Calorie content Hard cheese. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Calorie content of different types of cheese (from Adyghe to brie) How many calories are in a small slice of cheese 45

What is the calorie and fat content of Russian cheese, how to use it correctly when losing weight. The benefits and harms of the product, how to choose quality cheese.

Russian cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk. This product usually contains 50% fat in dry form. There are also less fatty varieties - 45% dry matter. The lower the fat percentage, the lower the calorie content. Despite the fat content, the product is an irreplaceable source of calcium. Just 100 g can meet your daily calcium requirement. But how many grams are you allowed to eat per day so as not to harm your figure? First, let's look at the chemical composition.

Chemical composition

Nutrients contained in 100 g:

Substance Content
Squirrels 25 g
Fats 28 g
Carbohydrates 0.25 g
Cholesterol 90 mg
Amino acids 14 g
Essential amino acids 8.5 g
Saturated fatty acids 16 g
Omega-6 0.7 g
Omega-9 7 g
Vitamins Content
A 0.28 mg
E 500 mcg
WITH 700 mcg
IN 1 40 mcg
AT 2 300 mcg
AT 6 100 mcg
AT 9 0.02 mg
AT 12 1.6 mcg
RR 6 mg
Macro- and microelements Content
TO 87.9 mg
Sa 881 mg
Fe 1.05 mg
Ph 501 mg
Cu 51 mcg
Na 809 mg
Zn 3.52 mg
S 233 mg
Mg 34.9 mg

Calorie content of Russian cheese

A large proportion of the calorie content of the product is fat; the higher the percentage, the higher the calorie content of the cheese. Below is an example of caloric content in two fat contents per 100 g.

Benefits and harms

Cheese is especially useful for pregnant and nursing mothers; a rich complex of macro- and microelements will help maintain health, bone and muscle structure, and calm the nervous system. Also, the content of folic acid and pyridoxine helps the proper development of the fetus.

It is known that it is not fats that are the main enemies of diets, but carbohydrates, which are practically absent in cheese, only 0.25 g of lactose - milk sugar. But the product still contains cholesterol, although in small doses it is not at all harmful. However, you need to be careful when consuming cheese; it has a fairly high calorie content.

A piece of cheese weighing 50 g has the same energy value as a whole bowl of vegetable salad. Consequently, this is not the most correct ingredient in the diet menu, but in any case it cannot be canceled, the main thing is to use it correctly.

Use in dietary nutrition

Many nutritionists are big opponents of mono-diets; the trend in menu planning comes down to allowing you to include your favorite dishes in your diet, and Russian cheese is no exception. Giving up high-calorie and favorite foods, according to nutritionists, will lead to excess weight gain. Sooner or later, those who are losing weight will return to their previous diet, and this will threaten the deposition of fat from foods that have not been eaten for a long time. It is better to eat a small piece once a week and not bring the body to a state of stress.

Cheese is present in many diets based on protein nutrition, but their calorie content should not exceed 30% and, unfortunately, Russian is not one of them. But there are diets, for example Japanese, in which no more than 15 g of fatty cheese is allowed.

A cheese diet has also been developed, in which, in addition to the main ingredient, protein products predominate - meat, eggs, dairy products. In this case, carbohydrates are completely excluded; this diet is designed for ten days. Tea and coffee are allowed.

Each diet has its own disadvantages and contraindications; it is better to eat right, combining foods in the right quantities. For the best effect, it is worth adding physical activity, this will increase the consumption of excess energy.

An important condition for losing weight if you have cheese in your diet is to reduce your daily caloric intake, and the lower the caloric intake, the faster the body will begin to waste energy from fat. That is, it is necessary to create a deficit of incoming energy. Of course, when eating 1200 kcal per day, consuming 100 g of cheese is not worth it, because a piece will constitute a fourth of the total calorie content. One small slice is enough.

How to choose a good cheese

There is a huge list of manufacturers, but how not to make a mistake and choose a quality product, here are some tips:

  • carefully check the expiration date; a spoiled product can seriously harm your health;
  • choose products without palm oil and other cheap impurities;
  • the cheese should not be slimy in appearance or have a foreign odor;
  • The more expensive the product, the higher quality raw materials were used in production.

