Why do pains appear in the heels of the feet and how to treat this ailment if it darkens life. The main causes of pain in the heel when walking Causes of pain in a child

Heel pain - an unpleasant symptom accompanying injury, excessive stress on this part of the foot... The causes of discomfort and pain can arise when bone tissue grows, the patient is overweight, the fatty tissue on the heels becomes thinner, and it absorbs shocks and running worse and worse. The heel may hurt with strong tension in the heel bone, when the patient walks in high-heeled shoes or stands for a long time.

Painful sensations are not excluded during inflammation in the articular tissue and muscles, in infectious diseases and other pathologies.

Causes of pain and their symptoms

Plantar fasciitis

Pain in this disease start in the morning after the person got out of bed... When stepping on the heel, the pain spreads over the entire foot, you have to practically walk on tiptoe to get rid of the discomfort.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \ "Moscow polyclinic \".

Then the unpleasant symptoms go away, but if the patient lies or sits for a long time, they return abruptly again.

Causes of inflammation of the connective tissue of the sole (fascia). Prerequisites:

  • Constantly wearing low-heeled shoes
  • Great physical activity
  • Prolonged standing on your feet
  • Excess weight
  • Flat feet (when the arch of the foot is lowered, the sole is under tension, injured and hurt).
  • The process can become chronic, often accompanied by the deposition of salts, leading to the formation of a heel spur.

Systemic pathologies

  1. Ankylosing spondylitis. It is characterized by an inflammatory process in the spine, articular tissue, begins due to failures in the immune system and its hostility to the ligaments and joints. As the disease progresses, the vertebrae are fused together, the spine stops bending. The pain manifests itself at the very beginning of the disease.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. Affects the patient's joints, begins with movement, worse at night. Sometimes the pain keeps you awake at night.
  3. - pathology that occurs when the metabolic process is disturbed. Uric acid salts accumulate in soft tissues. Pain begins, radiating to the joints, often the most severe symptoms begin in the feet and toes, pain is given to the heel. The skin turns red, the local skin temperature rises.


  1. Heel fracture. The pain is localized at the site of injury, deformation of the calcaneus occurs. The patient complains of swelling, the appearance of hematomas. The pain is so strong that it is impossible to get up on your feet.
  2. Bone contusion. It is characterized by inflammation of nearby tissues. A burning pain appears in the heel area, it hurts to get on the leg.
  3. ... Bending the foot increases the pain. Sprained ligaments may be the cause.
  4. Calcaneal epiphysitis. The reason is the micro-tears of the connective tissue in the heel area. Feels discomfort when walking or touching the foot.

Inflammatory processes

  1. Bursitis. Begins after mechanical impact, leg injuries. The heel swells, hurts, the skin turns red. On palpation, pain is felt. If the inflammation becomes chronic, then the skin of the heel coarsens and becomes thicker.
  2. Tendinitis. A prerequisite is a large load on the muscles of the calves. There is a local increase in temperature, edema and swelling of the heel.

Infectious diseases

  1. Bone tuberculosis. The manifestations of the disease begin with necrosis of the skin or bones. The infection quickly spreads to large areas of tissue; fistulas filled with pus are formed. Consequences of the disease: deformity of the affected leg and lameness.
  2. Arthritis. Prerequisites: infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract, which are latent. Pain sensations begin when walking, intensify at night.
  3. Osteomyelitis. This inflammation, caused by bacteria, forms in the bone tissue and engulfs nearby soft tissue. The pain is bursting, sharp, becomes stronger with movement. The skin of the heel turns red and swells.

Which doctors should I contact?

For heel pain, the following may help:

  • Podiatrist (doctor specializing in lower leg and foot pathologies). He performs the functions of a neurosurgeon, orthopedist, vascular surgeon, etc.
  • Surgeon
  • Traumatologist
  • Orthopedist


When there is pain in the heel, then depending on the cause of the pathology you can prescribe a course of massage, apply compresses, drink food supplements to restore bone tissue.

Folk recipes created from natural products, honey, and medicinal herbs will also be an effective remedy.

