What to do if your child has urinary incontinence. Treatment of enuresis in children with folk remedies. Video: How to save a child from bedwetting

Welcome to the site "My Child" today we will talk about a very relevant topic: "How to treat enuresis in children?"

Quite often, parents are faced with a problem when their child pees at night, and of course they ask questions: What to do? How is bedwetting in children treated?

In this article I will try to explain to you in more detail why the child pees at night and what needs to be done to help him.

Let me first tell you what is enuresis?

Enuresis is urinary incontinence in children over 4 years old, namely between the ages of 4 and 7, and mainly boys suffer from this problem.

Many parents do not pay attention to this problem and make a huge mistake! Of course, you cannot scold a child for this, but explaining to him that this problem needs to be solved and that you are ready to help is simply necessary! The kid does not understand why he wakes up wet, first he has fear, then shame, but if this problem is not solved, this can all lead to serious psychological problems.

Until what age is urinary incontinence considered normal?

The process of urinating is quite complicated. As the child develops, he begins to control the mechanism of urine flow and the emptying of the bladder. Already at the age of 1.5, the baby feels how his bladder begins to fill, and at the age of 3 to 5 years, the child already regulates urination. I will not go deeper, I will only say that the presence of enuresis in children can be considered when they reach 4 - 5 years old, up to this age, urinary incontinence is considered the norm.

Types of enuresis

Usually a distinction is made between day and night enuresis. Daytime bedwetting is very rare, and the problem is usually a wet bed at night. Also distinguish between primary and secondary enuresis. Primary manifests itself at night when the child is asleep and does not wake up with a full bladder. Secondary occurs with congenital or acquired diseases, and manifests itself both during the day and at night.

Causes of bedwetting in children

In fact, there are very, very many reasons. This can be a change in the brain, a violation of the sleep and wakefulness regime, improper upbringing (in the form of excessive severity or, on the contrary, excess freedom), family conflicts.

1. Hereditary enuresis. If the parents (close relatives) of the child suffered from enuresis, then the likelihood of occurrence increases 5-6 times.

2. Disease of the genitourinary system. It can be inflammation of the urinary tract, insufficient bladder capacity for the child's age (slow development). Problems with the genitourinary system can be both congenital and acquired. If your child begins to complain of pain when urinating, see a doctor immediately.

3. Slow physical development. Children lag behind their peers in height and weight, and their development of the central nervous system is delayed, respectively, control over urination in a child is poorly developed. Such children are very excitable, quickly overworked, and increased tearfulness is manifested. Urinary incontinence in such children can provoke a common cold, so these children should be protected from stress and tempered from early childhood.

4. Dysfunction of spinal cord segments. The treatment at the moment should be dealt with by a nephrologist, urologist, neurosurgeon.

5. The use of diapers. Experts say that with the constant use of diapers in a child, the formation of a conditioned reflex is delayed, therefore it is better if the child is less likely to be in them (going to the store, visiting, to the clinic). It is necessary to start potty training.

6. Neuroso-like enuresis... It occurs during an emotional breakdown (fear, adaptation to kindergarten, parental quarrel, etc.). It can occur in an absolutely healthy child.

7. Parents pay little attention a child, treat him with indifference or, on the contrary, are given excessive harshness, punishing him. With the first, everything is clear, but with the second I will explain. For example, a mother is too strict about her child, about his cleanliness, the child constantly receives mentally and physically. The result he spitefully pees on the bed to anger (revenge) his mother. Also, children who live in a boarding school (orphanage) suffer urinary incontinence much longer than those who live at home with their parents.

Well, in order to calm you down, enuresis in children is mainly manifested due to the immature nervous system and the bladder, but the problem remains and it still needs to be solved!

So how can you help your child? How is bedwetting in children treated?

1. It is necessary to follow the daily routine of the child. The child should go to bed and wake up at about the same time. 2 hours before bedtime, we exclude games, watching cartoons. It's good if you take a walk with your child before bed.

2. Never scold or punish a child for describing the bed. If a child is punished, he develops fear and this only worsens the situation.

3. A child's life should not be different from other children. What does it mean? You should not give up traveling with your child or visiting. The change in environment makes the child less likely to wake up wet than at home.

4. Limit your child's fluid intake before bed. Be sure to remind your child to go to the toilet before bed. In the room where the child sleeps, it is necessary that there is a night light, since some children are afraid of the dark and fear prevents them from getting up and going to the toilet.

5. You can wake up the child to go to the toilet, but you should know about what time it is best to do it. For convenience, today there are bedwetting alarm clocks that are attached to underwear and sound an alarm when wet.

6. If the child is already big 6 - 8 years old, offer him to take a shower in the morning and make the bed. Important!!! Do not scold the child, talk to him calmly, then the child will feel support from you. As practice shows, it is enough to change the attitude towards the child and he gets rid of this problem.

Treatment of bedwetting in children with medicines

Only a doctor decides on the treatment of enuresis with drugs, so consult a doctor first! After the examination, the doctor prescribes drugs, as a result of which the child's urine volume decreases to the volume that the bladder can hold until morning.

Nasal drops Adiuretin-SD - the volume of urine decreases to the volume that the bladder can hold until the morning.

In case of violation of the nervous regulation of the bladder, take DRIPTAN - It increases the volume of the bladder and reduces spasm, making spontaneous muscle contractions more rare and eliminating urinary incontinence.

With a reduced tone of the bladder, it is recommended to adhere to the forced urination regime every 2.5 - 3 hours during the day. It is important that your baby empties his bladder before bed. As a therapy, MINIRINand PRAZERIN, which increases the tone of smooth muscles.

To improve metabolic processes in the brain, as well as in neurosis-like states, such drugs are recommended as NOOTROPIL, PICAMILON, PERSEEN, NOVOPASSIT... In addition, courses of vitamin therapy are shown (B6, B12, B1, B2, A, E).

When should you see a doctor?

1. If the child wet the bed after 5 years.

2. He stopped writing and started writing again.

3. It is very difficult to restrain (control) the function of the bladder during the day.

Treatment of bedwetting in children with folk remedies

As for the treatment with folk remedies, here I will not tell you, since I believe that first you need to see a doctor, and only then start treatment. But if you would like to know about folk remedies, then type a request in Yandex or Google “ Treatment of bedwetting in children with folk remedies»And you will find thousands of sites that talk about these treatments.

