How to choose a complex of vitamins for adults and children. Why should vitamins be different for women and men? The best vitamins for women and men

Vitamins are necessary for everyone: both women and men. However, the male body requires the use of vitamins in larger doses compared to the female body. This is explained by the specifics of physiology, for example, more muscles, and, consequently, more calories are burned.

In the summer, when eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits, problems with taking vitamins do not arise. With the onset of cold weather, any body needs support to resist various diseases.

Vitamins for men are vitamins B, C, A, E, H, N, trace elements selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium and fluorine. All these vitamins and microelements are found in natural products. B vitamins are found in legumes, all types of fish, potatoes and vegetables and berries, especially cherries and strawberries.

Special importance B vitamins for men is due to the fact that these vitamins promote the absorption of protein foods, which are so necessary for the male body, including for maintaining good potency. But it is still important to remember that an excess of B vitamins can cause hives.

Vitamin A is important for vision and strengthening a man's immune system. Its high content is found in melon, tomatoes, apricots, milk and sour cream.

To maintain energy and vitality, it is necessary to find in citrus fruits, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), sea buckthorn and black currants. Vitamin C helps resist stress and normalizes high blood pressure. Men often need this vitamin more than women, because they are more likely to suffer from bad habits. It has been found that vitamin C reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in smokers.

Vitamin E helps fight aging, which is important for both men and women. But for men, vitamin E has another benefit: it promotes better functioning of the male gonads. Vitamin E is present in sufficient quantities in vegetable oils.

Vitamin N will help combat liver dysfunction. It is easily absorbed by the body and normalizes metabolic processes, especially fat and carbohydrates. Again, this vitamin is especially important for men, because men, more often than women, drink alcohol (and often in large quantities), and also eat fatty and fried foods.

Located vitamin N in dairy products, rice, mushrooms, cabbage.

A man's diet must contain vitamin H, which helps strengthen hair and nails and make the skin more elastic and healthy. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body, both fat and carbohydrate. Since men, much less often than women, pay significant attention to the condition of their hair and skin, this vitamin is especially important for them.

The question of the difference between vitamin complexes for women and men has existed for a long time. Today there is no consensus on its resolution. Some experts believe that both men and women need the same set of these substances and even in the same quantities. Another part of medical experts believes that there are still differences. They explain this quite simply: although the bodies of women and men are identical from a general point of view, different physiological processes occur in them. In addition, their rhythm of life and need for recovery is different.

The main differences at the physiological level

The bodies of men and women differ primarily in their hormonal systems. Each of them has their own sex hormones that predominate, on which not only their appearance, but also all vital processes depend. Therefore, it is not surprising that many processes occurring in a woman’s body will never occur in a man’s body. Based on this, the needs for vitamins and other useful substances will always differ for both.

These days, vitamins can be bought at specialized retail outlets and even on the Internet, for example, at the Elite Power sports nutrition store. However, before you place an order, you need to figure out which drugs are best suited in a particular case.

Vitamin complexes for men

The male body, as a rule, contains more muscles than the female. Therefore, the vitamin complex should contain more of those substances that are primarily required by the muscles. In addition, men move more, train or perform heavy physical labor, which means that the musculoskeletal system receives no less load than the muscles. Restoration of cartilage tissue should be ensured by a properly selected vitamin complex.

It is equally important to take into account when choosing a drug that restoration of strength and normalization of all functions of the male body is largely determined by the level of testosterone - a natural sex hormone. Vitamin supplements should also promote its maximum possible physiological production. This is especially true for men whose age has already exceeded 40-45 years. For example, Opti Men - vitamins for men, taking into account all the above requirements.

Vitamin complexes for women

Women's vitamin complexes are made taking into account all the features of their body and lifestyle. This means that the preparations contain such an amount of vitamins and other useful substances that are required to cover their losses during natural physiological needs. For example, women regularly lose a vital element - iron, and it needs to be added to women's complexes in much larger quantities than to men's vitamins. In addition, women need more of those compounds that are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and nails. However, they are unlikely to need many substances responsible for the functioning of the muscular system.

