What and how Americans eat. What do Americans eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? What do Americans eat for lunch?

By the way, American food is not only fast food and processed foods.
American cuisine is characterized by very different dishes, because immigrants from different countries who moved to the territory of what is now the United States brought with them recipes for their national dishes. In addition, over the many decades of its existence, the country has developed its own unique cuisine with many delicacies that are known throughout the world. Even we enjoy eating their food. But some Russian dishes seem very strange to Americans, if not completely inedible. Below are quite ten Russian dishes that are not eaten in America. Although, the rating is quite controversial - there are too many of our compatriots there.

1. Salo"ethnic" Americans don't consider food. They don’t even know that in some countries (Ukraine or Russia) they eat lard, because for them lard is just a piece of fat that is only good for waste.

2.Aspic. In America there is a gelatin dessert. This is a fruit jelly called “Jello”. But a cold dish of gelatin with meat is not food for an American. They are strange)))

3. Liver and giblets. Previously, in America, only slaves were fed with innards, which are essentially giblets and liver, and their owners never ate offal. Perhaps this is the main reason why they still don’t eat such things.

4.Some types of meat. In the USA they know only 3 types of meat: chicken, beef and pork. Americans have a hard time accepting lamb, horse meat, rabbits, etc. and try not to eat them.

5.Salty fish They consider it raw, and drinking alcohol with it is almost blasphemy. Although, for example, in New York there are restaurants that serve any kind of seafood, as a rule they are completely different from Russian herring.

6.Cabbage. Americans practically do not eat cabbage, and in American cuisine there are few dishes that contain it.

7.Tea. Americans, of course, drink tea, but not as often as Russians. They prefer coffee.

8.Mushrooms. Americans are not fans of mushrooms and usually only eat champignons. Perhaps because they simply do not have as many forests and such a variety of mushrooms as in Russia.

9.Pancakes with savory fillings, such as meat. In America they eat pancakes, which are more similar to the pancakes we are used to. In addition, they are always sweet and served for dessert.

10.Soups Americans also eat extremely rarely. In general, Russian soups are not at all the same soups that are typical for many countries of the world. There, soup is a slightly different food, not similar to ours, mainly pureed soups.

How do Americans satisfy their hunger? (with photos) June 27th, 2014

Raised many questions about how and when these foods are eaten. They describe in detail what, how and when Americans eat.

I would like to note that there are some things that are familiar to Russians that Americans do not really eat. For example, the only dairy products they eat are yogurt and cottage cheese. They almost never eat any smoked sausages/fish (with the exception of salmon), or salted fish. They eat much less bread. For juices, they drink orange, apple, and cranberry, and they mostly drink a glass for breakfast. They hardly eat mayonnaise. Also, they have different cakes and sweets, very different from what is sold in Russia (they don’t have Napoleon). They do not eat pickled mushrooms or sauerkraut. Products that are a great curiosity for Americans are kvass, jelly, compotes, buckwheat, fermented baked milk, lard, jellied meat, sea buckthorn. The word "salad" for an American means something completely different than it means for a Russian. For an American, this is usually something very green, with lettuce leaves. For a Russian, this is usually some kind of finely chopped food dressed with mayonnaise.

1. Monday

The morning starts with a bagel with cream cheese and half a muffin with berries. With green tea.

A little later, a Snickers Mini chocolate bar will brighten up an American's Monday.

For lunch, he will eat the stew with vegetables and rice, which is left over from Sunday dinner.

Then they gnaw on the apple

In the evening he will taste salad with chicken.

And he will eat a piece of cake for dessert.

2. Tuesday

The morning starts with oatmeal and banana.

During the day he eats pea soup and a chicken sandwich.

The soup and sandwich were prepared in advance last night.

Then he rummages through his pockets and finds 65 cents in change. He will be very happy, because this is enough for a bag of chips in the machine.

In the evening he has leftover stew, rice, and potatoes (from Sunday dinner) waiting for him for dinner.

For dessert, peach, mango, and passion fruit sorbet.

