Why can't you eat a lot of sugar? Harm and rate of sugar consumption Why you should limit your sugar consumption

About 160 years ago, sugar was first brought to Europe, however, at that time this pleasure cost a lot of money, sugar was sold exclusively in pharmacies and was literally “worth its weight in gold.” Commoners could not afford to buy sugar, perhaps that is why there were more healthy people then...

Today, sugar is not a delicacy available to a select few, but an everyday food product, and, moreover, a very harmful one. Even excluding the fact that sugar is not consumed in its pure form, because most often it is an additive to various dishes, this product causes damage to our body, which is difficult to overestimate. Initially, the raw material for production was sugar cane, since its stems contain a huge amount of sweet juices. Later, sugar beets also stood on a par with sugar cane; today, about 40% of sugar is obtained from it (sugar cane is used to obtain the remaining 60%). Sugar contains sucrose in its pure form, penetrating into the body, it is divided, and we receive a shock dose of fructose and glucose. These two elements are absorbed in a matter of minutes, so on the one hand, sugar is an excellent source of energy. That's probably all that can be said positive about sugar. It is known for certain that this product is just a highly purified, easily digestible carbohydrate, especially when it comes to refined sugar. Sugar does not carry any biological value, nothing except calories -100 g/380 kcal - impressive, isn’t it?

Harm of sugar to the human body

If a person wants to bring all the processes of his body back to normal, he should first of all think about the correct nutritional system, which will almost completely eliminate the consumption of sugar. The motivation for giving up sugar for some people, especially women, is the fact that the abundance of calories greatly changes the figure for the worse. However, the harm of sugar to the body also lies in the fact that this product:

  • Helps reduce the body's protective functions (almost 20 times);
  • Causes various fungal diseases;
  • Initiates the process of kidney destruction;
  • Provokes the development of oncology;
  • Destroys the cardiovascular system;
  • Promotes sudden surges in glucose/insulin levels;
  • Causes diabetes;
  • Promotes the onset of obesity;
  • In women who are pregnant, it causes toxicosis;
  • Promotes feelings of false hunger;
  • Slows down the digestion process;
  • The body's absorption of nutrients/minerals/proteins stops;
  • The body begins to suffer from chromium deficiency;
  • Helps reduce the body's absorption of calcium/magnesium;
  • Helps the body stop receiving B vitamins;
  • Promotes the development of peptic ulcers;
  • Provokes the occurrence and development of arthritis;
  • Leads to the fact that a person begins to experience sudden and unreasonable changes in mood;
  • In children, it causes an increase in adrenaline levels;
  • Causes a person to become overly excitable;
  • Promotes irritation and anxiety;
  • Promotes stress and tension;
  • Promotes depletion of energy reserves;
  • Reduces concentration levels;
  • Reduces the quality of vision;
  • Causes the development of caries;
  • Leads to the onset of the early aging process and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Sharply worsens the condition of teeth, skin and hair;
  • Promotes disruption of DNA structure.

This list of harmful effects of sugar can be continued for a long time, and all of them have been confirmed in the process of medical research.

And at the same time, we consume sugar not because it is really necessary for our body, since, as already noted, sugar does not contain any minerals or vitamins, but to please our own desires to eat tasty food. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that this substance is part of most products that are on store shelves. Thus, a person, one way or another, whether he wants it or not, consumes sugar. According to statistics, about 150 g of sugar enters the body of our compatriots every day. So, in seven days we consume about one (!) kilogram of a harmful product. While the World Health Organization has established the daily allowance for sugar, it is only about seven teaspoons (30 g). And even if you strictly adhere to this norm, your body still suffers significant damage.

Harm of sugar for men

In addition to the general harm that sugar consumption has on both the female and male body, sugar causes individual harm to men. Sugar is especially harmful for males who consciously give up an active lifestyle. In this case, consuming sugar in excessive quantities increases the number of harmful lipids in the blood. Excessive levels of lipids inevitably lead to the development of atherosclerosis, which will result in vascular damage. For men, this is fraught with a decrease in potency, since erectile dysfunction is a consequence of incompetent arteries. And, in addition, men are more likely than women to suffer from myocardial infarction, strokes and thrombosis.

