Golden currant: description, propagation, planting and care. Golden currant (photo) - planting, propagation and care Growing golden currants in summer cottages

Golden currant or golden currant (lat. Ribes aureum) - tall shrubs that are representatives of the Currant genus (Ribes) from the Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae). Unlike its relatives, it is characterized by increased unpretentiousness and drought resistance.

In nature, the range of this species extends across the territory of southwestern Canada, the central-western regions of the United States, the northern part of Mexico, etc. Cultivated forms of golden currant are successfully cultivated in Europe and Central Asia. In Russia, this plant can be found both in the European part of the country, and in the Caucasus, Altai Territory, Far East, etc. It is popularly known as “krandal” (the name of the same name was given to one of the most popular varieties cultivated in the former THE USSR).

Botanical description
Golden currant is a tall, deciduous shrub, about 2.5 m high. The main shoots are weakly branched, reddish in color, with or without slight pubescence. The growth rate of shoots is up to 40 cm/year. The root system is powerfully developed. Root shoots penetrate the soil to a depth of more than 1.5 m.

The leaf blades are rounded, kidney-shaped, medium in size (5x6 cm), 3-lobed. The central lobes are more developed. The edge of the leaf is jagged. The base is wedge-shaped. Both surfaces of the leaf blades are pubescent.

Flower clusters consist of 6-16 buds. The bracts are large and erect. The flowers are small, up to 15 mm in diameter, rich yellow-golden in color, fragrant. The flowering is so abundant that everything looks like gold. It is to him that the plant owes its name - “golden currant”.

Sepals are spread out. During the flowering period, their color is similar to the petals, and when the berries ripen, they change color, becoming orange-red or red-burgundy.

Golden currant berries do not have the characteristic taste and color of black currants. They are spherical, up to 8 mm in diameter, weighing about 1 g, and when ripe they become purple-brown to black in color. The skin is dense and cracks when unevenly moistened. Each fruit contains from 2 to 28 small seeds, weighing 0.002 g. At the end of the fruit there is a long remnant of a flower corolla.

Their pulp is edible, juicy, sweet, with a subtle accent of sourness. It contains more than 17% sugars, about 2% fruit acids, etc. It is rich in vitamins C and B, as well as P-active substances. In terms of vitamin A content, golden currant berries are superior to white, red and black currants. They are recommended for fresh consumption, as well as after various heat treatments, as wine raw materials, etc.

Young golden currant seedlings begin to bear fruit regularly from the second year of cultivation. Under favorable cultivation conditions and compliance with agricultural technology, the yield of one bush can exceed 10 kg.

The vegetative cycle of the plant begins with the arrival of heat. The flowering period lasts about 20 days, starting in mid-May. Alternate ripening of fruits occurs from mid-July. By mid-August the foliage turns orange-red, and in September it turns carmine-purple. The bush remains in this form until frost arrives.

Meaning and Application
Golden currants were brought to Europe in the 19th century. as an ornamental plant. It was cultivated from the first years of the 19th century. The founder of the Russian selection of this crop was I. Michurin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of many varieties of fruit and stone fruit crops. Based on seedlings of the American form "Crandal", he obtained the first domestic varieties.

Thanks to his scientific works and the results achieved in the 30-40s, golden currant became widespread in the territory of modern Russia, including not only the southern and southeastern regions, but also the steppe regions of Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan, Altai Territory, etc.

Today, golden currant is positioned as a high-yielding berry and ornamental crop. It is highly valued for its drought resistance, undemandingness to soil and climatic conditions, and endurance. The relevance of cultivation is justified by agro-forestry reclamation work aimed at creating forest shelter belts and combating drought. Its bushes occupy worthy places in gardens, used in single or group plantings, to create hedges, etc.

Growing golden currants
Belonging to the currant genus, this variety requires the use of standard agrotechnical techniques for this crop: watering, fertilizing, pruning, etc.

Landing location
Golden currant is a light-loving plant, but thrives in the shade. At the same time, in open, sunny places, the fruits are larger, juicier and tastier. It reacts negatively to waterlogged, heavy, clay soils. Prefers light soils. Taking into account the deep penetration of root shoots, the groundwater level should be quite low.

Unlike other representatives of the Gooseberry family, it is characterized by increased resistance to pests, pathogens, and gas pollution.

Golden currant seedlings are planted according to a 120x250 cm pattern. Taking into account the cross-pollination of this crop, it is recommended to plant several varieties together to obtain increased yields.

Before planting, seedlings are inspected for mechanical damage, affected areas and other defects. Their shoots are shortened, leaving no more than 3 full buds. After this, the root system is soaked in a clay mash.