Currently, there are several types of vitamins on the pharmaceutical market: monovitamins, complex and complex vitamins. The best complex vitamin preparations consist of almost all known elements, but you should not take them just to replenish your vitamin reserves. They are taken only when vitamins are not absorbed well enough from food. There are several brands that produce complex vitamins. Among them there are complexes that do not contain vitamins A and D; they are recommended for people who do not suffer from vitamin A deficiency.

Complex complex vitamins

Complex complex vitamins combine several vitamins, most often group B. The thing is that individually these vitamins are less absorbed. Most often, they are also the basis of complex vitamins that are prescribed for chronic fatigue syndrome, high blood pressure and some chronic diseases. (Milgamma, Combilipen) are water-soluble, and therefore there is no hypervitaminosis when taking them. Experts recommend choosing vitamins that are suitable for a given patient.

How to determine which vitamins are right for you?

Vitamins and minerals interact with each other, and therefore should be taken separately with great caution. For example, vitamin B1 increases the degree of use of B2, but it can aggravate the lack of niacin, large doses of vitamin B12 can provoke a deficiency, and vitamin C, in turn, can destroy vitamin B12 in the body. In order to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, you need to learn how to maintain a balance of certain minerals and vitamins in your body.

Complex vitamins are prescribed individually

It is best to take complex vitamins; they are safer than monovitamins, although their price is slightly higher. Monovitamins (Triovit, Duovit) are prescribed to patients exclusively under the supervision of a nutritionist or attending physician, depending on the needs and individual characteristics of the body. For example, smokers are most often prescribed vitamin C, and those with a sweet tooth are prescribed vitamin B1; doses are prescribed depending on the individual characteristics of the body, taking into account weight, height, health, age, lack of vitamins and minerals, and financial situation.

The Best Multi Vitamins for Dieters

For those who often go on diets, you can use regular complex vitamins. The instructions for these drugs indicate that they should be taken by those who receive insufficient amounts of microelements and vitamins from food. This is exactly the condition that can be observed in those who often go on all kinds of diets. Special dietary vitamins are quite expensive, but they play almost the same role in the body as regular complex vitamins. Therefore, for those who often go on diets, doctors recommend the vitamin complex Complivit, Alphabet or Pikovit.

Complete vitamins for men

Men's vitamins (Ursul, Stalon) are most often used to increase male potential, are used for male infertility and help restore potency. In addition, vitamins for men tone the body and increase vitality, and are also an excellent prevention of prostate adenoma and prostatitis. Many men endure age-related problems: dysfunction of urination, loss of sexual function, decreased libido. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to prevent this trouble if you start taking complex medications on time.

Complex vitamins are an excellent way to improve the quality of life at any age. That is why today the pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of different complexes for adults and children.

If a man and a woman have mutually decided to become parents, then it would be right to take a responsible approach to pregnancy planning, because the health of both spouses determines how healthy the baby will be and how smoothly the period of gestation will proceed for the woman.

In this material we will tell you whether expectant fathers need to take any medications, including vitamins, before conceiving.

Why does a man need vitamins?

At the stage of conceiving a baby, two people participate in the process - a man and a woman. The success of the venture depends on the health of both. It is clear that a woman needs a larger supply of vitamins, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron and other substances to provide the child with everything necessary, because she will carry the baby for nine months.

However The role of the father in this cannot be underestimated. The quality of sperm determines not only how quickly one can conceive a child, but also what kind of health the heir will be endowed with. That is why reproductive specialists recommend taking seriously the issues of preparing for the upcoming conception.

A man's sperm is regularly exposed to negative effects. Its composition and properties are affected by nicotine, alcohol, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, medications, and the environment. Sick and weak sperm can theoretically fertilize an egg, but the result can be disastrous - a large child, genetic pathologies, chromosomal abnormalities.

