For some it is a raw food diet, for others it is meat. For whom is a raw food diet contraindicated? Raw food diet - harm and benefit. What raw foodists eat - list of products Can a raw foodist eat raw fish

What is included in the diet: first of all, greens, fresh vegetables and fruits, seaweed (seaweed, fucus), oatmeal jelly, seafood (scallops, squid, shrimp, sometimes lightly salted or frozen fish, caviar), pollen, walnuts, pine and almond nuts (you can add a small amount of sesame halva), egg yolks, sauerkraut without salt, blue raisins, dates, dried apricots, sometimes chocolate (which contains more than 70% cocoa), rarely butter and hard cheese.

Nuances in combining products

There are some other nuances. I do not mix incompatible products at one time. For example, I won’t eat fruit immediately after seafood. I always add a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the salad (cleanses the whole body well) and a teaspoon of milk thistle (liver cells are restored and renewed). Instead of sunflower and olive oil - only milk thistle, amaranth, cedar and flaxseed oil (blood vessels are cleansed). Instead of sugar - honey. Instead of coffee and tea - a cold infusion of herbs on living water: Kuril tea, Tibetan, Siberian, fireweed, hibiscus and others (the aging process slows down). Instead of “boxed” juices - only freshly squeezed ones. Instead of ordinary water - only live water - distilled, infused with silicon and shungite and treated with an electroactivator. I don’t drink salt, mineral water or sweet carbonated drinks.

About seafood

It must be surprising: can all this really be eaten raw? Not only is it possible, it’s much tastier. True, it’s a little unusual at first. But if you eat raw squid and shrimp for one or two months, and then try to cook them, you will realize what dead and disgusting food you were eating before. Boiled protein is incomplete, it is destroyed and is much less digestible. Meanwhile, raw seafood, especially mussels and scallops, in addition to protein, contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. You can eat a small portion of such a seafood cocktail, and in terms of efficiency it will be much more effective than a kilogram of cooked meat with vegetables.

How to cook seafood

Of course, you also need to know how it is prepared. Take 200-300 grams of freshly frozen products (you can make a cocktail from different types), rinse thoroughly with cold water, defrost (you can do it in lukewarm water), cut into pieces, add fresh dill, universal Chinese seasoning (or seasoning for Korean carrots) and the juice of a third of a lemon. .

It is better to prepare the seasoning yourself, since salt and monosodium glutamate are usually added to ready-made seasonings. Ingredients: red bell pepper, coriander, ginger, turmeric, garlic, black pepper, nutmeg, nutmeg, mustard seeds, onion. All this, of course, is in a powder substance. Red pepper is taken in two parts, everything else is taken in one part. If you like it spicier, you can add cayenne pepper (chili).

Just don’t add salt - it’s completely useless! And you shouldn’t mix it with anything else, including bread. Onions, garlic, horseradish - yes. Of course, the products must be truly fresh frozen. If you notice a rancid smell after defrosting, you should not eat it. Raw shrimp are gray in color. Orange ones are already boiled. True, not all squids can be eaten raw. Argentine squid (large, light skin speckled) is too hard, like rubber, when raw. Small ones with a purple color are best suited for this (I don’t know what they are called - try it yourself).

You can eat sea fish in the same way, but you shouldn’t defrost it, the so-called stroganina tastes better - without salt, of course, but with the same seasoning. True, not all raw fish tastes good. Of the widely available species, pink salmon, chum salmon, bonito, mackerel, and capelin are best suited for this. Trout and salmon are now raised in artificial conditions and no one knows what they are fed with - this is the so-called “sea cattle”, it tastes like nothing, but I prefer to avoid it. Freshwater fish should definitely not be eaten raw. Nowadays, only seafood can be considered the only environmentally friendly food.


Of all plants, seaweed is the purest. As you understand, this is the most relict of all types of food. Even our blood plasma is similar in composition to seaweed.

