Fortune telling on the compatibility of a man and a woman: find out what to expect from the future. Fortune telling on paper: checking love compatibility with a partner Fortune telling on couple compatibility

Fortune telling on paper is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal preparation requirements. In order to do this, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen. The accuracy of the prediction depends on how much you believe in this method of finding out your fate.

Fortune telling on paper and a pen is most often used to tell about the feelings of the person of interest. To check your love compatibility with your partner, take a piece of paper and draw a daisy on it. There should be exactly as many petals as there are letters in the name of your loved one. On each petal, clockwise, you need to write the letters of the name of your chosen one. After this, write the letters of your name on the petals in order. If your name is longer in number of letters than your partner’s name, then simply do not enter the remaining letters anywhere.

If there is 1 petal, your union has a future. Even if the feelings fade away, you will still have a warm and kind attitude towards each other.

If there are 2 petals, the union is unsuccessful. Feelings can quickly fade, followed by disappointment.

If there are 3 petals, you have very good love compatibility with each other. You not only have feelings, but also common interests that bring you even closer together.

If there are 4 petals or more, the union is strong and successful. You are two halves who somehow miraculously found each other. Appreciate each other and take care of your feelings.

You can check your compatibility with your partner in another, more accurate way. To do this, you need to write the full last name, first name and patronymic of your chosen one on a piece of paper. You need to write your full name under his name. After that, cross out the repeated letters in your name and his. Count the number of remaining letters and bring it to a single digit number if required. For example, if you have 12 letters left, then you need to add 1 and 2 to get the fortune telling result. The number 3 in this case will be the result of fortune telling. Once you know the number, you need to decipher it.

Number 1 – you are a good couple, a happy future, warmth and love awaits you.

Number 2 - you are not suitable for each other, disappointments await you ahead.

Number 3 - you are in love, but soon the scales will fall from your eyes, and you will understand that this chosen one is not what you need.

Number 4 – you don’t love your partner enough. If he makes every effort necessary to be with you, then your future with him is possible.

Number 5 – you are united only by mutual benefit. Most likely, such relationships will soon fade away.

Number 6 – you are a great couple. In your union there is love, respect, and care. If you manage to maintain these feelings, then your future with this person will be long and happy.

Number 7 – you are united rather by friendship and interest in each other, but not by love. You could be great friends for each other.

Number 8 – everything in your couple is harmonious, you complement each other. You feel comfortable and comfortable with your partner.

Number 9 – you have good compatibility. However, in order to maintain a relationship, you will have to constantly work on yourself and try to surprise each other. If there are no emotions, love will disappear.

These, at first glance, simple and quick tests for love compatibility with a partner give accurate and specific results of the future with a particular person. These fortune tellings are based on numerology, the ancient science of numbers and their meanings, which makes them accurate and truthful. Useful article? Then be sure to put

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Remember that cards cannot be played. Buy a custom deck of cards for these purposes and try your luck.

Concentrate your attention on the person you are telling fortunes about. Imagine him: face, clothes. If you have recently met, then try to direct your thoughts in his direction as much as possible. What if this is fate?

Your subject must know about your existence. You can repeat his name during the process. We shuffle the deck of cards, and then remove them with our left hand and arrange them into piles. The number of stacks is equal to the number of letters in the name of your fortune telling object.

We lay out the entire deck into piles until the last card falls. We will get a certain number of stacks. Now we place the stack with the last card among the remaining stacks. Again the last card fell onto one of the piles. We scatter this pile over the rest.

We repeat the whole process until we get a full deck. For example, there are two piles left, on which the last card fell, put it on the second pile. We have a deck of cards assembled from stacks - the answer to the question that concerns you is hidden in it.

