What and how to treat the elbowee bursitis, recommendations of doctors. Burst of the elbow joint: photo, symptoms and treatment is it possible to teach at home

The articular surfaces of the elbow are closed as a kind of capsule - a bag (in Latin: Bursoy), the role of which is not only the external protection of the joint, but also mitigating the friction between its components. The bag is filled with liquid, which provides proper joint lubrication. Sometimes the inflammatory disease of this capsule can develop, the name to which - bursitis. Especially often bursitis amazes shoulder, elbow and knee joints.

Purulent bourrs of elbow joint: symptoms, treatment

The elbow is surrounded by several shells, not connected to the articular cavity. The largest is superficial, from the side of the serving part of the elbow.

Cause, types and type of elbow bursita

Prepare the soil for Bursita:

  • Systematic arthritis of rheumatoid, gout, psoriatic and other nature.
  • with synovitis - by the accumulation of fluid, leading to inflammation of the synovial shell
  • Permanent irritation of the elbow in the support of it to the surface, as a result of daily monotone movements. Such a danger is subject to:
    • Chekners, engravers, masters of leather
    • Truly gainful students, etc.
  • Frequent mechanical elbow injuries when falling, sharp amplitude movements:
    • it is typical for professional tennis players, volleyball players, handball players

Causes of purulent bourrs of elbow joint

Purulent inflammation of the bursa begins when infection in the joint penetration due to:

  • Wounds of the elbow joints obtained as a result of injury
  • Formed near the inflammatory hearth:
    • grinding inflammation
    • subcutaneous phlegmon
    • runting lesion of the skin, etc.
  • Operational intervention with blood hemorrhage
  • Specific diseases (tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.)

Types of elbow bursita

The inflammation of the articular bag of the elbow is classified for three signs:

  • anatomical location
  • type of inflammatory process
  • character of disease

Type Bursita

  • Serous - inflammation affects inter-limit and stripe surfaces and occurs without the formation of pus inside the cavities
  • Purulent - pus and pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) accumulate in Bursa
  • Hemorrhagic - in the exudate of the articular cavity contains blood

Character of the disease:

Acute, subacute and chronic.

Symptoms of purulent elbow bursita

An ordinary serous form is accompanied by the swelling of the elbow painless during palpation. Skin covers are not modified, and the elbow does not experience special difficulties when driving

Other things are purulent inflammation. These symptoms can say about the purulent type:

  • Slightly above the elbow arises painful swelling and a sense of twitching
  • The skin in the field of swelling is blushing and getting hot
  • Temperature of the body can rise to high values
  • Moves in the joint are made difficulty, but because of pain, and not due to the reduction of the genuine volume of movements, as it happens when:
    • pain with ferursite surfaces, and in arthrosis concentrates inside the joint
  • It should also be distinguished by synotes during arthrosis and bursitis:
    • when synoting (inflammation of the synovial shell) elbow swell evenly
    • when ferursite - clearly localized swelling
  • It is possible to increase and inflammation of lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) and skin lymphatic ducts (lymphangitis), as happens with bacterial infections

Purulent inflammation of the capsule if it does not lead:

  • To the symptoms of intoxication: nausea, headache, drowsiness and apathy
  • To the chronic form of the disease:
    • Permanent buty pains in the elbow
    • Take one or more seals under the skin
  • To periodic exacerbations with all the symptoms listed above

Treatment of bourrsita elbow joint

Diagnosis of Bursita

Laboratory and instrumental methods are used for diagnostics.:

  • Given common blood tests and urine
  • Analysis on blood sugar levels:
    • The presence of diabetes can complicate the course of the disease and require another treatment regimen
  • The puncture is produced, the purpose of which is the fence of exudate:
    • Such an analysis is important for the selection of the drug with antibacterial therapy of purulent inflammation of the bag
  • For differentiation of arthrosis, radiography can be carried out or ultrasound

If the serous inflammation of the shells can somehow go through itself, then such an extremely rarely happens with purulent bursite.

But usually any form of this disease does not need to be thrown onto samonek.

Video: Puncture of the elbow joint with purulent bursite:

Treatment of serous bursita

With the unmarried character of inflammation, treatment is usually limited:

  • Immobilization of the elbow with a kink
  • Removing the exudate accumulated between the shells by puncture and washing
  • Opening a tight dressing
  • Physiotherapy:
    • warming procedures
    • electrophoresis, UHF, UZT, etc.

Conservative treatment of purulent bursitis

With purulent form of bursitis, first of all, the liquidation of the abscess of the articular bag is needed

  • The liquid is aspiration using a syringe immediately facilitating the state
  • Assign antibacterial therapy
  • Conduct treatment with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal means (nimes, diclofenac, ibuprofen) and corticosteroids

Operation with purulent bursite

Surgical treatment is necessary when:

Types of operations

  • The usual operation during the bursite is simple and passes under local anesthesia:
    • In the articular bag, a thick needle is introduced through which the accumulated exudate is evacuated
    • Full pumping fluid produce with a catheter with a rubber pear at the end
  • Another type of operation - partial excision of the articular bag
  • Radical operation - complete bursectomy is carried out with purulent bursitis relapse

Prevention of elbow bursita

To prevent the purulent stage of inflammation of the articular bag:

  • Do not allow permanent elbow injuries:
    • protect the elbow overlay (caliper) during sports activities
    • put something soft with sedentary work or studies
  • In time to treat wounds on the elbow surface
  • Eliminate specific chronic purulent processes


Most often, the cause of long-term pains in the elbow is not arthrosis, and does not bursitis, but epicondylitis, inflammation of the location of the fixture of the elbow tendons, which can be cured independently.

