Who can be godded parents? Who can not be a godpiece

That forever makes man a Christian. Even if he ever change faith, the grace of baptism still remains with him all his life. Already from ancient times, the tradition has developed this sacrament with the participation of perceivers, which are responsible for the insertion and righteousness of the future life of the convert.

In this regard, the Orthodox question arises: how many times can you baptize a child to one person?

Baptism of the child in the church

Permissible number of gods

No restrictions in the church here. The only thing that can stop a person from the consent to become a godfather is a fear of responsibility. After all, if the perception has made insufficient efforts to teach his spiritual son or the daughter of the Christian faith and send to the path of salvation, he will have to respond to God.

Read about the sacrament of baptism:

The people invented many superstitions associated with baptism. It seems that if the woman takes the second godfather, then its spiritual motherhood will "remove".

Play this nonsense is not worth it. Take several spiritual chad, the same thing to give birth to several children. Heavy and responsible, but the mother will remain a mother for everyone.

Permissible number of godfall

A person may have one or two percept - the godfather and mother. If the perception is one, then it is customary to choose for this role of a person of the same sex as a sovereign. But it's just a tradition, if for some reason it is impossible to do so, there is no sin in its violation.

It happens that the priest himself becomes a perception.

Baptism of the Child in the Church

If the babies are sacred, the godfall should pronounce the vows to God instead and take the baby from the font. When there are two perceivers, it makes the godfather, if a child is a girl, and father, if a boy.

The baptism is considered the spiritual birth of man. This is one of the most important events in the life of everyone and is considered for church worldview. Baptism is a pretty serious process to approach him with full responsibility. Thoughts in people participating in this sacrament should be sincere and clean. Therefore, the question of who can be godded parentsit is one of the most important baptism in the rite. During the rite of baptism, a child or an adult receives a guardian angel as a spiritual protection that protects it throughout his life.

Who can be the godfather parents, and who is not?

As you know, the responsibility for the baptism of the child is assigned both on these parents and on the godfather. Conscious faith of a person in the existence of God is a prerequisite for making a rite. Since the godparents are pronounced all baptized vows for the kid. The responsibilities of the godfare parents may impose, first of all, the people of Orthodox and believers who treat their spiritual life with all seriousness. The desirable condition for choosing a perception is a correspondence on sexual sign, that is, a boy must baptize a man, a girl - a woman.

Who can be godded parents? This question before the sacrament becomes the main thing! As a rule, the godfall becomes a man and a woman. GL
avenus so that they are not relatives to each other. There are situations where a woman becomes a perception for a boy, for a girl - a man, nothing contradictory and reprehensible in it will not. It is important that the godpiece is really a believer who is entirely able to impose responsibilities for the spiritual education of the child.

Who can't be the godparents?

1. Juvenile children who themselves do not have serious knowledge in the clergy. And which in the case of the untimely death of both parents of the kid can not take on all their responsibilities;

2. People of another religious religion;

3. Spouses or couple going to legitimize their relationship;

4. People leading a depraved lifestyle;

5. Women during menstruation;

6. Completely unfamiliar people whom parents persuaded, so to speak, at the very last moment.

In any of these cases, the priest has the right to refuse to make a rite of baptism. Of course, you can default true information, but is it worth it? After all, the act of baptism is committed with your child and its future directly depends on this.

How many times can you become a godpiece?

Strict restrictions in the amount of perception is not defined, so this issue is solved by the desire of the most famous. The only thing, what oh should understand the godfather - every time, imposing the responsibilities of a susceptible, he takes great responsibility. We will have to answer before God. It is worth remembering that the godfall is an example for a godmad. In addition, he will have to help, and protect his scene throughout life.

There is a rumor that becoming a godmother of the second time to remove the cross from the firstborn. This is a big misconception. The church categorically refutes this hearing, comparing re-participating in baptism with the birth of the second child. It is logical that the mother who gave birth to the second child will not give up the first. Also with a godmother - becoming a second time, she does not give up the firstborn in any case and is the same responsibility for him, as well as for the second. The best solution will be the advance concern about who can be godded parents for your baby.

The mother and father of the child have no right to be with him. It is worth noting that the husband and wife cannot be perceptuals from one baby. Grandparents, grandparents, aunt, brothers and other relatives are allowed to become a godfather or mother. It is recommended to take into the godfather of blood relatives. It is believed that blood bond becomes stronger, as perceptions are the second parents of the child.

