates that the stagnation has been resolved. After pumping, it is recommended to put the baby to the breast. This promotes complete emptying of the milk ducts.
After finishing feeding, you can apply a cooling compress to eliminate breast swelling.

Another method that is effective for stagnation of milk and a feeling like a stone in the chest is to perform physical exercises. A few simple exercises will help improve milk flow and eliminate discomfort from lactostasis in the breast.
The technique for performing the exercises is as follows.

  1. Your arms must be bent at the elbows. In this case, the forearms rest on a support located vertically relative to the elbows. The movements are springy towards the support and back towards the chest.
  2. The arm on the side where the lump is located is bent at the elbow and rested on a vertical support. With the other hand, carefully take the seal on the chest and slightly pull it down. Make springy movements towards the support and back.

All exercises should be done smoothly, without sudden movements. They should not cause discomfort to the body. These simple exercises can be used to prevent lactostasis during breastfeeding.

Remedies for the condition

Often, young mothers resort to traditional medicine, which can significantly alleviate the condition of lactostasis. Several generations have used cabbage juice to reduce inflammation. You can also use cabbage leaves, which must be slightly mashed before use to release the juice. In this case, you need to make sure that the juice does not get on the nipple, and this does not cause digestive problems in the child.
Potatoes have a good anti-inflammatory effect against lactostasis. It is rubbed on a fine grater and applied to the chest as a compress. Magnesia compress, honey cakes, all these remedies can reduce pain during lactostasis.
Doctors also advise paying attention to ointments of plant origin. This could be Arnica ointment or Traumeel S. If you experience severe pain, when it feels like it’s shooting in your chest, you can take painkillers. Antibiotics during feeding for the treatment of lactostasis are contraindicated.

Folk remedies

Although medicine does not recommend treatment at home, often folk remedies can bring relief and even get rid of the problem. For lactostasis, you can use camphor oil. Camphor, an oil rather than alcohol, is applied to the breasts after feeding and left there for a while.

Doctors do not recommend using alcohol compresses, which have warming properties. Milk is an ideal environment for the development of bacteria. An increase in its temperature increases their appearance many times over and leads to the appearance of purulent mastitis. Therefore, it is not recommended to use vodka compresses to treat lactostasis.


Lactostasis in a nursing mother can be prevented by following simple rules. Prevention of lactostasis is as follows:

  • Regular breastfeeding of the child.
  • Feeding not according to time, but according to the child’s demand.
  • Control of feeding posture during lactostasis.
  • The intervals between breastfeeding should not exceed 3-4 hours.
  • Avoid hypothermia of the body and chest.
  • Wear the right underwear that does not compress your chest.
  • Avoid stress and nervous tension.
  • During breastfeeding, completely eliminate sweet, spicy, and smoked foods from your diet.

Young mothers should remember that the best preventive measure and treatment for lactostasis is regular emptying of the milk ducts in a natural way. It is better for your own child to cope with this, so when the first signs of lactostasis appear, do not transfer him to artificial feeding, but, on the contrary, put him to the breast more often.

Camphor oil for lactostasis is a remedy that is used by many women to relieve swelling and reduce pain that accompanies stagnation of breast milk. This problem often plagues nursing mothers. Lactostasis occurs especially often in young women immediately after the birth of their first child.

Development of lactostasis

The female breast begins to prepare for feeding the baby even during pregnancy, but at the time of birth it is not yet fully capable of performing its main function. Lactation is established after a certain period of time after the baby begins to attach to the breast.

For each woman, the duration of the preparatory stage is individual and depends on many factors: the shape of the breast and nipple, the size of the ducts, diet, sleep and rest patterns. Breastfeeding can also be affected by certain medications that are sometimes prescribed to a new mother after a difficult birth or cesarean section.

Lactostasis is an acute condition characterized by partial or complete obstruction of the thoracic ducts due to their irregular structure, excess milk, infectious disease or microtrauma. At the initial stage, this disease leads to engorgement of the mammary gland and the formation of small compactions in it.

