What laxative can be given to a child 5 years old. Laxatives for children. What to give preference to

Constipation is the absence of stool for several days. And also constipation can be considered a difficulty in defecation. Unfortunately, this problem is very common in young children. The main reason is that children's stomachs are not ready for adult food. All organs develop, and the child's digestive system does not have time to rebuild.

As a rule, in a healthy baby, constipation disappears as they grow older, and you can get rid of them with the help of simple manipulations. Sometimes a simple tummy massage helps, and sometimes ordinary tea with a lump of butter or honey.

There are many medicines designed to solve the problem of constipation in children, but doctors strongly recommend resorting to their help only in extreme cases. Parents of the baby can be advised change the child's schedule and diet... Add more outdoor games and walks. Perfectly helps the development of all internal organs of the exercise in the pool.

In most cases, you can do without pharmaceutical preparations.

Reasons for stool retention

The reasons may be such deviations or diseases:

Complementary foods may contain products that have a bonding effect. A poorly balanced diet, antibiotics, and many other factors can cause constipation in infants.

The medications that the doctor prescribes for constipation are not a full-fledged medicine and do not cure the problem. They can only temporarily facilitate the release of feces.

In older children, kindergarten age, constipation may occur due to unsanitary conditions in those educational institutions in which he goes. During the trip, on the train, many children and adults have difficulty with stool. This is largely due to the inability to go to the toilet normally without stress and low mobility for a long time.

How often should the baby be emptied?

Each age has its own norms for the frequency of gastric emptying. If they are violated, the child becomes nervous and whiny. This is due to the fact that there is an intoxication of the body. The baby's general state of health worsens, and rapid fatigability appears. In the future, pain in the lower abdomen occurs, then constipation becomes a serious threat to the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a development of events must not be allowed.

What are the rates of gastric emptying in children of different ages:

Pediatricians recommend adhering to such norms. If the stool becomes less frequent or is delayed for a day, then you need to start sounding the alarm. Remember that regular bowel movements are essential for the health of your digestive tract.

Stool normalization medications

All of these remedies are suitable for relieving constipation. For each age group, there are drugs for constipation. For example, a laxative for children 2 years old is available in the form of a syrup, and for older children it can be soluble powders and even tablets. The doctor will help the child to choose which of the medications to take. The main thing is that the baby does not have a negative reaction to the components in the composition of the children's laxative.

According to their action, drugs are divided into the following groups:

The syrups taste good and it is not difficult for parents to give them to their child. It is important to bear in mind that children under the age of ten are allowed to take only herbal preparations. Irritant laxatives should be as gentle as possible.

How does a laxative work on a child's body?

After the baby drinks the medicine, it enters the stomach lumen. The drug specifically acts on receptors, thus irritating the walls of the stomach. And this, in turn, leads to contraction of muscle fibers and to the activation of peristalsis. The feces begin to push through and exit through the anal passage.

Means for children have a mild effect, so the stool does not come immediately, but only after six hours.

Disadvantages of Pediatric Laxative

Any pediatrician will tell you what the constant use of a laxative can lead to: the baby's stomach becomes lazy and stops working as it should... Parents and their children become hostages of laxatives. One has only to abandon them and constipation resumes. That is why you should immediately start with a review of the diet, regimen and testing for bacteriosis. It is important to remember that these remedies should be viewed as an ambulance, not as a dietary supplement that can be taken indefinitely.

Due to the constant intake of drugs against constipation, a disease such as laxative disease develops. It is caused by the constant loss of fluid caused by drugs. As a result, the child's intestinal nerve tissues atrophy and the electrolyte balance is disturbed.

Laxatives that can be taken by children: Linex, Espumisan, Plantex, Creon, Normase and Bifidumbacterin. Almost all of them contain beneficial microorganisms that contribute to the development of the natural microflora of the stomach.

When treating constipation in a six-year-old child, it is advisable to take Guttalax, Slabilen and Slabicap.

A one-year-old child can already start using lactose-based products, but only no more than ten drops, as well as a medicine in powder form - Export. It contains lactose alcohol.

Babies and children under two years old prescribe Creon, Linex or Acipol. Duphalac syrup has proven itself well. Stool problems in children under three years of age are often directly related to microflora imbalances. The drug Seadexin, produced in tablets, is also recommended for children as a laxative. Its effect is noticeable after six hours.

Guttalax in the form of drops is prescribed for children under one year old. This clear, light yellow liquid is contained in a bottle with a dispenser. After taking the drops, the muscles of the stomach walls contract. Six hours later, the movement of feces begins. Doctors prescribe Guttalax for suspected volvulus, stomach pain, and constipation-related dehydration. Take one drop for every two kilograms of the child's weight.

Of all the side effects laxatives produce: diarrhea, allergies and lowering blood pressure. And allergies can also occur in case of intolerance to any component in the preparation and dehydration.

As a laxative for children 3 years old, you can take drugs such as: Bisacodyl, Normase and Prilex. And also at this age, candles are actively used. The drug Bisacodyl can be taken in tablets for an adult or candles can be used for a child. It is important to consider that Bisacodyl is a rather aggressive drug. Its action is fast and effective, therefore it should not be used often.

For children under one year old treatment with glycerin suppositories will be appropriate. One candle will be enough for the procedure. With the help of suppositories, feces soften, and the intestinal walls contract, thus stimulating its exit. To use, take regular adult glycerin suppositories and cut them lengthwise.

