HCG to get pregnant. HCG injection and hormone growth after ovulation. Feeling after an HCG injection

Human (or abbreviated as hCG), begins to be produced by the female body immediately after fertilization of the egg and plays a critical role in the proper growth and development of the embryo. Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, it has become possible to synthesize this hormone artificially. It is used to treat ovulatory disorders in women that prevent conception. The hormone is administered using a special injection. We will tell you in our article what a hCG injection is and when they resort to using this method.

Why is an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin prescribed?

If a woman who seeks medical help is diagnosed, in most cases it is recommended to stimulate this process. For this, a hCG injection is often used, which not only “starts” the process of ovulation in the female body, but also prevents the regression of follicles, which can develop into follicular cysts. The injection dose is usually 5,000 or 10,000 units, and ovulation after an hCG injection occurs after 24-36 hours.

HCG injections during pregnancy

The production of human chorionic gonadotropin begins from the moment the embryo enters the uterine cavity and continues until the end of pregnancy. In the first few months after conception, the level of this hormone constantly increases, and, based on its quantitative content at certain periods, one can judge whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The main function of hCG is to ensure normal fetal growth and control production in the first trimester. If for some reason the synthesis of this hormone ceases, then the production of substances vital to the fetus is disrupted, which can lead to termination of pregnancy. Such problems can be solved by hCG, designed to compensate for the deficiency of this important hormone. Such injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • in order to preserve the viability of the corpus luteum until the placenta takes over the production of all hormones that contribute to the normal course of pregnancy;
  • to help the formation of the placenta.

HCG injection: indications

Thus, the indications for injections of this hormone are the following conditions:

  • insufficient production of the corpus luteum by the female body during pregnancy;
  • lack of ovulation, which entails the impossibility of conception;
  • habitual;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • preparation for IVF.

Contraindications for hCG injection

Injections of this hormone also have contraindications, which include the following conditions: early menopause, lactation, thrombophlebitis, ovarian cancer, hypothyroidism, fallopian tube obstruction, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hyperprolactinemia.

After ovulation and fertilization, the female body begins to produce gonadotropin, the amount of which increases every day. If there is no release of the egg, reproductologists use an hCG injection, which allows the most important process to start. What is this active substance responsible for, why monitor its level, and most importantly, what is the hCG level after ovulation by days after fertilization.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein containing two subunits. The alpha subunit is the same as that of thyrotropin, folliculotropin and lutropin, which explains the biological properties of HHG, similar to the listed hormones.

The appearance of the beta subunit is possible only during fertilization, which explains the second name of hCG - pregnancy hormone.

After the fertilized egg, which has already become a zygote, is implanted into the wall of the uterus, the chorionic villi, from which the placenta is then formed, begin to produce a hormone that has significant luteinizing activity, due to which a functioning corpus luteum is preserved until the 12th week of pregnancy.

After this period, the endocrine function of the corpus luteum is taken over by the already formed placenta, which produces progesterone necessary for maintaining pregnancy and normal gestation.

If the HHG level is insufficient, neither the corpus luteum nor the placenta will function normally, which in turn will lead to spontaneous abortion or fetal abnormalities.

Since hCG has pronounced gonadotropic properties, it is widely used in reproductive medicine. Gonadotropin injections stimulate the secretion of estrogen and progesterone in women, as well as sex hormones and spermatogenesis in men.

To stimulate ovulation, from the first day of the monthly cycle, a woman is prescribed moderate doses of HHG intramuscularly every other day. Usually it does not exceed 2000 units. After a few days, the doctor monitors the functioning of the ovaries and, if a dominant follicle is present, stimulation continues.

Just before ovulation occurs, 5,000 units of the hormone are injected, which will allow the follicle to burst and release the egg.

Feeling after an HCG injection

Often, hCG injections in women are not accompanied by excessively intense sensations: there should be no swelling, pulsation or irritation of the skin in the ovarian area. Most patients report some excitement and excessive excitability, which can be explained by their anxiety about the success of the manipulation. Normally, women's basal temperature increases , and the level of gonadotropin in the blood increases daily.

In more rare cases, a patient undergoing infertility therapy using gonadotropin may experience unpleasant symptoms, namely:

  • headache;
  • excessive irritability and fatigue;
  • feeling of anxiety, tearfulness;
  • pain and swelling in the injection area.