It is necessary to prepare the planting hole in advance. For a one-year-old seedling, its optimal volume is 60x60x60 cm. Add 1 bucket of well-rotted compost, the same amount of peat and river sand, as well as 5 cups of wood ash and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Growing conditions
Golden currant is extremely resistant to drought and heat at any stage of the vegetative cycle. Reacts well to pruning. Responsive to regular orano-mineral feeding.

This type of currant has much greater winter hardiness, unlike its relatives. It tolerates long-term frosts with a critical minimum of -30C without consequences. In severe winters, as a rule, only the tops of annual shoots suffer, which do not have time to stop their growth before the end of autumn. In spring, the bushes quickly recover, rapidly gaining green mass.

Thanks to frost resistance and high regenerative ability, even in the most unfavorable years, golden currant bushes are guaranteed to produce a harvest.

On golden currant branches older than 7 years, the fruits become smaller, and the harvest load shifts to the peripheral, young shoots. Overall, yields are falling. Taking this into account, plants must undergo anti-aging pruning.

Cultivated forms of golden currant are propagated by green and lignified cuttings, root shoots, layering and dividing the bush. Growing seedlings is more labor-intensive. In addition, with this method, varietal characteristics are not preserved. The resulting plants become excellent scions not only for golden varietal forms, but also for black, white, red currants, gooseberries and yoshta.

Sowing golden currant seeds can be done before winter or in spring. In the latter case, it is recommended to stratify the seeds for 3 months in the freezer.

When planting time approaches, they are placed in a container with nutritious, disinfected soil and kept in a warm, bright room. After a couple of weeks, shoots appear. They do not require any specific care, but respond immediately to minimal care.

In the phase of 4 true leaves, the seedlings dive and take them to a shaded place. Planted one-year-old seedlings begin to bear fruit the next year, and varietal seedlings - only for 3-4 years.

Golden currants are native to North America. It grows there without human activity in a wide area from the northwestern United States to Mexico. A variety quite similar to it has also spread in this territory - fragrant currant.

This variety is characterized by absolutely extraordinary adaptability. Now it is grown as a berry and ornamental bush in a wide variety of soil and climatic environments: England, Belarus, Central Asia, the Czech Republic, the North Caucasus, Russia and the Baltic regions.

Description of golden currant

The fruits of this plant have an elongated dry calyx and, depending on the type, can be black, yellow, red, brown and orange in color. The sizes of the berries range from medium currants to gooseberries. The taste of the culture may seem unusual to a person who has consumed black currants. The fruits themselves have a hard peel without much odor with a slight sourness. Excellently transportable. Jams, compotes and preserves are prepared from them.

Golden currants contain 3-4 times less vitamin C than black currants, but the berries have a huge amount of vitamin A (carotene), surpassing even sweet peppers and apricots according to these data. With all its qualities, such a crop is unlikely to be able to displace black currants from the site, but it will be a wonderful addition to it.

The large, colorful, golden-amber flowers have a pungent aroma that can be heard from a distance and lures bees. Due to the late flowering (at the end of May), frosts rarely injure this plant.

Golden currant is a massive (approximately 2.5 m in height) shrub. It has excellent resistance to all extreme adversities:

  • diseases and pests;
  • heat;
  • drought;
  • dust;
  • frost;
  • smoke.

In cold winters, currants may freeze slightly, but quickly recover.

The leaves of the crop are small, three-lobed, odorless, reminiscent of gooseberries, and the fruits are more like slightly unripe gooseberries than currants. This similarity gave rise to the deception regarding her hybrid essence.

Sprouts with young leaves of golden currant produce hydrocyanic acid and are incredibly poisonous! In autumn, the leaf stripes become patterned, and yellow and burgundy spots appear on a greenish background.

Golden currant: varieties

Today, large-fruited plant varieties have won the recognition of domestic gardeners, such as:

  • Shafak.
  • Venus.
  • Laysan.
  • Ermak.
  • Muscat.
  • Isabel.

But do not forget that generous harvests are guaranteed if there are two or more bushes growing next to each other. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately purchase a lot of bushes or discuss this with neighbors.


It is a variety with a mid-late ripening period. Heat-resistant and drought-resistant. In frosty winters, unripe areas of the crop freeze. This species is resistant to pests and diseases. Productivity - 5-8 kg per bush. Good transportability.

The bush itself is medium in size, with excellent shoot-forming abilities. The stems are of medium length, with drooping crowns, dull, not pubescent. The lower part of the young shoots is slightly lilac. The leaves are green, small, three-lobed, with small notches. Their plate is matte, pubescent, loose and smooth.

A brush of regular length (3-4 cm), with a rich arrangement of berries. The fruits are large, weighing from 1.5 to 3.5 g, non-uniform, oblong in shape, sweet and sour, dark burgundy, with a grayish tint and pubescence. A photo of golden currants can be seen below.