Modern medicine advises to give up enemas. But if the family has strong prejudices, then you can use an enema. It is made on the basis of a light decoction of chamomile or another plant that has a mild antiseptic effect. It should be remembered that the liquid introduced into the child's intestines should not exceed two hundred milliliters. The temperature at the enema is allowed only at room temperature. Be sure to lubricate the tip with vegetable oil. During the procedure, the child is placed on the left side, and the legs are pressed against the stomach.

Senna leaf preparations are often prescribed for older children. These include Senadexin, Senade and others. The action of the drugs is rather rough, calculated on irritation of the stomach walls, therefore, it is not recommended to take them for children under four years of age. After taking medicines from senna, the effect occurs only after seven hours.

Another drug that can effectively relieve your child of constipation is - Phytomucil... Its composition is absolutely harmless and consists of plum and plantain extract. Phytomucil is on sale in powder form. Before use, it is diluted in warm boiled water. The drug is taken only once a day.

Laxative foods

Many of the foods we are used to have a laxative effect. Most of them can be used in baby food. If the baby suffers from frequent constipation, introduce into his daily complementary foods plum or prune... You can give them starting from six months.

And also sunflower oil, vegetable puree and fermented milk products regulate the stool well. If the child is already one year old, you can safely give him porridge with wheat bran, dried apricots and figs.

Of the vegetables that have a similar effect, one can single out: zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage and beets.

Tea for children for constipation

Such tea is prepared based on the following plant products: red mountain ash, caraway seeds and buckthorn bark. For cooking, take eight tablespoons of chopped bark, four tablespoons of mountain ash and a teaspoon of cumin. Prepare tea in a water bath for one hour. This tea is drunk by children from the age of two, twenty grams a day. The broth is stored in the refrigerator. It is impossible to give a drug to a child for too long. As soon as the constipation has passed, and this may happen twelve hours after the first dose, you can stop giving the tea.

Aloe juice with honey is an excellent laxative, but children under five cannot take it.

If the child is constantly suffering from constipation, add bran to his diet. Just add them to all the cereals he eats. Bran perfectly stimulates peristalsis and removes all accumulated toxins.

Chamomile tea can even be given to babies. This plant is not only an excellent laxative, but it is also known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. With prolonged constipation, when the intoxication of the body has occurred, it is imperative to drink chamomile tea for two days. It will cleanse the stomach and heal the microflora. Babies can drink one hundred grams of broth per day.

Freshly squeezed carrot juice has mild laxative properties. Mix it with apple juice and drip a drop of olive oil.

An old tried and tested remedy Castor oil... Our grandmothers also resorted to it when it was necessary to urgently help the intestines. The baby is given one and a half teaspoons of oil, which is washed down with warm green tea. The oil itself is tasteless, but tough, so it is advisable to give the child a drink.

A baby under one year old can squeeze juice from one grape into a tablespoon. Whole grapes cannot be given at this age.

Prune compote with raisins- an excellent children's remedy for constipation. It is not necessary to add sugar, but it is better to put peaches, apricots or apples.

From fruits and vegetables, which, on the contrary, have a bonding effect, pears, green bananas, mashed potatoes and all types of jelly can be distinguished. It also holds rice and warm food together.


It is believed that the norm for a child of about 2 years old is to have a bowel movement every 36 hours maximum. If the period is longer, then this is already the first sign of constipation, that is, the complicated passage of feces through the intestines. But what can you give a child from constipation at 2 years old, so that it accelerates intestinal motility, but does not harm him in any way? What is better to give for this - pharmaceutical laxatives or herbal decoctions? Or maybe it's even better to do without all this and just adjust his diet? Because of what, in general, in a small child, intestinal peristalsis can be inhibited?

What kind of stool is considered normal at 2 years old

The main thing is the frequency of the chair. For children, the daily visit to the toilet is the norm, in rare cases - a delay of up to 36 hours. In most cases, children empty themselves 2 times a day. At the same time, the color of the feces is slightly lighter than usual, which is due to the still insufficient amount of synthesized bile. It is because of this that they poorly digest "heavy" foods and dishes. At the same time, the feces itself is quite moist, practically not fragmented. The smell, though nasty, but without the "acetone" aroma. Its presence indicates an imbalance in the microflora and possible complications with the digestion of lactose (there is a large group of children in whom the pancreas simply does not produce an enzyme necessary to break down milk).

Also, the feces should not be overly dense. And its significant fragmentation indicates that not enough fluid is absorbed in the intestine. This happens, for example, if he consumes too little fresh fruits and vegetables that contain fiber.

Causes of constipation in children

The main causes of constipation before the age of 3 are:

  • excessive amounts of sweets and muffins in the diet;
  • lack of fiber;
  • salt imbalance in the body (can be caused by diseases of the endocrine system);
  • pathology in the development of the gastrointestinal tract (as a rule, the absence of nerve roots in a certain area of ​​the large intestine);
  • eating a lot of fried.

It should be noted right away that in most cases the parents themselves are the “guilty ones”, who simply did not keep track of the child's diet. In rare cases, the problem is anatomical (usually with chronic constipation).

