Smoothie made from black currants, apples and bananas. Smoothie with currants and raspberries Smoothie with blackcurrants and banana recipe

Smoothies are an ideal breakfast for people who adhere to a healthy diet. This dessert drink is easy to prepare; thanks to the different options for the composition of smoothie ingredients, you will never get tired of it. A proper smoothie should have no more than five main ingredients. Depending on preference, it can be made sweet or savory, thicker or thinner, cool or warm. But the smoothie always turns out very tasty. Today we will prepare a smoothie with currants and raspberries.

Ingredients for currant smoothie

Ingredients to make 2 servings of smoothie:

  • ripe currants – 100 g;
  • very ripe banana – 200 g,
  • raspberries - 100 g,
  • low-fat kefir - 300 ml,
  • liquid linden honey – 40 g (2 tbsp.),
  • fresh mint - sprig.

Cooking time – 10 minutes

Making a smoothie with currants and raspberries

Prepare all ingredients. If you want the drink to be cool, keep all the ingredients in the refrigerator.

Peel and chop the banana into a blender bowl. The banana can even be overripe, with a dark peel, since it is the banana that gives the viscous structure and sweetness necessary for this drink.

Wash the blackcurrant fruits, sort them, separate the dry tails and green sticks and add them to the banana in a blender bowl. Beat for about 1 minute on medium speed.

Then add the raspberries and beat everything together for another 30 seconds.

Next, add honey to the blender to taste - it can be 1-2 tablespoons. If there is no honey, you can add sugar; in this case, wait a little until the sugar dissolves.

The last ingredient is kefir. Kefir can be of any fat content, depending on your preferences.

Close the blender tightly and blend the smoothie for 1 minute until smooth. Raspberry seeds and currant peel will not allow you to get a completely homogeneous drink, but this is good, it makes the consistency more interesting.

Pour the smoothie into glasses and garnish with berries and mint. You can add a couple of ice cubes to the dessert.

Enjoy a delicious and nutritious dessert.

Greetings, friends! 🙋🏻

Red and black currants are very peculiar berries, sometimes with a pronounced sourness, but, in combination with sweet fruits and yogurt, they create a drink with a delicate and pleasant taste. Also, such a cocktail will perfectly complement ice cream, making it cooler and “silky.”

Currant berries have a rich chemical composition, so consuming such a smoothie has a complex positive effect on the body. Currants are famous for the highest content of vitamin C among many berries and are even ahead of citrus fruits. So what better way to start your day than with this “vitamin bomb”? 😄

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Red and black currant smoothie

Preparation 10 min.

Preparation 2 min.

Total time 12 min.

Dish: Breakfast, Drinks, Smoothies, Snacks

Kitchen: Lacto-vegetarian

Servings: 2 cups


  • 1 tbsp. red currant
  • 1/3 tbsp. black currant
  • 1 banana
  • 150 ml. natural yogurt
  • 200 g ice cream
  • sweetener to taste (agave syrup, honey)


    Carefully sort the berries, removing spoiled fruits. Separate the currants from the branches. Combine the berries in a spacious container, fill with water so that unnecessary debris rises to the surface, remove it. Rinse the currants in a colander and let the water drain.

    Place the currants in a blender container and blend until a thick mixture is obtained. Pour the mixture into a metal sieve with fine holes. Grind the mixture, pressing with a spoon and separating the “clean” puree from the remaining skin that was not interrupted by the blender. You can skip this procedure, but then the finished smoothie will contain leftover blackcurrant peels and small seeds.

    Pour the currant puree back into the blender. Add ice cream, yogurt and sweetener to taste. Peel the top layer of banana, cut or break into pieces and add to other ingredients. Blend until smooth.

    Pour the smoothie into glasses, garnish with berries and mint.

Happy smoothie drinking! 🍹

Most likely, you know that black currant is simply a storehouse of vitamins, one of the healthiest berries. It contains everything: pectins, microelements, tannins, and even in doses that are assimilated by the body as well as possible. It is necessary to include black currants in your diet for those who have just suffered a serious illness or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and heart function. This extraordinary berry can even improve memory and intellectual abilities.

