Publications. Ten facts about vision in animals Which animal has good eyesight

Eyes- an organ that enables a person to live a full life, admire the beauty of the surrounding nature and live comfortably in society. People understand how important their eyes are, but they rarely think about why they blink, cannot sneeze with their eyes closed, and other interesting facts associated with a unique organ.

10 interesting facts about the human eye

The eyes are the conductor of information about the world around.

In addition to sight, a person has organs of touch and smell, but it is the eyes that are the conductors of 80% of the information that tells about what is happening around. The ability of the eyes to fix images is very important, since it is visual images that keep memory longer. When re-meeting with a specific person or object, the organ of vision activates memories and gives ground for thought.

Scientists compare the eyes to a camera, the quality of which is many times higher than the state-of-the-art technology. Bright and rich in content pictures allow a person to easily navigate in the world around him.

The cornea of ​​the eye is the only tissue in the body that does not receive blood.

The cornea of ​​the eye receives oxygen directly from the air

The uniqueness of an organ such as the eye lies in the fact that blood does not enter its cornea. The presence of capillaries would negatively affect the quality of the image recorded by the eye, therefore oxygen, without which no organ of the human body can work effectively, receives oxygen directly from the air.

Highly sensitive sensors that transmit signals to the brain

Eye - miniature computer

Ophthalmologists (vision specialists) compare the eyes to a miniature computer that captures information and instantly transmits it to the brain. Scientists have calculated that the "operative" of the organ of vision can process about 36 thousand bits of information within an hour, programmers know how large this volume is. Meanwhile, miniature laptop computers weigh only 27 grams.

What gives a close position of the eyes to a person?

A person sees only what is happening directly in front of him

The location of the eyes in animals, insects and humans is different, this is explained not only by physiological processes, but also by the nature of life and the gray-haired habitat of a living creature. The close position of the eyes provides the depth of the image and the three-dimensional objects.

People are more perfect creatures, therefore they have high-quality vision, especially when compared with marine life and animals. True, such an arrangement has its own minus - a person sees only what is happening directly in front of him, the view is significantly reduced. In many animals, an example is the horse, the eyes are located on the sides of the head, this structure allows you to "capture" more space and react in time to an approaching danger.

Do all the inhabitants of the earth have eyes?

About 95 percent of living things on our planet have an organ of vision.

Approximately 95 percent of living things on our planet have an organ of vision, but most of them have different eye structures. In the inhabitants of the depths of the sea, the organ of vision is light-sensitive cells that are not able to distinguish color and shape - everything that such vision is capable of - to perceive light and its absence.

Some animals determine the volume and texture of objects, but at the same time they see them exclusively in black and white. A characteristic feature of insects is the ability to see many pictures at the same time, while they do not recognize the color gamut. Only human eyes have the ability to qualitatively convey the colors of surrounding objects.

Is it true that the human eye is the most perfect?

There is a myth that a person can recognize only seven colors, but scientists are ready to debunk it. According to experts, the human organ of vision is capable of perceiving over 10 million colors, no living creature possesses such a feature. However, there are other criteria that are not characteristic of the human eye, for example, some insects are able to recognize infrared rays and ultraviolet signals, and the eyes of flies have the property of very quickly detecting movement. The human eye can be called the most perfect only in the field of color recognition.

Who has the most vision on the planet?

Veronica Seider - the girl with the sharpest eyesight on the planet

The Guinness Book of Records includes the name of a student from Germany Veronica Seider, the girl has the sharpest eyesight on the planet. Veronica recognizes a person's face at a distance of 1 kilometer 600 meters, this figure is about 20 times higher than the norm.

Why does the person blink?

If a person did not blink, his eyeball would quickly dry up and there could be no talk of high-quality vision. Blinking contributes to the fact that the eye is covered with lacrimal fluid. It takes about 12 minutes for a person to blink a day - 1 time in 10 seconds, during which time the eyelids close more than 27 thousand times.
A person starts blinking for the first time at six months.