Now we lay out the cards face down. If we hit two or more cards of the same value, we put them aside. All that remains is to read the interpretation:

  • Sixes: you start a relationship hard, but then - eternal love;
  • Sevens: Your couple is not afraid of any obstacles;
  • Eights: relationships that consist of quarrels and bickering;
  • Nines: he or she does not show sympathy for you - emptiness;
  • Tens: he or she sympathizes with you - a good prospect;
  • Jack: He or she remembers you, but very little. You need to hurry up with actions so that thoughts about you do not disappear from your subject’s head;
  • Ladies: he or she mistook you for something completely different from the person you really are;
  • Kings: the object of fortune telling is attracted to a relationship – your character traits;
  • Aces: You are loved to the point of memory loss - all thoughts, feelings and dreams are about you.
In this simple way it is easy to find out the compatibility of partners and affection for each other

This is how, with the help of an ordinary deck of cards, it is easy to find out the compatibility of a couple and the prospects of a relationship.

Fortune telling with matches

Using this simple method, you can predict the outcome of a relationship between two people. Are we compatible? Will we love each other or will we remain indifferent?

You can find out the prospects of compatibility, and other people - just name the matches after the names of these subjects. Fire always speaks the truth.

Take two matches, give one the guy's name, the second the girl's name. Light them up and stick them somewhere. This could be a railing or a bench; it is important that they stand firmly.

We wait for the matches to burn out and look at the result - how they stand. If they are turned towards each other, it means that the partners are not indifferent to their other half. When the match is directed towards the partner, then he likes him.

If the match is straight - indifference. Turned away - beware, the partner begins to hate the other one.

Have you ever wondered how compatible you and your significant other are? Compatibility takes into account everything: character, habits, hobbies, even similarity in appearance. I think many will agree with me if I say that the success of relationships between people, the level of understanding, the strength of a love connection and much more depends on how compatible people are in terms of all possible characteristics taken together. Want to find out how compatible you are with your significant other? Various kinds of compatibility fortune telling will help you figure everything out.

Name compatibility fortune telling

The most common and simplest is fortune telling for name compatibility. A name says more information about a person than communication with him, and so on. The name polishes a person, makes him “corresponding” to his mini-totem, which can often be a translation of the name from Greek or some other language.

We will look at what fortune telling for love compatibility by name is using the example of fortune telling using a graph.

So, using the example of the names Alexander Nikitin and Lyudmila Volkova, we will tell you how to create a schedule.

  1. Cross out the same letters (which are repeated) in the guy’s last name (Figure a).
  2. We do the same with the girl’s last name (Figure b).
  3. We cross out the same letters that remain in the surnames of the guy and the girl (Figure c).

In this case, the letter "K" remains

We do the same with names (Figure d).

The principle of compilation is as follows:

  1. If the letter is crossed out, draw a line up diagonally.
  2. If it is not crossed out, draw a line to the right horizontally.
It should look like in figure e.
The results obtained are interpreted using three main points:
  1. The lines don't intersect - you are not destined to be together.
  2. The lines are parallel - the same thing.
  3. The lines have merged together - you are meant for each other.

However, as can be seen in our example, all three types of lines can (and in most cases, will) be present in one chart. Therefore, the result in this case can be interpreted as follows. At first everything was fine with the couple, then due to some circumstances they separated and after a while they got back together, never to be separated again. The man's line is longer than the woman's, which means that he is the main one in the pair.

Tarot reading for compatibility

In order to find out compatibility using tarot cards, use the simplest layout of fortune telling for compatibility on cards. Place the cards from bottom to top and from right to left. A total of six cards from the deck must be laid out. The interpretation of all the cards can be found out, and the meaning of the six cards laid out in the layout that we offered you will be as follows:

If all factors are normal and have values ​​as close as possible to each other, then compatibility will be quite high.

There comes a time in every girl’s life when she thinks about starting a family seriously and for a long time. Often this moment does not come when you expect it. It happens that it is not from the person from whom the girl’s heart expects a marriage proposal. Then another ritual will come to your aid - online fortune telling for name compatibility. A simple event that can dispel doubts and confirm your decision to say “Yes” or “No”. Shall we begin? Then in the given windows you need to enter your name and the name of the intended chosen one in turn, and then click on the “Check” heart.

