Years of the Board of Solomon. Who is Solomon in the Bible? Relations with other states

It is difficult to find at least one ruler or just a significant historical figure whose life would be shrouded in so many legends and secrets as the life of King Solomon. His name has become a synonymal of wisdom in centuries, and the period of his rule is the "golden age", the heyday of the Israeli kingdom.

Solomon was born in 1011 BC. in Jerusalem. His parents were the powerful king of Israel David and Beauty Bathsavia. The only source in which you can find confirmation of the real existence of the legendary ruler of the combined Israeli kingdom is a torus. Therefore, from a scientific point of view, it is still difficult to say to this day, whether Solomon is a historical personality.

This is what the Holy Scripture tells about the history of the emergence of the future of King Solomon: "Once, in the evening, David, getting out of bed, walked on the roof of the royal house and saw a bathing woman with a roof; And the woman was very beautiful. And sent David to scheduling, who is this woman? And they told him: this is Baths, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uria Hatteyanin. David sent servants to take her; And she came to him, and he slept with her ". In order to get rid of her husband's husband, King David ordered him to send him to a military campaign and, so that certainly the warrior did not return home, given instructions: "Check Uriah where the strongest battle will be, and retreat from him, so that he is amazed and died.". When the Uriah died, the king was able to marry Bathsvia, and the son was born in due time.

As you know, sooner or later all the secret becomes a clear, and the treacherous act of the king is no exception. The scandal broke out in Jerusalem. The Prophet Nathan openly cursed the House of David, condemning it to the fratricide discord. In addition, he predicted that Baby Baby Baby would die. So it happened. David then repeated before the Lord, and Nathan announced that he was forgiven. Soon, beautiful Bathsvia gave birth to the second son, which Solomon was ordered (Shlomo), that is, the "peacekeeper". The second name gave him at the birth of the prophet Nathan: Iedidia - "Loves of God."

By the time Solomon was born, the fortieth king David had already two dozen siblings from different wives. Naturally, they unleash perceived the news about the appearance of another heir, and each other were far from fraternally.

Two senior son of David, Amnon and Avissal, died in fratricide internecine conflicts. Adononia remained next to the seniority. Formalities demanded that it was he who climbed the Israeli throne after David, but the Great Ruler promised Bathsavia, which will make Solomon with his successor. Hardened by the injustice of the Father, Adonya found support in the person of the Joava warrod and the High Priest of Evyatar, who also believed that Adonia had more right to the throne than Solomon. Adony, being already confident in his own victory, arranged a luxurious feast in honor of his coronation. However, Bersries penetrated the king and recalled the promise given to her: "Whether you didn't swear, Mr. My king, a servant of yours, saying:" Your Son Solomon will be king after me "? Why did Adonion reigned? " And David appointed 18-year-old Solomon with his successor. Having learned about your failure and about the failure of my intrigue, Adony ran, fearing the violence, in the temple and grabbed the horn of the altar in the form of a bullish head, - this meant that he asked for protection in Gd. Solomon came to Adonia and promised that he would not kill him, if henceforth would behave adequately.

Soon David died, and Adonia again tried to get to power. He decided to marry Avichag, servantly King David at the end of his life. Solomon saw the attractions of adonia on the throne, since, according to custom, the right to the throne, who comes to the wife or concubine of the king, and ordered to kill adonia.

After this execution, Solomon decided once and for all to get rid of the remaining "well-wishers" - the adonance of Adonia Joawa and the old enemy of the David dynasty, the relative of the first king of Shaul. Solomon did not lead the blind thirst for revenge, and there are no documents confirming the use of the king of the death penalty. In relation to Joava and Shemy Solomon only performed the will of David.

Solomon ruled the Israeli kingdom from 967 to 928 BC. As mentioned, the king was unusually wise. Once, before the construction of the temple, the BC was Solomon in a dream and promised to fulfill any of his desire. Solomon asks: "Give the same slave your heart is reasonable to judge your people and distinguish with that good and that evil."

"And he told him ... For the fact that you asked for this, and did not ask for a long life for himself, I did not ask for my wealth, I didn't ask for your souls of your enemies, but I asked my mind to be able to judge," I'll do it Word Your: Here, I give you a heart wise and reasonable, so I didn't have this before you, and after you will not rise like you; and what you did not ask, I give you, and wealth and glory, so not There will be similar to you between your kings in all days of yours; and if you walk through my way, keeping my charters and my commandments, as your father went to David, I will continue your days. " (Kings).

Solving to unite his people with a common matter, one task, Tsar Solomon built the main shrine of Judaism - the first Jerusalem temple on Mount Zion. The ark of the covenant was placed in this temple - the greatest shrine, inside which was kept, obtained by Moses from the Lord himself.

David also wanted to build a decent product for the ark, but did not have time. Solomon continued his father-started. He concluded a deal with the king of the Phoenician Tire of Chiram, in whose country, the famous for the whole Middle East are the Lebanese cedars.
Under the contract, in exchange for cedar wood, Solomon pledged a large amount of oil, meat and grain every year. 30 thousand people who were harvested by wood were sent to the shooting range; Another 150 thousand inhabitants of Israel mined the stones in the mountains and transported them to Jerusalem. Build the temple forced almost all healthy men. The construction lasted for 7 years, and the famous legend about the main mason is connected with it, whose name was in one sources of Hiram, according to others - adonions. He refused to reveal the secrets of his craft, and for it was killed. Heirs of Hirama allegedly founded to protect the mystery fraternity of "free bricklayers" (Masons), making it the emblems of the circulation, a square and plumb.

The erected church was a huge building in which up to 50 thousand praying could fit. In the center of the temple was located "Holy Saints" (Davir), where the ark was installed on the stone pedestal, guarded by the gilded statues of Cherubs. The temple was destroyed in 586 BC. Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, but before this ark mysteriously disappeared. Fans of secrets are looking for it so far.

Many still consider Solomon to the personification of wisdom, and even there is a saying: "Severing Solomon in a dream can hope to become wise" (Brahot 57 b).

As if atypically, for those times it was neither sounded, King Solomon was a peaceful ruler and, unlike his father, the wars could practically did not lead. At the same time, he managed to expand the territory of Israel from the Nile to Euphrates. It was at the same time that the ruler, the Israeli kingdom became a significant and rather influential state of Asia.

The strategy of the foreign policy of the Israeli kingdom Solomon began to build with the establishment and strengthening of friendly relations with neighbors. At the beginning of his reign, he put an end to the harmonious age-old enmity between the Egyptians and the Jews, taking the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh in his wife and strengthens the southern borders of the state. Most likely, it is precisely for the purpose of rapprochement with neighboring peoples and strengthening their power, Solomon took himself to wives Moavityanok, ammonites, Edomites, Sidonankas and Hittites, who belonged to the most significant genus of these peoples.

Tsar Solomon was a good diplomat, builder and merchant. He turned the agricultural country into a strong, economically developed state that had a great influence in the international arena. He rebuilt and strengthened Jerusalem and other cities of her kingdom, first introduced to the Jewish army Connection and chariot to the Jewish army, built a merchant fleet, developed crafts and maintained trade with other countries.

The new composition of the government of King Solomon consisted of the high priest, commander of the troops, the Minister of Taxation, the head of the royal administration and the head of 12 governors, as well as several court chroniclers.

When excavations in Jerusalem, many cups for cosmetics, mirrors, hair studs, jugs for imported incense are found - this proves that the court ladies vigilate the fashion. The king settled the prey and mirror of copper, and also built a large fleet, which every three years sailed to the country of the officer, making gold and wood of valuable rocks.

The book of Henry Raider Haggard "Solomon King Solomon" was released in 1885 "Solomon's" Solviva seekers to go to search for treasures. Haggard believed that Solomon owned diamond and golden specks. Most archaeologists are confident that the king mined copper ore in his cops. In the 30s of the last century it was suggested that Solomon's mines were in South Jordan. And only at the beginning of the 21st century, archaeologists have found evidence that, indeed, the copper mines found in Jordan in the town of Hirbat-En-Nahas may be the legendary specks of King Solomon. Obviously, Solomon was a monopolist in the copper production market, which gave him the opportunity to get super-profits. The ambassadors from various countries arrived in Jerusalem to conclude peace and trade agreements with Israel, and brought rich gifts.

