If your joints crack, what to do, how to treat. For what reason can joints crack? Is cracking in joints dangerous?

Rheumatologists often see patients who complain of crunching and clicking in joints throughout the body. In most cases, unpleasant manifestations are accompanied by pain, joints swell, often the skin turns red, and signs of an inflammatory process are noticeable. Less commonly, a crunch in the knee, hip, or elbow is not accompanied by negative symptoms.

Why do my joints crack? How serious is the pathology if a clicking or crunching sound is heard not in one area, but throughout the body? Let's figure it out.

Norm or pathology

Many patients, during a conversation with a doctor, say that several months (or years) ago, clicking in the elbows, knees or pelvic area rarely occurred, there was no pain, and no one thought about the causes of strange symptoms. Few people paid attention to the time of day or occupation that provoked the crunching.

Over time, the clicks were accompanied by swelling and pain, and a crunching sound began to be heard not in one, but in several joints. At the same time, the mobility of the limbs deteriorated and the ease of movement disappeared. These signs indicate the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the musculoskeletal corset; consultation with a doctor is required.

Patients often ask: “When is cracking in the joints considered normal?” Orthopedists and rheumatologists recommend not to panic if negative sensations occur rarely and are not accompanied by pain and swelling. But not a single doctor will say that you should not pay attention to crunching in the joints. Any signals from the body are a reason to think about the causes of the phenomenon.

Most often, strange clicks and crunches are heard after a long stay in one position. There is a well-known expression about this: “a man has stayed too long.” But you should not ignore the crunch in the knee, back, or hip area. If such manifestations recur frequently, seek help from a rheumatologist, arthrologist or orthopedist as soon as possible.

Crunching is most often heard in the following parts of the musculoskeletal system:

  • knees;
  • elbows;
  • ankle;
  • small joints of the fingers;
  • cervical spine.

Possible causes of crunching in joints

It is important to know what provokes unpleasant manifestations and to avoid the action of provoking factors. If it is not possible to exclude harmful effects, it is necessary to minimize the risk of developing joint pathologies.


A sedentary lifestyle leads to the accumulation of synovial fluid in the joint capsule. Staying in one position for a long time provokes the accumulation of gas bubbles. When a person finally changes the position of his body, the bubbles simultaneously begin to move, burst, and make a characteristic sound.

Low physical activity, prolonged static loads in the “sitting” or “standing” position worsen the condition of the joints. Constant clicks indicate abrasion of cartilage tissue, a decrease in the volume of synovial fluid, and early wear of the joints. The more often a person is motionless and then suddenly stands up or sits down, the higher the risk of joint diseases.

Congenital anomalies

In some patients, upon examination, the doctor discovers that the tendons and cups are not aligned correctly. Contact with another element often causes a crunching sound. Some patients are proud that they adjust their joints on their own, without resorting to the help of doctors. This behavior is fundamentally wrong: any unsuccessful movement can lead to dislocation, displacement of the kneecap, and other dangerous consequences.

If, with age, the joints do not return to the correct position, movements cause pain, and the question of surgical treatment arises. Congenital skeletal anomalies require observation. Parents should regularly bring a child with problems in any part of the muscular corset for examination to a rheumatologist and orthopedist.

Joint pathologies

An unpleasant crunch is often a sign of illness:

  • arthritis;
  • periarthrosis;
  • rheumatitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tendobursitis;
  • radiculitis.

Sometimes crunching occurs when problems develop in other organs and systems:

  • for severe renal pathologies;
  • for injuries to various parts of the body;
  • due to physical inactivity.

Salt deposits

The accumulation of calcifications, phosphates, and other types of solid deposits is a dangerous phenomenon. With abundant deposits, the mobility of the articular head is impaired, the friction of the joint elements increases, and the cartilage tissue wears out. The volume of synovial fluid gradually decreases. Over time, there is so much calcification that signs of salt deposition are noticeable in some areas, for example, an unsightly hump in the cervical region.


Bruises, dislocations, sprains, fractures - similar problems in various parts of the musculoskeletal system occur in most people throughout their lives. Microtraumas of cartilage tissue after bruises occur frequently, and the joints wear out more quickly. One of the signs of pathological changes is a strange crunching sound when moving, flexing/extending limbs, going up and down stairs.

Advice! If you often fall, constantly touch objects with your hands (legs), your body is often covered with bruises in certain places, visit a rheumatologist and orthopedist more often. Constant monitoring of the condition of the knees, elbows, fingers and toes will allow you to notice in time the first signs of pathological processes in areas that are constantly experiencing negative impacts. Important to remember: Microtraumas do not go away without leaving a trace; over time, destructive changes will still appear.

Excessive joint mobility

Some people (from 3 to 8% of the total population of the planet) have weaker joints and vertebrae and have exceptional flexibility. This fact is perceived by many as a virtue, a sign of excellent health. But excessive mobility of the vertebrae and joints can develop into a problem over time: pathologies of the musculoskeletal system develop.

Regular visits to an orthopedist will help prevent complications. monitoring the condition of articular and cartilage tissue. Constant checking will help identify problems at an early stage and begin treatment on time.

High loads

Another reason for early wear of joint tissue. Excessive loads accelerate the abrasion of cartilage, reduce the volume of synovial fluid, and provoke an inflammatory process. Over time, the cartilage becomes so thin that endoprosthetics is required to replace the destroyed joint with a structure made of synthetic materials.

Risk group:

  • athletes: football players, tennis players, speed skaters, figure skaters, fans of athletics and weightlifting;
  • auxiliary workers, loaders, builders;
  • ballet dancers, active participants in dance shows;
  • salespeople, computer scientists, office workers, accountants;
  • foot couriers, postmen.

View risk groups and learn about anterior cruciate ligament of the knee.

Why do joints throughout the body hurt and how to deal with it? Read the answer on the page.

  • firstly, admit that the problem exists, realize the danger of negative manifestations;
  • secondly, visit a rheumatologist, orthopedist or arthrologist;
  • thirdly, tune in to the result, prepare for a possible change in lifestyle (sometimes profession), and begin therapy (often long-term).

The method of treatment depends on the cause of crunching and clicking in various parts of the skeleton.

The following methods are effective in the treatment of joint pathologies:

  • drug therapy. The doctor will prescribe medications against inflammation, to restore cartilage tissue, and strengthen the body. If an infection is detected, antibiotics must be taken. Compresses, gels, and ointments have an active effect on the periarticular tissue. In severe cases, steroid hormones are needed;
  • special gymnastics. The exercise therapy complex is recommended for most diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For each pathology, special exercises have been developed with a gentle effect on the affected limb or spine. Complete immobility is only needed for a limited period after surgery;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment. During the period of remission, after the inflammatory process has subsided, modern methods of influencing bone, muscle, and cartilage tissue give excellent results. Effective procedures: electrophoresis, UHF, ozokerite and paraffin applications, laser and magnetic therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic baths, mud wraps. In the absence of an inflammatory process, sanatorium-resort treatment shows a good effect;
  • phytotherapy. Traditional recipes relieve pain, remove swelling, and normalize the condition of cartilage tissue. Compresses, decoctions, ointments with medicinal herbs and natural products are useful. Therapy at home using formulations made from natural ingredients is permitted only after consultation with your doctor;
  • massage and self-massage. Simple techniques of delicate influence on muscle and cartilage tissue improve blood circulation and metabolism in the affected area, develop the joint, and strengthen weakened muscles. Treatments initially take place in a hospital, physical therapy office, or rehabilitation center. As the patient and relatives recover, they should learn basic techniques to massage problem areas on their own;
  • diet, rational nutrition. A sufficient amount of vitamins, “correct” healthy food, a minimum of harmful components is a prerequisite for combating crunching in the joints. Dishes with gelatin, bran, vegetable oils, fresh fruits and vegetables are useful. For every disease of the musculoskeletal system, there is a list of foods that are prohibited from being consumed. If the doctor prescribes a diet, be sure to follow the rules prescribed by the doctor.

In severe pathologies, surgical intervention is required. Modern technologies make it possible to carry out partial or complete replacement of destroyed tissue. An endoprosthesis made of metal, polyethylene, and ceramics fully reproduces the functions of a natural joint.

Don't you want to know what crunching and clicking in joints is? Perhaps you have already encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon, have you completed a therapeutic course? It is important to follow simple rules in order to prevent relapses or never encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as clicking and crunching in the elbows, knees, hips, neck, and other parts of the skeleton.

  • reasonable loads;
  • giving up a sedentary lifestyle;
  • warm-up for muscles and joints during long standing or sitting positions;
  • alternating rest and exercise;
  • protection of joints when lifting weights, playing sports, dancing;
  • treatment of systemic pathologies;
  • proper diet;
  • minimum salt, maximum nutrients;
  • vitamins, dietary supplements, mineral complexes;
  • comfortable shoes with medium heels;
  • control your weight;
  • annual examination by doctors during a medical examination.

Attentive attention to the condition of the musculoskeletal system and the entire body is the best protection against the development of joint pathologies. Follow the rules of prevention, treat underlying diseases in a timely manner, and take into account the recommendations of doctors. If you experience discomfort in various parts of the skeleton, seek medical help.

Why do joints crack and what should we know about it? Watch the video and find out the answer:

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If bones and joints crunch, this is not a harmless thing at all.

If you look into it, you can find out that this is often a harbinger of a serious illness.

Our joints should move silently and imperceptibly to us.

This is ensured by the production of synovial fluid during movement, which acts as a joint lubricant.

The crunching sound appears when when cartilage tissue is damaged and less fluid is released. Because of this, friction occurs, which over time can develop into joint disease and even lead to disability.

Why do our joints crack?

Joints crack most often for the following reasons:

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Other reasons

Also, the cause of crunching throughout the body or in a separate part of it may be:

  1. – when bones crack or fracture, the tissues and blood vessels adjacent to the joint are also damaged, resulting in inflammation that impedes the movement of the joints.
  2. Infections.
  3. Lack or excess of physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to muscles weakening and atrophying. As a result, the ligaments and joint apparatus as a whole suffer. If a person is regularly exposed to excessive physical exertion, for example, during sports or during work that requires constant standing or carrying heavy loads, then this can also trigger the appearance of crunching in the joints.
  4. Poor nutrition– people who abuse meat, chocolate, strong tea or coffee, spicy or salty foods and sweets may experience crunching.
  5. Excess salts in joints– is often a problem for people living in areas where drinking water contains high amounts of mineral salts.
  6. – their mobility is too high, most often observed in young women and associated with the production in their body of an altered connective tissue protein – collagen.
  7. Inflammation in muscle tissue that occur after overload.
  8. Joint wear.
  9. Overweight.
  10. Impaired metabolism.

Sometimes, if all joints begin to crack, this is not a cause for concern. This can be judged if the sound is not accompanied by pain.

This may occur because dissolved gas accumulates in the synovial fluid, which, increasing in volume, makes a clicking sound. The interval between such sounds should be at least 15 - 20 minutes.

Another reason for a normal crunch lies in a ligament or tendon touching a bone fragment protruding forward. At the same time, a dull click is heard.

If you suffer from a crunching sensation all over your body

The sounds that joints make are inherently a signal of their destruction and the presence of a risk of developing arthritis and similar diseases.

As a rule, joint damage occurs in a specific part of the body, but it also happens that the whole body begins to periodically crunch.

This is usually a consequence of joint hypermobility and is due to genetic inheritance.

