Adverb of manner of action in Russian. List of adverbs. How to distinguish an adverb from an adjective? What is an adverb in Russian. §4. What to count with what? Adverbs and words of state category

Serving to describe a property (or attribute, as it is called in grammar) of an object, action or other property (that is, attribute).


If an adverb is attached to a verb or a gerund, it describes the property of an action. If it is used together with an adjective or participle, it characterizes the property of the attribute, and if an adverb is combined with a noun, it denotes the property of the object.

“How, when, where and why? From where and where? Why, how much and to what extent? - these are the questions that the adverb answers.

It does not have the ability to change its grammatical form, so it is interpreted as an unchangeable part of speech. An adverb has two morphological features - it forms groups associated with different meanings, and in some cases has

Value groups

There are six main semantic groups of adverb words.

Degrees of comparison

Adverbs can be formed from different parts of speech. Those of them that are formed from qualitative adjectives have degrees of comparison.

  • The comparative degree, in turn, is simple when its form is formed and compound, when the adverb in the comparative degree is formed using the words “less” or “more.” Here are some examples:

    Simple form: slow - slower, bright - brighter, thin - thinner, etc.;
    - compound form: sonorous - more sonorous, solemn - less solemn.

  • The superlative degree of qualitative adverbs is formed by attaching the lexemes “most” and “least” to a neutral word, for example: “This speech most successfully demonstrates my oratory skills.”
  • In some cases, the superlative degree is obtained by combining the comparative degree with the pronouns “all”, “all”, for example: “I jumped the highest.” “What he liked best was Beethoven’s music.”
  • Some adverbs of the superlative and comparative degree have a different root: much - more - more than all; bad - worse - worst of all, etc.

Syntactic role

  • “Anna walked up the steps (how?) solemnly.” In this sentence, the adverb is an adverb.
  • “We were served soft-boiled eggs (what?) and meat (what?) in French.” In this case, the adverbs fulfill the mission
  • “Your gift (what?) came in handy.” In this case, the adverb is the nominal part of the compound predicate. A verb without it cannot be perceived here as a full-fledged predicate.

Spelling adverbs

Which letter should the adverb end with in this or that case? How not to make a mistake with her choice? There is an algorithm.

It is necessary, however, to remember that if an adverb comes from a noun or adjective that already has this prefix, then at the end of the adverb we will write the letter O. Example: pass the exam ahead of schedule (adverb from the adjective early).

At the end, after the hissing ones in the adverb, we will write completely covered with clouds; ran at a gallop; go away. We find exceptions only in the word “unbearable” and in the word “married” - here the hissing ones remain without a soft sign.

Hyphen and adverb

What will help determine whether or not to write a word with a hyphen? Let's remember the following rule: we use a hyphen to write words that

  • Derived from pronouns and adjectives with a prefix By- and suffixes - him, -oh, -and.Examples: it will be my way; disperse on good terms; talk like one's own.
  • Derived from numerals with the participation of the prefix in- (in-) and suffixes -s, -their: firstly, thirdly.
  • Arose through the participation of the console some or suffixes -something, -either. Examples: There's something for you; someone asked you; someday you will remember; if there is a fire anywhere.
  • By adding words that are similar in meaning or repeating: happened a long time ago; barely move.

In conclusion

The Russian language is colorful and expressive. The adverb plays one of the main roles in this, providing our speech with expressive and rich details. The adverb is fraught with many secrets and, according to linguists, is still in development.

Adverb- This independent part Russian speeches, denoting a sign of an action, a sign of an object or a sign of another sign: gradually, competently, childishly, joyfully. The question that an adverb answers depends on what meaning it has. Most often, adverbs answer the questions: How? Where? Where? to what extent? where? When? For what? Why?

Adverb- This unchangeable part of speech. It cannot be declined, conjugated or otherwise coordinated with other words. Based on this, the adverb does not and cannot have an ending.

Differences between adverbs and conjunctions, prepositions and particles.