One of the rusty of Solomon was an extraordinary luxury everywhere: "And the king of silver in Jerusalem is equivalent to simple stones". Special attention deserves the throne of the king. In the second Targum to the book, Esther says that 12 gold lions and as many golden eagles squeezed out opposite each other on the steps of the throne of the king of Israel. At the top of the throne - a golden image of a pigeon. There was also a gold candlestick with fourteen cups for candles, on seven of which the names of Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Yitzhak, Yakova and Job were engraved, and on the seven others - the names of Levi, Keate, Amrama, Moshe, Aaron, Eldad and Hura. As stated in Targum, when the king climbed the throne, the lions with the help of a mechanical device stretched their paws so that Solomon could rely on them. In addition, the throne himself moved at the request of the king. When Solomon, going on the throne, reached the last stage, the eagles raised him and seated on the chair.

Understanding the importance of education, aware of the influence of education for the future of the state, wanting to spread the TOROR in the country, Solomon built synagogues and schools. However, the tsar did not differ in charge: when it was necessary to determine the leap year, he invited 7 academic elders to him, "In the presence of which silence kept" (Shamot Rabba, 15, 20).

About the wisdom of the king go legends. Once Solomon turned to the court sage with a request: "Help me - a lot in this life can bring me out of myself. I am very prone to passions, and it hinders me!" To which the sage replied: "I know how to help you. Put it is a ring - the phrase is carved on it:" It will pass! "When it floats a strong anger or strong joy, look at this inscription, and she sabs you. In this you will find salvation From passions! "

Solomon followed the sage advice and gained calm. But the moment came when, looking, as usual, on the ring, he did not calm down, but on the contrary - even more came out of himself. He ripped a ring from his finger and wanted to cherish him away in the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some inscription on the inside of the ring. He looked at and read: "And it will also take place ..." According to another legend, the ring with engraving is the source of wisdom and calm - it was done for Solomon to the first-class jeweler, who threatened the death penalty in the event of unsuccessfully completed work.

There is another famous story, which testifies to the dismissions and the mind of the Great Tsar. Once, two women came to the king to court, who could not share the baby among themselves - both argued that the child belongs to her. Solomon, not thinking for a short time, ordered to cut the baby in half, so that every woman got into part. When one of the women in horror screamed: "Give her better, but just don't kill him!", Solomon decided to favor this woman - it was her mother's mother ...

Court of King Solomon

Legends say that Solomon was obeyed by all animals and birds. Gemstones at the Solomon Palace delivered demons, the angels guarded them. With the help of magical perverse on which the name of the B-ha was engraved, Solomon recognized many secrets about the world from Angels.

Having learned about the wisdom and the fabulous wealth of King Solomon, he was visited by the legendary Queen Sava from the country of Saba in the territory of the current Yemen to experience his wisdom and make sure his wealth. The queen brought numerous gifts with them. The SAST state successfully traded with neighboring countries with spices and incenses. Trading routes crossed the territory of the kingdom of Solomon, and the passage of caravans depended on the will and the arrangement of the king, which was the true cause of the visit of Queen Sava. There is an opinion that it was just a "delegate", the "ambassador" of the country and was not a dynastic queen. But with the king could only talk to him according to the status, so the messengers "assigned" temporary status to negotiate. Folk legends gave a romantic color to this visit. The blinded by the beauty of the Tsaritsa Sava, Solomon praised the passion to her, she replied to him with reciprocity, all questions about the promotion of caravans were settled. Returning home, the queen gave birth to a boy called Menelik. Ethies argue that their imperial dynasty occurs from him. In Ethiopia, the queen is considered to be their countrywoman.

Solomon and Queen Sava on Fresco Piero della Francesca from Basilica San Francesco

During his reign, Solomon also allowed errors that became a catalyst for the collapse of the state after his death. There was time, and the revenues of the king ceased to cover costs. Grand construction and rapid economic development required the workforce: "And the Tsar Solomon's concern was all Israel; the obligation consisted of thirty thousand people."

Solomon divided the country for 12 tax districts, which were required to contain the royal yard and the army. The Knee of Yehudi, from which was from Solomon and David, was freed from taxes, which caused discontent and increased the degree of social tension in society. Jerobes from the knee of Efraim, who held a prominent post in the royal administration, raised the rebellion, and then fled to Egypt, where he hospitably accepted Pharaoh Susakim. Another threat was the robber aim, who captured Damascus and became the king there, constantly attacking the northern Israeli lands.

The wastefulness and thrust of Solomon to luxury led him to loss of solvency. Solomon was unable to pay the king of Hiram, and was forced to give him about twenty of his cities to debt.

The priests also had reasons for discontent. The king had many wives of various races and religions. Solomon allowed them to worship their gods, built for them as the temple, and at the end of life, he himself began to participate in pagan cults.

Tsar Solomon in old years old. Gustav Dore engraving

Tsar Solomon attribute the authorship of many books and literary works. It is believed that he wrote the book "Ecclesiast", but scientists found the Persian and Aramaic words in it, proving that the book was written by several centuries later. Peru Solomon is also attributed to the "Song of Songs" ("Shir A-Shirim") - a great book about love.

Already in the Middle Ages, Solomon attributed many other writings - mostly of the occult and magical. Astrologers and alchemists so as not to be accused of heresy, declared the king, recognized by the Holy, their patron.

At the end of the life to Solomon came Gd and said: "For the fact that you are done, and you have not saved the covenant of my and the charters of my, which I commanded you, I will rejust you the kingdom and give it to your slave; but in your days I will not do this for the sake of David, your father; From the hand of the son of your east of him " (Kings).

According to most sources, the Board of King Solomon continued for about 37 years, and he died at the age of 52, watching the construction of a new altar. The approximate king did not immediately bury him in the hope that the ruler just fell into a lethargic dream. When Chervi began to sharpen the royal staff, Solomon was finally recognized as dead and buried with all the honors.

After the death of King Solomon, as a result of numerous uprisings, his kingdom fell into two weak states - Israeli and Jewish, which were mired in permanent internecine wars.

Solomon himself, looking at the disappointing results of his reign, could well say the sad words embedded in his mouth by the author of the book Ecclesiast: "I betray my heart to know the wisdom and know the madness and stupidity: I found out that this is the Tomorrow of the Spirit; Because in many wisdom a lot of sadness, and who multiplies knowledge, multiplies grief. "

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The short life of Solomon prophet, the king of Israel

Of the SO-Lo-Mont, the son of Da-Wi-yes from the same - Vir-Sa-Vii, the Triy Tsar of all from Ra-Il-Tian, \u200b\u200bin Ma-tan on the king At 12 years old and the Tsar-Waven 40 years. The power of SO-LO-Mo-on-La so ve-Li-ka, which pro-seri-raas on all co-seeds of on-Ro-dy, who would be given -Yes-mi (). The SLA-Wa and Bo-Gat-Gate Whether it would be so ve lying, that all the Central Central Tsa-rho, in the words of St. Iz-Rii, and Lie Vi-Childo -Gat-CO-Lo-Mo-on and to serve his wiseness. Skon-Chal-Xia World-But, Osta-Viv in the following Sea-Bi-Chi-nonsense: Prith-Chi, Pre-Mud-Ro-Soo, Ek-Cle-Si-A-Art and Song Dog -her.