To learn how Russian cheese is made, watch the video:

No matter how useful the product is, to maintain your normal weight or reduce it, keep an eye on its calorie content and composition. Cheese is really good for the body and is practically harmless, with the exception of individual intolerance to dairy products. Eat healthy, exercise and enjoy food.

In contact with

Eating cheese reduces appetite because cheese increases the level 20 times satiety hormone in blood. Therefore, if 2-3 hours after eating you feel hungry again, eat a piece of cheese and you will forget about hunger without consequences for your figure. This amazing product absorbs all the beneficial components of milk and contains them in concentrated form. There is a belief that Semiramis - the queen of Assyria, in whose honor the Gardens of Babylon were created - was especially beautiful and strong due to the fact that as a child she ate only cheese, which birds brought her in their beaks.

The benefits of cheese

Cheese is an extremely healthy and nutritious product recommended by nutritionists. Its value for any person, and especially for those who are actively involved in sports, is undeniable.

Content squirrel there is more in cheese than in meat or fish. For example, 70 g of Emmental cheese contains protein the same as in 100 g of fish, 100 g of meat and 2 eggs. Cheese contains vital amino acids: methionine, lysine, tryptophan, as well as microelements such as phosphorus, zinc, calcium, which restores bone tissue. Quantity calcium 500 g of cheese is approximately equal to the amount of calcium in 4.5 liters of milk. Just 100 g of cheese per day covers a person’s needs for most vitamins (A, B2, B12, D) and minerals. Moreover, the body absorbs all the beneficial substances from cheese almost completely.

Cheese is very useful for those who expend a lot of energy: children, nursing mothers and pregnant people engaged in physical labor. The average fat content (which is the main source of energy) in this product is about 30%.


Kcal per 100 g


Kcal per 100 g

Hochland cheese in a briquette

Hochland cheese in slices

Processed cheese Druzhba, 55%

Adyghe cheese

Cheese Orbit

Smoked sausage cheese

Cow's milk cheese

Brie cheese

Sheep's milk cheese

Camembert cheese


Parmesan cheese

Dutch cheese

Cheese Tilsiter

Homemade cheese, 4% fat

Edam cheese

Kostromskaya cheese

Emmental cheese

Cheese Poshekhonsky

Cheddar cheese

Roquefort cheese

Cheese Soviet

Russian cheese

Uglich cheese

Fat curd cheese

Chees Feta

Swiss cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Cheese Lithuanian

Cheese Estonian

Gouda cheese (45%)

Cheese Yaroslavl

Hard cheeses and their calorie content

Dutch cheese, Edam and Gouda have a slightly nutty flavor and make a great breakfast or dessert. They are perfect for fitness nutrition, as they are relatively low in fat (28%) and at the same time very rich in protein (25%). This is a real storehouse of calcium. By consuming only 70-100 g of these cheeses per day, the body receives the elements it needs. It is especially important to include such types of cheese in the menu for older people (over the years the body needs calcium more) and for smokers (since nicotine interferes with the normal absorption of calcium).

Cheddar cheese comes from England. It has a slightly sour taste. Cheddar is slightly higher in fat and calories (379 kcal). Parmesan - an Italian product - is recognized as the king of all cheeses. It is the hardest of the hard cheeses, but not very fatty (32% fat in dry matter).

Soft cheeses and their calorie content

Soft cheeses are lower in calories than hard cheeses. For example, French Camembert has 23% fat content and 291 kcal calories. The famous French cheese with a nutty flavor, Brie, and the Greek soft cheese made from sheep's milk, Feta, have similar properties. These types of cheese promote good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Roquefort (blue cheese) is slightly higher in calories and contains more fat (30%) and less protein (17%). Mozzarella is widely used in making pizza. He is also known for fighting insomnia. This is a low-fat cheese with a fairly low calorie content (278 kcal), like Suluguni, the famous Georgian pickled cheese. A truly excellent fitness food is feta cheese, which is less fatty and goes well with vegetables.

