If a woman has a delay and the test is negative. Delay of menstruation, and the test is negative. Menstruation delay for ten days

Usually if menstruation does not come on time, the woman begins to suspect pregnancy. She runs to the pharmacy for the dough to make sure of his suspicions. But the home diagnostics spent suddenly gives a negative result. Why it happens, after how many days of delay the test will show pregnancy, and for what reasons the test does not show pregnancy, but there is a delay. These questions are very often bothering patients, they often turn to gynecologists with them. Consider them in more detail.

If necessary, the attending physician will give direction to check blood fluid

Menstrual discharge delay factors are quite diverse. Normally, the duration of the menstrual cycle is about 21-35 days. When the test does not show a pregnancy at a delay, the patient is needed gynecological advice. When regular regulations are delayed for a week long, and conception is not confirmed by the test, then the girl is appointed a comprehensive examination, during which the true factors will be established why the pregnancy test is negative, and there are no menstruation.

At times, negative indicators may be false, especially if testing on the first day of delay. Then the content of chorionic gonadotropin is still too little and test systems until it can feel it. Experts allocate several varieties of delay:

  1. With random lengthening of the cycle of more than 35 days, which is a delay;
  2. Amenorrhea - when there is no lack of menstruation for several months;
  3. Delays associated with rare menstrual bleeding times in 40-60 days, while menstruation goes only 1 or 2 days;
  4. Ordinary delays, not dangerous to health and lasting days.

If there are no situations when there is no monthly period, worried a woman regularly, while the delay period reaches two weeks either stretching for several months, then without gynecological intervention is not to do without gynecological intervention. Usually when menstruation is delayed for several days, it is impossible to determine the cause of the delay independently. Whether the girl has pregnancy or cycle failures occurred, from the first date of delay these states do not differ anymore, and the specific symptoms appear much later.

When tests detect conception

With poor well-being, you do not need to postpone the visit to the doctor

If the picture creates so that the delay of the monthly - the test is positive, then the alarms should not cause such states. All test systems operate on the principle of determining the gonadotropic chorionic hormone, which begins to produce in the female body only with a developing pregnancy. It makes no sense to conduct a study immediately after the occurrence of conception, because the hormone of pregnancy begins to be produced only after a successful impact of the egg in the endometrial layer occurring on 6-10 days after meeting with sperm.

Pregnancy tests have a certain high-sensitivity that affects the ability to detect different concentrations of HCG in the urine. When to do a pregnancy test, so that the result is a significant reliable. Tablet and inkjet express systems have greater hypersensitivity (10 MME / ml), therefore, they are able to detect the conception for 3-4 days to the expected delay. If the test system detects hCG only when it is concentrated in 20 mmes / l and above, it will be able to determine that the girl got pregnant, only after it is delayed in her first day.

On what day delay the tests show pregnancy at the threshold of hypersensitivity 25 MME / ml? According to the manufacturers, such express systems are able to detect hCG in Urin in the first hours of lack of menstruation, however, in practice it is somewhat different - to detect conception, such a test is often needed to take 0.5-1 week after delay. Better testing With morning urine, in which the concentration of gonadotropic chorionic hormone reaches the highest possible values.

False-negative result of express test

The situation is somewhat different, if the test is unprofitting pregnancy, when there are signs of conception and menstruation did not come. Girls can feel dizziness and nausea urge, vomit reactions or pouring of the mammary glands, sharp drops of mood and drowsiness, but testing gives a negative result. In such a situation, a specialist recommend to patients to re-diagnose after one week.

It is better to use express tests of different manufacturers, and if they do not help clarify the problem, then pass the blood to the chorionic gonadotropic hormone. Why doesn't the test show pregnancy? The causes of false negative test results can be a lot.

  • If the girl's menstruation comes irregularly, then the likelihood of false negative test results increases significantly, because it is impossible to diagnose pregnancy after the delay in the first days. In order for the reliability of the results to be maximum, it is recommended to wait, and after a few days spend testing again
  • Also, the false positive nature of the test data, when the delay of the week, and the test is negative, it is possible if the patient consumed a lot of water on the eve of the diagnostics. Because of this, urine becomes diluted, so the HCG concentration in it drops so much that the test reagents do not recognize the presence of a hormonal substance in Urin.
  • Often, such situations with diagnostics occur in the presence of liver pathologies or serious failures in urinary activities.
  • Also, the factor explaining why the test does not show pregnancy, and there is no period of menstruation, it may become a banal non-compliance of the instructions for the use of express test or improper storage.

If such situations occur, the most correct decision will be the consultation of specialists of the gynecological and endocrinological profile or therapist.

If the belly pulls

Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to health

Usually delays in painful symptoms do not provoke, although sometimes they are still conjugate with pain syndrome. The delay of menstruation with a negative test for pregnancy is characteristic of a dangerous state - ectopic pregnancy. When a girl sees one strip on the device and understands that there is no pregnancy, it does not attach a special meaning of painful feelings in the stomach. Meanwhile, the symptoms are complemented by anxious manifestations like severe pain and dizziness, weakness and general ailment, minor urges of nausea, etc.

Girls sometimes perceive such symptoms as premenstrual syndrome. Meanwhile, the fruit that fastened outside the uterus continues to grow, and the state of the girl becomes a threatening character. If the fruit causes the tip of the pipe, then strong bleeding will begin, in which there will be abundant bloodstures, fraught with lethal outcome.

Delay a week, and a test negative can be a sign of gynecological pathology, more often in inflammatory nature. Typically, such a phenomenon takes place with a general overcooling or penetration of infection. And the first sign of such pathology will be the result of a negative pregnancy test during a delay of 3-4 days. At the same time, pain symptoms will be periodically aggravated by cutting unbearable painful feelings, in the perineum and genitals there may be a feeling of itching, the brown sections that exude sharp and unpleasant odors appear.

Such symptoms are possible with various pathologies of a gynecological nature. Inflammation is accompanied by hypertermic reactions, pulling painsimptomatics in the lumbar zone and stomach, the itching of the genital organs and the menstrual delay.

Pathological delay factors

If the monthly is missing under the influence of pathological factors, then a woman to pay more attention to health than usual. One of the signs of pathological origin is the long lack of regulatory, the test is negative, pulls the bottom of the abdomen. With such a symptomatics, the test is not necessary to doubt, so it is necessary to identify the fundamental factor in the absence of menstrual discharge.

  • Inflammatory urinary pathologies like adhesitis. With such origin, the patient's delay is experiencing noticeable painful discomfort, suspicious and unpleasant mucous membranes from the vagina. Hyperthermic reactions, etc.
  • Problems with ovaries to which all sorts of inflammatory and other defeats of female sex glands can be attributed.
  • Tumor lesions of the uterine body. These formations are manifested in different ways, in some they cause abundant bloodstures, and others, on the contrary, are not coming monthly. When diagnosing express testing issues a lack of pregnancy, and the final confirmation of such an unpleasant diagnosis occurs in the process of ultrasound diagnostics.
  • The ovarian polycystic disease is also negatively reflected on the regularity of menstruation, causing their constant delays and irregularity. Such pathology often causes the body dysfunction, which provokes menstrual failures and disorders.
  • Abortions. If quite recently, the girl made a surgical abortion, it is not surprising that she will not come in time, even if the menstruation was regular.
  • The cystic formations of the yellow body, anorexia of nervous origin or endometriosis are also quite common pathological factors provoking the delay, and the test will not show pregnancy at similar states.

If the data of the test is negative, there are no regulations and have any pathological manifestations, then the girl needs to immediately contact a specialist. Even if there are no pronounced complaints, you must be consulted with the doctor.

Features of the physiological state

Positive emotions are very useful for mental equilibrium

From the first day of the delay to do the test is quite acceptable, and the results of such diagnostics are most often reliable. Among the common causes of the absence of menstruation, which are not caused by pathological conditions, the mass of all sorts of factors. The most common is the stressful impact, for example, lacking or emotional experience, changing climatic conditions or increase loads - all this can provoke a stressful state, which will affect the regularity of the monthly and day of their occurrence.