First aid for pain

  • To eliminate acute pain, tincture of cinquefoil on alcohol is used. The liquid can be purchased at a pharmacy kiosk and made by yourself. The resulting mixture is diluted with water (2 teaspoons of tincture per 1/3 of a glass). The course of treatment: 20 days, 3 times a day. A compress from tincture on the heel also helps. A compress is made at night.
  • Another excellent remedy for quickly relieving pain is a compress with propolis. Apply a compress, bandage or warm your leg with a scarf.
  • If a spur became the cause of acute unbearable pain, then white cabbage will help. She is chopped, poured with boiling water in a basin. We are waiting for the broth to cool down a little, and soak our legs in a warm cabbage infusion until it becomes cold.
  • We apply a compress of ammonia mixed with vegetable oil. The ingredients are taken in a 1 to 1 ratio. We moisten a tampon in it and put it on the heel.

Folk recipes

These are compositions made from infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits, bee products, salt, tar, etc.

The use of these agents by patients is external and internal.

External use


  • An effective method to relieve pain: a compress of boiled potatoes in "uniforms". It will help remove the heel spur, eliminate salt deposits and calluses. Warm potatoes are kneaded, without peeling until mashed, and applied to the heel. We tie the affected area of ​​the foot with polyethylene, put a warm scarf on top. Leave on the heel for 2-3 hours. Treatment course: a week.
  • A mixture of grated garlic and chalk. Mix the grated garlic cloves and crushed chalk in a 1 to 1 ratio and mix thoroughly. Steam the feet in warm water and apply the mixture on the heel, fixing with gauze or bandage.
  • If the heels hurt badly or spurs have formed, then a compress from grated radish will become an assistant. To do this, rub several radish fruits on a fine grater without peeling. The resulting mass is spread on a cloth or gauze and applied to the affected area. Cover the compress with polyethylene on top. From above, the patient puts on socks and goes to bed. In the morning, the compress is washed off with warm water.


  • We take two containers, which we fill with cold and hot water. Take turns holding the limbs, first in hot water, then in cold water for half a minute. We repeat thirty times. You can enrich hot water with a decoction of chamomile. After the procedure, we lubricate the feet with nourishing cream or vegetable oil and massage.
  • With the help of such a bath, you can quickly stop pain and increase blood flow in the limbs. We take a liter of boiling water, three hundred grams of salt dissolve in it. Pour the resulting solution into a prepared container. The heels are treated in this way for 14 days.

Ointments, creams

  • A mixture of mumiyo with liquid honey is effective. Take five grams of mountain resin and dissolve in 2 tablespoons of honey. We lubricate our heels every night until the symptoms are completely eliminated.
  • An ointment based on rosemary and lanolin will help relieve pain and make your heels healthy. To do this, wash the collected wild rosemary herb through a meat grinder (chop it with a food processor). Squeeze the juice out of the resulting gruel. We take 20 ml of juice, mix 40 gr. butter (lanolin) and stir until smooth. We enrich the ointment with 40 grams of petroleum jelly, mix again. The ointment is used after steaming the feet and rubbing lightly until completely absorbed. Keep the resulting medicine in the refrigerator.

Internal use

Infusions and decoctions

  • We take 6 teaspoons of plant materials (yellow egg capsule flowers), pour a liter of boiling water. We put on a small fire and simmer for another 15 minutes. Let it brew for an hour, let it brew, bring it to a liter of liquid with warm water. We take 100 grams 3 times a day with food. Relieves joint pain, eliminates muscle inflammation in the feet, eliminates pain in case of bruises.
  • We take one hundred grams of birch buds, add two and a half liters of water and prepare the broth until the volume of the liquid decreases to 0.5 liters. We strain the broth from the kidneys, add a glass of granulated sugar. After the medicine has cooled down, you need to add a glass of liquid honey to it and stir. The remedy is drunk 100 grams 3 times a day.
  • To eliminate the inflammatory process in the mortar, take the crushed rosehip roots, fill them with boiling water. We boil them for 30 minutes, after which we insist for a couple of hours and strain through cheesecloth, add a little water. Dosage: 150 grams 3-4 times a day.