Books about the dangers of sugar

Today, when a healthy lifestyle has become fashionable and many healthy eating methods have been developed, a fairly large number of printed publications have appeared about the dangers of sugar. Some of them are really worthy of attention:

  1. “We are all one step away from diabetes. Stop the destructive sugar cravings and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes", author: Reginald Allouche. The book describes the reasons why we unwittingly become hostage to sugar. At the same time, the author talks about two pandemics: prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. The author urges his readers to be more attentive to this problem, since at the stage of prediabetes, the situation can be changed, but at the stage of type 2 diabetes, the nature of the processes is irreversible. The book also offers a test, after passing which the reader will be able to understand what stage he is at, which means he will have a chance to take timely measures to take the path of healing;
  2. "Healthy eating without sugar", author: Rodionova Irina Anatolyevna. In this publication, the author describes in detail the dangers of consuming sugar and offers us many recipes for tasty and healthy dishes that can not only replace sweet pleasures, but will also help remove sugar from the body;
  3. “Sugar trap. Reclaim your health from insidious candy manufacturers and overcome unhealthy cravings for junk food in just 10 days,” by M. Hyman. Here the author tells us how we, without noticing it, fall under the influence of sugar. But its effect is akin to the effect of narcotic substances, which destroys us from the inside. Also presented here are ways to avoid falling into the “sweet” hook;
  4. "Sugarless. A scientifically based and proven program for getting rid of sweets in your diet", by Jacob Teitelbaum and Krystle Fiedler. The publication presents a program that can teach us to live without sweets and at the same time not feel constant dissatisfaction from eating. At the same time, readers have no reason not to trust the authors of this publication, since they are qualified doctors with many years of practice experience behind them;
  5. “Sugar is a sweet temptation. Important health information about sugar and practical tips for consuming it,” by F. Binder. The title of the book speaks for itself; it presents a program that consists of seven steps, after going through which we will learn how to use this product correctly;
  6. « Sugar", author: M. Kanovskaya. The purpose of this book is to dispel our erroneous judgments that we eat sweets because our body “requires” it.

Having carefully read at least one of the above books, we will come to the understanding that life without sugar is real, and all our reasoning that sweets are healthy in small doses is nothing more than an excuse for our own weakness.

How to replace sugar without harm to health

The harm of sugar to health is a scientifically proven fact, and it’s no secret that in order to remain young, slim, beautiful and at the same time feel great, you should give up sugar. However, it is almost impossible to stop drinking sweet tea, stop eating cakes, ice cream, and so on overnight. To make this task easier for yourself, you can replace sugar:

  • Various sweet berries;
  • Honey;
  • Dried fruits and fruits.

These food products will not only replace your usual sugar, but will saturate your body with useful elements: minerals, vitamins, fiber.

But what about lovers of baked goods and multi-ingredient dishes? Solving such a problem is not so difficult, it is enough to give preference to:

  • Vanilla extracts;
  • Brown sugar;
  • Essences.

However, it should be borne in mind that the above substances are strictly prohibited for use by those suffering from diabetes. But a healthy gourmet will never distinguish between a cupcake baked with essence and a cupcake baked with the addition of the usual sugar! Tea drinkers also have a fairly large selection of substances that are considered a complete replacement for sugar in terms of taste:

  • Fructose;
  • Stevia;
  • Saccharin.

Naturally, drinking cookies, cakes and other sweets with tea is strictly prohibited; replace them with dried fruits or a muesli bar, fortunately, there is a large assortment of them in stores and pharmacies.

However, even if you can boast of enormous willpower and are able to completely stop eating sugar in one minute, you cannot do this. Such an extreme measure will cause enormous damage to the body and well-being; apathy, fatigue, and irritability are guaranteed. In addition, the body will lose a large amount of glucose. That is why, even despite the proven harm of sugar for humans, it should not be eliminated, but replaced! Even insulin diabetics should adhere to this principle. The best “ersatz” sugar is fructose, however, its consumption should be reduced to the norm - 40 g/day.

So, drawing a conclusion, we can absolutely say that sugar in its pure form in large quantities is evil. You need to get used to this yourself and teach your children from childhood so that they grow up healthy and in the future they don’t have to fight with themselves and give up sweets. Moreover, you can find a worthy alternative to sugar!

Sweet foods are health destroyers. The harm of sugar to the body is noticeable in everything. The taste that we experience when swallowing a piece of candy, a piece of cake or sparkling water acts as the worst enemy for the internal organs and functioning systems of the body. It is also considered an inevitable companion to the deposition of excess calories, which are then treacherously converted into kilograms.

However, harm occurs not only from confectionery products. Everything is much simpler; sugar is used in large quantities in the production of sauces, Orbit mint and even alcohol, including mash, as well as various carbonated drinks.