The fact that it should be in everyone’s diet is a well-known fact. But what to do if you just don’t like eating it or are already tired of it? This is where newfangled healthy drinks called smoothies come to our aid. A berry smoothie is the best thing that summer can give us; with its help, we eat everything with pleasure, even what we don’t particularly like.

Blackcurrant smoothie is an instant dish that has a huge number of beneficial properties. With its help, you will satisfy your hunger, cleanse your body of waste and toxins, and also lift your spirits, because it is the same antidepressant as banana or chocolate. So there are plenty of reasons to familiarize yourself with the recipes for this miracle cocktail; choose the ones you like and don’t be afraid to experiment. You may be interested in recipes that are almost as good as this one in their beneficial properties.

Smoothie "Muffin with black currant"

Required Products:

  • black currant – 0.5 cup
  • almond milk – 1 cup
  • vanilla – 2 pinches
  • flax seeds – 1 teaspoon
  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp. spoons

All ingredients need to be mixed and blended in a blender after a few hours.

Helpful Tips: If you do this overnight, everything will be well soaked, and a delicious hearty breakfast will be ready literally within a minute. If desired, you can add blackberries, blueberries or blueberries to the blackcurrants. We recommend that you read it.

Blackcurrant and banana smoothie


  • bananas – 2 pcs.
  • black currant – 1 cup
  • orange zest – 1 teaspoon
  • kefir or yogurt – 100 ml

Using a blender, beat the blackcurrant berries, and do the same with bananas, but always separately. Combine berry puree with kefir or yogurt, then add bananas and sprinkle with orange zest.

Blackcurrant smoothie with pear


  • black currant – 1 cup
  • pear – 1 pc.
  • natural yogurt – 100 ml
  • milk – 100 ml
  • saffron – 2 pinches
  • maple syrup – 1 teaspoon. spoon
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon

Cut the pear into large pieces and blend with all the remaining ingredients in a blender.

Blackcurrant and mint smoothie


  • black currant – 200 g
  • mint – 30 g
  • yogurt – 150 ml
  • honey – 1.5 tsp. spoons

Beat all ingredients with a blender, leaving a few mint leaves for decoration.

Spicy smoothie with currants


Beat all the berries in a blender, soak the oatmeal in kefir, beat everything together, season with dried mint and cardamom.

Exotic blackcurrant smoothie


  • pineapple – 2 slices
  • frozen blackcurrant – 120 g
  • sweet yogurt – 50 ml
  • canned cherries – 5 table. spoons
  • cinnamon - a pinch
  • cardamom – 2 g

In a blender bowl, beat pineapple pieces, currants, yogurt, cherries and cinnamon with cardamom. We start with the minimum speed and increase it to the maximum within 30 seconds.

There are many options for blackcurrant smoothies. They are incredibly tasty and healthy. Today we invite you to use the most common and simple recipe for blackcurrants and bananas. In addition, we suggest adding spinach to our recipe, which gives the drink a very delicate taste. A smoothie with spinach is not only a tasty drink, but also very healthy.

List of ingredients

  • 1 cup black currants
  • 2 bananas
  • Spinach
  • 1.5 glasses of water

Cooking method

We won’t describe it step by step and make some kind of culinary encyclopedia out of this simple drink. Everything is very simple and fast.

  1. Take a glass of black currants,
  2. cut 2 bananas
  3. add everything to the blender bowl, add 1.5 cups of water and go...

The time spent, unless of course you ran to the store for the necessary ingredients, but took everything from the refrigerator, is less than 2 minutes. Read below about the benefits of the products used. And we wish you a great mood and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

About the benefits of spinach

Spinach contains:

  • proteins, carbohydrates and even fats;
  • organic, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • fiber, starch, sugars; vitamins A, E, C, H, K, PP, many B vitamins;
  • beta-carotene;
  • calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

Spinach leaves contain a lot of protein: only legumes - young beans and green peas - have more of it. Spinach nourishes, supplies the body with nutrients, removes waste and toxins.

About the benefits of banana

Banana has many beneficial properties:

  • has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a good effect on the condition of your skin;
  • normalizes blood pressure and also allows you to improve your overall emotional background.