Sea kale (kelp) needs to be cooked (like everything else) only by yourself, because all other “normal” people cook it - I don’t know why - probably to destroy everything useful that is in it. And boiled cabbage tastes unpleasant. If fresh frozen seaweed is not sold, you can buy dried seaweed at the market from Korean traders.

The value of algae also lies in the fact that their chemical composition is almost identical to the living plasma of the body. Life originated in the sea, so this drug was “developed” by nature for millions of years and has a certificate of quality from God. Then, algae contain such a valuable and rare trace element as iodine. As is known, iodine deficiency leads to thyroid cancer in adults and abnormal mental development in children. Algae also contain some beneficial elements not found in land plants. Your body will take care of its own health if it receives all this.

The only problem is that seaweed has a very specific taste, so if it is not cooked correctly, you are unlikely to be able to eat it. It is clear that eating them boiled, and even more so in canned form, makes no sense - everything valuable is destroyed. I will give one simple recipe for making dried fucus.

Are there eggs?

From bird eggs (without cracks, thoroughly washed with hot water!), it makes sense to eat only raw yolks. You don’t have to worry about cholesterol - it’s not there, it’s one of the myths. More precisely, egg yolk contains just the healthy cholesterol that the body needs. Really bad cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, comes from animal fats and fried foods. Egg whites are poorly digestible, so it is best not to eat them. Well, boiled or fried eggs are simply inferior dead food. Regarding salmonella, I will say this: if you are afraid of getting infected, do not eat eggs at all, you can do without them. Soft-boiled eggs will not save you from salmonella, and there is no point in eating them hard-boiled. If you are absolutely not afraid of getting sick, then nothing threatens you - this is how your intention will work, which will protect you from accidental infection.

Why is it better to drink herbal tea instead of conventional drinks?

Firstly, because almost all “tea” herbs are strong antioxidants (slowing down the aging process). For example, common fireweed (fireweed) as an antioxidant is much stronger than green tea. Secondly, herbal tea is much tastier than ordinary tea. And the more herbs, the richer and tastier the bouquet. With honey, of course. Thirdly, I would say that life with caffeine is good, but life without caffeine is even better. In general, when using any stimulants and relaxants, you fall into the clutches of pendulums - first they give you an energy loan, and then they charge considerable interest, and this continues for the rest of your life. It is obvious who is the loser.

I also have very big doubts about the fact that, they say, it is very useful to drink a glass of dry red wine a day. Most likely, this legend was invented by people who just like to have a glass or two. Alcohol, whatever one may say, remains poisonous in any form, especially if taken every day. From alcohol, the brain literally shrinks and degenerates - this fact is well known to the doctors who performed the autopsy. A glass of pomegranate juice is truly great for the body. Only the juice, of course, must be freshly squeezed. To do this, you need ripe pomegranates that have been left for at least a month so that the pulp dries out, otherwise the taste will be too tart. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get a household press for extracting juice from grapes or pomegranates. As you can see, natural nutrition is so unpopular that manufacturers don’t even think about such devices. You can squeeze the juice by hand by cutting the pomegranate into two halves. Another way is using an attachment to a meat grinder. The pomegranate is cut into four parts, scrolled, and you get juice that you should really drink. If the taste is too sour or tart, add a little water. This is the best way to maintain health in general. And as an antioxidant, pomegranate juice is superior to anything found in nature.

More about frozen vegetables

Again, unfortunately, they are blanched before freezing, so they are no longer live food. Although, of course, in terms of nutritional properties, frozen vegetables are much superior to boiled ones. Moreover, boiled vegetables clog the body with dead inorganic salts. But why cook them?! They make a wonderful salad. But I repeat, vegetables scalded with boiling water are still dead.