How to eat cheese and lose weight?

Nowadays, tofu soy cheese, which is characterized by its high protein content, is very popular. In addition, this very tasty cheese is low in fat, it is easily absorbed by the body and is therefore recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system. Calorie content tofu cheese low - total 72 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it can be eaten to lose weight! Nutritionists also recommend eating Adyghe cheese, which contains a minimum of fat. And, of course, pay attention to how few calories and fats there are compared to other cheeses. homemade cheese.

If you are a cheese lover and are trying to lose weight, you will most likely find it useful to know how many calories are in cheese. You will also learn about the benefits of the product for health and weight loss, read about the cheese diet and its features.

Many people love cheese. It is used for preparing various dishes, and simply as a snack with tea or coffee. Did you know that this delicacy helps you lose weight? With its help you can say goodbye to extra pounds and even improve your body health.


To prepare 450 g of product you need 4.5 liters. milk. The concentration of nutrients in cheese is off the charts. The product, in particular, is rich in the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, D, K, C, E;
  • vitamins B6 and B12;
  • vitamin B1, B3, B7 and B5 (better known as pantothenic acid);
  • folate (B complex vitamin);
  • calcium;
  • riboflavin;
  • zinc and copper;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3 and Omega-9.

Cheese is an excellent source of protein. For example, a large slice of Cheddar (weighing 30 g) contains 6.7 g of protein. You'll get the same amount of protein from drinking a cup of milk.

Benefit for health

  1. First of all, the product is good for teeth. After all, it contains a large amount of calcium and a small amount of lactose. Scientists have found that regular consumption of cheese reduces the risk of dental plaque. It promotes the deposition of phosphorus and calcium in the teeth, which in itself contributes to the strength of tooth enamel. A high-quality protein called casein forms a protective film on the surface of the teeth, which protects our teeth from damage.
  2. The use of this product is an excellent cancer prevention. It contains linoleic acid and sphingolipids. These substances protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin B is also responsible for reducing the risk of developing cancer. Regular consumption of cheese improves the functioning of the body and helps to avoid tumors in the ovarian and prostate areas.
  3. The product is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, so its regular consumption improves the functioning of the body's immune system.
  4. Cheese contains an amino acid called tryptophan. It helps relieve stress and improves sleep.
  5. Children, pregnant women and the elderly should eat cheese regularly. Calcium and vitamin B are essential for the formation and strengthening of cartilage and bones. And the excipients, a considerable dose of which are contained in the product, contribute to better absorption of calcium.
  6. For osteoporosis, it is not enough to consume calcium (after all, it is poorly absorbed without the accompanying components). You need protein and a whole range of vitamins, with which the product is enriched. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to cheese for children with insufficient body weight, as well as women after menopause.
  7. If you suffer from migraines, then you need to include cheese in your diet. Calcium has been proven to help relieve severe headaches.
  8. Recently it became known that the beneficial substances contained in dairy products help women around the world cope with PMS more easily.
  9. Cheese should be consumed regularly by pregnant women. Scientists, along with doctors, believe that protein, calcium and B vitamins are simply necessary for expectant mothers to give birth to healthy and strong babies.
  10. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in the product reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
  11. Cheese is no less useful for people who play sports. A considerable amount of protein allows the body to recover faster after intense training. Phosphorus reduces muscle pain.
  12. Scientists have proven that eating cheese improves heart function. Although 15-25 g of cheese per day is not contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, they should choose a product with a low salt content. This will avoid spikes in blood pressure. A cheese diet for people with cardiovascular diseases should be based on the consumption of Feta, Mozzarella and Ricotta.

The substances contained in this product help improve the condition of hair, nails and skin. I would like to debunk the myth that cheese should not be consumed if you have skin problems. Many people think so, since it contains a considerable amount of fat. However, B vitamins contribute to the regeneration of the dermis, its natural radiance and healthy complexion. Given this fact, it is not surprising that the wine and cheese diet is so popular among Italian and French beauties.