Orthodox Christians

A person who is an Orthodox Christian can become a perception and constantly comming. Atheists and representatives of other religious areas of the godfather can not be. In this case, a symbol of faith and read it in the baptism process should be configured. From the perception, the daily reading of prayer for the gossip will also need, as he is now responsible for the spiritual in the future. Regular visit to the Temple and Education in the Christian faith is an integral part of the responsibilities of the godfather.


The godfather cannot become people younger than fourteen years old, as they have no spiritual experience that will be required to instruct the newborn in the right faith.

Servants of the church

The limitation concerns only the father or mother of the child who cannot be the godfather in their own baby. It is also not allowed to become the spiritual parent of one child with spouses (if the couple only plans to get married, it also falls under the ban). The rest of the relatives, including the family brothers and sisters of the parents of the child, as well as their parents, may well assume the duties of the godf. Also do not choose in the godfather priests or monks, young children. In addition, adoptive parents also can not become the godfather from their saucers and steps.

By the way, there is a ban on the participation of ladies in the sacrament of baptism in the period of monthly sewage.

What should give the godfather in the performance of the sacrament of baptism

It is usually argued that the godfall must acquire for the baptism rite. Naturally, if a person who was chosen to so much an honorary position, does not want to make a mistake, it is better to consult in advance with his parents.

Also, the godfall often acquire silver for their gods. Especially relevant such a gift in the event that the baby is conceded at the age when his first tooth climbs.

The godfather should make contact with his gadget to the maximum. After all, he becomes not only a spiritual mentor of the baptized, but also a peculiar doubleler of biological parents. After all, one of the duties of the godfare is considered to raise the child in the event that native parents died or cannot be able to fulfill their parental duties due to certain circumstances.

His Chad. According to tradition, it is done 40 days after the birthday of the child. After the commission of Holy Baptism, the baby acquires the named parents. According to many people, it is from now on that the baby begins to defend the Lord. While the godfather arises a large number of responsibilities, especially the mother.

It is on her the main responsibility. Therefore, choosing crotch parents is necessary with all seriousness.

With baptism, the most significant role is given to the godmother. After all, her duties are not reduced only to the adoption of participation in the church rite of baptism and congratulations of spiritual Chad with secular and religious holidays: they will last throughout life.

Holy baptism

Baptism is one of the most important sacraments, the essence of which is to accept a person in the Christian church. It should be noted that when Christianity only originated, then the ritual immersions in the water in various nations of the world were performed: water is a key life. Believing, according to which the person immersed in the water turns out to be protected from all his sins and begins life from pure sheet.

Today, baptism does not have serious differences from the baptism rite, which was held several hundred years ago. As then, and at this time, it is a clergyman holds the baptism ceremony.

Jesus himself established this sacrament. It was painted in the Jordan River from St. John the Forerunner. The rite was intentionally carried out just in water, because in the Bible water is a symbol of life, the purity of the spirit and body, God's grace. It was not necessary to baptize Jesus, but in this way on a personal example he demonstrated to people that they should start their spiritual path. Consecration of water in the Jordan River happened thanks to Jesus Christ, for this reason the priest pronounces the call of the Holy Spirit in prayer to consecrate the water in the font.

As a rule, baptism rite is carried out in the church, but its holding at home also does not contradict the canons. The duration of the sacrament is about 45 minutes. And the name for baptism is given to the baby exclusively Christian.

Step by step description of the rite:

It is also worth knowing that often the baptism of the baby is immersed in water, but it is not prohibited to simply sprinkle or damage the water. One person throughout life can be baptized only once. This is explained by the fact that it does not physically be born more than once.

Requirements for the Great Mother

An embezzlement mother should begin preparations for the role in this hypostasis much earlier than the ceremony itself. She will need not only knowledge of prayers, but also awareness of the essence of the holy baptism. This role can only be awarded orthodox woman guided in the life of God's commandments. She needs to know a number of prayers: the king of the Heavenly, the Virgin of Devo, rejoice, the symbol of faith and. They reflect the essence of Christian religion.

A woman must have a complete awareness of responsibility, which is assigned to it. After all, the requests before God for help in the development of the baby and in gratitude to him now enter her duties. The godfather must be made to make every effort so that the child in adulthood becomes a religious person.

As already mentioned, during the baptism of the baby significant place belongs to the godmother. She will carry on his shoulders most of the responsibility for the spiritual development of the godfather according to the creed of the Orthodox Church. On the one hand, it will have to make a lot of effort to attach, but on the other, if you feel the gentle feelings for your spiritual chad, you get a huge grace from the correct performance of the assigned duties.