Full of life of the prophet Solomon, Tsar Israel

How a wise was you in the young man and, in the dress, in Lon Razu-Ma! Du-Sha, your in Kry-La land, and you are on-floor-nil her per-ha-daughter-in-chai; Your name was pro-sulk to from-yes-Lena Ost-RO-WW, and you were Lu-Bim for your world; For Peat-neither from re-commits, for the prieve-chi and out-of-ya-non-ours are surprisingly. So pre-WHO-SIT SO-Lo-Mo-on wise Jesus Son Si-Raha (). From Bran-naya-ray of bossa-ka-rya da-Vi-yes, co-lo-Mons still in OT-PO-Cheky Le Thah was in ma-tsar Pro-WHO G-Shen Tsa-Rem in the life of his own - e-th. According to the apparent of its own on the pre-station-le-le-Il-SCOM of SO-Lo-Mons, the previous one, in the IS-Paul-Nope of Ossen -This-e-th, mono-lane monasters on the pre-hundred-le with a hundred-rho-gods of his own and pre-at-nya BO-GU is-ting-no-mu.

On-kindly, the forces of the horsepower, you are on you-so-tach, for the house has not been planned to be a state-or-yes (). And Socy-Lo-Mont was in the Ga-Wa-he, where on-Ho-Dil-Sm is the head-boring vert-nickname, so that there is a figh-wo b-gu. Here, I revealed to him a state in the night SNO-Vi de Nie and Sk-Hall of WHO Liu-Biv-She-Mou of His and Ho-Dya-Mu on Mu-Wu Da-Vi-yes , OT-CA, SO-LO-MO-Well: Pro-si, what to give Te-BE (). And the SC-Hall of SO-Lo Mont: now the state-di, bo but my! You are in a hundred-walled Ra-Ba-Est Central Taxa, at a hundred years old, from the Mo-go; But I am from Rock Ma Ly, I don't know any of the Mo-th or-yes, nor in-yes. And the slave is Cre Di on-Ro-yes-e-th, that-ry-ry, you're, on-ry, so many people-lin-but-go that The same it is not-pouring his nervous. Yes, Ru-Boo TV-E-Mu Serny's Ra-Zoom, so that the su-child is on-kindly and once, whether - Dob-ro and that - evil; For who can be controlled by this MNA-Rhine-Lena on-house yours? And blah-thoroughly, it would be a state-in do that co-lo-mons of the forces of this. And the Sk-Hall of God is: for the fact that you are the forces of this-go, not about the forces of the Ce B. Dol-Goy's life, not the forces of the SE-BA-GAT-GAT SE-BI SHILD MISSION OTHER, BUT CONSTRUCTION CHE-BE-PLA-MA-MA to be able to sort, so, I will sit in the layer of yours. Here, I give the heart of the cues of wise and ravo-zoom, so that there would be no pre-te-bia, and in the following te-bia Does not-be-bobbing. And then, what are you not working, I give those-benefit and bo-ghat, and the Slave, so that it is not a bubbling of Thousands of all days are yours. And the EU-Lee will be able to go-to-thread Mo-them, co-stitching, you're my and in-in-di my di, like your father's father, yes-kind, I am about - Your days are yours (). And the pro-Bou-Dil-SO-Lo-Mons from SNO-Wi-De-E-th, and it was accurate in accurately. And not in-honey-lil about-to-show-Xia Dar-Zu-Ma - in Su-de His over the two female female-na-mi, the use of it -y: Ko-gda appeared to him two women, the ro-diva-sem-novre-men-but ml - den-tsev, from which one died, but whose gda they spas in one com-on-th, and now, they are a spo-river, who, at the same time, left-leavy in the life of MLA-DE- NEZ, - then the Sk-Hall of the king: in my opinion I am a sword. And at the time of the sword to Caa-Ryu. And the Sk-Hall of the Tsar: Ras-Ci-Ki-Those Di-Two and Ot-Dai, in Lo-Wi-well and in Lo-Vi-well. And from-ve-cha la be the soup-on-swarm of her son, Caa-Ryu, for the avian-but-va-las all the inside-renom Step-well-e-e-mu: Oh, the State-Din MY! From-giving it to her re-bin, live and no die-lies-they. And the friend Gaya go-in-Ri-la: Let it not be a bu neither to me nor Te-BE, Rou-Bi. And from-ve-tan Tsar and Ská-Hall: from-give this life di, and not a die-win-those of him: she is his mother. And Hyl-Shal from-Ra-Ile, as Ras-Su-Dil King, and became a bouquet-smiling of Central Asia, because he was on-boring, that the wise of the boasts in it to Due to the court. And there was a co-Lo-Mont Centa-Rem over everything from Ra-I-Lem (). He is the vuls of all tsar-sv, from the re-ki Ev-Fra-Ta to Zam Li-Fili-Steam and to the pre-de cereal of Egypt. They are at the same time da-ry and serving SO-Lo-well-well in all days of his life (). And Juda Judas and from Ra-Ile Spo-Koyu-but, every under the Wi-Hild - Nich, and under the SMO-ni-ni-her, from yes Before Vir-Sa-Vii, all the days of SO-Lo-Mo-on ().

And God gave SO-Lo-Mo-well, the wiseness and the entire Ma Ve-Li Ra-Zoom and a wide mind, like a pea juice on the Be-Re-State of Mosa (). He was Mud-Ray of all Lyu dei ... The name of him would be in the slant of all overlooking ones. And from the rivers he is three of you, and the dog, and his dogs would be La-Sia-Cha and five; And he-ril he about de re-fly, from Ked-Ra, which is in Li-Vanya, to the IS-SO-PA, you, Ras-Ta-Yu-th of the steed; Guo-ril and about the streets, and about the PC-Cah, and about the pre-sam-ka-Yu-Xia, and about the fish. And at the Ho-di, from all on-RO-Dov, in service of Mud-Ro-SO-Lo-Mo-on, from all Central Central Central Asian, which are -All about his mud-po-ego (). In the stroke of the temple, the pre-at-all co-lo-Mr., pro-Doloshal 7 years; At the same time, the LO 70,000 Che-Lo-century, 80,000 Ka-Me-No-Sich-Tsev, 30,000 RU-KED-RO Forest in Ti-Rea, when-ni-ni-cords, survived for Ra-Ta-Mi - 3,600 Che Lo-century. Ko-gda SO-Veda-on-Li-La Maja-Po-Ta-Ta for the Temperature of State, Socy Lo-Mons, from his, se-re-ro and zo-lo, and the vessel from-gave in the CO-CRO-Visiting Ni-Tsy, the State-Pod-Nia and Social tires from-ra-Ile and all on-chal-ni-c-flashes, heads of co-les, Sy Ni-Ra-Ile, ... ... to be Pie Czheg in-ve-Ta State-Pod-nya Da-Da-Vi-Ba ().

And, Obrachi to Na-Ro-Du and Blav-Go-Wiv Socy-Brav-Shi-Smi-Ra-Il-Tian, \u200b\u200bCo-Lo-Mont Skal Hall: Blah-Lo -Ved god-pom God from Ra-Ilav, which is a SKA-Hall of his-I-Mi-Da-Vi-Di, from CSU Mo-Eh, and now IS-Paul-Neal Rou-Coch Her Her! He go-in-rit: from the one day, as I did in-kind my, from Ra-I la, from Egypt, I didn't because I didn't care about Mr. Ko-Len from Ra-Ile, so that there is a building of the house, in which the name of mine would be a pre-Va-Lo. But because of the Iero-Sa-Lim, for pre-via, in him, I had - neither my e-th, and because of YES, Da-Wi-yes, to be to him on the ro-house , From Ra-I-Lem. Da-Wi-yes, from the Mo-th, would be on the edge of the temple of the Nor State-Due Boy-ha-ra-Ile-Wa. But the State Ska-Hall of Da-Vi-Doo, from CSU Mo-Mu-Mu: Ho-Ro-Sho, that those of those les in the heart of the temple of the temple of -his; One-on-home is not so built by the temple, and your son, an Iso-Sed -shi from Cres-them, he is a stroke-IT temple of N-e-e-mu. And IS-Paul-Neal State-Pour of His, which is from rivers. I will throw-drank on my one-hundred OT-CA ... and a stroke of the Temple of Nor State-Due-Yea-ha-ra-Ile-Va ( ).