Prevention of bedwetting in children

1. Timely rejection of diapers (by about 2 years).

2. Control of the drunk liquid during the day.

3. Teach your child hygiene, body care, including external genitalia.

4. If a urinary tract infection occurs, consult your doctor on time to begin treatment.

5. Protect your child from stressful situations and emotional overload.

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This will end this article. Health to you and your children!

Enuresis in children is a reason to visit a doctor. Urinary incontinence is common in toddlers and preschoolers. With proper treatment, following the recommendations, the problem gradually disappears by school age. If a schoolboy starts urinating often at night, parents have something to think about. With enuresis in older children, the help of not only a nephrologist, but also a psychologist, a pediatric neurologist is often required.

Parents use more than drug therapy. Alternative methods of treating enuresis with the exact selection of natural ingredients are also effective. An important condition is an integrated approach to solving the problem of urinary incontinence in children.

The causes of the disease

In most cases, nocturnal enuresis is caused by several factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • endocrine diseases: diabetes, thyroid dysfunction;
  • urogenital infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder. Most often, enuresis develops in diseases such as cystitis, vulvovaginitis in girls, balanoposthitis in boys, pyelonephritis, urethritis, nephroptosis, helminthic invasions;
  • improper structure of the organs of the genitourinary system. Anatomical abnormalities worsen or increase the outflow of urine, often provoke not only enuresis, but also difficulties with urination;
  • urinary incontinence often develops in children with mental disabilities;
  • violation of nervous regulation as a result of tumors, trauma, brain damage, with cerebral palsy;
  • being in a constant stressful situation. Often, nighttime urination appears in children with difficult family relationships, after the parents divorced, when they are transferred to another kindergarten / school, the birth of a brother or sister;
  • prolonged use of diapers, delaying the formation of the reflex to urinate.

Typical symptoms

Look for the following signs:

  • in children suffering from enuresis, deep sleep: it is difficult to wake them up at night. Even after landing on the potty, a small child does not wake up, does not pee, but urinates immediately after going to bed;
  • exhortations, attempts to shame, reproaches, punishments do not help: the child simply does not control urination. Kids are often not ashamed of problems, appeals to conscience, wet sheets do not touch them;
  • nocturnal episodes in most patients were noted one and a half to two hours after falling asleep. In severe cases of enuresis, babies can describe themselves 4-5 times a night.

Urinary incontinence is often observed in children who were registered with a neurologist at an early age. The cause of the pathology is hypoxia during intrauterine development, brain injury during childbirth. The problem arises when the central nervous system is not properly formed.


To clarify the diagnosis, contact your nephrologist and pediatric neurologist. Taking tests, talking with parents and little patients will help to understand the cause of the violations. A useful thing is a diary, where parents write down the frequency of urination at night. The treatment process often requires the participation of a psychologist.

Methods and rules of treatment

How is bedwetting in children treated? An integrated approach is required, an alliance of parents and doctors. Without the correct psychological attitude of children and adults, it is difficult to get rid of enuresis. Before using herbal teas, any folk recipes for urinary incontinence in children, consult a nephrologist and a neurologist, take into account the patient's age.

Parents do not always manage to keep calm with the daily sight of a wet bed, frequent washing of underwear, wet sheets. But screaming, rudeness, physical punishment only aggravate the problem, form complexes and feelings of guilt in the little patient.

Folk recipes for enuresis in children

Use proven means:

  • tea number 1 for urinary incontinence. Combine 20 g of thyme and yarrow each, add 1.5 liters of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Give infusion to children 3 times a day, 1 tsp. throughout the month;
  • tea No. 2. John's wort and centaury combine in equal amounts. Take 2 tbsp. l. collection, place in a thermos, add 1 liter of boiling water. The infusion is ready in 5-6 hours. The frequency is the same as in the previous composition;
  • tea No. 3. You will need lingonberries (leaves and berries) plus St. John's wort. Use all ingredients in a tablespoon. Pour the collection against enuresis in children with 1 liter of hot water, boil, after 10 minutes remove from the stove. After an hour, filter the broth. Give the child 50 ml of healing liquid 4-5 times a day;
  • thyme tea. You will need 15 dry raw materials plus a glass of hot water. Boil the composition over low heat until the volume is reduced by a third. Strain the tea, give the little patients a teaspoon three times a day. The duration of therapy is 45 days;
  • honey for enuresis. This method is suitable in the absence of allergic reactions to bee products. Give your child 1 tsp 15 minutes before bedtime. useful product. Reduce dosage gradually. Take breaks every 2 weeks between the course of treatment so that the daily use of honey does not cause allergic reactions;
  • soothing collection. If babies pee at night from the effects of stress, give a natural sedative throughout the day. Combine a teaspoon of lemon balm, mint, chamomile, steam in 500 ml of boiling water. The infusion for enuresis is ready in an hour. Every day, children should drink 100 ml of the composition 3 times. Regular intake of a sedative has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

Important! Discard untested recipes, strange methods that raise doubts about their effectiveness. Do not make children "bumps" on the bed, do not put rolls of a rolled towel or sheet under your back. Restless sleep on an uncomfortable bed will not save you from bedwetting, but it will worsen your well-being.

Traditional methods

  • physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, back massage;
  • therapy of major diseases, against the background of which urinary incontinence has occurred. If necessary, antibiotic therapy;
  • the drug Driptan, which strengthens the walls of the bladder. The drug lowers the activity of the parts of the spinal cord that are responsible for urination;
  • sedatives that have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system;
  • psychological help, self-hypnosis, elimination of hyperactivity syndrome.

When identifying a problem, pay more attention to the child, treat his needs and problems with understanding. Not only drug therapy, herbal medicine is important, but also psychological help, creating a pleasant microclimate in the family.

What if they appear on the child's body? We have an answer!

For details on the prevention of salmonellosis in children, read the page.

Find out at the address how to get rid of a cold in a one-year-old child.