The benefits of cheese for weight loss

  • Regular consumption leads to fat burning.
  • Milk fats activate metabolism.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you should stop eating Dutch, Kostroma, Smetankova (the calorie content of which is 340-360 kcal per 100 g). Goat cheese, which contains 364 kcal, is also contraindicated during the diet.

Instead choose:

  • Mozzarella cheese (280 kcal per 100 g).
  • Gouda 7% (calorie content of Gouda cheese is 200 units). Camembert has the same nutritional value.
  • Feta and cheese.
  • Ricotta (since it is made from whey and its fat content is very low - from 8 to 24%). The calorie content of Ricotta cheese per 100 g is 174 kcal.
  • Tofu (76 kcal.).

Although Pigtail and Chechil (which have 313 calories) are recommended as low-fat foods, you should be careful with them. They contain a considerable amount of salt and hot spices, which can cause a burning appetite and cause water retention in the body. The same applies to Suluguni (290 kcal).

Features of the cheese menu for weight loss

The French diet is ideal for gourmets who cannot live a day without this aromatic delicacy with a pronounced taste. The “10 cheeses” diet belongs to the protein category, therefore it is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

A cheese diet for weight loss involves drinking a lot of water. In addition to juices, tea and coffee, you must drink at least 2 liters. clean water per day.

The diet menu is oversaturated with protein (in the form of meat, cheese, milk) and very poor in vegetables and carbohydrates. But carbohydrates give us vital energy, so we cannot exclude them from the diet. Although the creators of the diet recommend sticking to it for 5-7 days, we recommend limiting it to 3 days.

Culinary tricks for cheese lovers

If you can’t imagine breakfast without a sandwich or a snack without a salad, but are worried about the calorie content of your favorite food, we offer several options on how to reduce their harm to your figure.

  • Do you like sandwiches with mayonnaise? Did you know that a spoon of mayonnaise is 94 kcal. and as much as 10 g of fat?! For those who want to lose weight, we recommend spreading cream cheese on toast. For example, Mozzarella cheese, the calorie content of which is 30 g per spoon, contains only 2.5 g of fat.
  • You can reduce the calorie content of a sandwich with butter and cheese if you replace Russian cheese with a product labeled “Fitness”.
  • Fruit salad dressed with sour cream is a delicious dessert similar to yogurt. But 30 g of this fermented milk sauce contains 110 kcal. and 11 g fat. Nutritionists recommend filling the fruit mix entirely with Ricotta or 50/50 with sour cream. Ricotta contains 39 kcal. and 2 g fat. Also, spreadable cheese can be used to stuff bell peppers and eggs.
  • But for preparing spaghetti or baked dishes, it is better to use the classic version - Parmesan. The calorie content of Parmesan cheese is 431 kcal, but this is not scary. After all, it has a richer taste and aroma, so it should be added to dishes in small quantities.
  • The taste of vegetable salads should be enriched with feta cheese or feta. These cheeses will not harm your figure at all. The calorie content of Feta cheese and feta cheese is 260 kcal.


It's hard to imagine that this essential product could harm anyone. However, doctors advise caution when handling blue cheeses, which contain bacteria. They can contribute to the development of listeriosis. This is especially true for pregnant women and during the lactation period.

Experts recommend consuming no more than two servings of cheese per day. Eating it in excessive quantities in rare cases can cause very severe headaches and sleep disturbances. This is due to the content of tryptophan in the product (an amino acid that is not produced by our body).


Some people who are lactose intolerant believe that they should not eat cheese. In fact, compared to other dairy products, cheese contains too little lactose. Therefore, the product can be safely consumed regularly in small quantities.

There is an opinion that eating a lot of cheese leads to constipation. But there is absolutely no scientific evidence about its effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To lose weight, you don't have to eat only low-fat varieties. For example, even though the calorie content of Russian cheese is 363 units per 100 g, you can eat it. But at the same time, it is necessary to regularly calculate the caloric content of the diet in order to maintain a calorie deficit.