In the case when a cracking sound is heard constantly, it is accompanied by pain, swelling, and stiffness of the joints, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Development of pathology in different parts of the body

Crunching in different parts of the body indicates the presence of problems in that area.

There are:

  1. Unpleasant sounds in the shoulder. Often the cause of this phenomenon is excess movement, which results in joint hypermobility. The ligaments weaken and painful clicks appear. This factor is transmitted at the genetic level, so it is impossible to get rid of it. The only solution to this problem is to comply with preventive measures, which consist mainly of avoiding overload and hyperextension of the ligaments. Crunching can also occur due to arthritis or other joint diseases.
  2. Clicking in the hip joint. If the cause of the crunch was not injury, then this may indicate arthrosis of the joint. As a result of this disease, hardening and death of joint tissue occurs, as well as limitation of their mobility. Also, the cause of clicking in the hip joint can be coxitis or coxarthrosis, that is, inflammation or degeneration of cartilage tissue.
  3. The joints in the knees click. Normally, this area of ​​the body should not make a crunching sound. The presence of this symptom indicates health problems. It is important to promptly determine the cause of extraneous sounds in the joints and begin proper treatment. The cause of a crunch in the knee, accompanied by pain, may be injury, excess weight, genetic predisposition, viral infections, problems with the endocrine system, physical overload, high-heeled shoes, and a sedentary lifestyle. Accompanying every movement of the leg with pain and crunching in the knee may indicate joint disease.
  4. Hand joints hurt and crack. Many people practice the bad habit of cracking their fingers. At first glance, this is a rather harmless habit, but this is not entirely true. It’s understandable that after a working day or during times of psychological stress you want to stretch your fingers. Quite often this brings relief. But the regular use of such forced restoration of joint mobility over time leads to the fact that the cartilage is damaged and arthrosis begins to develop. Therefore, it will be much more useful to massage your hands or do simple physical exercises than to make your fingers crunch.
  5. Pathological sound in the back usually occurs when a force is applied to a joint that exceeds the resistance of the muscles and ligaments. This is normal. But if the clicking becomes regular, this may be a sign that the muscles are constantly under tension and cannot cope with their task. This usually happens due to physical overload, infection, and poor nutrition.

Constantly being in one position, the back muscles over time lose the ability to relax on their own, their strength decreases, the vertebrae acquire excessive mobility, as a result of which the spine is affected by short-term “shooting” pain.

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To eliminate it, you need to perform special gymnastics.

Clicking joints in children

Why does pathology most often manifest itself in children? There are a number of reasons:

  1. Pathology of connective tissue. In this case, the child has excessive joint mobility.
  2. Temporary childhood joint hypermobility. Since the child’s articular-ligamentous apparatus has not yet fully formed, from time to time a crunching sensation may occur in his knees, not accompanied by pain. Over time, as the joints become stronger, the sound disappears. The cause for concern should be the appearance of grinding noise in the joints and a feeling of discomfort. If this happens, you need to seek medical help.

More about the problem of crunching in children

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How to get rid of pathology

What can and should be done if your joints crack during the day.

In this case, it is worth taking certain measures to prevent the development diseases:

  1. So, while sitting you need change positions more often, at least once every hour and a half you need to get up and perform several simple exercises with your head and palms. Sports should occur two to three times a week.
  2. If the crunch occurs after an injury or joint disease, then you need urgently contact an orthopedist-traumatologist. To make a diagnosis, he will prescribe an x-ray, ultrasound of bone joints and computed tomography, and tell you how treatment should proceed.

Joint inflammation

If inflamed joints crunch, then the decision on how to treat the disease in this case should be made solely by the doctor.

In such cases:

  1. Appointed analgesics to eliminate pain.
  2. If there is inflammation and swelling, the doctor will prescribe an appointment non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments- ah, ah, .
  3. If necessary, taken internally chondroprotectors - drugs aimed at restoring cartilage structure. These include glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates. The course of treatment takes quite a long time. It is worth considering that chondroprotectors act more effectively at the early stage of the disease, when there is no sensation of pain yet.
  4. Sore joints need to be relieved regularly, providing them with peace. For this purpose, elastic bandages and special clamps are used.

If the cause of the clicking sounds is a disease, then appropriate treatment is carried out:

  1. For arthrosis You need to relieve your joints as much as possible from the load, wear comfortable, and best of all, orthopedic shoes. If the patient is overweight, it would be advisable to get rid of it, because this will put less strain on the joints and blood vessels of the legs. In case of active progression of the disease, it is necessary to undergo surgery, during which the joint will be replaced. This procedure is usually performed on the knee and hip joints.
  2. If the patient has gout treatment includes following a diet and increased drinking regimen. In this case, the patient should consume at least two to three liters of fluid.
  3. Patients suffering from arthritis, it will be useful to exclude flour and sweets, as well as animal fats from your diet. It is useful to eat dairy products and plant foods.

Possible and common complications

If seeking help from a doctor is not timely, then crunching in the joints can ultimately lead to the development of diseases such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, and bursitis.

The biomechanics of the spine also changes, causing intervertebral disc herniation and other complications.

Ultimately, the patient may become disabled, losing the ability to self-care or move independently.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent unpleasant sounds in the joints, the following measures must be observed:

  1. Eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce the consumption of fatty meat dishes.
  2. Products that act as a source of calcium and phosphorus will be beneficial for the body: sea fish, dairy products.
  3. Instead of red meat, it is healthier to eat white meat.
  4. It is better to replace fried and smoked dishes with stewed or baked ones, and instead of sweets use fruit drinks, uzvar, and fruit jelly.
  5. It is useful to eat sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, and vegetable oil.
  6. You need to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day in order to thin the blood in the body and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  7. During the day, you need to move more, when working sedentary, change positions more often, get up from your seat and warm up.
  8. Cycling, walking and swimming have a beneficial effect on joint health.
  9. If possible, you should avoid intense physical activity that leads to injury, destruction of cartilage tissue, and inflammation.
  10. Under no circumstances should you snap your fingers, as this will injure the joints and pose a risk of developing arthrosis.

To summarize, we can say that crispy sustavas are quite a dangerous thing, since it is a harbinger of serious joint diseases. It is very important to make a timely diagnosis, find out the cause of this sound, and begin adequate treatment.

It is also important to take preventive measures to prevent the appearance of unusual sounds in the body.

Today, almost every second person experiences problems with joints. However, these people do not always attach great importance to this condition. But in vain. If you hear crunching in your joints, it means there are certain problems in your body. Naturally, it is necessary to find out why it appears and how to deal with it.

- Wear and tear of bone joints.

- Injuries.

— Heredity.

There are many reasons that contribute to the development of this problem. Crunching in the joints can be caused by the following factors:

- Wear and tear of bone joints.

— Deposition of large amounts of salts in the joints. This is facilitated by bad habits, low mobility and unhealthy food.

- Injuries.

- Hypermobility or abnormal joint structure.

— Inflammatory process in the muscles that provide movement of a particular joint.

— Heredity.

If joints throughout the body are cracking, it means that there are problems in the body that need to be solved. To do this, you should be examined by doctors.

What are the symptoms of the pathology?

Among the signs of the disease are the following:

1. Actually crunching and clicking in the joint during its flexion or extension.

2. Fatigue.

3. Painful sensations at the site of the lesion.

4. Difficulties in movement.

Joint damage may also be characterized by swelling or swelling.

Features of disease diagnosis

Even if clicking in your knee or elbow does not bother you or you do not feel pain, you should still consult a doctor. The longer you delay, the more the disease will develop, contributing to the destruction of bones.

The specialist will not only listen to your complaints, but will also conduct a thorough examination. He must find out the nature of the crunch and its duration. In addition, the doctor will order an X-ray examination, which will show how badly the joint is damaged, and will also help determine the cause of the problem.

You may need to take blood and urine tests to determine the amount of salt in your body. In principle, identifying this pathology does not require a lot of time or the use of expensive equipment. You need to contact an orthopedist, rheumatologist and surgeon.

What diseases does the crunching indicate?

If your joints are cracking all over your body, it means you have a certain musculoskeletal disease. Naturally, the localization of the lesion is of great importance. If your knee joint hurts, this may indicate the following pathologies:

1. Circulatory disorders. This is facilitated by bad habits and wearing uncomfortable shoes.

2. Gonarthrosis. This disease is characterized by the deposition of large amounts of salts in the joint. It can progress, especially in those people who have a large body weight.

3. Arthritis. This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process inside the joint. In this case, symptoms such as redness at the site of the lesion, the appearance of a tumor, and a change in body temperature may be observed.

4. Meniscopathy. In this case, we are talking about damage to the crescent cartilage, which is located inside the joint of the bones.

In any case, if you do not treat the problem immediately, you can expect serious complications.

How to treat the disease using traditional methods?

If you have cracking joints all over your body, it means that the disease that caused the problem is progressing, and you need to urgently consult a doctor. Naturally, he will prescribe some medications that will help eliminate the inflammatory process and pain, for example: Fastum-gel, Chondroxide, Diclofenac. In addition, you will have to take medications that will help restore the structure of cartilage (the main active ingredient of such medications is glucosamine sulfate).

Naturally, it is imperative to reduce physical stress on the affected bone joint. Otherwise, the joint will continue to wear out. Please note that if joints throughout the body are crunching, it means that the disease may already be very advanced. In this case, the doctor may prescribe serious hormonal medications. Of course they have side effects.

In order to limit the mobility of diseased joints, the patient is prescribed to wear special bandages or fixing bandages. To speed up the effect of therapy, doctors practice injections into the joint.

Is surgery necessary?

If traditional therapy does not produce a positive effect, then surgical treatment can be used. If joints hurt and crack due to osteoarthritis, then part of the joint or all of it is completely replaced with artificial material. In this case, the patient can continue to lead a normal life.

If your joints are cracking a lot and you feel pain, but at the same time you think that you don’t need to see a doctor, know: you are very mistaken. If the disease progresses, the stiffness of movements can turn into a complete inability to move. Only surgery can correct this state of affairs. For implantation, organic materials or plastic are used, which are fully compatible with the tissues of the human body.

Physiotherapy to help

The causes of joint diseases can be different. For example, injury or pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The problem can be eliminated not only using traditional and radical methods. Physiotherapy will also be useful. First of all, electrophoresis, physical therapy and manual therapy will be useful. All these procedures are combined with the use of various orthopedic devices that can fix the affected joint and also reduce the load on it.

Warm baths help relax your muscles. Next, you need to lubricate the affected joints with a rich cream. Compresses made from citrus juice and vegetable oil will be useful. To prepare the mixture, use 5 large spoons of any oil and 1 spoon of juice. Next, moisten the bandage with the product and apply it to the affected area. The compress must be removed after 60 minutes. Next, lightly massage the joint and wrap it with a warm scarf.

As for massage, you can do it yourself. The procedure takes only 15 minutes. All techniques should be repeated a maximum of 6 times. However, if after the procedure you feel more pain than before, then the massage should be stopped. During this therapy, several techniques are used: rubbing, circular movements. Naturally, you can use special technical devices. However, they can cause severe pain. The choice is yours.

Physical therapy for the treatment of crunching

Gymnastics is the main way to relieve too much stress on the affected joints. Naturally, even if you hear a crunch, you should not think that you need to just sit down and eat pills. It is necessary to move. Of course, gymnastics should be gentle and movements should be smooth.