Read more about the epipridge of the elbow joint will tell the video below.

Video: What is epicondylitis

P. S. We do not even suspect that many diseases are treated much easier than in the medical myths composed about them. About many secrets of treating diseases odds and not only tells Dr. Schpeling, as always authoritatively and with humor.

Bursitis is a disease that does not apply to common, but representatives of some professions are common enough. They suffer from people performing movements with the load on the same area (tennis players, etc.), or constantly in an uncomfortable posture.

  • Bursit - what is it
  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms
  • Types of Bursita
  • Lock Susta
  • Hip joint
  • Fingers
  • Heel
  • Treatment at home
  • "Hardening" of the joints
  • Cocktail
  • Compress with elbow bursite
  • Compress from Kalanchoe
  • Cabbage
  • Medical treatment
  • Puncture
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Vegetables
  • Propolis
  • Sugar
  • Baths of coniferous needles
  • Prevention Bursita

Bursit - what is it

In the field of joints due to the active movement of ligaments and bones, there are almost always friction. A synovial fluid that improves gliding and reducing friction performs the role of lubrication of the joints. It is located in the okolossertable bags - bursah, which are eliminated by the glands of the cavity. It is the inflammatory process starting in them, called Bursite. There are several species of this disease.

It is interesting! In total, there are about 160 synovial bags in the body.

  1. Purulent. In this case, pus is formed in the bag. The disease has a bacterial nature.
  2. Serous. This form is considered the easiest, but in the absence of treatment there is a risk of transition to a purulent or hemorrhagic form.
  3. Hemorrhagic. In this case, hemorrhage occurs.

In addition, they allocate an acute and chronic form of the disease.

Often there is a bursitis in elbow, shoulder, knee, hip joints, in the field of heel and Achilles tendon.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the development of bursitis are different.

  1. Injuries. It can be a professional permanent load on her knees or elbows, uncomfortable shoes, frequent running and long, fast walking, long-sided on a solid surface (for example, long-term cycling).
  2. Infections. There is a risk of infection in the synovial cavity during injury or with a decrease in immunity (in this case, the Virus "travels" by blood flow or lymph).
  3. Chronic diseases, as a result of which salts are deposited in a synovial bag, - gout, systemic sclerodermia, rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, the cause of the development of the bursitis can be diatheus, in itself, which is not a disease, but facilitating the development of inflammatory processes, to the number of which relates and bursitis. Sometimes the causes of the disease cannot be established - it occurs unexpectedly in itself.

Important! The older man is the higher the risk of burst appearance, which is associated with a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of the synovial bag, an increase in its density.


The first manifestation of bursitis is swelling and swelling in the field of inflammation of the synovial bag. At the same time, the patient is worried about the pain of a shooting or noctive character, resistant redness of the skin. The movements of the limbs are limited, in the case of palpation, pain appears. Especially, pain and swelling are strengthened at night.

If the bursitis is complicated by infection, immunity responds to an increase in temperature, from 38 to 40 degrees. This speaks of the development of the purulent form of the disease. In this case, pain in the limb is enhanced, becomes pulsating, signs of general intoxication of the body with nausea, headache, increasing temperature appear. Nearby lymph nodes can be increased.

Important! In the absence of treatment, the bursitis can go to purulent arthritis. In this case, the movement of the affected limb, even minimal, cause severe pain.

In the chronic flow of the disease, the swelling occurred has a soft consistency, and the mobility of the limb is not limited. Leather over swelling.

Types of Bursita

Bursitis of the shoulder joint is dangerous in that it is difficult to reveal it until you discover suddenly pain in your hand when making any movement. Even edema may not be too rushing into the eyes. Rotational movements and raising up hands causes pain.

Attention! Find out about the roar of the knee joint in our article.

Lock Susta

Bursith of the elbow joint - the disease is very common and among all the types of bursitis is in the first place in the frequency of origin. Often, like other types of illness, appears due to constant, professional injuries, therefore is diagnosed mainly in athletes, especially tennis players.

Hip joint

Bursith hip joint is considered the most difficult, as the joint is hidden deep inside, which makes his treatment with a difficult task. In addition, the disease can cover the joint completely.


Bursith of the thumb of the foot is twisted, its deformation occurs. The so-called "bone" on the leg, which meets in many people of old age. It is believed that the disease is hereditary, but it is known for certain that the concern for legs will not allow him to develop. The degree of curvature can be initial, moderate and severe.

Attention! In women who often wear high heels, the risk of developing a large finger rose.


The heel bursitis develops on the heel bone due to constant physical exertion on Achillovo tendon. The patient bothers the strong pain in the joint, especially at night, and the movements in the ankles are limited.

Treatment at home

First of all, the sick joint is recommended to provide relative peace by reducing the movement to the minimum. It is best to provide a patient a full bed mode. However, it should not last more than 10 days - after stopping acute inflammation, you need to start doing gymnastics, first light, with time complicating exercises.

Remember! The damaged joint needs reliable fixation - to do this, use the tight bandage, which will help avoid the tissue swelling. Also on the joint put compresses using the ointment of Vishnevsky.

"Hardening" of the joints

Take ice cubes and attach to the sore joints for 10 minutes. When the pain decreases, change the ice to the warm compress. At the heart of a warm compress may be potatoes or decoction of herbs (yarrow, burdock, hunter, chamomile).


