Ophiuchus is the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac, a characteristic of a person. Constellation Ophiuchus Constellation Ophiuchus birth dates

Not long ago, the media was alarmed by rumors that scientists had discovered inaccuracies in the usual zodiac. According to their data, there are actually thirteen zodiac signs in total, and the lost thirteenth sign has the mysterious name Ophiuchus. Many people wonder: does this sign really exist?

Even more confusion was brought into this situation by the information that NASA officially included this sign in the astrological horoscope, which is why all the signs shifted from their usual dates. So, what is the 13th zodiac sign - Ophiuchus and the birth dates of people of this sign in the horoscope?

Ophiuchus: when did he appear?

Ophiuchus got its name in honor of the god Asclepius, who devoted himself to the science of healing and treated mortals with the help of snake venom. Everyone is well aware of the symbol that to this day is a symbol of medicine - the staff of Asclepius. Hence such a characteristic and sonorous name - Ophiuchus. This is what poets and chroniclers called God. It is also symbolic that artists depicted this constellation in the form of a man in whose arms a huge snake rests.

By the way, the astrologers who lived in Ancient Babylon, who created the zodiac horoscope, were well aware that thirteen was actually thirteen.

According to some modern scientists, the Babylonians excluded Ophiuchus from the horoscope because it violated the harmony between the number of zodiacs and the number of months (in the traditional horoscope there are exactly twelve of both). How the choice fell on Ophiuchus - history is silent. Perhaps someone simply drew the short straw.

Just recently, an official denial appeared on the Internet that NASA included Ophiuchus in the zodiac system.

According to astronomers and scientists of this organization, today this makes no sense, since more than three thousand years have passed since the creation of the first astrological horoscope and now the position of the constellations in the sky has changed dramatically, and the earth’s axis points in a different direction than in those days .

However, there is an opinion that the reason that Ophiuchus again did not make it into the astrological horoscope is simply bureaucracy and a mistake made by astrologers a long time ago. Indeed, today it is a well-known fact that at the end of November the Sun, leaving the zodiac, completely moves to the constellation Ophiuchus.

Perhaps the horoscope was not changed due to fear of problems that might arise due to the identification of a new sign. Whatever one may say, the reputation of the astrological world will be tarnished, and not a single scientist likes to admit his mistakes and failures.

One of these errors can be identified, for example, by the fact that since ancient times it was known that The sun spends a different number of days in each zodiac constellation. For example, in the sign of Virgo - 45 days, in Scorpio - 7 days, and in Ophiuchus - 18.

However, despite all this, the Babylonians, perhaps again for the sake of the notorious harmony, not only removed Ophiuchus from the horoscope, but also divided the time the Sun spent in each zodiac into equal intervals. It seems impossible to explain this. NASA astronomers simply brush aside these facts, saying that it is precisely because of such things that astrology is not a recognized science.

The time that The Sun conducts into Ophiuchus many scientists call the “Scorched Path” or “Via Combusta”. The constellation itself is located in the sky between the zodiacs of Scorpio and Sagittarius, in the place to which astronomers have given the name “Black Sun” or “Heart of the Galaxy.”

Hence the opinion that people born during this period come into our world with an uncertain and unusual fate. By the way, they say about Ophiuchus that they can easily change the events destined by Rock, being full-fledged rulers of their lives.

Ophiuchus, as a zodiac sign, begins to operate on November 30 and ends on December 17. In the astrological horoscope, Ophiuchus is located between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Astrologers, who are guided by the full zodiac circle of thirteen signs, claim that during the period of Ophiuchus, people with a bright and interesting destiny come into the world, who often occupy a special milestone in the history of mankind.

Famous people

Some of the most famous Ophiuchus are the predictor Nostradamus, the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega, the writer Vladimir Dal, the poet and translator Afanasy Fet, and the commander Alexander Suvorov. Popular Ophiuchus these days include actress Alisa Freindlich, former Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova, American actor Ian Somerhalder, singer Garik Sukachev and many other public figures who have achieved unprecedented success.