You can do the exercises at any time. For example, in the morning, without getting out of bed, do a “bicycle” or “scissors.” You can also pull your knees bent to your chest. This will help you wake up, become active, and prepare your joints for movement.

If you have a sedentary job, then you can do gymnastics right in your chair. For example, turning your head, bending to the sides, active arm movements using the shoulder girdle will help you activate your musculoskeletal system. In addition, even in a sitting position, you can stretch your legs forward and do a “bicycle.”

If after doing the exercises your joints start to hurt, stop and rest. Take your time and do not overstrain the affected joints.

Nutritional Features

Of course, treatment for cracking joints must be comprehensive. That is, you will have to give up bad habits and unhealthy foods. For example, exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods from the menu. Try to give preference to foods that contain fiber

It is also advisable to limit sweets. There is nothing useful about them. Your diet should be enriched with vitamins and minerals, which are used to build bones and cartilage. Limit your salt intake, as it tends to be deposited in your joints and impede their movement.

Be sure to take a multivitamin that contains calcium.

Prevention of pathology

Now let's figure out what needs to be done to prevent the problem from appearing. First of all, it is necessary to take care of your own health from childhood. The following tips will help you protect yourself from cracking joints:

1. Drink more water and fresh fruit juices.

2. Try to eat right.

3. Consume more vegetable oils, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

3. Be sure to lose excess weight. Naturally, it negatively affects the joints, as it contributes to their deformation due to too much stress.

4. Avoid carrying bags or objects that are too heavy. Also, don't move too quickly. Otherwise, the cartilage will wear away faster.

5. Active movement is necessary for healthy joints. Naturally, you should not exercise until you sweat. However, you can’t sit still either. If you have hip pain, take walks, bike rides, runs, get some fresh air, and go hiking.

6. If you like to crack your knuckles, then give up this habit. The fact is that this injures the cartilages and contributes to their deformation.

If you do hear a crunching sound, visit the doctors as soon as possible. Perhaps there is no pathology, but it must be warned.

These are all the features of the development and treatment of crunching in the joints. Take care of your health and enjoy free movement without pain or stiffness.

This article talks about the causes, symptoms and treatment for cracking joints throughout the human body.

Almost every person on the planet I have encountered such a phenomenon as crunching in the joints. This phenomenon can be observed in different age categories; usually, crunching in the joints does not pose a danger to the health of the body. However, there are exceptions when crunching in the joints signals the presence of certain serious diseases.

Causes of cracking joints

In most cases, joint movement occurs without any noise. However, there are exceptions when the joints make a characteristic crunching sound.

The main causes of bone crunching are considered:

In medicine, there are two main reasons for the appearance of crunching in the joints: physiological and pathological reasons.

  1. Physiological causes of cracking joints:
  • Vacuum cotton. It is caused by a sharp distance between the joints and each other.
    This phenomenon occurs mainly during any physiological exercises, stretching the arms, exercises with fingers, and physical gymnastic exercises. Experts note that this kind of crunching of bones does not cause any harm to the human body;
  • Ligaments too close relative to the joints during movement. In the case of this process, a dull sound occurs. It is caused by flexion or extension of the joints.
    This phenomenon can occur in such age categories as: adolescents, infants, and young children.
  1. Pathological reasons:
  • Due to injury;
  • The occurrence of arthritis;
  • Inflammatory process in the joint capsule;
  • The appearance of arthrosis;
  • Established malformations of joints and bones.

The occurrence of crunching for pathological reasons is due to:

  • Changes in the properties of fluids inside the joints;
  • Significant reduction in the amount of fluid inside the joints;
  • Detection of joint deformities;
  • Inflammatory process in the cartilage area;
  • Inflammatory process in the ligament area;
  • Inflammatory process in the area of ​​the synovial membrane.

Risk factors

  • Being overweight;
  • Wrong shoes;
  • Age category;
  • Use of medications of a certain group;
  • Flat feet;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Wrong way of eating.


Physiological crunching is characterized by the occurrence of:

  • In the lumbar region;
  • In the hip part of the joint activity;
  • In the knee joint;
  • In the shoulder joint.

Physiological crunching is characterized by periodic occurrence, not accompanied by pain.

Pathological crunching is characterized by the following features:

  • The appearance of a crunch is quite common;
  • Possibility of redness;
  • Possibility of pain;
  • Possibility of swelling in the joint;
  • It does not go away with repeated movements of the joint.

It is important to know that a crunching sensation that occurs throughout the body is worth a thorough examination by a specialist in this field.

If a pathological crunch is suspected, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed:

  • Tomography is prescribed;
  • An ultrasound of the joints is prescribed;
  • A biochemical blood test is prescribed;

Why do joints crack in adults?

If joint cracking occurs in an adult, it is worth contacting a specialist, as this phenomenon may signal the development of a dangerous disease.

This phenomenon in adults is due to the following main reasons:

  • Failure in the metabolic system;
  • Complication after injury.

For an effective and efficient treatment process, it is worth studying certain pathogenic factors.

Pathogenic factors identified against the background of a decrease in the patient’s physical activity and the presence of pain during the appearance of a crunch are considered.

Pathogenic factors leading to this syndrome:

  • Detection of wear of bone joints;
  • Features of cartilage for anatomical purposes;
  • Decreased physical activity;
  • The occurrence of salt deposits due to improper nutrition;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • The process of inflammation in muscle tissue;
  • The occurrence of joint hypermobility.

Why does a child experience crunching in joints?

The formation of bone composition in a child is not perfect and continues its activity after birth. Therefore, a small child’s bones often crack, due to the process of formation and strengthening of the child’s bones.

In the absence of any joint pathologies, the crunching disappears, as a rule, at 3-4 months of the child’s life. If the crunching persists at an early age of the child, you should consult an orthopedist for examination.

Today, there are the following pathogenic factors that precede cracking in the joints:

  • Dysplasia predominantly in the area of ​​the hip joint. This factor is due to the fact that in most cases, girls when doing aquatic physical education;
  • Reduction of secretion in the periarticular bursa. This factor is caused by friction of bone structures, causing a characteristic crunch;
  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​cartilage, may appear due to the onset of childhood arthritis. With an effective treatment process during the period of early inflammation, it is possible to completely improve the functioning of the joints.

What to do if you experience crunching in your joints?

If crunching occurs in the joints without pain and is short-term, there is no need to worry. It requires determining the cause of the crunch and trying to eliminate it. This type of crunching in the joints does not pose a threat to human health.

However, if crunching occurs If you experience pain at frequent intervals, you should seek medical help from a specialist in this field. The doctor will determine the cause of the joint crunching and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

Treatment process

Treatment of this phenomenon can be carried out through the use of medications and a course of medical treatment, as well as folk remedies.

Treatment through the use of folk remedies is considered. When there is severe crunching in joints throughout the body, it is necessary to replenish the body with natural elements that are lacking in the body.

To restore the musculoskeletal process, it is recommended to eat:

  • Eat foods containing gelatin. Gelatin contains a sufficient amount of protein and collagen. These elements help strengthen the tissue covering of the joint parts, while eliminating cracking in the joints;
  • It is also recommended to use certain decoctions, such as: a decoction of sunflower root, which helps eliminate salt accumulation in the joints;
  • Application of honey compresses paraffin, horseradish, black radish, clay. This type of compress has a warming effect, which eliminates pain.

Folk remedies are not recognized by medicine, but they have great potential and are often used when modern medicine is helpless. Traditional medicine has been tested for centuries and brings help and cure to many serious diseases

Drug treatment

Modern medicine considers the process of treating this phenomenon as the use of pharmaceuticals aimed at treating cracking joints. As a rule, ointments and gels of a warming and anti-inflammatory nature, as well as non-steroidal drugs, are prescribed.

In case of data inefficiency pharmaceutical preparations, intra-articular injections of glucocorticoids are used. For an effective result, the process of removing inflammation from the cartilage is important.

For such measures, medications are used, which contain the following components:

  • The use of drugs with chondroitin;
  • The use of drugs with glucosamines;
  • The use of drugs with mucopolysaccharides;
  • Combined drugs.

In exceptional cases, antimalarial drugs are used in medicine, which serve as an anti-inflammatory agent to stop the development of inflammation in the affected joint.


Physiotherapy is one of the mandatory aspects of the treatment course. It is mainly prescribed after a course of medications to relieve inflammation of the joints.

Physiotherapy helps to restore the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Typically, at the beginning of a course of physiotherapy, the following medical measures are prescribed:

  • Application of mud therapy;
  • Application of ozokerite;
  • The use of analgin injections into the joint area.

These measures are aimed at significantly improving the nutritional value of the joint, as well as normalizing blood circulation. It is worth noting that physiotherapy is not used if this phenomenon is acutely tolerated.

When there is a crunching of joints throughout the body Therapeutic gymnastics is prescribed. These measures are prescribed in the presence of pain. The goal of therapeutic exercises is to strengthen the muscle department, without additional stress on the joint.

Based on the characteristics of the pain syndrome when the joints of the body crunch, special physiological measures are prescribed, such as:

  • Exercises in the pool;
  • Exercises while sitting;
  • Exercises while lying down.

This type of treatment significantly improves the patient’s condition, without exposing the body to additional stress from medications and excessive physical activity. To improve the condition of cracking joints throughout the body, massage is also used.

The massage, specially developed by specialists, has the following properties:

  • Normalization of venous circulation;
  • Normalization of the excitability of nerve processes;
  • Strengthening the elasticity properties of the joint muscles.

Massage actions are specially designed and are effective in treating this phenomenon. Massage is a must for cracking joints in the body.

For complications after injury, or the appearance of diseases due to joint cracking, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Surgical intervention is the use of measures such as:

  • Application of endoprosthetics;
  • Application of arthroplasty;
  • Application of osteotomy.

These measures are used exclusively in cases of severe injuries and serious illnesses. A specially designed diet is also used.

To soften the crunch, you need to consume the following products:

  • Aspic;
  • A rich broth made primarily from fish;
  • A rich broth made primarily from lean meat;

To normalize nutrients in the joints, the following is prescribed:

  • Fresh vegetables;
  • Various nuts;
  • Legumes;
  • The consumption of fruits is also required.

If there is an excess of salts in the joint, foods containing salts and those with increased calorie content should be excluded from the diet.

Prevention of this phenomenon is determined by constant monitoring of the condition of the joints through examinations. Preventive measures also include constant physical exercise aimed at strengthening the bone department.

Crunching in the joints of the whole body alerts a person and forces them to seek medical help. This reaction is completely justified and correct. In most cases, these characteristics are not harmful to health, but there are cases when the crunching became a signal of a developing disease or a complication after an injury.

You should contact a specialist and clarify the diagnosis if a crunch occurs, since if complications are neglected, irreversible consequences may occur.

Many people believe that cracking joints are a harmless phenomenon. However, this is far from the case; they should not make any extraneous sounds when moving. Typically, such sounds indicate the development of various pathologies in the body. The crunching may occur in individual joints or be heard throughout the body. Why do my joints crack, what can I do to get rid of the unpleasant sounds?

Why does crunching occur?

The joints of the human body have a similar structure and consist of several bones, between which are located cartilages. Inside the capsule is filled with synovial fluid. The main task of this fluid is to lubricate joints and reduce friction between them. Thanks to the presence of this fluid, the joints are able to slide without making sounds when flexing and extending.