Pharmacy laxatives

Not every laxative can be given that is recommended for adults. It is safest to do an enema at all, but many parents are simply afraid to carry out this procedure. In any case, there are quite a few laxatives that can be given to a child. Several of them can be mentioned:

  1. Duphalac. It is a probiotic and is ideal for those constipation caused by severe intestinal dysbiosis (including chronic). This tool not only helps to soften the feces, but also comprehensively optimizes the work of the digestive tract. It is not recommended to take it only in the postoperative period. But Duphalac is great for the prevention of constipation. If the parents have suspicions about the baby's intestinal obstruction, then you can give him this remedy - it will not harm in any way, and even vice versa. The recommended dose is 5-10 milliliters per day. It is better to take it undiluted (sold in the form of a ready-made syrup).
  2. Guttalax. A classic laxative that enhances intestinal motility and absorption of water in it, which just quickly softens dense feces. It is taken at the rate of 1 milliliter per 2 kilograms of the child's body weight. Guttalax is contraindicated for pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract and for suspected volvulus. It is also not prescribed for fructose intolerance or allergy.
  3. Glycerin candles. They are an excellent alternative to the same enemas, although they work in a similar way. Instantly softens stool and promotes bowel movements. However, it does not normalize the digestive process in the complex. Such suppositories are ideal for one-time use, so that later - to seek medical help. Glycerin itself is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, therefore it does not enter the bloodstream (in any case, it is not toxic).
  4. Bisacodyl. This is also a candle, considered a more "powerful" alternative to glycerin. The active substance affects the contractile function of the abdominal muscles. That is, it promotes a short-term increase in intestinal motility.
  5. Microlax. This is the so-called microclysters, which are mainly used in preparation for examination by a proctologist or gastroenterologist. Promotes "emergency" cleansing of the intestines from feces by increasing the flow of fluid through the walls of the colon. For children under 2 years old, this micro enema is injected only half the length of the tube (a little more than 1 centimeter), so you can not be afraid to harm babies (the dosage is standard for adults, children, and even newborns). It is not recommended to use more than 2 times a day.

The above is the laxative for children that doctors themselves recommend everywhere. These drugs are absolutely safe, they can be used at an earlier age. However, suppositories and microclysters are recommended to be used as an emergency remedy to stimulate bowel movements. In this situation, taking into account the age of the "patient", it is recommended to give preference to probiotics - they have an easier action. Duphalac, in turn, is suitable for any disorder of the digestive function. The smallest children are prescribed it even with colic. Those who are older - with antibiotic treatment.

Folk methods: what can be given to a child

Is it possible for constipation in children about 2 years old to use traditional medicine for treatment? What is the opinion of the doctors on this matter? They believe that you should not give all kinds of herbal decoctions. But the same compote from dried pears is a very good tool for simplifying bowel movements. True, the "laxative" effect itself can be overly strong, so you need to ensure that there is no dehydration if the child has diarrhea after constipation.


Often, young parents still give their children the most ordinary prunes - it also helps to soften feces and stimulates bowel movements. It is recommended to eat no more than 50 grams per day, since the reaction of the colon mucosa can be too strong.

Pumpkin seeds

Previously, children were allowed to gnaw fried pumpkin seeds altogether. Moreover, at one time you should have eaten at least 200 grams of them. This also gives a strong laxative effect, but it can still provoke gastritis, so you should be careful.


A major bowel cleansing can be done with the help of conventional bran. If you just brew them, then the child is unlikely to eat it. It is better to add it to yoghurts or curds (be sure to be low-fat or at least with a minimum percentage of fat). This advice is also suitable for the prevention of intestinal obstruction.

Linseed oil

Linseed oil also has a gentle effect - it is also allowed to give it to children under 2 years old. Doctors recommend taking it on an empty stomach in just 1 tablespoon without diluting. In extreme cases, it is mixed with honey or sweet fruit syrup, jam. Fish oil has a similar effect, but you should not give a lot of it to the child, since hypervitaminosis can be provoked (it contains a huge amount of vitamin A, which is harmful to the body in excess).

  • dry bases of the following herbs will be required: chamomile, caraway seeds, dill seeds;
  • take all the components in 1 tablespoon and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • insist 2 hours.

The herbal infusion should be taken 15 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. By the way, this herbal preparation can be used from any age and many doctors recommend it themselves. The main thing is not to exceed his concentration. The infusion should taste slightly herbal, but not bitter. Color - light brown.

Adjusting the diet

But the most effective for chronic constipation (with frequent relapses) is a specialized diet aimed at increasing peristalsis and reducing the load on the large intestine. It is in it that most of the moisture is absorbed. So, the baby's daily diet should include:

  • fresh or boiled fruits and vegetables (allowed and baked);
  • fermented milk products (with the exception of whole fat milk);
  • lean meat (poultry and fish are great);
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat, millet, semolina, and so on);
  • compotes (it is better to refuse from “store” juices altogether).

The child should also drink as much liquid as possible (but not sweet juices or tea), and at the same time completely switch to bran bread. The latter contributes to the normalization of peristalsis, and at the same time prevents the accumulation of toxins.

But it is better to refuse the following products altogether, or try not to give it until 4-5 years:

  • chocolate (milk, white, natural and porous - they all harm the gastrointestinal tract);
  • fatty yoghurts;
  • pasteurized juices (replaced with homemade compote);
  • sweet pastry;
  • sweets (and caramels including);
  • chewing gum;
  • all sorts of sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise also belong to them).