Why do people sneeze in bright light?

The eyes and the nasal cavity of a person are connected by nerve endings, so often when exposed to bright light, we begin to sneeze. By the way, no one can sneeze with open eyes, this phenomenon is also associated with the reaction of nerve endings to external stimuli of calm.

Restoration of vision with the help of sea creatures

Scientists have found similarities in the structure of the eyes of humans and sea creatures, in this case we are talking about sharks. The methods of modern medicine make it possible to restore human vision by transplanting the cornea of ​​a shark. Such operations are very successfully practiced in China.


Cats are typical nocturnal predators. For a fruitful hunt, they need to use all their senses to the maximum. The "calling card" of all cats, without exception, is their unique night vision. A cat's pupil can dilate up to 14 mm, allowing a huge beam of light into the eye. This allows them to see perfectly in the dark. In addition, the cat's eye, like the moon, reflects light: this explains the glow of the cat's eyes in the dark.

All-seeing dove

Pigeons have an amazing feature in the visual perception of the world around them. Their viewing angle is 340 °. These birds see objects located at a much greater distance than humans can see. That is why, at the end of the 20th century, the US Coast Guard used pigeons in search and rescue operations. Sharp pigeon vision allows these birds to perfectly distinguish objects at a distance of 3 km. Since perfect vision is predominantly the prerogative of predators, pigeons are among the most vigilant peaceful birds on the planet.

Hawkeye is the sharpest in the world!

The most vigilant animal in the world is the falcon. These feathered creatures can track small mammals (voles, mice, ground squirrels) from great heights and simultaneously see everything that happens on their sides and in front. According to experts, the most keen-sighted bird in the world is the peregrine falcon, which can spot a small vole from a height of up to 8 km!

Pisces are also not a miss!

Among the fish with excellent eyesight, the inhabitants of the depths are especially distinguished. These are sharks, moray eels, and sea devils. They are able to see in pitch darkness. This is because the density of rods in the retina of such fish reaches 25 million / mm2. And this is 100 times more than humans.

Horse vision

Horses see the world around them with peripheral vision, as their eyes are located on the sides of the head. However, this does not prevent horses from having a viewing angle of 350o. If the horse lifts its head up, then its vision will approach spherical.

High speed flies

Flies have been proven to have the fastest visual response in the world. In addition, flies see five times faster than humans: their frame rate is 300 images per minute, while humans have only 24 frames per minute. Scientists from Cambridge claim that photoreceptors on the retina of fly eyes can physically contract.

Eyes, nose, ears - in the wild, all organs are in the service of the animal's survival. The eyes play a vital role in the life of any living creature, but not all animals see the same way. Visual acuity does not depend on either the size or the number of eyes.

So, even the most vigilant among the many-eyed spiders, the horse spider sees the victim only at a distance of 8 centimeters, but in color. It should be noted that all insects have poor eyesight.

Animals that live underground, such as moles, are completely blind. Poor vision in mammals that live in water, such as beavers and otters.

Animals hunted by predators have panoramic vision. It is extremely difficult to sneak up on a bird unnoticed by a nightjar. Her protruding large eyes have a wide slit that curves towards the back of the head. As a result, the angle of view reaches three hundred and sixty degrees!

It is interesting, for example, that eagles have two eyelids, and insects have no eyelids at all and sleep with their eyes open. The second eyelid of the eagle is absolutely transparent, it protects the eye of the bird of prey from the wind during a rapid attack.

Birds of prey have the keenest eyesight in the animal kingdom. In addition, these birds can instantly shift the focus of vision from distant distances to near objects.

Feathered predators, eagles see their prey at a distance of 3 kilometers. Like all predators, they have binocular vision, when both eyes look at the same object, so it is easier to calculate the distance to prey.

But the absolute champions of vigilance in the animal kingdom are representatives of the falcon family. The most famous falcon in the world - the peregrine falcon or, as it is also called, the pilgrim - can spot game from a distance of 8 kilometers.