To improve the health of their reproductive cells, representatives of the stronger sex need about 3 months. 90 days is the period for complete renewal of the sperm supply.

It is three months before the expected conception that it is recommended to begin preparation. It is best for a man to stop drinking alcohol and minimize the number of cigarettes he smokes if he cannot give up the bad habit completely.

Nutrition for both spouses should be done balanced, rich in proteins and vitamins. Moderate active physical activity, playing sports, jogging with your spouse, skiing, visiting a skating rink, and cycling are useful.

When asked whether men need vitamins, the answer is clear - they do. Properly selected multivitamin complexes will help improve sperm quality, sperm motility, and increase their ability to fertilize.

Representatives of the stronger sex should also start taking medications approximately six months before conception. The minimum period is 3 months. Vitamins for women and men during pregnancy planning are necessary, but it is not recommended for both husband and wife to take the same drug. They need different complexes.

The wife should accumulate a supply of vitamins for bearing the baby and create the most favorable conditions for the next nine months.

Her husband needs to achieve a different goal - to ensure healthy reproductive cells at the conception stage. After this, he can relax and not take any vitamins if it is a burden to him.

Healthy sperm, which were formed while taking vitamins for men, will carry normal genetic material, devoid of mutations. The mobility of germ cells will allow spouses to become pregnant as soon as possible - already in the first or second cycle after the start of trying.

Vitamins will have a beneficial effect on the entire state of men's health - the future dad will feel more alert, healthy, vitamins help regulate the production of sex hormones, which ensure normal libido and cannot but have a positive effect on the quality of sperm.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

Vitamins for future dads

The following vitamins and substances have a positive effect on the condition, composition of sperm and the level of male sex hormones.


Vitamin E (tocopherol) guards the integrity of cells, including male germ cells. They become stronger and more resilient. Spermatozoa under the influence of tocopherol acquire incredible vitality, they retain the ability to fertilize longer waiting for the release of an egg ready for intercourse.

Sex cells become more mobile. At the same time, the strength of cell membranes makes them less susceptible to any negative influences from the outside. The daily need for tocopherol is 100-400 IU per day.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is needed not only during periods of influenza or ARVI, it is necessary for the normal amount of testosterone, the male sex hormone, to be synthesized in a man’s body.

If there is not enough of it, testosterone levels remain unoptimized. Stable testosterone production is important for the formation of new germ cells. The daily requirement for ascorbic acid for men is 60 to 80 mg per day.

Vitamin D

This vitamin, in sufficient quantities, ensures the process during which the body absorbs more calcium from food. The mineral is important for men who lead an active life, engage in sports and heavy physical labor. It affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but also on the amount of the male sex hormone testosterone.

If there is not enough vitamin D, there will be less calcium, and testosterone production can significantly decrease. This will affect both sexual desire, which will begin to decrease, and the quality of sperm, which will become “lazy” and inactive.

With a lack of vitamin D, the mechanisms that maintain the influence of the female hormone estrogen on the male body will begin to weaken, as a result of which the man will begin to gain weight and his sexual functions will begin to suffer. The daily requirement for vitamin D for men is 400 IU per day.


This substance takes an active part in regulating hormonal levels in the male body. The amount of sex hormones and the quality and quantity of sperm capable of healthy conception directly depend on the degree of zinc sufficiency in the body.


This substance is necessary for a man to experience sexual desire. This is especially true for representatives of the stronger sex after 40 years.

If the age of the future dad has exceeded 36, you should make sure that the vitamins you take when planning a pregnancy include selenium.

Folic acid

The importance of this B vitamin for expectant mothers is beyond doubt - it helps in the proper formation of organs and systems of the embryo. For future dads, folic acid is no less important because it promotes the formation of sperm of the correct shape with healthy genetic content.

The vitamin also affects the mobility of male germ cells. A man's daily requirement for folic acid is 400 mcg.