First term of formation, medium-winter-hardy variety. In severe winters at temperatures below -40 degrees, the upper annual buds freeze. Excellent heat resistance and winter resistance. Good resistance to pests and fungal diseases. Gives yields from 5 to 8 kg per bush.

The bush is raised, vigorous and weakly branched. The shoots are pale, medium in size, smooth and pubescent. The leaves are green, ordinary. The leaf strip is glossy, shiny, three-lobed, not hard, with a deep cut.

A brush of ordinary length (3-4 cm) has 6-7 berries. The fruits weigh 1.5-3 g, round in shape, sweet and sour, with delicate skin, juicy, non-one-dimensional, with a shiny tint and black color. They all ripen at the same time.


This variety has a medium ripening period. In a bad season, annual growth may freeze. The heat and drought resistance of the crop is excellent. Remarkable resistance to insects and diseases. The yield is 6-9 kg per bush. Development is extended. Transportability is normal. Below is a photo of golden currants.

The bush is medium spreading and tall. The stems are smooth, dull in color, the tops are dark red. The leaves are of regular size and greenish in tone, three-lobed, with large notches. The plate is straight, leafless, weak, bright.

The brush is short (3 cm), massive, consisting of 5-6 fruits. The berries are light in weight, 1.3-2.8 g, yellowish in color and oval in shape. The skin is of medium density with slight pubescence. The taste is sweet, with sourness, very pleasant.


Golden currant of this variety is represented by an average development period. The bush is dense and vigorous. The sprouts are light green, smooth, and ordinary. The leaves are green, large, three-lobed, and also with deep grooves. The leaf stripe is straight, glabrous, leathery, pale and smooth. The flowers are bright yellow and large in size. The average weight of the fruit is 1.2 g. They have a light pleasant smell and a sweet and sour taste.


It is a plant of mid-ripening period. Its bush is compact and well-growing. The stems are medium-sized, yellow-green in color. The ordinary green leaves are yellowish, three-lobed, and have large notches. The leaf blade is smooth, leafless, with a sheen. The flowers are yellow and very large. The berries are large, round, slightly compressed, black, with a medium-thick skin. The approximate weight of the fruit is 1.3 g. They have a honey taste with a nutmeg aroma. High resistance to frost. It is not spoiled by pests and is not affected by diseases.


Golden currants of this variety are characterized by an average ripening time. The bush is weakly branched, but vigorous. The shoots are bright green in color, straight, of medium fullness. The leaves are three-lobed, of regular size, yellowish-green, with deep grooves. The leaf strip is bare, pale, smooth. The flowers are light yellow, large. The berries are large, oval, slightly flattened at the tops. The skin is dense, almost black. The average weight of the fruit is 2.4 g. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour. The variety is resistant to insects, diseases and low temperatures.


Golden currants are planted in early spring or autumn, but as early as possible before the onset of winter. The growing season of the crop lasts from April to September. Ideally, currants should be planted before or after the end of sap flow. However, seedlings sold in nurseries in flowerpots and with a closed root system can be planted from spring to autumn. Golden currant bushes should be purchased not withered, with a strong fibrous root system, as well as with 3-4 sprouts formed.

Select a site for currants that is sufficiently illuminated, even with semi-shaded areas. The bush is able to take root both on slopes and in lowlands. The soil of the future currant garden may be poor. After all, this crop grows on soft clay and sand, but still produces excellent yields in fertile soil. In this regard, before planting, a depression measuring 50x60 cm is prepared, which is filled with fertilizer or compost with the addition of 200 g of superphosphate and ash. Then 2-3-year-old golden currant seedlings are planted according to a 2.4x1 m pattern, moving the root collar approximately 6-8 cm to accelerate the formation of adventitious roots and the development of young shoots.

How to care for culture

Watering, pruning shoots, loosening the soil between the rows every year, applying fertilizers - golden currants require all this. Caring for her is absolutely simple. The branches that compact the bush and prevent sunlight from entering its core are trimmed. Dried, diseased shoots more than 3 years old reduce fruit yield. Unnecessary young shoots are also removed to prevent thickening of the plantation. Pruning is done either before the buds swell, or after the leaves stop falling in late autumn.

It is not necessary to water golden currants abundantly, since there will be enough rain for this. The plants tolerate drought well; only in case of extreme heat during berry ripening will special irrigation be required. This is one of the differences between this species.

Propagation and pruning

Propagation of golden currants is often carried out by root shoots (for this, only own-root varieties are used). It is also permissible to propagate the crop with seeds and cuttings, but they should be stratified for at least 140-150 days at an air temperature of 2-5 degrees in wet sand.

The procedure for pruning and shaping is slightly different for red and black currants. The main yield is observed on a 3-4 year old tree, so pruning is done taking into account this specificity.