Then we put in a piece of meat for $3.86, marinate until tomorrow. Add onion, spices, lemon juice, and vinegar.

Making your own lemonade from pomegranate/blueberry juice

3. Wednesday

The morning begins with cottage cheese and truffle honey.

For lunch we go to a Korean restaurant, where we get pork with vegetables and rice for 12 dollars.

Later, we drink a packet of coconut juice.

In the evening we fry the steak that we cooked last night. We also fry rice and onions with it.

4. Thursday

Start your morning with an egg croissant for $3.41

In the afternoon we go to a Mediterranean eatery for lunch, where we get kosher chicken, eggplant and beets and kosher Coca-Cola.

In the evening we eat the rest of the salad, which came from somewhere in the refrigerator.

There, we find the remains of potatoes and finish them.

5. Friday

The morning begins with a package of low-fat cottage cheese.

Then we go to the vending machines and buy a can of soda for 25 cents, and a bag of pita chips for 85 cents.

In the afternoon we eat week-old fried rice that we dug out of the refrigerator.

Later, I will dilute a bag of this powder with proteins and fiber in water.

In the evening we go to a restaurant and order a bottle of white wine, fried squid, salad, octopus ceviche, and tuna.

6. Saturday

And we wash it down with coffee with milk.

In the afternoon we eat the leftover steak (from Wednesday) with rice.

In the evening we have barbecue chicken, yellow rice, and salad. And a bottle of beer.

7. Sunday

In the morning we find mozzarella sticks in the refrigerator - breaded, fried cheese sticks. We eat them cold.

A little later we grind the teeth on corn.

We find a half-eaten dessert - tres leches - made with condensed milk.

For dinner we make pizza. The dough is bought frozen and waits in the refrigerator for its time. When necessary, I roll out the dough with my hands, add the ingredients, and the pizza is ready in 15 minutes. Mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, chicken, tomato sauce, and mozzarella cheese.

About various aspects of life in New York, without embellishing this difficult but incredibly interesting reality: Belarusian Alisa Ksenevich, having lived in this city for two years, wrote a book about it. “I write about how they live, how they work, what they spend money on, how New Yorkers find love and cope with depression. It seems to me that many Belarusians are interested in the topic of life of “ours” in America. Only when everything is honest, and not all delight."

How Americans eat

It would be naive to believe that American cuisine is limited to chips, hot dogs, hamburgers and french fries. There are so many cultures and peoples mixed in this country that they could not help but influence the eating habits of Americans. Tacos are no less popular here than hamburgers, Belgian waffles are a worthy competitor to donuts, and blinches (Russian pancakes with curd or berry filling), as well as French toast with Nutella, are an indispensable must-have for Sunday brunch.

New Yorkers eat breakfast modestly and most often on the go. The classic version: coffee and bagels (a ring of dough boiled in water and then baked). Bagels are to Americans what croissants are to the French. The bun is cut crosswise, dried in the oven and filled with melted cheese. I haven’t touched bagels for a year and a half, but once I tried them, I realized that this is one of the most successful flavor combinations. A variety of bagels - bagels (ovarankas) and bagels - were baked by Belarusian Jews. Smorgon is considered the birthplace of bagels. In the 30s of the last century, there were about 60 bakeries here that supplied bagels to Lithuania and Russia. Perhaps it was Belarusian Jews who immigrated to the United States who baked the first bagels in New York.

An American lunch is a large sandwich with ham, lettuce and cheese and soup with potato chips. Panini (grilled bread stuffed with meat, vegetables and cheese), potato (potatoes, mayonnaise, olives, canned corn) and pasta (the composition is the same, only pasta instead of potatoes) salads are very popular.

Those who advocate a healthy lifestyle snack on a protein bar and a smoothie (fruits, ginger, greens ground into a puree).

Americans started eating sushi relatively recently – about twenty years ago.

– In the eighties, when I was a child, the attitude towards sushi was as something disgusting: “Ugh, raw fish!”- says my former neighbor Matt. – The realization that it was tasty and prestigious came after the most expensive restaurants in New York introduced sushi to their menu.

