What to cook from fresh peas in pods. Green peas – description with product photo; its composition, calorie content and beneficial properties; benefit and harm; recommendations on how to cook; dish recipes

1. Wash fresh peas and husk the grains. To do this, make a longitudinal cut along the pod with your fingernail, open its flaps and separate the grains. Discard yellow and wrinkled beans.
2. Pour cold water into a saucepan 2/3 full and bring to a boil, add salt and soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of soda per 3 cups of water.
3. Place the pea grains in boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and cook over high heat until tender. Depending on the size and age of the grains, the cooking time can range from 5 to 10 minutes. The younger the peas, the softer and faster they cook. The finished peas should be tender in taste, but their shell should not burst.
4. Place the boiled peas in a colander and rinse with running cold water. Cooked grains can be used as an independent dish or as an addition to side dishes, soups and salads.

How to cook green peas in pods

1. Wash the pods of young green peas and remove the hard ends.
2. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add the pods and leave to soak for an hour.
3. Boil water in a separate saucepan, add salt at the rate of a teaspoon of salt per 3 cups of water and place the soaked pods in it.
4. Set the burner to maximum level and boil the peas until softened.
5. Place the boiled pods in a colander and let the liquid drain.

How to cook frozen green peas

Green peas - 400 grams
Water - 1 liter
Mint - 1-2 sprigs
Salt - 1 tablespoon (without a slide)
Sugar - 1 teaspoon

How to Cook Frozen Green Peas
1. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and boil.
2. Add 1 level tablespoon of salt to boiling water, 1 teaspoon of sugar (helps preserve the rich color of the grains), stir until completely dissolved and place 400 grams of frozen peas in the water. Cook over high heat with the lid closed for 5-10 minutes until the grains are soft. If desired, you can add 1-2 sprigs of mint to the pan during cooking for flavor.
3. Place the boiled peas in a colander or metal strainer to drain all the liquid, and place on a dish.

How to cook canned green peas

1. Fill the pan up to half the volume with cold water, let it boil, and then add salt (take 1 teaspoon of table salt for 3 glasses of water).
2. Open a can of peas, pour the liquid along with the grains onto a metal strainer or colander and let the liquid drain.
3. Rinse the grains under running water until all the liquid is gone and place in boiling water.
4. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the peas over medium heat for 5 minutes. Place the finished beans in a colander, rinse in cold water and drain.

Young peas are known to be very healthy. As a rule, we are used to eating it raw or canned. Today we want to offer you an original recipe - young pea pods fried with garlic and soy sauce. An excellent side dish for meat dishes. Believe me, it's very tasty! You will definitely like it.

Young pea pods fried with garlic

The recipe is very simple, ready in literally 10 minutes. The peas used are very young, in which the peas are just beginning to form. This dish tastes just great! If you have never tried this recipe before, be sure to cook it.


  • young peas in pods - 250 grams
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • butter - 1 tbsp
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp
  • ground black pepper - to taste

Wash the peas under running water and remove the tails. You can simply cut them off with a sharp knife.

Peel the garlic clove and finely chop it with a knife. Place the frying pan over medium heat, add butter and chopped garlic. Then pour in the peas.

Fry the peas in butter for 7-10 minutes. It fries quite quickly, the main thing is not to forget to stir. When the pods are ready, place them on a plate. Do not fry the pods too much, otherwise they will lose their juiciness. Ready peas have a slightly yellowish tint.

Pour the finished fried young pea pods with soy sauce and pepper to taste. If you have sesame seeds and love them, you can sprinkle a little on top of the peas. That's all, our delicious dish is ready!

These peas can be used as a side dish for meat. Sweet and juicy, it perfectly complements meat dishes.

We hope you enjoyed our original recipe. If you cook fried peas, please write about it in the comments, we will be interested in reading your opinion.

Enjoy your meal!

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Summer and early autumn are a fertile time for all housewives. The abundance of vegetables makes it possible to delight the family with a variety of unexpected, savory and simply original dishes. Green peas provide enormous scope for imagination in this regard. You can use it to create an unimaginable variety of different dishes: from snacks to full meals. And nutritious, and aromatic, and incredibly tasty. One can only sympathize with those who, due to medical restrictions, cannot taste these tempting dishes.

Oriental snack

Frankly, recipes with snow peas are varied and can provide all three changes of dishes on the table. But let's start with the minimum requirements regarding ingredients. You will get simply wonderful green peas, suitable as a companion to any breakfast/lunch/dinner, if you add only the accompanying ingredients to it.

Squeeze a clove of garlic into three tablespoons of oil, preferably olive oil. Half a kilogram of green peas is distributed on a baking sheet and poured over with the resulting mixture. The tray should remain under the grill for about five minutes. This is enough time to combine a quarter cup of your favorite soy sauce with a quarter spoon of sesame oil, a couple of drops of the hottest sauce (or chili sauce), a small amount of sugar and two tablespoons of dried sesame seeds. Peas are doused with this dressing and serve as a great accompaniment to any dish - or an appetizer for holiday spirits.

