What is an instant tan. How long does self-tanning obtained in a beauty salon last? More about the composition and duration of the effect

Self-tanning is one of the safest ways to bronze your skin. It can be a cream, lotion, spray, milk or even special wipes. Their action is short-lived, and in the absence of application experience, stains or a yellow tint may appear.

If you want to quickly and painlessly get a tan, but do not want to risk your appearance, there is such a procedure as professional self-tanning. It is performed by a cosmetologist and involves uniform spraying of the bronzing preparation. In most cases, the fake tan lasts longer and there is no "spotting" effect.

More about the composition and duration of the effect

The main active molecule in self-tanning products is called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). It is obtained from cane. The action of DHA is to color the top layer of the skin. The applied dye is absorbed into several surface layers of the epidermis.

The cells of the upper epidermal layers no longer have a nucleus and major organelles, so DHA exposure does not cause DNA mutation and is no more dangerous than ordinary shadows, blush or powder. There are no blood vessels in these layers yet, respectively, the pigmenting substance is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a systemic effect (that is, an effect on internal organs). Therefore, to the question of whether self-tanning is harmful to the skin, the answer is unambiguously negative.

Moreover, the dye takes on some of the function of melanin - a natural pigment that is formed during tanning. The task of melanin is to create a kind of barrier against ultraviolet radiation. That is, self-tanning partially duplicates the protection against rays that can cause skin cancer. And if a sun protection factor (SPF) is added to the main active ingredient, then such a product protects even better from ultraviolet radiation than the usual one.

As mentioned, dihydroxyacetone is absorbed by the most superficial layers of the epidermis. The "life" of these layers is short, and they quickly exfoliate. This is the reason for the short-lived effect of artificial tanning.

Self-tanning is very sensitive to the nature of the surface on which it is applied. So, if it is not clean enough or wet, this can affect the uniformity of application and cause “streaks”.

Cosmetologists provide the service "instant self-tanning". In this case, they usually use either products with a fairly high content of dihydroxyacetone (5-16%), or preparations based on erythrulose. The latter is a DHA-related substance, but has better absorption characteristics, so it spreads evenly over the integuments and colors them in more natural tones, without orange or yellow tints.

How long self-tanning made in the salon lasts depends on the main active ingredient, the lotion used, as well as the client's skin type. Usually this period is longer than when using home remedies, and is 7-10 days.

Types of tanning

Self-tanning can be called 2 types of drugs:


These are creams that do not contain dihydroxyacetone or erythrulose, but only a coloring pigment. It is not absorbed by the epidermis and can be easily washed off with water at any time.

Bronzers are actively used by makeup artists: with their help, the effect of sculpting the face is well created.

Since such a product is not absorbed, even a small amount of sweat, sebum or water will cause it to spread. So if you want streak-free self-tanning, use products that contain dihydroxyacetone or erythrulose.


They contain sugar from cane extract, and it is they who are able to penetrate into the surface layers of the epidermis. Autobronzates do not begin to act immediately, but after a few hours, while the maximum concentration is reached after about 8-12 hours (sometimes later). At this time, you should not expose the treated areas to the action of water or alcohol, you should not exercise (so that the sweat does not wash off the applied drug).

Please note: Most DHA-based self-tanners for the face will differ from those for the body. This is due to the different concentrations of the active substance.

It is advisable to choose such a time of day for applying self-tanning so that you can stay in home clothes for 6-8 hours (the tool tends to stain it) and at the same time not go to bed (bed linen can be stained).

Autobronzates are applied after preliminary preparation, which we will talk about a little later.


The desired shade of skin pigmentation is written on the product packaging:

  • If you want a dark, chocolate-like color, choose one that says "Dark" or "Fonce".
  • If the desired shade lies in the medium brown color scheme, buy Medium or Moyenne.
  • If you do not want to surprise others with a sharp transition from aristocratic pallor to chocolate color, choose Light or Clair.

