How to prepare for weight loss. Preparing for a diet. How to do it correctly, what menu, what to pay attention to How to prepare the body for a diet for weight loss

The process of losing weight is not only about limiting your daily calorie intake.

To effectively say goodbye to unwanted kilograms and maintain the results for a long time, you need to switch to a proper, balanced diet and systematically perform physical activity.

Not everyone can switch to a healthy lifestyle the first time, painlessly for the body and morale. If you are used to desserts, do not deny yourself fatty and fried foods and frequent fast food snacks, then rebuilding your diet without proper preparation will be psychologically difficult. But nothing is impossible! The main thing is that the desire to lose weight is stronger than gastronomic whims.

So, you are determined to lose weight! In order not to lose weight during the process of losing weight and not to let all your efforts go down the drain, you need to prepare your body in advance for the upcoming changes. How to prepare for weight loss correctly so as not to harm the body and not gain back the lost kilograms?

With proper balanced nutrition and systematic exercise, you will not only lose weight, but also support the body's protective functions. Before losing weight, start taking multivitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids to normalize fat metabolism and replenish nutrients before adjusting your diet. Vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on mental state, the background of which can also change during weight loss.

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Finally, you decided to take care of yourself and bring your weight back to normal. And in this matter, as practice shows, it is impossible to do without a diet. But often the transition from the principle “I eat what I want” to a strict nutritional system becomes a great psychological stress for the body. And often a person cannot cope with himself. This means that it will not be superfluous to first mentally prepare for starting to follow a particular diet.

It all starts with the head

First of all, psychologically it is necessary to set yourself up for success and adherence to the diet.

This step must be taken very seriously. If you suddenly decide in the evening - that’s it, I’m going on a diet, then by dinner the next day it is quite possible that your determination will significantly decrease and the consequence will be a breakdown and excessive consumption of food in the evening.

The decision to go on a diet needs to be taken seriously. It is advisable to think through the details a few days in advance - how you and your family will eat, buy the necessary products, and be psychologically prepared to overcome the difficulties of the diet.

The diary is a faithful companion on a difficult path

To begin with, before the diet, you will have to start a food diary - preferably a small, beautiful notebook that you will be pleased to keep at hand. It is necessary to enter all the foods eaten throughout the day. Next, you need to analyze such a list and try to eliminate a certain number of harmful and useless products from it over time. Very little time will pass, and these records will become much shorter, and you will stop eating kilograms of junk food every day.

Keeping a food diary is a useful habit that you will need during and after a diet.

Measure your data - waist, hips, arms; weigh yourself every week, write down the results in your diary - in a separate section.

The ideal result of keeping such a diary would be to draw up a plan for the next day, how much of what you will eat, how much physical activity you will do. You may not get to this right away, but I think you understand that planning in both life and business are necessary components of success, why not apply this principle to the fight against excess weight.

The photo will not deceive you

It is very important for every person to see their result after losing weight, to compare it with their past self. Therefore, before you begin radical weight loss, it would not be a bad idea to take a photo. This will make it easier to notice the successes achieved. In addition, photography will be a special incentive for dieting. After all, few people today will be pleased with extra folds at the waist, full arms and legs, as well as a double chin. All this will be clearly visible in the photo.

From time to time it will be possible to take photos again. This is how weight loss results are tracked over a certain period. This is especially true for a person’s transition to a healthier and more rational diet with mandatory physical education. The ideal result of these photo sessions will be the appearance in your photo album, say, in six months, of a new photo with toned abs and a toned figure.

Collecting fat in a bucket

Another recommendation for losing weight through diets. You can try to collect the lost kilograms - this is very motivating. This is not so difficult, but the result of all this will greatly please those losing weight. For this ale you only need a capacious container; you can take a 5-liter plastic water bottle. A liter of water weighs exactly 1 kilogram, and having lost, say, 3 kg, you can pour 3 liters of water into a bottle and lift this weight from time to time, imagining how much excess fat you carried on yourself every day, what a load it was on your heart, legs and joints. By gradually adding water, you will motivate yourself for further success.

Let's play diet

For women who have gained weight after giving birth, you can hang up in a visible place the old jeans that you want to fit into again, and this is exactly what you need to do.

At 6 o’clock in the evening you can “seal the refrigerator” - stick a red sticky piece of paper on the door with a motivating inscription, perhaps harsh - “open me and you’ll be like a pig again” or something like that.

Treat these actions as an exciting game, “play diet.”

The diet should not become something like shackles for you, but at the same time, once you have accepted these rules, follow them.

Is everything too serious? Let's make ourselves happy!

There must be a balance between restrictions and joy. Allow yourself once a week a small portion of the desired treat, let it be a reward. Promise your body that for following the entire diet you will give yourself a long-desired dress, a trip to Paris, a trip to a water park, or anything that will bring you sincere joy.