Another forgotten healer is sprouted seeds. A fairly large part of our diet consists of seeds - cereals, legumes and others. The seeds consist of semi-finished products - preserved building materials. These are mainly starch, proteins and fats. When seeds germinate, dramatic changes occur in them: starch turns into malt sugar, proteins into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids. The same thing happens when food is digested in the body. It turns out that most of the work in the germinated seeds has already been done. Moreover, vitamins and other useful elements are synthesized, energy is accumulated and all forces are mobilized to throw all this energy into the development of the plant. The conserved and dormant powers of the seeds come to life and release colossal potential for the birth of new life.

Sprouted seeds have high medicinal and biostimulating properties. I find it difficult to list all these properties - everything is here. First of all, these are vitamins and microelements, improving metabolism, cleansing the body, strengthening the immune system, increasing efficiency, curing many diseases, and so on. Sprouted seeds have everything that nature has carefully provided for the development of new life and survival in an aggressive environment. This is a perfectly balanced, easily digestible food and at the same time an effective medicine. Sprouts are not just living food, but also the energy of nascent life. There is nothing more to add here.

Among all seeds, sprouted wheat has the most pronounced healing properties. This is a universal food and an effective medicine. Sprouted wheat contains the entire range of vitamins and microelements. The medicinal properties of wheat sprouts do not appear immediately, but as a result of systematic and long-term use. At the same time, many diseases are cured, abandoned corners of the body are cleansed that cannot be reached by other means. After two weeks of eating sprouts, and sometimes earlier, there is a noticeable improvement in well-being, which indicates an increase in the body’s energy. Fundamental changes occur over longer periods of time, sometimes after six months, a year.

For a practically healthy person, the main advantage of wheat sprouts is to cleanse the body of debris. This happens only in case of systematic and long-term use. After all, the body has been clogged for decades. Among the relatively short-term results, one can note a noticeable improvement in the appearance of the hair - such a change cannot be achieved by any shampoos. Further: effective prevention of cancer and caries, normalization of metabolism, increasing the overall tone and resistance of the body, strengthening the nervous system, improving sleep, cleansing the intestines and much more.

Of particular note is the beneficial effect of sprouts on vision. If you wear glasses, but in principle are able to do without them, you can throw them away, because after a few months of eating sprouts you will no longer need glasses.

Depending on the current condition, one hundred percent vision is restored within one month to a year, if you accept the temporary inconvenience of going without glasses, chew sprouts every day and do eye exercises. After a few months or less, you will one day be surprised to discover that your vision sharpness has improved significantly. Then you will notice that the colors have become more rich and bright. Finally, the day will come when the ophthalmologist will tell you that you have one hundred percent vision.

You can add any seasonings, nuts and additives to the sprouts, except sweets. Any heat treatment will reduce the beneficial qualities to nothing. You need to chew the grains until they turn into mush in your mouth. In this case, the maximum effect will be achieved. If you are unable to chew, you can grind the sprouts through a meat grinder. As a last resort, you can make an infusion from such minced meat and drink it. By the way, this infusion is the best balm you can come up with, especially for children, instead of boiled (i.e. dead) milk.

Determine the daily norm for yourself. A small cup of sprouts can easily replace lunch. True, you will have to chew for about forty minutes. After sprouts, do not eat or drink anything for an hour, let your body fully enjoy the healing properties of this balm. If you have severe illnesses, you need to eat as many sprouts as possible, without mixing them with other foods at one time.

And of course, in addition to wheat, you can germinate corn, beans, beans, peas (it’s better to take mung bean or chickpeas instead), soybeans, lentils and other seeds. They also have healing properties and cleanse the body. I will give another technology for germinating large seeds. Rinse the seeds with running water, place in a container and fill so that the water comes to the top. It is enough to soak peas for twelve hours, beans longer, and beans for at least a day. Then place in a colander, rinse with water, cover with wet gauze on top and place the colander in a dark place with access to air. Rinse with running water every eight hours. The length of bean sprouts should be one to one and a half centimeters, and less for beans and peas. They can also be eaten raw or added to salads.