Also, lead to a lack of menstruation can violation in power mode, more precisely, the shortage of nutrient trace elements and vitamin substances entering the body. Sharp weight fluctuations are always negatively reflected on the regularity of the female cycle. Hormonal background disorders, reception or sudden cessation of contraceptive reception, the use of urgent contraceptives and the onset of the menopausal period and other hormonal deviations also often lead to the failures of the regulatory.

In this clinical case, it does not matter at what day the delay tests show pregnancy, because the conception is absent in pathological and physiological delay factors. Regulation can be found if the patient has any internal pathology of colds, renal diseases or gastritis, endocrine deviations or pneumonia, head -light pathology, etc. Even the reception of drugs from a group of neuroleptic drugs can cause a menstrual failure. Although these factors are physiological, many of them are dangerous and have an extremely negative impact on the female organism.

What to do if the test is negative

If you know, from which date the test is capable of unmistakably determine the hatching, you follow this recommendation and get all the same negative response regarding pregnancy, then you need to sign up for a gynecologist at the near future. Wait a couple of days and try tested again using the express system of another manufacturer, which will help minimize the likelihood of false negative results.

  • The main thing is not to try to independently cause menstruation with the help of dubious effects that may be deadly. Such amateurness can provoke abundant and unknown bleeding, or cause aggravation of the pathological state that caused the delay.
  • The duration of the cycle is controlled by sex hormone structures, which can be affected by taking medication tools of hormonal origin. The selection of these funds is engaged in a gynecologist and only after a careful examination of the patient, evaluating its hormonal status.

One of the main conditions for home testing is the observance of the deadlines, with some delay to do a pregnancy test, since early diagnosis often issues unreliable results. Long delay always requires mandatory qualified and professional medical care. Only after full-fledged diagnostic events, the doctor will be able to unmistakably determine the diagnosis and recommend the most effective course of therapy in accordance with age and characteristics of the patient.


Since the factors affecting the regularity of menstruation, a lot, then the treatment will be unequal. Quite often, with the menstrual failures of various etiology, hormonal drugs are prescribed from the category of oral contraception or progestogen. To increase the chances of successful conception, the patient may be recommended to stimulate ovulatory processes. In each case, the decision on the nature of therapeutic impact should be taken only by a qualified specialist.

If there are tumor pathologies, it can assign surgical intervention, although it is still trying to cope with similar problems with the methods of hormone therapy, which contributes to the resorption of go to a significant decrease in various kinds of formations. If the problems with the cycle have nothing to do with pathological factors, then there is enough banal lifestyle shift.

If the girl has lost weight, then a rational and balanced nutrition program is needed. If it provoked interruptions with monthly pronounced obesity, then a strict diet is needed. Better with this question to contact a specialist in the field of dietology. Psychological or stressful origin of the delay helps to eliminate a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist. It helps to restore the cycle exclusion of alcohol and nicotine impact, a daily rational diet and the use of sufficient water. Admissible treatment with homeopathic preparations.

It is quite natural and permissible is the failure in the monthly cycle for several days (5-7), so it is not always worth nervous and flee to the doctor, sometimes it is enough to wait a bit and repeat home express testing. But if the monthly no longer has an urgent gynecological consultation, which will help confirm either refute the pathological delay factor and to eliminate it in a timely manner without any threat to the patient's health and well-being.

The delay of menstruation is the lack of cyclic bleeding for more than 35 days in a woman of reproductive age, which has not entered into the menopausal period. The reasons for such a violation of the menstrual function may be set, they are determined by physiological, organic and functional disorders.

As for the age in which the delay is observed, it can be different, starting from the period of sexual ripening of the girl and ending with a period of premanopause. Statistics indicate that 100% of women at least once in their lives came across this problem.

What reasons may be a monthly delay?

Naturally, the most common reason that the next menstrual cycle does not begin on time, is pregnancy. In addition, the woman's taste is changing, a morning nausea and even vomiting can be observed, painful sensations appear in lactic glands. All these signs are associated with a change in the hormonal background in the body of a woman after conception.

However, pregnancy is an obvious reason for the delay and define it is easy using a special test.

If the result is negative, then other reasons should be considered, including:

    Elevated emotional stress, such as severe stress, training load before exams. Do not underestimate the effect of stress on the woman's body. It is able to cause serious failures in the work of brain sites that are responsible for hormonal regulation. With a strong stress of menstruation, even for several years may stop.

    Increased physical stress, associated, for example, with enhanced sports training or difficult working conditions.

    Professional segments of heavy sports.

    Early Climax, which may arise even at the age of 30. This is most often associated with the diseases of the endocrine system.

    Radical changes in the usual lifestyle, for example, a change of work, place of residence, moving to another climatic zone or a temporary belt, etc. In this case, the delay of menstruation is determined by the adaptation of the body to the changed conditions.

    Conducted gynecological operations. In the event that, after the surgical intervention, a woman has a delay, it needs urgent consultation of the doctor (if the doctor has not previously reported possible failures in the regular cycle).

    Genetic diseases.

    Diseases of cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems.

    Changes in hormonal status, which may be due to the onset of the premopause period, with the beginning of puberty. Often the cycle delay occurs in teenage girls, such delays in the first two years after the occurrence of menstruation is the norm. After this time, the cycle must be established.

    Excessive method of testosterone in the body. With such a violation, the woman begins to grow hair over the upper lip, in the groin area, the skin becomes greasy. With the appeal to the doctor, he should not be keen, as this may ultimately lead to infertility.

    Refusal to receive hormonal contraceptives. Such a delay is determined by the fact that the functionality of the ovaries is reduced against the background of the long arrival of hormones from the outside. The deviation from the norm in this case is considered the absence of more than 2-3 cycles.

    Reception of drugs with high hormones, which are used as emergency contraceptive methods. For example, such as postinora, Escapel, etc.

    Violations of ripening of the follicle, which is expressed in its atresia or persistence.

    The period after delivery, when the delay is due to hormonal perestroika due to the onset of lactation. The body in excess begins to produce prolactin, which contributes to the suppression of the functionality of the ovaries. A woman needs to know that if the child does not get breasts, then menstruation should start two months later. If the mother feeds the child, then monthly should recover after stopping lactation.

    Viral infections, such as ORVI and flu.

    The aggravation of chronic diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, diabetes. In addition, influence may have disorders of the functionality of the thyroid gland, kidneys, etc.

    Reception of medicines. Antidepressants, corticosteroids, chemotherapy for cancer can have influence.

    Increase body weight, obesity. Especially high risk of developing amenorrhea with accompanying stress situations.

    Inflammations of the genital organs - kindness, adnexitis.

    Benignant tumor - Mioma of the uterus.


    Polycystic ovarian, causing hormonal disorders. Related symptoms become seborrheic dermatitis, reinforced hair growth, acne.

    The cyst of the yellow bodies of the ovary. It is formed due to violations of hormone production in the body of a woman.

    Avitomyosis. The lack of vitamins will lead to the fact that the immune system will begin to suffer, it will lead to a slowdown in all metabolic processes, which means it will inevitably affect the hormonal background of a woman. A special influence has a lack of vitamin E, as, however, and its oversupply.

    Irregular sexual relationship. It is noted that when a woman's permanent sexual partner appears in the life of a constant sexual partner, the disorders in the menstrual cycle are often self-assembling.

    Oncological diseases of the bodies of the uterus, cervix.

    Disorders of digestion, which may be due to strict diets, diseases, overeating, failures in the metabolism, etc.

    Abortion. In this case, the delay leads or hormonal disorders, or mechanical damage.

    Emascus or frozen pregnancy. And that, and another case requires immediate surgery.

    Miscarriage in the early deadlines after conception.

    Pronounced weight loss. Such a disease as anorexia can lead to a complete disconnection of the functional capabilities of the ovaries.

    Alcohol abuse, admission of narcotic drugs. Often the delay of menstruation may occur in women who prefer beer with all alcoholic beverages.