Adverbs from unions differ in that the former more often refer to the predicate in a sentence, less often to an adjective, adverb, numeral or noun. The conjunction serves as a connecting component between members of a sentence, parts of a complex sentence or entire sentences:

A little his chest rose, indicating that he was alive (adverb).

We began to get ready to go, a little It's starting to get light outside (union).

From prepositions adverbs differ in that they do not introduce a case form of the name:

The puppy took a few steps hesitantly towards (adverb).

Towards the owner of the house came out to me (pretext).

Unlike particles, adverbs cannot syntactically connect a noun with a preposition and stand in front of it:

I was walking directly, without turning and without looking back (adverb).

Sakura petals slowly fell to the ground, falling directly on the heads of people walking in the park (particle).

Differences between adverbs and words of the state category.

State category words denote the state of a living being or nature. Most of them have the suffix -O. These words can often act as a predicate in an impersonal sentence:

Together funny walk through the open spaces (adverb).

Despite this situation, I felt funny (state category word).

Difference between adverbs and other parts of speech.

Adverb- This independent and complete part of speech, which has its own separate syntactic role in the sentence. Most often, an adverb does not have modifiers and dependent words. An adverb is also often associated with a predicate verb as an adverbial adverb.

In almost 100% of cases, an adverb can be replaced with a synonym word: then - then, first - first, at the same time - together, in vain - in vain.

The Russian language is difficult to learn; the vocabulary numbers in the millions of words, some of which are adverbs. Let's look at what an adverb is in the Russian language and how it is formed.


An adverb is a part of speech that indicates a sign of an action or the circumstance under which the action is performed. In sentences they are most often associated with a verb. They have no gender, number, endings, or case. Those formed from qualitative adjectives have a degree of comparison: quiet - quieter, deep - deeper.

Words related to this part of speech are divided into six large groups, each of which has its own questions. Adverb questions in:

  • way of action, the following questions are posed to them: “how?”, “in what way?”, “how exactly?”;
  • measures and degrees, questions are posed to them: “how much?”, “how much?”, “to what extent?”, “to what extent?”;
  • time, their questions: “when?”, “how long ago?”, “how long?”, “since when?”;
  • places, you can ask questions: “where?”, “from where?”, “where to?”;
  • reasons - “why?”, “why?”;
  • goals, you can ask questions: “why?”, “for what?”, “for what purpose?”;

There are five ways of education:

  • by adding a prefix to the main word - prefix,
  • by adding a suffix - suffixal,
  • prefix-suffixal,
  • compounding,
  • by transforming one part of speech into another.

The prefix method of formation means adding a prefix. For example: easy - not easy, weak - not weak, there - from there.

In the suffix method, a number of suffixes are added to an adjective or verb. For - these are the suffixes o/e: fast - quickly, smooth - smooth, funny - funny. The suffix “and” is added to relative adjectives: all kinds - in every possible way, masculine - manly, heroic - heroically. From verbs they are formed using the suffixes a/ya, uchi/yuchi s, added to the stem: to be silent - silently, to love - loving, to play - playfully.

By simultaneously adding a suffix and a prefix, the formation occurs as follows:

  • the prefix “in-” plus the suffixes “-oom/him-”: in a new way, in a good way;
  • the prefix “po-” together with the suffixes “-i/ski-”: in Russian, in Indian.
  • prefixes “before-”, “from-”, “is-”, “so-”, “with-” and the suffix “-a-”: sideways, from afar, late, to the left.
  • bases of adjectives with the addition of prefixes “in-”, “on-”, “for-” and the suffix “-o-“: again, darkly, left, right.
  • nouns and prefixes “na-”, “in-”, “with-”, “by-”, “from-” with the addition of the suffix “-u-”: below, above, in the morning.
  • collective numerals using the prefixes “in-”, “na-” and suffixes “-o-”, “e”, “em”: three, three.
  • ordinal numbers using the prefixes “in-”, “in-” and suffixes “-ы/х-”: secondly.