Take a glass of pre-boiled water, still warm, and stirred on a teaspoon of honey and vinegar in it. It is best to use natural vinegar. Drink cocktail for 2 weeks of 2 glasses daily.

Compress with elbow bursite

You will need sour milk and egg shell.

  1. Shell, clearing the film and drying, you need to crush into the powder.
  2. Fill it with warm sour milk so that a homogeneous mass is turned out, and make a compress out of it.
  3. It is important to keep the compress warm, so put the cellophane over the compress and fix it with a terry cloth.
  4. Super compress overnight for 5 days, but if the pains will not pass, after 5 days the break will repeat the course.

Based on honey, vodka and aloe juice (2: 3: 1 ratio) make a similar compress.

Compress from Kalanchoe

Take 3 fresh plants sheets, wash them out and place it in the fridge for the night. In the morning, pour the leaves with boiling water so that they let me be juiced. Make them compress on the inflamed joint. Change compress often. After a few days you will notice tangible results.


Take fresh cabbage leaves and apply them to the joint inner side by changing the compress every 4 hours.

Medical treatment

The basis of treatment includes medicines, healing physical culture, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures. Treatment is necessary both internal and local, therefore, when treating drugs, it is not necessary to abandon compresses from ointments or medicinal plants.

Important! The main task during treatment is to remove inflammation, remove pain, restore the work of the joint.

Often, when ferursite shows antibacterial therapy. If the bursitus caused a microbial flora or it appeared as a result of infectious injury, antibiotics are prescribed. Moreover, not one, but at once several drugs:

  • Lincomicin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Amoxiclav and others.

They are injected intravenously and intramuscularly, as well as directly to the region of inflamed bursa.


About puncture (puncture) Bursa Reviews are very contradictory. Some believe that this procedure can cause irreversible changes in the joint structure. Yes, and the risk of sepsis is present. However, on the other hand, without removing the exudate, the sick joint will not recover.

Directly into the hormone cavity, steroid hormones that have anti-inflammatory facilities are introduced - diprospan, Kenalogne. True, they also have their drawbacks - the restoration processes in the tissues are inhibited. But without anti-inflammatory funds, the inflammatory process will not be able to stop, because their use is necessary.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tools help, in addition to relieving inflammation, eliminate pain, swelling and hyperemia. To such means relating:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin.

Apply them both externally (ointment) and inside (injections, tablets).

Important! These drugs adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract and on blood clotting, because you will definitely consult your doctor before applying them.

When the bursitis is accompanied by fever and intrication of the body, glucocorticosteroids can be appointed. Enter them intravenously, in the joint or drink in the form of tablets. Course treatment - up to three months.


Bursite also use ointment (Levomikol, ointment Vishnevsky, collagen ultra). Very popular compress from Mazi Vishnevsky and alcohol or cologne.

  1. For the flap of cotton fabric, apply ointment, and then vodka.
  2. Compress make an interval in a couple of days. Keep it you need a day.
  3. It will help reduce swelling of edema.

With purulent form of the disease, it is necessary to remove the pus and clean the joint from the liquid. This fluid examines the determination of the pathogen to choose the most suitable antibiotic. Then Bursa is washed with antiseptic solution and appropriate antibiotics are introduced.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

They are prescribed to improve blood circulation, reducing swelling and improving the mobility of the joint. Procedures are shown after stopping the acute inflammatory process.

  1. Ultra-thwellery therapy (UHF).
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation.
  3. Phonoforesis (along with analgesics).
  4. Magnetotherapy.
  5. Treatment laser.
  6. Applications from paraffin or dirt are particularly effective in chronic roar.
  7. Acupuncture.
  8. Mineral baths.

When the bursitis goes into the stage of remission, doctors advise to apply therapeutic gymnastics and manual massage.

You can also massage a damaged area yourself, but remember what to do it carefully - incorrectly made massage is capable only to worsen the patient's condition. Massage the inflamed area overnight, using oil for plants - eucalyptus, vaseline and lavender.

Therapeutic gymnastics is especially important when ferursite. It helps to improve blood flow and, as a result, nutrition of tissues, restore the main function of the joint. Exercises are selected and individually taking into account the age of the patient and the type of bursita. As a rule, the initial exercises are very simple - it is enough to perform a hand to hand-back.

Treatment with folk remedies

Tip! It is important to coordinate the use of folk recipes with a doctor - Bursit should not be treated independently.


Effectively make compresses from vegetables, alternating them, with each other. Best of all suitable vegetables like potatoes, beets, cabbage.

  1. For example, on the first day, cut the potatoes with circles and, laying them on the fabric, wrap the damaged joint with them. Do not forget to fix the compress something warm (scarf or towel).
  2. For the next day, use beets or fine cabbage as raw materials.


Make compresses and based on propolis. To do this, fill with vodka (100 g) propolis (10 g) and leave it in a dark place for 5 days. Apply to the swollen joint compress until it passes.


Take a glass of sugar and slightly warm in a skillet. Try to sugar not melted under thermal exposure. Sugar needs to be pouring into a bag of tight fabric and attach to the joint, and then wrap the compress with polyethylene and a towel.

  1. Celery seed table spoon must be pouring a glass of boiling water and insist 1.5 hours. After strain and drink 2 weeks 2 times a day.
  2. Grapefruit juice. Drink along ½ Citrus juice 3 / day.
  3. Take the leaves of lilac and press them. Use for compress.
  4. Aloe juice, honey and alcohol (take parts in a 1: 2: 3 ratio) Mix and apply as compresses.