What to do if a child suffers from infantile enuresis:

  • pick up a high-quality mattress, prepare a solid enough bed;
  • shortly before bedtime, read a fairy tale to your child, take care of calm affairs: do not allow overexcitation, noisy games;
  • it is important to tune in to sleep, to develop a certain ritual. Be sure to wish "Good night", together with the little ones, put your favorite dolls and animals to bed;
  • explain that it is important to urinate before bed to get a good rest, wake up dry;
  • think over the daily routine so that a lot of things don't pile up in the evening. Put the kids to bed at the same time;
  • son or daughter sleeping soundly, do not feel the urge to urinate? Doctors recommend gently turning the child over several times a night, trying not to wake up;
  • in the afternoon, do not give urinary incontinence children juicy fruits and vegetables. Grapes, watermelons, asparagus provoke frequent urination. Limit fluid intake, especially after 6 pm
  • provide adequate nutrition, sufficient amount of vitamins. Components that irritate mucous membranes, adversely affecting the health of the urinary system are prohibited: dyes, flavors, preservatives, spicy foods, extractives;
  • make sure that the children are not overcooled, less nervous.

A few more useful tips:

  • with a strong emotional, physical and nervous stress, reconsider the lesson plan, give up several sections in favor of one;
  • use the self-hypnosis method. If your child is so old that he can consciously repeat difficult thoughts, teach him special phrases. Words are something like this: “During sleep, the urine is tightly locked in my body. I always sleep until morning on a dry bed. When I want to urinate, I always wake up myself ”;
  • never pull down children, especially small ones, do not humiliate elders. You will not achieve anything with ridicule, physical punishment. The results of this "treatment" are deplorable - neglected enuresis, neuroses, low self-esteem. Children withdraw into themselves, avoid contacts with peers, are ashamed of their illness;
  • monitor the performance of specific exercises prescribed by your doctor. During classes, the child learns to restrain urination, interrupt and resume the process at regular intervals. Exercise is often helpful in treating bedwetting in children when strictly followed;
  • keep a special diary. Offer your son or daughter a small reward for each dry day / night. With a positive result, dry pants and a sheet, draw the sun in the diary, for a wet day a sad cloud with rain drops will appear. The more suns in a week, the higher the likelihood of a nice gift. For example, 3 or 5 days in a row the bed is dry - going to the zoo or buying a sweet treat;
  • remember: urinary incontinence is a disease, not whims or stubbornness, a desire to tease parents when they are offended, as many adults think.

When a son or daughter is diagnosed with enuresis, start treatment on time. Use all available methods: psychological help, traditional medicine recipes, in severe cases - age-appropriate drugs. Your persistence, desire to help the child, therapy under the supervision of specialists will gradually relieve the child of "wet" nights.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of enuresis in children:

Nighttime or daytime urinary incontinence is a common, unpleasant, and highly traumatic problem. The child's psyche can be significantly affected by such "surprises". The task of the parents is, without aggravating the situation, without scolding him for a wet bed, as soon as possible to help the baby cope with enuresis. Folk remedies, time-tested and by many generations of now adults, will come to the rescue.

Symptoms and signs

Nocturnal urinary incontinence can have many causes, both congenital and acquired. Underdevelopment of the bladder, overwork, hypothermia, infectious diseases, psychological and neurological problems. Not the least of the causes of bedwetting is the lack of normal nutrition.

Usually, the baby is written either closer to midnight, or in the morning. In the first case, the bladder relaxes unnecessarily when falling asleep, in the second, it is quite strong and does not expand to the full extent necessary as it fills, as a result, an uncontrolled release of fluid naturally occurs outside. Quite rarely, enuresis occurs during the daytime, in the afternoon nap.

Most often, children with enuresis sleep much more soundly than others. And usually they don't remember what happened at night in the morning. They can be woken up in the middle of the night, although this is quite problematic, put on a pot, but the result will be the same - the baby will not write until he is back in his bed.

When is it impossible to do with folk methods?

  • If the incontinence is caused by tumor processes and dysfunctions of the central nervous system.
  • If enuresis is a consequence of more serious causes associated with inflammation of the bladder, with renal ailments.
  • If the inability to control the bladder is hereditary.

The children's doctor in this program will talk about children's enuresis, as well as if the cause of "wet pants" is neurological in nature.

Effective folk remedies

  • A cotton swab on the back. Take a small piece of cotton wool, moisten it with warm water and slide the child along the spine several times from top to bottom (from the base of the neck to the tailbone). Then put on a dry T-shirt and send him to bed. Such an incredible and inexplicable, from the point of view of medicine, method works very well. In most children, enuresis disappears in the first 2-3 days. The method is effective for incontinence caused by nervous shocks and stress.

  • Dill seeds. Brew a tablespoon of dry dill seeds in a glass of boiling water. Insist for at least 2-3 hours, after which give the kids half a glass in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach, and children from 10 years old - a whole glass.

  • Lingonberry leaves and berries. Brew dry lingonberry leaves (about 50 g) in half a liter jar of boiling water. Then you should boil the liquid for 10-15 minutes. Insist, cool and strain. It is advisable to give a child such a drink in the morning on an empty stomach, and then before meals every time for half an hour. The total number of daily intake is no more than 4. A single dose depends on age. Children are usually given half a glass, older children - a whole glass. As a result, during the day the child will visit the toilet a little more often than usual, and at night his bed will remain dry.

Lingonberries are great for making fruit drinks, which should be given 2-3 times a day, but not before bed.

  • Honey therapy. If the baby is peeing at night, then before bedtime he can be given a teaspoon of honey, of course, if the child does not have allergies. This beekeeping product soothes, relaxes the nervous system and retains moisture. Gradually, the evening dose of honey should be reduced as the child recovers.

  • Parsley root. Chop the dried parsley root and make a decoction. Let it sit for about an hour. A child is given such a drink 2-3 tablespoons per day with the last intake - at least five hours before going to bed.

  • Hardening. Pour enough cold water into the tub or basin to submerge only the ankle-deep feet of the child. Let the baby walk in cold water until it gets cold. Then place it on a massage mat or regular hard bathroom mat and walk it around until your feet are warm. The procedure is best done in the morning.

  • Physiotherapy. Try to make gymnastics an obligatory exercise in your baby's daily routine. Add to it exercises related to strengthening the muscles of the perineum - walking on the buttocks. While sitting on the floor, ask your baby to move forward, pushing off only with his buttocks. First forward and then backward.

