Rehabilitation devices. Medical equipment for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation equipment: selection rules

Unfortunately, no one is immune from such misfortunes as damage and injury to the musculoskeletal system, strokes or congenital diseases. And even more so, no one can resist the irreversible age-related changes in the body.

Specialized medical rehabilitation equipment

The task of any person whose family includes a disabled person is to make the patient’s life as comfortable and high-quality as possible. Appropriate medical equipment will help with this. All kinds of lifts, walkers, wheelchairs, adult and children's wheelchairs can significantly make the life of people with disabilities easier and make it more fulfilling. Specialized medical rehabilitation equipment greatly simplifies the care of a disabled person and helps reduce the period of recovery of the body after an illness or injury.

It is very difficult for a person facing serious health problems to adapt to new conditions. However, specialized products can significantly improve the quality of life, reduce pain and speed up recovery. Today, many means have also been created to facilitate the movement of sick people in the postoperative period.

The action of such devices is aimed at assisting the musculoskeletal system in performing its functions. Such devices include various crutches, telescopic canes, walkers and supports.

Selection of equipment and accessories

When choosing equipment for the rehabilitation of disabled people, you need to remember that people with disabilities feel differently than those who, fortunately, do not have to face similar situations. That is why, when choosing specialized equipment and auxiliary tools, it is important to focus, first of all, on the ease of use of the design. Auxiliary devices must meet all necessary requirements for their quality characteristics.

A whole class of specialized medical equipment has been developed for people with serious disabilities. Such rehabilitation devices must be very reliable and comfortable to use. They should have a simple folding mechanism, a durable but at the same time lightweight design and the ability to adjust the height. Please note that it is for these reasons that gurneys and walkers are most often made of aluminum alloys. Specialized medical equipment and devices.

For children with cerebral palsy, rehabilitation devices include various supports, special seats and walkers. The more such aids a child has, the more opportunities he will have for an active lifestyle.

Patients who have recently suffered a stroke are in dire need of specialized medical equipment that provides reliable support and allows for the effective use of the body's reserves during the recovery period after the illness.

Measures to restore the body must necessarily include medical devices for rehabilitation after a stroke. The use of such devices helps the patient overcome heavy physical barriers while moving, as well as while at rest.

Quality products from the best manufacturers

You can purchase specialized medical equipment for the rehabilitation of disabled people in the online medical equipment store. The duration of the patient’s recovery period and the restoration of lost functions depends on how quickly rehabilitation means are acquired.

Our catalog contains professional products for the rapid rehabilitation of patients, as well as various care products for people with disabilities. You can purchase products from the best manufacturers, which guarantees reliability, quality and long service life.

Advantages of our rehabilitation equipment:

  • the widest range of products - devices for the disabled, for children with congenital disorders, the elderly;
  • all specialized medical equipment was created by professionals and therefore significantly speeds up recovery time and reduces the difficulties of caring for patients;
  • Our catalog is a selection of high-quality and reliable equipment from leading manufacturers.

Taking care of the health and living comfort of loved ones is one of the most important tasks of every person. This is especially important for people who are limited in some capabilities due to certain diseases and instability of their own immunity and health. Effective rehabilitation equipment for the disabled is a necessary part of the treatment and prevention of people who are faced with musculoskeletal health problems. As a rule, this happens as a result of nervous disorders or trauma suffered in certain life situations.

In the process of prescribing a set of measures and measures for rehabilitation and physiotherapy, exclusively effective medical equipment is used, with the help of which it is possible to improve blood circulation, thereby increasing the level of supply of nutrients to diseased joints and muscles. This is especially important for older people who experience chronic pain that turns into attacks.

Depending on the “degree of progression” and complexity of the disease, equipment is classified into preventive and targeted therapeutic. Also, medical equipment can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in adult patients, as well as in disabled children. Specialized equipment for the rehabilitation of disabled children and adult patients is made exclusively from high-quality materials, using durable fittings that ensure operating comfort and human safety. These are the most important aspects of the normal process of recovery of the body after injuries or disorders of the circulatory system.

For patients undergoing treatment after a stroke, specialized medical rehabilitation equipment is extremely necessary, creating support and allowing the body’s resources to be effectively used even during the recovery period after a cerebrovascular accident. For a rehabilitation complex of measures, medical equipment for rehabilitation after strokes at home can be used. Its use allows the patient's body to cope with complex physical barriers while moving, as well as being in a passive state.

