Withdrawing money from my lands. My Lands - is it really possible to make money? How to earn real money in the game My Lands. What does an employer's profit consist of?

  • Starting the game in My Lands
  • Earning money from farming ruins
  • Survival Servers

My Lands is one of the first online games, where you can make money using your computer. The difference between it and similar games is that you can earn money here quite legally, without breaking the rules. But in order to play it, you need to subscribe, which costs $6.5 per month. Thus, in order to try to make money in My Lands, you need to deposit your own money. And for normal earnings it will take more than one month.

Starting the game in My Lands

The point of making money in the game is this: first you need to build a city, then constantly develop it, hire troops, and so on. Then you can plunder the ruins with your army, where the Black Pearl is located - the currency of My Lands. 1 Black Pearl is equal to 1 cent. You need to make money on such pearls.

But before you start playing, after registration you need to select the appropriate race:

  1. Demons. From the name of the race it is clear that these are ominous creatures that live in dark forests and volcanoes. Each race has its own advantage. So, demons are excellent at mining stone in the game.
  2. Elves. As expected, they are quite peaceful, and live near bodies of water in light forests. Wood is the best source of wood in My Lands.
  3. Dark Elves. These are the exiled elves who for a long time lived in caves. Then they evolved, and dark forces came to their service. They have a fairly powerful race that is excellent at mining wood and iron.
  4. Knights. These are representatives of the human race who are the best at mining gold and grains. In addition, only they are able to build large warehouses to store their property.

When choosing a race, you can take into account many criteria. Some advise choosing knights, because they are the best at collecting gold, others, dark elves, since they have a powerful race. But in fact, the most sought-after resource in My Lands is stone, and demons are the best at getting it. These are the ones you need to choose.

Earning money from farming ruins

As already mentioned, you can make money in My Lands by looting ruins. In one such ruin you can find at least 1 Black Pearl (zh). But ruins can be of different levels: from 1 to 7. And this means more pearls in them. So, if on the first level you can find up to 5 pearls in a ruin, then on the sixth level - up to 100. Such ruins are worth fighting for with the enemy army.

The player can go through 5 levels of development. Depending on the level of development, certain ruins can be demolished. So, at the first level of development there is only the first level of ruins, and at the fifth level there are ruins of levels 5 and 6. If you complete the necessary task, then a player of any level may lose the restriction on ruins, and he can demolish them all for 10-12 hours. In this case, it becomes possible to collect a large number of pearls that change into dollars.

Earnings at the My Lands auction

For those who don’t know whether it’s possible to make money in My Lands, there is another way to earn money - auctions. You can use them to buy black pearls for in-game gold. The price for lots is from 0.1 to 1.5 dollars. Thus, there are more bids on expensive lots. Gold can be mined in the mountains, sold as resources for it, or found in ruins. But you shouldn’t rush to exchange all your gold for pearls, since maintaining an army requires money every day.

Making money on salt lakes in My Lands

One server can host from 30 to 33 lakes at the same time. We must try to capture maximum amount lakes to make the most of them. But this requires a powerful army to protect them from other players. You can do this yourself, or with the help of your allies. The latter can be given some payment for their help in protecting the lakes.

Survival Servers

Only experienced players in combat can play My Lands on such servers. In order to get to the server, you need to complete a quest. Of course, not many manage to do this, because only the best play there. Without a lot of experience you simply cannot survive there. Accordingly, you can earn much more there. The biggest prize is about 10 thousand dollars.

Differences between a survival server and a regular one:

  1. Here you can completely destroy any player who will then only watch the game.
  2. Strategy and clear coordination of players are of great importance here. There must be a main player and his deputy.
  3. There is a super ruin on the My Lands survival server, by destroying which you can additionally earn over a thousand dollars.
  4. Survival time here is limited to 4 months. After this period, the winning players share all the winnings among themselves. Quite often one player receives about a thousand dollars.

It turns out that if you like this game and you feel great progress, then you should try to get onto the survival server. After all, these are not only qualitatively different fights with equal opponents, but also an opportunity to hit a big money jackpot.

Earnings in My Lands

Illegal earnings in My Lands

Is it possible to make money in My Lands?