Compounding is a method in which a part of speech is formed by merging two words (in this case, using a suffix). Examples of this method are the words barely, in passing.

By transitioning one part of speech to another, the words are formed: home, in the spring, step, a little.


According to the category, they are classified into two large groups: definitive and detailed. Determinatives, denoting the method of performing a particular action, are combined in a sentence or phrase with nouns, as well as verbs and (these types include mode of action, measure and degree). Circumstantial ones focus on the circumstances under which the action was performed (place and time, purpose and reason). Most often they are used with the verb


Relative adverbs perform the functions of allied words in a sentence. Orthographically, these are the same questions, but the lexical meaning is to reveal the main part of the sentence. For example: we don’t know where Vasily Ivanovich lives.

Important! In this case, the word “where” is not a question, but a connecting link between the main and dependent parts and indicates what exactly the speakers do not know.

Examples are word forms: where, when, why, why, where.


In the school curriculum, qualitative adverbs are not allocated to a separate group - they are part of the adverbs of manner of action. Formed from qualitative adjectives by adding the suffixes o/e, you can ask the question “how?”: loudly, weakly, cheaply. They can have degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative. For example: loud-louder, weak-weaker, cheap-cheaper.


Predicative adverbs are often used in simple impersonal sentences, performing the function of a predicate. They indicate the state: “difficult”, “quiet”, “calm”, “possible”, “impossible”, “necessary”.

Compare: “math is very difficult for me” (here the word “difficult” is connected with the verb “given”) and “Vanya lost his family in the war. It’s very difficult for him” (the word “difficult” describes the boy’s condition - this is a predicative adverb).

Use in speech

Important! The use of adverbs makes our speech richer, more expressive and beautiful, gives the interlocutor additional information, and the speaker the opportunity to accurately describe the events taking place. Without them, modern dialogue will be impossible. Their absence makes our speech dry, causing a feeling of understatement.

Compare two examples:

  1. I finished writing and went to bed.
  2. Yesterday I finished writing late and slowly went to bed.

In the second case, the interlocutor can see the picture of what happened more clearly. Tired in the evening, the author worked late, and even more tired went to bed. In some cases, without adverbs it is completely impossible for sentences to exist. This applies to predicative forms that are predicates. Thus, the sentence “It became quiet in the forest” loses its meaning if it does not contain the word “quiet”, which is a predicative adjective.

How are they different from adjectives?

Those who are fluent in Russian know how to distinguish an adverb from an adjective, because finding the differences will not be difficult at all. The adjective gives a qualitative characteristic of an object: sweet tea, blue sky, wooden bridge, new furniture. Syntactically it is connected with a noun, with which it must appear in the same case. The adjective changes according to gender, case and number: southern-southern, southern, southern. It has characteristic endings: -y, -y, -oy, -aya, -yaya, -oe, -ee.

What features help to separate an adverb from an adjective:

  • an indication of a certain sign, circumstance, method of performing an action;
  • syntactic connection with the verb;
  • lack of declension by gender, number and cases;
  • the presence of endings: -o, -a, -i.

Short list

A complete list of words related to this part of speech cannot be contained in one article due to the richness of the Russian language. Here is a short list of adverbs that are most often used in everyday life:

    • fast,
    • far,
    • home,
    • yesterday,
    • tasty,
    • Nice,
    • expensive,
    • cheap,
    • hot,
    • hot,
    • Cold,
    • warm,
    • early.

Adverb as part of speech. Adverb categories

Russian lessons Adverb


The use of adverbs in speech is necessary, since without them it is impossible to imagine communication, expression of emotions, or a detailed description of current events. These parts of speech have characteristic morphological and syntactic features that make it possible to distinguish them from other words.

Learning parts of speech in Russian lessons is quite difficult. The morphology section “Adverb” causes especially great difficulties.