You can purchase equipment for the rehabilitation of disabled people, used at home, or equipment for rehabilitation centers, the purpose of which is to restore the physical capabilities of the patient’s body, in the online medical equipment store. Thus, to restore the body, it is necessary to buy rehabilitation equipment as soon as possible in order to increase the body’s potential and bring lost functions back to life. You can order and buy rehabilitation equipment wholesale or retail with delivery in our online medical equipment store.

Equipment such as simulators for rehabilitation and physiotherapy are used for therapeutic purposes to restore patients after operations and injuries, as well as to prevent functional disorders of the body.

LLC M.P.A. medical partners" offers high-tech rehabilitation and physiotherapeutic equipment from world famous brands. We also design specialized rooms in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, sports centers, fitness clubs and provide after-sales service for exercise equipment.

Equipment for rehabilitation in our company

  • Devices for rehabilitation and physiotherapy, sports and aesthetic medicine. Multifunctional simulators based on electrical, ultrasonic, laser, magnetic, micro- and short-wave effects are used to improve microcirculation, regeneration and tissue trophism. Robotic vertical beds, sensor treadmills, strength and cardio equipment have many settings and are easily adjusted to the physiological characteristics of each patient.
  • Hydrotherapeutic and balneological equipment. Showers and baths with the option of hydromassage, baths based on mud, mineral and thermal waters provide effective therapeutic and SPA procedures.
  • Stabilometric systems. Exercise machines with biofeedback based on the ground reaction force help restore the motor activity of bedridden, partially immobilized and outpatient patients.
  • Equipment for shock wave therapy. Devices for generating acoustic waves are equipped with a wide range of applicators and attachments that specifically target problem areas of patients with urological, neurological, orthopedic and other diseases.
  • Urodynamic systems. Fully computerized equipment provides effective training of the pelvic floor muscles. Saving session data helps track the progress of each patient's rehabilitation.

A verticalizer, or stander, helps people with movement disorders stay in an upright position, which is very important for the proper development of internal organs, the prevention of bedsores, muscle atrophy, pulmonary failure, etc. Staying in a horizontal position for a long time is also harmful to your psycho-emotional state. Stender will help prevent depression.

Types of standers

Front verticalizers are more common. In them, patients rest on their stomach. For people with serious disabilities, back stands with back support are suitable. In such a device, a person gradually rises to a vertical position from a horizontal one. Standers can also be static or mobile. They are distinguished by the ability to move independently. Modern verticalizers have a multi-level system that will help you take different positions. Active standers will help train your leg muscles using leverage.

An effective simulator for the rehabilitation of people with spinal injuries is the dynamic parapodium. In this simulator, a patient with cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries or paralysis of the limbs can move independently. The movement is carried out by balancing the body back and forth, while the runners of the simulator rise. With the help of the device, patients can improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and restore proper load on the skeleton.

Safe entrance to the parapodium

To safely transfer from a chair or wheelchair, it is advisable to follow some rules. You only need to stand up if the stroller or chair is securely fixed. The height of the shoulder brackets, the reliability of the vest flap and knee fasteners must be carefully checked. Belts can be used to support the back and chest. If the patient leans too far forward or backward, it is necessary to replace the shock absorbers with harder ones.

Special devices help people with cerebral palsy (a complex of motor disorders) adapt to all areas of life. Special walkers and a dynamic parapodium allow you to achieve mobility, and verticalizers, bicycles, and orthoses contribute to rehabilitation.

Walkers and parapodium

Using a walker, the patient can move independently. These simulators help ensure balance, train coordination, and keep the patient in an upright position.


Maintaining an upright body position is of great importance for the proper development of organs and mental development. Prolonged stay in a horizontal position can have negative consequences. Standing units for children are equipped with a surface on which toys can be laid out.

Serious illnesses or injuries that deprive a person of the ability to fully move and take care of himself are a huge grief for both the patient himself and his loved ones. But don’t despair, because life goes on. People with disabilities can and should be full members of society. For this purpose, rehabilitation means have been created that help you return to a full life. The Novokom company offers a wide selection of medical equipment for the disabled from the best manufacturers. Movement is life. People with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, injuries of the lower extremities and spine, cerebral palsy and many other diseases cannot move independently. But a sedentary lifestyle is not the best choice. Lack of movement not only depresses the patient morally, but also leads to serious complications of the underlying disease. The use of technical means of rehabilitation makes it possible to partially replace the impaired function and allow the patient to move independently or with the help of others. The ability to move again not only gives the patient hope and helps to believe in his recovery, but also makes it easier for loved ones to care for. How to choose technical rehabilitation means?