A raw food diet is a philosophical way of life that can be achieved by people with a strong will and a clear mind. Not everyone can give up their usual dishes and put up with the constant hungry rumbling of their stomach.

So what exactly are raw foodists? People who have given up the pleasure of pampering themselves with delicious food or healthy and vibrant individuals? You will find answers to these questions in our article!

What is a raw food diet, and what types is it divided into?

A raw food diet is a nutrition system in which the basis of your diet is raw foods, without heat treatment (cooking, frying, baking, smoking, pasteurization).

Proponents of such nutrition argue that processing foods using the heat method is unnatural, because our ancestors ate exclusively raw, natural products.

Modern culinary innovations are a tribute to fashion, which does not benefit our body in any way - this is what adherents of a raw food diet believe.

A recognized fact why many people choose a raw food diet concerns vitamins and minerals. Heat treatment destroys most of the vitamins and beneficial microelements, while in raw food they remain intact and are better absorbed by the body.

The raw food diet system is divided into several types according to the acceptability of products:

  1. Omnivorous raw food diet– the diet can include meat, fish, eggs, raw or dried.
  2. Vegetarian raw food diet– consumption of meat and fish is prohibited; raw eggs and dairy products are allowed. This is the most common type of raw food diet in the world.
  3. Vegan raw food diet– excludes foods of animal origin, including eggs, milk and dairy products. A vegan diet contains only raw plant foods.
  4. Fruitarianism- this is nutrition from plant fruits - fruits, berries, nuts, fruit vegetables.

Raw food diet options also differ in diet planning methods:

  • Mixed– products are divided by composition, and products of similar composition are used at one meal – vegetables + vegetables, fruits + nuts, and so on.
  • Monotrophic– only 1 product without heat treatment is consumed at one meal.

Where to start - how to switch to a raw food diet correctly?

A raw food diet is not a diet, but a nutritional system in which you give up your usual foods and cook food using heat.


A sharp refusal from an established diet can negatively affect the body. Therefore, you should switch to a raw food diet smoothly and with the understanding that you really need it.

  • First of all, give up industrially produced products, in the 2nd week - from red meat, in the 3rd - from white meat, in the 4th - from eggs, in the 5th - from fish, in the 6th - from milk and fermented milk products, from the 7th week - from cereals. Eat more raw food every week.
  • Keep a raw food diary, where you will write down all your feelings, thoughts, information about harmful and healthy foods, your goals (losing excess weight, getting healthier, and so on) and, of course, the results.
  • Plan your diet depending on the time of year. Summer and autumn are the most favorable periods for starting a raw food diet, because your diet will be dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter and spring, you can include in the menu products that are stored in the cellar (onions, carrots, potatoes, apples). In spring, you can add more greens to your diet.
  • An important factor when switching to a raw food diet is willpower. The main principle of this nutrition system is duration. If you want fried fish, then indulge yourself once in pleasure. The rest of the time, eat on a raw food diet.

Benefits and harms

What are the benefits of a raw food diet?

Adherents of a raw food diet claim that by adhering to this nutritional system, you can cleanse the body of toxins, waste and other harmful substances. At the same time, you are adapting to a new way of life, becoming one step closer to natural, simple food.

Nutritionists include the following benefits of a raw food diet:

  • Developing immunity to colds.
  • Food endurance. If harmful substances are found in products, the body senses them, neutralizes them and rejects them without consequences for the gastrointestinal tract and health in general.
  • Losing body weight by eating healthy foods without heat treatment.
  • Increased energy, improved well-being, and the ability to lead an active lifestyle.
  • The body of raw foodists does not contain harmful trans fats and saturated fats, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

The harm of a raw food diet

According to experts, a person eats fully if the body receives six elements daily - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. With a raw food diet, the body does not receive enough nutrients.