Indications and contraindications for self-tanning

Anyone can apply a product based on dihydroxyacetone, if he is not allergic to the components of a particular autobronzate. In addition to allergic manifestations, other contraindications are exacerbation of herpes infection, wounds and inflammation at the treatment site. Breastfeeding and pregnancy is not a contraindication.

Which self tanner to choose

Before buying, decide what form of release the product should have, as well as what should be written on the package.

Release form

The action of Biocon self-tanning cream

The result of applying Garnier Ambre Solaire

The effect of Nivea-Sun bronzer

The action of Floresan self-tanning spray
Photos taken from the resource otzovik.com

Self-tanning for the body can be in the form of a cream, milk, gel, lotion, spray or oil. You need to choose one of them depending on the type of your skin:

  • Spray. Suitable for any type, dries quickly enough. For the first application and for the face, it is better not to use such a remedy, since it is not clear where the spray has already hit, and which areas have not yet been painted over. This can cause streaks and uneven coloration. When spraying the product, protect the respiratory tract and eyes from aerosol ingress.
  • Body milk. Best used on oily skin. The product is easy to apply and absorb.
  • The cream is used primarily for dry skin; if the latter is very dry and white, it is better to mix self-tanning 1: 1 with a moisturizer, and only then apply. Creams dry out for a long time, during the drying period they can be smeared with clothes or washed off with water.
  • The gel is suitable for all skin types. The agent is quickly absorbed, additionally matting the treated areas, lays down evenly, but does not give a rich color.
  • The lotion is optimal for normal and oily types.
  • Self-tanning oil is ideal for dry skin. It takes a long time to absorb, but perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.

Color type

The color type directly affects the choice of self-tanning.

If you are dark-haired, dark-skinned, and do not want to end up with a yellow tint, you need a product labeled "Dark".

For people with hair from light blond to chestnut, owners of a peach skin tone, as well as brown eyes, Medium self-tanners are recommended.

For light skin, it can be a cream, milk, spray or gel labeled "Light".

Choose by rating

The top 10 auto bronzers, according to many women surveyed, look like this (in order from most effective to least effective):

  1. A Clarins concentrate called Radiance-Plus Golden Glow Booster, which requires a 1:1 dilution with milk or moisturizer, strictly according to the instructions. Can be used on face and body.
  2. Lancome's Oil-Free Flash Bronzer Lotion. It is used mainly for the face, but can also be used for the body.
  3. Gel from L'Oreal in a bottle with a dispenser called "Sublime Bronze". It is formulated for use on the body, but when mixed with your favorite moisturizer 1:1, it can also be used on the face.
  4. Cream from L'Oreal "Nutri Bronze". It has a special smell that not everyone will like, contains shine, is absorbed quickly, and lasts for a relatively long time.
  5. Lancaster Self Tanning body spray has been tried by many women who claim that this self-tanner does not give yellowness.
  6. Milk from Floresan. Although it is a very inexpensive remedy, it nevertheless pigments the skin of the face or torso well; they can darken local white spots for 7-10 days.
  7. Dior Bronze Shimmering Glow. This remedy is applied to the face; gives it a golden, without yellowness, shade, and also improves the condition of aging skin.
  8. Yves Rocher "Bronze Nature" not only colors, but also tightens the skin, and also moisturizes it. The tool is adapted for daily use.
  9. "Sun Touch" by Nivea. This is a body spray that contains not only alcohols, but also vitamin E, which is an antioxidant.
  10. Means from Dove "Shine of summer". Body lotion, which acts very gently, slowly stains the skin: the effect can be seen no earlier than after 3 days.

How to apply self-tanner

Applying self-tanner requires a special algorithm, otherwise you risk getting streaks and uneven color. The same steps must be followed if you go to the salon procedure.

So, point by point.

First you need to check if you have allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug on the inner surface of the forearm. Wait 20 minutes or wash off sooner if the application site is itchy or red. The drug that caused such symptoms should not be used.

5-7 days before the procedure, remove products containing fruit or salicylic acids from the usual care plan. Otherwise, you can get unpredictable results.