These are all the ways to make money in the multiplayer game My Lands and they are all real. But to speed up your development, you need to spend 20-30 dollars. If you do everything right, you can fight them off in a couple of months. Experienced players who make money on My Lands say that by playing on three servers for about three hours a day, you can earn 20-25 thousand rubles a month. If you have more time, then you will earn more. The main thing to remember here is that it takes months to upgrade your account.

First steps to make money in My Lands

Hello. Today everyone received a letter from the Administration with the following content.

Withdrawal information

Dear players!
Withdrawing money from the game is closed forever due to the tightening requirements of European regulators for banks and the transfer of these requirements to bank clients. All subscriptions are converted to premium. As compensation, all players were given a 20% bonus to their Black Life balances on the portal and on those servers where they purchased a subscription.


And you know, I'm not at all surprised. I have already made assumptions about this in the article. .

I don’t see any point in analyzing the closure of the output - it’s better to re-read the article and the comments to it.

I would like to dwell more on what we have already received now.


A bonus of 20% is, let’s say, better than nothing. Usually admins in such cases simply shrugged their shoulders. This didn’t affect me at all: the server had about 1000 zh, but it became 1200 zh.

But for those who saved up for art, etc., they got a very good bonus.

Player: “I got 5000+ ZH bonus. About 500 more ZH were donated to Fetos. As a result, it was approximately 5600.”

Somehow it turned out one-sided. But I think they won’t add anything.


Now it can be ordered not for 7 days, like any service from the chest. It’s only monthly, and there’s almost no discount compared to a subscription - it essentially costs almost the same for six months as the subscription cost. Savings of about 200 zh. If you want it, you take it, if you want it, you don’t. This is a plus and is especially good when starting a new server - less costs.

Transfer of foreign currency between servers

This item has been removed completely. I don’t know if it’s temporary or not, but I think something will be fixed, since under these conditions you can transfer money between servers even without a Subscription (which simply doesn’t exist) or Premium.

True, you still won’t be able to register on the new server and withdraw the basic 50 zh, since 50 zh is the minimum balance.

True, if you have previously played on the server for a long time, and not just like me, created an account purely for the sake of a test, then they say that you can withdraw to zero.

Why do I like it? You can use other servers to get a top account on one server without donating. Since some of the esquire-marshals who sat for the sake of withdrawal and cleaned up small change will leave, their place will be taken by other cleaners who download accounts on other servers. In my opinion, this solves the issue with small ruins and brings back the once popular trend of sharing cleaners between different servers.

What's not to like? Judging by the fact that they introduced this update and closed the output, a new server will most likely open. I don’t know how much money has accumulated in people’s accounts, but perhaps it will all flow onto the new server. And I don’t know how this will affect the server itself - that’s what’s scary. Maybe even positively, since more people will come, more people will live more densely, there will be more fights, leaks, squeezes, etc.

The article was written in hot pursuit. If something new becomes known, I will try to add it.

Or, according to established tradition, I invite you to do this in the comments...

Video. Opinion from ProFessor.

Best regards, Sanya (PerAl1)

The most obvious and in an effective way how to make money in My Lands is the official withdrawal of game currency. All found black pearls can be exchanged at the rate of 100 zh=1$. Already starting from the first rank, that is, a few days after registration, the player can go to plunder ruins. Each ruin brings from 1 to 5 black pearls. As the player's rating increases, he will find ruins with more monsters, but also more zombies. A level 6 ruin, for example, contains up to 100 pearls. There are also level 7 ruins, they are called “arch-ruins” because they have a colossal number of monsters, but there are also a lot of monsters - up to 100,000 black pearls.

Method one - withdrawal of funds from the My Lands portal

How to find ruins? Even before studying the science of "Cartography", the location of the ruins can be discovered by players of higher ranks. For them, this has its own benefit: clusters of small ruins prevent the appearance of 5-6 star ruins, and they cannot be attacked. After studying Cartography, the player must begin building research buildings. If plundering ruins is supposed to be the main income, then many buildings will be required, each with several researchers.

In addition to the ruins, explorers can find a special outer domain - a salt lake. It gives black pearls constantly. If you don’t let your competitors take it away, then you don’t have to worry about how to make money in My Lands; such a lake gives its owner up to 500 zh daily. But even without going to ruins and salt lakes, it is possible to get black pearls. It is enough to rob your neighbors and use the proceeds to buy zhzh at auction. Trading takes place around the clock; prices are usually slightly lower at night.