The disadvantages of a raw food diet include:

  1. Lack of proteins. Some essential amino acids are found only in foods of animal origin. According to doctors, a lack of nutrients in the body of a raw foodist leads to a decrease in immunity.
  2. Lack of B vitamins. Vitamins B12 and B2 are found in beef liver and dairy products. They are important for proper metabolism and the full functioning of the central nervous system.
  3. Lack of healthy plant foods in winter. The raw food diet was founded in countries with hot and humid climates, where fruits and vegetables are available to residents all year round. But the winter period in our country is characterized by a minimum of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as their dubious usefulness. Most often, greenhouse products contain many harmful chemical additives, which means they will no longer be useful.

Who is contraindicated for a raw food diet?

  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (acids in fresh foods irritate the gastric mucosa).
  • In case of allergic reactions to certain products (nuts, citrus fruits, pollen).
  • In addition, experts do not recommend switching to a raw food diet before the age of 30. Before this age mark, some processes in the body are still actively forming, but after 30 years the body is already fully developed.
  • A raw food diet is also contraindicated for pregnant women, since good protein nutrition is important for the full development of the fetus.

Raw food diet rules and advice for beginners - what are the most common mistakes beginners make?

You already know that the transition to a raw food diet should be gradual so as not to injure the body. However, beginning raw foodists often make common mistakes at the beginning of their journey.

Mistakes of beginner raw foodists:

  1. Lack of water. Many new raw foodists believe that they get enough water from plant foods, but this is not true. In addition to plant foods, a person should consume at least a little purified water in order to saturate the body with it.
  2. Lack of green vegetation. There is a danger that raw foodists do not have enough animal protein. To compensate for this deficiency, you should eat greens (parsley, onions, dill, celery, nettles) and nuts.
  3. Using vegetable oils, a large amount of dried fruits, honey, canned and fermented foods in the diet. Oils are concentrated foods that contain a lot of fat. And fat disrupts metabolism and impairs the functioning of the digestive system. Dried fruits for raw foodists are acceptable in cases where raw food is temporarily unavailable (for example, on the road).
  4. Binge eating. Abuse of food leads to drowsiness, lethargy, lack of energy, and difficulty getting up in the morning. Over time, you need to reduce the amount you eat.
  5. Systematic exercise or at least jogging helps strengthen muscles and cleanse the body. Raw food alone won't make you stronger or healthier if your couch is your best friend.

Raw food diet - creating the right menu for 7 days


Breakfast. 2 bananas, 1 kiwi.
Dinner. Green buckwheat, fresh cucumber salad with tomato, onion and sweet pepper, dressed with cold-pressed olive oil.
Afternoon snack. A handful of any raw nuts.
Dinner. 1 glass of vegetable smoothie (tomato, avocado, basil, herbs).


Breakfast. 2 persimmons.
Dinner. Sprouted with tomato and onion, garlic, parsley.
Afternoon snack. Raw carrot cutlets.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, mushrooms, and cheese.


Breakfast. Fruit and vegetable smoothie.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge with flaxseed oil and pumpkin seeds.
Afternoon snack. 2 apples.
Dinner. Squash caviar with rye flatbread.


Breakfast. 2 slices fresh melon.
Dinner. Vegetable cream soup (from onions, cauliflower, carrots, new peas and herbs).
Afternoon snack. Salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.
Dinner. Sprouted wheat porridge with black currants.


Breakfast. 1 glass of banana and strawberry smoothie.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.
Afternoon snack. 2 oranges.
Dinner. Salad of arugula, cauliflower and tomato, with the addition of sesame seeds, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.


Breakfast. A handful of fresh strawberries.
Dinner. Sprouted chickpeas, salad of young zucchini and carrots in Korean.
Afternoon snack. Apples stuffed with dried fruits.
Dinner. Salad of seaweed, broccoli, onion, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.


Breakfast. Smoothie made from kefir and blackcurrant.
Dinner. Gazpacho soup.
Afternoon snack. A handful of any nuts.
Dinner. from vegetables.