Rehabilitation doctor Sergei Nikolaevich Agapkin tells more about the effect and its types:

In cases where, due to pathological changes in the body, the amount of synovial fluid decreases, a crunching sound is heard in the joints without pain. Over time, pain develops in this place. If you start treatment on time, then there is every chance of completely getting rid of the pathology and the unpleasant sensations that accompany it. If this is not done, then there is a high probability of developing disability and complete immobilization of the joint.

However, doctors note that there are situations when clicking joints (arms or knees) do not indicate the presence of pathologies. This is due to the fact that gas is present in the synovial fluid. If its quantity increases, the interarticular space expands and a characteristic click occurs during a sudden movement.

If this is not associated with any pathology, then such a sound will occur no more than 4-5 times within 1 hour. If the joints crack more often, then the person needs to see a doctor who can determine the main cause of such sounds and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Crackling joints in a child

In a newborn baby, the skeletal system is not yet fully formed. Therefore, in the first months of life, bending of his limbs may be accompanied by a crunching sound. If this condition is not associated with pathology, then by about six months the extraneous sounds should disappear. If bones crunch in children after 1 year, then the baby should be shown to a doctor, as this may indicate the following pathologies:

  1. Hip dysplasia. In this case, the click will occur when performing circular movements of the legs, flexion or extension. Girls are more susceptible to this pathology.
  2. A decrease in secretion in the joint capsule when, during movement, the bones begin to rub against each other, which causes creaking.
  3. Inflammation of cartilage. Arthritis in children is quite common. If treatment of the pathology is started in a timely manner, the disease quickly disappears, and the joints become mobile again.

Crackling joints in adults

In adulthood, cracking joints are usually not the norm. In addition, their treatment will take longer than that of children and adolescents. This is due to the fact that adults may have various diseases that inhibit recovery. In most cases, a constant crunching sound may indicate an injury or metabolic disorder in the body. Treatment for this condition will depend on the underlying cause that caused the clicking.

Why do my joints crack all over my body?

Often, creaking in the joints is accompanied by painful sensations. At the same time, a person’s physical activity decreases significantly, and irritability occurs. The cause of this condition may be:

  • Wear and age-related changes in bone articulation.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Anatomical features of the structure of cartilage.
  • Joint hypermobility.

Why does my neck crunch when I turn my head? Read the detailed article.

Surgeon Sergei Anatolyevich Musatov talks about the deposition of salts in the body:

  • Low physical activity of a person.
  • Inflammation in the muscles.
  • Poor nutrition, which results in the accumulation of salts in the body, which negatively affects the condition of joint tissues.

Causes of crunching in the hip joint

In such cases, the crunch is often pathological in nature. In childhood, it indicates the presence of dysplasia. In adults, the reason may be the development of such pathologies:

  • Age-related changes in the joint.
  • Mechanical impact on the joint (crunching after dislocation).
  • Presence of salt deposits.
  • Arthrosis or arthritis.
  • The onset of inflammatory processes in muscle tissue, which can develop as a result of prolonged and significant physical activity.

Why do the joints on my legs crunch?

Typically, the knee joints begin to creak or even hurt when squatting, and the patient feels limited mobility of the knee. If treatment is not started immediately, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system begin to progress, which leads to pain in the feet or lower back even at rest. The cause of a knee crunch may be a lack of synovial fluid, but the development of dangerous pathologies cannot be ruled out:

  • Arthritis.
  • Bursitis.
  • Tendinitis.

Symptoms and treatment of bursitis of the knee joint are discussed by anesthesiologist Mark Yakovlevich Galperin and neurologist Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin:

Besides, there are other reasons. A sedentary lifestyle or excessive physical exertion, which, for example, athletes often experience during training, can trigger a crunch in the legs when walking or doing exercises.

Why does the spine crunch?

A crunch in the spine is a dangerous symptom. Often it is replaced by pain, the cause of which is not easy to identify. For example, your back, neck, shoulders, knees, and even your fingers can hurt due to arthritis. Other reasons why joints hurt and crack may be:

  • Presence of intervertebral hernia.
  • Protrusion.
  • Rachiocampsis.
  • Development of osteochondrosis.
  • Various injuries (dislocation, sprain, etc.).

Each of these reasons can lead to serious consequences when the pain increases so much that the patient cannot do without painkillers even at night. In order for treatment to bring the desired result, it is important to promptly identify the cause of the crunching and pain and begin proper treatment. To do this, you need to consult a doctor when the first unpleasant symptoms appear (crackling or aching joints, etc.).

Why do my fingers crunch?

You can often meet a person who cracks his fingers on his own. However, such a harmless symptom may indicate serious pathologies:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Changes in cartilage in the joint of a rheumatoid nature.
  • High joint mobility.

Orthopedic traumatologist Anton Pavlovich Khapilin talks about the causes, symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Arthritis or deforming osteoarthritis.
  • Displacement of tendons or ligaments.
  • Injuries.

Predisposing factors

Some factors can lead to crunching in the joints:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. If a person is constantly in one, motionless position, then his joints and the muscles that surround them begin to weaken.
  2. Excessive physical activity.
  3. The presence of a hereditary predisposition.

Pressure on the spine and joints during pregnancy

  1. Drinking water that contains a large amount of salts.
  2. Crunching can occur during pregnancy, which is associated with weight gain and hormonal changes in a woman’s body.


Due to the fact that there are many reasons why joints throughout the body creak, before prescribing treatment, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. To do this, the patient needs to go through:

  1. X-ray examination.
  2. Ultrasound to determine pathologies in the joints. An ultrasound of the liver may also be performed to identify a lack of collagen production. A kidney test can help identify kidney failure, which often causes a lack of synovial fluid.

Ultrasound examination of the knee joint

  1. Magnetic resonance or computed tomography. These studies help to examine the condition of the joints.
  2. Blood test for rheumatoid factor.

How to get rid of cracking joints

In the vast majority of cases, crunching in the joints, especially if it is heard throughout the body, must be treated. In this case, the patient should normalize the rhythm of life and follow some rules:

  • Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • Eat a balanced diet.

Body mass index is equal to weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters

  • If you are overweight, start losing it.
  • Do physical therapy.
  • Follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding the treatment of the underlying pathology.

The basis of therapy is the restoration of joint tissue. In this case, the treatment prescribed by the doctor must be comprehensive. The classic treatment regimen consists of the following stages:

  1. If there is a painful symptom, it must be eliminated. For this, the doctor will recommend the use of analgesics.
  2. Removing the inflammatory process.
  3. Restoration of damaged joint tissues.

The doctor will tell you what to do when your joints crack after examination and diagnosis.

Drug treatment

If the crunching of joints throughout the body is accompanied by pain, the doctor will prescribe the following medications:

  1. Chondroprotectors (Teraflex, Chondroitin) – promote the restoration of cartilage tissue, due to which the joint again becomes mobile and able to withstand physical activity. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the patient’s chance of getting rid of the pathology. The peculiarity of such drugs is that they should be taken in long courses (at least 3 months without a break).
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen). The medicine can be prescribed not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of ointments and gels for topical use. Reviews from patients prove that, thanks to their local effect, such drugs quickly relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

Pharmacist Maria Luneva talks about the active ingredients that make up ibuprofen, the method of use, side effects and contraindications:

  1. Vitamin and mineral complexes. Since during treatment the patient needs to achieve restoration of damaged tissue in the joint, it is important to take products that include vitamin D, group B, retinol, calcium, magnesium, tocopherol and zinc.
  2. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which in its composition and properties is similar to the synovial fluid of joints.
  3. Dietary supplements that the doctor will prescribe based on the diagnosis.

Non-drug treatment

Along with taking medications, when treating a crunch in the joint, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures that will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the cartilage and will speed up recovery. The following procedures are considered effective:

  • Phonophoresis.
  • Paraffin applications.

Paraffin therapy for hand joints

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Ozokerite.
  • Mineral and radon baths.


The main component of treating crunching that can occur in the joints is normalizing the patient’s diet. The diet should be based on foods rich in vitamins C, D, E, PP and group B:

  • Whole grain bread.
  • Bran.
  • Eggs.
  • Rice, corn and oats.

Dish with gelatin

  • Beef liver.
  • Fatty fish (tuna, salmon, etc.).
  • Mushrooms.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Jellied jelly and other dishes with gelatin.


In addition to using medications prescribed by a doctor, treatment with folk remedies is possible. But you cannot use them without consulting a doctor, as they are contraindicated for certain diseases.

Decoctions and infusions from the following plants have a good effect:

  • Melissa.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Ledum.

Elecampane plant

  • Elecampane.
  • Hop cones.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Linden.

Ready-made herbal products are used for lotions and compresses on the area of ​​the sore joint.


To avoid a situation where all joints are very crunchy, you need to follow some preventive measures:

  1. Enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, while reducing the amount of meat on the menu.
  2. Eat as many foods as possible that contain calcium and phosphorus. These products include primarily dairy and seafood.
  3. Replace red meat with white.
  4. Eliminate fried and smoked foods, replacing them with stewed and baked dishes.
  5. Limit the amount of sweets in your diet, replacing them with natural honey, jelly, marshmallows, etc.
  6. Regularly consume vegetable oils, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
  1. Maintain a drinking regime and drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas every day. After all, it is the lack of moisture in the body that often causes creaking and crunching in the joints.
  2. Lead an active lifestyle, regularly walk and play sports. Swimming and cycling are good for joint health.
  3. Avoid heavy physical labor and high loads during sports training.
  4. To refuse from bad habits.
  5. Do not intentionally crack your fingers or neck, as this causes microtraumas, which subsequently become the cause of arthrosis.

If you still cannot avoid the appearance of a crunch in any part of the body, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of a dangerous disease that can cause disability. During the examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the extraneous sounds and prescribe comprehensive treatment. By following all the doctor’s recommendations, the patient has the opportunity to get rid of the cause that contributed to the unpleasant sensations and get rid of them completely.

A healthy body should not cause anxiety; its work is silent. This attitude is only partly correct, although it explains the cause of anxiety when joints throughout the body creak.

But before you panic, it is necessary to clarify certain points about this sonorous phenomenon.

For example:

  • How long ago did joint clicks appear?
  • What provoked them;
  • What other symptoms are combined with?

If your joints are cracking, don't panic

When nothing hurts and only clicks

Crunching in joints without pain is unlikely to be a cause for concern. For the most part, it is interpreted as a physical phenomenon of hydrodynamic cavitation under conditions of creating a rarefied space. This is especially often reflected in crunching in all joints at a young age, when the cartilage is elastic, the ligaments are elastic and there is an irresistible desire to test your body’s strength in endless sports training.

When there is a crunch in the joints, sometimes it is enough to give rest to the overloaded interosseous joints

And if, in such a situation, the question arises: “Joints all over the body are cracking, what to do?”, then giving rest to the overloaded interosseous joints will be a completely sufficient measure.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that most people tend to exaggerate their sensations and, when asking the question: “Why do joints in the whole body creak?”, most likely, they mean only a few large joints that bear the maximum functional load when performing this or that type of physical activity.

The silent operation of joints is determined by the anatomical and physiological properties of cartilage and the qualitative and quantitative indicators of synovial fluid.

When the interosseous joints are overloaded against the background of changes in the properties of the synovial fluid, the prerequisites arise for crunching in the joints during movement. This may mark the beginning of the development of post-traumatic arthrosis.

What you need to know about cracking joints.

When to go for treatment

In addition to mechanical factors that can provoke joint clicking, one should not lose sight of the possibility of a systemic pathology, which is reflected in the causes of crunching in the joints. The absence of the burden of years is far from a reason to refuse a comprehensive examination to establish a diagnosis.