Cheese calorie table

Here is a table showing the calorie content of the most popular varieties of cheese:

Name Number of kcal. per 100 g.
Adyghe 240
Bree 291
Goat milk cheese 271
Cow's milk cheese 260
Sheep's milk cheese 298
Bukovinian 361
Viola 305
Gouda 356
Dutch 352
Gruyere 395
Home 113
Dor blue 354
Camembert 290
Sausage 271
Smoked 270
Maasdam 350
Mozzarella 240
Oltermanni 270
Poshekhonsky 350
Baltic 309
Roquefort 337
Russian 363
Creamy Cremette 270
Suluguni 290
Hard Parmesan 369
Tilsiter 334
Feta 215
Fetaki 219
Fetaxa 261
Cheddar 392
Swiss 396
Estonian 350
Yaroslavsky 350

Habitat: cheese or not (video)

If you eat healthy and want to lose weight, you don’t have to give up eating treats. Of course, it is important to observe moderation and choose dietary types of cheese. And then your weight loss process will be enjoyable. After all, you don’t have to give up your favorite product for the sake of a slimmer waist.

Cheeses are a living product. It consists of a concentrate of milk solids and is obtained by coagulating milk followed by specific processing of the curd. Some types of cheese require at least 8-9 months to ripen, and its shelf life can be up to a year.

Cheese is a high-calorie product. Its calorie content directly depends on the milk fat it contains (from 20 to 60%) and ranges from 300-400 calories per 100 grams. Cheese has a lot of protein - up to 28-30%. During the ripening process, proteins are partially processed by bacteria and are better absorbed by the body. Also, during the ripening process, various biological active substances are formed.

Cheese is rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains a very large amount of calcium and phosphorus.

Cheeses have firmly entered our diet due to their taste and nutritional properties. But for a person who watches his figure, the amount of cheese should be limited. It is best if you use so-called pickled cheeses such as Suluguni and Chechil. They are lower in calories and easier to digest. The calorie content of Chechil cheese is only 140 calories per 100 grams, which is almost three times less than the calorie content of Parmesan cheese.

Cheeses are often used in protein diets, such as the Kremlin diet, the Dukan diet, because they contain a minimal amount of carbohydrates with a significant protein content. The exception is processed cheese, in which 24% is carbohydrates.

But not all cheeses are equally healthy. A large number of various products are produced under the guise of cheese, which have nothing to do with real cheese.

It's one thing when the technology for making cheese is violated - it could be a violation of ripening dates, excessive humidity, or poor-quality raw materials. This cheese loses most of its beneficial properties. But when milk fat is replaced in cheese with vegetable fat and soy protein is introduced into the composition, it is a completely different product. Therefore, be careful when purchasing this tasty and healthy product.

Cheese calorie table per 100 grams






Adyghe cheese



Altai cheese



Alpine cheese


Amber cheese


Appenzeller cheese




Biysky cheese




Cheese Bongrain Fall Epi



Brie cheese


Brynza cheese (made from cow's milk)




Brynza cheese (made from sheep's milk)