And became Socy-Lo-Mont Peestos, Veje-Re-De-Di, all-round, from Ra-Il-Tian, \u200b\u200band WHO DVIG RU-KI To the sky and Sk-Hall: State-Di-Di Broa Iz-Ra-Ilav! There is no pre-good-ha B-ha in the sky Vver-Hu and on Zem-le-zui! () Is-ti-non-bo-gui to live on earth? Heaven and Heaven Heaven Does not attend those, that me, this is this temple, which I am a strict-silt, nor yours-e-mu ... but when Mo-Lit-Wu Ra-Ba-E-go and on the pro-neck of it! You hear WHO ZVA and Mo-Lit-Wu, who is a slave, who is currently, who is now! Yes, bu-win Your eyes are from-ver, on the Temple of this day and night, on this me-a hundred, about that-rum you Sk-Hall: My name will be there; Hear the Mo Lit-Wu, which-roi bu children to my mourning-smooth slave on my and seven! () With a whole Mo-Lit-ve with all-com pro-necks, ka-ka-kids from Ka-Co-Lei-Bo Che-Lo-Ka in all on de yours, ko-gda, they feel the trouble in the heart of their own and pro-abut, you will hear your temples from the sky one hundred-tau-e-th, and in Mi-Lui; SDE-LAY AND WHO GIVE EACH ON THE PU-TELEY HIS YOU DO YOU DIRECT CER-TSA HIS, For you are alone, you know the heart of all the symbols of all new Che-Lo-Che ! ().

Ko-gda SO-Lo-Mont pro-from-carried to the state-in-Doo, then-gda stood with Ko-Len from the horsepower venerator -Yoa, Ru-Ki would have been rav-from you to the sky and, standing, he is blah-go-in-vil, all sobre from Ra-Il-Tian (). And the king and all of the Ra-Il-Tian with him at the time of the hills of the state ().

And Izval-Si-Lo-mo, well, the state in the second time, as I revealed to him in the Ga-Va-One, and Ska-Hall to him: I was the sander of Mo Lit-Wu yours and about "Your ... I am consecrated, this temple, which is a stroke-il, to prevent you, or Mo-e-e-century there, and bu-win My eyes and the heart are all there all the days (). According to the windows-chairs of the SO-Lo-Mont Wait-Motor, the Circassium-Sa-Ma-Ma and the DVO-Rota for the same time, pre-che Egi-Pet-go, and at the time of the ka-room to arrange a multiple-kin-stale.

Bo-Gat-Gate So-Lo-Mo-forly, so ber-ko that the se-re-ro during his days did not interfere with anything. And SDE-LAL king zo-lo and se-re-ro in Jero-Sa-La Rav-nu-price-nym, a shed-ig, on the same Their, SDE-LAL RAB-NO-PRI-CO-CO-MO-RAM, which-rye on the bottom-ki me-stah ().

And all the Central Tsa-Roma Is-Ka-Lee Wi-Cho-Lo-Mo-on, in order to hear the mud-po-estee of him, God-rude God-lived in the heart his. And each of them are under-no-forces from se-hai as a gift of co-sou-dy-dyed and co-su-dust zo-lo, and clothes-dy, yeast and blah-th-military, and Lo-Sha-Kov from go-yes per year ().

All Tsa-Ri would be Dan-ni-ki SO-Lo-Mo-on, and yes, and the Centralcie Sav-Skye, Hisl-Shav about the Slah-ve in his name state-in , at which I was-poured it in the Gad-ka. And she was walking in Jera-Sa-Lim with the full pain-shim b-ghat: Ver-Blu-Double on-view would be a blah-na-ni-y-mi and ve-Lo-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Town-Town-Town-Mi-Mi, and at a time to CO-Lo-Mo-Well and Be-Se- Pre-Va La about everything that would be on her heart. And the volume-nile of her co-lo-Mont all of her () ... and on a walk in the co-lo-mone of Central Asian Mud-Ro-Ste and Bo-Gat -Hee than the Scha Li-Li-Li-Li-Li Li-Due-yes, in a hundred-viv-neck of CO-Lo-Mo-on Caout Court and Right ...

So blah-go-nod, the God-Lo-Mo-on at that time, Ko-gda, he was Nepoo-Rh-Chen, but Ko-gda SO-Lo Mont, in Waiting for our own, to us, in the stroke-il ka-pi-sch for IDO-fish, in the si-ta-ehm, then on the Effects of the Wrath Boy God has given His enemy-de-Ni-Ni-Ade-Ra-Ma-Ya-Ni-Na and Ra-Zo-on, the See-Sea Ra-Boy go, who, kill, kill, from his e-go-di-on, Socy-Shai-ku Mi-Tem-Nich and Ukre-Pil-Sia in da Mas-Ke . Both of them in a hundred-yang-trev-vsi-Li Yudu-eva-I-Mi on-Ga-Mi. OSO-BEN-BE-CO-I-LO SO-LO-MOOT that the pro-rock Ahya Pred-Ska-Hall is sub-Dan-No-Mu - Iero-AMU (EF- Rem-La-Ni-well from Caa-Dy) that he will be trading the tsar-owner from the Ru Ki Socy-Lo-Mo-Wa and that he will give him power over the 10th Co-Le -Na-Mi from Ra-Ile-Ski ... Socy-Lo-Mont Is Cal Read -y-gda died-vite Jero-Wama, but Iero-AM Spass-Xia running in Egypt Pet where and lived to the duty of SO-Lo-Mo-on. It was not previously without Ras-Ka-I, and not in-Tmi-las-at-on in the Du-She-Lo-Mo-on. About Co-Cro-neck Du-Him and about the co-knowledge of the rights and one-but-go on a three-way Svi-de-Tel-b -Kle-zi-a-stelya ": Su-E-ta is all the Su-E-TA! ().

You are a silend, the essence of all-goes: Boy-Xia Bo-hectare and in-in-de-di his co-blu-giving, one thing is that everything is for Che Lo-ve -You () ...

All books of SO-Lo-Mont Na-Pi-Sal Che-you-Rea: Prith-Chi, Pre-Wise, Ek-Cle-Zi-Ast and Song Dog-her.

The time of the Tsar-Vi-Vi-Lo-Mo-on in Jero-Sa-Lie, above all from Ra-I, Lo Co-Rock. And in chil co-lo-Mons with OT-Ca-I-Mi, and in Ga Bain was in the go-de-de-Vi-yes, from his own e-th, and of the son of His Son of His RO-AM () (from which-ro-go - in the IC-Paul-Nez I am a pre-neck of it on the pre-table from 10 Ko-Len from Ra-Ile).

Real name of King Solomon (Shlomo) - Yedidia (Beloved by God). Solomon's nickname - peaceful - he received for the fact that, unlike his father, King David, practically did not fought.

The Holy Scripture says that Solomon was born in the capital of the Israeli kingdom - Jerusalem.

The king of David had a lot of wives. According to the Bible, Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines (3 kings. 11: 3). However, polygamy played With Solomon, the evil joke. Solomon's spouses were idolaters, and, Potakaya them, the king built the numerous pagan sanctuations for them, which he himself regularly visited. For that he was predicted that after death, his kingdom will decay.

Looking at wisdomand the fabulous wealth of King Solomon, he was visited by the legendary Queen Savskaya, in order to experience his wisdom and make sure of his wealth (according to other data, Solomon ordered her to appear to him, he having heard about the wonderful and rich country of Saba). The queen brought numerous gifts with them.

The state of Sabe really existed on Arabian Peninsula (He has mentioned in the Assyrian manuscripts of the 8th century BC).

The most profitable His marriage became marriage with the daughter of Pharaoh, the ruler of the powerful Egypt. It is believed that Solomon ended with a half-behable admission of Jews and Egyptians, taking the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh as the first wife (the third book of the kingdoms, 9:16).