According to astrologers, Ophiuchus is the zodiac of spiritual insight. The life path of people born under this sign has a special purpose. Often they choose for themselves, which is associated with serving the people.

It could be art, music, politics, religion and so on. They devote themselves to work without reserve, and therefore are rarely happy in their personal lives. They are not afraid of difficulties. For Ophiuchus, the more difficult the task, the more excited they take on it.



This thirteenth zodiac sign gives people a difficult character.. It is especially difficult for representatives of the fair sex born under its auspices.

Ophiuchus women have purely masculine qualities, such as callousness, prudence, rudeness and stubbornness. When they don't get what they want, they can show cruelty and cold calculation. The end result always comes first, and the interests of others and other people’s opinions are collateral damage that they rarely take into account.


For the Ophiuchus man it is important to lead an active lifestyle, with the help of which he satisfies all his ambitions and desires. He is sociable, but tries to avoid overly intrusive interlocutors. He will never humiliate himself or fawn over anyone, even if it helps him in solving existing problems. He prefers to conduct business independently. He does not believe in partnerships and compromises, as opposed to mutually beneficial agreements.

In professional activities, the Ophiuchus man often looks isolated from the team. Often representatives of this zodiac go into private business. They prefer to cherish their own brainchild rather than give all their strength for the sake of someone else’s success, no matter what money they are promised.

How has the horoscope moved?

As soon as rumors appeared on the Internet that the traditional zodiac horoscope was in fact inaccurate, everyone immediately began to look for what the new “full” zodiac cycle would look like and how much the dates for the other signs would shift.

The changes, of course, have been significant, this is especially noticeable in the calendar, which was previously valid from June 22 to July 22, but according to the new style there has been a shift and it falls on the period from July 21 to August 9. Be careful, there is a high chance that your zodiac sign will change.

To check this, take advantage of the new horoscope of thirteen zodiacs taking into account Ophiuchus, which looks like this:

  • Aries: April 19 - May 13
  • Calf: May 14 – June 19
  • Twins: June 20 - July 20
  • Cancer: July 21 - August 9
  • A lion: August 10 – September 15
  • Virgo: September 16 – October 30
  • Scales: October 31 – November 22
  • Scorpion: November 23 – November 29
  • November 30 – December 17
  • Sagittarius: December 18 – January 18
  • Capricorn: January 19 – February 15
  • Aquarius: February 16 – March 11
  • Fish: March 12 – April 18

Now, just imagine that if the entire zodiac system and periods shift, then, consequently, the characteristics of the signs in the horoscope will turn out to be completely different. For example, a girl born in the sign of Virgo, born in the month of August, and who, as the horoscope states, has such traits as punctuality, prudence and love of order, according to the new cycle turns out to be not a Virgo at all, but a Leo.

And Leos are bright, eccentric personalities, prone to leadership and absolutely not focused on household chores. Consequently, according to the new horoscope, Leos will have character traits characteristic of Virgos. Or, for example, a Libra man, who, as befits a representative of this zodiac, has been balanced and calm all his life, suddenly turns out to be a closed Scorpio prone to mysticism.

From all of the above, we can conclude that perhaps astrologers were right when they refused to make changes to the traditional system of the zodiac cycle. Just imagine how much confusion and confusion will immediately arise in people's heads.

It would be especially difficult for those who like to decorate their bodies with various sacred tattoos, including their zodiac constellation. And here a person is faced with the question of what is better - to sit and figure out what astrologers got wrong three thousand years ago or to turn a blind eye and stick to the usual system.

And does it exist? You will find the answer to this astrological question in the materials of the presented article.

general information

At the end of the 20s of the last century, the International Astronomical Union reconsidered the concept of “constellation”. It was defined as a separate section of the celestial sphere, which has its own specific boundaries drawn along meridians and parallels.

All currently existing 88 constellations, as well as their exact diagram, were approved back in 1931. It was then that it was discovered that the ecliptic line, crossing a small area of ​​​​the heavens, forms the 13th sign of the zodiac. There were no serious reasons to take this constellation into account in astrology at that time. After all, the already existing signs were connected with the celestial sphere only conditionally. But since then, some astrologers began to actively use it in their practice. This is due to the fact that such a mysterious, unusual and attention-grabbing detail acted as a kind of advertising for them.