Cheese Brynza Serbskaya




Cheese Vyrussky


Gouda cheese


Dutch cheese



Gorgonzola cheese


Cheese Mountain




Grana Padano cheese


Gruyère cheese


Danish cheese



Cheese Village



Cheese Dzhugas


Homemade Cheese



Cheese Dor Blue


Dor Blue cheese a la creme


Cheese Dorogobuzhsky


Camembert cheese


Cheese Cantali




Fermented milk cheese


Goat cheese




Smoked sausage cheese


Smoked Cheese




Kostromskaya cheese




Lambert cheese




Lambert cream cheese




Cheese Lambert Tilsiter


Cheese Maasdam



Mascarpone cheese



Cheese Mondzeer



Mozzarella cheese


Oltermani cheese


Parmesan cheese


Processed cheese





Cheese Polessky



Cheese Poshekhonsky



Cheese Pribaltiyskiy


Cheese Raclette



Ricotta cheese


Cheese Rochischio


Roquefort cheese


Russian cheese




Cheese Smetankovy



Cheese Stepnoy



Sulguni cheese


Cheese Tilsiter



Uglich cheese




Cheese Favita


Farmer's cheese




Chees Feta


Philadelphia cheese


Cheese Hollender


Cheddar cheese


Cheese Chechil



Chechil cheese brine smoked



Swiss cheese




Edam cheese


Smoked Edam cheese



Emmental cheese




Amber processed cheese



Jarlsberg cheese


Cheese Jarlsberg Light


Cheese Yaroslavl




Nika Sestrinskaya -specifically for the site site

Anyone who is partial to cheese, the leader in the popularity rating of fermented milk products, should take into account its energy value when creating a healthy diet. The calorie content of hard cheese, the fattest and most nutritious type, is high and varies from 350 to 420 kcal per 100 g of product. This indicator depends on the variety associated with the technology of its production and the fat content of the milk used.


Numerous varieties of hard cheeses are produced using two methods: boiling or drying with the addition of lactic acid bacteria and enzymes that stimulate the milk coagulation process. This product can mature from three months to three years.

A special niche is occupied by extra-hard cheeses (Italian Parmesan or Swiss Sbrinz), which wait from two to ten years to be ready. The famous Parmesan cheese becomes the hardest product when ripe. It is split with a knife resembling a chisel, as well as with a special hammer that hits the metal insert on the handle of the knife. If the calorie content of Swiss hard cheese of the Sbrinz variety is 429 kcal per 100 g of product, then Italian Parmesan is a more dietary option, its energy value is 292 kcal per 100 g.

Extra-hard cheeses are used to prepare gourmet dishes either in grated form or in small crushed pieces. They are also served ready-made in thin shavings as an appetizer with wine. The varieties of hard cheeses include: naturally ripened cheeses (Gouda, Edamer, Maasdam), gourmet blue cheeses (Blau Bastianse, Delfts Blau), peasant cheeses (Beemster, Stolweiker) ), smoked (“Gouda”) or with a red rind (“Doruvael”). The calorie content of hard cheese depends on its fat content, which in Parmesan is 32%, in Dutch cheese - 45%, in Swiss cheese - 50%. It is known that the higher this indicator is for a popular fermented milk product, the tastier it is.

Hard cheeses in Russia are produced: “Dutch”, which corresponds to “Edamsky” from the Netherlands, “Swiss”, English “Cheddar”, “Kostromskoy”, “Rossiysky”, “Sovetsky”, “Yaroslavsky”, “Altaisky” and “Gornoaltaisky” ", "Moscow", "Caucasian", Brie President cheese, smoked varieties and others.


Cheese contains 26-28% protein, which is absorbed by the human body much better than meat. Nutritionists call solid varieties “concentrated milk” because sometimes a small piece of cheese for breakfast (30-50 g) can replace 300-400 ml of valuable liquid. The high calorie content of hard cheese is associated with the high lipid content in milk (20-28%). They are also rich in vitamins: A, group B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12), PP, E and C. The product described contains many minerals: zinc, calcium, copper, manganese, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium , phosphorus. Milk fat has a low-melting structure and a large amount of phosphotites, which contribute to its almost complete absorption (98-99%).


When consuming hard cheese, which is high in calories, you need to monitor portions in moderation and a sufficient amount of physical activity. This will help burn off the excess energy gained from the nutritious product.

But hard cheeses, if eaten regularly in sufficient quantities, provide a person with the essential amino acids they contain: tryptophan, methionine and lysine. The first helps reduce appetite and is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B3, which is necessary for brain activity. In turn, lysine and methionine help break down fats and slow down the aging process of cells.

Calorie table for different types of hard cheese

Despite the benefits that hard cheese provides to the body, the calorie content in 100 grams of any type of this product is 17-20% of the total daily diet. Anyone who monitors their figure or blood cholesterol levels can consume no more than 20-50 g of mature cheese per day.

Cheese varieties

Fat content

Energy value in kcal per 100 g





Kondrovo Russian "Olterber"

"Dobryan" Russian













Lithuanian "Gouda", "Edam"



Cheese with mushrooms








"Etorki" (sheep)





When preparing dishes or snacks, hard cheese is often grated to create an appetizing crust. A teaspoon of this delicacy contains 8 g, from which you can get 30 kcal. A tablespoon of durum contains 25 g, the calorie content of the product is 94 kcal.