Herbal teas

  • Tea made from lingonberry leaves relieves pain in the heels. To do this, take a tablespoon of raw materials, brew with boiling water and leave for 15–20 minutes.
  • To relieve pain, tea made on the basis of the herb of chamomile or calendula is suitable.

Alternative techniques

  • Massage with a kitchen rolling pin. This measure will help not only to remove the formed heel spur, but also to prevent its development and formation. We take a rolling pin, put it on the floor and roll with the heel for 15 minutes back and forth. This will strengthen the muscle tissue in the foot and increase blood flow. After the treatment, a bath is made and a compress with medicinal herbs is applied.
  • We heat half a kilogram of coarse salt in a cast-iron skillet (no vegetable oil). Pour into a container, wait until the salt cools down a little, and heat the heel in it. The procedure continues until the warm salt has completely cooled down. Treatment course: 7-14 days.
  • We take rustic moonshine (150 gr.), Set it on fire, put a heel over a hot flame and heat it over the vapors. Then we smear the foot with rosehip oil and massage with vigorous movements. Alternatively, instead of massage, you can use the foot of an ear of corn rolling on the floor or walking on pebbles.


As a preventive measure, it is suitable refusal to run and walk... The patient is recommended to ride a bike, swim in the pool.

If a person suffers from flat feet, then it is necessary to purchase special insoles recommended by an orthopedist, and generally wear comfortable shoes.

You should not give strong physical exertion on the legs, beware of foot injuries, treat the legs at the first manifestations of inflammation or infection of soft tissues.

If excess weight is present, it is necessary to go on a diet to reduce it so that the load on the foot is less.

Based on this, we can conclude that pain in the heel can be treated not only with medicines, but also with traditional medicine recipes. It should be remembered that you first need to consult a doctor and identify the root cause of the disease.

In some cases, the cause can be eliminated only by surgery.

Mechanical damage, uncomfortable or stiletto heel shoes, some diseases of the body, biomechanical factors - all this causes pain in the heel when walking. When the first uncomfortable sensations appear, pay attention to the alarm signal and do not let the situation take its course.

The heel is a soft, cancellous bone with blood vessels and nerve endings that run through it to other parts of the foot. This fact determines its maximum sensitivity to various types of damage. The heel, together with the entire sole, acts as a shock absorber. The largest bone of the foot undergoes various, sometimes significant loads during physical activity.

Causes of heel pain when walking

Unpleasant feelings in movement arise suddenly or increase gradually, acquiring the character of acute and constant soreness in the heel area. Be that as it may, the pain syndrome from the sole brings a feeling of complete helplessness, inferiority and for a long time knocks out of the usual rhythm of life. Of course, it is difficult to remain optimistic when every step is given throughout the body with a burning, piercing, throbbing pain.

The causes of heel pain when walking can be as follows:

  • inflammatory processes or violation of the integrity of the fibrous connective layer located on the sole from the heel to the toe;
  • heel spur - inflammatory and degenerative changes in the plantar fascia of the chronic type;
  • plantar fasciitis - thickening of connective tissue often as a result of stretching, the condition is preceded by a spur on the heel;
  • erythromelalgia - a vascular disease that disrupts peripheral vasomotor reflexes, characterized by the expansion of veins and arteries;
  • hereditary sensory neuropathy - a type of polyneuropathy (a disease of the peripheral nervous system with diffuse damage to the nerve fiber);
  • heel pain syndrome - prolonged stress on the foot, causing heel pain when walking;
  • tendonitis - damage / inflammation in the Achilles tendon;
  • overstrain / tear of the tendon;
  • some infections of the body, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc. The development of reactive arthritis is a complication after an infectious lesion of the genitourinary system, intestines or nasopharynx;
  • arthritis of the rheumatoid type - chronic inflammation of the joints.

Heel pain is the reason for contacting a rheumatologist or traumatologist.

Symptoms of heel pain when walking

The consequence of a heel spur will be local pain, worsening in the morning. Throughout the day, the intensity of pain decreases, reminding of itself with a new attack when resting on the foot after a motionless period.

Pain in the back of the leg and above the heel indicates a disorder in the Achilles tendon. The defeat of the tendon of the sole muscle is expressed by pain in the heel from the bottom of the foot.