    The supercooling of the body, as well as its overheating, can provoke a delay of the next cycle.

    Rising the level of prolactin in the blood, which can become a symptom of brain tumor.

Causes of monthly delay by 2-3-4-5 days

Failure in the menstrual cycle for a slight period - up to 5 days and less is considered the norm. However, if, after this time, menstruation has not resumed, it is necessary to contact the doctor.

The reasons for such a short delay can be somewhat and most often they are explained by the natural physiological processes occurring in the body. Thus, in the pubant period, when the cycle becomes also occurs, such interruptions are not any deviation from the norm. Temporary fluctuations with delays up to 5 and even 7 days can be observed for 1.5-2 years. After that, the menstruation schedule must normalize. If this does not happen, you should seek advice to the doctor.

In addition, such a delay is a frequent satellite of the premenopausal period, when a progressive slowdown of the menstrual function occurs. The rhythms of the body of the woman are changed, as well as the timing of each cycle. At this time, menstruation delays can be replaced by their complete absence.

Sometimes such temporary delays may occur in women of childbearing age. Most often, women are able to determine the cause of such a short delay - this is an offensive of pregnancy, breastfeeding, refusal to receive oral contraceptives, acclimatization and other natural physiological reasons. But if such violations become regular, this indicates the pathological processes occurring in the body and the consultation of the doctor in this case is necessary.

According to doctors, a short one-time menstruation delay for up to five days is the physiological norm and most often does not require special treatment. However, no one knows her body better than the woman itself. Therefore, if there is a reason for concern about the delay even for several days, then you should not postpone the campaign to the doctor.

Causes of monthly delay for 10-15 days or more, test negative

Long absence of the menstrual cycle is a delay of 10-15 days or more. If a pregnancy test did not issue a positive result, that is, it makes sense to start worrying about its own health. Most often, such a long lack of menstruation indicates any disorders in the body. Correctly diagnose the cause of the delay and only the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment.

Of course, the cycle can recover independently, if the delay was caused by stress or acclimatization.

But, if this does not happen, the delay is 15 or more days, then this may be caused by the following reasons:

    Oryagnomorerian, which is characterized by a weakening of menstruation. They become not only scanty, but also rare. The interval can be from 15 days to six months. This pathology occurs approximately 3% of women.

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome when inside them and multiple cystic formations begin to grow outside. It occurs both in young girls and in women aged.

    Endometriosis can lead to a latency of the menstrual cycle.

    Endometritis, which is expressed in inflammation of the mucous membrane.

    The uterus hypoplasia, that is, its underdevelopment. Pathology is found in adolescence.

    Inflammation of the appendages, localized in the ovaries and pipes. The pathological process can lead reduced immunity, viral infections, supercooling, penetration of bacteria, etc.

Naturally, this is not all the reasons that can lead to a delay of 15 days or more, but they are the most common and necessarily require treatment. We can trigger the absence of regular menstruation injuries obtained during abortions, improper nutrition, cancer diseases, appendicitis, mioma of the uterus, the ripening of the follicle without ovulation, the atresia of the irrelevant follicle and other factors. In any case, such a long break in the cycle requires immediate appeal to the gynecologist.

Causes of monthly delay after 40 years

After the woman turns the line of 40 years, it starts the natural process of the extinction of the menstrual function. The ovaries produce hormones in smaller quantities, 1-2 times a year cycles may be observed without ovulation, which causes the delay. Moreover, menstruation becomes irregular, short-term, scanty.

Although global data indicate that the gradual focus of the reproductive function should occur after 45 years, this age is often reduced. The "rejuvenation" of Klimaks is due to the fact that most women have chronic diseases to this age, which are aggravated against the background of frequent stresses, viral infections, severe work activities transferred earlier abortions, etc.

Asked for medical assistance a woman aged 40 and older, can hear the following diagnoses for this age category:

    Menstruation delay against the background of psychological stress. Moreover, at this age, the reasons for increased nervous voltage becomes even greater than in youth: the problems of growing children, the exacerbation of chronic diseases, the natural process of aging, etc. at 40 years of age, any stress is significantly more complicated than in 20.

    Heavy physical exertion, unbearable work. Often, at this age there is a decline of strength, but despite this fact, the woman continues to work in the same pace, and sometimes even more. This affects the body of the body as a whole and increases the likelihood of the delay.

    Any chronic diseases, among the most common: urolithiasis, cirrhosis, pathology of cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems, gastritis, heart attack, celiac disease, etc. All violations in the work of the body are able to cause a failure in the functioning of ovaries.

    The serious flow of any colds: ORZ, influenza, bronchitis, ORVI, etc.

    Endocrine pathologies: thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus.

    Increased body weight, which is observed in most women older than 40 years. Khudoba can also be a causal delay, but at this age women suffer from anorexia not as often as from obesity.

    The alimentary causes caused by a violation of the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a lack of vitamins, trace elements coming from food.

    Any significant changes in life. Delays may appear against the background of the fact that adaptive and adaptation mechanisms with age are much worse. There can be even a short-term trip to the sea.

    Reception of drugs, the number of which increases significantly as women agrees. Any drug can provoke a delay, but most often at this age is observed against the background of taking antipsychotropic drugs, drugs to get rid of endometriosis - zoladex, diffelin, butoselery, and also due to the use of duphaston, lanazole, methyldopes, etc.

    Any diseases of the sexual system, for example, ovarian polycystosis, benign and malignant tumors, vaginal colpit, etc.

Given these factors, a woman needs to consult a specialist if delays become regular and exceed physically acceptable boundaries in 5 days.

What are dangerous permanent menstruation delays?

If the single latency of menstruation within the physiologically acceptable borders is not a threat to the health of a woman, then regular failures in themselves danger. It lies in the fact that in time will not be diagnosed and the reason caused by the delay.

It is important to seek medical care at often frequent cycle disorders, as:

    The delay can be caused by the growth of microenomes - a malignant tumor of the brain. The cycle impairment is caused by the level of prolactin level in the blood.

    The inflammation of the uterus and appendages may cause not only delays, but also lead to anneal infertility, the formation of a purulent process, sepsis, pelvic thrombophlebitis, parametrity. In addition, the exhaustion of the follicular apparatus due to regular delays due to inflammation of the appendages often leads to early climax, aged 35 years and younger.

    Any launched female diseases threaten the development of complete infertility, and they can begin with the usual menstruation delays.

    The ovarian polycstrosis, often manifested in menstruation delays, may lead to the development of gestational diabetes, to obesity and arterial hypertension. As a result, the entire cardiovascular system suffers, right up to the blockage of veins, heart attack and stroke.

    Any hormonal failures not only disturb the well-being of a woman, but also become the cause of miscarriage, moma of uterus, are fraught with the development of asthma, diabetes, atherosclerosis, malignant cancer tumors. In addition, in addition to the delay of menstruation, hormonal violations significantly worsen the qualities of the life of a woman (pain in joints, lactic glands, sleep is disturbed, sweating, etc.) and lead to changes in its appearance (obesity or thinness, the underdevelopment of the mammary glands, reinforced hair growth on body, oily skin and acne rashes, etc.).

    Early Climax leads to premature aging of the skin, weakening the immune forces of the body, to the development of atherosclerosis, to premature feturns of the childbody function, to an increased risk of formation of diabetes mellitus, etc.

Due to the fact that regular impairment of the menstrual cycle can cause serious health problems, women must ensure consultation of the gynecologist and other necessary surveys to establish the cause of the failure.

Popular questions and answers:

Thrush may cause monthly delay?

Many women often trace the relationship between the thrush or candidiasis of the vagina and the latency of the menstrual cycle. However, the disease itself cannot cause the untimely occurrence of menstruation, although such phenomena often coincide.

The reason lies in the fact that the thrush is often the result of stress, elevated emotional loads, as well as many diseases of the body. A severely transferred cold or aggravation of chronic disease can cause both candidiasis and a delay of menstruation.