Matt is a typical representative of “big” Americans (in politically correct America, very fat people are not usually called fat, they are called “big” or “heavy”, and girls are called curvy, curvy).

Matt eats mostly at night, ordering pizza, corn dogs (sausage in a rich, doughy corn dough) or Indian food (rice with chicken with hot sauce) to the house.

For New Year's, Matt's parents gave him a grill in the hope that the guy would take his head off and start eating healthy. Matt used it twice. Switched from regular cola to diet cola. According to him, in two weeks he managed to lose three kilograms, which, of course, is not very noticeable given his weight.

Continuing the theme of American taste preferences, I would like to mention such a dish as waffles with pieces of breaded chicken. Not only does it have a million calories, but they eat it with maple syrup! What about toast topped with fried bacon and grape jam?

Americans also find it strange that we eat dumplings with sour cream and not soy sauce. In their understanding, milk soup is generally terrible. Here, it seems to me, it is important to be open to new things. Before my trip to Spain, I had no idea how delicious red wine with pickles is!

A weekend in New York begins with brunch - a hearty breakfast that smoothly turns into lunch. Brunch is served from 11 am to 4 pm with a glass of Mimosa (orange juice with champagne), Pruseco or Bloody Mary (tomato juice with vodka, spices and Tabasco sauce).

Brunch was invented by the author of "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) in the 80s of the 19th century. Professor Dodgson combined the words “breakfast” and “lunch” into one and sent a letter to the rector of the University of Oxford asking him to introduce “brunch” into the daily routine for more productive work for students and teachers. The proposal was approved, and soon the brunch became a new tradition in Oxford. Soon the idea of ​​brunch was picked up by other educational institutions in Britain. In 1896, the Gold Rush began and hundreds of British immigrants headed to Alaska. This is how they learned about brunch in America.

In general, it’s strange to drink champagne in broad daylight while eating toast, sickly sweet biscuits and soft-boiled eggs. The brunch menu seems to be specially designed for a person with a severe hangover who spent half the night partying in clubs. Omelette (usually filled with cheese), fried potatoes, buttered toast with jam, fried eggs, bacon...

It happens that the price of brunch ($14-25) includes an unlimited number of alcoholic cocktails. They are poured into a glass like filtered water. This practice is common in New York, but is prohibited in most states in America.

The pricing policy of many cafes and restaurants is designed to make it cheaper and more convenient for people to dine out. So many people in New York either stop cooking altogether or throw themselves into cooking, taking cooking classes and shopping at farmers' markets.

I spend about $600 a month on food, which isn't much by local standards. I have breakfast at home or in a coffee shop, buy lunch in Delhi (something like canteens with an excellent selection of dishes (salads, main dishes, desserts) and self-service), a couple of times a week I go somewhere where they play live music, have wine and light snacks. The average check for dinner is 25-30 dollars. I would give the same amount for a trip to the store.

The cheapest food is in street trailers. A generous portion of meat with salad and sides costs six dollars. Hot dogs and pizza are sold on every corner, but the key here is to know the places: for $2 you can get an amazing juicy hot dog (like at Gray's Papaya) or a pale bun with sausage and a dollop of ketchup.

Bottled water is expensive in New York, so I would recommend getting a water container and filling it up at drinking fountains on the city streets or quenching your thirst at Starbucks (they fill it up for free). New Yorkers are proud of the quality of their drinking water and safely drink it from the tap.

The city is so spoiled with different cuisines that something new is constantly coming up to intrigue and attract eaters to a particular establishment.

In the spring of 2013, an unprecedented stir was caused by the cronut, a hybrid of a croissant and a donut, the recipe for which was invented by the owner of a pastry shop in Soho. From 6:30 a.m., lines lined up for cronuts—no more than a dozen were handed out at a price of $4.50 apiece. Enterprising citizens posted advertisements on the Internet offering to stand in line for you and deliver a Cronut for $20. Whether such a twist is worth a fat puff pastry with butter cream and jam inside, I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, I’m not tempted.