Traditionally it is believed that Solomon was the author three biblical books. In his youth, he wrote a love poem - "Song of the Songs" (Shir A-Shirim), in maturity - a moral assembly "Proverbs" (Micheli), and in old age - the sad book "Ecclesiast" (Coethlet), which starts in words: "Justa fuss - All fuss. "

In the Orthodox and Catholic Church, is considered the author of the Secondary Book Wisdom Solomon.

At the crucial moment in the struggle for the power of Solomon, the High Priest Sadok, the Prophet Nafan, and the main commander of the Metropolitan Guard Vaneya. By different chronologym, the dates of the board belong to the beginning of the century BC. e., 972-932 BC e., 960s - approx. 930 BC e., 967-928 BC. e., according to the traditional Jewish chronology approx. 874-796 BC e.

The kingdom of Israel at Solomon

Solomon was the wiser and richest king of his time. In the Bible, it is described how God appeared to him in a dream, at the moment when Solomon began to reign, and said: "ask what you want." Solomon asked himself a wisdom to manage the people, and the Lord said: "For the fact that you did not ask for yourself wealth and glory, but asked for yourself wisdom and mind, then you are given wisdom and wealth, which has no king."

Conducted by over "Wisdom, artist in total"allowed Solomon "To know the device of the world and the action of the elements, the beginning, the end and the middle of the times, shifts and change the times, the circles of the years and the position of the stars, the nature of the animals and the properties of animals, the desire of winds and the thoughts of people, the differences in plants and the forces of the roots"

Solomon Roveam's son did not inherit his father's wisdom. He did not find a common language with the subjects. As a result 10 of 12 knees Separated from Jerusalem and created a separate Israeli kingdom.

Today The only preserved treasure of the whole richness of Solomon is a straw grenade of 43 mm in size, which King Solomon presented the first temple on the first temple on the opening day of the sanctuary.

Tsar Solomon was a peaceful ruler and during his reign (he ruled 40 years) there was not a single big war.

Solomon He tried to develop crafts and marine trade in Israel, bringing specialists from Phenicia for this purpose.

In the kingdom of Solomon there was so many wealththat silver depreciated and became equal to simple stone. In the third book of the kingdoms, it is said about this (chapter 10, verse 27): "And the king of silver in Jerusalem made equivalent to simple stones, and the cedar, according to their set, made equivalent to Sicomoras growing at low places."

The priority of agriculture in Israel is evidenced by the fact that Solomon was supplied by Hiram every year twenty thousand wheat measures and twenty thousand measures of vegetable oil. Of course, farmers Subjected to cruel exploitation, but still such colossal supplies of agricultural products are possible only under prosperity.

Archaeological finds We introduced us to many parties of life of that time. In particular, they indicate a rather high living standards. Countless expensive cosmetics bowls made from alabaster and ivory, different shapes bubbles, tweezers, mirrors and hair studs proving that the Israeli women of that era cared for their appearance.

They used perfume, blush, creams, worlds, huhu, balsam oil, powder from cypress crust, red paint for nails and blue for eyelids. Most of these drugs were imported from abroad, and such imports are characteristic of a rich country.

Solomon wrote three thousandproverbs, of which only 513 entered the book of Solomon Proverbs. (Third Kingdoms 4:32), themes and the main content of the book Proverbs.

In the Proverb book there are a number of important topics that can be divided into three parts:

Human attitude to God;
The attitude of a person to itself;
His attitude to others.

The most important thing that Tsar Solomon did for his life - It was built by the Jerusalem Temple.

Building materials were supplied from Lebanon: sandstone, cypress trees, cedar. Stones were trimmed by Kamenotesami like Hiram and Solomon. Copper, necessary for utensils and temple columns, was mined in the copper specks of the gouma, in the south of Israeli Highlands. In construction, almost 200 thousand workers were involved.

Grand construction and rapid economic development required the workforce "and settled Tsar Solomon a Meament all Israel; the obligation consisted of thirty thousand people." Solomon divided the country for 12 tax districts, obliging them to keep the royal courtyard and the army.

Knee Judah,from which Solomon and David took place, was freed from taxes, which caused dissatisfaction with the representatives of the remaining Israel knees. The wastefulness and thrust of Solomon to luxury, led to the fact that he could not pay the king of the Chief, with whom he concluded an agreement in the construction of the temple, and was forced to give him a few of his cities to debt.

The priests were also reasons for discontent. King Solomon had many wives of different races and religions, they brought their deities with them.

Solomon built the Kapiegie for them, where they could worship their gods, and at the end of life and began to participate in pagan cults.

After the death of King Solomon, his kingdom broke up into two weak states, Israeli and Judealeading permanent internecine wars.

The death of King Solomon came in 928 BC. Eh on the fourth dozen of his rule. Approximate, without believing the death of the elder, did not harbor the deceased until the worms began to eat his staff.

A selection of facts: site

Proverbs Solomon

In contact with

Son and (Bat Shevy), his co-guide in 967-965 BC. e. It is considered the author of the "Book of Ecclesiast", the books "Song of Solomon's song", "Books of Solomon's Proverbs", as well as some psalms. During the Board of Solomon in Jerusalem was built - the main shrine of Judaism.

Coming to reign

Father Solomon, David, was going to pass the throne to Solomon. However, when David Odreaclel, the authorities tried to usurp the other son, Adony. He entered a conspiracy with the High Priest Aviation Affare and Commander of Joava, and, taking advantage of the weakness of David, announced himself to the successor to the throne, appointing a magnificent coronation. Solomon's mother, Wirzavia, as well as the Prophet Nafan (Nathan) notified David about it. Adony fled and disappeared into the tabernacle, grabbed "for the horns of the altar" (3 sir.1: 51), after his repentance, Solomon pardon him.

After coming to power, Solomon dealt with other participants in the conspiracy. So, Solomon temporarily removed the airfather from the priesthood and executed Joawa, who tried to hide in the run. Artist of both executions, Vanya, Solomon appointed new commander for troops. God gave Solomon to the reign, provided that he will not deviate from serving God. In exchange for this promise, God gave Solomon unprecedented wisdom and patience.


But the top business and the glory of his reign was the construction of a majestic, replaced by the dilapidated disconnection, which from now on became the national pride of Israel, his soul not only religious, but also political life. With it, the poetry reached its highest development, and its remarkable works serves as the famous "" (Shir Ham-Shirim), on its external form representing something like a lyrical drama hanging love in its deepest basis and purity. With Solomon, the Jewish people achieved a culmination point of their development, and the inverse movement began with him, which only a more noticeable affected the Tsar.

Board Solomon

Solomon inherited from his father, an extensive state, stretching from the "Egyptian River to the Great River Euphrat." To manage such a state, the extensive mind was required and tested wisdom, and fortunately for the people, the young gift was from nature endowed with a light mind and insight, who later gave him the fame of the "the wisest king". Taking advantage of a deep world, Solomon drew all his attention to the cultural development of the state and in this regard reached extraordinary results.

The country is rich, and the well-being of the people has increased to an unprecedented degree. The yard of Solomon was not inferior in his brilliance the yards of the greatest and most powerful lords of the then civilized world. The composition of the government formed by Solomon:

  • High Priests - Sadok, Aviafar, Azaria;
  • Commander of the troops - Vanya;
  • Minister of Taxation - Adoniram;
  • Court chronicle - Iosafat; also scribes - Elichorf and Achia;
  • Akhisar - Head of the Tsarist Administration;
  • Zavuf;
  • Azaria - head of the governors;

12 Vicers: Ben-Hur, Ben Decker, Ben-Hemed, Ben-Avinadav, Vaana, Son Achiluda, Ben-Gever, Achinadav, Achimaas, Vaana, Son Hasha, Iosafat, Shimy, Gever.

Foreign policy

Solomon adhered to most of the rulers of the time, imperial views. United States of Israel and Judea, united under his power, occupied a large territory; Solomon sought expansion, which proof was served by him under the pretext of the appeal to the "right" religion of Annexia Saby. Solomon committed a half-behable enmity of Jews and Egyptians, taking the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh as the first wife.

Annexia Sab.