At the end of the first year, currants are not pruned. In the second year, small and thin basal shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length, leaving only the most branched and strong ones. In the third year, all last year's shoots are retained, as well as 4-6 mostly solid annual branches.

The development of the bush is completed in the fourth year. A completely established bush should contain 20-40 stems of different ages. From this time on, branches older than 4 years begin to be cut off and sanitary pruning is performed every year to ensure a good environment for adequate lighting and ventilation of the bush. Weak shoots are shortened at the bend point to a side branch placed above the cutting edge.

We can say that the golden currant is an unpretentious plant. Planting and care, as well as cutting off hanging shoots, double fertilization before fruiting, watering - everything that a young bush needs. If there is a mesh fence or trellis nearby, you can also provide the currants with a garter. In this case, the effect will be visible immediately: the fruits will be brightly colored, ripen much better, gain remarkable sugar, and become larger.

Golden currant is a fairly resistant crop to pests and diseases. It is not susceptible to powdery mildew and anthracosis.

Probably, in every garden plot there is at least one bush of black and red currants; they are so common that they have even become boring. But not every gardener can boast of having golden currants, although this shrub not only has tasty and juicy fruits, but is also very beautiful.

Golden currant

Golden or golden currant is a tall, erect, unbranched bush 1-2.5 meters high. This shrub is widespread in the wild of the United States and Canada, filling mountain slopes, wetlands and pond banks.

Soil: golden currants can be planted in any soil, both clay and sandy. Can be planted in well-lit areas or in partial shade.

Planting: for planting, you need to select seedlings that do not dry out and have a branched root system. It should be planted in autumn or early spring.

Care: caring for this plant is the same as growing blackcurrants. Watering is only necessary in dry times. No food is needed, however, from the 3rd year of life, it is better to carry out spring feeding with manure or bird droppings with mineral fertilizers. In the autumn, approximately 5 kg of humus or compost, 10 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate should be added near each bush. Golden currants do not need pruning. You don’t even need to deal with pests and diseases. If you care for the bush correctly, the plant will bear fruit for about 20 years.

Reproduction: golden currants can be propagated by layering or lignified cuttings.

Application: decorators classify golden currant as a beautiful flowering shrub. It is excellent for growing in standard form.

Currant flowering period

Despite the fact that the first golden currant seedlings were brought to Europe at the beginning of the 18th century, the shrub is not as popular as its black and red counterparts. Over time, the culture began to be used in decorative landscaping and as a standard gooseberry. And only recently did golden currant gain long-awaited popularity due to its beauty and taste of the berries.

The plant reaches a height of 2.5 meters and is distinguished by a neat rounded crown with even, weakly branching shoots. The leaves are three-lobed, up to 4–5 centimeters long, green in the summer months and reddish in autumn. They are similar in shape to gooseberry foliage, which is why the shrub is sometimes considered a relative, but this is a mistake.

Currant blossoms are very beautiful, thanks to which the shrub has a high decorative value. The flowers are golden, small, collected in racemose inflorescences, have a delicate aroma that attracts bees, the plant is an excellent honey plant. It is for the beautiful flowering that the shrub received its unusual name. Golden currant blooms in May for 2–3 weeks.

The berries are round, up to 0.8 centimeters in diameter; different varieties have fruits of different colors. There are yellow, gold, brown, red and even black berries. Despite the fact that for a person accustomed to black currants, the berries have a strange taste, they have a sweet and sour taste, and the content of vitamin C and carotene in them is simply off the charts. Due to the lack of strong sourness, they can be eaten by people with peptic ulcers, because black currant berries are contraindicated for them. These fruits make excellent compotes and jams, and the transportability of fresh berries is quite high. By treating your guests with such jam, you can really surprise them, because it has a currant smell and a blueberry taste. The high yield is also pleasing - up to 6 kilograms of berries from one bush.

The culture attracts gardeners due to the fact that it does not require special care, the shrub is resistant to diseases and pests, unpretentious, frost-resistant and drought-resistant. It can grow on almost all types of soil, except swampy and clayey, but prefers fertile, moist areas. Grows best in sunny locations, but can also tolerate shade. The only drawback of this currant variety is low self-pollination, so for a good harvest it is necessary to plant several shrubs of different varieties side by side.


The key to a healthy and productive bush is healthy seedlings. To do this, when purchasing, select seedlings with healthy and living shoots and a developed root system. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the fall or in the first spring months.

Currant varieties

Let's look at the stages of planting golden currants:

  1. It is worth digging a large hole for planting, about 50 by 50 centimeters, so that the roots can grow freely.
  2. Organic (compost, ash or manure) and mineral fertilizers (superphosphates) are added to each pit.
  3. Next, the seedlings are immersed in the hole and covered with earth. For proper development, it is necessary to bury the seedlings 6–7 centimeters above the root collar. The earth is compacted, the seedlings are well watered at the root.
  4. After this, all young seedlings need to be pruned, leaving shoots no more than 7 centimeters long, this stimulates the growth and rooting of the bush.
  5. Due to poor self-pollination, it is necessary to plant golden currant seedlings of different varieties nearby, which, when cross-pollinated, will give a good harvest.