How else to help your child

What else can you do to normalize your child's bowel motility? Doctors everywhere recommend performing remedial gymnastics. Moreover, children at this age love her. We are talking about the simplest exercises - squats, "cycling", crawling on the stomach, bending the knees to the stomach, riding a large inflatable ball - all this has an extremely positive effect on peristalsis and prevents intestinal obstruction.

Any other physical activity is also quite effective. Long walks in the fresh air, bathing, swimming, playing in the playground - all this will be useful. Especially before the age of 3 years, when the gastrointestinal tract is finally formed. It is because of the process of its transition to heavier food that constipation most often occurs, accompanied by dysbiosis - at this moment the microflora is simply formed.

In total, constipation in a child is much easier to prevent than to deal with his treatment. If, however, it was not possible to avoid intestinal obstruction, then probiotics, such as Duphalax, should be preferred. And for an "emergency" situation, glycerin suppositories or specialized microclysters are suitable. But after the therapy and successful defecation, you should still seek help from doctors, at least for an examination. After all, constipation can also be caused by rather serious disturbances in the work of the digestive tract, including tumors. You should protect yourself in advance from the exacerbation of such diseases.

Little ones bring joy and trouble into the house. And sometimes they are not very pleasant (as in the case when the child is sick). Parents can be confused not only by the fact of such difficulties, but also by the huge selection offered by pharmacies. Let's figure out together which laxatives are suitable for children of different ages, how they help with, and what to look for when choosing a quick-acting composition.

The answer is obvious - for periodic or chronic.

Direct indications for its use are rare defecation or complete absence of stool, a change in the nature of feces (up to the appearance of bloody fragments in it), as well as complaints of abdominal pain and a feeling of incomplete emptying after going to the toilet. It happens that the child is silent about the problem or hesitates to talk about it. In such cases, noticeable bloating or increased urge should be alerted.

Important! In case of problems of such a plan, it is advisable to refuse to take carbonated water: the children's stomach is very sensitive to the action of carbon dioxide.

The point is that they change with age. So, at (up to -) the number of "exits" in the form of gruel coincides with the amount of food intake - that is, 6-7 times per day.

From half a year, they begin to add: from this moment, the rhythm of the same gruel or more solid mass decreases up to 2 times (and at the norm it is considered at all 1).

For older babies, the usual frequency will be the same.

Violation of this rhythm and the nature of the discharge (the appearance of dense "pellets or" sausages "against the background of frequent urge) indicates the presence of problems with the digestion or the endocrine system. In general, there is a reason to visit the pediatrician and start taking medications.

What to do: the best tools and their characteristics

Let's move on to the most effective medicines that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. For convenience, we will divide them into groups depending on the dosage form.

You can normalize bowel function by including the following foods in the diet:

  • Prunes, which are considered the mildest among laxatives. In the form of it, it can even be given to babies.
  • Broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower. They are rich in fiber, which maintains fluid balance in the body.
  • Bananas and dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, raisins), saturated with potassium. This component supports the proper function of the intestinal muscles. There is a lot of it in cereals, especially in oatmeal and pearl barley.

  • "Sour milk" in the form of kefirs. The presence of lacto- and bifidobacteria has a good effect on the state of the microflora.
  • Carrot, beetroot, or plum juice (as long as they don't cause rejection, of course). They are diluted with water - these liquids, for all their benefits, are considered heavy for a fragile gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vegetable oil with its enveloping effect. It is added to main courses at the rate of 25 ml for 1 year.

For babies, it becomes of exceptional importance. Her menu should include items such as cereals and light soups, fish and meat (strictly low-fat), and, of course, fruits and vegetables. Dairy products will also be a plus, but it is better to refrain from yoghurts, which contain additives and stabilizers.

Traditional medicine did not stand aside, offering the following drinks:

  • Classic teas made from chamomile, fennel or caraway seeds.
  • Fig tea with raspberry leaf addition. At low concentrations, these ingredients stabilize gastric motility.
  • For the smallest, flaxseed tea is suitable. The abundance of essential oils in them, in combination with mucus, improves the condition of the mucous membranes, thereby "punching the path" of the delayed food. 1 tsp raw materials are poured in 100 g of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Then there is decantation, and the finished liquid is taken in half a tablespoon added to water or fruit broth.

  • The hay drink also stands out with its mild action. In fact, this is an infusion of its leaves - 1 tablespoon / 1 glass of water is brewed overnight, and in the morning it is decanted and given 1 tsp. maximum 3 times a day.
  • Soften the hardened mass in a state and grated rosehip leaves, added to warm clean water. The flowers of this plant have the same effect (but here you have to squeeze out the juice). The admission rate remains the same.
  • To consolidate the effect, take cherry tea. Fruits, pulp and small twigs are passed through a blender until smooth. 1 tbsp. l. the composition is enough for 1 glass of boiling water (as an option - 10 minutes of simmering in a water bath). After 20 minutes, the drink is sorted and given half a glass, twice a day.

Important! It is better to buy a plant base for tea in pharmacies, asking about the date of collection, packaging and storage conditions at home.

You may have noticed that there are no adult recipes on the list. This is due to the fact that children are very sensitive to the action of strong herbal formulations, so they are used very carefully.