Captivating habit

Of course, we know that sugar is added in huge quantities to confectionery products. And also the fact that it harms the figure, and then, of course, the entire body. But how can you refuse the most attractive cakes, sweets, and coffee, which have long been part of the work mood? After all, when you go to a cafe, you buy not just a drink, but you get a “good and happy start to the day.” Your morning will be wonderful thanks to a handful of nuts, milk, halva and caramel, ginger and even lemon or cranberries. Here, as you like.

Let's return to the “sweet habit”. From a medical point of view, addiction occurs due to an increased need for glucose or dextrose. And it is provoked by frequent, so to speak, periods of hunger.

For example, you somehow had breakfast: you drank tea and ate it with a sandwich. The next meal will be at 13:00, and by this time the glucose level will already be low. And then the brain will send a signal that you need to get enough of it. Therefore, at lunchtime you will want to eat first, second, compote, and also something else sweet. And this is already overeating, which, of course, will not go unnoticed by your body.

Nobody says that everyone eats sugar by the handful and gets incredible pleasure from it. But this product is so skillfully hidden that you will not always be able to recognize its presence.

Types of sugar

Sweet gold was first imported into Russia at the beginning of the 11th–12th centuries. Only noble people with large financial resources could try it. At that time, it had not yet been proven that excess sugar caused significant harm to health.

Today there are several varieties of sweet product:

  • Brown cane sugar extracted from a herbaceous plant - sugar cane. Gourmets all over the world prefer this particular type for imparting a bright flavor to dishes and drinks.
  • Beetroot is the most popular and widespread in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. It is extracted from the root crop of beet or beetroot.
  • Maple is extracted from the trunks of the tree of the same name, which grows mainly in the eastern provinces of Canada.
  • Sorghum is obtained from sorghum grown in China. Its production is not widespread.
  • Grape sugar is a product of a new scientific generation. It is noteworthy that it is environmentally friendly. In the technological process it is used in liquid form. Has a caramel flavor.
  • Palm - common in India. Contains sucrose, glucose, fructose, vitamins and minerals.
  • Coconut sugar is made from palm flower buds. Rich in potassium, zinc, magnesium. Smells pleasantly of nuts and coconut.
  • We can see burnt grilled meat in candies. Unfortunately, it cannot be replaced with anything, because the taste will change. However, some research communities claim that burnt sugar is beneficial for coughs and sore throats. This natural medicine can eliminate attacks and alleviate the condition. It is noteworthy that it only helps children. Adults should use their usual means.

“White poison” also differs in the form of release. Sand is the most common and familiar, followed by lump, powder, candy and syrup. Once upon a time it was even sold in the form of a sugar loaf. But no matter what form it is produced in, even in gaseous form, there is little benefit from sugar and plenty of harm.

10 facts about the harmfulness of the product

Eating refined sugar can cause about 70 diseases, many of which are very serious. But let’s not scare in vain, draw your own conclusions:

  1. Premature aging. Sweet crystallized powder accelerates the onset of age-related changes. For example, wrinkles appear ahead of time. This occurs due to the fact that the collagen structure is transformed, and the tissues lose their elasticity.
  2. Mineral metabolism disorder, as well as their balance, can lead to a decrease in chromium levels, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar.
  3. No matter how trite, obesity. When heat treated, the product, along with fat and salt, is not removed from the body.
  4. Feeling of false hunger. This happens because free radicals in sweets begin to interfere with the normal functioning of neurons. This is exactly how hunger occurs, which ultimately leads to overeating, and subsequently to obesity.
  5. Lightning-fast addiction. It has been proven that sugar has the same effects on the brain as morphine, cocaine and nicotine. That is, addiction develops very quickly. Even look at those around you, there are only a few who don’t eat sweets. Millions simply cannot imagine their lives without him.
  6. Effects on the heart. Doctors all over the world have proven that the development of cardiovascular diseases is closely dependent on sugar consumption.
  7. Energy depletion. The product causes a lack of thiamine, which prevents the body from completing the metabolism of carbohydrates. Therefore, the energy received is not the same as it could be with complete digestion of food, and the person feels tired.
  8. Harmful stimulant. When blood sugar levels rise, you feel a surge of strength and activity. But this energy does not dissipate for a long time and a feeling of some tension remains. This is why excessively sweet foods are called “stress foods.”
  9. Calcium leaching. Abuse of “white poison” changes the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. At the same time, the level of the latter increases and the level of the former decreases. This ratio lasts for 48 hours. In this regard, calcium from food cannot be fully absorbed, so the body takes it from the bones. After this comes the turn of diseases such as osteoporosis, dental diseases and rickets.
  10. And for starters, the most compelling factor: reducing the impact of immune systems 17 times! The more sugar in the blood, the weaker the immune system. Insulin sensitivity is impaired. There is a subsequent risk of developing diabetes.