And, by the way, experts say that regular consumption of bananas has a beneficial effect on sex life.

About the benefits of black currant

No wonder the berry was given the title of a storehouse of vitamins and health. And this is not at all accidental, since in terms of its usefulness, currants have surpassed all berries known to us. It contains:

  • complex of vitamins (groups B, A, K, C, P, E, etc.);
  • a large set of minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, molybdenum);
  • organic acids.

The fruits and leaves of the bush contain many essential oils, tannins, dietary fiber (fiber) and pectins. Thanks to this chemical composition, the health benefits of blackcurrant are enormous. It is used to treat many diseases, using all parts of the bush except the roots (fruits, leaves and shoots).

Step-by-step recipes for making blackcurrant smoothies with ice cream, milk, yogurt, kefir

2018-08-24 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

5 gr.


10 gr.

92 kcal.

Option 1: Blackcurrant dessert smoothie - classic recipe with ice cream

We can replace the type of ice cream specified in the recipe with a regular ice cream without any problems. Do this if you have a choice between high-quality natural ice cream and a product made from substitutes. Add a couple of pinches of vanilla sugar to your ice cream or ice cream and no one will regret the substitution. You can optionally replace cardamom with any spice that is more pleasant to you, such as cinnamon or nutmeg, of course, observing moderation.


  • ice cream, vanilla - 100 grams;
  • a pinch of grated cardamom;
  • a glass of medium-fat milk;
  • one hundred grams of currants (black);
  • 5 milliliters of honey.

Step-by-step blackcurrant smoothie recipe

We use slightly melted ice cream for smoothies. Remove the package from the refrigerator, separate a piece, leave a little to spare. Cover the plate with ice cream with an inverted bowl and place a dry towel on top - this “thermal insulation” will allow the ice cream to warm up more evenly.

We sort out the currants, completely removing any debris, leaves, and twigs. Remove spoiled or unripe berries, weigh the required amount of selected ones, place in a colander and rinse under the tap with the sprayer on. Using scissors, cut off the stems on both sides of each berry and rinse them again. Shake the colander several times over the sink, tossing the berries in it and removing the water, then spread it over a clean cloth and blot it.

Pour the currants into the blender bowl and grind briefly, at medium speed. Add honey, stir for another five seconds, and pour in milk. Next, beat the smoothie until the mass is completely homogeneous. All that's left is the ice cream, cut it into four parts and immediately put everything into the bowl, turn on the device at maximum power and quickly beat all the components of the dessert. Pour into a tall glass and serve.

Option 2: Blackcurrant and raspberry smoothie with kefir - quick recipe

Most often, low-fat kefir is quite sour; choose the appropriate one, among products with approximately 1.5 percent calorie content. If the task is not to prepare a dessert according to the requirements of healthy food recipes, honey can be replaced with sugar; many people prefer this taste.


  • a glass of low-calorie, non-acidic kefir;
  • 150 grams of black currants + 30 grams of raspberries;
  • a pinch of dry mint and cardamom;
  • liquid, light honey.

How to quickly make a blackcurrant smoothie

First, sort the berries individually and rinse them as well. To do this, put them in a colander and dip them together in a bowl of clean water, first remove the floating debris, then place them under running water.

As a rule, the tails of raspberries break off easily; if the berries themselves are ripe, here it is more difficult not to accidentally crush them. Currants are harder, but the tails on them also hold more firmly. It is most convenient to simply cut them off using small scissors. We remove the green ones completely, and on the back side only the part that can be easily separated.

Next, you can rinse the berries all together and simply under the tap, collecting them in a colander. Allow the water to drain as much as possible, dry the berries additionally by spreading them on a linen napkin. Pour them all into a blender bowl, pour in honey or replace it with sugar. Also pour in the kefir immediately; it should be very cool.

At maximum power, grind all the ingredients and pour the smoothie into portioned glasses. You can throw a couple of ice cubes into them, or you can put it while whipping, directly into the blender, and grind it into crumbs along with the dessert ingredients.

Option 3: Refreshing blackcurrant smoothie with mint on yogurt

If you expect a wave of freshness from the dessert, then replace fresh leaves with concentrated mint essence. Of course, this is a joke, we are not going to offer you a smoothie that tastes comparable to mint candies. The indicated amount of mint will provide him with a slight chill, and ice crumbs will enhance it.