A burning sensation, similar to that of a nail, is a symptom of pain in the heel when walking, associated with a tendon injury. The cause of stretching / tearing can be both stiletto heels with pronounced flat feet, and a strong blow.

Pain in the calcaneal zone (often in the hands) of a burning character, as well as in the resting position in the morning, aggravated by heating, is characteristic of erythromelalgia. The process proceeds with redness (sometimes cyanosis is present) of painful areas and an increase in their temperature.

Burning and pain in the heel when walking determines different types of polyneuropathy. Hereditary sensory neuropathy occurs with pain in the muscle structures of a pulling nature, accompanied by seizures. Similar sensations take hold of the shoulders, pelvis and arms. Unpleasant feelings diminish in a relaxed state.

Particularly severe pains, mainly at night, are inherent in an infectious disease.

Heel pain after walking

Infectious reactive inflammation of the calcaneal tendon is characterized by pain when moving, as well as pain in the heel after walking during rest. Patients note the painful manifestation of reactive arthritis, especially at night. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the eyes, joints and discomfort in the genital area.

Morning pain syndrome is caused by plantar fasciitis. The desire to lean on the sole in the first moments after sleep is especially painful.

Compression of the nerve (tarsal tunnel syndrome) occurs in each patient with its own symptoms. Some patients note acute pain in the heel when walking with complete loss of foot mobility, others - impaired sensitivity. The disease, which belongs to the group of neuropathies, can also be characterized by tingling pain after walking.

Diagnosing heel pain when walking

During the appointment, the doctor checks muscle reflexes, the state of the nerve endings. When assessing their strength, he is interested in the strength of your sensations. Based on the initial examination and palpation, the specialist will prescribe an additional examination - x-rays, tests.

For each case of the disease, its own instrumental and laboratory techniques are applicable.

Diagnosis of heel pain when walking with suspected plantar fasciitis and a heel spur is carried out by means of an X-ray.

Ultrasound, MRI helps to identify a problem in the Achilles tendon.

In case of inflammatory processes in the bag of the Achilles tendon (Achilles bursitis), in addition to X-ray diagnostics, laboratory research is used. An X-ray picture indicates the source of inflammation as a result of a fracture, degenerative changes. Pass the following tests:

  • blood (common);
  • blood for uric acid content (to rule out / confirm gout);
  • the liquid medium of the Achilles bursa is checked by bacteriological and bacterioscopic methods in case of infectious bursitis.

Pain in the heel when walking from compression of the nerve is determined instrumental and laboratory. In the first case, do:

  • an x-ray showing changes in bone tissue (thinning / rarefaction), as well as in order to identify bone growths that can compress a nerve;
  • by electromyography, electrical impulses are recorded during the interaction of nerves and muscle structures;
  • identification of the conductive ability of nerves;
  • Ultrasound / MRI to identify tumors.

Laboratory diagnosis consists in a blood sugar test, in order to exclude the diabetic nature of neuropathy.

Treating heel pain when walking

If you feel pain in the heel when walking, first aid is ice for two days. During the day, you need to massage the heel until numb with an ice cube at least four times. After two days, you can alternate cold and warm. For 15 minutes. ice, 15 min. rest, then a hot water bottle at the same time. This manipulation is recommended once a day.

Sometimes you need to take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen. It is better to discuss taking medications with the doctor on an individual basis.

Often, the use of an orthopedic insole (selected by an orthopedist) and warm-up help to overcome the pain syndrome. For example, an exercise like this:

  • stand in front of the wall so that when you stretch your arms, you touch it;
  • place your palms on the wall;
  • take a step back with the right leg, and bend the knee of the left leg;
  • lean against the wall and lower the heel of your right foot to the floor (feel the tension in your calf);
  • fix the position for 15 accounts;
  • do the same with your left foot (in total: ten movements for both legs);
  • IMPORTANT! Avoid sudden displacements, do not put all your weight on the foot, beware of injury.

Treating heel pain when walking is a lengthy process that should be entrusted to a healthcare professional. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the doctor may recommend refraining from physical activity, applying a splint or fixing the foot with a rigid bandage while sleeping.