13th zodiac sign - what constellation?

Few people know that, in addition to the usual 12 constellations, there is also a 13th sign in the celestial sphere - Ophiuchus. In astrology, many secrets are attributed to this symbol. Although in fact the presented constellation is the same as, for example, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces, etc. But to understand why the 13th zodiac sign is not listed in the horoscope, you should turn to history.

What does Ophiuchus mean?

In Latin, the constellation Ophiuchus sounds like “Apheuhus”, which literally means “he who has serpents” (literal translation - “man carrying serpents” or “man possessing serpents”).

As mentioned above, this constellation has become known to the world for quite a long time. The 13th zodiac sign includes the karmic wheel of our planet. It is on it that the rings of fate unite and diverge. So for what reason was this constellation not included in the traditional horoscope?

Ophiuchus consists of 2 different halves: gold and silver (white and black). One of them is located in the first seven degrees of Sagittarius, and the other is associated with the last degrees of Scorpio. For the reason that such a constellation is literally intertwined with the two named ones, they decided not to include it in the horoscope already known to us.

Legend of the constellation

Surely many are interested in how the symbol of the 13th sign, which was never included in the traditional horoscope, looks like. Ophiuchus is quite often depicted as a man (that is, Asclepius) entwined with a large snake. Why did they begin to use it as a symbol of this mysterious sign?

According to legend, Apollo himself fell in love with a beautiful young maiden named Coronis. But she was not faithful to him. While pregnant, she fell in love with a simple man. For this, Apollo cruelly punished Coronis, striking her with lightning. The beautiful maiden died, but her child was saved, although he was left to the mercy of fate. The boy was found by an ordinary shepherd, Arestan, who later became the child’s father. He named him Asclepius. Many years later, the boy matured and began to study with the wise centaur Chiron. He taught him to communicate with snakes and use medicinal herbs. As a result, Asclepius became a healer. But one day, by order of Zeus, he was killed. Watching Apollo grieve for his dead son, the sky god decided to place Asclepius among the stars.

Features of the sign

Now you know the legend about the emergence of such a constellation as Ophiuchus. We explained above which signs it is located between. But for those who are passionate about astrology, such information may seem scant. After all, to draw up a horoscope, you should find out other nuances of this constellation. For example, what dates of the month correspond to it?

So, let's find out together what the zodiac sign Ophiuchus represents.

The date, or rather the number of months that corresponds to this constellation, were determined based on its location on the celestial sphere. Thus, if a person was born between November 30 and December 17, then we can safely say that he belongs not only to Scorpio or Sagittarius, but also to such a mysterious sign as Ophiuchus. What does this mean for the average person who always follows horoscopes? Such people can retain the basic qualities and It should also be noted that an incredible fate awaits a person born under this symbol. According to astrologers, all Ophiuchus are endowed with a special task in their lives.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: characteristics of people

People born under this symbol are extraordinary individuals. They can easily disappear from your life, be reborn and become completely different, building everything anew.

Almost all Ophiuchus burn bridges behind them without any regret. This is partly because they are very afraid of going back to the past, where they might be judged. It should be especially noted that they can be extremely dangerous. That is why you should not harm them or cruelly betray them. After all, Ophiuchus will never forgive or forget an insult. He will bring you big trouble and will take revenge until he calms down.

This is an extremely dangerous symbol. He can unknowingly take energy from his interlocutor, after which people begin to feel significant fatigue, irritation, etc. Such a person has special prudence and intelligence than other zodiac signs. The 13th sign can easily bring complete failures into the lives of people around you. But often Ophiuchus becomes the center of all-encompassing joy and happiness. It is almost always followed by a trail of mysterious and inexplicable events. It is this fact that attracts many people who are literally drawn to such a representative.