That is why it is so often a combination of these two pathological conditions for a female body is observed. But the thrush itself causes the untimely occurrence of the cycle to become unique. Nevertheless, appeal to the doctor with such situations is necessary.

Can cystitis be the cause of the monthly delay?

This question is quite relevant, since after transferring cystitis women often observe the latency of menstruation. This is due to the fact that cystitis provokes the development of inflammation in a small pelvis and often enters a chronic form. Naturally, they suffer from all near the arranged organs: ovaries, pipes, uterus. As a result, their functionality is violated and a woman has a delay after the suffering disease.

In addition, ovarian dysfunction can have a direct impact on the development of cystitis, because it is known that estrogen levels affect the functionality of the bladder. The lower the level of the hormone, the thinner it becomes its wall, and therefore, the stronger it is susceptible to various infections. As a result, due to hormonal disorders, a cystitis develops, whose manifestations are difficult not to notice.

After treatment, a delay is the delay, which the woman also connects with the suffering disease, although in fact its cause, as the cause of cystitis, there was a violation of hormone production. So, after the suffered disease, a delay may arise, it is caused by both chronic cystitis and violation of the mining of hormones.

Caist can cause monthly delay?

The answer is definitely positive. The fact is that with cysts formed on the ovaries, a wide variety of disorders from the menstrual cycle may occur, including its delay.

Especially often this situation is observed in young girls with the development of the functional cyst of the yellow body, the follicle, etc. Most often, the delay is observed even before the cyst itself is formed. That is, the delay is preceded by a cyst, disrupting the process of the menstrual cycle and contributing to its formation. Therefore, doctors often after the appearance of such violations predict cystic growth.

As for the timing of the delay, then, as a rule, they do not exceed one week. Such phenomena can be observed from month to month until the cyst is diagnosed and its treatment will not begin.

What if there is a delay of menstruation?

If regularly repeated latency of menstruation or delay delay exceeds the maximum permissible physiological borders in five days, then it is necessary to seek advice from the doctor. After clarifying the reasons, the appropriate treatment will be appointed. Most often therapy is carried out with the use of hormonal tablets. However, in no case cannot be taken independently, without medical recommendations. It is extremely dangerous to the health of a woman and can disrupt the entire hormonal system, which means to lead to serious health problems.

Among the most common hormonal drugs, the following are prescribed by doctors:

    Postinor. It is a drug used for emergency controception. This tool is used if it is necessary to cause menstrual cycle as quickly as possible. However, it is recommended only with regular menstruation, since its admission can provoke a cycle impairment, and with very frequent use lead to infertility.

    Duphaston. Used if the latency of the menstrual cycle is caused by an insufficient level of progesterone in the body. Only a doctor, on the basis of studies, should regulate the dose. If there is no pregnancy, and the delay does not exceed 7 days, then postinor is prescribed for a period of 5 days. After this time, menstruation should start two or three days later.

    The mifepristone can be used to call menstruation at the initial periods of pregnancy, not exceeding a period of 42 days. However, in no case cannot be used if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. The reception should be carried out under the control of the doctor, since the disorderly use of the mifepristone leads to a violation of the hormonal background.

    Pulsatilla. Another hormonal drug that can be assigned when menstruation delay. This is the safest tool that does not lead to a weight gain, does not affect the nervous system. However, it is not necessary to take girls having an irregular cycle.

    Non-Ovlon, the drug that stimulates the beginning of the menstrual cycle is capable of preventing acyclic bleeding. It includes estrogen and gestagen. Most often, with a delay, two tablets are prescribed after 12 hours. However, before applying it is a mandatory consultation of a specialist, since the drug has side effects and can disrupt the work of the reproduction authorities.

    Progesterone - hormone in injections. Used to call menstruation, the selection of dosage is carried out strictly individually. The increased flow of progesterone into the body can cause a mass of side effects, including excess hair growth, an increase in weight, impaired menstrual cycle. There is no more than 10 injections. The effect is built on stimulating the work of the glands in the mucous membrane of the uterus. The tool has a number of contraindications, among which: uterine bleeding, hepatic insufficiency, breast tumors, etc.

    Nigolut, causes menstruation, as it contains a norethysterone, which is similar to the action of gestagenis in its action. And their drawbacks often provoke failures in cycles and their delay. The course of treatment should not exceed five days, not used during pregnancy, since it threatens to be miscarriage and bleeding. It has a large number of contraindications and side effects, so the doctor's preliminary consultation is necessary.

    Uremines. It is a means of overwhelming estrogen and stimulating the production of progesterone than and its therapeutic effect is determined. In addition, it turns out a stimulating effect on the development of endometrial. The drug can be introduced vaginally, which is its undoubted plus, however, this agent has some contraindications.

Naturally, the use of hormonal drugs to cause menstruation is not a safe method. It is necessary to take them correctly, as it is possible to apply irreparable harm to health.

It is worth understanding that any interference in the hormonal background should be justified. Each medicine is strictly selected individually and subject to clear medical recommendations. Only in this way can be kept their own health and avoid negative consequences. But it's not worth paying a long delay. Therefore, the easiest solution will be a trip to the doctor and the passage of reasonable and adequate therapy.

Any woman knows her individual mental delay rate. The absence of delays of the monthly indicates the normal healthy state of the reproductive system. In women and girls of different ages, there may be their permissible delay period of menstrual discharge.

According to physicians, the delay in the bloody vaginal discharge can be considered normal within 1-7 days if against the background of this, the female organism does not experience "side symptoms". If a weak floor representative feels well, does not suffer from discomfort, then such delays are considered admissible. But every age segment has its own limit of this expectation.

Note! Girls menarche (first registers) are expected in the age category 11-15 years. And during the first two years it will be difficult to expect the regularity of these discharges. At a young age, 5-day delay of selection should not cause concerns.

If, after two years, menstruation not stabilized, then you should contact the gynecologist to determine the normal operation of the uterus and ovaries. "Dry" period of a healthy woman and a girl is 28-35 days. It is through this time that bloody discharges appear monthly.

Phases of menstrual cycles

In senior women, the sexuality of the sexual function comes, which is the natural and inevitable process. With each new month there will be a latency of menstruation, which will gradually increase, until it stops at all.

The average comment of the climax in women is age of 44-50 years. But there are exceptions to the climacteric dysfunction of ovarian in one, or the other side.

Causes of monthly delay

Monthly delay (main reasonsIn addition to pregnancy, why there is a delay of menstruation):

  • Gynecological reasons;
  • Not gynecological causes.

The causes of long-lasting periods have a gynecological (except for pregnancy) and nonreghecological nature.

The delay of menstruation may have causes of gynecological and not gynecological nature

Gynecological reasons:

  1. puberty;
  2. diseases (ovarian polycystic diseases, uterine myoma, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst);
  3. climax;
  4. long-term reception of contraceptive preparations;
  5. lactation.

Not gynecological reasons:

  1. stress;
  2. climate change;
  3. diet;
  4. anorexia;
  5. bad ecology;
  6. diseases (ORVI, gastritis, thyroid and kidney disease, diabetes mellitus);
  7. intoxication;
  8. excessive physical exertion;
  9. excess weight.

Important to remember! Some drugs can delay menstruation, which are used in the treatment of the urogenital system, stomach and depression ulcers.

Maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle, use of narcotic drugs, large doses of alcohol and tobacocco - all this can change the monthly regular parish of menstruation.

There are cases when, with a negative result of testing there is a significant cycle delay. A similar failure, which continues more than 7-15 days, may be a consequence of receiving hormonal drugs.

The dough error is also possible if the delay of menstruation and the test is negative.

The reasons why the delay of menstruation, and the test is negative

As soon as the regulations are delayed, women use express tests for pregnancy. All tests work according to one principle - determine the level of hCG in the Women's urine. If this indicator is normal - the result does not exceed 5 MME / ml. Starting from the 7th day of pregnancy, this indicator increases 5 times.