Preparation for baptism

Prior to the beginning of the sacrament of the godfather, it is necessary:

Caring for both the gifts of the kidding and other thingsrequested to complete the sacrament, also falls on the shoulders of a shaft mother:

  1. White baptismal shirt - it can be a simple cotton fabric or have an openwork embroidery if the parents called this wish. By tradition, the shirt dress up on the child immediately after the sacrament. He carries it for eight days, after which it takes off and escaped in the safety of the whole life of the baptist.
  2. - It can be purchased as one of the shaft and by mutual decision. It does not matter from precious material will be made a cross, the main thing is that it is with a crucifix. In turn, he should not be filmed from the child after making a rite.
  3. A towel - if possible, it should have large sizes, which is due to its purpose: it will be used to cool the baby after immersion in the water during the rite. It is forbidden to be washing after the rite and the bachers should carefully store it during his life.

It is worth noting that the shirt for baptism and cross is often acquired directly in the church. In the case when the cross was bought in a jewelry store, it must be pre-consecrated.

In addition to the above things, the shaft must be traced that the parents of the child do not forget to take:

As for the gifts directly a gym, then according to tradition on the day of Holy Baptism, it is customary to give a cross, a small nominal icon or a silver spoon.

Duties of the godfather with baptism

Responsibilities called Mom As during the direct rite and after, may differ depending on the floor of the baptism.

  1. Girls christening - before the beginning of the ceremony, the named mother should learn prayers about the child, among which the symbol of faith. When baptized from clothes, a modest long dress should be put on it, and the head is covered with a handkerchief. Taking on the hands of the kiss after lowering into the water, the shag must handle her in white clothes. And also it will have to keep the baby on the hands when around bypass the font around, reading the prayer and the admonition of the fool. For the girl, the presence of a spiritual mother is of great importance, because after biological parents it is responsible for the baby, becoming her support and spiritual mentor in life.
  2. Boy's christenings are the main responsibilities of the godfather are similar as when the girl is baptized. There is only the difference in the fact that after immersing in the water, the child takes a lady father. During the baptism of the boy, an important role is given not only to the mentioned mother, but also his father, which in the future should become a support for him in everything.

Duties called mother after baptism

The named mother takes her scene on the bail before the Most High, answering the upbringing in the spirit of the true Christian faith:

So, giving agreement to become perceptuals, the named parents are becoming responsible for the upbringing of a godfish or gods in Christian The duty of the named mother consists In the knowledge and training of a child of righteous prayer, and independent reading a prayer for the well-being of the baby. And also it should be engaged in preparing the child to the first communion and teach him to attend church services. However, in modern society, there is a significant place in the so-called terrorism, and not the true faith in Christ: if the baptism of the newborn is a generally accepted norm, it means that it is necessary to paint.

As you know, taking Christianity, a person passes through a wonderful rite -. According to tradition, a godfather and father is needed for baptism, or one of them.

What should be the godfare parents

The very first sacred action in a person's life is baptism. The godfather is the most important people after parents who should assist in the spiritual education of the child, become a support and support. In fact, these are family members. Their duties are not limited to gifts in and maintaining communicating with his family. Their main function is the spiritual development of the gossip, the admission to faith and the church.

Choosing the godfather, it must be remembered that the baptism rite is carried out once and the child cannot cross the child, therefore, to change the godfather will not work. The church makes an exception only if the godflow changed faith either leads a blatantly immoral, not a pious lifestyle.

A child can be both both godparents and only one, but in this case it should be the same sex as a sovereign.

It is allowed to become a godfare for several children, but the Godfather must appreciate his forces, whether he will be able to cope with his main duty, whether he has enough time and attention to the appropriate way to bring up all his own.

Who is forbidden to become a godfather along the canons of the Orthodox Church

Care people who adopted monastic lead people cannot become a godfather. There are also restrictions for godparents. The boy at the time of the adoption of the duties of the godfather should be 15 years old, the girl who solved his mother, is 13 years old. Cannot become a godfather for a child his parents, relatives or receptions. There is a ban on intimate relationships between the godfather, so spouses or people going to marry should not become the critic of the same child.

Because the goddes must acquire a kid to the church, they must be baptized. Unbelievers and unresolved people cannot become.

Inviera and nonsense is also forbidden to become a godpa. An exception can only be if there are no Orthodox surroundings, and the person else wants the other faith, and in his ability to raise a child with highly moral and developed spiritually no doubt.

It is unacceptable to take into the godfather of the soulless people and the fallen morals.

In various sources of esoteric and incorporerium orientation, you can meet a number of and other prohibitions. However, it is worth remembering that baptism is a rite, subject to the laws of the Orthodox faith, and the ministers of the church and people truly believers are known best about him. Nevertheless, with only parents decide which information to rely on.