The peregrine falcon is not only the most keen-sighted, but also the fastest bird, and in general a living creature, in the world. According to experts, in a swift dive flight, it is capable of speeds over 322 km / h, or 90 m / s. For comparison: the cheetah, the fastest animal of land mammals, runs at a speed of 110 km / h; The spiny-tailed swift living in the Far East is capable of flying at a speed of 170 km / h. But, it should be noted that in horizontal flight the peregrine falcon is still inferior to the swift.

Peregrine falcon(lat. Falco peregrinus) - a bird of prey from the falcon family, common on all continents, except Antarctica. During the hunt, the peregrine falcon plans in the sky, finding prey, it rises above the victim and dives rapidly downward almost at a right angle, inflicting fatal blows on the victim with its claws.

Man is the highest intelligent creature on Earth, but some of our organs are significantly inferior to our smaller brothers, one of which is vision. At all times, people were interested in how birds, animals, insects see the world around us, because outwardly everyone's eyes are so different, and today's technologies allow us to look through their eyes, and believe me - the eyesight of animals is very interesting.

Such different eyes

Animal eyes

First of all, everyone is interested in - how do our closest friends see and?

Cats can see perfectly in pitch darkness, as their pupils are able to expand up to 14 mm, thereby capturing the slightest light waves. In addition, they have a reflective membrane behind the retina, which acts as a mirror, collecting all the particles of light.

Cat pupils

Due to this, a cat sees in the dark six times better than a person.

In dogs, the eye is structured in about the same way, but the pupil is unable to expand so much, thereby giving an advantage over a person to see in the dark four times.

What about color vision? Until recently, people were sure that dogs see everything in shades of gray, without distinguishing a single color. Recent studies have proven that this is a mistake.

Color spectrum of a dog

But the quality of night vision comes at a price:

  1. Dogs, like cats, are dichromats, they see the world in faded blue-violet and yellow-green colors.
  2. Visual acuity is lame. In dogs, it is about 4 times weaker than ours, and in cats, 6 times. Look at the moon - see spots? Not a single cat in the world sees them, for her it is just a gray spot in the sky.

It is also worth noting the location of the eyes in animals and in our country, due to which pets see with peripheral vision no worse than with central vision.

Central and peripheral vision

Another interesting fact is that dogs see 70 frames per second. When we watch TV, 25 frames per second for us merge into a single video stream, but for a dog it is a fast sequence of pictures, which is probably why they do not like watching TV very much.

Except for dogs and cats

A chameleon and a seahorse can look at the same time in different directions, each of its eyes is processed separately by the brain. The chameleon, before throwing out his tongue and grabbing the victim, still lowers his eyes to determine the distance to the victim.

But an ordinary pigeon has a viewing angle of 340 degrees, which allows you to see almost everything around, which makes hunting difficult for cats.

A few dry facts:

  • Deep-sea fish have super-dense retinas, each millimeter of which contains 25 million rods. This exceeds ours with you a hundred times;
  • The falcon sees a mouse in the field from a distance of one and a half kilometers. Regardless of its flight speed, the clarity is completely preserved;
  • The scallop has about 100 eyes at the edge of the shell;
  • The octopus has a square pupil.

Reptiles surpassed everyone a little. Pythons and boas are able to see infrared waves, that is, heat! In a sense, we also “see” it with our skin, but snakes see it with their eyes, like a predator in the film of the same name.

Mantis shrimp

But the most unsurpassed eyes are of the mantis shrimp. It is not even an eye, and an organ stuffed with wave sensors. Moreover, each eye actually consists of three - two hemispheres, separated by a strip. Visible light is perceived only by the middle belt, but the hemispheres are sensitive to ultraviolet and infrared ranges.

Shrimp sees 10 flowers!

This is not counting the fact that the shrimp obtains trinocular vision, in contrast to the most common on the planet (and we have) binocular.