Testing errors may be primarily from non-compliance with the instructions, and poor-quality products. It is known a lot of tests that give errors in kidney diseases and a hormonal imbalance. Violation of the integrity of the packaging and the expired shelf life also do not promise a reliable test result.

A woman can get falsely negative test result with a minor delay period, when it took 3 days after the menstruation delay. Another cause of false information may be the late ovulation of the previous cycle. Insufficient concentration of urine composition gives an unreliable result.

Therefore, testing should be carried out at the first daily urination. Pregnancy with pathology (frozen or ectopic) will not indicate an increase in the level of hCG in the blood.

A false positive result happens less often than falsely negative. This result may be in the event of a pregnancy in a very early period, which showed the actual level of hCG at the time of pregnancy. Tumors formed against the background of hormonal failure contribute to the development of hCG, which can enter a woman in delusion.

A positive response when testing may be in the case of a recently occurred pregnancy (miscarriage, abortion). The use of certain drugs in the treatment of infertility can also cause an unturious result.

Pale and fuzzy second dough strip gives a reason for re-testing after 3-5 daysAnd in the case of eco, you will need to wait 10-15 days. The error of the test is undoubtedly possible, so doctors recommend that the result must be reduced twice again.

How many days can the delay of menstruation without the occurrence of pregnancy?

Do not concern the delay of the regulation amounts to 5-7 days in a woman of a young and mid-reproductive age. In case of senior women on the background of Klimaks, the maximum delay period can be about six months. The permissible period of delayed menstruation of menstruation after the first intercourse is considered 2-4 days.

What and how affects the menstruation period in women

Many factors affect women's health: external habitat, age, physiological state and others. Below, the table shows the factors, conditions and moments and how they affect the regularity and nature of menstruation in women.

Reception of antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs and other potent drugsIf a hormonal drug is incorrect, monthly delay can occur. Only those tablets that contain exclusively progestogen do not affect the length of the cycle. Long-term reception of oral contraceptive reduces the intensity of the selection. Antidepressants, according to doctors, rarely cause monthly delay. Such a group of drugs reduces the intensity of the released menstrual blood. In the process of treatment with anti-sized medicines, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is sometimes disturbed.
Homeopathic drugsHomeopathic medicines are often prescribed gynecologists to their patients in order to normalize the hormonal background of women. Such a group of drugs rarely causes the delay of menstruation, since there are no potent substances and hormones in their composition. Most often, periodicals are delayed due to the pathological condition, in which the specialist appoints a homeopathic remedy - a depressive state, strong stress, etc.
Boring uterusIn the composition of the borovy uterus there are phytohormones (phyto progesterone and phytoestrogen), so the plant affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. With the help of such a fund, you can normalize the hormonal background of women, eliminate inflammation in the field of small pelvis organs and increase local immunity. If you are irresponsible to approach the treatment process, there may be side effects that manifest themselves in the form of a hormonal failure and deterioration of general well-being. The girls argue that after the consumption of the boring uterus, a delay occurs due to a successful conception. It should be remembered that the grass suppresses ovulation if the healing therapy is incorrectly. The plant is necessary to maintain the second phase of the cycle - progesterone.
TrancamGynecologists argue that "transcems" refers to effective hemostatic drugs, delays do not cause. Such a medicine is prescribed to patients if a hormonal failure arose. The "delay" of critical days in this situation indicates that the cycle has not yet recovered after therapy "TRANSAM".
Preclosure SyndromeThe lamination of the menstrual cycle is the main sign of Klimaks for women after 50. Due to the extrusion of the reproductive function, menstruation delay is observed. Over time, the amount of blood released during critical days is reduced. The main symptoms of menopause include: tides, weakness, insomnia, depression. During the period of menopause, there are problems with the absorption of calcium, therefore the state of the bone system deteriorates.
Folic acidFolic acid is vitamin, not a hormone. This drug does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. The medication is absolutely safe and does not provoke the development of side effects. Vitamin B9 strengthens immunity and positively affects the condition of the circulatory system.
EDAS 927.The preparation "Mastioli EDAS 927" refers to homeopathic medicines. Prescribed when mastopathy. Gynecologists argue that the reception of the medicine does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Sugar, calcium fluoride, creosote, spotted Boligols - these substances that are part of this agent. Elements do not affect the disadvantage of the reproductive system of women.
Oxyprogesterone CapronateCapronate oxyprogesterone injeces are assigned to those girls who have a long-term delay of menstruation. Women's reviews indicate that this substance is introduced to patients intravenously to normalize the hormonal background. If self-treatment and incorrectly pick up the dosage of the means, menstruation delay may occur. Only a doctor should develop an individual pattern of therapy - depending on the physiological characteristics of the body of the patient and the severity of pathology.
Hormonal Spiral MirenaLevonorgestrel is a hormonal substance that is contained in the spiral of peace. This element is highlighted in the uterus. Under such conditions, the process of growing and rejection of the endometrium is blocked. Since the action of the hormone occurs only inside the childbearing organ, the risk of hormonal failure decreases. The spiral suppresses the mobility of spermatozoa and blocks ovulation, but does not affect the hormonal background of women. Side effects are manifested exclusively in the form of headaches, acne, heart pain. The intrauterine helix does not protect against sexual infections, which often disturb the menstrual cycle. The installed spiral in the presence of contraindications sometimes causes the development of the inflammatory process. In this situation, the length of the menstrual cycle may be disturbed.
Sports loadsIf you actively play sports and sit on a diet, then a person will rapidly decrease the weight. Extreme weight loss can provoke a monthly delay. A sharp leap of weight for the body is a strong stress. The new and unusual body load sometimes affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. In this case, doctors are recommended correctly and balanced - after a few months the cycle is normalized.
Changing climateThe female organism is too vulnerable to any negative environmental impact. Moving to another country sometimes provokes the appearance of headaches, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, nausea and apathy. The duration of addiction to the new place of residence is 13 days. Atmospheric pressure indicators and temperature difference are the factors that can cause monthly delay.
Heat, saunaDue to the sharp increase in atmospheric pressure and temperature, the female organism is experiencing stress. Under such conditions, menstruation delay may occur.
StressSystematic stresses and experiences often provoke the development of serious gynecological diseases. Under such conditions, menstruation becomes abundant and accompanied by painful sensations. Due to the hormonal failure, which was caused by emotional stress, problems may arise in the work of the reproductive system of the girl. The change in lifestyle stability is reflected in the functioning of the female organism.
ColdInfluenza and colds are strong stress for the body. Under such conditions, the protective function of the organism decreases and the regularity of menstruation is violated. Resume full-fledged work of the reproductive system of women will succeed without additional therapy - for normalization requires 1.5 months.
ThrushIf the protective function of the body weakened, candidiasis may occur. The disease develops due to pregnancy, the effects of the drug, overwork, systematic stresses - these factors affect the operation of the reproductive system of women. If the thrush arose due to hormonal imbalance, then the duration of the menstrual cycle is disturbed.
CystitisWhen cystitis, there is often a delay of menstruation. This is due to generalized inflammation, which affects not only the mucous bladder, but also the organs of the small pelvis.
Ovarian cystIn the event of a follicular cyst, menstruation delay is observed. Such a neoplasm is benign. After the resorption of cysts, critical days begin - this process leaves from 6 to 20 days.
Cervical erosionThe pathology itself does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. But if the erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200bactively developing, the uterus starts modified. Under what conditions is possible failure in the cycle. Attaching infection can cause a delay.
EndometriosisWith such a disease, endometrium begins to grow. During the development of the disease, there is often a delay of monthly and painful sensations in the field of small pelvic organs. Such a disease often becomes infertility. Gynecological diseases adversely affect the work of female genital organs. Under such conditions, a hormonal failure occurs.

No menstruation: wait or act?

The lack of occurrence of critical days within 1 week amid symptoms of their appearance, can be considered the norm. If the permissible delay period has expired, you should start acting. The first on the plan should be testing for pregnancy.

If pregnancy was not confirmed, and the normal period of waiting passed, without postponing, you need to go to the female consultation. At the reception will need to tell about the health, the emergence of new symptoms, to be examined and surrendered.