In order to improve blood circulation, salt, soda, and soap baths are used. Cope with pain from a heel spur will help a tincture of saber, bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently (1 tablespoon of the plant for a third of a glass of water). Reception continues for at least 20 days (before meals, three times a day).

Providing rest, physiotherapy, massage is prescribed by the doctor. Some diseases require antibiotic treatment, surgery (adhesions, scarring of tissues) or the use of a shock wave method.

In addition to a traumatologist and rheumatologist, patients with heel pain due to compression of the nerve may need to consult a phlebologist / vascular surgeon if the cause of the pain is varicose veins. In case of pressure on the nerves due to tissue scarring, in case of mechanical damage, you should consult a surgeon. A neurologist will help to deal with the problem of tunnel syndrome.

How to prevent heel pain when walking?

Preventing heel disease is much easier than curing it. When choosing a sport, you should give preference to cycling, swimming, it is better to forget about walking and running. Excessive weight is also an important factor in the development of heel pain.

Always choose only comfortable shoes. Orthopedic inserts that support the ligamentous and muscle structures of the feet will not be superfluous either.

Prevention of heel pain when walking consists of the following measures:

  • checking blood sugar, preventing corns / corns;
  • during pregnancy, it is extremely important for women to wear comfortable shoes at a low speed, use orthopedic inlays in order to maintain the muscles of the foot, as well as reduce shock load;
  • increase the intensity of physical exercises evenly, be sure to warm up the muscles before active training to prevent sprains, dislocations;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of flat feet;
  • checking the body for hidden infections;
  • protect the sole from overload (for example, from jumping);
  • the use of remedial gymnastics;
  • monitoring the condition of the veins;
  • balanced diet.

Heel pain when walking should never be ignored. A similar symptom often becomes stronger over time and develops into a form that is difficult to treat.

It's important to know!

Foot pain is a very common complaint among orthopedic patients. The foot is the most important anatomical subsystem of the human skeleton, because it is it that provides upright walking on two legs, which, in fact, distinguishes homo sapiens from an animal.

Heel pain when walking is a fairly common symptom that can be triggered by a wide range of both physiological and pathological causes. This condition is often observed in people from different age categories. It is worth noting that representatives of the fair half of humanity most often complain about pain in the heel. The reason for this is quite simple - women love high heels, and many of them wear them almost all the time.

The human heel is a unique part of the body. It has a special anatomical structure, as well as a fairly dense fat layer. All this gives her the ability to withstand huge loads. But, despite all this, the heel is also a rather vulnerable spot, since nerve fibers and blood vessels pass through it. It is the damage to the nerve fibers that often becomes the main reason why the heels hurt when walking, after sleeping, and so on.

Etiological factors

All the reasons due to which the heels can hurt when walking, during sleep and even at rest, clinicians conditionally divide into several large groups:

  • etiological factors that have no connection with pathological processes in the human body;
  • ailments in which the pathological process directly affects the structures of the heel and foot as a whole;
  • trauma;
  • pathologies in the human body, in which the osteoarticular apparatus is affected.

Causes of heel pain that are not associated with pathological processes:

  • tension of the foot elements over a long period of time. Heel pain in this case is caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, or by the fact that a person spends a lot of time on his feet;
  • the process of atrophy of the fat layer in the heel. In this case, heel pains appear if a person has a sharp decrease in body weight, or he performs daily physical activities that are not suitable for him (too intense);
  • professional activity can also trigger heel pain. Usually people complain about such uncomfortable sensations who, due to their work, are forced to stay “on their feet”;
  • or rapid weight gain. Heel pain occurs due to severe overload.

Foot pathologies that can cause heels to hurt when walking:

  • plantar fasciitis. It is this disease that most often becomes the reason due to which the heels hurt when walking or even after sleeping;
  • tarsal canal syndrome;
  • apophysitis of the calcaneus. Often it becomes the cause of the manifestation of pain in the heel in children. Often appears after a long run or intense physical activity;
  • Haglund-Schinz disease;
  • achillodynia;
  • compression neuropathy of the plantar nerves;
  • hallux valgus;
  • sensory neuropathy, which is of a hereditary type. It is characterized by the appearance of painful sensations not only when walking, but also after sleep, and even at rest.