While the computer is analyzing the meanings of your names, think about whether you are ready to abandon your chosen one if the ritual predicts complete apathy of your characters and incompatibility in family life? If you have already given yourself the answer, try to compare it with the results of fortune telling. Are you satisfied with the result? Congratulations, you are doing more than great. You love each other, you are ready to go through life together, hand in hand. Such feelings only cause envy (of course, white envy), so no longer doubt yourself and your loved one, feel free to accept his offer and begin the pleasant chores of preparing for the wedding. Everything will be fine with you, only happiness awaits you ahead.

If the result, unfortunately, discourages or upsets you, you need to think it over again. Is it only the name whose meaning was revealed to you that prevents you from starting to build a life together with this particular person? It is possible that you are tormented by doubts not only because of the result of fortune telling, but for deeper reasons. Why did you do this test - do you want to test your own feelings or still make sure that the young man is really not suitable for family life? If you can answer these questions honestly and openly, that's good. This means that before you hid your feelings, moreover, you disguised them under a kind mask when communicating with your lover. Now they are open to you, and you are ready to receive them. Well, as they say, a negative result is also a result.

The main thing is not to despair. You should talk frankly with your chosen one, and you will see that it will become easier not only for you, but also for him. Honesty and openness in discussing problems brings people together. You may not be husband and wife, you may not live happily ever after, but you will remain good friends for many years. Believe me, men appreciate open conversations, they will not be scared or upset by your refusal to marry if you are really not ready for it. They will be very pleased with your conversation, because in the end you will dot all the I’s and stop being burdened by relationships that have already outlived their usefulness.

If you are disgusted by the rejection of your loved one when the outcome of fortune-telling is not very satisfying, this is especially pleasing. You believe so much in your love and the feelings of your boyfriend that nothing in this world can upset you. Then, go ahead, have a romantic dinner and let love spread its wide wings over you. Trust your heart, everything will be just fine.

To determine the compatibility of two people, almost every predictive system has its own methods and methods. In the system of interpretation of names - , in numerology - , in astrology - , in the predictive system of Love Cards - .

Find out compatibility by date of birth The predictive system of Tarot cards also allows, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about possible problems in an alliance with a partner, about the prospects of the relationship. The online compatibility calculation presented on this page is a preliminary analysis of relationships using the senior Arcana of the Tarot, which reveals the main character traits of each partner; shows the general nuances of relationships; explains what each partner will receive in this union, what the outcome of the relationship will be.

Calculation of compatibility by date of birth and Tarot cards is carried out according to the following scheme: first, for each partner, the fate number is calculated ( Attention! Do not confuse with, which is calculated by first name, patronymic, last name, using another formula and another method).

To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth ( numerological collapsing is not done in this case ). If the final number is greater than 22, then 22 is subtracted from it and the resulting number is equated to the corresponding Major Arcana card. This card describes a person's character.

At the second stage of calculations, the fate numbers of both partners are summed up and, using the method described above, the result is correlated with a Tarot card, which will give a general description of the relationship and describe the general compatibility of the partners. Then they add the resulting number to the fate number of the first person and determine the corresponding lasso, which will show how the first partner perceives the other, what he will receive from this relationship. Next, a similar calculation is carried out for the second partner.

At the final stage of calculations, the three numbers obtained at the second stage of calculation are added together. The result also leads to the corresponding Major Arcana of the Tarot. This card will show the outcome of the relationship, what it can lead to.

If you want to find out how relationships will develop in a particular year, use.

To do a relationship analysis, find out compatibility by date of birth, get a description of a person’s character using Tarot cards online, select your date of birth in the form below and click the “Calculate” button.

Analysis of relationships, determination of compatibility based on Tarot cards and date of birth

Your date of birth: Partner's date of birth:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900