Important! Women prone to allergic reactions should be vigilant when treating infertility with hCG injections.

It is extremely rare that patients may experience truly serious complications during gonadotropin therapy:

  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • suffocation;
  • heart failure;
  • cerebral attacks, etc.

They accompany the so-called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in women. This is a special condition caused by gonadotropin injections, where the patient's ovaries are too sensitive to the hormone and react excessively to the injection.

What happens after the injection

As already mentioned, in order to stimulate ovulation, 5000 units of exogenous gonadotropic chorionic hormone are used. However, if this dose does not work, in the next cycle the hCG injection may already contain 10,000 units of the active substance.

In case of successful fertilization, approximately 6-7 days after ovulation, implantation occurs and the body begins to synthesize its own beta-hCG.

Immediately after the injection, there is no point in conducting a test to determine it, because the period of excretion of the hormone received from the outside, especially a large dose, is overlapped by the activity of the chorion villi and the data will be unreliable. The most accurate indicators in this case will be the ultrasound examination.

The normal level of hCG in the 1st week of pregnancy is 25-100 units, so the average sensitivity of rapid tests is also calculated at 25 units and they can be used from the first days of a missed period.

However, the most reliable is still the quantitative determination of hCG in the blood, and not in the urine.

How long does it take for an HCG injection to take effect?

An injection of hCG increases the level of the hormone in a woman’s blood for 10-14 days, so it is not worth taking a pregnancy test earlier. There is a high probability of a false positive result.

At a later time, the level of hCG in the patient’s blood decreases. This will be the appropriate moment to take a pregnancy test. If ovulation has occurred and the egg released from the ruptured follicle has been fertilized, the test will show two stripes.

If conception has taken place

So, conception has taken place and all you need to do is confirm this fact. A gradual increase in hCG over the days from ovulation may indicate the presence of a fetus in the uterus even before a delay in menstruation appears or the embryo reaches the size determined by ultrasound.

HCG reaches a diagnostic value sufficient for determination by a rapid test approximately 10 days after ovulation and fertilization.

Here are the data on hCG values ​​in the early stages in accordance with the days after ovulation:

Days after ovulation


β-hCG level (mU/ml)
Minimum Average Maximum
7th 2 4 10
10th 8 18 26
12th 17 48 119
14th 33 95 223
16th 70 292 758
18th 135 522 1690
20th 385 1287 3279
22nd 1050 2680 4900
24th 1830 4650 7800
26th 4200 8160 15600
28th 7100 11300 27300
30th 10500 19500 60000

Before the hCG level reaches 1200 U, its content in the blood doubles every 2-3 days. Then its increase decreases slightly and after 6000 U, hCG doubles after 4 days, reaching its maximum at 9-11 weeks.

It should be noted that the table shows the average values ​​of beta-chorionic gonadotropin levels for singleton pregnancies. If a woman is carrying two or more children, the hormone content increases in accordance with the number of fetuses

Bottom line

Human chorionic gonadotropin is the most important hormone produced by the female body during pregnancy. It helps not only to bear the baby, but also supports the endocrine system to rebuild and adapt to the woman’s needs during these wonderful 9 months. Observing an increase in the content of hCG in a woman’s blood allows us to judge how this pregnancy is progressing and prevent the development of possible complications in time.

In addition, a sufficient level of hCG, administered artificially, stimulates ovulation. The technique is effective, since there are a lot of reviews on the forums of those who were helped to get pregnant by an injection of hCG in a dosage of 5000 units.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


The level of the pregnancy hormone produced by the placenta (hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin) increases in the female body every day from the moment of fertilization. Thanks to modern medicine, this hormone is created artificially to help treat anovulation in women (a disorder of the menstrual cycle, as a result of which the long-awaited conception does not occur). What is a hCG injection, and in what cases is this method of treatment used? When to do tests after an hCG injection? How many days does it take for the hCG 10,000 injection to be completely eliminated from the body?

Why is an injection of hCG 10,000 prescribed?