Tea spoons of honey and soap chips melt on a water bath. Spread the mixture to clean gauze and sprinkle her finely chopped onions. Compress must be inspired and leave all night. This vintage method is checked and effective.

Remember! Chronic bursitis can lead to spikes in the joint, which violate its function. In the chronic stage, this disease is effectively treated with folk recipes.

Baths of coniferous needles

Collect the needles, bumps and pine branches, pour with cold water and boil 30 minutes. After that, leave it for 12 hours in a closed vessel. On the bath you need to use about 1.5 kg of raw materials. Take a bath for 20 minutes. If Bursit hit his hand or leg, limit the bath. In this case, the needles pine will need only 300-500 g.


What it is?

In order to understand what this Latin term means, briefly consider the anatomy of the elbow joint.

So, the elbow joint has the following structure:

It is formed by one large bone - shoulder - on top, it takes two bones below - radiation and elbow (they are also forming a joint among themselves);

Between the radial bone and the shoulder, between the beam and the elbow, and the synovial bags (Bursa "in Latin) are located between the elbow and the skin), which are filled with a small amount of special" lubricant "(synovial) fluid.

They are "invented" in order to mitigate friction as much as possible when driving in the joint and to reduce the trauma of the surrounding tissues when performing the articular function.

Inflammation of one of the articular bags accompanied by the accumulation of an increased amount of pathological fluid in it, and is called bursitis.

Symptoms of the disease

In the area of \u200b\u200bone of the synovial bags, swelling appears, which looks like a seal, is rather mild when tapped, having a size of about 70-100 mm.

At the same time felt:

  • fluid oscillation inside the joint;
  • pain in the affected joint;
  • pain when moving in the elbow.

A distinctive feature of specifically bursitis - movement in the elbow is painful, but it is possible - this differentiates this disease from arthritis.

If the bag is infected and becomes purulent, then this pus can start melting surrounding soft tissues (phlegmon).

In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • increases body temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nausea and / or vomiting;
  • the joint area is red, strongly painful, tense;
  • there may be even a confusion and delusional syndrome with a sufficient amount of effusion caused by an aggressive causative agent.


By the nature of the flow, the disease is divided into several basic species.


This is the first time a developing disease that arises usually due to the joint injury, to which the infectious microorganism in the future is often attached (this will be called acute purulent bursite).

At the same time, the synovial bag increases sharply in size, becomes a hemispherical form.

Initially, the serous (transparent and sterile) liquid accumulates in the bag in the bag, but with sufficient injury, blood or blood plasma (hemorrhagic bursitis) falls there.

Blood stimulates the deposition of fibrin in the cavity of the synovial bag, then the fibrin is organized, overlaps the vessels of the synovial shell.

Due to this process, the wall of the bag is thickened, the surface of its inner shell is covered with a connective tissue, which, raging, begins to divide the cavity of the bag for additional pockets (acute proliferative bursitis).


It develops in the cavity of the synovial bag of bacterial microorganisms.

These microbes can get there:

  • on lymphatic paths from foci of purulent inflammation (furuncula, carbuncules, grinding inflammation, breakdown);
  • in circulatory routes (with angina, flu, brucellosis);
  • contact - with the direct injection of the bag with an infected object or with a purulent process in the joint, when the synovial bag shell is directly in contact with the pus.

By the nature of the microbe, which caused the process, the bursitis can be:

  • specific: hymeal, brucellular, syphilitic, tuberculosis;
  • non-specific: such bursites are called "ordinary" kokkkili flora.


Arises due to frequent (permanent) mechanical irritation bags.

Especially often it happens in people of such professions, which, by the nature of their activities, often perform movements in the elbow ("elbow tennis player") or rub the elbow about the surface of the table ("Locked watchmaker", "Slim Jeweler").


It occurs in cases when, after an element of the inflammatory process, the areas of dead tissues or inflammatory fluid remain in the bag of the elbow joint.

Because of this, with the slightest mechanical injury of the bag or unfavorable conditions, the disease flashes again.

Causes of the disease

To the factors provoking the development of bursitis include:

  • microbe hit in the cavity of the synovial bag: through lymph, blood current, contact path;
  • injury, wounds, abrasions of the elbow joint;
  • constant injuries of the joint among representatives of certain professions;
  • prolonged static position with an elbow support (when performing a certain work, in a state of alcohol or narcotic intoxication);
  • due to some systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, sclerodermia, gout.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis is usually easy to put on the basis of the data inspection of the doctor orthopedic traumatologist.

But to clarify the prevalence of the process and the exception of complications, there are a number of instrumental diagnostics methods:

  • X-ray Xstava: Allows you to establish the presence of an inflammatory process in articulation.
  • Uzi Sustav: Helps clarify the size and localization of the inflamed bag, the number of exudate in it
  • MRT SSTAVA: Allows diagnose bursitis deep articular bags.

How to treat?

This disease should need to be diagnosed as early as possible to start adequate treatment in a timely manner.

Therapy of sharp and chronic forms has differences.

Treatment of acute and purulent burst of the elbow joint

First aid

In the event of an acute unmarginated process, it is important to do the following:

  • impose on the joint a tight gouring bandage that will not stop arterial blood circulation, to reduce tissue edema;
  • to form a fixing golk (orthhem), which will keep your hand in physiological position.