After accumulating a sufficient amount, the player is faced with a problem in My Lands: how to withdraw money. This is only available to players with a subscription. This can be done on the My Lands portal. The amount to be transferred to a Webmoney dollar wallet must be at least 2000 zh, that is, $20. The exchange fee is 5%.

Method two - trading game advantages

In addition to the official withdrawal, there are other ways in My Lands to make money. First of all, you can sell information about external possessions: a salt lake, a level 5 mine with a long lifespan that can be used as a clan warehouse, arch-ruins. If for the first you can get up to $5, then for the coordinates of arch-ruins you traditionally pay half of the expected production, that is, up to 50,000 zh, which at the exchange rate is $500.

Fixed fights are paid. Players agree on a battle with a known result: how many of whose troops will be killed. This increase in the winner's rating can bring a number of gaming benefits. The average price is $0.6 per 1 million faction rating. Many high-level players are faced with the fact that the army is larger than it should be, and it needs to be fed. Destroying an extra army and getting real money for it is a great way out. For those who are tired of the My Lands game, how to make money is not a problem; you can sell the entire account. The cost depends on the level of the hero, artifacts and proportions of troops.

Thus, when playing My Lands, how much you can earn depends entirely on the player himself. If he is willing to spend a little time in the game, he can earn no more than $50 per month. Advanced players with good online They withdraw up to $300 regularly, not counting victories over arch-ruins.

Registration in the game My Lands

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Yes, everyone enjoys the game My Lands. In it you can build cities and mine useful resources, create armies and rob neighbors, form alliances with other players and much more.

But the main feature of the game "My Lands: Black Gem Hunting", which made it popular, is that you can earn real, not just virtual money. In other words, you can quite seriously convert the currency mined in the game into real money! And especially lucky players who are lucky enough to find the Arch-Ruins have a chance to earn up to 100 thousand ZH in one battle, which is 1000 dollars!

Beginning players have questions like the following:

  • Is it possible to make money in My Lands?
  • How to make money in My Lands?
  • How much can you earn in My Lands?

This article is devoted to the answers to these questions.

So, I will answer the first question right away - YES, you CAN make money, and this is not a deception of the developers. Let me briefly explain what the principle is. In any economic game there are resources. These are well-known stones, iron, gold, etc. In My Lands, players mine them to develop their kingdom. But, in addition to traditional resources, there are also Black Pearls. Which is nothing more than a CONVERTABLE game currency, which can quite realistically be withdrawn to a WebMoney wallet, and many have already done this.

Black pearls cannot be looted from other players and, accordingly, they cannot be looted from you, although they can be exchanged for gold mined in the game. At the start of the game you are given 50 ZH for free. However, in order to be able to withdraw money, the player first needs to purchase a subscription for 650 CZH or 6.5 $. After registration, you have 10 days during which you need to decide whether you will play with the possibility of withdrawing money or for your own pleasure.

I will say for sure that in the first 10 days it is almost impossible to earn 650 ZH necessary to extend the promotional period, or at least very difficult. In general, if in the first 10 days of the game you fail to get 650 ZH in the game (and you will not succeed with a 99% probability), then you buy a subscription for real money, or refuse a paid subscription and play for fun without the possibility of withdrawal funds. These are the things, but what next?

The beginner thinks - well, it’s long and difficult, the profit won’t come soon, if at all, but you have to pay now. There are many such skeptics, because most online games, to be honest, are created purely to milk money from players. Yes it is. Therefore, when they learn about a game in which you can extract money from the developers, people don’t really believe it. Many people immediately snort contemptuously and don’t even bother to check whether this is so. Others still decide to check.

And then it turns out that not many people make money here, but only those who have the patience and perseverance. How much can you earn in My Lands? And the main thing is HOW to do it. Read more about this.

First, let's explain that 100 Black Pearls are equal to one dollar. The minimum amount of ChZh that we are allowed to withdraw is 5000 ChZh, which is equal to $50 minus 5% commission.

Where can I get Black Pearls? There are at least four sources of it in My Lands.

The ruins are infested with monsters and filled with valuable resources

On the map of the kingdoms, in addition to the players’ cities, there are all kinds of Ruins, which are divided into levels from the first to the sixth. The higher the level of the Ruins, the more tasty things there are, but also the stronger the defense. There are also Arch-ruins of the Seventh level, which randomly appear once a month, but more on them later.