It is advisable that all of the listed substances be included in vitamins for men at the stage of pregnancy planning. But if this is not possible for a number of reasons, care should be taken to ensure that the man has the opportunity to drink folic acid, since it is this B vitamin that has the main function in maintaining the reproductive system of the male and female organisms.

List of drugs for expectant fathers

We've compiled a list of the best multivitamins for expectant dads. In order not to measure the required amount of individual vitamins every day, a man can simply purchase and start taking one of the following medications.

"Duovit for men"

The drug is available in the form of red and blue tablets. Red tablets contain essential vitamins necessary for the male body, and blue tablets contain essential minerals, macroelements and chemical elements (calcium, zinc, etc.). In total it contains 11 vitamins and 7 elements.

In the morning, after breakfast, a man can take a red pill, and in the evening, after dinner, a blue pill. The course lasts 21 days, after which you need to take a week's break and repeat the course.

"Alphabet for men"

This drug contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, and it also contains Siberian ginseng, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the stronger sex. The daily dose is three tablets of different colors.

One contains only vitamins, the other contains minerals and vitamin D, the third contains herbal auxiliary components and additives. This improves the absorption of each group of substances. The dosage of the components corresponds to the daily requirement for each substance.

"Viardot" or "Viardot Forte"

These drugs are not considered vitamin complexes; they are classified as biologically active additives (dietary supplements). Both products are available in capsules, but Viardot Forte is more convenient to take, because one capsule of the drug replaces three capsules of the usual Viardot.

The drug with the prefix “Forte” in the name is taken with meals, 1 capsule up to four times a day. The usual drug "Viardot" is taken 3 capsules with the same frequency. The course is 3-4 weeks, after a short break the intake can be resumed.


The complex contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. Each tablet contains the daily volume of all substances necessary for representatives of the stronger sex. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins only once a day, after meals, with a small amount of water.


This is a dietary supplement to stimulate fertility in both men and women. The tool was originally created and developed to improve the quality of sperm of representatives of the stronger sex. The male version of the drug contains all the necessary substances, including folic acid, selenium and zinc.


Nutritional supplements help strengthen the body, improve mood and serve as excellent prevention for many diseases. Due to the structural features of the body, mineral complexes must be selected according to gender. For example, it is better for the fair half of humanity to take folic acid, magnesium, retinol and tocopherol, and for the stronger sex to pay attention to selenium, zinc, and B vitamins. The rating of the best mineral supplements and consumer reviews will help you choose the right vitamins for men.

Useful vitamins for men

The stronger sex needs drugs that improve metabolism, prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, promote conception and the production of healthy sperm. To meet all these requirements, you must take:

  • Vitamin C or ascorbic acid helps resist stress and kills cravings for alcohol and tobacco. The daily dose can be replenished from fresh herbs, red peppers, Brussels sprouts, sour fruits, and beef liver.
  • Tocopherol or vitamin E - slows down the aging process, removes harmful cholesterol, improves the functioning of the sex glands. High content in vegetable oils, walnuts, dried apricots, peas, beans.
  • Biotin – strengthens hair and nails, improves skin condition, regulates carbohydrate-fat metabolism. It can be found in the following natural products: corn, oatmeal, sour cream.
  • Lipoic acid is needed for normal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland. A universal antioxidant can be found in cabbage, rice, and spinach.
  • Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) – promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. To make up for the deficiency, eat: sour cream, salmon meat, liver, egg yolks.
  • Aka retinol or beta-carotene. Good for vision, activates the production of the male hormone testosterone, improves potency and sperm quality. In addition, it strengthens local immunity and prevents inflammation of the respiratory and urinary tract. The lack of vitamins can be replenished from cod liver, halibut, pork, butter and eggs.
  • B1, thiamine – normalizes metabolic rate. It is found in abundance in fresh vegetables, nuts, and cereals.
  • B2 or riboflavin - saturates tissues and cells with oxygen. You need to eat low-fat cottage cheese, veal, dates.
  • B6 – pyridoxine. Ensures normal functioning of the brain. Contained in pine nuts, mackerel and garlic.
  • B12 or cyanocobalamin is needed for protein and hemoglobin synthesis. It can be found in offal.
  • Vitamins B9 or folic acid are needed for the synthesis of DNA/RNA molecules. Sources of vitamins are black bread, liver, meat, eggs, milk.