  • Warm compresses with ginger water. Grate the ginger, squeeze the juice from the resulting mass through cheesecloth and mix with a glass of boiled water, which has cooled to 60-70 degrees. Gently dip the edge of a towel in it and apply it on the lower abdomen, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bladder, until the skin in this place turns red. Such warming up with ginger juice perfectly relaxes a tense bladder and equally effectively strengthens an overly relaxed organ.

  • Bread and salt. Before going to bed, give your baby half an hour to eat a small piece of bread sprinkled with salt. Likewise, children are given small pieces of salted herring.

  • Plantain leaves. 20 grams of dry plantain leaves should be brewed in a glass of boiling water, let it brew well, strain and water the child with the resulting liquid 2-3 times a day.

  • Onion and honey mixture. Rub one onion on a grater and mix the resulting gruel with a tablespoon of flower honey and half a green apple, grated on a fine grater. Give the mixture to your child for about two weeks, a tablespoon before each fasting meal. The mixture cannot be stored; it must be prepared anew before each use.

  • Lavrushka. Boil three large bay leaves and boil for half an hour in a liter of water. Cool, let it brew well and let the child drink the resulting broth 2-3 times a day, half a glass for a week.

  • Thyme and yarrow.Take dried herbs in equal parts and brew as a tea. Give your child a tablespoon to drink 2-3 times a day. Children over 8 years old can be given a quarter of a glass.

When is the help of a specialist needed?

  • If bedwetting is accompanied by frequent day trips to the toilet and complaints of painful urination.
  • If the child complains of pain in the lower abdomen, side or pulling sensations in the lower back.
  • If enuresis begins to recur in a child over 10 years old.

What can’t be done?

  • Some parents and healers advise using hypnosis elements to treat infantile enuresis.In the stage of paradoxical sleep (when the baby has not yet fallen asleep, but is no longer awake, his eyes stick together), the child is given certain verbal suggestions and attitudes. Experts strongly discourage untrained people from using any tools from the arsenal of psychotherapy. At best, it will have no effect, at worst, it will negatively affect the psyche and nervous system of the baby.
  • Do not start treatment for incontinence without talking to your doctor. The cause of enuresis must be found, because incontinence can be a manifestation of serious and dangerous diseases of the urinary tract, disorders in the production of an antidiuretic hormone, delay in the development of the central nervous system.
  • You can not ignore enuresis and treat it lightly. Yes, yes, there are those parents who assure that bedwetting is an age-related and temporary phenomenon, and will go away on its own. If you do not provide the child with timely medical assistance, enuresis threatens to turn into severe hysteria, mental disorders, prolonged depression and the formation of a persistent inferiority complex in the child. And if you "overlook" the beginning inflammation in the urinary tract, the infection can develop into a chronic form, become more complicated, and then you will have to be treated for the rest of your life.

  1. If the baby is peeing, send him to the sports section, to dances, where you need to move a lot and intensively. It is the movement that will remove muscle clamps, allow you to relax at a qualitatively different level at night.
  2. If enuresis is caused by overwork, prolonged nervous stress, make sure that the child slept exclusively on its side. And in order not to watch the baby all night, tie two towels around the child's body. The knots should be on the back and stomach, then the child will be uncomfortable lying in any position except on the side. Such bandages are usually made for a short time, the habit of sleeping on their side is formed within a week.
  3. To reduce the risk of occurrence, diapers should be discarded completely at the age of two.It is better if this happens earlier, because only after such a "exit from the comfort zone" the baby will begin to learn to control his urination.
  4. You should not bring stressful situations to enuresis. It is better to extinguish and resolve conflicts and problems immediately, without delay. With increased nervous excitement, give the child soothing teas, light herbal sedatives, show the baby to a child psychologist and psychiatrist. You should be especially attentive to the child's emotions during the "transitional" periods - when he starts attending kindergarten, schools, if the family moves, changes place of residence, during the divorce of parents, the appearance of another child in the family, and so on.
  5. A good prevention is timely potty training.In no case should you do it too early, but you shouldn't delay it either. The optimal age at which a child is able to learn to control his urination without undue stress is from 1 year and 8 months to 2 years.
  6. Monitor your baby's fluid intake closely.Limit drinking after 6 p.m.
  7. Please be patient.Some forms of bedwetting can be very difficult and require much more time and effort on the part of the parents and the child.

The country's leading pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, will tell us everything in detail about such a delicate topic as children's enorosis, the causes and how to deal with it.

Enuresis Is urinary incontinence. And nocturnal enuresis means that a person is unable to control the process of urination during sleep. Simply put, he wets the bed when he sleeps.

Daytime enuresis is much less common. He appears after suffering a severe psychological trauma, which caused a malfunction in the nervous system.

The problem of bedwetting is as old as humanity itself. Even the doctors of ancient Egypt were looking for ways to control the bladder. Since then, medicine has advanced significantly, but experts do not give a 100% guarantee that you will get rid of this problem.

In modern medicine, nocturnal enuresis is not considered a disease, but rather a stage in development, when a person is just learning to control the functions of his body and develops reflexes. Normally, a child should learn this by the age of 6. But in practice, 10% of 6-year-olds do not know how to do this. Over the years, the problem recedes. At 10 years old, 5% suffer from enuresis, and at 18 only 1%. Among adults, one in 200 people periodically loses bladder control during sleep. Thus, among those who suffer from this phenomenon, almost 94% of children, 5% of adolescents and 1% of adults.

Among boys, it is observed 2 times more often than among girls. But in old age, bedwetting is more common in women.

Short, thin children are more likely to suffer from enuresis. Also, kidney and bladder infections play an important role in the onset of the disease. Often incontinence in children is a form of psychological protest. It may be the result of a lack of attention or, conversely, a reaction to increased parenting. Enuresis occurs in shy and timid babies. Most of the patients with this deviation are from disadvantaged, low-income or large families.

Many specialists are involved in the treatment of enuresis: pediatric neurologists, endocrinologists, pediatricians, urologists, nephrologists, psychiatrists, homeopaths, physiotherapists. They offer over 300 comprehensive techniques to combat this problem. Among them there are quite exotic methods: acupuncture, hypnosis, dolphin therapy.