With regular absence of ovulation A woman who seeks medical help is often recommended to do so. A few days after stimulation, the first procedure is prescribed Ultrasound , after which this examination is repeated every few days to monitor follicle growth to the required dimensions (twenty to twenty-five mm). Once the required follicle size is reached, an hCG injection is prescribed.

  • The hormone “triggers” ovulation.
  • Prevents follicle regression that can develop into follicular cysts.

Injection dose taken - from 5000 to 10000 units . Ovulation usually happens one day after the injection .

HCG and its effect on pregnancy

The production of the hCG hormone begins from the moment the embryo is implanted in the uterus and continues for all nine months. Based on the presence of the hormone in the female body, we can say about pregnancy . Further, based on its quantitative content, possible violations of the ongoing pregnancy are judged. Thanks to hCG test , you can confirm the fact of pregnancy as early as possible (already on the sixth day after fertilization). This is the most reliable and early method of determining pregnancy, in comparison with traditional test strips. The main function of hCG is to maintain pregnancy and control (in the first trimester) over the production of estrogen and progesterone. Stopping the synthesis of hCG leads to disruption of the production of substances necessary for the fetus. In these cases, the hCG deficiency is replenished artificially, through intramuscular injection. These hCG injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • For nutrition and maintaining the viability of the corpus luteum until the placenta begins to independently produce the hormones necessary for a successful pregnancy.
  • To form the placenta itself .
  • To stimulate ovulation and supporting the viability of the corpus luteum during pregnancy planning.
  • To prepare for .

Indications for hCG injection

Contraindications for hCG injection

When is an HCG injection given?

When to do ovulation tests after an hCG injection?

The onset of ovulation after an hCG injection occurs within a day (maximum thirty-six hours), after which additional support for the ovaries is prescribed with the help progesterone or utrogestan . Based on the male factor, the timing and frequency of sexual intercourse are assigned individually. If the spermogram is normal - one day (every day) after the hCG injection and until the formation of the corpus luteum. When to do tests?

  • The day of testing depends on the cycle. As you know, the first day of the cycle is the first day of menstruation, and its length is the number of days from the first day of menstruation until the first (inclusive) day of the next one. With a regular cycle, tests begin seventeen days before the start of the next menstruation (after ovulation, the corpus luteum phase lasts about two weeks). For example, with a cycle length of twenty-eight days, testing is carried out starting from the eleventh day.
  • For different cycle durations, select the shortest cycle in six months. Its duration is used to determine the testing day.
  • If there are delays of more than a month, and the cycles are not at all constant, then it is irrational to use tests (given their high cost) without control over follicles and ovulation.
  • Preferably start applying tests daily immediately after diagnosis by ultrasound, achieving the desired follicle size (twenty mm).

It should be remembered that ovulation tests are not informative immediately after hCG injections due to the possible influence of TSH, FSH hormones and dietary habits on the results. Therefore, you should not rely only on tests. It is preferable to use more reliable diagnostic methods (for example, ultrasound ).

When to take pregnancy tests after an hCG injection?

How many days does it take for the hCG 10,000 injection to be completely eliminated from the body? This question worries many. For ten to twelve days after ovulation, those used after an hCG injection may produce false positive results. Accordingly, it is necessary wait one or two weeks . Second option - take a blood test for the hCG hormone in dynamics . The doctor who prescribes treatment and performs stimulation must determine the exact time at which the use of tests can be started.

An hCG injection to stimulate fertilization and ovulation is often prescribed to women who are planning a pregnancy. The question arises: who can get the injection, what is it for, and how does it affect pregnancy. After all, this injection is not suitable for everyone; it is worth considering all the indications and contraindications.

Under what circumstances is a hCG injection needed?

Stimulation of ovulation and fertilization with clostilbegit and hCG injection are given for certain indications, which are determined by the gynecologist during the examination. Basically, an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin is administered to women under the following circumstances:

  • If a woman is under 35 years old (it is difficult to get pregnant at an older age, especially if there are diseases or injuries of the fallopian tubes);
  • If the father of the unborn child has a good spermogram (ovulation will occur faster and the fetus will develop immediately after the injection);
  • If there is no long-term and unsuccessful infertility treatment under the IVF program (in this case, the chance of conception is very low);
  • A woman experiences polycystic disease, as well as anovulation, during which the egg does not mature in the body and, accordingly, is not fertilized;
  • If there are no pathologies of the uterus and fallopian tubes (the egg is fertilized faster after the hCG injection, and the woman has a chance of becoming pregnant);
  • If there is no oncology, sexually transmitted or infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  • If a hormonal imbalance occurs (a woman does not have enough progesterone, which is responsible for ovulation, the menstrual cycle and pregnancy).