Field of activity

What can Ophiuchus do? We found out which signs this symbol is located between. Based on this information, we can safely note that such representatives realize themselves in life as both Scorpios and Sagittarius. In other words, it is quite easy for Ophiuchus to master any professions that are inherent to the signs represented. However, they have one feature. According to astrologers, such people are born with a natural gift. In this regard, from a young age they may show a special interest in extrasensory perception and healing. Moreover, it is precisely representatives of the 13th sign who very often discover that they have such a rare gift as telepathy.

Communication with people around you

How does Ophiuchus (zodiac sign) behave in a company of people? The horoscope of such representatives says that they are very freedom-loving and will never miss the opportunity to travel around the world. The road is the meaning of life for them.

It should be especially noted that such people will always find a common language with a complete stranger. Ophiuchus people have a unique gift of living several lives at the same time. Representatives of this sign are like chameleons. At the right moment for them, they always become those whom others want to see.

The essence of representatives

From early childhood, Ophiuchus really likes to take risks. With age, this quality entails a complete absence of fear, as well as a passion for various adventures and scams. Such representatives are surprisingly tenacious. They know how and love to have fun. Their position is to enjoy life.

Ophiuchus will always walk in a straight line, without turning and without any stops. His personality is dual. And if you think you know him like the back of your hand, you don’t. After all, such a person can at any moment come from a completely different angle.

Ophiuchus is the only zodiac sign for which any stops, conservatism and inaction are extremely contraindicated. If he stops wandering, then complete collapse and collapse will immediately occur, which will force him to move again.

Men and women born under this symbol are accustomed to living in difficult and inhumane conditions. And, it should be noted that such a field of incessant war and eternal battles suits them quite well.

Love relationship

The compatibility of Ophiuchus with other signs is very doubtful. After all, such representatives are freedom-loving and never stay in one place. But, despite this, Ophiuchus also dreams of love and a good family. So let's look at who the 13th sign can build a love relationship with and create a strong marriage.

Who are we compatible with?

Astrology lovers are seriously excited by the recent changes in the Zodiac Signs. Ophiuchus became the 13th constellation that was proposed to be included in the zodiac circle.

New horoscope with 13 zodiac signs

A new one has now “fit” into the standard horoscope of 12 Zodiac Signs - Ophiuchus. This constellation is located between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Because of this, many seriously doubted their horoscopes, since it turned out that now they either changed their Zodiac Sign, or became that same Ophiuchus, for whom forecasts are still not issued. If you don't know which Zodiac Sign you are supposed to have according to the new horoscope, you can find out about the changes in dates right now.

There's no need to worry. You remain a representative of the same Zodiac Sign that you were at birth. The fact is that astrology and astronomy are not the same thing. Astrologers, when creating the zodiac circle, did not compare it one hundred percent with the real movement of the Sun and the constellations. In fact, they allocated a certain period to each Zodiac Sign (and they are all approximately equal in duration). They also gave them the names of the constellations they could see. But equating a constellation with a Zodiac Sign is not correct: these are actually two different things.

Ophiuchus: characteristics of the mysterious Sign

So, in fact, the Sun passes through the 13th sign of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus, from November 29 to December 17. But the period of validity of the zodiac sign of the same name in astrology has been significantly changed. In reality, people born between November 15 and November 28 can call themselves Ophiuchus. This Sign is at a kind of crossroads between the traditional zodiac circle, to which everyone is accustomed, and the circle of the Upper Zodiac. Therefore, it can still be attributed to the Upper Horoscope. Therefore, it is advisable to check: what if, based on your date of birth, you are an adjacent Zodiac Sign and have access to a higher level?

Ophiuchus is endowed with complex and contradictory characteristics. The upper and lower worlds intersect in it, which is facilitated by its intermediate position between the two Zodiac circles. They are strong individualists who are often intolerant in an ideological sense. They are passionate people who are not used to stopping halfway. Therefore, they can often be compared to a tornado, after which nothing remains. The enormous energy of the 13th sign Ophiuchus can lead these people to victory or, in the end, harm them. Therefore, those born during this period have to work a lot on themselves.

Where did the name 13 Zodiac Signs come from?