A glass (200 ml) contains 320 g of hard grated cheese with a calorie content of 1200 kcal, and a cup (250 ml) contains 400 g and 1500 kcal, respectively.

Energy value of “Russian” cheese

One of the most popular domestic cheeses, Rossiysky, is produced today in Russia and some neighboring countries. The characteristic features of this type of hard cheese are its pronounced, delicate taste and “fine lace” pattern. “Russian” cheese is prepared from pasteurized milk obtained from cows with the addition of rennet and lactic acid bacteria. The product is aged for 2.5 months and then goes to stores.

The calorie content of "Rossiyskiy" hard cheese can vary from 337 to 366 kcal. Milk protein is approximately 23%, lipids - about 30% (in dry weight, the fat content of the product does not exceed 50%). This type of cheese is rich in vitamins B, A, E, D and PP. Per 100 g of product there are 0.88 g of calcium, 0.81 g of sodium, 88 mg of potassium and 0.5 g of phosphorus. “Russian” cheese with 45% fat content contains 337 kcal per 100 g of product, the calorie content of hard cheese with 50% fat content (of the same variety) is 358 kcal, and the energy value of Russian “Como” is 363 kcal.

Harm and contraindications

When buying your favorite product, you need to pay attention to its natural composition: adding vegetable fats (palm oil) reduces its cost and significantly deteriorates its quality. It should also be taken into account that people suffering from gastrointestinal problems are prohibited from eating spicy varieties of the described product. Sometimes hard cheese, whose calorie content may be small, causes headaches, migraine attacks or nightmares. This harm is caused by an excess of the amino acid tryptophan coming from cheese. If you overuse solid varieties of the product, this can become a trigger for the occurrence of excess cholesterol in the blood, blood thickening, hypertension or atherosclerosis.

Blue cheese (hard), the calorie content of which is 340-353 kcal per 100 g of a savory product, is prohibited in the diet of pregnant women, since some products with mold contain a dangerous amount of bacteria that cause listeriosis. This disease can lead to problems with pregnancy and birth.

For fitness nutrition

The beneficial properties of hard cheeses are a godsend for a vegetarian menu or for those who want to diversify their protein diet. They act as a replacement for meat or fish. Protein is involved in the formation of muscles and organs, and phosphorus and calcium strengthen the structure of joints and bones. When choosing hard cheeses for your diet while losing weight, you need to pay attention to the product label, which indicates the exact energy value of the product in calories. For example, the calorie content of hard cheese with 45% fat content can vary from 310 kcal to 420 kcal.

At the same time, Cheddar cheese can be produced with either a fat content of 49-50% (405 kcal) or 33%. The calorie content in the second case will be only 380 kcal. A dietary version of this cheese called “Cheddar” contains only 18% fat and has only 282 kcal. At the same time, milk fat is absorbed by the human body quite easily, but a high percentage of lipids can hinder weight loss. Therefore, when losing weight, it is more advisable to eat no more than two cheese slices (plates) in the first half of the day. You can also consume no more than 20 g of your favorite hard cheese before lunch, but no more than twice a week.

The product helps maintain muscle mass and health while fighting extra pounds, but it is necessary to ensure sufficient physical activity.

Dietary dish of zucchini with grated cheese

Products you will need: 1 kg of zucchini, 15 g of sunflower oil, 40 g of corn flour, 1-2 eggs, 200 g of Adyghe cheese and 150 g of “Russian” cheese, 1-2 cloves of garlic (to taste), fresh parsley. In order to prepare a delicious dietary casserole, grate the zucchini on a coarse grater and sprinkle with salt. Then they are allowed to settle and the excess liquid is drained, squeezing out the mass. Add grated cheese, chopped parsley, favorite spices, squeeze out the garlic. Mix with flour and egg, giving the mass homogeneity. Grease a baking tray with oil, pour the future casserole onto it and level the surface. Sprinkle with cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. The calorie content of this dish is 156 kcal per 100 g of casserole.