Golden currants are propagated by seeds, for this they must undergo stratification, as well as by layering and cuttings. Seeds should be sown before winter in open ground or after artificial stratification for 2–4 months in the spring.

But more often it is propagated using layering; to do this, bend the lower flexible shoots to the ground, make a ring cut and dig it in with soil. If necessary, the branch can be attached to the ground using a metal bracket. After two months, the young seedling will be ready for transplanting. Less often, golden currants are bred from cuttings; for this, in the summer, lignified young shoots 10–15 centimeters long are cut and planted in moist, fertilized soil, covering the cuttings with film until rooting.

The shrub is grown not only for berries, but also as an ornamental plant. A beautiful crown, greenish-reddish leaves, bright, fragrant and fluffy flowers and beautiful fruits make it possible to use golden currants as hedges. It has been widely used in landscaping since the 19th century, and due to its resistance to gas pollution, it can be planted within the city.

currant bush

Surprisingly, this crop adapts incredibly well to the climate and already thrives in the cool latitudes of Eurasia and North America. But it is worth remembering that the leaves and shoots of golden currant are not suitable for brewing into tea, since they release dangerous hydrocyanic acid.

Let's look at the main varieties of golden currant:

  1. Laysan. A special feature of the variety are large round sweet-sour fruits of a yellow hue. Tall bush. The fruits of this variety ripen late, in mid-late July. The appearance of the bush is shown in the photo.
  2. Venus. The fruits weighing up to 3 grams have a dark, almost black hue and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The yield of the variety is high, up to 6–7 kilograms per bush, ripening occurs at the beginning of July. The beauty of the plant is reflected in the photo.
  3. Isabel. Fruits weighing up to 2.5 grams, black in color, sweetish taste. The yield of the variety is average, 4–6 kilograms. Ripening occurs in mid-July. Tall shrub with straight shoots.
  4. Shafak. The bush is of medium height, during the fruiting period it is covered with dark red large berries of sweet and sour taste. The yield of the variety is high, ripening in mid-July. You can see the bush in the photo.
  5. Ermak. The bush is dense and tall. The fruits weigh up to 1.5 grams, are black in color, have a sweetish taste and a pleasant aroma. The productivity of the variety is high.

The shrub is loved by gardeners precisely because caring for it is quite easy and unpretentious. As a rule, basic care is no different from growing red or black currants, even much simpler. Caring for the crop consists of annual pruning of old and diseased shoots at the base of the bush.

Currant care

A special feature of this currant is the high durability of the shoots, so they should be cut after reaching 8 years of age. On old bushes, when fruiting stops, rejuvenating pruning at the root should be carried out in the center of the crown; young shoots will quickly fill the voids and give a good harvest.

Due to its low branching, pruning is not particularly troublesome, and if desired, the shrub can be grown in the form of a small tree. To do this, the crop should be pruned in the form of a trunk with one central trunk about 80 centimeters high; in this case, hanging clusters of fruits look very attractive.

It is necessary to water the shrub only in the driest months, because the crop is very drought-resistant and can easily tolerate short-term lack of moisture. Even additional nutrition is not necessary, but to increase productivity it is recommended to start feeding the bushes with manure or humus from the third year. Due to its high resistance to diseases and major garden pests, it is very, very rare to fight them. Proper care will ensure the growth and fruiting of the bush for 20 years.

Currant is a fairly popular berry in our gardens. Every summer resident has at least a bush. This popularity is due to the fact that this berry is incredibly healthy, tasty and aromatic. It is an invariable component of compotes, various jams, it is added to baked goods, and also simply eaten raw. But in our gardens we are used to seeing black currants, red ones, and less often white ones. Almost everyone has them. But still few gardeners know about the existence of golden currants. Let's try to figure out why this particular species was left out.

Origin story

Golden currant is another representative of the Gooseberry family. She, like one hundred and fifty of her brothers, belongs to deciduous shrubs. It got its start in America and Canada. Now in these territories this shrub can be found in almost every yard. As for Europe, this currant came here only in the eighteenth century. But even after receiving this plant, European gardeners considered it decorative for some time and planted it solely to decorate the site.

This species was also a frequent inhabitant of the botanical garden. This was explained by the presence of beautiful and fragrant flowers, as well as unusual leaves. But over time, breeders from Russia began to breed this plant. Thanks to such a great scientist as Michurin, currants became widespread in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. It was he who was able to develop the first variety of this plant, which became fundamental for all subsequent ones. In Russia, this berry was planted along forest belts, and such plantings have been preserved to this day.