Most of the constellations were named for a reason, but based on the myths that the ancient Greeks believed in. Ophiuchus is the image of a healer whose name was Asclepius. He was the son of the god Apollo, who was considered both the patron of the arts and the god of the Sun. The boy studied with the centaur Chiron, an expert in medicine, and dared to resurrect the dead. For this, the thunderer and supreme god Zeus struck him with lightning and placed him in heaven. This is how the Greeks explained the appearance of this constellation.

Why is the 13th Zodiac constellation called Ophiuchus? According to legend, Asclepius had a staff. One day a snake wrapped around him, which he killed. But then a second one crawled up to that snake. She put a herb into the dead woman’s mouth that Asclepius had not previously known about. After this, a miracle happened: the dead snake came to life and they crawled away together. Asclepius found exactly the same herb with which he himself was able to resurrect the dead. Since then, the bowl entwined with a snake has become a symbol of medicine, and the constellation got its name.

There is something common to all Zodiac Signs - this is the influence of the Stars and Planets. You can keep up to date with everything that is forecast for every day with the help of. Happy astrological news to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.10.2016 05:02

Recently, the thirteenth Zodiac Sign - Ophiuchus - has become increasingly mentioned. The opinions of astrologers are divided...

Ophiuchus makes stunning adjustments that overturn the established idea of ​​the traditional horoscope. Characteristics of the 13th zodiac sign, how it differs from the rest.

The generally accepted opinion about the presence of 12 constellations that create the zodiac belt has today been shaken by the news of the existence of another secret sign, which for many centuries astrologers preferred not to remember. A number of scientists urgently demand a revision of the existing astrological markings of the Zodiac circle. Supporters of the classical school refuse this idea, because the recognition of this theory will lead to a shift in all dates of the signs of the Zodiac.
Today, not everyone is ready to accept such changes in the established perception of their horoscope, when all previous calculations based on date of birth turn out to be false. Rejection of the news largely depends on the bad reputation and the number 13 itself. Instead of ignoring the facts about the new sign’s full membership in the zodiac circle, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the Ophiuchus sign, personality traits and his relationships with other people. It is not without reason that astrologers have difficulty with the characteristics of people born under generally recognized patronizing constellations.

Why does Ophiuchus bear the mysterious title of the 13th sign? History of appearance

The division of the Zodiac is based on the passage of the Sun along the celestial path with wanderings in 12 different constellations, conditionally dividing the year from the time of the luminary’s stay into equal parts. This scheme allows you to record the time of birth of a person according to a certain position of the Sun. This is why Ophiuchus or Ophiuchus must legitimately take its place in the zodiac circle: before moving from Scorpio to the constellation Capricorn, the luminary is in the constellation Serpentarius. This gives grounds to distinguish people born during this autumn-winter period into a separate group, uniting them with a number of characterizing characteristics and character traits.
According to Greek legend, Ophiuchus is associated with the famous god of healing, the great Asclepius (Aesculapius), the son of the nymph Coronis and patron of the arts. Apollo, having killed his wife for treason, handed the baby over to be raised by the centaur Chiron, an expert in medicine. But the grown-up young man decided to use the acquired knowledge to resurrect people from the dead. Hades, offended, complained about the young man to Zeus the Thunderer, and the horseman angrily punished the healer. Lightning struck Asclepius, but after the anger of Zeus passed, the healer was placed in the sky, in the center of the constellation Serpens, where he formed the independent constellation Ophiuchus.
Serpentarius is translated from Latin as “a man who carries snakes on himself.” According to legend, people born during the rise of Ophiuchus are not afraid of creeping reptiles, and their poison is harmless to them. In Avestan astrology, Ophiuchus belongs to the signs of the Upper Zodiac.

Characteristics of the sign and its distinctive features

Ophiuchus people are born to correct karma. Being at the junction of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius, Ophiuchus is an explosive mixture of the character traits of one and the other. To determine which of the two signs a person born in the transitional autumn-winter period gravitates towards, it is worth taking into account the date of birth. An accurate description will help life partners to maintain the interest of such a person, understand his preferences in social or family life, and help when communicating with lovers, colleagues, and children.