note that the use of clostilbegit and other drugs without consultation with a gynecologist is not recommended. After all, there is a large selection of drugs containing a certain amount of hCG, and the selection of drugs must be made taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Ovulation in a woman occurs 2-3 days after the hCG injection. These days will be considered more successful and favorable for conception. If you cannot get pregnant after an injection during ovulation, it is recommended to do IUI or IVF. Typically, this procedure is required for women after 30 years of age, since reproductive capacity decreases after this age.

To correct the situation, there are different methods of stimulating ovulation. Typically, a gynecologist prescribes: Duphaston, Utrozhestan and Iprozhin, which help the absorption of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Is preliminary preparation necessary before the injection?

It is best to prepare for ovulation stimulation under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Before introducing human chorionic gonadotropin into a woman’s body, it is recommended to prepare and perform some actions that will help conceive a baby.

  1. Review your diet, eliminate junk food and add foods high in vitamins, which will help restore metabolism and the absorption of progesterone.
  2. Visit a gynecologist and take certain tests for hormones, after which it will become clear whether the metabolism is disrupted and whether it is possible to fertilize the egg.
  3. Go through an examination and find out whether there are any sexually transmitted diseases, and whether women’s health is normal, which determines whether a woman can bear a child.
  4. Visit a therapist who will advise, conduct diagnostics and help find out whether the woman can give birth and there is no threat to the life of the mother and the unborn baby.
  5. Find out whether there are oncological diseases and malignant tumors of the genital organs, as a result of which pregnancy may not occur after sexual intercourse.
  6. Have your partner's seminal fluid tested to confirm the absence of infertility in men's health.

After the preparation has been successful and there are no contraindications, the doctor will prescribe the drug with the required hCG dosage, taking into account individual characteristics.

It is these actions that will help ensure the rapid onset of pregnancy, and if there are no serious diseases, then the woman will soon be able to give birth to a baby.

Stimulation procedure

In order for an injection to stimulate fertilization and ovulation to work effectively, you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure. Basically, stimulation of ovulation in women occurs in the following order:

  1. If there are no contraindications or serious illnesses, the gynecologist prescribes the drug and conducts a consultation on how it should be administered and what dose will be acceptable.
  2. After this, the woman must inject a drug into her stomach that will help the egg open during ovulation, making conception successful.
  3. After an injection of hCG 10,000, ovulation should occur within 2-3 days, after which the woman can conceive, since the egg should open.
  4. If, after the injection, ovulation does not occur or you cannot get pregnant, you need to contact a gynecologist or undergo IVF, in which the egg is artificially fertilized.

Please note that the hCG 5000 injection has an effect over time, that is, you can conceive a child 1-2 days after ovulation occurs. It is recommended to repeat attempts several times, especially if signs of ovulation appear after the hCG injection. After all, during the onset of ovulation, the egg may not fully open, so this can be corrected if you have sexual intercourse several times in a row. By studying the gonadotropin patterns and how stimulation occurs, a woman can understand how to properly administer a hCG injection and what will contribute to the onset of ovulation after stabilization with clostilbegit.

Contraindications and possible complications

A hCG injection to stimulate ovulation can only be given if there are no following contraindications:

  • Malignant tumors and cancers of the female reproductive system;
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes and inflammatory processes;
  • Thrombosis and vascular obstruction;
  • Allergic reaction to the constituent components of the drug.

After the injection of rotten is administered, ovulation is stimulated, but not always.

Side effects may occur, namely:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Flatulence and diarrhea.
  • Accumulation of unnecessary fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  • Dysfunction of the uterus and ovaries and women.


With the help of an hCG injection, a woman can stabilize ovulation. This will allow you to quickly conceive a child and become happy parents.