To make it easier for students to master basic concepts, it is necessary to structure lessons in such a way that the student’s interest does not wane. When all the material has been studied, you can summarize and repeat the most important thing, to put together a complete picture about the adverb.

A presentation on the topic “Adverb” reveals this difficult topic for students in an easy and accessible way, with vivid examples and interesting tasks.

Working with the proposed tasks, writing out adverbs from a literary text, students repeat the concept of an adverb, its semantic groups, methods of formation, main features, syntactic role, and spelling rules.

The presentation was prepared specifically for a generalization and repetition lesson in 7th grade as preparation for a test on the topic “Adverbs.” The presentation will help the teacher organize tasks for the lesson in the required form, which is quite accessible for working with the class.

Description of the slides.

1. Title slide.

2. What does the adverb mean?

Adverb denotes attribute

actions: run slowly, speak quietly;

characteristic: very soft, flashy, quite provocative;

item: opposite house, soft-boiled egg.

3. Determine the meaning of adverbs.

  • There is only snow lurking here and there.
  • Everything around is asleep.
  • The sun will come out in the morning and rise high into the sky.
  • A slightly wrong step - knee-deep.
  • There is still a lot of snow in the birch forest.
  • Yesterday Grandfather Frost left us along this ski track.
  • Skates are not available for rental.

4. Classes of adverbs by meaning.

Mode of action

How? How?

Where? Where? Where?

When? How long?

Measures and degrees

How many? To what extent?

5. Examples.

ž Mode of action: softly, strangely, monstrously, scary, quickly, galloping, on foot, swimming, mixed up, idly, backhand, for sure.

Time: spring, winter, autumn, yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, night, sometimes, now, always, immediately.

ž Goals: out of spite, in defiance, as a joke, intentionally, unintentionally, accidentally.

Reasons: foolishly, blindly, rashly, involuntarily, not without reason.

ž Measures and degrees: a lot, a little, a little, doubly, triple, twice, thrice, two, three, six, very, very, completely, absolutely.

6. Determine the category of adverbs.

Moss-billed wood grouse have moved closer to the aspen trees.

Now you won’t see a bullfinch or a thrush in the Christmas trees.

There were a lot of spruce cones this year.

Spruce scales will fly down, straight into the snow.

Who feeds on spruce seeds and sings songs as if nothing had happened?

Crossbills quickly hang on the branches and immediately fall silent.

It is rare for a crossbill to deal with a cone even halfway.

7. Two groups of adverbs.

There are significant adverbs: they name some sign directly (quietly, loudly, in the evening).

There are pronominal adverbs: they do not name a characteristic, but only indicate:

on the mode of action (so, somehow, somehow),

time of action (then, then, sometime),

reason (because, therefore, for some reason),

goal (then, for some reason).

8. Methods of forming adverbs.

9. Determine the method of forming adverbs.

1 option

Singingly, then, in the distance, somehow, little by little, with a step, like a wolf, forward.

Option 2

Scattered, at random, apparently, then, immediately, crosswise, therefore, to the right.

10. Formation of comparison forms.

11. Form forms of comparison.

  • Strongly.
  • Fast.
  • High.
  • Tasty.
  • Low.
  • Directly.
  • Left.

From what adverb is it impossible to form forms of comparison?

12. Syntactic role.

Important events took place in the house opposite.

There was silence all around.
He looked at me slyly and fox-like.

She is not married.

13. What parts of the sentence are adverbs?

  • Mom looked a little tired.
  • Not a single person is visible around.
  • In spring, all nature comes to life.
  • We ate meat the French way.
  • Somewhere very far away a storm began.

14. Self-test.

15. The role of adverbs in the text.

Individual artistic details (metaphors, personifications, epithets) are emotionally colored.

The description as a whole is clarified and specified (indicating the time, place, mode of action, its purpose, measure and degree).

16. Write down the adverbs with the words they define.

It's already evening. The setting sun blazes brightly on the horizon. A warm breeze blows (not) boldly. The sunset looks amazingly beautiful and colorful.