Diseases accompanied by articular syndrome, which begin at a young age, often have a more severe course and early diagnosis makes it possible to begin active treatment in a timely manner.

Establishing the cause and treating crunching in the joints are two interrelated processes. Each joint injury has its own mechanism, the essence of which requires an appropriate therapeutic approach.

Why do my feet click?

The most common reason for contacting a specialist is a crunch in the hip joint when walking. It may be a consequence of articular dysplasia that was not corrected in early childhood. An insufficiently formed acetabulum, when moving, does not provide the necessary stability to the head of the femur. Thus, it creates an infinite number of opportunities for the formation of dislocation and subluxation of the hip joint, which is accompanied by a characteristic joint click.

The most common reason for contacting a specialist is a crunch in the hip joint when walking.

You can hear how the joints in your hips crunch even when you rise from the splits. In this case, the maximum possible amplitude of movement in the hip joint creates conditions for the occurrence of hydrodynamic cavitation. And stretched ligaments and tendons, returning to their original position, when superimposed on each other, form a specific creaking sound.

In addition to the mechanisms described above for the occurrence of articular crepitus, there are a number of diseases that cause crunching in the hip joint.

These include:

  • Deforming osteoarthritis;
  • Infectious lesions of the joint (tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Drug-induced arthritis (for example, during treatment with antiepileptic drugs).

Women who prefer high-heeled shoes may develop post-traumatic arthrosis

The resulting crunch in the ankle joint is most often a manifestation of post-traumatic arthrosis, especially in women who prefer high-heeled shoes. In addition, the ankle can be affected by gout, which in the early stages can manifest itself only as joint crepitus.

In any case, when deciding what causes the crunching in the joints of the legs, you should not guess on the coffee grounds.

By seeking medical help, you can significantly reduce the time and money spent on independently searching for a solution to the problem that has arisen.

Why do my shoulders crack?

In second place, in terms of prevalence among the population, is a crunch in the shoulder joint.

A peculiarity of the connection of the shoulder with the scapula is the absence, as such, of a ligamentous apparatus, as a result of which all the work to hold the joint in place falls on the tendons of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

In this regard, dislocations occur quite often here, which, once they occur, create the precondition for the formation of a habitual dislocation.

Crunch in the shoulder joint is the second most common among the population

The post-traumatic arthrosis or glenohumeral periarthritis that forms in such cases is accompanied by dystrophic changes, with calcification, of the articular cartilage and connective tissue elements of the shoulder girdle, which creates a situation where the patient feels the shoulder crunching when rotating.

At the first stages of the development of pathology, when only insufficiency of the properties of the synovial fluid is revealed, only articular crepitus is noticeable. Subsequently, with an increase in the friction force between the articular surfaces, cartilage damage occurs, which is accompanied by pain.

The appearance of crunching and pain in the shoulder joint indicates an advanced pathological process.

The destruction of cartilage leads to the disappearance of the shock-absorbing cushion between the articular ends of the bones.

Destruction of cartilage tissue in the shoulder joint

The load, which is not physiological for them, leads to the restructuring of bone tissue, which is also accompanied by pain. Accompanying all these processes, inflammation in the periarticular tissues creates another wave flow of pain impulses.

Therefore, answering the question: “what to do when the joints in your shoulders crunch?”, the first thing you should pay attention to is to prevent pain from occurring.

To do this, it is enough to contact a specialized institution, where it would be reasonable to undergo an examination and a course of physiotherapeutic treatment, supported by the prescription of chondroprotectors.

If the moment is missed, then treatment of crunch and pain in the shoulder joint will primarily be aimed at inhibiting the inflammatory process and preserving the remnants of destroyed cartilage. All other therapeutic efforts will be focused on preventing the development of an exacerbation of the process.

In addition to the traumatic genesis of damage to the connection of the shoulder with the scapula, it is important to note the role of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and autoimmune processes accompanied by the development of articular syndrome.

Although shoulder damage due to autoimmune pathology is rare.

How to explain the snapping of fingers

In search of the reason why your fingers crack, you don’t need to turn over the Talmuds of medical publications. There are only two reasons here. The first of them is the same hydrodynamic cavitation when trying to overcome the force of attraction of two phalanges, and the second is the onset of rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis.

When it is difficult to straighten your elbow

The appearance of a crunch in the elbow joint during extension is due to the peculiarity of its anatomical structure.

It is during extension that the greatest contact between the articular surfaces occurs, which is reflected in the characteristic sound effect.

The causes of articular crepitus in the elbow are invariably the same. Each disease undoubtedly has its own favorite localization of the lesion, but the essence of the processes remains common to all interosseous joints. A special feature is the incidence of elbow arthrosis in weightlifters when bench pressing a load from a lying position.

Treatment of a crunch in the elbow joint during extension is aimed at creating the greatest possible state of functional rest. This is ensured by wearing an orthosis and kinesio tape.

Creation of functional rest is achieved by wearing an orthosis

A short course of NSAIDs is supplemented with chondroprotectors. Ointments are applied topically to improve blood flow in the tissues. This treatment regimen is most appropriate for cases of traumatic injury to the elbow.

And now about the jaw

If articular clicks in large joints of the axial skeleton do not cause bewilderment, then the appearance of a crunch in the jaw when opening the mouth often leaves one confused. Moreover, the current process, accompanied by such sound effects, without proper attention, can be aggravated by a suddenly developed dislocation of the lower jaw.

Crunching in the temporomandibular joint often deserves the attention of orthodontists.

Crunching in the jaw can be aggravated by dislocation of the lower jaw

In their opinion, the bulk of such complaints are due to the presence of dyspalasia of the lower jaw articulation, which is externally reflected in malocclusion. However, in the general mass of orthodontic causes, one should not forget about the presence of a percentage of exceptions.

In addition to the articular structural features, the temporomandibular joint, like any other, can be involved in some general process, accompanied by the development of articular syndrome.


Be that as it may, when deciding how to get rid of crunching in the joints, you should initially seek specialized help. The participation of a specialist doctor in determining the fate of the damaged joint will save enough time and money, and find the right direction in treatment.

Perhaps the crunching of joints is due to the congenital feature of hyperextensibility of connective tissue, and then this finding will simply become a feature that does not require outside intervention.

Almost every person experiences a crunching sound in one or another joint from time to time throughout their life. It can be observed in children of the first year of life, adolescents, adulthood and old age. In most cases, a cracking joint does not pose any serious health hazard, but sometimes it indicates the presence of serious illnesses.

Why do my joints crack?

Most often, movements in the joints occur completely silently. This is due to the fact that the articular surfaces are smooth, elastic and do not come into contact with each other, since there is an appropriate lubricant between them. However, the so-called physiological “crunching of bones” is periodically observed. Its main reasons:

  1. Vacuum cotton. Occurs when there is a sharp distance between the articular surfaces from each other, for example, when alternately stretching the fingers or when performing exercises to stretch the spine. In this case, a vacuum cavity forms in the joint, which makes a popping sound when it collapses. Most experts believe that this type of crunching does not lead to damage to the articular surfaces and the development of diseases.
  2. Friction of ligaments on moving joint surfaces. This is a rather dull sound observed when flexing or extending the hip, elbow, shoulder and knee joints. This type of crunch can occur in a teenager or a young child, including infants, during periods of intensive growth of the structures of the musculoskeletal system.

There are not only physiological, but also pathological causes of crunching in the joints. Among them, the most common are:

  • traumatic injuries,
  • arthritis,
  • inflammation of the joint capsule or ligamentous apparatus - bursitis, tendonitis,
  • degenerative diseases - arthrosis,
  • malformations of joints and bones.

In these cases, the crunch occurs due to the changed properties of the intra-articular fluid, a decrease in its quantity, deformation of the articular surfaces, inflammation of the cartilage, ligaments or synovial membrane.

Symptoms of physiological and pathological crunching

Physiological crunching in the lower back, shoulder, knee or hip joint is not accompanied by pain and appears periodically. Pathological crunch has the following distinctive features:

  • noted quite often
  • may be accompanied by pain, redness of the skin, swelling or changes in the range of motion in the joint,
  • does not disappear when repeating the same movements that caused the crunch.

It is especially important to consult a specialist in cases where joints throughout the body are cracking.

Crunching in joints: what to do next?

If you suspect a pathological crunch, you must see a doctor to find out the cause of this condition. In this case, the doctor will definitely examine the joints, study the amplitude and nature of movements. For a more in-depth examination, you may need:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging,
  • CT scan,
  • Ultrasound of the joint,
  • arthroscopy,
  • biochemical blood tests (acute phase reactions, determination of rheumatoid factor, etc.).

Treatment of cracking joints

As a rule, it is not always possible to completely get rid of a crunch in the shoulder joint, knee or other joints of a person, but most often with the help of treatment it is still possible to achieve a good effect. To do this you need:

  1. Normalize excess body weight.
  2. If the work is monotonous, then you should do a warm-up every 2 hours and do not sit in one position for a long time.
  3. Avoid overloading the joints and injuring them.
  4. Stop smoking, do not abuse alcohol.
  5. If a crunch occurs, have your joints examined by a doctor.
  6. Drink enough liquid (for an adult, about 1.5–2 liters per day).
  7. If you are overtired, use special joint fixators (bandages, orthoses) and elastic bandages.
  8. Do water aerobics and swimming.

Drug therapy

If a crunch in a joint is accompanied by pain, swelling, and inflammation, then anti-inflammatory drugs from the NSAID group are usually prescribed internally or externally in the form of ointments and gels (diclofenac, movalis, ibuprofen and others). If there is no effect, intra-articular injections of glucocorticoids are possible.

Cartilage nutrition is improved by drugs that have chondroprotective properties. These include drugs containing:

  1. Chondroitin (chondrotin, mucosate).
  2. Glucosamine (dona).
  3. Mucopolysaccharides (arteparone).
  4. Combined (formula-C, teraflex).

In addition, a special group includes drugs obtained from the cartilage tissue of animals or fish (rumalon) and intra-articular fluid substitutes (synvix, fermatron, sinokrom). The latter are injected directly into the joint cavity, replenishing the fluid deficiency that occurs with arthrosis. In some cases, 1 to 5 such injections are sufficient to improve the condition.

Preparations related to biostimulants (vitreous body, ATP, aloe) help accelerate tissue regeneration. However, they have limited use due to their ability to sensitize the body and accelerate the growth of tumors.

The following help to normalize or improve local and general blood flow (and, accordingly, nutrition of joint tissues):

  • butadione,
  • but-shpa,
  • nikoshpan and similar drugs.

In some cases, to relieve inflammation in the joint, antimalarial drugs are used that stabilize lysosomal membranes and inhibit cartilage proteases - delagil, plaquenil, rezoquin.


Most often prescribed:

  • electrophoresis of analgin or novocaine into the joint area,
  • diaspeaker,
  • hydrocortisone phonophoresis,
  • ozokerite,
  • paraffin applications,
  • mud therapy.

These procedures help reduce pain, resolve effusion, relax reflexively spasming muscles, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the joint. Most physiotherapy procedures are not used during acute inflammation.


If the crunch is accompanied by pain, then the person begins to spare this joint, as a result of which, due to weakening of the muscles, the congruence of the articular surfaces is disrupted. The goal of therapeutic exercises is to strengthen these muscles without increasing the load on the joint itself. For this purpose, exercises are performed mainly in a lying position, sitting or in a pool.