Pathologies that lead to damage to the articular joints and bone structures:

  • metastatic disease;
  • ... First, the heels hurt when walking, later the pain occurs in the morning (after sleep) and accompanies the patient throughout the day. With extensive lesions, pain in the heel is constantly observed;
  • formations of a malignant nature, progressing in the bones of the feet. In this case, heels hurt in the morning, and later the pain becomes chronic;
  • erythromelalgia;
  • heel pain can also occur when a person progresses diseases caused by infectious agents;
  • cracked heels.


Since pain in the heel when walking can be triggered by many reasons, in case of its systematic manifestation, you should seek qualified medical help from a doctor. It is forbidden to do anything for the purpose of treatment on your own, since you can only aggravate your condition. If it hurts to step on the heel, then you should contact or to. Sometimes you may need additional advice from doctors of narrow medical fields.

The doctor will conduct a physical examination of the patient, clarify the anamnesis, and then be able to prescribe a plan of diagnostic measures. For an accurate diagnosis, if there is pain in the heel when walking, it will be necessary to undergo both instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

Laboratory methods:

  • puncture of the joint capsule in order to obtain exudate. After the procedure, a bacterioscopic examination of the material is carried out;
  • donating blood to identify tumor markers;
  • bacteriological analysis of exudate from the joint capsule;
  • blood for sugar.

Instrumental diagnostics:

  • An important diagnostic method for the manifestation of pain in the heel when walking is radiography. It makes it possible to assess the condition of bone structures. It can be done for patients from different age categories;
  • puncture of the synovial bag. Such a procedure is done only in case of suspicion of the progression of bursitis in a person;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • bone puncture - the method used to obtain a piece of bone marrow;

Treatment activities

The doctor, for a more accurate diagnosis, will need to evaluate the test results obtained, and only after that he will be able to prescribe the optimal treatment plan. But for the therapy to be effective, the patient should:

  • reduce body weight if it significantly exceeds the norm;
  • reduce the load on the legs;
  • do special exercises for the legs;
  • wear orthopedic shoes.

Depending on what pathological process provoked the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom, a treatment plan is also prescribed. Doing anything on your own without the approval of your doctor is prohibited.

The therapy plan may include:

  • prescribing antibiotics;
  • the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • massage;
  • carrying out extra-articular drug blockade;
  • the use of physiotherapy methods;
  • heel compresses;
  • set of exercises.

There are cases when patients turn to doctors with a question about why the heel hurts while running or walking, and sometimes in a state of rest? The reasons for these sensations can be anything from tight and uncomfortable shoes to serious problems that are biomechanical in nature.

Why heel hurts at rest: possible causes

1. Fasciitis of the sole. This disease is characterized by a rather dense formation in the connective tissues of the sole, which runs over its entire surface and looks like a wide strip (from the heel to the metatarsal bones). As a rule, after complaints of patients that they constantly have pain in the heel from the side and bottom, the doctor in 60% out of 100 finds inflammation or stretching of the plantar fascia in the place where it joins the tubercle of the calcaneus.

2. Spur. If a person is diagnosed with chronic inflammation of the fascia (plantar), then eventually calcium salts accumulate in the lesion. They subsequently lead to the formation of bone growth, which becomes the reason that the heel constantly hurts. The spur makes itself felt not only at rest, but also while walking. Most often, such a growth brings severe pain in the morning when a person gets out of bed after a long night's sleep. During the day, the pain decreases slightly, although it often appears during the first steps after a short rest.

Why does heel hurt while walking?

The following reasons for this phenomenon are possible:

1. Inflammation or any abnormalities in the Achilles tendon and bursae. In this case, pain can be concentrated over the heel, or rather, on the back of the leg. If the patient has lesions of the tendons of the sole muscles, then pain may occur at the bottom of the heel.

2. Tearing or stretching of the tendon. This happens, for example, under heavy stress while wearing shoes with heels. In addition, the answer to the question of why the heel hurts may well be its severe bruise, which provoked tissue inflammation. In this case, the person may experience burning pains right under the heel.