Doctors pay attention! Significant regular delay is impossible to write off on external factors and ordinary physiological processes. This signals the beginning of pathological processes in which it should be intervened as quickly as possible.

If the chest hurts, but there is no monthly - what does it mean?

Before the onset of critical days, a significant number of women notices swelling, painful sensations and sensitivity of the chest glands. If the chest hurts, and the monthly never occurred, it can become a signal to start the birth of a new life.

This happens in 70% of cases. If the pregnancy has never come, and the mammary glands continue to disturb, then in 20%, problems are associated with mastopathy.

The remaining 10% is related to: the presence of infection in lactic glands:

  • oncology of these bodies;
  • the process of ovulation;
  • the consequence of active physical exercises (muscle stretching);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • shingles.

Why is the stomach hurts, but no menstruation?

Also can disturb pain in the abdomen in the absence of menstruation. Some women experience painful sensations during ovulation when the follicular rupture occurs. This is a normal process that is attributed to the individual characteristics of the body.

Gynecological problems may also be accompanied by pain. On the inflammatory processes of women begin to pay attention after the appearance of strong pain. If such inflammation is ignored and not treated, in the future they can give starts to serious illnesses.

Cause abdominal pain can accumulated liquid in uterine pipeswhich will prevent menstruation appearance.

Acyclic pain In most cases, the cause of urolithiasis is caused. Deliver the trouble can spikes, cystitis, colitis. If, in addition to the belly, the woman worries the sawing sensation in the dairy glands, you can suspect mioma. With pain in the abdomen and the absence of a regulation, it is worth passing to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

How much can you not worry?

Important to remember! Every woman has a menstrual duration of the menstrual cycle. Most often, the established cycle (21-35 days) accompanies the woman throughout the entire reproductive age from 18 to 45 years.

The beginning of the reference falls on the first day of selection and lasts until the next arrival.
Have a healthy woman for 1-3 days with regular periods for concern there are no foundations.

Delay of menstruation 1-4 days: causes

The most common causes of delay (1-4 days) are allocated as follows:

  1. recent cold illness;
  2. unnecessary physical exertion;
  3. climate change;
  4. sharp power change;
  5. emotional, nervous breakdown.

If the delay of menstruation 5 days (negative test): Is there a problem or not?

With a 5-day waiting for the arrival of monthly, it is too early to talk about any pathology, because it is within the normal range. A woman has time before starting to take active actions.

The reason for the failure of the cycle regularity can be the consequences of workolismwhich lead to the depletion of the body, lack of sleep and reduce the vital tone. In the absence of poor well-being and unpleasant symptoms, we can talk about the absence of a problem.

Monthly delay by 6-10 days. Reasons other than pregnancy

Doctors pay attention! Delayed menstruation for 6-10 days - the first call for a woman. It can signal the border state, the occurrence of pregnancy or diseases.

In the exclusion of pregnancy, such a delay of doctors called secondary amenorrhea. Very dangerous state of a woman who should be excluded first - an ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms of this pregnancy are:

  • pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lumbar department and the bottom of the abdomen;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • the emergence of vaginal heels of brown, brown color.

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary not to postpone visit a female consultation. Ignoring ectopic pregnancy becomes the cause of abundant bleeding and infertility.

Delay of menstruation 10 days and more: Begin to seek the reason together with your doctor!

Strong health of women and the availability of a partner obliges testing. When the fact of pregnancy was not confirmed, it is necessary to contact the doctor for survey and identify the reasons.

Relying on the survey results the gynecologist will be able to detect or eliminate diseases:

  1. Vaginitis;
  2. Polycystic;
  3. Candidiasis;
  4. Thrush;
  5. Adnexitis;
  6. Mioma, tumors.

If the doctor's gynecological problems did not find, should be sent to his colleagues. The delay can cause a disease:

  1. Pancreatitis;
  2. Duodenitis;
  3. Chronic gastritis;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Pyelonephritis;
  6. Adrenal diseases;
  7. Anorexia.

Delay 2 weeks and more

Waiting for critical days for longer than two weeks no longer exists hope that the woman is fine with the body. Such a condition cannot be left without attention, even if nothing bothers a woman. The campaign in female consultation should be organized in the urgent basis.

What to do if there are no monthly 2 (two) months, but not pregnant

If the regulations did not come after 2 months, it is necessary to be examined for the ovarian dysfunction. This disease is not independent, as caused by such factors as a viral or infectious disease; diseases of the genital organs, kidneys, thyroid gland, stomach.

As soon as the woman discovered vaginal discharges that are not familiar with menstruation, you should go to the clinic. After refusing to receive contraceptives, critical days should come after 2-3 months, if this did not happen, and at the bottom there is no discomfort - the campaign in the female advice is not postponed.

No monthly 3 months, but not pregnant

Waiting for the arrival of menstruation for 3-6 months received a medical name - Amenorrhea. Its reason is the serious disease of the gynecological sphere, which obliges to undergo inspection and surveys from a specialist.

Why after abortion no monthly

Important to remember! Each woman has a menstrual cycle after interrupting the pregnancy, it is restored differently.

In this situation, it is worth considering the term and method of interrupted pregnancy, the physiological features of the patient. Subject to the normal outcome of the operation, after 1 month. After an abortion should start regulates. The first day of the cycle needs to be considered the date of the operation.

Doctors pay attention! If, after 31 days after the surgical interruption of pregnancy, there is no monthly, it is recommended to visit the doctor to avoid health problems.

Sentence delay when breastfeeding

The return of menstruation in recent births will depend on the lactation process, in which there is a high level of hormone-prolactin that is responsible for breast milk. If the natural lactation process is not implemented (cesarean section, rejection of breastfeeding, other reasons), the cycle will be restored after 1 month.

At the same time, the maximum delay period after delivery can last about 8 weeks. During lactation, the normalization of the menstrual cycle is a purely individual process. This may require 2-3 years.

Important to remember! To accurately predict the time to start restoring the menstrual cycle after childbirth, it is necessary to take into account:

  • feeding cycle;
  • type of feeding (mixed, on demand, regular).

If the mother feed the child at the request of the child, then monthly discharges will be restored one year after childbirth. With a mixed form of feeding, it is possible to wait for menstruation after 3-4 months. In 80% of women in labor, critical days come after excommunication from the baby's chest.

Attention: dangerous reasons for delay

Dangerous reasons for delay:

  • Andexite;
  • Polycystic ovarian;
  • Endometriosis.

In the risk area there are diseases of the gynecological and endocrine sphere. Diseases of ovarian, adrenal glands and thyroid gland can cause polycystic ovaries syndrome, and lead to infertility.

Adhesitis - the inflammatory process in uterine appendages becomes the cause of hormonal failure. Endometriosis or Mioma of the uterus is a benign tumor that can be reborn in malignant neoplasm.

What threaten the frequent delays of menstruation?

It is not recommended to leave periodic delays. And in the event that they become frequent, and it is impossible to show a negligent attitude towards the health of a woman.

Gynecologists insist! Ignoring regular and frequent delays is fraught with the appearance of chronic diseases, infertility, oncology of genital organs.

What if there is no monthly?

The delay forces a woman to stay in a long waiting for a week, and then go to the medical institution. Any deviation of the menstrual cycle from the norm is a reason to appeal to women's advice.

Together with the gynecologist, the cause of the menstrual cycle failure will be revealed. To do this, you will need to pass the tests, pass to pregnancy testing, to be examined at the endocrinologist and an ultrasound specialist.

In the case of an unstable menstrual cycle, a girl (duration less than 2 years old), the start of the climax at a senior woman and a permissible weekly delay, should not panic and try to call menstruation.

It is important to know! In women who have not reaching the climax and past the age of Möner, constant delays of critical days are abnormal. Therefore, having established the causes of the delay, measures should be taken to restore the cyclicity of the regulatory.