In addition, excessive consumption of sugar can lead to copper deficiency, increased blood cholesterol, glucose imbalance, and much more. Perhaps, while devouring your next cake, you couldn’t imagine what colossal harm you were causing with such an appetizing delicacy. Now there is definitely something to think about.

Glucose during pregnancy and lactation

Women in an interesting position should monitor their diet extremely carefully. Excess sugar negatively affects the development of the fetus and causes excess body weight.

It is important for mothers who are breastfeeding to remember that large amounts of fructose cause problems with the cardiovascular system and a predisposition to diabetes.

Sucrose and the children's body

Sugar is harmful to children's fragile bodies. A large amount of it leads to the child becoming diabetic.

Any doctor will suggest to concerned parents not to give their baby sweets until the age of three, except fruit, of course. Then, over the course of a year, you can gradually introduce your baby to foods containing more sugar. After all, every gram of “white poison” at a young age will not bring any benefit.

Is there any benefit?

We all know that sweets are harmful, but we also deep down understand that these delicacies are our weakness - the source of gastronomic happiness. But what is the benefit of such “joy” or should you still think about your well-being?

  • Polish scientists have proven that a person cannot completely give up sweets not because of weak will, but because sugar is, in principle, necessary for health, and even very much so. Thus, it stimulates blood circulation in the brain and spinal cord. If you do not use it at all, then the body can with 100% certainty be subject to sclerotic changes.
  • It has been proven that white crystals significantly reduce the threat of plaque damage to blood vessels, thereby preventing the occurrence of thrombosis.
  • Sweet lovers can be calm about arthritis, because they are diagnosed with this disease much less often than people who deny themselves pleasure.
  • Eating sugar will not harm the liver and spleen; on the contrary, it will help stabilize their functioning. In this regard, people suffering from diseases of these organs are strongly recommended to adhere to a diet in which the main component is, what do you think? Of course, sugar.

What diseases can develop?

We have often heard that sugar is “white death.” But is this really so?

Let's try to figure out which organs are most harmed by excessive consumption of this dietary supplement.

Insulin resistance

Insulin, so necessary for normal metabolism, is produced by the pancreas. If a lot of sweets enter the body, susceptibility to this hormone decreases. That’s when health problems arise, from the appearance of excess weight to pathologies of the endocrine system.

Insulin resistance can lead to dark patches on the skin, primarily in the neck and groin areas. To treat them, simply reduce the amount of sugar you consume.

Overloaded liver

Oversaturation with fructose leads to inflammation of the liver, accumulation of fat and liver failure. It is not completely known what leads to a constant increase in the size of the organ - sugar or obesity.

One way or another, the consequences are very serious, and no one is immune from the fact that the liver simply refuses to work.

Watch your consumption of sweets so as not to cause irreparable harm to your health.

"Disease of Kings"

This is what in past times was called a disease caused by excessive consumption of booze, all kinds of goodies and food in general.

Due to the accumulation of uric acid in the internal organs, the kidneys are affected and the joints suffer. It is difficult and painful for a person to move.

Increased blood pressure

Lovers of the sweet life often experience high blood pressure. This is caused by the formation of uric acid under the influence of the same fructose.

In order not to harm your own body, you should reduce your consumption of sweet foods.


Scientists have found that diabetes occurs due to obesity, and not directly due to refined sugar.

A layer of fat appears, and all tissues and internal organs become less sensitive to insulin.

Dental problems

The most common ailment that forces us to visit the dentist's office is tooth decay.

Numerous bacteria caused by eating sweets damage tooth enamel and then soft tissues.


Alzheimer's disease is also on the list of those that can be caused by high sugar levels.

Even before diabetes appears, substances are formed in the body that negatively affect its cognitive activity.

We see the consequences of poor nutrition and increased sugar consumption. The harm of this product has long been proven, so in order to live long and not get sick, you need to take this fact into account and start monitoring your diet.

Sweet eight of the very best

Sugar, no matter how you look at it, is found in abundance in many products, even, at first glance, not sweet ones. It is also a popular seasoning.