A raw food diet is the modern person’s intake of food that is not cooked above 40 degrees. Raw food diet ideologists justify their adherence to this food system by the fact that ancient man ate raw food and did not drink mammalian milk. Therefore, eating raw food is natural for humans.

Types of raw food diet by composition

Depending on the composition, the following types of raw food diet are distinguished:

  1. Omnivorous raw food diet. You can eat plant and animal foods (meat, non-fish seafood, eggs, milk). Some people remove milk from their diet. Products are used raw. Meat and fish are eaten raw and dried. Drying is an ancient culinary processing of meat and fish. Drying occurs with an influx of fresh air and a temperature of up to 40 degrees. After drying, they are absorbed better.
  2. Vegetarian raw food diet. They eat only plant foods. Sometimes milk and milk-based products are allowed.
  3. Vegan raw food diet. They eat only plant foods in their raw form.
  4. Carnivorous raw food diet (raw food diet of the Paleolithic era). The main part of the diet is raw animal products (raw fish, non-fish seafood, raw meat, wild poultry, animal fats). And, raw fruits and vegetables - in small quantities.

Types of raw food diet according to food intake

There are the following types of raw food diet:

  1. Mixed raw food diet. Eat several foods together and at the same time.
  2. Monotrophic raw food diet. Eat several or several apples at a time.

The most popular type of raw food diet in terms of composition is the vegetarian raw food diet. A list of products is provided for this type.

    Are you a raw foodist?

Grocery list

  1. Fruits and berries. They are the basis of a vegetarian raw food diet and make up 50% of the daily diet. They are a source of vitamins, minerals, sugars, and fiber. These are: apricots, watermelon, avocado, pear, blueberries, melon, strawberries, kiwi, lime, raspberries, blueberries, persimmons, apples. The list goes on. Dried fruits are included in the diet of a raw foodist. To obtain high-quality dried fruits, home dryers are used.
  2. Vegetables and greens. They make up 35% of the daily diet. They are a source of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Dried and frozen greens do not lose their nutritional value. These are: eggplants, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, celery, salad - Turkish delight, basil, cilantro, mint, asparagus, parsley, dill, spinach, . The list goes on.
  3. Nuts, grains, legumes. They make up 15% of the daily diet. People with a diseased liver, obesity, or diabetes should consume walnuts with caution, since walnuts contain 70% fat. You can eat 3-4 nuts a day. These are: peanuts, cashews, walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds. Cereals are a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, plant proteins, and amino acids. Legumes are an energy capsule containing protein that is not inferior in value to proteins of animal origin. Legumes are a source of B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are: beans, lentils, cereal germs (wheat, soybeans, buckwheat), chickpeas, mung beans.
  4. Oil. It is recommended to use only cold-pressed oil that has not been heated above 40 degrees. These are: oil (olive, sunflower, corn, flaxseed, pumpkin, hemp, sesame, coconut), and you can also use avocado oil, chia oil.
  5. Beverages. Raw water, juices that are drunk immediately after preparation, herbal teas.

For those who like milk and sugar. Instead of milk from animals - coconut milk, almond milk. Natural honey, date syrups, Jerusalem artichoke - a substitute for beet sugar.

Raw food menu in spring, summer and winter

In the spring it is very difficult for a raw foodist, as his supplies are running out. In the spring there is sauerkraut and apples, honey, pollen and vegetable oil - buy all this from a private trader you know. Buy greens at the store or grow them yourself. In summer there is a large selection of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Dried fruits and sauerkraut are removed from the menu. They eat more greens, ripening vegetables, berries and fruits.

The winter menu of a raw foodist consists of fruits (apples are especially recommended), dried fruits (they are very valuable in energy), greens and sprouted cereals necessary for winter. Daily winter menu:

  1. 1 breakfast. Chopped nuts with honey.
  2. 2 breakfast. Any fruit from the supermarket.
  3. Dinner. Dishes made from legumes (a source of protein and are better absorbed at lunchtime).
  4. Dinner. Various fruits from the store.