So, in these very Ruins, in addition to ordinary resources you can also get Black Pearls.. With the calculation that in the Ruins of the First Level there can be up to five Black Pearls. The second level is up to 10 ZH. The third level is up to 15 CH, the Fourth is up to 20 CH, the Fifth is up to 25 CH, the Sixth is up to 100 CH. And the Seventh level - up to 100,000 CZH or translated into money - $1000.

In order to attack the Ruins, you first need to spy on them, find out what is sitting there, then create a mission, select troops for the mission and send them. If you did not send troops too far, then the mission can take an average of half an hour, during which it is advisable for you to ensure that other players do not create side missions, as they say, to catch up.

You can loot up to thirty Ruins per day. On average, this will bring about 100 ZH. But to loot so many Ruins every day, you need to stay in the game for 12 hours a day. In addition, you will most likely spend the pearls you earn on purchasing all kinds of bonuses, so this type of income can be classified more as pocket expenses. Let's move on.


The auction is a place where you can buy Black Pearls for in-game gold. Taking into account the limit, you can withdraw about ten million gold from the Ruins. Your army will require about five million in wages. On average, if we consider that one Black Pearl costs about a million gold, then we will purchase another fifty pieces of Black Pearl.

Salt Lake - filled to capacity with Black Pearls

Having captured this place, the player receives a constant source of black iron in the amount of twenty pieces per hour. The number of lakes that a player can capture is five, which equals 100 pearls per hour. That is, this is 2400 CHF EVERY DAY. Impressive? Still would! BUT!

Even if you are among the top players, you are unlikely to hold more than one lake. There's a lot of competition. On average, a player receives 7200 ZH or 72 USD per month for owning one lake, which, you see, is not bad. But others will also covet such a lake, so to hold it, you will need either a very large army or a very influential clan.

Having captured Salt Lake, you should thoroughly fortify it, build defensive structures and leave a solid garrison inside in order to deprive other players of the motivation to encroach on your possession. Of course, the more profitable the lake, the more it is advisable to invest in its defense.


Now we have reached the richest source of black iron. Once a month, a so-called Arch-Ruin appears in the empire, full of monsters and pearls. In this Arch-Ruin there can be from 25 to 100 THOUSAND Black Pearls.

And it seems great to get $1000 right away, BUT!

Firstly, this Ruin can appear anywhere and anytime. Secondly, this happens no more than once a month, Thirdly, this Ruin already has a very large number of monsters, and sometimes it happens with a Hero, who will not be easy to take out, In addition, the ruins of the seventh level are hunted by hundreds of players, so the likelihood that luck will smile on you, although there is, is very small.

Bottom line

We looked at all the ways to get Black Pearls. So, is it possible to make money in My Lands? This is not even a question. The question is different - is the game worth the candle? But only you can answer this yourself. After all, in the end, how much you will earn in My Lands depends only on your efforts, intelligence, and, of course, luck (where would we be without it? This is a game, after all).

As they say, the one who walks can master the road. So the main thing in this matter is to start. Wealth and high profits to you!

There are a lot of options for making money on the Internet, some of them can become an exciting hobby, for example, making money on online games.

There are many games on the network, developing in which you can exchange game currency for real money, without using affiliate programs and without searching for buyers yourself.

My Lands is the most popular project on which absolutely everyone can make money. Of course, getting solid money will not be easy and first you will need to spend a lot of time on development, but after that you will open a stable source of income.

A fun game to make money?

To get money in the game My Lands you will need to collect “Black Pearls” is a special currency, only it can be withdrawn for real money. After registering in the game, you will be given a test period, after using which you will need to decide in which mode you will continue to play.

There are two options available, free or subscription mode. In the free mode, you cannot withdraw money; when you subscribe, you will be able to withdraw money. Naturally, the subscription is paid, and in addition to the fact that you can withdraw money, you will be provided with a premium account:

You can buy a subscription for a year for 4188 black pearls. You can purchase this currency through the interface of the gaming website:

In one year of playing, spending at least a couple of hours a day, you can achieve high level and receive stable payments. You can order payments at any time at Webmoney wallet after you collect at least 2000 black pearls.

Before you start earning money on My Lands, play in free mode to understand all the intricacies of the game. After you gain experience, register again and pay for the subscription. This way you will be able to develop much faster without losing your money.