According to legend, Solomon joined Sabu to his state - the legendary state, the official religion of which was sun-plane. He sent the government of Sab (famous under the title of Queen Savskaya) Pilkis Note with a proposal to unite with a change in state religion.

The Supreme Council of the SABA decided to consider this note by the announcement of the war and enter into it, but the bolkis imposed a veto solution and joined Solomon to negotiations. The Saby Ambassador brought Solomon gifts, however, he defiantly refused, motivating the fact that nothing better and more than he had, Saba could not give him, and the only goal of the association is to pay a fair religion on the territory of Sab. During the negotiations, Solomon stated that if necessary, would begin the war and capture Sabu by force. Then the bilks went to the negotiations, after ordering to hide the royal regalia (mainly throne). From his spies, Solomon found out about it and ordered his residents to steal the throne in Sab and deliver to the place of negotiations. When the bilks arrived, Solomon offered her her throne.

The depressed bilkes agreed to the connection, which thus took place; The state religion of Sabs was in accordance with the state religion of Solomonov Kingdom.

End of the reign of Solomon

The end of the reign of Solomon was overshadowed by different disappointments, the cause of which was mainly reached to the extraordinary sizes of polygamy and associated exorbitant costs. The people began to be rapidly incurious taxes, and Solomon finished life with the conviction that "all the fuss and tomorrow of the Spirit," and with the fear for the future of their house, which was threatened already with him. According to the Bible, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (3 kings. 11: 3), among whom were alien. One of them, by that time his beloved wife and had a great influence on the king, convinced Solomon to build a pagan altar and worship the deities of her native land. For this, God warmed up on him and promised many deprivation by the people of Israel, but after the end of the reign of Solomon. Thus, all the reign of Solomon passed quite calmly.

Solomon died in 928 BC. e. At the age of 62 years. According to legend, it happened at the time when he watched the construction of a new altar. To avoid mistakes (suggesting that it can be a lethargic sleep), the approximated did not bury it until the worms began to sharpen his staff. Only then was officially recognized as dead and buried. During the life of Solomon, the uprisings of conquered peoples (Edomyites, Arameyan) began; Immediately after his death, an uprising broke out, as a result of which a single state was broken by two kingdoms (Israeli and Jewish).

Solomon in Islam

Suleiman is an Islamic name, the Jews are known as Shlomo, in Christianity is known as Solomon, Armenians - like sughmi. Respely as the name of the prophet Suleiman, the son of the prophet Dauda. Suleiman was the son of the prophet Dauda. From his father he learned a lot of knowledge and was elected Allah to the prophets, and he was given mystical power over all beings, including jinn. He ruled the huge kingdom, which in the south extended to Yemen. Suleiman was famous for his wisdom and justice.

Aware of Suleiman's contacts with Queen Tsaritsa. Bilkes was a wise government, but her people worshiped the sun and the moon. Suleiman tried to stop it, she also wanted to draw the Prophet with gifts, which led only to the fact that he was in anger sent a huge army into her country. Being hiking, he spoke with ants and birds. Soon he regretted the people of Filkis and decided not to harm them. When Queen Savskaya came to negotiations, one of the subordinates of Suleiman Jinn brought to the prophet one of the thrones of the queen she learned. Surprised by the wisdom and power of the Prophet, the bilkes married him. Suleiman completed the construction of the temple, which was launched by his father Daudom. He lived 80 years old, but after his death the kingdom broke out, because Soul Suleiman became an unholy ruler.

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Years of life: 1011-928 BC e.

Helpful information

dr.-Heb. שְׁלֹמֹה.
translite. "Shlomo"
greek. Σαλωμών, σολωμών in the Septuagint
lat. Solomon in Vulgate
arab. سليمان translite. "Sulayman"

The name Solomon on Hebrew comes from the root "שלום" (Shalom - "World", in the meaning "not war"), as well as "שלם" (Shalem - "Perfect", "OTHER").

Solomon is also mentioned in the Bible also under a number of other names. So, sometimes he is called Jeedy ("Beloved by God") - a symbolic name, this Solomon in the sign of God's favor of God to his father David, after his deep repentance in history with Bathshevia.

Legends about Solomone

Court of King Solomon

Wisdom of his Solomon showed primarily at the trial. Soon, two women came to his court for him. They lived in the same house, and each had a baby. At night, one of them asked her baby and put him to another woman, and that had a living for himself. In the morning, women began to argue: "My living child, and my dead," said each. So they argued and before the king. After listening to them, Solomon ordered: "Bring the sword."

And they brought a sword to the king. Solomon said: "Remove the living child in half and give half one and half of the other."

One of the women with these words exclaimed: "Give her better baby, but do not kill it!"

The other, on the contrary, said: "Rubita, let him not get to her."

Then Solomon said: "Do not kill the child, but give him the first woman: she is his mother."

The people heard about it and began to be afraid of the king, because everyone saw, which wisdom gave him God.

Ring Solomon

Despite the wisdom, the life of King Solomon was not calm. And once the Tsar Solomon appealed for advice to the court sage with a request: "Help me - a lot in this life can take me out of myself. I am very prone to passion, and it interferes with me! "

What the sage replied: "I know how to help you. Put it is a ring - the phrase is carved on it: "It will pass." When a strong anger or severe joy is surrounded, look at this inscription, and she sabs you. In this you will find salvation from passions! "

Solomon followed the sage advice and gained calm. But the moment came when, looking, as usual, on the ring, he did not calm down, but on the contrary - even more came out of himself. He ripped a ring from his finger and wanted to cherish him away in the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some inscription on the inside of the ring. He looked and read: "And this will also pass."

Islamic legends

Transfer from the words of Abu Khruire, and he will be pleased with Allah, that he heard the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and he was welcomed, said: there were two women with their sons (as suddenly) came running a wolf, the son of one of them And she told her girlfriend: "The wolf is covered by your son!" Another (woman) said: "No, it was your son!", - And then they appealed to the court to Dauda, \u200b\u200band bless him Allah and be welcomed, which made a decision (to give) his elders.

And then they went to Suluyman, the son of Dauda, \u200b\u200band bless him Allah and it welcomes, and they told him (about everything), and he said: "Bring me a knife, and I will share it between them." Then the youngest exclaimed: "Do not do it, yes, he drops you allah, this is her son!", - After that, he made a decision to give him younger.

Transfer from the words of Abu Khruire, and he will be pleased with Allah, that (once) the prophet, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "Truly, yesterday I was the spirit from among the jinn (or he said something like that) to To interrupt my prayer, but Allah helped me cope with him. (First) I wanted to bind it to one of the columns of the mosque, so that in the morning you looked at him in the morning, but (later) I remembered the words of my brother Sulyaiman (who said): "My Lord! Forgive me and give me (such) the power, which no one will have after me. "

Image in art

The image of King Solomon inspired many poets and artists:

  • german poet XVIII century. F.-g. Klopstok dedicated to him the tragedy in verses,
  • artist Rubens wrote a picture of Solomon Court,
  • Gendel dedicated to him an oral
  • Guno - Opera.

In 2009, the film "Illusion of fear" (according to Alexander Turchinov's book), where the image of King Solomon and the legend of him were used to open the image of the chief hero, a box entrepreneur, by carrying out analogies between antiquity and modernity, was removed by the film Alexander Kirienko.

Star Solomon

According to the legend, at Solomone, the sign of his father David became a state seal. In Islam, the six-pointed star is called Solomon's star.

At the same time, medieval mystics were called the Solomon Pentagram (five-pointed star).

According to another version, Solomon's sign, so on. Solomon seal, was an eight-pointed star, intertwined as a pentagram.

At the same time, in the occult pentacle with the title "Star of Solomon", it is considered to be 12-finite star. Due to more rays, a circle is formed in the center of the star. Often the symbol fit into it, thanks to which the pentacle helped in intellectual work and increased talents.

It is believed that the Star of Solomon was based on the Maltese Cross of the Knights of John.

These signs were widely used in magic, alchemy, Kabbalah and other mystical exercises.