Going to the pharmacy, it is no wonder to get confused - laxative tablets are presented in a wide range, and to make the choice of a quick-acting drug easier, pay attention to another list:

  • Soft "Baktisubtil", suitable for one year and older. This probiotic is well tolerated by the baby's body.
  • Compositions based on sodium picosulfate - "Guttalax" and "Laxigal", "Slabikal" and "Slabilen". Acting in the large intestine, they activate muscle mobility. At the same time, the water-electrolyte balance slows down somewhat, and the effect is noticeable after 10-12 hours. However, they are not recommended for children under 4 years of age.
  • A similar, albeit more extensive action is noted for drugs including the substance bisacodyl. By stimulating an increase in mucus secretion, this element will give the result even faster: after 6-8 hours. This fast action is typical of Bisadil and Dulcolax, Laxatine and Laxbene, as well as Stadalax.

  • Formulations made with hay regulate urge frequency without causing addiction. Among them - "Herbion Laksana", "Regulax", "Senade" and "Ex-Lax". They can be sold as tablets or as compressed cubes.
  • Prescriptions often include such a children's laxative as "Lactusan" based on lactulose, which is one of the fast-acting formulations, and is most effective when taken from 3 years of age. It is a kind of stimulant for bacteria living in the intestine;
  • If constipation was preceded by poisoning, "Em-Kurunga", saturated with lactic acid and buffer salts, is used. The tabletted dietary supplement relieves the stomach and liver. It is often mixed with honey and warm water.

Did you know? During the time of Hippocrates, mankind knew about 200 drugs. Today there are more than two hundred thousand of them.

When buying, be sure to look at what age the selected drug is intended for, and whether its use carries the risk of side effects. Keep in mind that the strongest formulations are also potential allergens for babies.

When choosing the right solution, many parents are guided by the time-tested names of the type:

  • ... Due to the components obtained from milk whey, it restores microflora and normalizes bowel function. It tastes good, gives an effect in about a day. The only thing is that with the first approaches, manifestations of flatulence are possible (they pass by themselves).
  • "Prelax". Here, lactulose takes precedence, which improves peristalsis. It is included in the number of prophylactic agents, and is also distinguished by a lightning-fast result (absorbed in 1-2 hours). The analogue is "Normolact" used in high doses.
  • The already mentioned sodium picosulfate is taken when children need drops to help relieve constipation. But for babies under one year old, it is not particularly effective - they have not yet formed a microflora, with which this substance works. But for preschoolers 4- will be just right.

Important! If the syrup is too sugary and the baby refuses to take it, dilute the dose with a few drops of water.

Note that among pediatricians and gastroenterologists, formulations with a high content of lactulose are considered the best. They fight well against any type of constipation (but when used by older children, their effect is no longer so impressive).

Laxative suppositories, used for quicker action, are used as a topical remedy. Although doctors rarely welcome this method of treatment, such a scenario does not guarantee complete safety.

There are few such tools, and the best of them are:

  • , mildly irritating to the mucous layer and thus stimulating contraction. With prolonged use, it softens the emerging masses. Age - from.
  • "Glycerin" in the form of a suppository, which prevents intoxication of the whole organism.

  • Sea buckthorn candles that relieve inflammation and pain. They are considered hypoallergenic and fast-acting drug - getting into the passage, the oil dissolves immediately.

Any rectal suppositories are effective only if the constipation did not have time to cause other complications, which they are unlikely to cope with due to the small "radius" of action.


It is possible that they will also be needed. In this case, the easiest way is to take:

  • Saturated with sodium components, which also provokes an exit (it takes only 5-10 minutes). Packaging - a tube with a tip, which is inserted to its full length only for children over 3 years old. For a younger age, half the scale is enough.
  • "Norgalax". Not a bad sodium docusate stimulant. Although a strong effect has a downside - use is possible only at the insistence of a doctor (this remedy is more suitable for adults).
  • If there is an urgent need to increase the volume of feces, "Normacol" is required in the form of a powder for solutions. Its active ingredient (hydrophilic plant mucus) is perfectly absorbed by the stomach and maintains the normal frequency of its contractions. Forlax powder is considered a little more "slow".

Did you know? Statistics say that in the first two years of life, parents do not sleep in total ... 4380 hours.

The main thing when using an enema is not to harm the baby. Special care and patience are needed here.

It is likely that a complex treatment will be prescribed - any, even the best, may require the support of other drugs. Usually these are enzyme compounds, bacterial eubiotics, or drugs that regulate intestinal tone.

The general picture is also important. For example, if constipation began with, then candles will be in priority. With serious background complications in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract, it is better to give preference to syrups (especially with inflammation).

A separate topic is taking pills. This is the first thing that comes to mind when parents are faced with a similar problem. But more or less regular intake is justified only with chronic dynamics. The fight against one-time manifestations (when the child has eaten sweet or starchy foods) is the "specialization" of the enema.

In any case, the diet is being revised. If the baby has a stable tendency to constipation, the emphasis is on fruits and vegetables.
If the baby is sick, the mother will have to do the same.

In order for the treatment to work and to keep the stool normal, there are a few basic things to know.

The main thing is, of course, a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician. He can refer the child to a gastroenterologist who will prescribe all the necessary medications. No self-medication: only doctors have the right to determine the dose and frequency of administration. This also applies to folk remedies - it is not known what the reaction of the child's body will be.