Only in New York can you find restaurants specializing exclusively in hummus, rice pudding (served in tubes like astronaut food), desserts, peanut butter... The latter has had such a powerful influence on American food culture that it is rare that a dessert goes without it. For example, American-style “French toast” is nothing more than toast generously spread with Nutella and peanut butter. Banana slices, berries, and grape jam are placed on top. A popular sandwich in New York called "Elvis" - it is toasted in the oven with banana, honey, bacon and... peanut butter, of course! Americans love peanut butter so much that they are even willing to eat celery with it and drink a milkshake based on it.

The most popular desserts in the United States are apple pie with ice cream, carrot cake with walnuts, and cupcakes (cupcakes with a cream filling topped with frosting). Compared to Belarusian pastries, American ones are sickly sweet. Even Italian hot chocolate, which is supposed to be bitter, crunches on your teeth with grains of sugar. Quite ordinary products also have a sweetish taste: milk, butter, bread, cereal.

In New York, people are willing to wait in line for several hours to enjoy the “best pizza in New York,” “the best frozen yogurt in New York,” “the best French fries in New York”… Rating of all the “best” in the New York restaurant industry are the critics of the authoritative publication Zagat. They set the fashion for certain establishments.

The majority of city residents surveyed about the advantages of living in New York indicate “24-hour food delivery” as the main one.

“Dine like a New Yorker - order food from seamless” (the most popular app for ordering food online with delivery from nearby restaurants) says an advertisement in the subway.

36% of Americans are guilty of gluttony. In 6% of them, obesity has reached a critical point. 5% of children and adolescents weigh 50 kg over the norm, and black girls and Hispanic boys are twice as likely to be overweight.

Meanwhile, New York confectioners continue to invent new ice cream flavors: black tea, ginger, lychee, red pepper... The ghost of a marshmallow giant in a sailor's cap wanders around the metropolis.

When you hear the words “food in America,” images of chips, popcorn, hamburgers and Coca-Cola immediately appear before your eyes. Yes, all this definitely leads to obesity and is not entirely useful. But it is a myth to believe that the average American eats burger sandwiches and drinks soda for breakfast, lunch and dinner. America gave the world such dishes as Caesar salad, pancakes, muffins, and Apple Pie. In this article we will tell you what a tourist in the USA should try.

This country is huge, and it is impossible to talk about American cuisine as a single monolith. The population of the United States consists of descendants of the Irish, Germans, French, Italians, Jews, Spaniards, Africans and, of course, indigenous peoples, Indians. All these people who once immigrated to America brought with them to their new homeland the old recipes of their grandmothers. Therefore, the national cuisine of the USA is a kind of fusion of culinary masterpieces of many nations.

General features of American food

“Time is money” - this maxim has become a slogan for the people of the United States. It is not customary here to spend hours eating a meal, as is done in Europe. In most restaurants, people eat their order and leave. Being distracted by cooking means wasting time (and therefore money). Therefore, of the numerous recipes that emigrants from the Old World brought to the United States, only those that did not take much effort took root.

Making dumplings, making Jewish stuffed fish, standing at the stove for hours preparing borscht - this is not for the American housewife. But putting a semi-finished product in the microwave, putting a cutlet with vegetables between two pieces of bread - this is it! Therefore, food in America is often photographed in the form of sandwiches, French fries and Coca-Cola - indistinguishable from the menu at McDonald's. But many US residents don’t even get around to preparing basic dishes. There are entire social strata of city residents who eat exclusively in cafes.

Freedom of conscience and food in America

Representatives of many nationalities live in the United States. Some of their representatives adhere to religious diets. Therefore, in shops and cafes you can find kashrut, halal and other dishes. In America it is now fashionable to be a vegetarian. People who practice it are very proud of it. They announce that they are vegetarians (or their radical wing vegans) immediately after meeting them. These people love to cook their own food.