A toilet chair is an important rehabilitation item that ensures the fulfillment of the sanitary and hygienic needs of people with physical disabilities.A specially adapted toilet chair makes life much easier for disabled people and people who cannot go to the toilet on their own. This design is indispensable in caring for a weakened person.

Operational Features

Preparing the toilet structure for use begins with installing it on a flat, hard surface. The seat is then adjusted to the desired height. Existing armrests or headrests are installed in the desired position for convenient use.

Rehabilitation for a spinal fracture

Successful recovery after a spinal fracture depends on a number of factors. Both the degree and nature of the damage that occurred plays a big role. However, much more important is whether the spinal cord is damaged and, if so, how badly. If the spinal cord injury was minor, the victim will be able to recover almost completely, but if the injury was serious, things will be somewhat more complicated. But rehabilitation for any spinal fracture will certainly be required. Only in each specific case, the tasks that will be set before restoration can be completely different.

The main tasks of successful rehabilitation after a spinal fracture

Depending on how serious the spinal cord injury was, the following rehabilitation categories of patients can be distinguished:

Group 1 – includes those who suffered trauma with minor spinal cord damage;

Group 2 - includes those who received a severe spinal cord injury or a moderate injury at the level of either the lumbar or lower thoracic spine;

Group 3 - includes those who received a severe spinal cord injury or a moderate injury at the level of the upper thoracic or cervical spine.

Rehabilitation simulators: features of use and indications for use

Rehabilitation simulators have proven their effectiveness for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In order for their use to be as successful as possible, you should remember the features of therapy using such simulators.

Only a medical specialist can prescribe the use of one or more simulators, and only he has the right to draw up and adjust individual training programs. Neither the patient himself nor his parents or guardians should make decisions regarding rehabilitation therapy. Training without the involvement of a professional can lead to negative results.

Limitations for therapy using rehabilitation simulators

There is a list of diseases for which the use of exercise equipment is absolutely contraindicated. These include:

Severe stage of coronary cardiovascular failure;

Pre-stroke condition;

Severe form of diabetes mellitus;


Threat of retinal detachment;

Acute infections;

Aortic or cardiac aneurysm;

Thrombophlebitis in acute form;

Acute myocardial infarction.

Some diseases impose significant limitations on such therapy. Heart disease, hypertension, respiratory diseases and hemorrhoids require a careful approach to the use of specialized equipment. If these diseases are present, the rehabilitation doctor draws up a training program with special attention. The patient’s task is to adhere to the specialist’s recommendations as closely as possible.

Features of the use of rehabilitation simulators in rehabilitation therapy

The use of rehabilitation simulators largely depends on the psychological state of the patient and his physical condition. In this type of therapy, generalizations are impossible, since each age group and each disease has significant differences.

The road to life - modern types of ramps

The life of a person using a wheelchair can be significantly improved with a simple device - a ramp. Allowing you to freely overcome stairs, thresholds and other obstacles, it makes the simple pleasures of life accessible, such as a walk, going to the cinema, theater or store.

When installing ramps, you must remember that this process is strictly regulated by law (GOST R 51261-99 and SNiP 35-01-200). There are several types of ramps:


They are installed on a permanent basis; as a rule, public places (entrances of houses, shops, theaters, train stations) are equipped with such ramps. In turn, they are divided into:

  • Single-span - designed for independent movement of a person in a wheelchair. They are an inclined platform made of metal or concrete.
  • Double-span - two not wide stripes - rails, between which there are steps for an accompanying person. The distance between the stripes corresponds to the distance between the wheels of the chair.


Just like stationary ones, they are single- and double-span. They are attached with hinges to a wall or railing, and, if necessary, easily recline, providing free passage for the person in the chair. The ability to fold this type of ramp makes it indispensable on narrow stairs.

Wheelchairs for cerebral palsy

When choosing wheelchairs, one should proceed from the nature of the difficulties experienced by the patient due to the illness. In the case of cerebral palsy (CP), the choice of different options provided by a wheelchair should be based on the specific form of the wheelchair.

This choice should be taken seriously, since only a correctly selected stroller will allow a child with disabilities to independently and safely explore the world, while the wrong choice can harm health and aggravate pathological processes.

Spastic diplegia

A very common form, occurring in almost 70% of children with cerebral palsy. In the legs of patients with this form, muscle spasticity predominates, the spine and joints are deformed, contractures form early, mental and speech development is delayed. The child does not need rigid restraint; general requirements are put forward for strollers for such patients. They should be comfortable, with adjustable:

  • back;
  • armrests;
  • seat depth/width;
  • back angle;
  • soft headrest (removable).