Description of golden currant

It is primarily a deciduous shrub with weak branches. It consists of fairly flexible shoots that can reach a height of three meters. These figures significantly exceed the size of the usual red or black currants, which can be found in every garden in Russia.

This species has one central stem, which is the source of most of the other shoots. In general, the bush consists of many stems of different ages. Almost every one of them bears fruit. The shoots have a slightly red tint, some of them may be slightly pubescent.

The advantage is the rather rapid growth of the bush. In one season he can gain up to forty centimeters. This is explained by the fact that this currant has a fairly powerful root system. In general, it is fibrous and the main part is close to the surface. However, the main root can go two meters deep.

This currant has rather small leaves, only five centimeters in length, especially when compared with more common types. Its leaves are more reminiscent of gooseberry leaves. They are painted green. But the main feature of this shrub is its flowers. It is because of their golden color that it gets its name. The flowers are quite small, tubular in shape, and collected in inflorescences. One inflorescence can have from five to fifteen flowers. But what is more valued here is not their appearance, their beautiful shade, but the aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent. This aroma also makes currants a very valuable honey plant.

The shrub blooms quite early, one of the first. The flowers appear even earlier than the leaves, and this happens somewhere in mid-April. But the berries appear only after forty-five days. They can have different colors: from yellow to black. But each of them is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Good fruiting depends on whether there is another such bush nearby - this is a prerequisite. This shrub always produces a good harvest. If there is at least one mature bush on your site, then you can collect about seven kilograms of berries from it.


There are several ways to propagate golden currants, and each of them is good in its own way. Therefore, if you want your site to have as many of these shrubs as possible, you can choose the most suitable method for yourself and use it. Next, we will try to analyze each of them in as much detail as possible.


One of the simplest and most reliable methods is propagation by lignified cuttings. You can find them on almost every bush and choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

It all starts with the preparation of future planting material. Cuttings are cut in August from last year's shoots. The length of each cutting cannot be less than twenty-five centimeters and more than thirty. Each cutting must have living buds. Prepared cuttings can be planted in autumn or spring. However, for the second method they need to be prepared. The cut cuttings are sealed with paraffin and wrapped in damp paper, after which they are also wrapped in polyethylene. The resulting packages are stored under thick snow right outside until spring.

In the spring, they are taken out and the lower part of the cutting is cut off at an angle of forty-five degrees, and then lowered into the soil at the same angle. You can plant cuttings in containers, or you can plant them directly in open ground, but on a previously prepared area. The distance from one seedling to another cannot be less than fifteen centimeters, otherwise they will not be able to develop normally. Almost the entire body of the cutting goes into the ground and only 2 healthy buds remain above the surface of the ground. After planting, the beds must be watered and a layer of sawdust mulch must be laid out. If you planted cuttings directly in open ground, then this area must be covered with film. It can be removed only when two leaves appear on the seedlings.

Caring for golden currant seedlings is not too difficult. It is enough just to water and ventilate them on time, as well as loosen the soil after each watering and remove weeds, if any. As for fertilizers, a mullein solution will be quite sufficient. In the fall, your cuttings will already reach a height of fifty centimeters and will even have several new shoots. If among them you notice particularly strong ones, then you can safely transplant them to a permanent place.

Propagation by green cuttings

Propagation by green cuttings occurs a little differently. They can take root either in a greenhouse or in special bags with soil. For rooting, cuttings that were cut not from the top of the shoot, but from its middle, are suitable. Each of them must have at least two green leaves, and the length must be ten centimeters. After cutting, the cuttings are placed in water for two weeks. During this time, roots approximately one centimeter long should appear on them.

During this time, you can prepare special bags with soil in which you need to make holes to allow excess liquid to escape. After two weeks, green sprouted cuttings are planted in these bags. Remember that the soil must be well moistened before planting. During the first ten days, the planted cuttings should be watered so abundantly that the soil in the bag resembles the consistency of sour cream. On the eleventh day, watering should be significantly reduced.

Under such conditions, cuttings are germinated until May. During this period they can reach a height of sixty centimeters. And in May they can be safely removed from the bags and sent to the garden. Here they need to be deepened a little more than they were before planting in open ground.

Where to plant?

Experienced gardeners claim that golden currants can grow almost anywhere. She will feel quite normal in the sun or in the shade, and will not be offended at all if you plant a bush on a flat area or on a hill. Quite often this plant is used as a hedge.

The unpretentiousness of the soil remains the same, but the harvest will be richer if you select a site with fertile soil. Try not to choose a site where the currants will be in the lowlands. Because in such places too much moisture usually accumulates or there is groundwater, and golden currants really don’t like this. Try to prepare the site in advance, preferably six months before the preliminary planting. Wood ash should be scattered over the surface of the soil and then dug to a depth of forty centimeters.