Important! Heredity in terms of gastric diseases (both on the maternal side and on the father's side) can also play a role.

It is useful to keep in mind other nuances:

  • Observe all precautions. Taking a box or vial with the drug in your hands, carefully study its expiration date, age group and a list of possible side effects.
  • Start with reduced doses. So you check if the crumbs are allergic to the components of the drugs.
  • Keep in mind that many products cannot be combined with other formulations. Such combinations are also discussed with the treating doctor.
  • In case of lactase deficiency, children over 6 months of age can be given soy protein (Humana SL and its analogues).

  • Lactulose in the amount of 1 / 3-1 / 2 of the total feeding volume is mixed with the usual milk.
  • Pay attention to the reaction of the body: when taking different drugs in the first hours "after" temporary (up to 3-5 hours) side effects such as flatulence or drowsiness are not excluded. But dizziness or - direct signals to stop using.
  • You should not demand an immediate effect: its onset "floats" depending on age (as well as the risk of contraindications).

Did you know? Surprisingly, babies do not taste salt until they are 4 months old. This is due to a slight delay in kidney development.

We learned how constipation in children is treated, and which drugs are recognized as the most powerful. We hope this information will be taken into account, and the child will delight with appetite and without forcing the parents to take him to the doctor. Health to the whole family!

Defecation is a necessary and important procedure in the life of both an adult and a toddler. The latter should have a chair daily, after a maximum of 36 hours and pass easily without undue stress. Delaying solving big potting problems harms both the physical health of the baby and the moral.

Toxins poison a small organism, and stool hardens and bowel movements are painful. Due to unpleasant sensations, the baby begins to restrain himself to the physical, and the psychological also develops. Therefore, the problem should be addressed as soon as stool problems have been noticed. Laxatives are an emergency remedy in the fight against constipation. But what drugs to choose for a two-year-old baby? And to be safe but also effective?

Constipation in a baby occurs as a result of improper nutrition.

Violation of defecation in a baby at the age of 2 years is a consequence of malnutrition, stress, various reactions to antibiotic treatment.

Therefore, laxatives do not solve the problem as a whole, but as an emergency remedy for prolonged stool retention, their use is justified.

To begin the fight against constipation in a child, you should revise the diet, introduce more liquid, coarse fibers, fruits and vegetables. Perfectly solve the problem of constipation of plums in any form - from fresh to juices, prunes, jam and candy "Prunes in chocolate". Lactic acid products, grape juice work well.

If nutritional correction does not help, then it should be taken. You should start with mild remedies - dill water, chamomile decoction. The first one is sold in pharmacies, helps to improve peristalsis and, as a result, solves the problem of constipation.

Chamomile normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation, spasms, and improves bowel movements. The broth is prepared according to the instructions on the package - 1 teaspoon of herbal raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water. Take the broth 3 times a day.

Be prepared for the fact that both chamomile and dill water can only take effect after 8-12 hours. Herbal decoctions do not solve the urgent problem. If soft remedies did not bring the expected effect, and the problem should be solved, then you should turn to more effective drugs. What laxatives are indicated for children aged 2 years:

  • Microclysters "Microlax"
  • Guttalax drops

Suppositories and microclysters are drugs for emergency bowel movements. Drops "Gutalax" and syrup "Duphalac" work after a while.

Duphalac. And let it be cool as

Duphalac is a drug that eliminates dysbiosis and constipation.

The main active ingredient is lactulose syrup. The main component of "Duphalac" has an osmotic effect and is.

Thus, 2 problems are solved - defecation and improvement of intestinal microflora. That is, 1 drug eliminates the possible cause - dysbiosis, and the consequence - constipation.

In appearance, "Duphalac" is a transparent yellowish syrup. Available in bottles of different sizes and in sachets for one-time use. The indication for the prescription of the drug is constipation of any etiology. Duphalac is not prescribed for:

  1. Suspected bowel obstruction
  2. Metabolic disorders - assimilation of various di- and polysaccharides
  3. Perforation or suspected perforation of organs in the gastrointestinal tract

Effective dosages depend on the age of the toddler. Babies aged 2 years are prescribed from 5 to 10 ml. The drug is taken in whole undiluted form or diluted with a small amount of water. Do not dissolve the syrup c.

If the effect is not observed, then you should continue taking it at the recommended dose. Do not exceed the maximum daily intake of "Duphalac".

In case of an overdose, diarrhea and abdominal pain may occur.

Drops "Guttalax" for toddlers

Drops Guttalax - improves intestinal motility.

This laxative improves intestinal motility, which promotes normal bowel movements. Available in dropper bottles. In appearance - a liquid from transparent to yellowish brown.

The main active ingredient has a stimulating effect on the intestinal mucosa, enhances the flow of water into the lumen of the colon.

The expected effect develops within a minimum of 6, and a maximum of 12 hours. The indications for the appointment "" are constipation of various etiologies.The drug is not prescribed for:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the intestines, colon
  2. Suspected volvulus
  3. Acute pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract
  4. Epigastric pain
  5. Severe dehydration
  6. Hereditary fructose intolerance

The dosage of "Guttalax" depends on the age of the child. For toddlers at the age of 2 years, the following calculation formula is used: 1 drop of solution per 2 kg of weight. Drops are taken both whole and diluted.