In America, it is also extremely popular to fight obesity. US residents love to talk about healthy and low-calorie foods just as much as they love to talk about how much they value exercise. But in practice, all these conversations take place over mealy and greasy burgers, which Americans wash down with Budweiser beer. In order to somehow smooth out the gap between theory and practice, they drink a Coke Light in addition to what they eat. Barbecue is the only method of cooking that people in the United States really like. In parks, in designated areas near roads, there are areas where there are barbecues for grilling. Such barbecue devices are found in almost every American home.

Dishes popular throughout the USA

A tourist does not necessarily need to try street food in America. In general, it is not much different from European fast food. The same shawarma, Chinese or Indian cheap cafes, pizzerias and the sale of burgers or hot sausages. But there are also nuances. So, in America they really like chicken fried in breadcrumbs. They know how to make it here perfectly - crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Another feature of American fast food is breakfast. As already mentioned, many city dwellers in the United States do not have a kitchen at all. They also have breakfast in snack bars. The coffee they make is so-so, but they serve delicious pastries with it. Many people are familiar with Donuts donuts, as well as slightly moist and filling muffins with a variety of fillings. They are also prepared in European eateries, as well as in the global McDonald's chain. But you won’t taste pancakes with maple syrup anywhere else outside the United States. They are distinguished from pancakes by their fluffy structure. And from pancakes, which pancakes resemble only in appearance? tender dough.

What to try in the USA from products

Another popular food in America that is sold in every store is peanut butter. This product is extremely satisfying, which is why vegetarians love it. But meat-eaters are also very fond of it. Americans make sandwiches with peanut butter and spread this butter on toast. To an unprepared European, the taste of this product seems somewhat strange - it is so viscous, sweet and salty. But you won't like only the first sandwich. Before you have time to finish it, your hand will reach for the second one.

Another product that is popular throughout the US is Spray Cheese. Whipped cheese is sold in aluminum cans, like beer. It is bought to make a filling for baked goods or as a rich sauce for boiled potatoes.


These layered sandwiches have become a national food in America. But we must give them credit: they are much tastier here than anywhere else. Burgers in the USA are made from beef, pork, and fish. It happens that for American gourmets they put crab meat or Camembert cheese between two pieces of buns.

Do you think that eating burgers makes you overweight? Knowing about Americans' all-out struggle with obesity, marketers developed a sandwich without bread. The entire filling is placed between two lettuce leaves. Sandwiches are made in a variety of different ways. Sometimes they put in five cutlets. Sometimes they are replaced with well-cooked steaks. In general, they know how to make meat in America. But the steaks are best in Texas.

Where to eat in the USA

American fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Burger King, Kentucky Chicken and others are not the only ones where you can eat. The cheapest food offer is small cafes run by recently arrived emigrants. Therefore, in any city in the United States you have you will have a chance to try Hungarian gouyash, Polish zurek, Japanese tiriyaki, Mexican burritos and other masterpieces of world cuisines.The portions are huge, and the prices are more than affordable.

The advantage of such national cafes is that all your uneaten meals will be packed in a “Doggy Bag”. Almost all such establishments, and not just pizzerias, have couriers who will deliver your order to your home. But the most favorite public catering place is considered to be the Buffett Cafe. You pay for entry and all the available food is available to you without any limit. In America, there are at least several such establishments in every city. But for special occasions in the United States, there are also luxurious restaurants with stylish interiors that serve dishes of high culinary excellence.


American food in this part of the country is close to Canadian food. The culinary traditions of the United States' northern neighbor are heavily influenced by France. That’s why delicious pastries, seafood and vegetables are in favor there. A tourist should definitely try the clam and ham soup with Clam Chowder milk broth. This dish is best prepared in Maine.

Chicago's culinary signature is... pizza. But it rather resembles a calzone pie with various fillings inside. Everywhere in the northeastern states they love seafood, which is supplied to residents by the Atlantic Ocean. Being in those parts, you simply need to try “Clembake”. This dish is a frying pan full of stewed mussels. Credit must also be given to the Oysters Rockefeller.