Types of enuresis

There are several types of bedwetting. Depending on how much the child has developed a "sentry" reflex, which makes you wake up when the bladder is full, the following are isolated:
  • Primary - the child has never been able to control the bladder during sleep. This option is considered the easiest. In 98% of cases, it goes away without treatment.
  • Secondary - there was a period of at least 6 months in the child's life when the bed remained dry every day.
    Complicated and uncomplicated nocturnal enuresis is also distinguished.
  • Uncomplicated... - besides the fact that the child urinates in a dream, he has no other deviations in health.
  • Complicated - accompanied by deviations in mental or physical development, inflammation of the kidneys or bladder.
    They also distinguish between neurotic and neurosis-like enuresis.
  • Neurotic - found among shy and fearful children. They often have light, shallow sleep. Such children are very worried about their "wet" nights and are often afraid to fall asleep for this reason.
  • Neurosis-like - noted in nervous children who often throw tantrums. They don't worry too much about urinating at night. This continues until adolescence. Then the picture changes, and the problem begins to depress them greatly. Such adolescents, become withdrawn and sullen, they may develop neuroses.

Why does enuresis occur in girls?

Girls are less likely to suffer from bedwetting. They learn to potty faster and learn to control their bladder. And if such a problem has arisen, then it is better treatable. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the nervous system. But let's see why there is still a malfunction in the regulation of the bladder.
  1. The girl has not yet learned to control her reflexes. This is due to the fact that her nervous system is not yet fully debugged. This happens even with those girls who do not lag behind their peers in other respects.
  2. Psychological trauma, stress. Often, the problem appears after the second child has appeared in the family, moving, transferring to a new school, divorce of parents. In this case, enuresis is a subconscious protest or an attempt to return to childhood.
  3. Very sound sleep . The child is sound asleep and does not feel that the bladder is full. This may be a congenital feature of the nervous system or the result of the girl being very tired. In the latter case, wet sheets are not often, but after eventful days.
  4. The child drinks a lot of fluids. Often girls like to have tea in the evening. Especially if during the day they ate salty food (chips, crackers). This often happens during colds, when parents are trying to water the baby more.
  5. A large volume of urine is passed at night (nocturnal polyuria). Normally, the body produces 2 times less urine at night than during the day. This feature of the body is regulated by the hormone vasopressin, which is produced at night. But in some girls, the amount of this hormone may temporarily decrease.
  6. Heredity. Scientists have found that if both parents faced this problem in childhood, then the probability of developing enuresis in a child is 75%. If only one of the parents is a carrier of this gene, then the risk that the girl will have enuresis is 30%.
  7. Urinary tract infections. Due to the fact that girls have a short and wide urethra, infection from the genitals easily penetrates into it. Then the microorganisms rise higher into the bladder and cause inflammation (cystitis). This disease is accompanied by frequent urination, which the girl cannot always control.
  8. Injuries to the spine or spinal cord. Often such injuries appear due to a complicated pregnancy or injuries sustained during childbirth. As a result, the nerve impulse from the bladder does not travel well to the brain.
  9. Development lag. If a girl has a delay in mental or physical development, then her biological age is much less than the calendar one. In this case, she has not yet had time to form the necessary reflex.

Why does enuresis occur in boys?

Enuresis in boys is quite common. Up to 10% of boys under the age of 15 face it. For almost everyone, this problem resolves itself and wet sheets are a thing of the past. What is the reason for the appearance of enuresis in boys?
  1. The development of a conditioned reflex has not been completed. Each person's nervous system has its own characteristics. Some people get used to controlling their bodies earlier, while for others this process ends later.
  2. Hyperactivity - the activity and excitability of the child greatly exceeds the norm. In boys, this condition is noted 4 times more often. Active processes in the cerebral cortex, as it were, suppress the attempts of the bladder to tell about their problem. As a result, the urge to urinate remains "unheard" by the brain.
  3. Stress and strong emotions. Some situations that are accompanied by nervous tension or fright can cause enuresis. The child may be scared of the dog, upset because of a parental quarrel, or because he was left alone. Therefore, if possible, avoid situations that can cause psychological trauma to the baby.
  4. Hyper-care and attention deficit. Boys who grow up in single-parent families without a father often suffer from enuresis. Often in this case, the mother and grandmother are overprotective of the child. He feels "small" and subconsciously behaves accordingly. In children who are deficient in parental attention, the situation is the opposite. They really want to return to childhood and feel cared for. Therefore, in a dream they behave like little ones.
  5. Disruption of the endocrine glands and hormonal balance. Thin, young boys whose height does not match their age lack growth hormone. But the fact is that at the same time, the amount of other hormones that are responsible for controlling the bladder, the amount and concentration of urine decreases. These are vasopressin and atrial natriuretic hormone.
  6. Birth trauma. Boys' brains are formed somewhat later than girls. Therefore, they are more likely to get injured during childbirth. These injuries to the spinal cord and brain are the cause of enuresis in boys.
  7. Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder are very often the cause of urinary disorders. They are easy to identify by general urine analysis. If a boy has congenital features of the urinary tract, they can also affect the formation of the reflex.
  8. Hereditary tendency. In 75% of cases, parental genes are to blame for the boy's enuresis. If mom or dad suffered from this problem in childhood, then the probability that the boy will repeat their fate is 40%.
  9. Diaper habit. Recently, diapers have been increasingly blamed for enuresis in boys. The child gets used to the fact that you can pee in your pants without getting wet and cold. Therefore, it is so important to give up diapers for up to 2 years.
  10. Allergic reactions and bronchial asthma. The mechanism that connects allergy and the occurrence of enuresis is not fully understood. But boys with allergies tend to urinate in their sleep. It is possible that the brain is experiencing oxygen deprivation and does not perform well with its functions.

Why does enuresis occur in adolescents?

In adolescence, enuresis is somewhat less common than in children. It can be secondary, that is, it appears after trauma or stress. Or stretch from infancy. Let's take a closer look at the causes of this problem.
  1. Congenital disorder of parts of the nervous system, which are responsible for the formation of a conditioned reflex.
  2. Disorders of the "sentry" reflex due to trauma. Especially often this reason is noted in adolescent boys who have increased activity.
  3. Heredity. The tendency to enuresis is inherited. This happens especially often if both parents had this diagnosis in childhood.
  4. Congenital pathologies of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. They often cause inflammation (cystitis and nephritis). During these diseases, it is much more difficult to control urination.
  5. Mental disorders. At this age, depression and neuroses are often manifested. They can contribute to the fact that problems long forgotten in childhood become relevant again. The complexes and experiences that a teenager experiences about this further exacerbate the problem.
  6. Stressful situations. In adolescence, there are enough nervous shocks, and they are perceived very sharply. Failure in school, peer problems, stressful family situations and physical punishment can trigger nocturnal enuresis.
  7. Hormonal changes in adolescence. The period of sexual maturation causes a disruption in the production of hormones. Among them there are those that regulate the processes of emptying the bladder.