As for the holes, their depth should be sixty centimeters, and their length and width should be fifty. Golden currants are planted in prepared holes, which must be filled with humus, superphosphate, wood ash mixed with fertile soil. The root collar of the plant should go five centimeters underground. After planting, it is necessary to immediately water abundantly, and then mulch the entire root zone with peat.

If you organize care for golden currants according to all the rules of agricultural technology, then the harvest will appear the next year.


Once a week it is necessary to water the bushes that were planted this year. More mature individuals need abundant watering only during the period when berries are forming on them. Pay special attention to your currants if the summer is hot. If it does not receive enough moisture, then the harvest will be poor and the berries will not be tasty and juicy enough.


It is best to use sawdust or peat as mulch. They are laid out in the root zone of each bush. Growing golden currants also involves loosening the soil between the rows. This is especially necessary in the autumn and spring periods. Over five years, the bushes grow quite strongly and no longer need loosening and weeding.

Top dressing

If you want to get a good harvest from your golden currant bushes, then do not be lazy in the spring and autumn to fertilize the soil for them. In the spring, it is best to use nitrogen fertilizers, and during watering, pour a solution made from bird droppings under each bush. In the autumn, it is better to use superphosphate, wood ash and humus.


For golden currants, pruning is a mandatory care item, as for any other shrub. It is best to carry out pruning in the spring, since after winter there are many damaged, frostbitten or broken branches that are completely unnecessary for the shrub, however, such pruning can also be done in the fall. During this same period, it is recommended to remove all root growth that interferes with the development of the main bush. You can leave only the most powerful shoots, which can then serve as planting material. Anti-aging pruning is also carried out, but quite rarely, only once every twelve years.

Pests and diseases

Currants of this type almost never get sick. There is a risk of rust, gray rot or septoria only if the gardener was unable to organize proper care for the shrub. If you discover the presence of such diseases, the damaged parts of the plant should be immediately removed and destroyed, and the bush should be treated with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. These same drugs can also be used as prophylaxis. As for pests, aphids are considered the most terrible enemy. Insecticides come into play to combat it.

Every gardener dreams of growing only the best varieties of currants on his or her plot in order to be able to reap an excellent harvest during the season. Today we will talk about such an unpretentious and prolific species of shrub as golden currant. You will learn about its features, description, and agricultural technology conditions for normal growth in the regions of our country from this article.

North America is rightfully considered the homeland of this variety of currants. Currants appeared on the territory of our country at the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, I.V. did a lot of work in studying the characteristics of this crop and creating new varieties with a high degree of productivity. Michurin. In one of the issues of a magazine popular in those years called “Garden and Vegetable Garden of the Central Black Sea Region,” he writes that he managed to develop excellent new large-fruited hybrid varieties of golden currants.

If we talk about the description of such currants, which can easily grow on almost any type of soil - both on light sandy, loamy and heavy loamy soils - then it is an outwardly tall shrub that can grow up to 2 - 2.5 meters.

Golden currant got its name due to the presence of characteristic golden-yellow flowers, which have a pleasant and quite pronounced aroma, which are found in clusters of 5–7 pieces. The flowering period of this shrub, unlike black currant, falls at a later date, namely the end of May - beginning of June, and is also longer - up to 15 - 20 days. Thanks to this, the flowers have an excellent opportunity not only to be pollinated normally by bumblebees, but also to avoid frost damage, and you ultimately get a guaranteed rich harvest.

Experts advise having at least 3 to 4 bushes in your garden for good fruiting. Another interesting fact is that even the berries that grow on one bush of a certain variety of this currant can acquire different colors during ripening, which range from golden yellow to dark cherry. They have a sweet and sour exquisite taste, and the size of the berries can range from 4 to 15 mm in diameter. Their ripening time is quite extended, so fully ripe berries can burst when overripe.

After pollination of the flowers, as the ovary grows, the corolla disappears, and the berries eventually grow with an interesting tail. Since they are not acidic, they are recommended even for use by ulcer patients. Such berries contain a lot of vitamin A, that is, carotene, even more than sweet peppers or apricots. And they contain more vitamin C than red currants or gooseberries, but three times less than black currants.

If we talk about the yield of different varieties of golden currants, including the famous beautiful variety Venus, then it is very high and stable. From a bush that has reached the age of 5 - 7 years, you can collect from 8 to 10 kg of delicious beautiful berries during the season. In Russia, all varieties of this currant, including Venus, are considered quite exotic compared to black currant. But they are a real discovery and are perfect for planting on a personal plot, even for novice gardeners, since they have many advantages.