For the treatment of bursitis, various types of drugs are used.

The choice depends on the type of acute pathological process flowing in the bag - whether it is serous, hemorrhagic or purulent.

Antibiotic treatment

In the event of a bursitis, the bag is performed.

According to the results of the analysis of the point, antibacterial treatment is prescribed:

  • with purulent bursite Sowing the contents of the inflamed bag on the nutrient media to determine the type of microbe and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Before obtaining the results of the sowing, treatment with a wide spectrum antibiotics in the form of injections is prescribed. After receiving the results, the drug can be changed, taking into account antibiotic sensitivity;
  • in serous or hemorrhagic bursite Antibiotics are prescribed for the prevention of suppuration. Preparations can be used in tablets.

Video: The technique of the puncture of the elbow bursita

Therapy Dimeksida

Compresses with this drug, which in itself, diluted 1: 4 with boiled water is an excellent antiseptic.

Dimexide pulls the pus and prevents its appearance in the articular bag.

If we sprinkle such a divorced drug from above with a dry antibiotic (for example, "ceftriaxone"), then it will not act itself, but will carry out an antibiotic through the skin, delivering it to the joint.


In the treatment of bursitis, both intramuscular or intravenous injections are used (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and resorption drugs) and the introduction of drugs in the bag of the elbow joint.

In this case, the joint is introduced:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory hormones ("hydrocortisone", "Kenalog");
  • antiseptics.


This antiseptic is used to treat superficial wounds and abrasion in the region of the joint joint, only in the absence of allergies for this drug.

There is also a recipe for the "folk" treatment of bursita with iodine (should be applied in a complex with a prescribed therapy), for which they take:

  • 1 small iodine bottle;
  • 1 bottle of triple cologne;
  • 1 valerian extract bottle;
  • 6 confused to the pill powder analgin.

All components are mixed, insist in a dry dark place for 5 days, then used as rubrics to the joint.


Such ointments can be used to treat bursts:

  • tramel with (homeopathic anti-inflammatory agent);
  • dimexide (it is already in the form of a gel only for outdoor use);
  • anti-inflammatory ointments: "Voltaren", "Diclofenak" "Indomethacin" and others.


In the form of tablets can be applied:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs: "Nimesil", "Diclofenak", "Analgin";
  • "Prednisolone" in tablets (only in serous inflammation, in exceptional cases);
  • antibacterial drugs - by appointing a doctor.

Other conservative treatment

In the treatment of bursitis "All means are good," therefore, the methods of traditional medicine must be combined with additional therapy.

Treatment of leeches

In this case, when performing leeches in the region is slightly higher or below the elbow joint, it happens:

  • improving microcirculation in the "patient" bag;
  • venous stagnation decreases (therefore, the cavity of the bag is cleared faster);
  • the tissue ischemia is eliminated;
  • troof tissue improves.

The leech acts on a sore joint at once with several enzymes, the main of which is the destabilaise - the enzyme, the "sawing" blood clots and bunches in the cavity of the bag.

Folk remedies

  • Tear out several sheets of Calanchoe, beat them off. To impose them to the area of \u200b\u200bthe patient joint, it is good to wind the wool handkerchief.
  • Introduction to gauze a decoction of the root of the burdock, put it on the joint, cover on top of polyethylene, keep a woolen handkerchief.
  • Cut the raw potatoes with thin circles, put them on a h / b fabric, wrap the joint. The cellophane is put on top, then wooed with a wool handkerchief or scarf.

At home, such methods can also be used:

  • Baths for the sore joint (if the process is not purulent) from the brave of branches and cones cones. For this branch and bumps, 5 liters of cold water are poured, the mixture is brought to a boil, it is cooked around half an hour, it is 12 hours.
  • Three times a day, half an hour before the meal to take the half a cup of freshly prepared grapefruit juice.
  • 30 grams of propolis mix with 20 grams of soft butter. An hour before meals, three times a day, take a teaspoon of this mixture.


Methods are used:

  • ultrasound;
  • diathermy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • when sacrament inflammation - paraffin applications, balneotherapy.

Operational treatment

With acute purulent bursite, the inflamed bag is opened, its walls are excised, processed by antiseptics. Next wound lead in an open way.

With a recurrent purulent process, the inflamed bag is completely excised, washed with solutions of antiseptics, then a person receives antibiotics in the form of injections, painkillers, UV-irradiation of the wound.

Treatment of chronic and recurrent disease forms

After the first course of treatment of the acute process, it is important to undergo physiotherapy procedures.

If the process developed as a result of professional activity, the patient is recommended to change the generation of work.

Periodic thermal procedures, compresses with dimexide, applying anti-inflammatory ointments to the joint area.

If a purulent process recurns, the main type of treatment is surgical when the synovial bag is completely excised.

After that, a person receives antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy about 7 days.

Prevention measures

It is to exclude the load on the joint.

Sometimes - in the chronic flow of the process, we recommend wearing special orthoses.

Also in the concept of "Bursit Prevention" includes:

  • timely processing of wounds and injuries of the joint;
  • treatment of common inflammatory diseases;
  • wearing protective bandages on the field of the subcutaneous bag, if your work is associated with constant external trauma of the tissue of the joint.

Thus, the treatment of bourssita of the elbow joint should be complex, including local, and general therapy, the use of folk and physiotherapeutic agents.


Distinctive feature of sharp bursita therapy

The sharp form of this disease can be treated in an outpatient basis. It is necessary to fix the sick joint. It is best to do this with the help of an elastic bandage. In particularly acute cases, the doctor can fix the joint with the help of plaster Longets.