New York cuisine

The office plankton of the Big Apple eats in small cafes and drinks coffee from paper cups. But the “high-middle class” can afford something more sophisticated. New York is constantly producing new types of dishes that are designed to surprise not with an amazing combination of flavors, but with the originality of shapes, colors, and presentation. Blue ice cream or glazed cutlets on skewers, multi-layered cocktails - all this will go with a bang if it looks unusual.

Since the format of such feasts is a buffet, New York dishes are mainly cold appetizers, desserts and drinks. Try Orange Creamsicle ice cream, hot Broccoli Melts, fluffy Danish Baby pancake cake, glazed meatball skewers, a club sandwich and, for Christmas, a Christmas tree-shaped Brownie cake. At the peak of fashion for everything Japanese, a special recipe for American sushi appeared in the city - “Philadelphia Rolls” with the cheese of the same name. It must be said that in New York you can taste the most exquisite food in the United States.

American Northwest

In this part of the country, meat is favored more than fish. Beef is especially popular there. Be sure to try Corned Beef, Reuben Sandwich on rye bread, and Meatloaf in the northwestern states.” What food do Americans eat for breakfast? Most likely, you will be served “Khash”. It's a mess of fried potatoes, corned beef and eggs.

In this part of the USA they love bourbon - a special American whiskey. The distillate is drunk solo, alcoholic cocktails are prepared on its basis (for example, peach slush), but it is also added to various kinds of desserts. You should try the spicy plum jam with bourbon, cobbler with fruit. And at Christmas in the northwestern part of the United States, it is customary to drink Egg Nog made from milk, eggs and spices. Cheese is also favored in these states. You can also try a cheeseburger there in the form of soup.


The most common food product here is corn. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess what they eat in America in its central states. The average family from these parts always has cornbread on the table. On holidays it is baked with two types of cheese or vegetables. Instead of a hot dog, you will be served a “corn dog” (corn in English). For breakfast they eat flakes made from this cereal, pouring them with milk.

Popcorn and marshmallows are extremely popular there. The latter is a marshmallow-like sweet. It is made from sugar and corn syrup. When you cook marshmallows like barbecue, the pieces melt and become chewy like toffee. For starters in the central states, order Corn Chowder, a soup made from mashed corn and milk. The Midwest has traditionally been home to immigrants from southern Italy. Therefore, the regional cuisine was influenced by the cooking of Calabria and Sicily. You should try ravioli and pizza there.


In this part of America, food more closely resembles that of the native Indians than anywhere else. Residents often eat corn, potatoes, and baked meat. Barbecue dishes are extremely popular. You should try Fried Chicken (deep-fried chicken), spicy chicken wings a la Buffalo, tomato soup (an American version of Spanish gazpacho), beef schnitzel (country fried steak) and smoked pork. For breakfast they eat pancakes - fluffy pancakes.

Residents of the Southeastern United States also love seafood. The restaurants will serve you Shea Crab Soup and Maryland Crab Cakes. Rice is grown in this part of the country. Therefore, this cereal with long, medium, round grains, white or brown colors will often be found in regional cuisine. The most famous rice delicacy is Jambalaya. The warm climate allows you to grow exotic fruits and vegetables. That’s why the classic “Apple Pie” and “Cheesecake” (apple and cheese pies) are being replaced by “Pecan Cake” and “Banana Split”.

Southwest USA

The world famous Caesar salad was born not far from California. The proximity of Hollywood forces restaurateurs to compete in inventing original and unusual dishes in order to get celebrity money. Well, what do ordinary people eat in America? Southwestern cuisine is heavily influenced by its neighbor, Mexico. But Americans do not blindly copy recipes, but adapt them to their taste.

Thus was born Tex-Mex, a range of dishes that are a bizarre synthesis of American and Mexican cuisines. Its prominent representatives are “Chili con corne” (meat with peppers), burritos, tacos, fajitas, vegetable relish “Chow Chow” and others. Desserts here are preferred to be light and fruity. Ice cream, sorbets and iced tea are appreciated.