When there is crunching in the joints, the massage is aimed at strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the surrounding muscles, improving venous circulation, and normalizing nervous excitability.


If the crunch is caused by the growth of osteophytes, friction of altered joint surfaces, or the presence of fragments of cartilage or bone resulting from injury, then surgical intervention is performed, for example:

  • therapeutic arthroscopy,
  • osteotomy,
  • arthroplasty,
  • endoprosthetics.


Regular consumption of jellied meat or rich broth made from fish (sardines, salmon) or lean meats (chicken, veal, turkey) in moderation helps to ease the crunch in the joints. To provide your joints with nutrients, minerals and vitamins, you should include fresh vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fruits and legumes in your daily menu.
If crunching in the joints is associated with the deposition of uric acid salts in their tissues due to gout, then foods containing purines should be excluded from your diet. If you are overweight, you need to reduce the overall caloric content of your diet by avoiding high-calorie foods and drinks.


Is cracking joints throughout the body dangerous and what to do about it?

Crunching and grinding in the joints cause concern for many people and force them to seek medical help. This is an absolutely correct tactic, but it must be said that in most cases, especially if extraneous sounds are painless and are observed in young people, then this is an absolutely physiological and natural process that does not require intervention and is not a threat to health. But to find out, you need to determine exactly why joints crack throughout the body or in individual places.

Crunching is not always a pathology

Joint cracking is considered a physiological process. To understand why this happens, you need to have an understanding of the structure and functioning of joints. Almost all joints in the body have a similar structure. They are formed by the articular surfaces of two or more bones. These bones are covered with smooth and even hyaline cartilage, which plays an important role - it provides gliding during movements and reduces friction.

The joint is enclosed in a shell (capsule), which contains a small amount of joint synovial fluid (reduces friction, provides additional lubrication for sliding bone surfaces, and also nourishes hyaline cartilage).

After prolonged and intense exercise, crunching is the norm, especially often observed among athletes

Almost all joints have additional folds of the shell, which are called bags, or bursae, they are designed to provide additional shock absorption during high-amplitude movements. The components are reinforced with each other by intra-articular and extra-articular ligaments.

With any movement, stretching, oscillation, and movement of all components of the joint occur. In this case, noise may occur from it, like from any other mechanical device. It can be a crunch, crackling, clanging, grinding sound. Its intensity can vary - from imperceptible to the human ear to clearly audible. Most often we hear a crunching sound, which in medicine is called crepitus. The most prone to crepitus are the knees, ankles and small joints of the hands, as well as the spine, especially the cervical region.

Joint crepitus does not necessarily indicate health problems. In most cases, this is completely normal and people often experience such sensations in various joints of their body.

Risk factors for crunching:

  • excess weight;
  • wearing high heels and the wrong shoes;
  • age;
  • taking certain medications (glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives);
  • hormonal disorders and metabolic diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • heavy physical activity, for example, professional sports;
  • physical inactivity;
  • flat feet.

Excess weight is one of the main causes of joint crepitus, which over time can develop into osteoarthritis.

Symptoms that indicate pathology

If, in parallel with crepitus, you observe the following signs, then this speaks in favor of the disease:

  • joints hurt and crack;
  • accompanied by signs of inflammation - swelling, redness, increase in volume;
  • the normal function of the connection is disrupted, its mobility is limited;
  • you observe periodic swaying in your legs, their instability;
  • the crunch is accompanied by numbness;
  • the joints crunch strongly, and this crepitation is permanent and progressive.

Physiological causes of crunching

There is no need to worry when crepitus is heard during physical activity. This is especially common in teenagers. At this age, some parts of the body grow faster than others. As a result, a temporary and functional imbalance in the structure of the joint develops, which contributes to its increased mobility. This is what causes the crunching noise during active movements. Let's look at other physiological causes of crepitus.

Weak ligamentous apparatus

Or rather, not weak, but with increased extensibility. This reason is genetically determined. The fact is that in the body of some people, slightly altered collagen is formed. Therefore, the ligaments of the joint are characterized by increased extensibility, which makes the joint hypermobile, that is, the range of movements in it is somewhat greater than in other people.

As a rule, this can be observed in young people, especially women. With age, this hypermobility disappears due to the development of degenerative processes in the joint and the crunching noise is no longer heard.

This phenomenon does not require treatment, because it does not affect the health and function of the joints.

Joints have a large number of ligaments; with their congenital increased extensibility, a crunch is often observed

Accumulation of gas bubbles

Synovial fluid contains all the elements necessary to nourish the joint; it also contains soluble gas elements (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide). When moving in the joint, the capsule is stretched. This leads to a decrease in pressure inside the formation, as a result of which, according to the laws of physics, these soluble gases form into bubbles. These bubbles burst, which is manifested by a characteristic sound.

Increased protein content

If the synovium contains more protein than usual, then it becomes too thick and cannot fully ensure the smooth sliding of bones during movements. This is externally manifested by cracking joints. A diet enriched with protein foods or inflammatory processes in the body and in the joint itself can lead to an increase in the concentration of protein in the synovium.

Physical overload

With active and constant movements in the joint, synovial fluid is quickly consumed, and it takes time to form a new portion. Therefore, during prolonged physical work, a crunch appears, which disappears after rest. This phenomenon can often be observed among professional athletes.

It must be remembered that if you do not follow a rational regime of training and rest, then over time this physiological cause of crunching can turn into pathological. Indeed, when there is not enough lubrication in the joint, the surfaces of the bones rub against each other and destroy the hyaline cartilage, which becomes the impetus for the development of osteoarthritis.

Pathological causes of crepitus

In order to claim that a crunch in a joint is physiological and does not need to be treated, it is first necessary to exclude diseases that are accompanied by this symptom.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes

This is the number one cause of crepitus during movement. Probably everyone knows such diseases as osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis. It is they that cause the gradual destruction of intra-articular cartilage, the disappearance of lubrication in the joints, the exposure of the bone surface, which causes crunching and other pathological symptoms - pain in the first place.

Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the articular system are observed in all people after 50 years. But earlier cases of such pathology also occur, even in adolescents and young adults. The reason is lifestyle. Poor nutrition, physical inactivity, walking in heels, excess weight, heavy physical labor, previous injuries, metabolic and endocrine diseases, concomitant pathology of the musculoskeletal system, etc. contribute to the early appearance and progression of osteoarthritis changes.

Degenerative changes can affect almost all joints in the body; the first sign of such a pathology is a crunching sound when moving.


Almost all inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis), regardless of etiology (infectious, autoimmune, allergic) can be accompanied by cracking, although this is far from the leading symptom of the pathology. Pain, stiffness in the joint, its deformation, swelling, redness and impaired motor function come to the fore here.

Treatment of arthritis is a rather complex problem, as there are many types of the disease. Therefore, in the case of the signs described above, a doctor’s consultation and a detailed examination are mandatory. After all, chronic arthritis often even leads to loss of ability to work and disability.

Salt deposits

Sometimes metabolic diseases and endocrine pathology can lead to crunching, which is accompanied by excessive formation of certain substances in the body and their deposition in the form of salts in the structural elements of the joint, as a rule, these are ligaments and capsule.

Such pathologies include gout, chondrocalcinosis and other osteochondropathy, hyperparathyroidism and other disorders of mineral metabolism in the body.

How to get rid of cracking joints

Naturally, if you have any of the above diseases, then first of all you need to choose the right therapy, which will not only get rid of the crunching, but also other symptoms.

If, after examination, no articular pathology is found in you, but your joints still crack, then the following recommendations will help you:

  • regular moderate physical activity, you can’t use exercises that put a lot of stress on the joint that crunches, swimming is an ideal option;
  • It is imperative to get rid of excess weight, if any;
  • healthy and balanced diet, enriched with vitamins and microelements, avoidance of strict mono-diet;
  • wearing comfortable and orthopedic shoes (the heel should not exceed 3-4 cm, its base should be wide);
  • supporting correct posture and preventing scoliosis;
  • rationalization of your working time (you need to do a little warm-up every 2 hours if you have a sedentary job);
  • follow safety rules when playing sports;
  • preventive use of chondroprotectors and various dietary supplements for joints;
  • You can also try various folk remedies, for example, gelatin for joints.

To summarize, we can say that a crunch in the joint in most cases is normal and should not scare you. But, if you have risk factors for joint diseases, pain and other pathological signs appear, then this should alert you and force you to undergo a full medical examination for early diagnosis of the disease.

What to do when your knees creak

The knees are a rather weak part of the human body that is prone to various diseases. Both adults and very young children suffer from ailments associated with the knee joints. Quite often, patients ask doctors the question: if their knees creak, what should they do?

The knee joint can bend and extend. In this case, all movements are performed silently. If a person’s knees are crunching, it’s worth considering whether this is a signal about the presence of any problems in the body.

Physiological and pathological causes of the phenomenon

Crunching in the knee joint has a physiological and pathological nature. The physiological type is characterized by a sound like a crackling sound. Crunching in the knees occurs both during active and passive movements (for example, when bending or straightening the leg or fingers). There are the following suspected causes of physiological crunching in the knees.

  1. During motor activity, the ligamentous apparatus touches the protruding part of the bones. The crunching sounds dull and is most often heard in the shoulder and wrist joints.
  2. During active actions, the surfaces of two contacting bones move relative to each other, resulting in negative pressure. Special bubbles consisting of vacuum begin to form in the synovial fluid. Therefore, the crunching sound is a vacuum pop.
  3. Rupture of adhesions in the joint cavity or sprain of the ligamentous apparatus. Crunching in the knee structures due to these reasons occurs quite rarely.

Crunching in the knee joint can occur due to some pathology. It is often heard when certain motor acts are repeated, in the presence of pain or in the absence of a refractory period. The cause of the pathological crunch is considered to be a violation of the contact of joint surfaces. This disorder can be observed in diseases that affect the cartilage of the knee joint and change its structure. Examples of such diseases include arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Specific factors for the occurrence of crunching

Common causes of pain and crunching are inflammatory processes localized in the periarticular tissue, or any traumatic injuries. Examples include inflammation affecting the bursa of the knee joints (bursitis), affecting the tendons of the knee muscles (tendinitis), and injuries to the meniscus (avulsion, fracture).

Inflammatory diseases have the following symptoms:

  • creaking when moving the knee;
  • soreness;
  • swelling;
  • increase in local temperature;
  • decreased motor activity.

If the patient has signs of these symptoms, it is necessary to urgently seek advice from a rheumatologist or therapist. Crunching in the knee joint may have other specific factors of its occurrence. They affect the body indirectly, but impair the nutrition and functioning of organs. These factors are:

  • excess weight;
  • burdened heredity;
  • disorders in the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus and other similar diseases;
  • elderly age;
  • viral infections (they can act as a trigger for joint inflammation);
  • poor nutrition: eating salty foods, excessively sweet foods;
  • diseases that are accompanied by the deposition of mineral salts in the joint tissue, for example, gout, chronic kidney disease.

What to do if the crunch occurs due to injury? In this case, you need to consult a traumatologist and surgeon. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe examination and treatment.

How to get rid of crunching in a joint

How to get rid of crunching in the knee joints? First of all, you need to consult a doctor and understand what is the reason for the crunch. If this is a large physical load on the joint, then it is necessary to reduce it for a while. The knees will be relaxed and the crunching will be significantly reduced. To give your joints a rest, it is recommended to soak in a hot bath. Procedures using heat relieve muscle tension and increase blood circulation.