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin. Without it it is impossible to bear a child. It is this indicator that indicates the presence of pregnancy. By the way, when a woman takes a pregnancy test, what does the second strip show? To an increased level of hCG, which is required during pregnancy. But, unfortunately, the treasured second stripe may never appear for some. Therefore, the girl decides to stimulate ovulation, which will lead to the release of the egg and its speedy fertilization. One of the methods of stimulating pregnancy is an injection of hCG. The article will discuss this injection and its effect on the female body.


Why is an HCG injection given?

According to the latest statistics, only 50% of women can become pregnant in the first three months after starting planning. About 75% percent become pregnant within six months and as many as 90% of women receive the coveted stripes within a year. As you can see, if a woman really wants to get pregnant in the near future, then she needs to stimulate the ovulation process.

So, for pregnancy to occur, three things must happen in the body:

  1. Ovulation;
  2. Fertilization;
  3. Securing the fertilized egg.

As soon as the third stage occurs, the body immediately begins to produce hCG, the pregnancy hormone. If pregnancy does not occur, the doctor prescribes an hCG injection to the woman. In what cases does the doctor approve of stimulating ovulation with this injection?

  • The woman rarely ovulates;
  • Within 12 months. a couple cannot get pregnant on their own;
  • Over the age of 35, if pregnancy has not occurred within six months.

In order to accelerate the growth of follicles and the release of eggs from them, an injection of hCG is prescribed.

When should an HCG injection be given?

This injection is prescribed if ovulation has not occurred. From the first phase of the cycle, the doctor monitors the growth of follicles and at the same time prescribes estrogens to the woman for additional stimulation. Afterwards, when the follicle has reached a size of 25 mm in diameter, the doctor prescribes the administration of a drug containing hCG. After administration of the drug, ovulation will occur in 2-3 days. The best time to conceive is 2-3 days after the injection.

This injection should be given at the following points in the body:

  • Lack of luteinizing hormones, which are controlled by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  • With polycystic ovary syndrome, anovulation occurs.
  • Hyperandrogenism is a phenomenon in which a large number of male hormones develop in the female body, and, as a result, there are not enough female hormones.
  • Early ovarian failure syndrome, in which follicle maturation is not observed.
  • Another reason to get an HCG injection is to prepare for IVF.

Whether a woman should stimulate the ovulation process will be determined exclusively by a female doctor after a series of specific studies.

Is preliminary preparation necessary before the injection?

It is important to understand that after the injection the woman will most likely become pregnant. Therefore, it would be wise to start preparing several months in advance. Pay attention to your diet. It should be balanced and rich in vitamins. In addition, a woman should get enough sleep and take enough folic acid.

Immediately before the hCG injection itself, you need to undergo some examinations.

  • Check whether there is an individual intolerance to this drug;
  • obtain a statement from a therapist stating that the woman is able to bear a child;
  • do blood tests for the presence of sex hormones;
  • undergo a course of estrogen stimulation in advance;
  • get tested for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • vaginal smear to check for cleanliness and the presence of STDs;
  • diagnose the fallopian tubes and make sure that they are passable;
  • undergo a hysteroscope examination;
  • undergo an ultrasound examination of the female organs and mammary glands;
  • make sure there is no cancer;
  • take a sexual partner compatibility test;
  • and what is most important is that the partner submits sperm for quality. After all, if a man is infertile, then it’s not worth spending time on stimulating ovulation.

After all these tests, analyzes and checks, the doctor prescribes a drug that is suitable specifically for your case. The hCG injection has different dosages.

If a woman does become pregnant, then in some cases she is also given an injection of hCG. For what? To maintain an existing pregnancy. After all, this hormone has a positive effect to eliminate the risk of miscarriage.

Where to buy? Cost of the drug?

This solution can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. Usually it is released strictly according to the prescription with the specified dosage. After all, if you inject it without the correct dosage, and without any prescription at all, the consequences can be very serious. A woman can get an ectopic pregnancy, or her hormonal levels will become so disrupted that she will no longer be able to have children.

The price depends on the pharmacy, brand and manufacturer of the drug. The average price in Russia is 1000-1500 rubles per dose of hCG.

So, injection of hCG is an excellent way to stimulate ovulation and get a quick pregnancy. However, it is important to remember that without prior testing and consultation with a gynecologist, this drug can cause irreparable harm.