Wonderful summer soup

Okroshka and botvinniki are good and tasty, but rather monotonous. It's time to remember about green peas and make a light first course from them. You will first have to cook a little less than a liter of vegetable broth. At the moment of creating a masterpiece, a generous bunch of sorrel, a little leek and four sprigs of mint are washed. The greens need to be chopped. Half a kilo of snow peas is washed: if the ends are hard, they need to be cut off. Green onions with two chopped cloves of garlic are fried in oil. Then the broth is poured in. When it boils, add the pods and cook slowly for about ten minutes. Next, the rest of the greens are introduced. The soup is cooked for three minutes, put through a blender, peppered and salted. After good cooling, serve to consumers with the addition of sour cream.

Wonderful casserole

Green peas, cooked with other tasty vegetables, go perfectly with any dish. This dish does not require any high cooking skills or intricate ingredients. Young pods are laid out on a greased baking sheet and salted a little. Garlic halves or slices are placed on them. Then come the tomato slices, and the top layer will be slices of salted and peppered potatoes. For juiciness, pour a ladle of broth into the pan. Chicken is recommended, but it will work quite well with vegetables too. The sheet is put into the oven for a third of an hour, and about five minutes before it is removed, the casserole is sprinkled with grated cheese. No one will refuse such a side dish. Moreover, those sitting at the table will also ask for more!

And we won’t be left without a salad

No menu can be considered complete if there is not at least a small salad bowl next to the main bowl. And at the height of the vegetable season, it must contain green peas. A rather appetizing salad will be prepared this way.

Pea pods, sorted and washed, are doused with boiling water. gets rid of the rhizomes, scalded and chopped. Bell peppers and heads of broccoli are crumbled, coated with sunflower oil and baked on the grill. All this is combined in a salad bowl, flavored with soy sprouts and a large amount of chopped herbs. For dressing, combine oil (olive), salt, crushed garlic and pepper.

Everyone remembers how in childhood they had to pick green pods from the beds, and then, opening them, enjoy sweet peas. It is now not possible to buy peas in this form in any supermarket, but with the onset of the summer months, bazaars offer this product quite cheaply. And this is an excellent reason to stock up on pea pods for the winter, because it is from these that you can prepare a lot of dishes: fry, stew in sour cream sauce, add to soup. Moreover, fresh green peas are much healthier than ripened or canned ones. Therefore, if you meet green pea pods– don’t forget to buy in reserve. Most of the vitamins are contained in peas, but the pods are also useful - they are used as a medicine.

Benefits of green pea pods

The pods contain a lot of chlorophyll, which is beneficial for our body. This product is a source of fiber, vitamins B, PP, E, H, provitamin A. Young peas also contain a lot of fatty acids, amino acids, and protein, which is similar in composition to meat. However, the protein present in it is absorbed even better than meat. In addition, the pods of the young pot are a nutritious and high-calorie product. Unlike ripened peas, these are unlikely to cause bloating. Peas in pods are incredibly rich in microelements: copper, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, selenium, magnesium, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt and others.
Green peas in pods supply the body with energy and normalize intestinal function. It is worth noting that many vitamins are contained in the pods of fresh peas, and shelled and stored for a long time lose a lot of properties.

Harm and contraindications

Peas in any form should not be taken by nursing mothers or people with intestinal problems. Consuming peas along with dill is believed to minimize the likelihood of bloating.

Green peas: recipe with photos, cooking secrets. Many summer residents are not even aware of the possibility of cooking pea pods, although green beans are considered a common dish. Meanwhile, young sugar pods are very tasty, and if prepared skillfully, are no worse than beans.

To prepare dishes from snow peas, you do not need any special culinary skills or utensils. The simplest products, a little time - and a tasty and healthy dish will appear on the table.

Benefits of snow peas

The main benefit of fresh peas is the high protein content in the pods and seeds. This means that young peas serve as a source of plant amino acids that are extremely necessary for our body. At the same time, short-term heat treatment practically does not reduce the benefits of fresh peas, since the proteins are preserved.

In addition, green peas contain a lot of microelements and vitamins. It can be harmful for patients with gout and those people for whom purines are contraindicated. So, the dacha is not only an interesting, but also a profitable business.

The calorie content of fresh pea pods is about 300 Kcal. Green peas have a glycemic index of about 50 units.

Pea pods can be used in combination with pasta to make a quick and easy dish.

Fried green peas with pasta

So, before cooking young peas, you need to remove the hard threads from the pods that bind its halves. This is very simple to do: the tip of the pod is broken from the side of the handle, and then the thread is removed with a longitudinal movement. Cleaning the pods will take just a few minutes.

Then the green blanks are placed in a colander and doused with boiling water. This will give them softness during further cooking. After this, the pea pods are placed in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fried under the lid until golden brown.

At the same time, the pods become soft and some open. At the end of frying, you need to salt them and squeeze a few cloves of garlic into the pan. A few more minutes of frying under the lid, and the young green peas are ready.

At the same time, you can cook the pasta. The cooking time for both is about the same, so by the time the peas are ready, the pasta will be ready.