Why does bedwetting occur in adults?

Bedwetting in adults is of two types. In the first case, the person was never able to form a reflex that makes him wake up at night to go to the toilet. In another case, urinary disorders appeared in adulthood. What are the causes of bedwetting in adults?
  1. Congenital anomalies of the urinary system. These include: too small a size of the bladder, too thick and inelastic walls.
  2. Hormonal changes in women during menopause.These changes cause a deficiency in the hormones that control the bladder. Because of them, the kidneys produce more urine than usual at night, and this can cause nocturnal enuresis.
  3. Tumors. Neoplasms can interfere with the transmission of nerve signals from the bladder to the cerebral cortex.
  4. Weakness of the pelvic and pelvic floor muscles. Muscles can weaken after pregnancy or with age. This problem is one of the most common causes of enuresis in women.
  5. Aging processes in the cerebral cortex and spinal cord. With age, the connection between nerve cells is disrupted, which, like a chain, transmit a nerve impulse from the bladder to the cerebral cortex. It is there that the center is located, which wakes us up at night and sends us to the toilet.
  6. Weakening of the bladder sphincter. The sphincter is a circular muscle that blocks the lumen of the bladder and prevents urine from flowing out. Normally, we consciously relax it when we urinate. But with age, this muscle weakens, and therefore, when the bladder fills at night, it is unable to keep it from emptying.

What are the effective treatments for bedwetting in children?

If the child has not learned how to control his bladder by the age of 6, then this is a reason to examine the baby and start treatment. It is necessary to pass a urine test, do an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys. The doctor may additionally prescribe an X-ray of the spine or MRI.

There are over three hundred different ways to combat bedwetting in children. Each of them is quite effective. All of them can be divided into three groups:

  • Medication (various medicines)

  • Non-drug (physiotherapy and psychological techniques)

  • Regular (night "landings" on the pot)

Medicinal treatments for bedwetting in children

Different medications are used depending on the cause of bedwetting. In the event that the child has hyperactivity and he is very nervous and shy, then sedatives (tranquilizers) are prescribed. If infections are found during the examination, then it is imperative to drink a course of antibiotics. They kill bacteria that cause inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Sometimes enuresis occurs as a result of delayed development of the nervous system. In such cases, nootropic drugs are prescribed. They speed up development processes. Good results are obtained with the use of the hormone desmopressin, which regulates the amount and composition of urine, and the work of the bladder.

Non-drug treatments for bedwetting in children

This includes the use of urinary alarms, popularly called "urinary alarms". These devices have a small sensor that fits in the baby's panties. When the first drops of urine fall on him, he sends a signal to the alarm clock. The child turns off the alarm and goes to the toilet.

Physiotherapy methods improve the functioning of the bladder and nervous system. For these purposes, electrosleep, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, acupuncture, music therapy, baths and circular showers, massage and therapeutic exercises are often used.

The help of a psychologist and psychotherapist will help your baby cope with a disobedient bladder. The specialist will teach him the techniques of relaxation and self-hypnosis. Keeping a special diary will be an effective method. Every dry night in it is signified by the sun, and wet sheets by a cloud. Five suns in a row is a great reason to get a small incentive prize from your parents.

To successfully combat enuresis, a child should adhere to a certain diet and not drink after dinner. The most famous diet was developed by N.I. Krasnogorsky. It is aimed at keeping water in the body at night. To do this, before going to bed, the baby is given bread and salt, a piece of herring and sweet water. During the day, the child's menu is very diverse and rich in vitamins.

Regime treatment of bedwetting in children

Try to keep your baby's life less stressful. Even strong positive emotions can cause a child to forget to control his bladder during sleep.

It is important to strictly observe the regimen and put a child under 10 years old at exactly 21:00. After 17 hours, it is necessary to drastically reduce the amount of liquid that the child drinks. If the norm of a child under 5 years old is 1 liter, then distribute it in this way. 700 ml until 3 pm, 200 ml until 6 pm, 100 ml for the evening

4 hours before bedtime, the baby's games should not be too active. Let the child draw, read, watch a fearless cartoon.

The child's bed should be with a slight elevation in the pelvic area and under the knees. To do this, just put a small roller made of a rolled-up bedspread under the mattress. This special crib will help relieve pressure on the bladder wall.

Make sure that the baby does not overcool either day or night. The legs should be especially warm. If they freeze, then the bladder reflexively begins to fill.

Before going to bed, the child must go to the toilet. And during the night it is worth waking him up several times. Put the baby on the potty one hour after falling asleep and then every three hours during the night. But make sure that he does "his business" not half asleep. If he naps on the pot, then this can only worsen the situation. Turn on a dim light, talk to your baby. Get clear answers from him to make sure he is really awake.

Ask your child if he needs a night light. Children are often afraid to get out of bed because of the darkness. It is easier for them to sleep on wet sheets than to crawl out from under the covers. After all, most kids are confident that monsters are hiding under the bed in the dark.

If in the morning you still notice that the bed is wet, then do not scold the child. Mom's screams and despair in her eyes demonstrate to the baby that the problem is big and terrible. And that means that he, so small and weak, cannot cope with it. Make the bed together and explain to your child that many children have this, but every child can lock up urine in their tummy until morning. And he will definitely cope with this task. After all, he is your best!

Any of the methods will give good results only if the child himself is interested in solving the problem. He also really needs the support of all family members. Believe in the child and instill in him confidence in your abilities.

How is bedwetting in adults treated?

Treatment of bedwetting in adults must be comprehensive. This means that treatment with pills must be combined with psychotherapy and traditional medicine. And all this must be supplemented by the correct organization of the daily routine. In practice, everything is not so difficult. Follow our recommendations and you are guaranteed a lot of dry nights.