At the next stage, inflammation occurs in the chest, the woman’s temperature rises to 38°C, and severe pain develops. If measures are not taken to eliminate lactostasis, it can develop into infectious mastitis, which is difficult to treat and in some cases requires urgent surgery.

The effect of warm compresses

Swelling of the soft tissue of the breast causes the ducts to narrow, causing milk to be unable to flow to the nipple. If lactostasis is at the initial stage of development, and there are no signs of mastitis (high temperature, purulent discharge), then the inflammation can be stopped with the help of dry heat.

Warming agents are effective for milk stagnation, as they help increase blood circulation. As a result, the blood vessels dilate. The flow of oxygen into tissues increases. The swelling gradually decreases. The breast ducts dilate, allowing milk to flow freely while you pump or feed your baby. The outflow of fluid from the breast immediately brings relief to the woman, reduces pain and reduces the risk of developing mastitis.

Compresses with camphor oil

Camphor oil is recognized as one of the effective remedies for lactostasis. Its warming effect has been known for a long time. Therefore, camphor is actively used to treat various diseases, including infections of the ear, nose and throat. The oil also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so it has proven itself well against lactostasis.

Camphor compresses can be used several times a day. It is important to express excess milk after each procedure, otherwise you may get the opposite effect. After all, by expanding the thoracic ducts with the help of the warming effect of oil, a woman facilitates the passage of milk through them, which is produced in large quantities in the first days after childbirth.

If after the compress you do not release the breast by placing the baby on it or pumping it, the swelling will increase. In this case, lactostasis can turn into mastitis.

Camphor oil is a product that is easy to use. It is enough to moisten the bandage, squeeze it out, apply it to the chest and leave the compress under a warming bandage for 30-60 minutes. You should not increase the procedure time, as this may result in burns or irritation of the skin. You need to wash your breasts with warm water after removing the compress, then put your baby on it.

Camphor oil is used to eliminate milk stagnation along with other agents that have a similar effect. Many of them are available to every woman.

Alcohol and vodka compresses

The most common option is an alcohol compress for lactostasis. It can be done 2 times a day at home.

To carry out the procedure you need to prepare:

  • medical alcohol;
  • sterile bandage or piece of gauze;
  • water at room temperature;
  • cling film;
  • containers for diluting alcohol;
  • scarf or warm sweater.

Alcohol should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 so as not to burn the delicate skin of the breast. Then soak the bandage in the resulting solution. The compress is applied to the area where the lumps have appeared and covered with film. Wear warm clothes or wrap a scarf around the chest to enhance the warming effect. The bandage can be removed after an hour. Then you need to express the milk or attach the baby to the breast.

Vodka is often used to dilate the thoracic ducts during milk stagnation. Its operating principle is the same. A vodka compress for lactostasis is prepared by mixing this strong drink with water in a 1:2 ratio. You can use this product 2 times a day.

Magnesia compress

A well-known pharmaceutical drug that is used in many medical fields to dilate blood vessels and relieve swelling is magnesia. This product is sold in the form of a powder intended for preparing a solution and is inexpensive.

A magnesium compress for lactostasis helps relieve tissue spasms, reduces swelling, reduces pain and promotes milk flow. Magnesium sulfate powder is dissolved in warm water. The gauze or bandage soaked in the resulting composition is wrung out well and applied to the places on the chest where the lumps are felt.

Magnesia should not be used in the area of ​​the nipple and areola. Before using the compress, it is better to test for an allergic reaction to avoid unwanted skin rashes. The bandage with the drug is left on the chest until completely dry. After the procedure is completed, the breast should be washed and only then the baby should be placed on it.

Warming compresses for lactostasis are a good way to help cope with the disease at the initial stage. At the first manifestations of milk stagnation, accompanied by severe pain and fever, it is better to immediately consult a doctor or breastfeeding specialist who can accurately determine the causes of the disease and suggest what measures can be taken to relieve acute symptoms.