To remove the intensive inflammatory process, ointments are usually used based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Well established themselves in the treatment of drugs such as diclofenac, nicoflex. With pronounced pain syndrome, glucocorticosteroid drugs are used. Most often, the doctor prescribes a sick hydrocortisone ointment. In the same cases, the introduction of novocaine is shown.

Sustain puncture is prescribed if the treatment of ointments does not bring a pronounced result during the week. Antibacterial agents are shown only if infection is joined to the inflammatory process.

After conservative treatment of bursitis, ointments, subject to the identity of the main symptoms, physiotherapy is shown. Implemented by ultraviolet rays, phonophoresis, electrophoresis. Alcohol compresses are shown, bandages.

Use of antibiotics

Local antibiotics during the bursite are appointed only by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to independently prescribe such medicines with pain in the joints and their inflammation. Usually, levomycetin or another antibiotic-based ointment applied, appointed after a thorough diagnosis of the inflammatory process in the articular bag.

For treatment, parallel to ointment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be applied. This is ibuprofen or diclofenac. However, in the treatment of the NSAID, the use of the antibiotic is required: thus it is possible to significantly reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the elbow.

Along with the creams, antibiotics injections can be assigned. Such a type of treatment is required with a purulent complicated bursite.

Application diclofenac

The ointment or cream diclofenac is widely used to treat inflammation of the articular bag. Among the advantages of such a medication, it is possible to name not only its excellent painkillers, but also an affordable price. This drug is not suitable for self-medication: the patient in any case should consult a doctor before starting the therapy.

Ointment has the following contraindications:

  • diseases of digestive organs at the aggravation stage;
  • aspirin triad;
  • violations of blood formation processes, especially unexplained origin;
  • sensitivity to diclofenac or any other drugs such a group.

During treatment, the dosage appointed by the doctor should be respected. The patient cannot determine it independently. Sometimes a higher dose is prescribed by a doctor with severe pain.

In the treatment of diclofenac, caution must be taken, since the drug can cause the following side manifestations:

  • nausea, vomiting and other disorders from the digestive tract;
  • liver disorders (very rarely);
  • headaches, dizziness and increased nervous excitability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the feeling of "bias" in the eyes;
  • depressive states;
  • blood disorders: drop in the number of red blood cells, leukemia, thrombocytopenia;
  • skin disorders: rash, itching, hair loss;
  • burning and redness in the exterior site.

It must be remembered that joint treatment with acetylsalicylic acid significantly reduces the efficiency of ointments from the brusitis of the knee joint.

Means with ibuprofenom

Ointment with ibuprofen does not have a pronounced systemic effect on the body. Its components are selected in such a way that it is active only in places of inflammation. The drug is effective not only in the diseases of the elbow joint, but also in cases, if a person, for example, a knee hurts.

The feature of the ointment is that its active ingredient slowly penetrates patients with fabric. This achieves the effect of prolonged drug action. Just in the affected tissues, it is possible to achieve increased concentrations of ibuprofen. As a result, getting rid of pain and inflammation occurs quite quickly.

Ointment can be used in the following cases:

  • pain in the joints;
  • phenomena of inflammation in the elbow;
  • restriction of active movements in it;
  • swelling and degenerative damage to the near-handing bag;
  • ears of the elbow (without disrupting integrity).

Ointment or cream should be applied by a strip on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body and rub to complete suction. Typically, the doctor indicates in detail the patient for the duration of treatment. Based on instructions or other information, the therapy duration cannot be determined.

As a rule, subject to the rules of therapy and all the instructions of the doctor, side effects develop very rarely. In exceptional cases, allergic reactions may appear. This happens with increased sensitivity to the active components of ointments.

It cannot be used during pregnancy, impaired skin cover, childhood (up to 14 years old). It is unacceptable to treat the brusitis of the knee joint and in breastfeeding, since its active ingredients fall into milk and have an adverse effect on the child. Especially gently applies such ointment at bronchial asthma, hay fever.

When it is necessary to apply doluchene and its analogues

This is a combined drug, its composition includes dimethyl sulfoxide, heparin and decantenol. It contributes to the restoration of the affected tissues and activates the metabolic processes in them.

Doluben can be applied in the following cases:

  • injuries of the elbow joint, including sports;
  • muscle damage;
  • inflammation of the articular bag of the elbow;
  • sprain;
  • acute pain in the elbow;
  • other degenerative joint disorders leading to a pronounced violation of mobility.

Gel Doluben must be applied to the affected area and then evenly distribute it along the affected surface, rubbing into the skin. It is necessary to do it very carefully not to cause additional pain. You can additionally apply an armband.

It is necessary to be careful because it can cause such side effects:

  • local allergic reactions;
  • itching and burning sensation
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth (this feeling quickly passes);
  • sometimes there may be some change in the feeling of taste);
  • very rarely, the swelling of Quinke can be observed.

It is forbidden to use Gel Dauchen with pronounced violations of the liver and kidney activities, in addition, with vegeto-vascular dystonia. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Children before reaching the five-year-old age such medicine is not prescribed due to the lack of treatment practices. It must be remembered that it is still a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and it is taken with all caution.

Application of ointments of Vishnevsky when ferursite

Such an ointment contains in its composition ate, oil castor and xeroform. Refers to antiseptic means. However, the ointment of Vishnevsky is an excellent mixture for the treatment of inflammatory processes, as it is well absorbed exudate.