We are standing on the top of a hill, and the sea is quietly splashing below. In the distance is the white sail of a fishing boat. Twilight (un)noticeably sets in, it gets sharply dark, and in the evening sky (un)expectedly a lu(n,nn) disk appears.

17. Self-test.

18. Spelling adverbs

NOT with adverbs
b after hissing
O and A at the end of adverbs
O-Y after pinching
НН-Н in adverb suffixes

19. NOT with adverbs ending in -o, -e.

It is written separately if there is a contrast with the conjunction a: Not good, but bad (fighting is not good).

If the words far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all belong to the adverb: This is not interesting to me at all.

20. b in adverbs after hissing ones.

It is ALWAYS written: backhand, backwards, all over.

Exceptions: already married, unbearable.

21. Hyphen in adverbs.

a) A hyphen in adverbs is written after the prefixes -, in-, in-, if these words contain the suffixes -mu, -im, -yh, -ih, -i: secondly, as before, in my opinion, in Russian, in summer.

b) After the prefix koe- and before the suffixes -to, -or, -ni: some where, somehow, somehow.

c) In complex adverbs formed with the help of words of the same root or by repetition: white-white, exactly, a little.

22. The letters -O, -A at the end of adverbs.

Use the word "window"! Works with the prefix-suffix method of adverb formation!

To the left (out the window), to the right (from the window), FROM THE WINDOW (from the window).

But: trusting, intelligible, fair.

23. -O, -E after hissing adverbs at the end.

The letter O is written under the accent: hot, fresh.

In the unstressed position - the letter E: brilliant, simpler.

Exception: yet.

24. N and NN in adverbs.

enthusiastically - enthusiastic (adv.)
strongly – strong (adj.)
scattered - scattered (adv.)
terrible - terrible (adj.)
intensely - intensified (adv.)
absolutely – perfect (adj.)
interesting – interesting (adj.)


Insert b where necessary:

Hide.., wide open.., sword.., youth.., look.., already.., completely.., powerful.., fresh.., backhand.., married.., etc.., trifle. ., carcass.., mouse.., rags.., penny.., gallop.., unbearable...

26. Self-test.

27. Together or separately?

(Not) far from the house there grows an oak tree.
The soul is (not) cheerful, but very sad... but.
We talked not at all loudly.
The work was done (in)carefully.
The boy is dressed (not) sloppy.
The music sounded (not) loud.

28. Self-test.

29. E or I? Put the emphasis!

36. Self-test.

37. N or NN? Determine the part of speech! talk.
I looked crazy.
He screamed desperately.
The guys' attention is scattered..o.
The wind scatters the seeds across the field.
Slowly he walked through the city.
The roofs of the houses were white with snow.
Karti..o akimbo.

38. Self-test.

39. If you don’t understand something, ask! Wrong - repeat!

1. Adverb- an independent part of speech that denotes signs of actions, signs of signs and answers questions How? Where? When? Where? Why? For what? to what extent?

Basic features of adverbs

A) General grammatical meaning Examples
This is the value of the action attribute or attribute attribute.
  • If an adverb is attached to a verb, it denotes an action.
  • Laugh cheerfully, run fast, talk loudly, do things in the heat of the moment, do things out of spite.
  • If an adverb is attached to an adjective or other adverb, then it denotes a characteristic attribute.
  • Too fast, too fast.
    B) Morphological characteristics
    Adverbs have no gender, number, case, are not inflected or conjugated.
    B) Syntactic features Examples
    In a sentence, adverbs are usually adverbs. The moon brightly illuminated the entire valley.
    Adverbs usually depend on verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, forming phrases with them. Approach from the right, very cheerful, very cheerful.

    Note. In a number of manuals, along with adverbs, state words are highlighted. They are similar in form to adverbs and answer similar questions. But, unlike adverbs, in a sentence they do not depend on other words and are always predicates in an impersonal sentence (cf.: On the soul funny; At night light ). In this manual, state words are included in the category of adverbs.