Regime activities

Sometimes it's enough to change your habits and the problem will leave you. For example, try to drink less in the afternoon, but increase the amount of fluids you drink before lunch.

Avoid drinks and foods that have a diuretic effect. These are beer, coffee, strong tea, cola, cranberry juice, herbal infusions (corn silk, birch buds), watermelon, strawberries.

Stick to the diet developed by N.I. Krasnogorsky. Eat meals with a low water content after lunch. Reduce the volume of drinks 2-3 times after 15.00. Do not drink 4 hours before bedtime. And before going to bed, eat a sandwich with salted fish or just bread and salt. Drink it with half a glass of water. Salt retains water in the body, preventing it from accumulating in the bladder.

Putting a pillow under the mattress at your feet will help relieve pressure on the sphincter that closes your bladder. Thus, you will strengthen the leakage protection.

Your bed should be firm enough. First, it will provide good support for the spine. Nerve signals from the bladder will be better transmitted to the brain. And secondly, on a hard bed, your sleep will be more sensitive and it will be easier for you to wake up at the right time.

Set the alarm, let it wake you up 2-3 hours after you fall asleep. Change your wake-up time every few days so you don't get used to waking up at the same time at night.

Try to avoid stressful situations and not get nervous. When you are calm, it is much easier for you to control your body.


Hypnotic techniques are traditionally used. The essence of the method is to suggest to the patient with the help of hypnosis that he will feel the urge in a dream, which is sent by a full bladder. And these sensations will make him wake up. Thus, a “sentry” reflex is formed in the cerebral cortex, which allows you to completely get rid of enuresis.

Behavioral techniques often work well, with rewards for good nights. Of course, adults make it themselves. But even these little gifts increase motivation well.

Some methods of self-hypnosis can be mastered independently. Try to keep the evening calm. Relax completely before falling asleep. Feel how every muscle in your body is at rest. Then, for a few minutes, say to yourself, or better aloud, the key phrase: “I have complete control over my body and my bladder. When it is full, I will receive a signal and wake up. " Be confident in your abilities, and everything will definitely work out. After all, the human body is able to cope with more complex tasks.

If you have a logical mindset and you do not succumb to suggestion, then rational psychotherapy will help. The specialist will introduce you to new information about your problem and about the capabilities of your body. He will use logic to convince you that bedwetting is not a difficult and dangerous disease, and it is in your power to cope with it.

Reception of physical therapy (exercise therapy)

Physical therapy for bedwetting is aimed at strengthening the bladder sphincter and the pelvic floor muscles that control urination. In order to train them, there are even special simulators (for women). But you can do this medical gymnastics without any equipment.

Try to stop while urinating. Use your muscles to block the flow of urine from your bladder. Listen to your feelings, which muscles tensed at the same time? Now relax and continue emptying your bladder. Repeat the exercise every time you use the bathroom. Then you can do the same exercises just lying in bed. This is a very powerful method.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of bedwetting in adults

There are many physical therapy machines available to help you get rid of bedwetting. Their action is based on weak discharges of electric current that pass through the body and improve its performance. The therapeutic effect is explained by the fact that they all improve the transmission of a nerve impulse (signal) from the bladder along the nerves and spinal cord to the cerebral cortex. There, a decision is already made to wake the sleeping person and make him feel that it is time to empty the bladder. Physiotherapy is absolutely painless, and sometimes even very pleasant. They have minimal side effects.
  • Electrosleep - normalizes sleep patterns and calms the nervous system. Excellent for those who have urinary problems associated with neurosis and other nervous disorders.

  • Darsonval on the bladder area - strengthens the sphincter that closes the bladder.

  • Electrophoresis. Various types of this procedure improve the functioning of the nervous system.

  • Magnetotherapy relaxes the walls of the bladder. Reduces urge to urinate.
There are also non-electrical techniques that also help prepare the nerves for signal transmission. Thanks to this, a persistent "sentry" reflex is developed. Therefore, these techniques are called reflexology.
  1. Medicinal mud, warm paraffin and ozokerite are applied to the lumbar region and above the pubis. The procedure helps to increase blood flow to this area, relieve inflammation and muscle spasms near the spine. This improves the condition of the nerves from the bladder to the spinal cord.

  2. Hydrotherapy: shower (rain and circular) baths (nitrogen, pearl, salt-coniferous). The latter type can be done at home.

  3. Acupuncture. Special thin needles are found in reflex points on the body. This improves not only the functioning of the nervous system, but also the emotional state and sleep.

  4. Music therapy, art therapy. Music and painting treatments are soothing and positive.

  5. Animal communication therapy. The best results are obtained from communication with horses and dolphins. But if your dog and cat improve your mood, they can also be excellent helpers in treatment. After all, his success depends on your emotions.

Treatment of bedwetting in adults with medication.

Different groups of drugs are used to treat bedwetting. To maximize the effect of them, it is necessary to adhere exactly to the dose prescribed by the doctor and take them regularly.
  • If enuresis is caused by inflammation in the genitourinary organs, then antibiotics are required: Monural, Norfloxacin.
  • For the treatment of kidney diseases, nitrofuran drugs are used: Furamag, Furadonin.
  • Tranquilizers for normalization of sleep: Radedorm, Eunoktin. They have a calming effect, help get rid of negative emotions, and tune in to a positive mood.
  • Nootropics: Glycine, Piracetam, Picamilon. They improve the functioning of the nervous system, contribute to the development of a conditioned reflex.
  • The antidepressant amitriptyline. Relieves patients from strong experiences that have caused psychogenic enuresis.
  • M-anticholinergics: Sibutin Driptan. Relaxes tense bladder muscles, relieves spasms. This allows you to increase its volume and restrain the urge to urinate. He will be able to hold more urine. Therefore, a person will be able to sleep until morning without having to go to the toilet.
  • Artificial hormone desmopressin. It helps to reduce the amount of urine that is passed at night. Adiuretin-SD - nasal drops based on this hormone. Very easy to use form. In severe cases, desmopressin is given intravenously. This increases its efficiency several times.

Traditional methods of treating enuresis

This method is based on improving the transmission of urge from the bladder to the brain. It is necessary to soak a piece of cotton wool in warm water and squeeze lightly. Run wet cotton wool along the spine from the neck to the tailbone. Repeat 5-7 times. Do not wipe. This procedure is done in bed before bed.