3. Some types of infections (eg, genital infections) can also cause pain in the heel area.

4. Reactive arthritis. This disease is characterized not only by aching pain in the heels, but also by discomfort in the genital area. Also, inflammation of the tendons is quite often accompanied by conjunctivitis.

5. In rare cases, when people complain of plantar pain, they find inflammation of the heel region. As a rule, it occurs due to chronic joint diseases such as gout, psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. In order to find out if a person has these diseases, venous blood should be donated for analysis. It is this medical examination that reveals a noticeable increase in the level of uric acid and other signs that, along with external symptoms, contribute to the correct diagnosis.

If your heel is constantly hurting, then it is best to see a traumatologist or rheumatologist.

It is not uncommon for the appearance of pain in the heels or feet, which causes discomfort and does not make it possible to do the usual things. In this case, you should not only familiarize yourself with common situations and their solution options, but also pay attention to going to an experienced specialist, because you cannot do without medical help, as this may be a sign of a serious problem that cannot be dealt with at home at home. it will work, but you can only make it worse. Read on in another article about how and how to cure it.

This article summarizes the main problems associated with heel pain and suggests known solutions, but this information is provided for informational purposes only.

Why and what to do if heels of feet hurt folk remedies

For heel pains, knotweed or burdock works well. The grass is placed in shoes or socks, which are not removed throughout the day. Compresses made from grated potatoes or shabby black radish with the skin also help relieve pain. Compresses can be done at night by wrapping a plastic bag around your leg and wearing socks.

What to do if feet and heels hurt how to treat

The cause of pain in the feet and heels of the legs can be primarily overweight, an inactive lifestyle, flat feet or improperly selected shoes. Massages of the feet, baths with crushed ice (one heel is immersed in the water), as well as rolling the feet of a small ball help to relieve pain syndrome.

Medicines and pain relieving ointments should be prescribed by a doctor.

Why do heels and calves hurt, reasons

Calf pain can be caused by intense physical exertion. Also, the cause of pain in the calves can be hidden in the feet - if a person has flat feet, or vice versa, the rise is too high, and he stays in uncomfortable shoes for a long time. Sometimes the pain is caused by a tear or inflammation of the Achilles tendon, inflammation of the veins, or narrowing of the arteries. In general, a doctor's verdict is required.

Why does the heel on the left leg hurt when walking, treatment with folk remedies

People often associate heel pain with heel spurs. Sometimes 30-minute compresses of kefir or warm boiled crushed potatoes with the addition of a tablespoon of kerosene help to calm it down.

Why do heels and feet of both feet hurt in the morning in men?

Pain in the heels and feet of both feet in the morning are symptoms of inflammation of the plantar fascia arising from the accumulation of salts in the area of ​​inflammation. This leads to the formation of a bone growth, popularly referred to as a heel spur.

The pain with this disease can bother not only in the morning, but also after a short rest. If you do not consult a doctor, the condition will only worsen.

Why does the heel hurt? It hurts to step on how and how to treat

In addition to external causes (uncomfortable shoes, excessive exertion, bruises), heel pain can be triggered by plantar fasciitis, heel spur, rheumatism, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc. Take the survey and get an answer to your question.

Why do heels hurt so badly if it's not a spur?

In most cases, heel pain, if it is not a spur, can occur for several reasons, namely, due to:
- incorrect posture;
- long standing on your feet;
- significant physical activity;
- loads associated with the transfer of weights;
- injuries and sprains of the tendons.

Why do heels hurt from running, shoes, heels, standing work, cold, slippers

Permanent overstrain of the arch of the foot leads to pain in the heels, especially when the wrong shoes, too high heels or excess weight (with obesity). Symptoms of heel pain are also inherent in a number of diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, gout, Bekhterov's disease, osteomyelitis and injuries - tendon sprains, tears, bruises and fractures.

Why do heels hurt if you stand for a long time, stand, walk, after a long walk

You can find out the cause of heel pain from a surgeon, neurosurgeon, traumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist, since there are more than enough reasons for this - heel spur, arthritis, tendon injuries, plantar fasciitis, etc.

Why do heels hurt during and after pregnancy in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the growing fetus makes the woman involuntarily lean back. Naturally, the greatest load in this case falls on the heels, which is why painful sensations arise in them. This is fine.