Such shrubs have a good degree of frost resistance, are able to grow normally and fully develop even in harsh winters, also easily tolerate shade, do not have special requirements for any type of soil, are attractive to hornets and bees, due to which they pollinate well, have a very an extended ripening period, which makes it possible to harvest a high yield of berries; they are unpretentious in care, which makes it easier for beginners and experienced gardeners to care for this crop.


Propagation of golden currants is possible in several ways - by sowing seeds, dividing the bush, planting cuttings of green and woody branches, layering or annual shoots (akin to raspberries). Propagation of this type of currant by growing seedlings is considered to be the most labor-intensive. When choosing this method, varietal characteristics are practically not preserved. And the resulting fruit crops are good rootstocks for varietal forms of golden, black, white, red currant, joshta and gooseberry. If we talk about sowing seeds of various varieties, it is recommended to do it before winter or with the arrival of spring.

Before planting in the spring, the seeds will need to be pre-stratified for about three months, using a freezer for this purpose. When the time comes to plant the seeds in the ground, they will be placed in a container where there will already be nutrient soil disinfected with the help of special preparations, after which they will be kept in a warm room where there is normal lighting. In a couple of weeks you will be able to see the first shoots, which will require minimal care. When the seedlings have about 4 full leaves, they are picked and placed in a shaded place. You should know that one-year-old seedlings planted on your garden plot are capable of bearing fruit the very next year, but varietal ones - only after three or four.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in the spring or autumn, the main thing is to do this long before the first frost is expected. The growing season for this plant usually lasts from mid-April to mid-September. The optimal time for planting seedlings is considered to be the time before or after the end of sap flow. But those seedlings that you purchase in special nurseries in pots with closed roots can be planted in the ground in almost any period that falls within the spring-autumn period. It is customary to plant seedlings according to the proven scheme of 120 by 250 cm.

Since this crop has a tendency to cross-pollinate, as mentioned above, it is recommended to plant several varieties together in the garden. Immediately before planting in the soil, seedlings should be inspected for mechanical damage, after which their shoots should be shortened, leaving about three buds. Then the roots are soaked in a clay solution and planted in a prepared hole, the volume of which for a one-year-old seedling should be 60 by 60 by 60 cm. A bucket of rotted compost, 5 cups of wood ash and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are also added to the hole.

Since currants of this type tend to branch well, many gardeners use this to grow them in standard form. If you regularly remove the shoots, leaving only one branch, you can form it into an unusual tree, the length of which can be about three meters. And if you graft red, white or black currant onto such a branch, then you can grow these shrubs in standard form. The resulting plant will not only be distinguished by durability and good health, but will also delight its owner with larger berries.

The golden subspecies of currant loves the presence of light, and its fruits will be larger and juicier if such a shrub is grown in open, sunny places.

Taking into account the deep penetration of roots into the ground, an area with low groundwater is preferable. Currants are resistant to pests and diseases, as well as pathogens and gas pollution, which allows them to fully grow and develop even when your garden plot is located in close proximity to any highway or enterprise. In the regions of our country, it is customary to grow golden currants not only as a fruit bush, but also as an ornamental plant. Because its bushes remain very beautiful from spring to autumn. Their arched branches are decorated with golden flowers for three weeks, exuding a wonderful aroma in the spring; in the summer, shiny berries can be seen on them, and with the arrival of autumn, you can enjoy the sight of crimson foliage.

Video “Care and cultivation”


Even a gardener who does not have in-depth knowledge and sufficient practical experience in this area can safely carry out measures to care for the golden currants growing on the site. Proper care of golden currants includes not only sufficient regular watering, but also pruning the bushes and applying fertilizers.

The methods of pruning and shaping bushes here are somewhat different from those used when caring for black and red currants. Since the main harvest traditionally appears on 3-4 year old wood, pruning should be carried out taking this feature into account. If you carry out careful pruning in the first year after planting the shrub in the soil, and also plant with a strong slope of the plant, you can end up with a bush with a fairly wide base. Therefore, experts and experienced gardeners advise doing without pruning in the first year. Only in the second year is it recommended to remove weak root shoots to allow viable shoots to fully grow and develop.

To achieve better branching, shoots need to be shortened by about a third of their length. In the third year, it is recommended to leave last year’s branches and not remove about 3 to 6 of the most viable annual shoots. A fully well-formed 4-year-old shrub should ideally have up to 35 branches of different ages. Later, you need to carry out sanitary pruning in order to provide the bush with good conditions for ventilation and normal access to light. To do this, weak drooping branches will need to be made smaller in the place where the bend to the side branch occurs. As a rule, it is located slightly above the cutting site. Golden currant is considered a very rewarding fruit crop among gardeners, since, in addition to pruning, it requires regular moderate watering, as well as twice fertilizing before the fruiting period begins.

Video “All about golden currants”

From the video of the decorative fruit guide, you will learn what the standards for caring for this variety of currant are.