Insect eyes

Insects can also surprise us a lot:

  • An ordinary fly is not so easy to kill with a newspaper, as it sees 300 frames per second, which is 6 times faster than us. Hence the instant reaction;
  • A domestic cockroach will see movement if the object has moved only 0.0002 millimeters. This is 250 times thinner than a hair!
  • The spider has eight eyes, but in fact they are practically blind insects, able to distinguish only a spot, their eyes practically do not work;
  • A bee's eye consists of 5,500 microscopic lenses that cannot see red;
  • The earthworm also has eyes, but atrophied. He can tell day from night, nothing more.

Bee eyes

Dragonflies have the sharpest eyesight among insects, but it is still about 10 times worse than ours.

What is the sight of animals, visual video

It is with the help of sight that a person perceives most of the information from the world around him, therefore, all the facts related to the eyes are of interest to a person. Today there are a huge number of them.

Eye structure

Interesting facts about the eyes begin with the fact that man is the only creature on the planet with the whites of the eyes. The rest of the eyes are filled with cones and rods, like some animals. There are hundreds of millions of these cells in the eye and are photosensitive. Cones respond to changes in light and color more than rods.

In all adults, the size of the eyeball is almost identical and is 24 mm in diameter, while a newborn child has an apple diameter of 18 mm, and the weight is almost three times less.

Interestingly, sometimes a person can see various floating opacities in front of their eyes, which are actually threads of protein.

The cornea of ​​the eye covers its entire visible surface and is the only part of the human body that is not supplied with oxygen from the blood.

The lens of the eye, which provides clear vision, constantly focuses on the environment at the speed of 50 objects per second. The eye moves with the help of only 6 eye muscles, which are the most active in the entire body.

Interesting facts about the eyes include information that sneezing with open eyes is not possible. Scientists explain this by two hypotheses - a reflex contraction of the facial muscles and the protection of the eye from the ingress of microbes from the nasal mucosa.

Brain vision

Interesting facts about vision and eyes often have evidence that a person actually sees with the brain, not the eye. This statement was scientifically established back in 1897, confirming that the human eye perceives surrounding information upside down. Passing through the optic nerve to the center of the nervous system, the picture turns over to its usual position precisely in the cerebral cortex.

Features of the iris

These include the fact that each person's iris has 256 distinctive characteristics, while fingerprints differ in only forty. The probability of finding a person with the same iris is practically zero.

Violation of color perception

Most often, this pathology manifests itself as color blindness. Interestingly, at birth, all children are color blind, but with age, most of them return to normal. Most often, this disorder affects men who are not able to see certain colors.

Normally, a person should separate seven primary colors and up to 100 thousand of their shades. Unlike men, 2% of women suffer from a genetic mutation, which, on the contrary, expands the spectrum of their perception of colors to hundreds of millions of shades.

Alternative medicine

Considering interesting facts about him, iridology has spawned. It is an unconventional method for diagnosing diseases of the whole body using the study of rainbow

Darkening of the eye

Interestingly, the pirates did not wear blindfolds to hide their injuries. They closed one eye so that he could quickly adapt to the poor lighting in the ship's holds. By alternating between using one eye for dimly lit areas and brightly lit decks, pirates were able to fight more effectively.

The first tinted glasses for both eyes appeared not to protect against bright light, but to hide the view from prying persons. At first, they were used only by Chinese judges, so as not to demonstrate to those around them personal emotions about the cases in question.

Blue or brown?

Human eye color is determined by the amount of concentration in the body of the pigment melanin.

It is located between the cornea and the lens of the eye and consists of two layers:

  • front;
  • back.

In medical terms, they are defined as mesodermal and ectodermal, respectively. It is in the front layer that the coloring pigment is distributed, determining the color of the human eyes. Interesting facts about the eyes confirm that only melanin provides color to the iris, no matter what color of the eye. The shade changes only due to a change in the concentration of the dye.

At birth, almost all children have this pigment completely absent, so the eyes of newborns are blue. With age, they change their color, which is fully established only by the age of 12.