Solomon. Mesed word means peaceful. Solomon was the tenth son of David and was born from Wirmsavia, formerly by the wife of Uria, in 1033 to R. X. (). The name of Solomon was given to him by his parents, according to Nathan's prophecy, as a sign of the return of peace and the grace of God and to commemorate his peaceful reign, in the opposition to the militant reign of David (). The Lord loved the newborn, etc. Nafan, according to the word of the Lord, called him Jediy - Beloved by God ().

About the childhood and youth of the Son of Breysawi. The teeping is not transferred to any information. Judging by the deep love provided by David to his future successor, and the solemn covenants with which he ordered him, passing him the royal power, - covenants, the implementation of which, undoubtedly, demanded a great mind and a great scholarship, it is possible to unmistakably assume that Solomon was completely brought up and trained throughout the then wisdom of Israel and that his mind, besides, was deeply identified wisdom outgoing over.

When David. aged, entered into old summer (), Adony, the eldest son, made an attempt to join the throne of his father. In this company, it was helped by Jooh, the chief head of the troops, and the first graduation. Aviafar, as the head of the church in its high position, who enjoyed great influence among Israel. Joav and Aviafar, of course, were well aware that they lived in the transition period and that the new order of things comes, in which their strength and influence can easily increase. Adony suspected Son Bathsavia, and when he invited other brothers to the alleged wedding to the kingdom, he did not send invitations to Solomon: he probably already knew about the intention of his father and about the Divine on the will not in his favor. The Prophet Nafan, a providence of disasters that could occur from this idea, immediately advised BRISSAI to go to his elderly royal husband and remind him of his oath - to make Solomon's heir to his throne. Queen went to David, and thanks to its strengthened requests, measures were taken in a timely manner to destroy the treacherous admonia to the throne.

In the warning of something like that for the future, David immediately ordered Vanya, the experienced military commander, the Sadoko-high priest, Nathan-prophet to bring Solomon to the flow of Gion, to anew his world and proclaim it before the people as the future king of Israel. All this was performed exactly. And the trumboy hooked and shouted the whole people: Yes, King Solomon lives. The joyful sounds of the pipes, driving in the city, soon were heard by Adonia and his accomplices, who immediately fled the fear, expressed repentance and brought oath to the future king. It was approaching the time to die David, and so he calling Solomon to himself, urged him to carefully preserve the purity of the heart and justice both in his own face and in the management of cases; He told him detailed instructions regarding the device of the Temple of Jehovah, ordered him to punish Joav for the murder of Avenir and Amesh, as well as Semey for cruel curses, uttered once on the chapter of the king. Soon after that aged king, soil with his fathers, and Solomon became the only king in Israel.

Strictly fulfilling the will of his father and in the types of peace for his kingdom, the young king first of all took advantage of the case of freeing his kingdom from the most powerful enemies: To this end, Adonius, Avisaga, the last one in the house of David, IOAV and families were killed, first-gracious. The airfare was deprived of his Sana and expels to AnaF, asylum, in the knee of Veniamin. According to the eastern customs, Solomon took over the daughter of Pharaoh, the King of Egyptian, and introduced it to the house of David - the event, albeit, and the former violation of the law, but celebrated and then with an extraordinary luxury (,).

Solomon found it necessary to leave for the time the unholy idall services of some of his subjects, which even until now was completely freed from idolatry, but brought victims and smoking at altitudes. And although he himself loved the Lord and walked according to the charter of David, his father, but he also brought victims and smoking at altitudes ().

Before building the temple, the shrine, who used a great reverence of the people, was located in Gavayon, where the copper altar and the altar was stood, made by Moses in the wilderness. Solomon came here during one of the solemn meetings and here brought the Lord to God for thousands of bindings on this altar. The Lord appeared to him in a dream at night and told him: ask what to give you? The young king with a deep sense of humility and humility of God asked himself only one - the heart is reasonable to justly judge and manage the numerous people entrusted to his management. And the landscaped to the Lord, notes the sacred teeping that Solomon asked for this.He was given from the Lord's heart wise and reasonable and, moreover, wealth and glory, much more than his predecessors was. Solomon was then returned to Jerusalem and before the Ark of the Testament brought the Grateful Sacrifice. And he did a big feast for all his servants ().

Completely established on the throne and fully prepared for the fulfillment of his thumbnails, the successor of David is now before us the wise ruler of the elected 12 knees. Since the acts of the glorious reign of Solomon, set out in the III KN. Kingdoms (III-XI), and in the II CN. Couple. (Ix), for few outstanding exceptions, have a fragmentary nature, we will make a brief essay in I) - the wisdom of Solomon, II) - its wealth, III) - His reign and personal character.

I. Solomon wisdom. The mind of Solomon possessed by all the principles on which true wisdom is based - that is, with sound judgment, extensive memory, a huge margin of knowledge and a skillful application of these things. The wise decision of the dispute between the two mothers regarding the living and dead baby, the dispute that took place in His presence detects a clear and accurate understanding of the feelings of the human heart and deep wisdom ().

Common principa, which he was guided in administrative affairs, excited deep respect and fear of such a wise proud. It is impossible not to notice with this, that judicial duties in the same time were one of the most important departments of the royal rule; And here we read in the Bible that Solomon, already at the beginning of her reign, made a focus with the throne, from which he tried, a tried trick did he() On which he recresented and solved numerous charges that arose in the medium of his subjects.

Different knowledge of his various matters were amazing. And there was a wisdom of Solomon, notes the bias. teepisser above wisdom of all the sons of the East, and all the wisdom of Egyptians. He was wiser of all people (). He will definite three thousand tribes, and his song was a thousand and five (art. 32). His knowledge was very diverse. According to the sacrament. teeping and he spoke about the trees from Cedar, that in Lebanon, to the Issop, growing out of the wall; spoke of animals and birds, and the reptiles, and fish ().

In addition to these huge scientists and the above written works, Solomon compiled more than the following books: Song of the song, Proverbs and Ecclesiast, who were undoubtedly written by him on the inspiration of St. Spirit. Glory about his extraordinary wisdom, naturally, could not be limited to the close limits of Jews. Between all neighboring peoples and far, far, even to the borders of Arabia, various amazing stories were transmitted. And came from all nations to listen to Solomon wisdom().

Hearing about the wisdom and the glory of Solomon, it came to Him in Jerusalem with a very large wealth of the queen Sava, or South, to experience him with riddles, and talked to him about everything that was on her heart. And Solomon explained to her all the words of her, and there was nothing unfamiliar Solomon, which he would not explain to her (). And so, I and half did not say about the many wisdom of your, exclaimed the queen of remote Savea, parting with him, you are superior to the best I heard().

II. Wealth Solomon. During the reign of Solomon, everything obviously favored to multiplying his wealth in huge quantities. Judas and Israel lived carefree under their figure. Wars have not yet known. Podachi with defeated neighboring peoples, the fruits of the native activity are agricultural and shepherds, and all the complaints that came from the developed big trading, richly filled the Treasury of Solomon. From the last of the current sources of acquisition were truly huge. Trade offensions were made with Tyr, Arabia, Egypt, very likely with Babylon and, maybe also with India.

He had a fleet in the Indian Ocean, who, with one sea journey, gave him 400 talents of gold, and the other in the Mediterranean, who traded with Farsis and bringing precious metals to him. He also had trading warehouses in Palmir and Balbeca for foreign trade. The deserts will fall before him, the Psalm operator exclaimsAnd his enemies will lick the dust. The kings of Farsice and the islands will bring him a tribute; kings of Arabia and Sava will bring him gifts(). From these different countries and cities were exported in large quantities and silver, also ivory, red and other precious trees, fabrics, horses, monkeys and chariots, except spicy plants and other valuable trade items.

Another abundant source at multiplying wealth served as glory about his wisdom, which he tied among all other peoples. From all the ends of the Earth gathered numerous visitors to him, the wider of people, and everyone brought him gifts every year as a sign of its deep respect - it is silver and golden vessels, and military supplies, and clothes and fragile spices, horses and mules. And it is very likely that various marital ties in which Solomon took up with various royal daughters, a lot increased his personal wealth.