Honey perfectly calms the nervous system before bed and helps to retain water in the body. A tablespoon of honey must be eaten before bed, you can drink it with a few sips of water.

Walking on the buttocks strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor and the wall of the bladder. You need to sit on the floor, straighten your legs. Move your legs forward one at a time, contracting the muscles of the buttocks. You need to go forward 2 meters, and then go back in the same way.

Good results in the treatment of bedwetting in adults are obtained by visiting bioenergetics and traditional healers. They know how to tune the work of the nervous system in a special way and have the gift of suggestion.

What are the alternative treatments for bedwetting?

The people of nocturnal enuresis have never been considered a complex disease. Traditional medicine very quickly and effectively helps to cope with this defect.

What pills are used in the treatment of enuresis?

Drug name Mechanism of action How to use The effect of taking
Preparations to improve the functioning of the nervous system
Rakedorm Relieves muscle spasms, calms and normalizes sleep 1 tablet in the evening, half an hour before bedtime. The children's dose is half a tablet. Helps sleep and relaxes bladder muscles by increasing bladder volume.
Pantogam Helps to develop a stable "sentry" reflex Adults take 1-2 tablets half an hour after meals, 3 times a day. For children, the dose is halved. The course of treatment is 3 months. The brain function improves. After 2 months, the fullness of the bladder wakes up.
Glycine Has a calming effect, relieves depression. Normalizes sleep. Dissolve behind the cheek or under the tongue 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to a month. Improves mood, helps to relax and sleep. But the sleep remains light and the person can feel that the bladder is full.
Phenibut Improves the condition of the brain and metabolic processes in its cortex. Promotes restful sleep. Take 1 tablet at night for 7-10 days. The dose for children is prescribed individually. Relieves the anxiety that often occurs before bedtime due to bedwetting.
Melipramine Makes sleep less deep, increases bladder volume and blocks urine flow with a sphincter. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day, regardless of food. The duration of treatment is at least two weeks. The bladder relaxes and the flow of urine is tightly blocked. Sleep becomes calm, but sensitive.
Anticholinergics that relax the bladder
Spazmex Reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder, and at the same time increases the tone of the sphincter. 1 tablet 2-3 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. Prepares the bladder to hold more urine.
Driptan It increases the capacity of the bladder, reduces the number of contractions, and makes its receptors less sensitive. 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Take the last dose at night.
Children's dose of 0.5 tablets in the morning and evening.
Helps relax the bladder and reduces the need to go to the toilet at night.
Synthetic analogs of antidiuretic hormone
Desmopressin An analogue of a hormone that is produced in the body at night. Its function is to reduce the amount of urine during sleep. The dose is prescribed individually, but not more than 10 tablets per day for adults. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. During a night's sleep, the bladder does not fill.
Minirin Regulates kidney function so that less urine is excreted. Take 1 time before bedtime for no more than 3 months. The amount of urine decreases. You don't need to wake up at night to empty your bladder.

How can bedwetting be treated at home?

Eneruz is in most cases treated at home. But it is worth remembering that medications alone are not enough for effective and quick treatment of this ailment. A comprehensive approach is needed to combat bedwetting.

Urinary incontinence in a 3-year-old child often becomes a reason for mothers to raise the alarm and suspect enuresis.
However, bedwetting is a medical condition that a doctor only diagnoses if the child with urinary incontinence is over five years old. The situation when a child urinates in bed at night before reaching this age is kept within normal limits.
What, then, is the concern of the parents? First, most children in the early age group, as a rule, have already learned to ask for a potty by the age of two. Secondly, on average, it is at the age of three that the child begins to attend kindergarten. Then urinary incontinence becomes a problem not only for families, but also for institutions, according to mothers. However, it should be understood that incontinence is still the norm during this period. The period of maturation of the nervous system and the formation of reflexes of the urinary system is individual for each baby.
If the baby continues to pee at night while some of the children in his group are already sleeping without diapers and remain dry, this is not a reason to consider him delayed in development or diagnose nocturnal enuresis. Recall that enuresis is not diagnosed on the basis of uncontrolled urination alone. To draw conclusions about nocturnal enuresis, the doctor carefully collects anamnesis, makes tests and, in some cases, prescribes an examination and consultation with a psychologist.
There can be many reasons why a child at 3 years old continues to pee at night, but the main one is physiological. The body has not yet fully learned how to control the signals entering the brain. The transmission of signals between the nerve endings in the tissues of the bladder and the brain is carried out weakly - and then the child wakes up after the "accident", or until it is not carried out at all - then the baby continues to sleep.
Parents are much more worried about urinary incontinence in a child at the age of three, if for some time he managed to cope and wake up dry, but then uncontrolled urination resumed. After all, this situation indicates the non-random nature of incontinence, its secondary appearance caused a specific reason. As a rule, this happens if the baby is too cold during a walk, sometimes infection and inflammatory processes in the urinary system affect. Incontinence is also typical for children with hyperactivity - in this case, the body uses urination as a way of relaxation.

What if a child is 3 or 3.5 years old peeing at night?

As we have already found out, incontinence in a three-year-old child is not enuresis, and no specific treatment is required if it is not a side effect of hypothermia, etc.
But wet pajamas, bed and night awakenings exhaust not only the baby, but also the parents, both physically and psychologically. Therefore, until the baby "outgrows", you can take some actions that will ease the situation, if not completely correct it.
So, the first thing to remember is the microclimate in the nursery. In no case, do not scold the kid for "offense" that he cannot control. Three years is too early an age to demand responsibility for wet pants from him. Just teach your baby to go to the potty before bedtime, bring this habit to automatism and support the child in everything.

Remember that at this age children learn and remember better when presented in a playful way. Use it, make up stories, encourage self-reliance, etc.

Children often do not want to get up on the potty because they are afraid. And in their fears, they may not admit to their parents, so you should take care of the baby's comfort: turn on the children's nightlight with soft light, put the pot near the bed.
In general, by the age of four to five, bedwetting fades away. If this has not happened at four years old, there is still no reason to worry. If the baby is over five years old, then problems may arise - soon school and the first serious independence, so that at this age it is already worth showing a specialist.