Having previously thought through the strategy and tactics of dieting, you will be mentally more prepared for difficulties. Motivation should be enough for the entire duration of the diet, which is usually 2-3 weeks.

Try it, some things will work for you, some won’t. Get creative with this process.

There is no turning back!

In addition, you must be focused on long-term results, so that after a diet the lost kilograms do not return in double size - you need to switch to a balanced diet and constant exercise.

Look for joy not in eating sweet and high-calorie foods, but in natural fruits and vegetables and an active lifestyle.

You must understand that there will be both successes and failures, but individual failures should not cause a complete return to old eating habits; the main thing is to find the strength and motivation to continue to monitor your own weight.

4. Gradually remove excess from the diet. You must deceive your body a little so that in the future it does not notice changes in nutrition and does not begin to act up. To begin with, reduce the amount of serving, add 1-2 teaspoons less sugar to the tea, etc. The main thing is to make sure that your body does not notice that something wrong is happening!

5. Drink more water. The more you are, the better. Some people say that you need to drink up to 2 liters a day, but one famous extreme transformation trainer Chris Powell advises drinking 3-4 liters of water a day and this is really vital not only for the body, but also for the figure.

6. Exercise. Start playing sports gradually; 15-20 minutes of light warm-up will be enough to prepare the body for subsequent more intense loads.

7. We include new foods in the diet. So, if you often eat fast food, then your body is already accustomed to such food, so it constantly requires it. You need to accustom your body to new, healthy foods; for this you need to include vegetables and fruits in your diet (lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.). Slowly eliminate salt and unhealthy sweets.

8. Fresh air. Take more walks and exercise outside.

9. We do something we haven’t done. If you are used to lying on the couch for a long time, then change your habit and start your day with active activities. If you drove to the store by car, now you walk, and so on, the main thing is to change your usual course of action.

10. We start losing weight with positivity. Clear your thoughts of negativity; bad emotions not only prevent you from losing weight, but also prevent you from enjoying life.

Never chase quick results, always remember about your invaluable health, on which your life depends!

If you decide to go on a diet, then this article is simply created for you. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, the most important thing is that you finally decided.

But before you put your body to the test, you need to think through everything thoroughly and prepare for the diet.

Before starting the diet, you should fix your daily diet (usual)

In other words, over the course of several days, write down in detail everything that was eaten in one day. You need to write down absolutely everything, including snacks. You will be surprised when you look at the records. It turns out that you usually snack on more than just candy, and the list of products will be quite large.

From such records you can find out what exactly leads to weight gain. You can simply adjust the menu and the diet may not be useful. Maybe it will be possible to limit ourselves to fasting days only.

The next stage of preparation should be a photo

It is best to take a photo in a swimsuit or lingerie. Don't think that this is some kind of meaningless action. This is wrong. When you carefully look at the photo, you will be convinced that you simply need a diet, in addition, this way you will be able to see exactly which shapes you need to tighten. And in addition to diet, you can do physical exercise. You will even know exactly what to pay attention to first, which forms need correction more than others.

Another benefit of the photo will be when you regularly take pictures and compare pictures. Then the improvements will be visible immediately. This will better encourage you to stick to a certain program. After all, here, as they say, the result is obvious.

Get yourself a notebook

How else can you prepare for the weight loss process to make it more successful? Psychological tricks come to the rescue. They say that one famous actress managed to lose weight only because she wrote down everything she ate in her notebook.

We suggest doing the same. Buy a notepad. A beautiful notebook that would be nice to hold in your hands. And in this notebook, starting from the preparatory phase, write down all the foods that enter your mouth. After a few days, you will notice that your lists have become shorter, this is how such a diary affects your psyche.

Required preparation time

It is better to start preparing the body for food restrictions about a week in advance. This time will be enough to understand what problems you may encounter. At this time, you should not completely deny yourself one or another food that you are going to exclude from your diet.

You just have to reduce its quantity. If you find it difficult at first to get used to changes in your diet, then extend the preparation time from a week to two weeks. If this is not the case and you cannot get used to the changes, then it is better to abandon the diet.

There is a wonderful method to increase mental strength - “collecting kilograms”

To do this, you should take any cereal (semolina, sugar, etc.) and determine the counting norm for yourself. For example: 1 kilogram – 1 spoon of cereal. When you lose a kilogram, boldly pour a spoonful of cereal into a separate jar (preferably with transparent walls). And so every time.

Over time, the jar will fill up, and your joy will simply know no bounds. You will be very sorry to interrupt your classes, and you will have an even greater desire to achieve even greater results.

How to practically endure the difficulties of the process

You should prepare for the diet in advance and set a goal. It is advisable to choose a time when there are no problems at work and everything is smooth in your personal life. The reason is that stressful situations often make you want to snack on something tasty and high in calories, or even drink a glass or two of wine.