Let's announce a list of tasty but unhealthy foods:

  1. Nougat and lollipops. The leading position in the amount of sugar is held by nougat, which surprisingly contains 83%. Candied fruits are in second place with 81%. Chewing gum and sucking candies won bronze in this race - they contain about 63% of the “sweet killer”.
  2. Dried fruits . Few people know, but the amount of sugar in dried fruits sometimes goes off scale. For example, in apple slices it prevails, resulting in 81%. In pears the amount reaches 62%, in raisins - 59%, in dried apricots - 53%. But prunes contain the least amount of sweetness - 38%.
  3. Cookies and cakes. It's not news that the main ingredient in confectionery is sugar. Without him - nowhere! Not so long ago, the French dessert Macaroons, which are almond cookies, became extremely popular among sweet tooths around the world. So this delicious treat contains 71% sugar! In other types of treats it is 10% less. And strange as it may sound, there is not as much sugar in cakes as in other flour products - 57%. This occurs due to the addition of more flour, yeast, etc.
  4. Jams and preserves. Many people have been familiar with the sweet and cloying taste of marmalade since childhood, and now we can guess why. This delicacy contains 60% sugar, in jams and preserves the level is lower, but not much - 49%. But you can eat peanut butter calmly, without worrying about excess sugar in the body, because there is about 10% of it in the product.
  5. Instant porridge and muesli. Such breakfasts are very, very rich in sugar. Due to the fact that they do not contain fat, manufacturers often compensate for this by adding “white poison”. The indicator varies between 55-60%, which undoubtedly causes harm.
  6. Sauces, ketchups. Whatever one may say, various salad dressings and food additives contain sugar, but it is hidden. So, ketchup is saturated with it by 23%, and salad dressing - by 29%. Abuse of sauces will certainly lead to digestive problems and malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  7. Ice cream and milkshakes. You need to be extremely careful with these types of sweet and cold delicacies, especially in the summer. Enrichment with sugar, 26 and 23% respectively, affects both the figure and health.
  8. Canned fruits in syrup. Many grandmothers make similar rolls, thinking: “Let the grandson eat something delicious.” They have no idea that this product can cause irreparable harm to the body. Fruit syrup contains up to 22% sugar. But in the juices themselves there is a minimal amount of it (compared to all others) - up to 14%.

What to do?

How can you give up sweets when there are these delicious cookies, pastries and buns, sweets, and cakes everywhere? And the list of favorite delicacies continues endlessly. Biting off another slice of chocolate and washing it down with a latte, you understand that this is pleasure. And you won’t want to part with him for anything in the world.

But so that you, our readers, do not grab your heart, we offer an acceptable alternative that will satisfy even the most devoted sweet tooth. Let's start:

  • Chocolate. Buy bars made from fructose rather than sugar. There is a product containing sorbitol or stevia - these are natural sweeteners. You can also prepare something yourself based on cocoa - jellies, mousses, cocktails. Take a closer look at dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa beans. The main thing is not to overdo it. The volume of such a delicacy should not exceed 4 slices per day.
  • Homemade ice cream. It will be based on milk, the simplest ice cream without additives, and fruit. You can also include a handful of nuts or berries. Mix everything with a blender (a mixer is also suitable), pour into molds and place in the freezer. In a few hours the delicacy will be ready. All ingredients are low in calories, so you can even eat two servings.
  • Flour and sweets. We are told almost every day that it is useful to cook on our own, rather than buy food at a fast food cafe. And sugar is an excellent proof of this. Various types of buns, pies and cakes can be easily prepared at home by adjusting the quantities and portions of the ingredients provided. So, you can bake bran cake, oatmeal and ginger cookies, make date sweets, as well as low-calorie dietary desserts. The main secret of such dishes is whole grain, rice or corn flour.
  • Fruits . Especially in summer we are pleased with the huge assortment. Sweet peaches, raspberries, currants, melon, watermelons and much more. Not only are they all healthy, but they also contain fructose.
  • Sweeteners. If you are wondering how to replace sugar, then we will tell you about natural and industrial additives. Stevia herb - its leaves are very sweet, from which food powder is made. Adding such a substitute to dishes will make it not only tasty, but also a little exotic. The sweet additive Novasvit is, judging by the reviews, the best synthetic product. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it also promotes weight loss.

Review your menu. Typically, the diet contains many harmful foods that are easily replaced with healthy and low-calorie ones.