Vitamin complexes for men

Experts have learned to combine different groups of beneficial substances so that they help fight certain problems. Some of the vitamins for men will help get rid of fatigue, relieve stress, and muscle strain from prolonged physical activity. Others will be useful when planning to conceive a child, for the prevention of cardiovascular problems or chronic diseases of the urinary system.

Antistress vitamins

Loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness - all these are consequences of constant stress and excessive mental activity. Special multivitamins for men – anti-stress – will help get rid of such symptoms:

  • Neuromultivit tablets are a complex preparation containing thiamine, pyrodoxine and cyanocobalamin. Effective for nervous disorders, but has a lot of side effects.
  • Vitrum Superstress is a tonic. Helps strengthen the nervous system, is well tolerated by patients and has a minimum of contraindications.

Vitamins with zinc

Doctors include nutritional supplements with zinc on a separate list. Such drugs are often prescribed for zinc deficiency, planning pregnancy, to improve sperm quality, and normalize potency. Contains zinc:

  • Duovit is a combination drug with a high zinc content. Eliminates the lack of nutrients, macro and microelements. Allowed for diabetes and obesity, there are no contraindications.
  • Complivit selenium is a useful food supplement. It has a positive effect on the sex glands, nervous and muscle tissue. To avoid an overdose of vitamins, consult a doctor before use.

Vitamins with iron

  • Velmen - gelatin capsules. Support reproductive function and help strengthen the immune system. However, when using the drug, allergic reactions may occur.
  • Oligovit - tablets for the treatment and prevention of metabolic disorders that arise from an unbalanced diet. The downside of the drug is many contraindications.

On every day

To maintain the body's ability to resist infections and strengthen the immune system during the transition period winter-spring or summer-autumn, doctors advise taking supplements with immunostimulating properties:

  • Alphabet Classic is an effective remedy for maintaining immunity. Suitable for regular use by everyone except those patients who suffer from hyperthyroidism.
  • Multi-Tabs Plus is a combination product with a wide spectrum of action. It has no contraindications or side effects and is available from the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

For men who smoke

Scientists have found that nicotine, tar and toxic substances lead to vitamin deficiency. They steal oxygen from cells and interfere with the functioning of the lungs, bronchi and other organs. Since these substances constantly enter the body when smoking, you need to take medications with antioxidants and amino acids:

  • Selmevit Intensive is a strong antioxidant with minerals. It has no contraindications, but may contribute to the development of allergies.
  • Farmamed Man's formula is a natural complex that contains active components such as minerals, carotenes and flavonoids. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, protects the lungs and bronchi from tobacco smoke.

Multivitamins for men

It is often difficult to replenish the supply of essential nutrients through food alone, so special mineral complexes have been developed for these purposes. They are divided into two groups: medications and dietary supplements. The whole difference between them lies in the method of obtaining macro-microelements. The first are synthetic analogues of natural components. Active additives are obtained from plant or animal raw materials. The rating of vitamins for men will help you make the right choice.


A complex of vitamins for men, which was developed taking into account the body’s daily needs for the most important macro- and microelements. Tablets are prescribed for increased physical or mental stress, during complex treatment with antibiotics, and during the recovery period after infectious viral diseases. The manufacturer claims that Complivit does not contain excessive doses, but doctors do not recommend taking the drug with other multivitamin complexes to avoid overdose.