  1. It is necessary to choose exactly the diet that will best suit your preferences and body needs. It is also worth buying electronic floor scales to check your weight daily. You should carefully read the menu that you will need to follow during the diet. You need to purchase all the necessary products in advance, and then make a plan for what dishes and when you will cook from them.
  2. To cope with your appetite, you should drink as much water as possible - thanks to this, the feeling of hunger will become noticeably less. If this does not help, you should snack on fruit or some of those foods that are allowed in the diet menu. When eating, you should not rush, you should chew food slowly, and take the food itself in small portions. While eating, you should not read magazines or watch TV. You need to fully concentrate on food so as not to miss the moment when you are completely full.
  3. It is advisable to find like-minded people who also adhere to some kind of diet, who will be able to help you morally in time if you want to quit this business. If you were unable to find such people in your real environment, do not despair - in the Internet era it is easy to find the right people in a few minutes.
  4. If your mood has completely dropped and you have a desire to give up everything, think about what a beauty you will become when you find the desired, beautiful and slender body. Or that you can get rid of many diseases associated with excess weight.

If you work, then never start a diet on weekdays. Move the start to the weekend. This will make it easier to get used to the necessary activities, since it is difficult to start something in a work environment. In addition, in a calm home environment, the risk of relapse is much less. There won't be any girlfriends here with whom you'll want to have tea and candy.

In anticipation of the New Year holidays, it's time to lose weight to your desired size. There is just enough time left to lose extra 5-7 kg without exhausting yourself with diets. In order to “squeeze” the maximum effect out of any diet, you need to prepare for it, says Mikhail Meerovich Gurvich, a gastroenterologist and nutritionist at the Clinical Nutrition Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow.

So where to start? First, you need to control your appetite and give your body time to readjust.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, gastroenterologist and nutritionist at the Medical Nutrition Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow, Mikhail Meerovich Gurvich, states: “it is quite possible to cope with the feeling of hunger and increased appetite on your own, without using special medications. To do this, you need to give up starvation diets, eat according to a special regimen and use some simple techniques to reduce your appetite.”

When planning your diet, you should take care in advance to avoid feeling very hungry between meals. Severe hunger can ruin all your dietary efforts. When choosing a diet, completely discard those options where you are supposed to eat half a cracker with a cup of black coffee in the morning. Breakfast must be hearty, with a hot dish.

The basic principle is to eat little by little, but often, every 2-3 hours.

A hearty breakfast should consist of protein foods. For example, choose an egg, cottage cheese, a piece of meat or fish. At the same time, of course, you shouldn’t eat until your stomach hurts.

The next meal, the “second breakfast” of food, should take place no later than 2-3 hours later. You can eat some fruit or vegetable - a banana, an apple, an orange, a carrot, a couple of lettuce leaves.

Crispy bread with a slice of cheese, a few nuts or dried fruits are also suitable. The purpose of this snack is to neutralize gastric juice and prevent hunger. The greatest danger is posed by the so-called “inflammatory” gastric juice, when you have not eaten for more than 4 hours.

You should approach lunch with a slight feeling of hunger. For lunch, a salad with cold meat or fish and a boiled egg are suitable. You need to eat well so that you don’t have to carry cookies and buns that are dangerous for your waist until the next snack.

Afternoon snack - after 2-3 hours - the composition can be the same as the second breakfast.

Dinner is the third "big meal". A piece of fish or meat or salad will do. The main thing is to eat no later than 7-8 pm. After about one and a half to two hours, drink a glass of low-fat kefir or milk.

Contrary to popular belief, not eating at all at night is not very healthy - hunger can surprise you closer to night and force you to empty the refrigerator.

In addition, the obsessive desire to eat something will not allow you to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.

- Eating on a schedule is only half the battle. Our main task is to learn to be content with moderate portions and not go hungry.

Remember what is put on the festive table to please guests and whet their appetite? Of course, a variety of alcohol, as well as hot, salty and spicy snacks. To reduce your appetite, you need to do the opposite. Immediately veto strong alcohol.

The next step is to cook with a minimum of salt, use as few herbs and spices as possible, which also greatly whet the appetite. Eliminate mayonnaise and vinegar.

About fasting days

Once a week it is very useful to arrange fasting days for yourself. Choose one product - some fruit, vegetable, kefir, boiled meat or fish, cottage cheese, and eat only it during the day. For one day you will need 11/2 kg of vegetables or fruits, or approximately 400-500 g of meat or fish, or a liter of kefir combined with 300 g of cottage cheese.

After such a fasting day it is usually easier to stick to a reasonable diet.

Finally, be sure to eat enough fiber-rich foods: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber increases in volume well, fills the stomach and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time.