  • a handful of fresh mint leaves;
  • a spoon of light honey;
  • two hundred grams of currants (black);
  • natural, unflavored yogurt - 180 milliliters;
  • half a glass of crushed ice.

How to cook

Rinse the mint with running water, shake off the drops from the branches and blot with a towel. Tear off the leaves, collect them in a bunch and chop them, not too finely. The berries, as for any other dessert, are carefully sorted, removing bad or unripe ones, picked from the branches, then trimmed to the very pulp. After removing the leaves and other debris and placing the currants in a sieve, place it under running water. After rinsing, dry, lightly blotting with a towel or clean rag.

Place the currants in the chopper bowl, add the mint and sprinkle with sugar. Just turn on the device for a couple of seconds, then pour yogurt into the rest of the products and grind to the desired consistency. Lastly, add ice to the smoothie and quickly grind it into snow crumbs.

Option 4: Blackcurrant smoothie with flax seeds and honey

Flaxseed is very beneficial, especially in formulations containing dairy products. Currants are considered almost the best storehouse of vitamins, perfectly complementing flax with their properties. It would seem that leaving pear peel in a smoothie is completely unnecessary, but there is an explanation for this. The harsh grated mass makes the smoothie a little rougher, but this dessert is highly recommended for people with digestive disorders.


  • small, juicy pear (up to 250 grams);
  • half a glass of yogurt and 2 percent milk;
  • freshly harvested or melted honey - a teaspoon;
  • a pinch of powdered cinnamon;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of black currants;
  • fifteen grams of flax seeds.

Step by step recipe

Grate the cinnamon just before mixing the smoothie. As in all other recipes, carefully remove any debris from the berries, wash and sort them, tear off or cut off the tails. For a delicate smoothie, cut and remove the peel from the washed pear; if the benefits of the drink are important to you, you will have to put a little effort into it.

Making a fortified smoothie. We peel the skin of the washed pear from the fruit with a fine-mesh grater, cut the remaining pulp into four slices and remove parts of the seed pod. Cut the slices in half again and put them in a bowl, place the peel in a mound in a tall glass, and put the extended attachment on the blender. Covering the top of the glass with your palm to prevent peel crumbs from scattering, briefly press the power button. Collect the peel particles again into a mound and quickly grind again, then transfer the entire puree to the grinding bowl of a blender.

We also put currants and pear pulp into the bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and flax, and pour in honey. Quickly grind the mixture, then pour in the milk and yoghurt. Bring the smoothie to a fluffy consistency by turning on the blender at maximum speed.

Option 5: Blackcurrant smoothie with oatmeal

Oatmeal when added to a smoothie should be completely cooled; it makes sense to even cool it a little in the general section of the refrigerator. To the currants, as in the rest of the recipes given in the collection, you can add a certain amount of yoshta. These berries are related and have a similar taste, the difference is that yoshta is somewhat sweeter and not so tart; replacing some of the currant berries with it is still better than sweetening the dessert with sugar.


  • pasteurized milk - half a glass;
  • one and a half spoons of “quick” oatmeal;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 120 grams of large black currants;
  • sugar;
  • a teaspoon of flaxseed.

How to cook

Pour oatmeal with milk, heated to a very warm state, cover the bowl, but do not wrap it up, leave for about twenty minutes. Please note that the flakes must be designed for so-called quick cooking; if they are packaged in special containers for cooking, you will have to remove them from there

Be sure to sort the currant berries, choosing only ripe and unspoiled ones for smoothies. Having cut off the ends, dry and green, put the currants in a colander and rinse. Stir and shake the berries in a colander, then allow the moisture to completely drain from them. Leave the colander in the bowl or sink while the cereal steams, allowing the berries to dry as much as possible.

If you sweeten the smoothie with honey and it is quite thick, add a spoonful of boiling water and stir. Place the currants in a blender and add the oatmeal there too, always along with the milk. Add flax and vanilla, sweeten with sugar or honey. Grind with a high-speed blender, first at medium speed, then switching it to maximum.