    2. Classes of adverbs by meaning:

    Adverb meanings Questions Examples
    1 course of action How? how? Fun, loud, friendly, friendly, whispering, together.
    2 measures and degrees to what extent? how much? Very, slightly, too much, completely, completely, twice as much.
    3 places Where? Where? where? Far, to the left, from above, into the distance, back.
    4 time When? since when? until when? How long? For a long time, always, in the spring, at night, late, already, at first.
    5 reasons Why? why? In the heat of the moment, blindly, involuntarily.
    6 goals For what? For what? On purpose, out of spite, for laughter.

    3. Degrees of comparison can have adverbs starting with -о (-е), formed from qualitative adjectives:

    Wed: cheerful → fun; loud → loud ; fast → quickly .

    A) comparative degree May be:

      simple(formed using the suffixes -ee (-ee), -e, -she);

      More fun, more fun, more fun, louder, louder, farther, farther.

      complex(formed by particles more and less);

      More fun, less loud.

    b) superlative Usually it is complex and consists of two words - the comparative form of the adverb and the word all.

    The most fun of all, the loudest of all.

    Pay attention!

    1) Qualitative adverbs in -о (-е) coincide in form with the neuter forms of short adjectives.

    Wed: The sea is calm(adjective) - He calmly left(adverb); The sea is calm(adverb).

    In order to distinguish between these forms, it should be remembered that short adjectives are usually the predicate in a two-part sentence; adverbs - an adverb or predicate in an impersonal one-part sentence.

    2) The simple comparative degree of adjectives is the same as the simple comparative degree of adverbs. In order to distinguish between these forms, you should replace the simple form of the comparative degree with a complex form (they are not the same for adjectives and adverbs) or replace the comparative degree with a positive one.

    Wed: He's calmer than me(adjective - he is calmer than me; he's calm) - Speak more calmly(adverb - speak more calmly; speak calmly).

    4. Morphological analysis of adverbs:

    Adverb parsing plan

    I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
    II Initial form (unchangeable word; positive degree form - for qualitative adverbs). Morphological characteristics:
    A Constant morphological characteristics:
    1 immutability;
    2 rank by value;
    3 for qualitative adverbs - mark if used in comparative or superlative degree.
    III Role in sentence(which part of the sentence is the adverb in this sentence).

    Examples of adverb parsing

    Trofimov stepped forward and stood at attention(Ketlinskaya).

    (stepped) forward

    1. Adverb; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers a question (stepped) Where?
    2. N. f. - forward. Morphological features: unchangeable word; rank is an adverb of place.
    3. In a sentence there is a circumstance of place.

    (Frozen) at attention

    1. Adverb; denotes a sign of an action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (frozen) How?
    2. N. f. - at attention
    3. In a sentence - a circumstance of the course of action.

    It got completely dark(Chakovsky).

    (It became) dark

    1. Adverb; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers the question (became) How?
    2. N. f. - dark. Morphological features: unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action.
    3. In a sentence - the nominal part of the predicate in an impersonal one-part sentence.

    At all (dark)

    1. Adverb; denotes an action sign and a sign sign, answers a question (dark) to what extent? how much?
    2. N. f. - at all. Morphological features: unchangeable word; rank is an adverb of measure and degree.

    The sun warms the barns and courtyards more tenderly in the calm(Bunin).

    More affectionately (warms)

    1. Adverb; denotes a sign of action and a sign of a sign, answers a question (warms) How?
    2. N. f. - kindly. Morphological features: unchangeable word; category - adverb of manner of action; used in the simple comparative degree.
    3. In a sentence there is a circumstance of measure and degree.

    Exercise for the topic “3.5.1. The concept of an adverb. Morphological features of adverbs. Adverb categories. Morphological analysis of adverbs"

    The book presents in a concise and accessible form the necessary reference material for all types of analysis in Russian language lessons for the primary school course, and presents many diagrams and examples of grammatical analysis.