The action of ointments is based on the properties of its components:

  • xeroform has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is well eliminated from the purulent inflammation of the articular bag;
  • birch delet intensifies blood flow to patients with tissues;
  • castor oil softens the skin and helps other ointments faster absorbed into the skin.

Such ointment during the bursite is well absorbed into the skin due to its structure. It is very easy to apply, then it quickly absorbs in the affected fabrics.

The ointment of the brusitis of the knee joint is recommended to be applied only according to the testimony of the doctor. When ferursite, it is extremely unwanted to engage in self-treatment, since the disease can move into a chronic form. Contraindication to the use of the means is a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions.

Warming Ointment when Bursitis

They are in their composition specific components that increase the permeability of capillaries: snake or bee poison, pepper extract, essential oils. They locally cause hyperemia tissues and strengthen the blood flow. The only note regarding the use of such compositions - they cannot be prescribed in a sharp period or immediately after injury, since in this case it is necessary, on the contrary, cooling the tissue.

Usually, such ointments include:

  • Methylsalicylate;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac.

The action of all the ointments of this group is directed to getting rid of unpleasant symptoms and the speedy restoration of active movements in the joints.

The modern market offers a huge amount of warming ointments that are successfully used against the bursita. They perfectly cope with the symptoms of inflammation of the articular bag. All similar drugs, despite the fact that they can be used at home, are assigned only by a doctor. It is forbidden to serve bursita, since it is impossible to get rid of it in such conditions, and the risk of developing hazardous complications increases significantly. The overwhelming majority of such drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.


Types of Bursita

The duration is divided by bursitis:

  • acute: He manifests itself a sudden pain when performing movements by the limb and the rapid accumulation of exudate. It is possible to increase the temperature, the emergence of general intoxication and violation of the functions of the main organs;
  • chronic: A long time has been manifested in the elbow without impairment of hand mobility. Characteristic pathology is a dense small formation, but there will be no big tumor;
  • recurrent: It is manifested by the exacerbation of chronic pathology with the presence of some part of the inflammatory exudate due to repeated injury and violation of the structure of tissues by infection.

Depending on which inflammatory and pathological processes are developing in the synovial bag of the elbow, the bourssit is distinguished by type:

  • purulent: When filling the bursa, purulent exudate caused by infectious and glottering bacteria;
  • serous: When filling out the bag with a transparent liquid, which is not associated with infectious agents;
  • hemorrhagic or post-trap with blood accumulation. Manifests itself after injuries and due to specific infections;
  • fibrinic with the laying of fibrin in the cavity of the bag. This indicates a tuberculous process in the body;
  • lime with accumulation of calcium salts in a bursa capsule. At the same time, it loses its elasticity and cannot perform depreciation protection of the joint.

On video, this article shows an operation with a purulent bruss of the elbow:

The inflammatory pathology is also distinguished by two classifications:

  • specific Bursitis: manifests itself against the background of syphilis, gonorrhea, brucellosis. Its treatment is beginning after comprehensive therapy that eliminates the main disease;
  • non-specific infectious bursitis due to injury: a cut or open fracture. Through the wound penetrates the pathogen, pus and blood accumulates in Bursa. Dangerous condition of pain zone possible necrosis or blood infection.

The reasons

The main causes of the development of pathology are as follows:

  • injuries: strikes, falls on the elbow, microtrauma due to the forced repetition of the same movements at work;
  • overloading of the elbow joint in sports competitions and training, when performing hard work, for example, in a mine, plants or in car workshops;
  • penetration of infectious microorganisms in blood and lymph: golden staphylococcular, streptococci, as well as specific bacteria: tuberculosis sticks, pale treponam, brucello, gonococcal;
  • summary diseases: rheumatoid or greek arthritis, systemic sclerodermia, red lupus;
  • allergy: the body can respond to allergens and their impact by the development of inflammation in the Bursa in children under 7 years and school age;
  • the indefinite cause of the inflammatory process. Then this form of pathology is called cryptogenic.

Symptoms of Bursita

Bursitis can develop against the background of psoriatic, rheumatoid or gout arthritis, due to the microtravum obtained as a result of a constant support on the elbow on a rigid surface during operation. Soased mechanical injury, drop on the elbow can also declare yourself inflammation of the elbow joint. In case of damage to the skin and penetrate the bursa of infection (bacteria), purulent inflammation develops.

The infection can be distributed through blood flow and lymph inside the body from another infected organ. Weakening immunity, violation of metabolic processes, diabetes mellitus and even treatment with steroid drugs may result in inflammation in the elbow, by an unexplained reason, symptoms of idiopathic bursita may occur.

If local inflammation develops, then it will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling and swelling;
  • increase local temperature;
  • painful attacks during palpation and movement by hand;
  • violation of the function of the joint: a decrease in the amplitude of movement and efficiency.

A small swelling gradually turns into a hemispherical or rounded dense and elastic formation, the size of which can reach 10 cm and more. The pain and symptoms of the body intoxication appear: the body temperature increases, concerns weakness and malaise, nausea and vomiting. Before treating the burssit of the elbow joint, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis, including a differential check, identify the nature of the pathology pathogen.

To confirm the bursitis and / or associated disease (for example, arthritis), the doctor prescribes x-ray and puncture. Exact confirmation of the etiology of the disease is confirmed by a common and biochemical analysis of blood.