Start thinking about your health today. If you regularly suffer from digestive problems, weight gain and worsening skin condition are a sure sign that you need to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. In the modern world it is easy to do this without significant dietary restrictions.

Almost every meal we have ends with dessert: sweet tea with candy, sorbet, ice cream or chocolate. This is not surprising, because sugar is available today and is an excellent source of energy, as it is almost instantly absorbed by the body. However, it is important to remember that apart from calories and gastronomic pleasure, we do not get anything from sweet foods. It's obvious that sugar is bad for you, but have you ever wondered what kind of harm it does?

Daily sugar intake

Important fact to consider: The human body has no need for pure sugar. If you are not ready to completely give up sweets, then the harmless daily sugar intake is 30-50 grams.

Here are some statistics:

  • A Russian consumes from 100 to 150 grams daily. Sahara;
  • The Americans are ahead in this regard: 190-200 grams are typical here. Sahara;
  • Residents of European and Asian countries consume from 60 to 85 grams every day. Sahara.

Foods with the highest sugar content

  1. Ice cream - 20%;
  2. Lemonades and carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite and others) - from 15 to 85%;
  3. Ketchup - up to 25%;
  4. Sweet yogurt - 30%;
  5. Dried fruits - from 38% (in prunes) to 82% (in dried apples);
  6. Bars (for example, Mars) - 80%;

It is also worth listing berries and fruits with a high sugar content:

  1. Mango - 14%;
  2. Lychee fruits - 15%;
  3. Figs, grapes - 16%;
  4. Cherry - 18%.

The harm of sugar

If you consume sugar without controlling its quantity, you can face a lot of diseases and consequences. Let us analyze the most striking manifestations of its harmful influence.


If you do not expend the energy obtained by absorbing glucose into the blood, the following happens:

  1. Excess sugar is converted to glycogen;
  2. This substance begins to accumulate in your liver;
  3. When glycogen levels are exceeded fat folds form.

False hunger

Excessive sugar consumption is the culprit of false hunger, and the consequence is overeating. This is due to the fact that in this situation, free radicals will interfere with the stable functioning of neuronal cells responsible for appetite levels. Also, an additional factor in increasing appetite is a sharp increase in the amount of glucose in the body and an equally rapid decline.


The theory that sugar is painfully addictive, was confirmed through experiments conducted on laboratory rats.


Sugar shows more visible signs of aging due to the fact that it is deposited under the skin, stretching the collagen layer, reducing elasticity and causing wrinkles. Sugar is also a real magnet for free radicals, and they are known to be the root cause of aging.

Calcium leaching

Sugar is the cause of a violation of the proportional coefficient of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Because of this, the ability to absorb calcium is reduced, which leads to its deficiency, as well as rickets, brittleness of bones, nails and teeth.

Effects on the heart

An abnormal amount of sugar consumed leads to a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1), and this is closely related to such sad consequences as:

  1. Thinning of the heart muscle;
  2. Excessive fluid accumulation;
  3. Heart failure.

Vitamin deficiency

In particular, sugar deprives the human body of vitaminsB. The reason is as follows:

  1. Sugar is not able to be absorbed by the body on its own - for this it requires B vitamins.
  2. Sugar itself does not contain these vitamins, so in order to absorb this product, the body begins to transport them, removing them from internal organs, blood and skin.

Consequences of such a shortage:

  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Anemia and similar diseases;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Depletion of muscle tissue;
  • Heart attacks.

Impact on human immunity

The amount of sugar in the blood directly affects the quality of immunity. Speaking in numbers, this substance reduces the resistance of the immune system by 18 times. By the way, this is the whole danger of diabetes: the body is unable to absorb sugar, and when it accumulates, the immune system is always weakened.

When a large amount of sugar is consumed once, the human immune system becomes paralyzed for up to 8 hours.

All these consequences and diseases can be easily avoided: just reduce the amount of sugar consumed daily. Of course, you shouldn’t act radically, excluding sweets altogether: give up, for example, tea or coffee with sugar, jam, sweet soda and chocolate bars, giving preference to fruits, honey, and dark chocolate.


The classic symptoms of high blood sugar are the trio: polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia. In ordinary language, this is excessive urination, excessive thirst, excessive hunger. Any doctor who hears these complaints from a person will immediately get glucometer

However, often the person experiencing it does not notice the symptoms right away. Partly because they appear in stages and because these signs and symptoms are not commonly seen in people who do not have diabetes or who do not know they have it.

What is behind these symptoms?