Woman under the sign of Ophiuchus

Women born under this sign are destined for high service for the benefit of humanity. That is why they place their own problems lower than the interests of other people. They tend to be harsh when dealing with other people.
Characteristics of the Ophiuchus woman sign include such character traits as:
  • rudeness, sometimes turning into cruelty
  • cynicism and stubbornness
  • tendency towards loneliness
  • well-developed intuition, sometimes with the gift of foresight
  • attention to detail
  • luck leading to miraculous fulfillment of desires
  • unpredictability
The interweaving of good and evil principles in such a woman forces men to unravel the intricacies of her moods and preferences all her life. In her career, the Ophiuchus woman always achieves her goals. It is difficult to start a family relationship, because Snake holders are demanding not only of themselves, but also of the chosen one, who must meet the standard set by the partner. She is passionate in love, but with waning interest in her partner, it will be difficult to keep her. If you decide to leave your companion, you will not be able to convince her.
Advice! Outwardly sweet and charming, the Ophiuchus woman has an unbending core inside. An excellent memory will not allow you to forget your offenders, so you should not risk offending her, the “favor” will definitely be returned.
Those who decide to choose a woman of this sign as a companion should count on the fact that she will bring joy and boundless happiness to some, and grief and suffering to others.

Man under the sign of Ophiuchus

Strong and persistent, demanding unlimited freedom, representatives of this sign attract attention.
To characterize an Ophiuchus man, the following traits will be decisive:
  • sociability
  • ambition
  • determination
  • categoricalness
  • intolerance of lies
  • great sense of humor
  • inability to compromise
In his career, he easily moves towards his intended goal. The snake holder is an excellent boss, but a dangerous subordinate; he makes decisions carefully, not spontaneously, and knows how to correctly set priorities.
To keep such a man's attention, a woman must remain a mystery, otherwise he will quickly lose interest in her. The monotony irritates them, disgusting places and people disgust them. In family life, you should not expect them to take the initiative in arranging their home; Snakekeepers prefer to spend their weekends outside the home.
Advice! You should not expect hasty and ardent declarations of love from Ophiuchus. When choosing a companion, he is selective. Only after a scrupulous study of all the pros and cons of the chosen one will a marriage proposal be made.

Time frames of the Zodiac sign: in what numbers are Ophiuchus born?

Astrologers have determined from what date to what date the sign of Ophiuchus passes through the Sun on its heavenly path. People born in the range of November 30 - December 17 have mixed characteristics of two zodiac signs (Scorpio and Sagittarius). Based on the opinion of scientists, we can safely classify these people as Serpent Holders. The 13th zodiac sign made significant adjustments to the distribution of dates for other signs.

Compatibility of Ophiuchus with other signs

Representatives of this sign value honesty and loyalty in relationships; only love and passion can be convincing arguments for forming a couple. Good compatibility of the Ophiuchus sign with Capricorns, Virgos and Aries. Representatives of these signs are able to find happiness with a contradictory and complex person born on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Highly intelligent Virgos attract Serpent Holders with their selfless dedication to love. Caring with hard work will allow you to build a strong relationship with Capricorn. In relationships with Aries, down-to-earth lightness will prevail, but only in the absence of common business.

What element does Ophiuchus belong to?

The newcomer, who has displaced two signs of the classical zodiac circle, is causing confusion, because it is now difficult to understand which element Ophiuchus belongs to. With its appearance, the threefold alternating four elements, distributed in strict order: fire, earth, air, water, are confused. So, is the new neighbor of Scorpio and Sagittarius a water or fire sign? Taking into account the impetuous, selfish and ardent disposition of Ophiuchus, astrologers attribute this sign to the fire element.