Interesting facts about human eyes also state that the color can change depending on some circumstances. At the moment, scientists have established such a phenomenon as a chameleon. It represents a change in the color of the eye during prolonged exposure to the cold or with prolonged bright light. Some people claim that the color of their eyes depends not only on the weather, but also on their personal mood.

The most interesting facts about the structure of the human eye contain data that in fact all people in the world are blue-eyed. The high concentration of pigment in the iris absorbs light rays of high and low frequencies, due to which their reflection leads to the appearance of brown or black eyes.

Eye color depends a lot on geographic location. So in the northern regions, the population with blue eyes prevails. Closer to the south, there are a large number of brown-eyed, and at the equator, almost the entire population has a black iris.

More than half a century ago, scientists established an interesting fact - at birth, we are all farsighted. Vision is normalized only by the age of six months. Interesting facts about human eyes and vision also confirm that the eye is fully formed by physiological parameters by the age of seven.

Vision can also affect the general condition of the body, so when the eye strain is exceeded, general fatigue, headaches, fatigue and stress are observed.

Interestingly, the link between the quality of vision and the carrot vitamin, carotene, has not been scientifically proven. In fact, this myth dates back to the war, when the British decided to hide the invention of the airborne radar. They attributed the rapid detection of enemy aircraft to the keen eyes of their pilots who ate carrots.

To test your visual acuity yourself, you should look at the night sky. If you can see a small star near the middle star of the handle of a large dipper (Big Dipper), then everything is normal.

Different eyes

Most often, such a disorder is genetic and does not affect overall health in any way. Different eye colors are called heterochromia and can be complete or partial. In the first case, each eye is colored with its own color, and in the second, one iris is divided into two parts with different colors.

Negative factors

Most of all, cosmetics affect the quality of vision and eye health in general. Wearing tight clothing also has a negative effect, since it impedes the blood circulation of all organs, including the eyes.

Interesting facts about the structure and work of the eye confirm that a child is not able to cry in the first month of life. More precisely, there are no tears at all.

The composition of a tear has three components:

  • water;
  • slime;

If the proportions of these substances on the surface of the eye are not respected, dryness appears and the person begins to cry. With an abundant flow, tears can directly enter the nasopharynx.

Statistical studies say that every man cries on average 7 times a year, and a woman 47.

About blinking

Interestingly, on average, a person blinks once every 6 seconds, more reflexively. This process provides the eye with sufficient moisture and timely cleansing of impurities. According to statistics, women blink twice as often as men.

Japanese researchers have found that the blinking process also acts as a reboot for concentration. It is at the moment of closing the eyelids that the activity of the neural network of attention falls, and therefore blinking is observed most often after the completion of a certain action.


Interesting facts about the eyes did not miss such a process as reading. According to scientists, the eyes get tired much less with fast reading. At the same time, reading paper books is always carried out a quarter faster than electronic media.


Many people believe that smoking does not affect eye health in any way, but in fact, tobacco smoke leads to blockage of blood vessels in the retina of the eye and leads to the development of many diseases of the optic nerve. Smoking, both active and passive, can lead to lens opacity, chronic conjunctivitis, retinal macula, blindness. Also, when smoking, lycopene becomes harmful.

In normal cases, this substance has a beneficial effect on the body, improving vision, slowing down the development of cataracts, age-related changes and protecting the eye from ultraviolet radiation.

Interesting facts about the eyes refute the notion that monitor radiation negatively affects vision. In fact, eye damage is caused by excessive stress when you often focus on small details.

Also, many are sure of the need to carry out childbirth only by the cesarean route if a woman has poor eyesight. In some cases, this is true, but with myopia, you can undergo a course of laser coagulation and prevent the risk of retinal rupture or detachment during childbirth. This procedure is carried out even in the 30th week of gestation and takes only a few minutes, completely without negatively affecting the health of both the mother and the child. But be that as it may, try to regularly visit a specialist and have your vision checked.