Raw foodist and sport

Menu for gaining muscle mass:

  1. 1 breakfast. Cereals, dried fruits, honey.
  2. 2 breakfast. Lots of different fruits.
  3. Dinner. Salad plus nuts.
  4. Dinner. Vegetables and a lot of different greens.

A raw food diet is not beneficial for everyone. But for those who do not experience negative side effects, the results are remarkable. The skin cleanses and flatulence disappears. The gastrointestinal tract works without failure. Immunity increases and a surge of energy is felt.

We all know the existence of raw foodists. Some consider them truly strong people, others cannot understand how they can live without delicious home-cooked food. But adherents of a raw food diet claim that this way of life allows them to always remain healthy, energetic and emotionally balanced. However, such nutrition also has its opponents. Nutritionists suggest that if you adhere to such a nutrition system for a long time, the body will not receive all the nutrients it needs and will not be able to properly resist diseases.

What is a raw food diet?

Raw food diet is a special nutrition system in which only fresh products can be used in food. People who eat such food believe that thermally unprocessed vegetables and fruits can bring much more benefits to the body than, for example, soup and chops. But raw foodists should not be confused with vegetarians. Unlike the latter, they can easily eat fish and meat. They marinate these two products or dry them. In addition to raw foods, their diet also contains cereals. They simply cannot be heat treated, but are soaked in water for a long time. When the cereal begins to sprout, it can be eaten.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet for the body

Every year the number of supporters of thermally unprocessed food only increases. And if some people switch to such a food system simply out of curiosity, others consider it a panacea for all diseases. Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be called unhealthy food, but by eating exclusively on them, a person deprives his body of the proteins and fats he needs. And this immediately affects his health. But, on the other hand, scientists have proven that people who eat raw food almost never get heart disease or cancer.

Benefits of a raw food diet for the human body:
1) Carcinogens do not enter the body
2) Much less salt and fat is consumed
3) Saturation occurs faster
4) Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
5) Gums are strengthened
6) Weight returns to normal
7) The overall tone of the body increases

The harm of a raw food diet to the human body:
1) Tooth enamel is quickly damaged
2) The belly increases slightly
3) Kidney failure may develop
4) Joint problems appear
5) The menstrual cycle is disrupted

Raw food diet: results and reviews

Lillian: I decided to try eating raw foods when I was 22 years old. After twenty, I began to gain a lot of weight. My volume increased so quickly that very soon I could no longer fit into my favorite dresses and I had to radically change my wardrobe. Having listened to the advice of my friends, I went on a strict diet and started exercising. Everything was fine, I worked out, the weight came off little by little, but as soon as I switched to a normal diet, the volume returned again. Seeing my torment, a neighbor suggested that I switch to a raw food diet. At first I was a little doubtful, but then I finally decided to try. After about six months, I finally began to feel like a real woman. Now I’m already 30, but sometimes it seems to me that I look much better than when I was 20.

Anastasia: I have always had poor health. I was constantly sneezing, coughing or having a sore throat. There was a period when I ate almost nothing but pills. All this chemistry was slowly killing my immune system and each time it became more and more difficult for my body to cope with the consequences of illness. On top of all this, I began to have terrible skin problems that I could not cope with. Therefore, I decided to radically change my life. To begin with, I found a person who practices a raw food diet and asked him to tell me everything about this method of eating. And when I realized that I was mentally ready for this, I began to act. At first it was very difficult, but when the illnesses began to recede, it became clear to me that I was on the right path.

Switching to a raw food diet: where to start?