Is it possible to call menstruation during delay

We can provoke monthly bleeding at a delay, both under the control of physicians and at home. Almost all medical preparations that are consumed to restore the menstrual cycle are hormonal.

You can get the desired effect of their reception if a woman has problems with a hormonal background and a deficit of a certain substance in the body.

How to cause monthly when delay at home

By installing the hormonal picture of the patient, the gynecologist prescribes the reception of special drugs according to the scheme. Often, women use herbs that provoke the beginning of menstruation. At home, it is possible to cause menstruation with medical preparations, dummy of medicinal herbs, hot bathtubs, a large dose of vitamin C and active exercise.

Decoration of medicinal herbs:

  1. Nine;
  2. Souls;
  3. Nettle;
  4. Rosehip;
  5. Yarrow;
  6. Audit.

Herbs taken in 2 tbsp. l., and flooded 1 l. Boiling water, consumed after 12 hours exposure for one day. For the calling of menstruation, they also drink decoction from the onion husk, ginger.

Preparations from hormonal failure (Duphaston and others when delayed periods)

In the event that serious health problems have been identified, doctors prescribe special drugs that stimulate the arrival of critical days.

These drugs include:

  • Duphaston;
  • Uremines;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Postinor;
  • Mifgyne.

Duphaston is prescribed 1 tablet twice a day for 5 days. If serious health problems are found, the endocrinologist may assign another treatment scheme. Most often, long-awaited allocations appear on 2-3 days of reception of the drug.

The expected Dufeston effect is provided by progesterone concentration. In the case of pregnancy, this drug does not bring harm to the fetus, and it will not be able to interrupt pregnancy. Duphaston will give the result only with a hormonal disease detected.

If the delay occurs because of stress, it will accelerate the beginning of the menstruation will help the pulsytall, 6 granules of which dies blood. Urgently cause monthly reception of postiner.

The problem of the delay of menus should not provoke women to look for ways to speed them up without determining the cause of such a state.

Important to remember! Any latency of the menstrual cycle is a failure, the reason for which should be found out.

Contact a specialist with frequent periods of menstruation should be necessary to eliminate serious diseases, including malignant education, psyche damage, infertility and other gynecological diseases.

Video about the causes of the delay of menstruation with a negative test

Delay monthly test negative. Why and what to do:

On the causes of the delay of menstruation, if the test is negative in adolescents, in women:

On what time the pregnancy test will definitely show 100% result:

One of the most frequent complaints of women to their gynecologists is a disturbance of the menstrual cycle, in particular its delay. It seems to be the time, and there is no one month old and not. Then the representatives of the beautiful sex run to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test, but it turns out to be negative.

No monthly, test negative - such a situation is familiar to many. What can it mean? First, if you are planning a pregnancy or live sexual life without protecting, then even the negative test results for pregnancy cannot completely eliminate its presence. It happens when the girl does the test on the very first days of delay. You should not immediately despair if you have not seen the desired two stripes. If there is a pregnancy, they may appear a little later. In this case, buy several tests of different firms at once and re-analyze in a few days.

Exclude or confirm pregnancy will also help the blood test on chorionic gonadotropin. It can be done in a special clinic, but the result will be more reliable if you climb a little after the menstruation delay.

If no pregnancy is not coming, then the reason for such delays is often serious female diseases. To clearly understand why there are no monthly, and the test is negative, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with the menstrual cycle.

Cause of the delay of menstruation

Violation of hormonal background

Ideally, the female cycle should be 28 days. Of course, the errors in the interval from 21 to 35 days, but not more. Counting cycle is conducted from the first day of the arrival of menstruation. What happens in the body at this time?

At the very beginning of the cycle there is an increase in the level of estrogen hormone. In this regard, the uterus begins the growth of the endometrium necessary to fix the fetal egg. In the ovaries at this time, the eggs are ripening, which are completely ripening and then released about 12-14 days of the menstrual cycle. This is called ovulation. Your body is ready for fertilization. The egg leaves the ovary, and in her place the yellow body is formed, which is derived from progesterone. If the progesterone level is very low, then women often have miscarriage in early terms. Further, if the egg fertilizer is fertilized, then conception occurs, and the periods do not occur. But if there was no conception, then progesterone, and estrogen falls, which causes menstruation.

If there is no monthly, the test is negative, the conclusion is obvious, it is likely that you have a violated hormonal background. Be sure to hand over all tests for hormones. What kind of hormones check will help determine your gynecologist.

Disease thyroid gland

When women complain about the delay of menstruation, the resultant cause of such a violation is the disease of the thyroid gland and the pathology of the endocrine system. These diseases can cause ovarian dysfunction. Therefore, if there is no monthly, the test is negative, be sure to go to the reception to the endocrinologist and make ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Gynecological diseases

Unfortunately, the reasons for the menstruation delay can be a lot. In addition to endocrine disorders, a woman can have other health problems. First of all, gynecology. The following violations may interfere with the operation of ovaries:

  1. Endometriosis;
  2. Adenomyosis;
  3. Myoma uterus;
  4. Uterine cancer;
  5. Cervical cancer;
  6. Adnexitis;
  7. Polycystic ovarian.

In addition, physical factors can affect the work of the ovaries:

  1. Constant stress;
  2. Fast weight loss;
  3. Severe physical exertion;
  4. Stay in the hot climate for some time (vacation);
  5. Reaction to the adoption of various drugs.
No monthly - Test Negative:make sure you have no pregnancy, waiting a couple of days and making a repeated test, after that go to the doctor

Treatment of menstruation delay

Very many diseases are successfully treated with oral contraceptives. Modern medicines are aimed at lowering the level of testosterone in the body (male hormone). The hormonal background at the same time aligns and restores the regular menstrual cycle. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will appoint you to drink oral contraceptives a certain amount of time. As a rule, treatment lasts about six months. It is not necessary to be afraid that you will harmonize or damage the hormonal drugs. The drugs of the new generation are very soft, but able to cope with many female illnesses.

If you do not have a monthly, negative test, do not tighten the visit to the doctor. In most cases, the whole problem is hidden in hormones, and they must be put in order. If you wake up your treatment when it really needs you, you risk aggravate your position. Remember, launched cases lead to infertility.

If a woman has a menstrual cycle works like a clock, and the critical days come on schedule every month, it is quite natural that it is disturbed by any violation of the established order. If the regulations did not come on time, the first thing that the woman will think of leading an active sex life, about pregnancy. Confirm the presence of a "interesting" provision will help a special test. And if the test is negative? What could it be?

In this article, we will consider all possible reasons why the delay of menstruation appears, and the test is negative, in what situations should be immediately accessible to the doctor, and what is the norm of the norm.

Immediately it should be noted that with a delay of menstruation for a period of five days before the week, it is not particularly worth worrying, the reason for the elongation of the second phase of the cycle in this case may be simple fatigue or experiences. Also, it is also not necessary to worry much if a short time delay occurred. If it is repeated from the cycle in the cycle, and the pregnancy test all the time shows a negative result, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist.

When the delay of menstruation with a negative test lasts a few weeks, it may have occurred, and the test showed a false result. If the pregnancy was not confirmed during the gynecological inspection, other reasons for the delay of the regulation should be found.

Non-hazardous reasons

If there is no monthly, the test is negative, which means that the conception has not happened, it is not necessary to assume the worst. Not only diseases in the absence of conception can cause delay. There are external factors that cause a short-term failure in the functioning of the female organism, which is manifested by single menstruation delays. To normalize the cycle, in this case it is sufficient to eliminate the external stimulus or return to the former lifestyle.

Consider for what reasons for women are not hazardous for the body, a regular can be delayed:

  • overwork;
  • injury or injury;
  • stressful situations;
  • strict diets, starvation, malnutrition;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • digitious addictions;
  • drug use;
  • excessive sunny baths;
  • sharp weight gain and rapid weight loss;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • abuse of vegetarianism;
  • intoxication of the body harmful substances, food and drugs;
  • uncontrolled reception of psychotropic and hormonal drugs;
  • gynecological operations in the near past;
  • crossing climatic zones, long distance trips.