Food in America: reviews

Many tourists coming to the United States experience the collapse of the mythology imposed by Europe. It turns out that Americans eat more than just sandwiches and French fries. Their cuisine can be both healthy and tasty. Of course, you can also buy hot dogs, hamburgers and steaks here. But is there a city in the modern world where street food is not sold? Nevertheless, Russian cuisine is not judged by the shawarma and chebureks sold near Moscow metro stations. Fast food is more common in America than in Europe. But along with it you can try many delicious dishes. You just need to throw away the stereotypes.

The famous British travel magazine Rough Guides has compiled a list of dishes popular in various American states. Some of them will seem quite ordinary to the residents of our Palestines, others will cause sincere surprise, some - even shock.

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Cobb Salad, California

1. Cobb salad was first prepared in the late 30s of the twentieth century by the owner of the Hollywood Brown Derby company with the very catchy name Bob Cobb. Every night he made himself a mixture of lettuce, tomatoes, chicken, avocado, hard-boiled eggs, bacon and cheese for dinner. Today, this salad in various variations is included in the menu of many restaurants around the world.

Chicago style deep dish pizza, Illinois

2. The idea of ​​making under-baked pizza originated in Britain. The pizza that is prepared in Chicago is made using the same technology, but completely different. Corn bread is fried in olive oil until half cooked, and then cheese, tomato sauce, meat or other types of fillings are spread on it. You can try the famous pizza in many Chicago restaurants.

New Mexico Green Chile Stew

3. The best way to experience New Mexico culture is to try green chiles. It is grown and prepared throughout the state. In addition to the main ingredient - fresh pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic and beef or pork are added to the dish.

Lobster roll, Maine

4. There is an art to making the perfect lobster roll. The roll bun can be toasted, steamed or oven baked. Mayonnaise can be replaced with melted butter. Finally, you have the choice of whether to use the lobster tail or claws to prepare the dish. But no matter what you choose, this sandwich is a great addition to a summer evening on the Atlantic Coast.

Maple syrup, Vermont

5. Canada may claim rights to the use of the maple leaf in the logo, but it is Vermont, not Canada, that produces some of the best maple syrup. The state of Vermont is the largest producer of syrup in the United States, and in general about 5% of the world's syrup is made here. If you visit this state in March, you'll likely see sap being collected for syrup from century-old maple trees. There is no point in describing its taste - just try it.

Corn Porridge with Shrimp and Arugula, South Carolina

6. Every spring, South Carolina hosts an international festival of cooking dishes made from cornmeal, which is rightfully considered the basis of the state’s cuisine. Corn porridge with shrimp, which is usually served for breakfast, is a must at this festival. Porridge is usually prepared with milk, and then butter and seafood are added to it.

Bourbon, Kentucky

7. Although bourbon can be produced throughout the United States, about 95% of the drink is made in the Bluegrass State of Kentucky. Corn whiskey, also known as the “spirit of the Americans,” was actually named after Bourbon County in Kentucky. The drink has been produced here for more than two centuries. Today, this drink is known throughout the world, and millions come to Kentucky to buy it.

Rocky Mountain Oysters, Montana

8. Don't think you've tried every seafood dish. Rocky Mountain oysters are cooked with calf testicles. This dish is sometimes called “prairie oyster” or “cowboy caviar”. Mostly in Montana it is prepared for tourists.

Philadelphia steak, Pennsylvania

9. Pat Olivieri, founder of Pat's Steaks, created the Philadelphia steak recipe in 1930. This sandwich is very nutritious. It consists of a crispy oblong bun with pieces of steak sprinkled with provolone cheese or topped with Cheez Whiz sauce, usually with the addition of onions.

Donuts, Louisiana

10. A trip to New Orleans wouldn't be considered a true trip unless you visit Café du Monde for some seriously dusted donuts. Throughout the world, Louisiana is considered the donut state. Mostly they make classic donuts without fillings, but you can also find donuts with chocolate and fruit fillings.

Massachusetts Clam Chowder

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