Immediately before applying the auto bronzer, exfoliate with a scrub and a pumice stone. As an exfoliating agent, both purchased and homemade scrub (salt mixed with liquid soap, honey and soda) are suitable. Carefully remove long hair at the application site.

Stop using deodorants 5-6 hours before. The skin should be moisturized with a cream (if necessary), and then thoroughly dried with a dry towel. Now you can apply self-tanner. Put on gloves, and first process the denser skin, then the more delicate. First paint those areas that are always open to the sun, then the rest of the areas.

Movement - from the bottom up. On the skin of the knees, elbows, self-tanning is needed less than for other areas. Axillary areas can not be stained at all.

When treating the face, in order to avoid a sharp contrast between the dyed skin and the scalp, before dyeing, apply a moisturizer along the hairline, on the ears and on the back of the neck. Clip your hair or put it under the headband so that it does not interfere. The area of ​​the nose and forehead is treated last, the drug should not be applied to the skin around the eyes.

You need to rub the self-tanner in a circular motion and quickly. It is necessary to process the hands from the outside, but if the drug gets on the palms of the nails and between the fingers, it must be washed off. The product can be reapplied after 30-60 minutes, if so written in the instructions.

After applying self-tanner, do not rinse it off. Lubricate the places where little funds could get, and “joints” with a moisturizer: this will prevent the formation of sharp transitions and a different tone. Look at the folds of the skin: they should not contain cream, remove the excess of the latter with a napkin.

Over the next 6-8 hours (unless the instructions say otherwise), you can not:

  • wash or take a shower;
  • exercise;
  • change clothes several times (it is advisable not to wear light-colored clothes at all);
  • lie down in bed.

If you immediately see that the resulting tone is quite dark, wash off the self-tanner from this area using a coarse washcloth.

If the tone does not fit?

If the skin tone that turned out does not suit you, we will tell you several ways to wash off self-tanner.

Method number 1, for the body. We take a warm bath with foam, lie in it for at least an hour, three washcloths, and then scrub the skin on which autobronzate was applied. The method is suitable if you do not like the color of the entire skin, it has acquired yellowness or there are multiple divorces.

Method number 2, for the body. We use a tuff washcloth. Take a bath with foam, and then actively treat the desired areas with a washcloth.

Method number 3, for the face and body. We use lemon. You can cut it, and just rub it with too ugly colored places, then quickly rinse off the juice. You can also use lemon juice: mix 2 tbsp. juice from 1 tsp. soda, rub with such a “scrub” the right places. Rinse off quickly: Lemon juice contains fruit acids that exfoliate the epidermis, and the longer they sit on the skin, the deeper the effect will be.

Method number 4, suitable if self-tanning was applied to the face, and its overall effect is not to your liking. We use a mask of white clay diluted with sour cream. Keep it for 15-20 minutes, wash off.

Method number 5, suitable for the face and body, if the tone is too yellow or orange. Treat the “affected” skin with baby oil, soak for 10-30 minutes. In this case, the tan will remain, but it will no longer be so bright and yellow.

Method number 6, suitable for correcting small spots. To do this, squeeze a “pea” of toothpaste onto your finger and treat it with too dark areas, massage them in a circular motion, rinse off the paste.

For those who are contraindicated in direct sun exposure, who are worried about, self-tanning will also be a great alternative.

Hi all! Every woman dreams of being attractive and catching the admiring glances of others. Golden tan is a great addition to the image of a well-groomed, self-confident woman. The article will tell you how to properly apply self-tanner at home and in the salon.

For most people, prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated, and ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on sensitive skin. In addition, many people simply cannot afford expensive resorts.

There is a way out - self-tanning. You can apply it yourself at home or use the services of a professional in a beauty salon. Self-tanner will give your skin a brilliant tan without harming your health.