Excessive urination

Polyuria is the result of a biological and chemical chain reaction that feeds on itself. It occurs in the blood when high concentrations of glucose push intracellular fluid into the bloodstream. In this way, the body tries to equalize the concentration of glucose in the blood with its concentration in the cells.

By diluting the blood with intracellular fluid, the body brings the blood glucose level to normal. This initially increases the volume of fluid in the blood by dehydrating the cells.

Meanwhile, associated dysfunction occurs in the kidneys. Everyone knows that the kidneys are filters that remove waste and return purified fluid back to the body. The return of purified fluid, or its reabsorption, occurs through the renal tubules, which make up about a million nephrons in each kidney.

However, when the concentration of glucose in the fluid entering the nephrons exceeds normal, the reabsorption capacity of the renal tubules is blocked, thereby causing osmotic diuresis - the release of large amounts of urine. Until glucose levels are normalized, the kidney tubules cannot regain their ability to absorb fluids.

This is how a double chain reaction occurs. Cells pump water into the bloodstream, and the kidneys, unable to reabsorb this fluid during filtration, uncontrollably expel water from the body. The result is excessive urination.

The clinical definition of polyuria is passing more than 2.5 liters of urine per day (normal output is 1.5 liters). However, with very high sugar levels, a person may experience a loss of up to 15 liters, which is a loss of fluid similar to that lost by cholera victims. In rare cases, with polyuria, a person loses 20-25 liters per day, which is approximately half the volume of all fluid in the body.

The dehydrating effect of polyuria also affects other manifestations of high blood sugar.

Signs of high sugar

Excessive thirst

Polydipsia is a response to the dehydrating effect of polyuria. This is the body's attempt to rehydrate itself. The thirst signal is sent to the brain by osmoreceptors, specialized cells in the hypothalamus that monitor the level of blood dehydration and make a person want to drink when the body is dehydrated.

The connection between excessive urination and excessive thirst is often misinterpreted by people who believe that polyuria is caused by polydipsia and not the other way around. That's why they cut themselves some slack, thinking that they've simply been drinking too much lately.

Adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes are known to manipulate this biological phenomenon through an eating disorder called diabulimia. They keep their weight low by keeping their blood glucose levels high. This allows them to eat more while keeping their body weight low. But the price of such behavior is life-threatening complications.

Symptoms of high sugar


The cells of our body are not the only inhabitants of the microscopic world that feed on glucose. Sugar is also food for bacteria and yeast.

Urinary tract infections can occur in all people, but they are much more common in women with diabetes, and bacteria are two to three times more likely to be found in their urine.

Both bacteria and yeast feed on glucose and thrive in warm, dark, and humid places. Chronic infections are present in women with chronically high blood glucose levels. The reason is simple: more glucose gives the yeast more options.

However, in addition to the presence of large amounts of glucose in the urine, long-term elevated sugar causes damage to nerve tissue, affecting a wide range of body systems. These injuries affect the bladder's ability to empty itself completely. As a result, the urine remaining in it is an ideal culture for bacterial growth.

In addition, increased sugar slows down blood circulation, which, in turn, reduces the ability of white blood cells to quickly travel to infected areas to fight infections.

Slow healing of cuts and wounds

This occurs because neutrophils (the most common type of white blood cell in the immune system's arsenal) are especially sensitive to high glucose levels. High blood sugar keeps neutrophils from sticking to the lining of blood vessels, disrupts chemotaxis (the body's chemical signaling system that guides neutrophils to the site of injury or infection), and slows phagocytosis (the process by which cells take up and digest particulate matter).

Another critical point in wound healing is the amount of oxygen. Its delivery may be reduced by either peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) or peripheral vascular disease. Both of these conditions occur with high sugar.

Slow wound healing sets the stage for some of the most serious complications of diabetes. Minor wounds can progress to tissue death. Tissue necrosis can then spread to the bone, often leading to amputation.

Dry and itchy skin

A less dangerous, but very unpleasant and widespread side effect of high blood sugar is dry and itchy skin. The first reason is excessive urination, which can dehydrate you to the point where your skin begins to dry out.

The second reason is poor blood circulation. Skin problems on the legs with high blood sugar are signs of atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries), a very common disease in people with diabetes.

The third reason is that nerve damage can interfere with the normal functioning of the sweat glands, affecting the skin's natural moisturizers, resulting in dry skin.

Another skin condition associated with high blood glucose levels is called diabetic dermopathy. It is characteristic only of diabetic patients and appears as round or oval discolored spots on the skin. These areas of the skin lose color due to capillary damage due to high glucose levels. This disease is not considered dangerous, but it serves as a visual sign of high sugar levels.