After 45 years, it is not worth worrying when the menstruation does not begin, but on the test one strip, it can signal about the extinction of the ability of a female organism to reproduce and on the start of premenopause. At this time, the egg cell matures not in each cycle, which causes long delays. If there are no periods for a long time in women up to forty years, it may be a symptom of early menopause to clarify the diagnosis and find out why there are no monthly at that age, it is necessary to take the blood test to the hormone level.

If the cause of the delay is the following factors, then to normalize the cycle, it is enough to make adjustments to meals and their own ways, sometimes to adjust the cycle, it is enough to abandon the detrimental habits.

Naturally, when the delay of menstruation occurs after childbirth and during breastfeeding. If the baby immediately begins to eat artificial blends, then critical days are delayed due to the restoration of the body, weakened by pregnancies and generic activities. As soon as the body recovers after such a complex test, like childbirth, menstruation will not wait long for a long time. If the child feeds on breast milk, then in the body of the woman rises the level of the prolactin hormone, which simultaneously oppresses the function of the ovaries, pushing the regulated to the point when the child goes to ordinary food. With breastfeeding, menstruation can be lined for 8-10 months, while the pregnancy test will show a negative result.

It is possible to expect the regulation to be late in the case of taking contraceptive drugs. Contraceptives on a hormonal basis are capable of influence the duration of the cycle, causing its extension for 10-20 days. It is not scary throughout the period of adaptation to the drug (2-3 cycles), if more than 3 cycles continue, it should be replaced or canceled oral contraceptive. Perhaps the woman has individual intolerance to the components of this particular drug, and the body signals this by delaying critical days.

Pathological factors

The delay in the negative test may be a reason for anxiety in the event that it is complemented by other adverse signs. If the lower abdomen is drawn, the back pain appears, the body temperature increases, the reason for the delay of menstruation with a negative test can be various pathologies and a violation of the hormonal function:

  • the pathologies of the endocrine system and dysfunction of ovaries. This can also include diseases of the thyroid gland and various endocrine disorders. To install an accurate diagnosis, consultation of the endocrinologist, ultrasound of the reproductive and urinary system, thyroid, adrenal glands and tomography of the brain;
  • if there are no menstruation, and the conception was not confirmed, the reason for the delay is most often gynecological pathologies - endometriosis, mioma, adenomyosis, inflammation in the uterus and appendages, neoplasms in the body of the uterus and on her neck. After cure from these diseases, the cycle comes back to normal. Most often occurs inflammation in the ovaries;
  • in childbearing age, the fact that menstruation does not occur is the polycystic ovarian syndrome. An additional symptom of this ail is a male type exhaust, increased fatty hair and skin cover. To confirm this diagnosis, it is required to make analysis to testosterone concentration. The disease requires compulsory treatment, because it may lead to infertility due to non-heating ovulation;
  • ovarian cyst. Regulation most often delayed due to the cysts formed on the ovary. Follicular variety of education does not require surgical intervention. If a benign tumor is diagnosed, an operation is required. Additional signs of the disease besides the delay of menstrual discharge are pain at the bottom of the abdomen, nausea and high temperature;
  • adenoma pituitary gland. The disease causes critical days, as well as an increase in the nose, a change in bite and arcs over eyebrows, skin rashes, pain in the head and nausea;
  • any colds can provoke a delay of the regulatory;
  • cystitis. The inflamed urea can push the offensive of the regulator for several days, and then weeks. Since the disease hits and the ovary, the cycle will restore after complete recovery;
  • inflammatory processes, whose causative agents become staphylococci, streptococci, mushrooms Candida, Trichomonas. In addition to delays, there are stool disorders, nausea, elevated temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, as well as various separation from sex tract;

For possible reasons for delay, the regulation can be attributed to anemia. The low level of hemoglobin leads to long delays in critical days for a couple of weeks. So the body protects itself from excessive blood loss. Hemoglobin deficiency negatively affects the entire body of a woman.

When can the test show one strip?

A negative test at a delay indicates that the conception has not happened, but even in the instructions for the test it is written that it gives no one hundred percent result. There is a question, can there be a pregnancy if the test shows one strip? It turns out that the test can really show a false negative result, and in which case:

  • a woman was violated recommendations for the use of test;
  • the test turned out to be poor quality of the manufacturer's fault, it happens with tests of dubious firms;
  • the test has expired suitability;
  • the test is taken too early. It is very easy to make a mistake with the terms of ovulation and the conception of those women who have a cycle irregular;
  • with an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, the delay of critical days is, but the embryo either fixed outside the uterus, or for any reason ceased to develop;
  • if a woman saw a lot of liquid on the eve of the use of the test, the urine will be too diluted, which will significantly reduce the concentration of hormone hgch. It is this hormone that begins to be produced in a pregnant woman in the body, and in the early deadlines, its concentration is increasingly increasing, so the large amount of liquid drilled may cause a false negative result.

Types of tests

The accuracy of the test is determined by its sensitivity. The higher this indicator, the more accurate the result of the pregnancy test result. If on the box it is indicated that the sensitivity is 10 MME per milliliter, then you can find out about the conception after a couple of days after sex.

The simplest test in the form of a strip of paper, which is immersed in the container with urine, is the most unreliable. His result is determined by the number of strips manifested after dipping. The next accuracy is a tablet test. He has 2 windows: in 1 you need to drop the droplet of urine, and in the second the result is manifested.

An inkjet test is considered the most effective of all existing varieties. It must be substituted under the stake of urine. It will show the exact result even before the delay, even on the eve of the alleged critical days. There is an electronic version of the inkjet test, on which the result is displayed on the digital scoreboard.

What is the danger

If a woman had a short delay that occurred against the backdrop of the move, suffering from the disease, stress, or severe physical activity, then no pathology, which means there is no danger in this. Thus, the body reacted to the event that occurred with the woman.

If a long delay occurred, and there is no visible reasons for this, and a pregnancy test shows a negative result, it may be a signal about the body of diseases in the body of diseases and inflammatory processes. By itself, a large delay in menstruation does not represent health hazards, much more problems can deliver pathology, which caused its appearance.

If the cause of the lack of monthly discharge in the insufficient generation of sex hormones, then tightening with treatment is fraught with arthrosis, arthritis and other problems with joints. In addition, women with a problem cycle more often suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

The regular cycle is the key to the fact that a woman in the future will be able to become pregnant and give birth to the baby. If the woman still plans to become a mother, she needs to carefully track the periodicity of menstruation and with the slightest deviation from the rhythm to pass the gynecological examination.

What to do?

If the cause of the delay has become external factors, then for adjustment of the menstruation cycle, there can be enough correction of the daily regime and diet. To eliminate hormonal imbalances, due to which menstruation delay occurred, you can add your diet with vitamins and microelements, as well as ropting a course of special preparations. Most often, the dysmenorm is prescribed in such a situation. It adjusts the hormonal composition and soothes a woman, and also restores the cycle with a scarce allocation of the menstrual secret.

Dysmenorm has the following effect on the body:

  • reduces the signs of PMS;
  • restores the ovulatory and lutein phase of the cycle;
  • the problems in the digestive tract are removed, such as bloating;
  • evenkers are filmed;
  • psycho-emotional heat decreases.

Despite the fact that this drug is very common, his appointment makes exclusively a specialist.

If a woman has a delay, and the test showed one lane, and at the same time there are strong pain and unusual separation from sex tract, it is necessary to urgently turn to the gynecologist. He will inspect, will make an ultrasound of the reproductive system bodies, establish the cause of the delay and says what to do with a similar state.

Modern diagnostic methods allow you to determine the ectopic location of the fetus and malignant neoplasms in reproductive organs at the initial stage. If necessary, the doctor can send a patient for consultation to a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

It is not necessary to engage in self-medication and apply folk remedies without consulting a doctor, since various decoction and infusions can provoke strong bleeding and exacerbate pathological processes in the body. With timely treatment, you can quickly normalize the cycle and get rid of uncomfortable symptoms.