Double hemiplegia

This is one of the most severe forms of cerebral palsy, requiring special attention to rehabilitation measures. Self-service is practically impossible; in this case, you need a multifunctional chair. In addition to deformities of the torso and limbs, contractures, children with double hemiplegia often suffer from epileptic seizures. This is one of the main reasons to buy a chair with tip-over protection for your patient; parking brakes are also a good idea.

Hyperkinetic form

It is characterized by incorrect alignment of the limbs and torso, increased muscle tone and involuntary movements. A chair with rigid pelvic support and anatomical braces that support the spine in the correct position is suitable.

Devices for children with cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy, unfortunately, is a disease that cannot be cured completely, but you can only reduce its manifestations and, with the help of special equipment, help the child adjust and adapt to the outside world and society. There are different types and degrees of impairment in musculoskeletal development, coordination and balance. The type and degree of cerebral palsy determines what devices are prescribed by the doctor to make the child’s life easier and his development easier.

But there is also a general classification according to the purpose of the funds:

Devices and means of transportation. We are talking about strollers for moving, uprightizers, etc.
Tools and devices for developing various skills, including exercise equipment, walkers and furniture.
Devices for performing daily hygiene procedures - various shower chairs, armchairs.

The necessary equipment for children with cerebral palsy is selected and determined together with the doctor treating and supervising them. But the doctor only indicates the direction, the final decision for purchasing this or that model is up to the parents.
A stroller for mobility is necessary if the child has a moderate or severe stage of cerebral palsy in which he cannot move independently. This device must be equipped with the necessary options: have a back that can change the degree of inclination, there must be retaining belts for the waist and shoulder sections, an abductor, side supports and supports for the head. The 7000 AT/X wheelchair meets all of the above. It combines these requirements and, among other things, is lightweight and easy to fold.

The main parameters for selecting seats are:
- width (it must correspond to the required dimensions),
- height (individually),
- depth of seating area,
- availability of devices for hands,
- comfortable backrest.

Complex injuries, strokes, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries often lead to neurological disorders. Recovery from serious injuries and illnesses turns into a labor-intensive process, in which the experience of the doctor and the quality of medical equipment for rehabilitation play a large role. Just 5-10 years ago, rehabilitation equipment was limited to simple devices. Now there is more choice.

When is rehabilitation equipment required?

Is it really that important to use additional equipment in the recovery process? Yes, and this fact is undeniable. With some injuries, the patient cannot move independently, which leads to muscle atrophy, bedsores, and organ dysfunction. All this can be prevented using special equipment.

Equipment for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy

Knee supports are necessary for children with disabilities. There are folding and stationary knee supports, which include belts to support the pelvis. When folded, they take up no more than 20 cm, which is very convenient for small hospital rooms. Stationary knee supports are attached to the floor, and its racks are height adjustable.

A stroller with verticalizer functions for disabled people combines two types of equipment. It is used in everyday life and for training. The package includes belts for fixing the body, a hinged knee support, a tilting mechanism, an electric motor blocker, and an anti-tip device.

Rehabilitation equipment for disabled people

The stand lift is suitable for a rehabilitation center. With its help, a sedentary patient will be able to get up and take the first steps. It has a simple mounting and lifting device. Using a lift, the patient can be brought to the restroom or treatment room. The stander is suitable for leg exercises.

The vertical table combines physiotherapeutic and rehabilitation functions and is equipped with a built-in walking system. It has been proven that passive walking promotes early recovery of patients. All movements are controlled by a computer, which completely copies the gait of a healthy person. You can customize the speed and sequence of movements individually.

Teaching a person to walk again is a difficult task, and therefore all actions must be systematic and careful. At each workout, you can increase the inclination angle only by 5-10 degrees. If the patient becomes ill, he should be immediately brought to a horizontal position or the angle of inclination should be reduced. The special table can be tilted at an angle of 0-90 degrees. With its help, the patient controls his condition and quickly gets used to the vertical position.

Exercises on a vertical table are absolutely safe and do not require the presence of unnecessary personnel. Belts that secure the chest and knees allow a person with injuries to stand and perform special exercises for the arms, body, shoulders, and neck, which speeds up the recovery process.

Rehabilitation equipment: selection rules

The choice depends on your goals, type of medical facility, condition and age of patients. If you are choosing a device for your child, give preference to a more expensive universal model. The child will not grow out of it. It’s easier for a clinic to buy specialized equipment without additional adjustments.