The German company Queisser Pharma offers men to replenish their nutrient reserves with the help of a plant-based phytocomplex. Depending on the goals, the consumer can choose:

  • Doppelhertz Active is a phytocomplex for the prostate gland. It helps eliminate problems with urination and normalizes metabolic processes in the prostate gland. The big advantage is that the phytocomplex contains simple instructions and understandable dosages.
  • Doppelhertz VIP SpermActive is a biologically active food supplement. Stimulates sexual function, increases potency, acuity of sensations during sexual intercourse, affects the level of testosterone in the blood. However, the drug is not recommended for use in cases of increased nervous excitability, insomnia, and hypertension.


This manufacturer invites customers to try the Prostate Forme Mens formula. The capsules normalize the function of the genitourinary organs and help maintain the prostate gland. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis, adenoma, and functional disorders of the genitourinary system. Tablets are contraindicated in chronic renal failure.

Centrum for men

Vitamins for men's health Centrum Men are prescribed for treatment, with an unbalanced diet and during the recovery period after long-term treatment with antibiotics. The drug contains 11 minerals necessary for the body and 14 vitamins for men. Centrum tablets have a minimum of contraindications, but sometimes unwanted side reactions occur when taken.

Vitamins with ginseng for men

Recent studies have shown that men's vitamins with ginseng extract stimulate the activity of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland and help remove ethyl alcohol from the body. Siberian ginseng is a natural product. Prevents the effects of stress, improves immunity. There are no adverse reactions when taking multivitamins. The tablets have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Which vitamins to choose for men

When choosing nutritional supplements, you should focus not on the price of the drug, but on its properties, the desired effect and the age of the patient. At different stages of life, men need to compensate for the deficiency of different nutrients. For example, simple multivitamin complexes for daily use are suitable for young guys, men over 50 can try pills to increase erection, and older patients can try supplements to protect blood vessels.

After 40

For middle-aged men, components are needed that inhibit the aging process of the body and serve as the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease. These are the following useful substances:

  • A – improve sperm production.
  • E – supports potency.
  • C – strengthens the immune system.
  • N – is responsible for the preservation of hair, healthy skin and nails.
  • B12 and B6 – ensure protein synthesis and absorption.
  • Folic acid – is involved in the production of sex hormones.

After 30 years

Young men especially need substances that take part in maintaining the muscle corset, the formation of high-quality sperm, and the production of testosterone. B vitamins do an excellent job of all these tasks. In addition, if a man periodically drinks alcohol or smokes, then to maintain the functioning of the liver and lungs he needs lipoic acid, complexes with magnesium, Omega 6 and Omega 3 acids.

After 50 years

Men over 55 years of age need substances that can prevent or slow down the development of osteoporosis, strengthen nails, and protect the skin from exposure to sunlight. Calcium and cholecalciferol cope with these tasks. In addition, as we age, the body's ability to obtain B12 from food decreases, so this supplement comes in second place as needed. The supplement can prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases, reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's and mental disorders.

After 60 years

Older men need antioxidants - E, C and A. They reduce the rate of skin aging, act as a preventative against chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction and support sexual function. If by this time your liver function has suffered, a vitamin-mineral complex for men with magnesium and lipoic acid supplements will help.

Vitamins for men during physical activity

Mineral complexes for athletes have different effects. You should choose medications based on what goals you are pursuing in sports. For example:

  • Opti-men Optimum Nutrition – helps get rid of subcutaneous fat and build muscle mass;
  • Adam – activates testosterone synthesis, helping to recover after training;
  • VitaForm – recommended by doctors for intense physical activity.

Vitamins for potency

Fat-soluble vitamins A and E are the best choice for those who want to improve sexual function, enhance erection and duration of sexual intercourse. Ideally, such a complex of useful dietary supplements for men would include additional vitamins F or C, which prevent diseases of the genital area and increase the body’s protective functions. Minerals will also be useful for potency: zinc, selenium, copper.

Price for vitamins for men

You can purchase the drugs at any pharmacy, specialized sports nutrition store, or order them at an affordable price via the Internet. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the production date and shelf life of the drug. The approximate cost of the above nutritional supplements in Moscow or St. Petersburg is indicated in the table.