Crunching should be treated only after examination and consultation with a specialist. The most common diseases are arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joints. These ailments lead to degenerative changes in cartilage tissue and joint deformation. Drug treatment for arthritis is aimed at restoring cartilage and maintaining its structure. What to do if deformation of the knee joints has already occurred? Treatment in this case can only be surgical: endoprosthetics is used.

As arthritis progresses, the doctor prescribes medication:

  • ointments and tablets that have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • painkillers;
  • chondroprotectors.

If joints crack due to a person’s large body weight, it is recommended to adhere to a strict diet. Before eliminating certain foods from your diet, you should consult a nutritionist. An important element is the use of physical therapy. All exercises should be selected by the attending physician. The essence of exercise therapy is to strengthen the muscle mass in the legs and reduce the load on the knees. A specialist may recommend swimming and exercise in water.

Is it possible and how to get rid of crunching using folk methods? Such treatment should be carried out in conjunction with the therapy prescribed by the doctor. There are a number of known remedies to combat pain. The most effective among them are the following.

  1. Gelatin. In the evening, pour 5 g of the substance into 1 glass of water. In the morning, add another 50 ml of water to the prepared mixture. Mix well. Take on an empty stomach.
  2. Eucalyptus oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. For crunching, pain and inflammation in the knee joint, compresses are used.
  3. Cabbage leaf compress. The sheet is applied to the affected joint, secured with a bandage and scarf.

Treatment with folk remedies does not replace basic therapeutic measures. This therapy is only concomitant.

Why do joints crack and what to do?

But if the sound is accompanied by pain, fever and swelling, then you should immediately consult a doctor. One of the serious reasons for this phenomenon is considered to be arthrosis, which thins and destroys the cartilage tissue of the joint.

What diseases can cause cracking in the joints?

Why do my joints crack? A crunch is a signal that should not be ignored. Among the reasons causing this phenomenon are:

  • Violation in the structure of the joint. If the articular surfaces do not coincide, they are forced to go beyond the limits of the articular box. When a person changes body position, these surfaces meet and make a crunching sound.
  • Inflammation of adjacent muscles. The true cause of crunching in the joints has not yet been precisely identified. However, most doctors are confident that it can arise from overwork or overload. In addition, crunching can occur if you stay in the same position for a long time and then suddenly change it. In this case, the sound will be noticed in the joint that bears the most load.
  • Hypermobility is an innate increased flexibility and mobility of joints. At the same time, parts of the joints can practically fall apart without causing discomfort to a person, and when they fall into place, they make a crunching sound.
  • Arthrosis is a serious disease in which the thinning of the cartilage in the joints is diagnosed. Almost all elderly people are susceptible to this disease. However, it is not uncommon for the disease to occur much earlier. As a result of thinning and wear of the cartilage, the joints lose their mobility, their joints lose flexibility, which provokes a crunch.
  • Excess salts in joints. As salt accumulates, it hardens and compacts cartilage and bones, as well as the surrounding muscles. All this limits the mobility of the joint and also causes pain. In most cases, people living in areas where drinking water is enriched with mineral salts are susceptible to this disorder.
  • Consequences of injuries. All fractures, bone cracks, and joint injuries contribute to damage to the tissues and blood vessels that surround the joint. Subsequently, they can become inflamed and hardened, which complicates the movement of the joint and provokes a crunch.

What does a crunch in the knee joint mean?

The knee joint is one of the complex mechanisms in the human body. Most people seek medical help only after their knees stop straightening and bending. Meanwhile, periodic crunching in the knee, observed when walking, should alert you. The most common causes of a crunch in the knee are:

  • Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, resulting in their swelling, redness, and the patient experiences a rise in body temperature.
  • Gonarthrosis is the deposition of salts in the tissues of the knee joint. This is a progressive disease that is more susceptible to overweight people.
  • Meniscopathy is damage to the meniscus, the crescent-shaped cartilage located inside the knee joint. A sign of pathology is tingling, crunching in the knee when walking. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it will lead to serious changes.
  • Poor circulation - most often can occur due to wearing high-heeled shoes, due to an incorrect lifestyle.

Cause of crunching in the shoulder joint

The most common cause of crunching in the shoulder joint is osteoparosis. It occurs due to metabolic and endocrine system disorders, hereditary predisposition, kidney and gall bladder diseases. Osteoporosis is characterized by: stiffness of movement, especially in the morning, crunching in the joints and swelling.

If your child's joints are cracking

Crunching in the joint can occur even in infants. The cause may be insufficient connective tissue density. A child's muscular system is not as strong as an adult's, and the connective fibers are more elastic. This is why joint crunching can be heard even in newborns. Until a certain age is reached, this phenomenon does not cause concern to doctors.

If a crunch is observed in only one of the child’s joints, then this may be a signal of incipient arthritis, infectious polyarthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, or osteoporosis.

Congenital pathology of the joints, characterized by their increased flexibility, is also possible.

But in most cases, crunching is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body or the final formation of joints, which ends by the age of 16.

How to treat cracking joints

Today, there are several ways to eliminate crunching in joints:

  1. Limiting the load on the joints that produce crunching.
  2. If the crunch is accompanied by inflammation, then in this case ointments that have an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed - Diclofenac, Fastum-gel and Ibuprofen.
  3. To restore the structure of cartilage, there are drugs - chondroitins and glucosamine sulfates. They are intended for internal use, after consultation with a doctor.
  4. Therapeutic exercises can improve the condition of cartilage tissue. The main condition is that the load on the affected joints be dosed. The best option is water aerobics or swimming in the pool.
  5. If the crunch in the joint is caused by arthritis, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications, and in especially severe cases, a course of hormonal therapy.
  6. In addition, non-drug methods are used to get rid of crunching in the joints. These include: physical therapy, wearing a bandage, the use of other auxiliary orthopedic devices, and injections into the affected joint.
  7. The surgical method is used only if drug treatment has ceased to be effective. In this case, patients are implanted with an artificial joint, which returns them to normal existence.

When to sound the alarm

When crunching in the joints occurs periodically, without causing pain or discomfort to the person, and the mobility of the joint is maintained in full, then there is no need to worry. This phenomenon will be eliminated by a course of therapeutic exercises, massage, and a set of exercises to strengthen ligaments and muscles.

If the crunch is accompanied by swelling, pain, limited joint mobility, then you need to contact a surgeon, rheumatologist or orthopedic traumatologist. To determine the exact cause of the crunch, you will need to undergo diagnostics, including: ultrasound, MRI or CT, x-ray.

If the joints begin to crunch (without pain), you should also not ignore this. A timely visit to the doctor will identify a dangerous disease in the early stages and stop its progression.

Despite the fact that the crunching bothers more often mature people, it can also be observed in children of different ages. However, their reasons for this phenomenon are slightly different. First of all, the immaturity of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus plays a role. With age, the joints become stronger and the crunching disappears. But we cannot exclude the development of various pathologies that can cause a characteristic cracking sound.

Crunching in joints in children can also be caused by their anatomical features. In this case, a consultation with a traumatologist is required, who will give the necessary recommendations and create the child’s daily diet to improve the formation of intra-articular fluid.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Crunching in the joints is diagnosed by ultrasound examination

The characteristic cracking sound in the above joints, which occurs at the beginning of the movement and does not recur afterward, should not cause panic. However, if the “crackling” is heard constantly and is accompanied by pain, swelling of the joints of the body bones, as well as their stiffness, then the alarm should be sounded. By noticing such symptoms in time, a person can avoid the serious consequences of developing dangerous diseases that can lead to disability.

To understand why crunching and pain in the joints occur, the doctor must conduct a thorough diagnosis. First of all, an ultrasound of the joints of the bones is prescribed, which will reveal deviations in the fit of the articular surfaces or other pathologies. In addition to ultrasound, patients often have to undergo X-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance computed tomography. The latter diagnostic method most accurately reveals the picture of the condition of the joints.

To exclude insufficiency of collagen synthesis, an ultrasound scan of the gallbladder and liver is performed, and to exclude renal failure, which is directly related to the synovial fluid, an ultrasound scan of the kidneys is prescribed. It is also mandatory to draw blood for rheumatoid factor. Unfortunately, an increase in the level of rheumatoid factor can be noticed no earlier than after 6-8 weeks, so its negative result does not always allow specialists to reject the diagnosis based on all other criteria.

Traditional medicine in the fight against disease

Crunching in the joints is treated with medication in several stages

Treatment for painful crunching in the joints should be timely. However, it is not the crunch itself that is treated, but the disease that causes this phenomenon. If we take into account that it can be observed in various unhealthy processes, then the treatment will be different. The fight against crunching is divided into three stages:

  1. The first stage is responsible for eliminating pain that haunts a person. In this case, analgesics are usually prescribed. However, eliminating pain does not solve the problem itself.
  2. The second stage is required in the presence of swelling and inflammation. At the second stage of treatment, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Meloxicam, Diclofenac and Ibuprofen.
  3. The third stage is the most important, as it is responsible for the restoration of cartilage tissue. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely restore cartilage tissue, but it is possible to stop the degenerative processes that destroy cartilage. For this purpose, chondroprotectors are usually prescribed to provide nutrition to the cartilage tissue and also stimulate its restoration.

Chondroprotectors act very slowly but surely. Doctors immediately warn that the course of treatment will be long, since the functions of the diseased joints are restored gradually. The use of these drugs is especially effective in the early stages of the disease, when a cracking sound is heard, but pain is not yet felt. But even in severe conditions, the use of chondroprotectors is justified, since they reduce the consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and prevent further destruction of weakened joints.

In medical practice, the complex enzyme preparation “Karipain” is also widely used, which is available in the form of cream, gel, tablets, powder and in liquid form in ampoules. It can be used at home and taken to a physiotherapist's office for treatments. This drug is intended to eliminate pain in bone joints, improve microcirculation in tissues, remove inflammatory processes and regenerate intervertebral discs.

In extreme cases, when the joints of the bones cannot be restored or their destruction cannot be slowed down, a complex joint replacement operation is prescribed. Most often, surgery affects the knee and hip joints. Unfortunately, after the operation, patients may experience many other problems (shortening of the legs, even greater disruption of biomechanics, deterioration of the vertebral and iliac joints, the occurrence of adhesions around the scar), so doctors resort to this method only when absolutely necessary.

Treatment of diseases with traditional medicine

Crunching and pain in the joints will be relieved by taking parsley infusion

Few people know how to treat cracking joints using folk methods that have been used by our ancestors since ancient times. To relieve pain and restore the joy of movement, the first thing you need to do is cleanse your joints.

  • An infusion of parsley is ideal for this, which is prepared from one glass of chopped parsley roots and 0.5 liters. hot milk. Everything is infused in a thermos overnight. This remedy should be taken three times a day, poured into a plate and cooled. The course of treatment should last 10-12 days.

A good remedy for pain relief is jelly. It should be introduced into the diet at the first sign of pain in the cartilage tissues connecting the bones, especially when it comes to the knees. Making jelly is not at all difficult, and all the necessary ingredients can be found in any grocery store.