If we are not talking about lactostasis, but about mastitis, then warm compresses can only worsen the situation. Therefore, it is important to obtain professional medical advice to avoid serious health consequences.


In the next video you will find useful information about what lactostasis is and how to deal with it.

Traditional medicine is widely used in the treatment of lactostasis. In case of congestion in the mammary glands, they help relieve pain and help eliminate blockage of the ducts. Camphor oil for lactostasis is one of the most effective remedies. It has an active effect, due to which it has long been used in the treatment of breast diseases.

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes using various active substances. For example, compresses for lactostasis can be made with simple and affordable ingredients on hand.

Compress with camphor oil

This oil has proven itself as an effective drug in the treatment of lactostasis. The product allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, having a positive effect on the affected mammary gland. The oil is capable of:

In addition, camphor oil relieves tissue swelling, reducing painful lumps in the chest. Therefore, it is used not only in the treatment of lactostasis, but also in cases of breast injury and hematomas.

The oil acts on the inflamed chest, providing a warming effect. When applying a compress with it, the breast tissue relaxes, which greatly simplifies the process of milk outflow.

However, it is worth remembering that if mastitis is suspected, camphor oil is prohibited for use. If a doctor diagnoses a purulent form of the disease, then heating the breasts is extremely dangerous.

An oil compress irritates the breasts. Therefore, it can be used only at the initial stage of the disease. If treatment with it is carried out for deeply localized inflammatory processes, the effect may be the opposite. Therefore, the use of camphor oil is indicated for:

Treatment is carried out immediately before the baby starts feeding or pumping. This is due to the fact that the compress will help warm the breasts and facilitate the release of milk from the ducts:

  1. Before use, moisten the gauze with camphor.
  2. The finished fabric is applied only to the place where milk stagnation has formed.
  3. I cover the chest with cellophane and wrap it in a warm cloth. Keep it like this for about 6 hours.

Due to the warming properties of camphor, it can lead to hyperemia of the skin surface. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute it with water (1:1) before using the product.

Compresses using alcohol

Treatment can be carried out using a vodka compress. In this case, the active substance - alcohol - gives the same effect as in the above recipe.

Vodka compress can be done both in the morning and in the evening. The main thing is to observe the duration of application (at least 2 hours). If the napkin dries out, you need to wet it and apply it to your chest again.

Honey remedies

During the treatment of lactostasis, a nursing mother can use honey. It has a resolving effect, relieving a woman of formations in the breast, including those associated with stagnation of milk. There are many recipes that contain honey in the ingredient list.

  • You can prepare a simple compress with honey. It is worth taking a candied product with a thick consistency. It is important that it is natural. The breast is smeared with honey, and then covered with film and wrapped in a scarf. You need to wear the compress for at least 20 minutes.
  • An effective folk remedy is honey cakes. To prepare them, honey (2 tablespoons) is mixed with flour (preferably rye) until the consistency of a dense dough. Having formed a cake, it is applied to the chest. Keep it under polyethylene until completely dry.
  • In folk medicine, a compress with honey and onions is often used. A small onion is ground in a blender or grated. Thick honey (1 tablespoon) is mixed with the resulting gruel. A dough is made from the mixture and applied under the bandage to the chest area.
  • You can also use a recipe adding aloe, flour, and butter to honey. The finished mass is applied to the chest, covered with film and warm cloth. The procedure is carried out within 20 minutes.

Uses of magnesia

When treating lactostasis, a nursing woman can use a magnesium compress. The drug is sold in the form of a solution and powder.

The compress is done at least 2 times a day. You need to keep it for 2 hours. Before feeding your baby, you need to thoroughly wash the surface of the breast skin. It is important to note that immediately after using the compress, feeding the baby is prohibited. The milk needs to be expressed, and only the next time it comes, breastfeeding should be resumed.

Cold compresses

A positive effect is observed when using medicinal plants during treatment.