Increased sugar

Blurred vision

This problem is also a result of the dehydrating effect of excessive urination. As you remember, when the concentration of glucose in the blood is high, the body tries to dilute the blood by pushing fluid from the cells into the bloodstream. This happens throughout the body, including in the cells of the eyes. When the protective membrane of the eye dries out, it becomes temporarily deformed and the eye loses its ability to focus correctly.

High sugar levels can also cause damage to the back of the eye (retinopathy), which can eventually lead to blindness. Recent studies have shown that by the time people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, 35 percent of them already have some degree of retinopathy.

Headaches and difficulty concentrating

These problems occur because starved brain cells cannot access circulating glucose in the blood. Our brain is our biggest blood glucose meter. It makes up only 2 percent of the body's total, but absorbs 25 percent of all glucose a person consumes. And when brain cells have difficulty getting the fuel they need, they begin to perform poorly.

Most modern people will not give up sweets once again. After all, sugar is deeply believed to be good for the brain.

But herein lies their mistake: sugar can also cause great harm to your health.

Why can't you eat a lot of sugar? Consequences.

Consuming sugar in large portions threatens health loss. This speeds up the leaching of calcium in the body. Leads to damage to your teeth, nails, hair, and even bones. This will happen because sugar lacks vitamins and fiber. Sugar deposited in healthy cells of the body leads to gradual obesity, and, as a result, to faster aging of the body.

Sugar as a food product came to Europe more than 160 years ago and its consumption became popular for some people. It was used as food additives for various dishes.

Properties of sugar

  • Initially, this sweet product had medicinal properties and was expensive, so it was sold only in pharmacies.
  • The biological value of refined sugar is completely absent, since it is a highly purified, easily digestible carbohydrate. It has only 374 kcal per 100 grams. No one needs to consume such sugar.
  • Many people do not follow the norms for sweet consumption in their diet. And, in 1 week, they eat more than 1 kilogram of sugar. Which increases their calories and causes diabetes.
  • As a rule, sugar disease is widespread in rich and affluent countries, where people eat to their fill and neglect their health. In poor countries, the incidence of diseases caused by sugar abuse is much lower.
  • According to data, for a complete diet a person needs no more than 5 teaspoons of sugar or 25 grams per day.

Still, why can't you eat a lot of sugar??

The harm from eating sweets is obvious. Since there is a risk of diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

All people with a sweet tooth have a metabolic disorder, and all this happens due to excessive consumption of sugar. Their immune system weakens, the properties of the skin deteriorate, which leads to a loss of its elasticity and the appearance of acne and various sores on the skin of the body, including on the face. The complexion changes.

The effect on the body of eating sweets does not occur quickly, throughout life. Although one day, this “sweet poison” may change the body so much that it will be a pity to spend money on deliberately noticeable damage to the entire body as a whole.

Consumption of refined sugar also leads to the development of the disease - osteoporosis, that is, to the free fracture of bones.

Since childhood, our teeth deteriorate mainly due to sugar. And no “horror stories” can frighten children. They eat anyway and think it's good. Although it's the other way around. And parents of their children should know about this. If you love a child, then never give him excess sugar.

While eating, sugar sticks to the teeth, thereby destroying the enamel of the teeth, or tearing out fillings from them. Treatment of such teeth is an unbearable pain due to the fact that caries is removed and the tooth is gradually filed down. It decreases and becomes less and less strong.

The sweet product is high in calories, so it lacks minerals.

Experts' answers to the question why you shouldn't eat a lot of sugar:

  1. Usually the “sugar delicacy” is deposited on the liver. This leads to obesity, which becomes especially visible on the thighs and abdomen of a person.
  2. Sugar creates a false feeling of hunger in the brain, which can lead to overeating and abdominal expansion.
  3. Regular use of excess sugar causes wrinkles on the face. This happens because sugar wears out our body from the inside.
  4. A strong craving for anything sweet is an addiction. This addiction occurs under the influence of cocaine, morphine and nicotine.
  5. To improve digestion, our body requires vitamins. And deficiency of vitamins B and C causes kidney and stomach diseases and impairs blood flow.
  6. Because of this, the functional processes of digestion are disrupted.
  7. Conclusion: try to stop drinking tea with sugar as quickly as possible and stop eating chocolate. The least hazardous chocolate of all chocolates is dark chocolate.