In order to properly apply self-tanning without stains and streaks, it is necessary to approach this procedure meaningfully. There are three stages, following which your body will acquire an even and correct shade of tan at home:

  1. Preparation of the skin of the face and body;
  2. exfoliation of the skin;
  3. Applying self tanner.

Let's consider each stage in detail.

Skin preparation and care

Proper skin care slows down the aging process and is the key to a beautiful and healthy body. But, unfortunately, most women do not attach much importance to this.

We all know that the neck, décolleté, and hands are the first to give away a wearer's age, and self-tanning can bring additional attention to imperfections such as flaking or dry skin.

A beneficial effect on the skin occurs immediately on all fronts: the lipid layer of the skin is restored, metabolism is activated, blood circulation improves, fat deposits are burned, puffiness decreases, lymphatic drainage is performed, the skin is smoothed, cellulite disappears and so can be listed indefinitely.

We can use this versatile product as a self-tanner for the body, which will not only give you a tanned body, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin. The body will acquire an attractive silhouette, and your skin will have a healthy glow.

Let's move on to the preparation and use of coffee self-tanner.

  1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of natural ground coffee in 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes.
  2. Rub the resulting solution into the skin of the face and body in the morning and evening with a cotton pad.
  3. Change the concentration up or down, depending on what result you want to get.

Continue the procedures until the desired skin tone is obtained.

Self-tanning (bronzing) procedure in the salon

Nowadays, there are a huge number of beauty salons ready to offer you a bronzing procedure. It won't be cheap. In Russia, the average cost of a bronzing procedure varies from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. Salon tanning will last on the skin for an average of 1.5-2 weeks. Consider the pros and cons of the procedure.

  • you get the shade you need, thanks to the variety of choices;
  • saving time, as the tan is applied for 3-5 minutes;
  • smooth application the first time.
  • high cost of procedures;
  • tan lasts no more than 2 weeks;
  • you can come across an unscrupulous beauty salon, in which case all the pluses will immediately disappear.

In order for self-tanning to retain its appearance longer, you need to properly care for the skin. On average, self-tanning after a salon lasts 3-4 days, but with the help of some simple tips, you can extend the maintenance of tanned skin up to a week.

  • To fix the applied product on the skin, you can visit the solarium for a few minutes immediately after the procedure. Hot air will dry the applied lotion and strengthen the result.
  • Refrain from bathing for 6-12 hours after self-tanning, and do not use scrubs and other cleansing preparations for a week.
  • When choosing between a bathtub and a shower, opt for a shower, as prolonged exposure to water destroys self-tanning.
  • After bathing, do not rub the skin, it is better to lightly blot it with a towel and let it dry naturally.
  • Do not allow dry skin, periodically moisturize the body with nourishing creams without fragrances and alcohol additives.
  • Shaving also destroys the effect of self-tanning, removing the top protective layer, to prevent this effect, it is recommended to pre-wax or laser hair removal of the treated areas.
  • To maintain the normal water balance of the body, it is necessary to consume a lot of fluids, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  • Tip: Avoid saunas, swimming pools, and gyms while self-tanning is active, if possible, as excessive sweating can quickly wash off your tan.
  • Do not use products with lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol content during the self-tanning period, as the above components contribute to the rapid removal of the lotion.
  • If you have the opportunity to receive natural sunbathing, then the effect of self-tanning can be supplemented with a regular tan, this will not cause any harm to the skin.
  • Tight, tight-fitting clothing can cause the lotion to rub off certain areas of the body, so try to wear loose-fitting clothing or at least not tight fitting over tanned areas.

We learned from our own experience whether it is possible to become swarthy in 15 minutes

Photo: instagram.com/sugaringlondon/

Owners of straight hair want to curl them, owners of curls dream of straightening them - everyone knows this paradox. I have a different situation: as the owner of snow-white skin, I dream of a bronze tan. I tried to achieve it in many ways, including prolonged sunbathing in resorts (the last time it ended in solar dermatitis), all kinds of self-tanners of different price categories and, forgive me, my familiar beauty experts, a tanning bed, but I never got the desired result. There was only one remedy left - an instant tan in the salon - and I decided to try it. For the experiment, I chose the LikeZagar studio.