Thus, the wealth has become so great that silver in Jerusalem was equal to simple stone, and the cedars for their many became equivalent to Sicomoras. Solomon's home costs stretched to huge sizes. The image of his life for many years was extremely luxurious: 700 wives and 300 concubines with a large retinue of Eneunov and other servants, of course, demanded daily enormous costs of their food (). Sacrifice from oxen and sheep, brought by King Jehovah at different solemn cases (), could only be done by the person who owns unlimited money.

We do not mention the large costs that he produced on a device of various heights, altars for smoking Fimiam, etc., for which he was inclined by his wife's innings. During his reign, Solomon erected many different beautiful buildings, and the most majestic of them, of course, was Jehovah's Temple, erected by him on Moria (see).

He also built a magnificent palace for himself - a house made from the tree of the Lebanese forest, a foculation with a throne for a trick made of ivory and pure gold (), and outside the village of Judene - Palace for the daughter of Pharaoh. It was erected by many other cities and buildings smaller in magnitude and not so richly removed (). The material from which the temples and palaces were built was always very valuable, it was sometimes delivered from the most remote countries, and the costs used on the construction of these were exceeded, apparently, any likely to.

III. The reign of Solomon. And lived Judas and Israel, notes the holy. The teepisitor for the reign of Solomon, numerous as sand by the sea, calmly, each under the vineyard to its own and under the figures, from Dana to Baths, in all days of Solomon().

This huge territory of Solomon divided into 12 regions that did not meet, however, 12 of the knees of Israel, and over each of them put a special benchmark, which in turn had to deliver monthly food reserves for the content of the tsarist yard (). The long world in his board and the unparalleled welfare of his subjects was talked by Solomon and his kingdom of special loud glory and fame predominantly before all the kings and the kingdoms of the Earth. Truly his reign was considered as if the golden age of Jewish history. Unfortunately, the following years of the reign of Solomon did not correspond to the first years of his reign.

Forgetting the king of heaven, he did not donate the voice of the Lord, who warned him to sanctify the temple, carried away by the external brilliance of his kingdom, left or, at least, ran away from the faith of his fathers, began to serve Astarta, Divine Sidon, and Milhoma, abomination Ammonite. The unheard and unparalleled luxury reigned at the courtyard, and in its harem contained up to 700 wives and 300 concubines, mostly of the pagans from the surrounding peoples - Moavityan, Ammonites, and others. In addition, he imposed his heavy yoke on the people, enhanced labor. And the attachment of the people to this sovereign was now impossible. The people gradually alienated from the House of David, and the seeds of indignation were abundantly seeded, which later led to the disastrous separation of the kingdom. Yes, during the life of Solomon began to comprehend its various tests and shocks.

In Idumene, the Ader, the royal genius of interest, was now approved in the citizenship of David. During the conquest of Idumev David and beating them by his military leader, Aer, the Ader, being another young man, with some other ideas who served him, ran into Egypt, was favorably accepted by Pharaoh and gained great mercy from him. Now, hearing about the death of David and Joava, he asked himself to dismiss himself, returned to his land and was established in it. Another opponent of Israel in the days of Solomon was a divided. He was a subject of adrahasar, King Suvsky, but ran away from him and during the breakdown of Adrahasar David, collecting himself about himself a whip of free people, married in Damascus and dominated there, and his raids caused a lot of evil to Israel.

But a particularly dangerous enemy for Solomon was his subject to Jerobaam. He came from the knee of Efremova, from the city of Zartan, temporarily worked on the fortifications that Solomon produced in the city of David. Noticing his courage and dismountability, Solomon put him by a caretaker over officious from the house of Joseph. Once Jerobaam went out of town; On the road met his prophet Ahia. Withdrew the new clothes, which was on him, Ahia snatched her on 12 parts and, the commandments of Jerovoama to take 10 of them, told him: So the Lord says, the God of Israel: I will pull the kingdom from Solomon's hand, and give you 10 knees for the fact that Astarta, Hoshoma, and Milhoma began to be collected. However, I do not take a rustle of the kingdom of Solomon; While he is alive, he will remain king for the sake of David, the servant of mine, whom I chose and who kept the commandments of my, and take the kingdom of his son's hands; You will give 10 knees, but I will leave one knee to him, so that the lamp of David, the servant of mine, all the days before the face mine. So, I appoint you to be the king over Israel. If you save everything I am commanded, and you will execute my commands, like a servant My David, then I will be with you and strengthen your house as David House. Jerovoam did not have so much humility to the highest election in order to provide his future of God's luxury, and began to template himself to master the throne; But Solomon, having learned about it, I was looking for him to destroy him, and he ran into Egypt to Susakim, the king of Egypt, and there remained to the death of Solomon ().

The blasting of the prophet and the different tests of the last time of the reign of Solomon could not, of course, do not have a beneficial actions on it. The Lord himself promised David that he would be the father of his son, and if he was bad to come, he would punish him with the blows of human sons, but the grace would not take him away from him, as he took away from Saul (). Book Ecclesiasta, written by Solomon in the old summer of his life, clearly gives to see that he really understood the bustle of all the earthly, all the comforts of the world and all earthly works and efforts of human and therefore I was looking for himself and informed others in God and in the fulfillment of his commandments to seek true for Himself calm and happiness (12, 13).

In conclusion about Solomon, we note here that, no matter how great there were falls and delusion of it, whom the main source was blinding a passion for women and vanity, but the wisdom of the first years of his reign and his corrunner scriptures will forever remain in school of wisdom and virtue for all people. In addition to the book of Ecclesiast, Solomon left us a book PRECEMENT and Song song. His name is still on himself a book WisdomBut with all the high instructive content, it belongs to the later time and it is not in Jewish. The song of the song, according to the general interpretation of the fathers of the church, mysteriously depicts love, which connects God with a man and Christ with the church and every soul of believer. IN Parables, or allegoryrs and brief sayings of their own, Solomon instructs the youth of wisdom, piety, the right to fulfill his duties and happiness of life, believing him in virtue.

How many Solomon have excellent lessons for all ages and states! How many wise lessons for the kings! As many of the most assessed councils, rules and instructions regarding the posts of public and life of family, for husbands and wives, for children and parents, for nobles and servants, for young men and elders, regarding wealth and poverty, the purity of the heart and frankness, labor and rest, Piece and god-fearing, justice and justice, moderation and abstinence, leaning and waste, mercy and charity, goodness and meekness, prudence and wisdom, love and compassion to everyone, compassion for the most animals!

It is impossible not to notice that the century of Solomon was the most favorable at all for sciences and arts. Art construction, melting, art of engraving on precious stones, metal processing, gilding, sculpture art gained significant improvement. Building a temple, tsarist palaces and their rich decoration, elegant works, gold, from ivory and carved from wood, musical instruments of all kinds - all this encouraged and developed the artistic spirit of the people. The architecture appeared in the forms of more elegant and sophisticated, typical with taste.

Sciences also stood high. Astronomy was made by science practical and did not slow down to make significant successes. Solomon possessed extensive knowledge and medicine. He also wrote treatises about all animals, birds, trees, plants that, unfortunately, did not reach us, but who at that time had to shed their light on the state of science. Navigation and navigation should have been given to different observations and discoveries and are also of great importance for geography, astronomy and history, acquaintance with different other peoples and their businesses and customs.

In the New Testament, the name of Solomon is mentioned repeatedly by Jesus Christ. So, speaking of the beauty and splendor of field lilies, the Lord said that and Solomon in all the glory was not dressed as any of them (). At another time, the Lord, turning the scribes and the Pharisees who were looking for signs of signs, reminds them of the famous all-enough wisdom of Solomon, saying this way: queen South will rise to the court with the genus sim, and condemns it; For it came from the Land of Earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon; And here, here is more Solomon ().