Exceeding the recommended dosage is unacceptable. Dehydration, a violation of the heart rhythm and blood pressure, convulsions, in rare cases - ischemic processes in. With prolonged overdose, chronic diarrhea, pain, and inflammatory processes in the kidneys occur.

Suppositories with glycerin - irritate the rectal mucosa.

They are an emergency aid. In appearance, they are smooth, oily suppositories. The main substance is irritating to the rectal mucosa.

The drug is prescribed in the case when the use of oral agents does not bring relief or when it is impossible to take drops or tablets.

For toddlers up to 2 years old, suppositories are prescribed only in exceptional cases. Suppositories are injected into the anus once a day. After administration, you should wait 5 to 15 minutes. Residues of the drug are excreted along with feces. The duration of use of this laxative should not exceed 1 week.

Side effects - pain, burning at the injection site, nausea ,. In case of an overdose, diarrhea and frequent, but unsuccessful, urge to defecate may occur.

Candles "Bisacodyl" for children

Bisacodyl is an emergency laxative.

This drug enhances the contractile activity of the intestinal muscles and is an emergency laxative.

The effect develops within 1 hour after the suppository is installed. This drug has more contraindications than glycerin suppositories:

  • Do not use to eliminate constipation in an infant
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Gynecological and urological diseases
  • Intestinal obstruction or suspicion of it
  • Spastic constipation associated with muscle atony

The release form for this drug is one - 10 mg of the main active ingredient per 1 suppository. Therefore, to eliminate constipation in a child, the candle will have to be divided. Effective dosages in childhood:

  • From 2 to 7 years - half a suppository rectally 1 time per day
  • From 7 to 14 years old - 1 suppository per day

Side effects are common with laxative drugs. These are diarrhea, impaired absorption of electrolytes, decreased pressure, dehydration, allergic manifestations at the site of the suppository installation.

Microclysters "Microlax"

Mikrolax is a means for emergency evacuation of feces.

This drug is also a means for emergency evacuation of feces. In appearance it is a tube with a tip. Inside is a white, opalescent solution.

The effect develops within 15 minutes after drug administration. There are few contraindications to the use of "" - only individual intolerance to the components of the product.

The dosage is standard for infants, older children and adult patients. The only difference is in the length to which the microclysters tip will have to be injected:

  1. Children from 0 to 3 years old - the tip is inserted half the length. There is a special mark on the package.
  2. Children from 3 years of age and older, adults - the tip is fully inserted.

Drug administration rules:

  • Break off tip milestones and squeeze out some insertion aid
  • Insert the tip into the rectum
  • Inject the medicine and, without opening the enema, remove the tip from

In rare cases, there is a burning sensation at the injection site and allergic reactions to this drug. It is not worth solving the issue of constipation in children of two years of age with the help of laxatives. These are emergency drugs.

It is necessary to examine and improve the work of the intestines. To do this, the child should actively move, adhere to the daily regimen and diet, and drink enough liquid. But if a problem has arisen, then it is worth starting with natural laxatives - plums, prunes, decoction of flax seeds. Others should only be used as directed by the pediatrician.

What to do if a child has constipation, the video will tell:

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Constipation is dangerous for both adults and children. And if it is quite simple to determine it in an adult, then it is difficult to diagnose constipation in children (especially infants and up to 2 years old). An important symptom of this condition is the absence of feces for 1–2 days. If you determine that your child has such a deviation, then you can use a laxative for children. They are both medicines (syrups, suppositories) and traditional (folk) methods. In more serious cases, seek medical attention, as constipation can signal the presence of a more serious illness.

Constipation is a delayed or difficult bowel movement (bowel movement). WHO defines it as a disease, while medical specialists (gastroenterologists) call it a symptom of many diseases.

In any case, constipation has long become not only a medical problem, but also a social problem. According to statistics, it is observed in 50% of the adult population of the planet and in 20% of children.

It is quite difficult to diagnose constipation in adults, since its frequency can vary from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.

For children under one year old, it is normal to fluctuate in emptying for two days. Anxiety should be caused by the absence of feces in children under 2 years of age for one or two days. In addition, in older children, you can observe the difficulty of the emptying process itself. In babies under one year old, more attention is paid to the consistency of the stool. For them, it should be mushy and not quite decorated.

If the baby has hard feces, its volume is small, then this may also be a sign of constipation. Another characteristic is the presence of a sensation of incomplete emptying in the intestines. Such signs, together or separately, should already alert parents. And in the case of systematic repetitions of such conditions, we can talk about chronic constipation.

Before starting treatment and giving a laxative to children, it is necessary to initially determine the cause of this condition. By eliminating it, you can not only cure constipation, but also further save the child from the appearance of such deviations in the work of the intestines. Paying attention to constipation in a timely manner can help you make your baby's life easier and prevent more serious conditions or illnesses from developing.

Possible causes and consequences

The causes of stool retention in children can be varied. First of all, it is bad heredity. If one of the parents has chronic constipation, then there is a 50% probability of this problem in their child. In children under one year old, this condition may be the result of a problem pregnancy or pathological childbirth.

Also, for infants who grow on breast milk, constipation can be the result of an unhealthy mother's diet or insufficient fluid intake. Many mothers believe that the child will have enough milk, and should not be supplemented with anything else. However, this point of view is not entirely correct. In case of extreme heat outside or indoors (excessive heating in winter), the water from the child's body will go out very quickly and may not be fully replenished due to feeding.