What is an instant tan?

Instant tanning is a service of tanning studios and beauty salons that can make you tanned in 15 minutes. With the help of a special tool, the master evenly sprays sugarcane-based tanning lotion over your body, and you immediately become tanned. And this is not the final result - the tan appears in full force after 2-6 hours (the time depends on the chosen shade). This is not a paint, but an artificial tan, so after taking a shower, it remains. The result largely depends on your skin and individual characteristics, but usually lasts for a week or even two.

Photo of clean skin before the procedure

Before the procedure

Immediately after the appointment, I was told that my future tan largely depends on the correct preparation of the skin, and they gave recommendations. At least 12 hours before the procedure, you need to do a light scrub of the whole body (without oils and coffee) - I did this. The day before the procedure, it is not recommended to use creams, gels (due to the possible high pH) - I safely forgot about this. But on the day of tanning, she did everything perfectly: she took a shower without gel and washcloths and did not use any body products, including deodorant. And, as I was advised, I came to the salon in spacious dark clothes, because immediately after the procedure, the lotion can leave traces on the clothes.

How is the procedure

When I came to LikeZagar, the first thing I discussed with the master was the shade that I wanted to get. It seems that it looked very funny: I was standing, all so snow-white, which in my childhood was called “white-sour cream” and showing the master pictures of dark-skinned beauties on Instagram, answering her warnings with the irrevocable “I just want this!”. I was warned that the shade I want is quite dark - it will look good on the skin, but when it starts to come off the face and hands, the contrast will be noticeable. It did not frighten me, so I boldly undressed, put on disposable panties and stood in the original position - legs apart, arms in different directions. In order not to stain the feet, special stickers were glued to them, and the palms were smeared with a greasy cream. Before applying the lotion, they did a bio-peeling - a special composition was sprayed on the whole body, which removes impurities and degreases the skin. Then they started spraying the lotion itself - the master does it very carefully, in zones, saying how best to stand up and turn around: either you need to raise your hands up, then substitute one leg, then the other, then turn your back, then hold your breath while the lotion is applied to face. However, it is not difficult to do this, the main thing is not to touch the walls or the body with your hands during all the manipulations - the master monitors this. I was warned that the lotion itself is cool, but in the cabin I did not freeze. Then the body was slightly dried with a hair dryer and immediately allowed to dress. I saw a tan right away - more precisely, a thin white stripe from the elastic of the underpants, the rest of the body was noticeably darker. I was advised not to take a shower for eight hours - for me this meant not washing at night - not crying, not sweating, and not even washing my hands (palms can be wiped with tissues) and allowed to dress.

Photo after - the next day after the procedure

Feelings after

How sticky it was! Well, it's just very, very sticky. I rode the subway and dreamed of the moment when I could take off my clothes at home. The jacket on me was more or less spacious, and the jeans were not the tightest, but not oversized either. Mentally, I said goodbye to a tan, because I was sure that stains and stains would remain - after all, immediately after the procedure I put on a sweater, and jeans, and a jacket, and even put myself in a warm subway ... After an hour and a half, the stickiness became tolerable, and after two or three I saw the tan appear. The skin became darker before the eyes, while the color was rich, natural (no orange!) And perfectly even. To celebrate, I went to bed without taking a shower at night - this could be done, but there was a risk that the tan would then not be as dark as I wanted. And even the warning of the master did not frighten me that brown stains may remain on the bedding ...