To make the transition from processed foods to fresh vegetables and fruits as painless as possible, you need to learn as much as possible about a raw food diet and its effects on the body. After all, if a person is prepared for problems to arise, he will be able to cope with them much easier. Therefore, before you change your lifestyle, be sure to find out what foods raw foodists can eat and how to spend fasting days. Only reliable information and the right moral attitude can make the transition period as comfortable as possible.

Basic rules for switching to a raw food diet:
1) Gradually reduce your consumption of processed foods
2) Eliminate meat and fish from your diet
3) Cleanse the intestines and liver
4) Find your like-minded people
5) Avoid visiting regular restaurants and cafes for a while

The main stages of a raw food diet

People who are planning to start eating unprocessed food should know that such a nutritional system will only benefit their body if they eat raw food for a long enough time. For people who are at the very beginning of this path, Victoria Butenko wrote the book “12 steps of a raw food diet.” In it you will find answers to all your questions, and also find out what problems may arise during the transition process. You will also find out whether a raw food diet is beneficial for the human body and learn how to build relationships with people who eat regular food.

Stages of raw food diet:
1) Give up your beliefs
2) Open yourself to new experiences
3) Learn to cook raw food
4) Try to build harmonious relationships with the people around you
5) Avoid temptations
6) Find like-minded friends
7) Learn something new
8) Listen to your inner voice
9) Don’t eat your failures
10) Never eat on the go
11) Refuse common stereotypes
12) Help beginner raw foodists

Raw food diet for weight loss: raw diets

A raw diet is a special nutritional system that slows down all aging processes and promotes gentle loss of extra pounds. Thermally unprocessed foods maximally saturate the body with useful fiber, which removes waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body. If you manage to set yourself up correctly, then such a diet can help you completely wean yourself off junk food and never return to your normal lifestyle.

Types of raw diets:

Vegetarian. This diet does not include the consumption of eggs and lactic acid products. For 10 days, a person losing weight can eat exclusively raw vegetables and fruits. A person can eat no more than two kilograms of food per day. On the eleventh day, you can add nuts to your diet.

Meat. This diet is more suitable for those people who could not completely give up meat. In addition to vegetables and fruits, a person losing weight can afford 300g of raw or dried meat. Fish may also be present in the meat diet. You can make delicious and healthy tartars from it.

List of foods for raw foodists

Many people are afraid to switch to a new lifestyle for fear that the raw food menu is quite limited. But if you start studying information about this method of eating, it becomes clear that the list of products is quite large. Moreover, the list of products is so huge that a raw foodist certainly does not face monotony in his diet.

Foods that a raw foodist can eat:
1) Organic vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, carrots and beets.
2) Natural fruits: citrus fruits, plums, apricots, apples, pears, bananas, watermelons.
3) Berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries.
4) Greens: all kinds of salads, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil.
5) Mushrooms: you can pick wild mushrooms or buy champignons.
6) Unprocessed seeds: rice, buckwheat, corn, oats, lentils, flax.
7) Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes.
8) Vegetable oils: sesame, peanut, pumpkin, olive.

Victoria Butenko about raw food diet: recipes

We bring to your attention a few simple recipes that will help you comfortably switch from a regular diet to a raw food diet.

Nutritious porridge for raw foodists

  • Take a glass of oatmeal and fill it with clean water.
  • Let the mixture sit for at least 8 hours. After this time, you can start preparing the porridge.
  • Place the oatmeal in a bowl and add chopped dates, raisins and vegetable oil.
  • For a more beautiful look, the porridge can be decorated with pieces of fresh fruit.

Nut milk

To prepare this nutritious drink, you will need nuts, seeds and plain water.

  • The nuts must first be soaked and then placed in a blender along with water, honey and dates.
  • Next, we move on to grinding the ingredients of the future milk.
  • After grinding, the drink must be filtered and you can enjoy the pleasant nutty taste.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with a raw food diet. If you approach this issue correctly, then it is quite possible to improve your body’s health and lose extra pounds. But only you can decide whether raw food will become a way of life for you.