Babies can suffer from constipation when switching to bottle feeding. If you notice a similar condition, then most likely this mixture is not suitable for you.

Modern formulas contain additional substances that improve the activity of the baby's intestines. If constipation is observed not once, but for some time, then the mixture must be replaced.

Constipation is often a reaction in children under one year old to the introduction of complementary foods. A change in the composition and consistency of food leads to changes in the functioning of the digestive system. This often results in constipation. In addition, some foods have a firming effect. You may need to reconsider your baby's nutrition.

The causes of constipation in babies in the first years of life can be reduced physical activity, a small amount of fiber in food, taking antibiotics or other medications.

Often the causes of constipation in infants are:

  • the presence of food allergies;
  • poorly balanced diet;
  • the presence of violations and abnormalities in the intestine.

In older children, in addition to the described reasons, the following factors lead to constipation:

  • untimely potty training without taking into account the child's wishes;
  • poor sanitation conditions in a kindergarten or school;
  • change of place of residence or travel;
  • the presence of certain diseases of the anal passage (hemorrhoids, fissures).

Despite the seeming safety, constipation is undesirable for the body. Firstly, this leads to intoxication of the body, which affects the general condition and work of all organs. Secondly, this leads to a decrease in the activity and curiosity of the baby, which can affect its further development. Thirdly, constipation leads to absent-mindedness and a general deterioration of the body's condition, a decrease in immunity, which is a beneficial environment for the development of infection.

Therefore, at the first suspicion of constipation in your child, it is necessary to use laxatives for children, folk or special drugs.

Constipation treatment

Treatment of constipation at home should be started immediately. After all, if you intervene in the development of the disease at an early stage, you can further prevent the development of more serious conditions (anal fissures, conscious retention of feces).

In children, it is customary to divide constipation into two groups: functional and organic. Depending on what type of constipation is observed, you need to choose and methods of treatment. Thinking through the diet and controlling the toilet culture is an important success factor. The organization of proper nutrition often helps to cope with the problem of constipation.

Be sure to pay attention to how your child eats at home during the day. For normal bowel function, it is necessary to include dietary fiber in the diet, eat a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. If you notice that your child's bowel motility is weakened, add substances to help him cope with this problem.

Folk methods

The introduction helps to solve the problem of constipation in children of the first year of life fruit puree... It is a natural laxative that can safely help your baby's bowel movements at home. It is best to use puree from apples, peaches, apricots, prunes. It will improve the child's digestion and allow you to do without additional funds (suppositories, syrups, enemas).

Have a good laxative effect plum and prune... They can be gradually introduced into the child's diet after six months.

In addition, to improve the work of the baby's intestines will help dairy products and vegetable oil... After a year, you can try to introduce some other healthy foods into your food - dried apricots, dates, legumes, bran.

But be sure to monitor the reaction of the body, and in case of an allergic or other undesirable reaction, the product should be temporarily excluded.

Special baby teas based on medicinal herbs - fennel and chamomile. They help to normalize bowel function at home without the use of additional funds.

Be sure to ensure that your child is drinking enough fluids. Of course, the fluid needs of children and adults are not the same, but to prevent constipation, they need to drink about a liter of fluid a day.


In cases where changes in nutrition do not help, and the child's condition only worsens, the doctor prescribes special laxatives. In this case, the condition of the child and his age must be taken into account. The fact is that different drugs have different effects, which may be undesirable for children of a certain age.

All laxatives can be divided into the following groups:

  • voluminous, the action of which is reduced to the binding of water molecules and an increase in the amount of feces in the intestine;
  • having an irritating effect on the intestinal wall, thereby causing the process of emptying;
  • prevent the absorption of salts in the intestinal region, thereby increasing the volume of its contents;
  • oil-based laxatives and probiotics.

D For children under 2 years of age, the use of drugs that prevent the absorption of salts, those that are based on oil and are absorbed into the blood, is prohibited. Laxatives should also be used very carefully for children over 2 years of age. Most often, medications are used that have a mild effect.

The safest are candles, which are recommended for children from birth. They contain glycerin, which irritates the intestinal walls, helping to soften stool. Such candles can also be used for babies, but it is not recommended to do this constantly.

For the treatment of babies, it is often used enema(micro enema), which liquefies stool and increases the flow of water to normalize the bowel movement.

There is also a special syrup that has a laxative effect - Duphalac- based on lactulose. It is a natural dietary fiber that is easy to digest and has a good laxative effect. Some manufacturers of formula for feeding add them to the formula, which is approved by the WHO.

This agent is not absorbed in the intestine, has the ability to bind water molecules, increases the volume of contents in the intestine and creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. It is not addictive. And although this drug does an excellent job of eliminating constipation, it will not be able to relieve the child of the cause of problems with emptying.

Sometimes the question arises, which is better, syrup or enema (suppositories)? It all depends on the situation. If it is necessary to relieve an acute condition, then microclysters or suppositories are better suited. And for long-term use, syrup is better, which is individually selected by the doctor.

Prolonged constipation can lead to various serious illnesses - colitis, enteritis, hemorrhoids, cracks in the anus, lengthening of the colon. And in children, they can also contribute to abnormalities in the development of the intestines. Therefore, do not delay the treatment of this condition, the main basis of which is to identify the cause of constipation and eliminate it.