  • To prepare the jelly, you need to heat the swollen gelatin so that it completely dissolves but does not boil. You can add any jam to taste. After this, the uncured jelly is poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator until completely hardened. With regular use of this tasty and healthy product, improvements will occur within 1-2 weeks. As a rule, the crunching disappears and the stiffness of movements disappears.
  • A mixture of 100 grams can also help with cracking in joints. celery roots and 100 gr. parsley herbs. The ingredients are finely chopped and poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water and boil for about 7 minutes. After this, the broth is cooled and the juice of one lemon and 2 tbsp are added to it. l. honey This folk medicine should be taken in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Disease prevention

Walking in the fresh air and cycling will be an excellent way to prevent joint diseases.

The root of the Caucasian hellebore herb is very suitable for the treatment and prevention of joint disease. You can find powder of this healing root in pharmacies. It is brewed and drunk like tea, and also made into baths. With its help, you can restore the water-salt balance and cleanse the body of toxins, provided that the product is used regularly and systematically. One sachet of hellebore herb root powder (10 g) is designed for a month of use.

To prevent cracking in bone joints, it is recommended to ride a bicycle, swim and walk in the fresh air more often. You should also review your diet and replace smoked dishes with baked ones, fried ones with stewed ones, and use pickles in moderation. All vegetable salads should be seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with any natural vegetable oil.

Why do my joints crack?

It happens that our joints begin to make strange sounds: crunching, crackling, clicking. How dangerous this is and how to deal with it, read our article.

Is crunching normal or pathological?

Healthy joints move silently. However, crunching in the joints is quite common. The knee, hip, wrist joints, as well as the joints of the spine, shoulder, elbow, and lower jaw can crunch and click. In this case, the crunch can be physiological and considered as a variant of the norm. Or pathological and talk about some kind of disease.

Causes of cracking joints

1 Cause HYPODYNAMIA A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that muscles and ligaments gradually weaken, which is why a characteristic crunch in the joints occurs. 2 cause of crunching in the joints DEFORMING OSTEOARTHROSIS This is a degenerative disease of the joints, in which degeneration of cartilage, bone growths lead to joint deformation and impairment its functions. In addition to crunching, patients are concerned about pain, stiffness of movement, and changes in the shape of the joint. 3rd reason for crunching in joints INFLAMMATION Crunching can occur with the development of inflammatory processes in the joints: bursitis, tendinitis, arthritis. Due to the swelling of the affected tissues, the ligaments of the joint cling to the protuberances of the bones during movement and are accompanied by a clicking sound. 4 cause of crunching in the joints METABOLISM DISORDERS Crackling joints can be bothersome in diabetes mellitus, as well as a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. 5 cause of crunching in the joints SALTS deposits in the periarticular bursa can also lead to a crunching sound when moving.

Treatment for cracking joints

Depending on the cause of the crunch, the doctor prescribes treatment. It must be comprehensive. Anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen) for internal and external use in the form of tablets and gels, ointments. Chondroprotectors (rumalon, alflutop, chondroxide, glucosamines) promote the restoration of cartilage tissue. Vitamins (A, E, group B), microelements that stimulate the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue (calcium, zinc, phosphorus). Physiotherapy (shock wave therapy, magnetic therapy, UHF), massage, reflexology. Physical therapy, swimming.

Prevention of cracking joints

It is important to normalize your diet. Avoid fatty, fried, smoked, salted and canned foods. It is healthy to eat lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Dairy and fermented milk products contain a lot of calcium, which strengthens bone and cartilage tissue, so be sure to include them in your daily diet. Eat pumpkin, sesame, flax and sunflower seeds. Eat more vegetable fats. Drink at least 6 tbsp. water during the day. Watch your weight. Lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical exercise and sports. When working sedentarily, get up and stretch often. If you have problems with your joints, contact a specialist.

Proven remedies for cracking joints

Take 2-3 fir cones, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 10-12 hours. Take 1 tbsp daily. Take 5 g of gelatin, pour 1 tbsp in the evening. water. In the morning, add another 50 ml of water to the resulting jelly-like mixture, stir thoroughly and drink. Take 1 tbsp. chopped parsley root, pour 0.5 liters of hot milk. Let the mixture brew in a thermos until the morning. Take 3 times daily. The course of treatment is 10 days, then take a break and repeat after a month. general practitioner

Crunching and grinding in the joints cause concern for many people and force them to seek medical help. This is an absolutely correct tactic, but it must be said that in most cases, especially if extraneous sounds are painless and are observed in young people, then this is an absolutely physiological and natural process that does not require intervention and is not a threat to health. But to find out, you need to determine exactly why joints crack throughout the body or in individual places.

Crunching is not always a pathology

Joint cracking is considered a physiological process. To understand why this happens, you need to have an understanding of the structure and functioning of joints. Almost all joints in the body have a similar structure. They are formed by the articular surfaces of two or more bones. These bones are covered with smooth and even hyaline cartilage, which plays an important role - it provides gliding during movements and reduces friction.

The joint is enclosed in a shell (capsule), which contains a small amount of joint synovial fluid (reduces friction, provides additional lubrication for sliding bone surfaces, and also nourishes hyaline cartilage).

After prolonged and intense exercise, crunching is the norm, especially often observed among athletes

Almost all joints have additional folds of the shell, which are called bags, or bursae, they are designed to provide additional shock absorption during high-amplitude movements. The components are reinforced with each other by intra-articular and extra-articular ligaments.

With any movement, stretching, oscillation, and movement of all components of the joint occur. In this case, noise may occur from it, like from any other mechanical device. It can be a crunch, crackling, clanging, grinding sound. Its intensity can vary - from imperceptible to the human ear to clearly audible. Most often we hear a crunching sound, which in medicine is called crepitus. The most prone to crepitus are the knees, ankles and small joints of the hands, as well as the spine, especially the cervical region.

Joint crepitus does not necessarily indicate health problems. In most cases, this is completely normal and people often experience such sensations in various joints of their body.

Risk factors for crunching:

  • excess weight;
  • wearing high heels and the wrong shoes;
  • age;
  • taking certain medications (glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives);
  • hormonal disorders and metabolic diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • heavy physical activity, for example, professional sports;
  • physical inactivity;
  • flat feet.

Excess weight is one of the main causes of joint crepitus, which over time can develop into osteoarthritis.

Symptoms that indicate pathology

If, in parallel with crepitus, you observe the following signs, then this speaks in favor of the disease:

  • joints hurt and crack;
  • accompanied by signs of inflammation - swelling, redness, increase in volume;
  • the normal function of the connection is disrupted, its mobility is limited;
  • you observe periodic swaying in your legs, their instability;
  • the crunch is accompanied by numbness;
  • the joints crunch strongly, and this crepitation is permanent and progressive.

Physiological causes of crunching

There is no need to worry when crepitus is heard during physical activity. This is especially common in teenagers. At this age, some parts of the body grow faster than others. As a result, a temporary and functional imbalance in the structure of the joint develops, which contributes to its increased mobility. This is what causes the crunching noise during active movements. Let's look at other physiological causes of crepitus.

Weak ligamentous apparatus

Or rather, not weak, but with increased extensibility. This reason is genetically determined. The fact is that in the body of some people, slightly altered collagen is formed. Therefore, the ligaments of the joint are characterized by increased extensibility, which makes the joint hypermobile, that is, the range of movements in it is somewhat greater than in other people.

As a rule, this can be observed in young people, especially women. With age, this hypermobility disappears due to the development of degenerative processes in the joint and the crunching noise is no longer heard.

This phenomenon does not require treatment, because it does not affect the health and function of the joints.

Joints have a large number of ligaments; with their congenital increased extensibility, a crunch is often observed

Accumulation of gas bubbles

Synovial fluid contains all the elements necessary to nourish the joint; it also contains soluble gas elements (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide). When moving in the joint, the capsule is stretched. This leads to a decrease in pressure inside the formation, as a result of which, according to the laws of physics, these soluble gases form into bubbles. These bubbles burst, which is manifested by a characteristic sound.

Increased protein content

If the synovium contains more protein than usual, then it becomes too thick and cannot fully ensure the smooth sliding of bones during movements. This is externally manifested by cracking joints. A diet enriched with protein foods or inflammatory processes in the body and in the joint itself can lead to an increase in the concentration of protein in the synovium.

Physical overload

With active and constant movements in the joint, synovial fluid is quickly consumed, and it takes time to form a new portion. Therefore, during prolonged physical work, a crunch appears, which disappears after rest. This phenomenon can often be observed among professional athletes.

It must be remembered that if you do not follow a rational regime of training and rest, then over time this physiological cause of crunching can turn into pathological. Indeed, when there is not enough lubrication in the joint, the surfaces of the bones rub against each other and destroy the hyaline cartilage, which becomes the impetus for the development of osteoarthritis.

Pathological causes of crepitus

In order to claim that a crunch in a joint is physiological and does not need to be treated, it is first necessary to exclude diseases that are accompanied by this symptom.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes

This is the number one cause of crepitus during movement. Probably everyone knows such diseases as osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis. It is they that cause the gradual destruction of intra-articular cartilage, the disappearance of lubrication in the joints, the exposure of the bone surface, which causes crunching and other pathological symptoms - pain in the first place.

Degenerative and dystrophic changes in the articular system are observed in all people after 50 years. But earlier cases of such pathology also occur, even in adolescents and young adults. The reason is lifestyle. Poor nutrition, physical inactivity, walking in heels, excess weight, heavy physical labor, previous injuries, metabolic and endocrine diseases, concomitant pathology of the musculoskeletal system, etc. contribute to the early appearance and progression of osteoarthritis changes.

Degenerative changes can affect almost all joints in the body; the first sign of such a pathology is a crunching sound when moving.


Almost all inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis), regardless of etiology (infectious, autoimmune, allergic) can be accompanied by cracking, although this is far from the leading symptom of the pathology. Pain, stiffness in the joint, its deformation, swelling, redness and impaired motor function come to the fore here.

Treatment of arthritis is a rather complex problem, as there are many types of the disease. Therefore, in the case of the signs described above, a doctor’s consultation and a detailed examination are mandatory. After all, chronic arthritis often even leads to loss of ability to work and disability.

Salt deposits

Sometimes metabolic diseases and endocrine pathology can lead to crunching, which is accompanied by excessive formation of certain substances in the body and their deposition in the form of salts in the structural elements of the joint, as a rule, these are ligaments and capsule.

Such pathologies include gout, chondrocalcinosis and other osteochondropathy, hyperparathyroidism and other disorders of mineral metabolism in the body.

How to get rid of cracking joints

Naturally, if you have any of the above diseases, then first of all you need to choose the right therapy, which will not only get rid of the crunching, but also other symptoms.

If, after examination, no articular pathology is found in you, but your joints still crack, then the following recommendations will help you:

  • regular moderate physical activity, you can’t use exercises that put a lot of stress on the joint that crunches, swimming is an ideal option;
  • It is imperative to get rid of excess weight, if any;
  • healthy and balanced diet, enriched with vitamins and microelements, avoidance of strict mono-diet;
  • wearing comfortable and orthopedic shoes (the heel should not exceed 3-4 cm, its base should be wide);
  • supporting correct posture and preventing scoliosis;
  • rationalization of your working time (you need to do a little warm-up every 2 hours if you have a sedentary job);
  • follow safety rules when playing sports;
  • preventive use of chondroprotectors and various dietary supplements for joints;
  • You can also try various folk remedies, for example, gelatin for joints.

To summarize, we can say that a crunch in the joint in most cases is normal and should not scare you. But, if you have risk factors for joint diseases, pain and other pathological signs appear, then this should alert you and force you to undergo a full medical examination for early diagnosis of the disease.