Moles are a distinctive feature of Ophiuchus

People born under the 13th zodiac sign for a high mission on earth have special marks.
  • If Ophiuchus has moles in the armpits, you should pay attention to this. Birthmarks located from the moment of birth in women on the right side and men on the left side in this part of the body indicate the presence of a psychic or healing gift
  • A group of moles of the same size in the shape of the letter Y on the body, located in the central part of the back, lower back or abdomen is a sure sign of the exclusivity of a given person
  • The presence of 5 marks repeating the symbol of Ophiuchus is evidence of the talent with which the person has been awarded. Every effort must be made to develop this gift.
  • Ophiuchus are amazing people who come into the world for personality rebirth and karma correction

Is Ophiuchus a new sign? Video

Ophiuchus got its name in honor of the god Asclepius, who devoted himself to the science of healing and treated mortals with the help of snake venom. Everyone is well aware of the symbol that to this day is a symbol of medicine - the staff of Asclepius. Hence such a characteristic and sonorous name - Ophiuchus. This is what poets and chroniclers called God. It is also symbolic that artists depicted this constellation in the form of a man in whose arms a huge snake rests.

New horoscope: 13 Zodiac Signs

The secret of the thirteenth Zodiac Sign was revealed this year. In accordance with the new horoscope, all Signs have shifted, taking into account the appearance of Ophiuchus between Sagittarius and Scorpio. The new order of the zodiac circle now looks completely different.

  1. Capricorn date of birth: January 20 - February 16
  2. Aquarius date of birth: February 16 - March 11
  3. Fish date of birth: March 11 - April 18
  4. Aries date of birth: April 18 - May 13
  5. Taurus date of birth: May 13 - June 21
  6. Twins date of birth: June 21 - July 20
  7. Cancer date of birth: July 20 - August 10
  8. a lion date of birth: August 10 - September 16
  9. Virgo date of birth: September 16 - October 30
  10. Scales date of birth: October 30 - November 23
  11. Scorpion date of birth: November 23 - November 29
  12. Ophiuchus date of birth: November 29 - December 17
  13. Sagittarius date of birth: December 17 - January 20

With the advent of Ophiuchus, all Zodiac Signs shifted in the zodiac circle. Most astrologers currently do not accept this new system, since the astrological zodiac circle is different from the astronomical one and has a completely different system for calculating natal charts and horoscopes.

13 zodiac sign characteristics

Scorpio was previously considered the most mystical sign of the zodiac, but now it is Ophiuchus. It is believed that people born at this time are able to change several destinies in just one life. They are reborn in an amazing way, radically changing their hobbies, environment and lifestyle in general. They seem to attract mysterious and inexplicable phenomena, which they themselves do not care about at all.

Ophiuchus also has character traits borrowed from another neighboring sign - Sagittarius. These people do not feel a sense of fear, even when danger is breathing in their backs. They are attracted to dubious adventures, hitchhiking, the company of random people, and everything else that contradicts the concept of a quiet life and home comfort.

Ophiuchus expects pleasure and strong emotions from relationships with the opposite sex. He is capable of moving mountains for the sake of a loved one, and literally appearing out of nowhere at the moment when that person especially needs him. Having completed his “mission”, Ophiuchus is able to disappear just as quickly. He is where he is needed, it is important for him to feel useful, so no matter how strange it sounds, if everything is fine with you, Ophiuchus will not stay around for long. If this is a woman, her image is associated with a mysterious and kind fairy, if a man, then this is someone like a prophet, next to whom you can feel safe and learn a new meaning of being.


This thirteenth zodiac sign gives people a difficult character. It is especially difficult for representatives of the fair sex born under its auspices.

Ophiuchus women have purely masculine qualities, such as callousness, prudence, rudeness and stubbornness. When they don't get what they want, they can show cruelty and cold calculation. The end result always comes first, and the interests of others and other people's opinions are collateral damage, which they rarely take into account.


It is important for the Ophiuchus man to lead an active lifestyle, with the help of which he satisfies all his ambitions and desires. He is sociable, but tries to avoid overly intrusive interlocutors. He will never humiliate himself or fawn over anyone, even if it helps him in solving existing problems. He prefers to conduct business independently. He does not believe in partnerships and compromises, as opposed to mutually beneficial agreements.

In his professional activities, the Ophiuchus man often looks isolated from the team. Often representatives of this zodiac go into private business. They prefer to cherish their own brainchild rather than give all their strength for the sake of someone else’s success, no matter what money they are promised.