Photo of how smoothly the tan fades: compare the skin color on the fingers and wrist


In the morning I woke up shady. Very! And with stains on the bedding, yes. But they were easy to wash, by the way. And I had not sticky at all and very tanned skin. I meticulously examined myself and did not find a single spot, not a single smudge or trace - everything was really very even. After the first shower, the color faded a little, but I remained very tanned. Well, then I just admired myself in every mirror, and everything looked brighter on me - both makeup and clothes. It was wonderful!
To make my tan last longer, I avoided the pool, baths, washed without a washcloth and applied moisturizer to my body twice a day, as I was advised in the studio. The tan began to fade after five days - primarily from the hands and face. But then I put on one of my self-tanners, and everything looked decent. In the salon, by the way, they sell lotions for home use to “tint up”, and they do a separate express tan only for the face and hands - these are good options to extend the life of your tan. After two weeks, a little color still remained on the body, but the hands and face were completely washed off, so I'm going to repeat the procedure in the near future.

Summer has crept up unnoticed. The season loved by women is hectic and demanding. Open clothes bring great joy - you can show yourself in all its glory. New clothes look most effective on a tanned body. But what to do if there is an eternity before the vacation, and in May it was not possible to find the cherished dark skin tone? Self-tanning in the salon is the best way out for coquettes.

How to prepare for self-tanning

All cosmetic procedures require careful preparation of the skin. All parts of the body need special care:


According to reviews, tanning in the cabin will be successful only if all conditions are met. The preparatory procedures are carried out in several stages. First, the skin is scrubbed. As a result, all dead particles of the epidermis are removed, the pores are cleansed.

The skin “opens up” and becomes more receptive to self-tanner: in the salon, the price of the procedure is the sum of the services provided and the cost of cosmetics. An integrated approach is fully justified, because at home it is difficult to cope with the task. The tan is uneven and quickly washed off. Pigment spots remain on the skin.

A prudent approach requires the face, ears, the border of the hairline behind the ears and at the back of the head. Intimate areas deserve special attention - professional depilation is indicated for lovers of resort skin tone.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: After scrubbing, the skin is treated with a preparatory composition for an even tan.

Light tanning - and the beach will be subdued!

Self-tanning: what you need to know

To make self-tanning in a salon worthy of trust means to protect yourself from disappointment. Cosmetologists apply the product according to a special technique, evenly distribute it. But the main thing is that a qualified specialist starts from the type of skin and selects the appropriate lotion, spray or milk. Salon procedures are also good because the products of one manufacturer are used. They complement each other perfectly.

Also, applying self-tanning in the salon eliminates the need to buy a complete set of special cosmetics. There are cases when the procedure is done only a couple of times during the summer or on the eve of departure to the resort.

Each cosmetologist has his own recipe for covering the body with a self-tanner. But the general procedure is something like this:


The work uses special sponges and other devices. A sign of a good result is the absence of stains on the body.

Elbows, knees, feet are areas that do not require rubbing. Otherwise, dark spots will remain on the skin. But when applying the composition to the face, the eyelids and the hairline are necessarily captured - so there will be no transition between “tanned” and natural skin.

When applying the product on the face, it is important to capture the hairline so that there is no sharp transition.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Self-tanning pigment should not be too saturated. The skin will take on a carrot hue and look unnatural.

If the quality of self-tanning is inadequate, spots appear

When do self-tanning

Professional self-tanning in the salon is best done before leaving for warmer climes. The procedure is practically harmless, does not have a strong effect on the skin. Just a couple of hours is enough - and the desired effect is achieved. You won't have to spend tiring hours in the solarium, the dangers of which are not mentioned only by the lazy. For some women, such methods of tanning are contraindicated.

Visiting a salon before a vacation is an effective way to deal with complexes. Many ladies are embarrassed by too light skin and believe that they need to appear fully armed on the beach. A natural tan will lie more evenly on the prepared skin.

Self-tanning on legs is a great alternative to stockings in the summer.

The period of the visit to the beautician is calculated in such a way as to give the skin a rest after the procedure and prepare for the test of the sun. There is no unambiguous answer to the question: tanning in the cabin for how long does it last. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and skin type.

Therefore, a preliminary consultation and discussion of the subtleties of the upcoming action will not interfere. Also, it will not be superfluous to find out how much self-tanning costs in the cabin. Too high cost of services, as well as an overly democratic price, is always a reason to think about the quality of the result. And he must be awesome.