Alternative medicine can either have a positive effect or make the situation worse. Therefore, before using any product, you should consult your doctor.

When the baby reluctantly takes the breast and does not empty it completely during feeding, this threatens the mother with hardening of the mammary glands and stagnation of milk, which is called lactostasis. We can say that this is the initial stage of mastitis, therefore, the faster you drain your breasts and increase the number of ducts, improving its patency, the fewer problems await you ahead. In order to remove milk plugs from the ducts, you can use traditional medicine as both primary and auxiliary. Lotions and heat compresses will help soften stagnant milk, and all you have to do is express it.

Why is lactostasis found everywhere?

In every primiparous woman, lactostasis is a normal phenomenon, since her milk ducts have not yet been developed, they are narrow, and in many cases, completely impassable. The disease begins with swelling and swelling of the breast. If the baby is active, then the breast gradually develops, but when the newborn is weak, he is not able to eat all the milk from the breast. It begins to stagnate in the ducts, which leads to a sharp increase in temperature and ongoing pain in the chest, ball seals that cannot be touched.

Even in multiparous women, lactostasis is common; physiology, sometimes genetics or injury, are to blame. But most visits to the doctor occur due to the inability to properly attach the baby to the breast. A nursing mother does not know that it is necessary to change the position of the baby’s body so that he grasps the entire nipple halo with equal force. In clothing you should strive more for comfort than for beauty; the bra should only be made of cotton or linen and fit loosely around the chest.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, doctors recommend massaging each mammary gland before feeding, and as soon as you feel heaviness in the chest, you need to take several preventive measures, which include thermal therapeutic compresses. For lactostasis, drug treatment is rarely used, resorting to traditional medicine.

Cabbage compress

The first remedy for treating lactostasis is pumping. It can be pre-stimulated by applying a compress of crushed cabbage leaves to the area of ​​the lump. This folk remedy helps blood circulate faster, it reduces compactions, having a resolving effect. To prevent the disease from progressing to the next stage of mastitis, it is recommended to make lotions from fresh cabbage several times a day. To enhance the “pulling” effect, add honey in a 5/1 ratio to cabbage chopped in a blender.

For example, for 5 tsp. cabbage pulp you need to put 1 tsp. natural honey, slightly heated in a water bath. After you have prepared the mixture, coat your chest with it, cover it with polyethylene on top and wrap it with natural warm fabric (this can be a down scarf, a mohair scarf). For lactostasis, cabbage leaves can also be applied whole, without rubbing it in a blender or meat grinder. This folk remedy is used even when there is damage, redness, or cracks on the nipples and areola.

Alcohol compress

The most popular among compresses is warming alcohol, which relieves swelling and reduces cramps in the chest. To avoid burning the mammary glands, the alcohol concentration in the solution should not exceed 30%. The compress is very simple: a cloth soaked in the solution should be applied to the area of ​​hardening and hardening, polyethylene should be placed on top to retain heat, and most importantly, do not forget to wrap the chest with a woolen scarf or scarf. Time – 1-2 hours, frequency of use – 2 times a day.

Camphor compress

An excellent anti-inflammatory agent is an oil solution of camphor, which is applied as a cold lotion for a short time, and also as a warm compress at night. Warm camphor should not be allowed to fall on the nipples, so there should be slits in the fabric that you will soak in the liquid. A long-lasting compress for about 3 hours; the camphor needs to be heated in a water bath by placing the bottle in warm water.

If lactostasis has reached an advanced stage, in order to improve blood supply, it is recommended to add a few drops of alcohol to camphor oil. Typically, this method quickly helps relieve inflammation if applied several nights in a row. To quickly relieve pain, you can massage your breasts with the addition of camphor oil.

Some other natural products have the same property. Dry heat is helpful; warm pads with flax seeds and salt reduce pain. A herbal compress with aloe juice and honey helps with colds, sinusitis, and thyroid diseases, it draws out purulent formations and stimulates the production of breast milk.