On the size and localization of inflammation in bags and the amount of exudate in them can be found in the study of the ultrasound joint. You can diagnose deep inflammation according to the results of MRI.


Before treating the burssit of the elbow joint of the chronic flow, it is necessary to conduct puncture to remove exudate. When inflammation due to injury in the bag, antibiotics and hormonal agents should be administered, for example, hydrocortisone.

The treatment of borsitis of the elbow joint should be complex and include operational, drug, physiotherapeutic, unconventional and folk methods.

Important! To even exacerbate inflammation, it is necessary to unload the joint and reduce its work with a dense bandage, without disturbing blood circulation, put on a bandage or orthosis, and to maintain a tire or special belts.

The price of bandages for the elbow from 200-150 rubles, on Ortesa - from 500-900 rubles. If the bursitis is associated with an extensive closed injury, then the immobilization of the limb is carried out by a gypsum bandage or Langelet.

Surgical operations

If chronic, acute and purulent burst of the elbow joint is revealed, treatment provides for an opening of the inflamed focus. Used Bursectomy: excision of the elbow bag then drainage. Insert a special tube to remove the entire purulent exudate, rinse and introduce antibacterial drugs and corticosteroids from inflammation.

Constant relapses lead to the thickening of the walls of the bursa, formation of folds and an increase in its volume. Conservative treatment does not always give the expected effect, so the bag is cut and excised using a common or local anesthesia.

To ensure peace and speedy wound healing, they put the tire for 5-7 days or more. During this time, connecting tissue grows, forming a new articular bag. Next use orthosis or bandages.

If there is a possibility not to operate, then purulent contents are removed and the cavity of the bag is washed in the process of conducting puncture.


After the course of non-steroidal preparations from Ibuprofen inflammation, the ketorolac is reduced by pain and temperature in the inflammatory epicenter.

It's important to know. To reduce the negative impact of nonsteroidal drugs on the GTS mucosa at the same time, drugs of the inhibitor-proton group should be taken: nonxium, Ezomeprazole, omens and other.

In the presence of a purulent-infectious process in Bursa takes a wide spectrum antibiotics. The doctor prescribes an antibioticogram, according to the results of which it is individually selecting the necessary medicine. In advanced cases, corticosteroids are introduced inside the joint. After removal of purulent exudate in Bursa, Kenalog is introduced - the most popular steroid hormone to relieve inflammation.

Attention! Assign independently prevention with antibiotics when bouring noncommunicable nature can not! It will not bring the benefit, but only develops the addictive bacteria to the drug.

If there are no wounds, scratches on the elbow joint, and it is free from plaster or bandage, then a problem space is lubricated by anti-inflammatory gels and ointments, like a hill, diclofenac, voltar or ibuprofen. Strengthen the body with vitamins, calcium preparations, immunostimulants.


In the postproof period, in order to eliminate inflammation and improving the exchange processes on the elbow joint, physiotes are prescribed:

  • UHF or ultrasound;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phonophoresis on hydrocortisone;
  • paraffin shutting;
  • ozocenite applications;
  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure.

The physiositarists are treated with bourcita of the elbow joint by folk remedies and / or natural natural means at home, like bischofit or stone oil.

Stone oil consists of aluminum alums with magnesium sulfate and salts soluble in water. It is collected from the surface of rocks. But it is not necessary to be confused with the mummy, because the oil is a mineral product, and the mummy is an organometallic.

These two mountainous substances have different composition. Stone oil enhances immunity and kills bacteria. It is sold in a pure form or mixed with cedar or fir house, small sea buckthorn, hoods of medicinal herbs: nettle, sea buckthorn, mint, hunter, as well as with chage, beaver jet and other healing substances.

Bischofit in the form of natural brine is mined when drilling wells. It is saturated with bromine, iodine, chloride magnesium-sodium complex, iron and other elements healthy. Bishophyte warms and has a moderate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, restores the mobility of the elbow.

Bischofit and stone oil therapy

After removing the excessive exudate from the synovial bag and in the absence of a concomitant arthritis, the treatment of biste of the elbow joint at home can be supplemented with bishophyte and stone oil.

The instructions of therapeutic procedures are given in the table:


In the recovery (posture) period after the operation or course of medicines begin to develop the elbow therapeutic physical education. At first, minimal loads are used: removed in different directions and lead the forearm.

In the physiotherapeutic and departments of therapeutic physical education, medical centers are held by the passive development of the elbow joints on the Fisiotek HP robotic simulator.

Kinesotherapy and partner gymnastics of Bubnovsky is an alternative to traditional drug treatment and classical lescape during an elbow injury, damage to ligaments and bursite. We develop the elbow joint on universal simulators into the postproken and / or rehabilitation period after the operation.

Popular treatment

During the diagnosis of "Bursith of the elbow joint", treatment with folk remedies becomes an important part of therapy, both in the appointment of the operation and during puncture and the use of medicines. Treatment of herbs is recognized as official medicine and can get rid of the operation and pain if it starts to use ointments and compresses, baths and appliqués on time.

Applique from Kalanchoe

Large leaves are thoroughly washed and put in the fridge at night. In the morning we are covered with boiling water or much pressured with a spoon until juice appeared or crushed. Apply to the inflamed elbow and fixate with cellophane and scarf. Change the applique of 3-4 times / day, with purulent bursite - more often.

Appliques from lilac flowers

Clean flowers are tolted before the appearance of juice and applied on the linen fabric to the elbow for 2 hours, then change to the "fresh" bandage.

Aloe compress with honey

With acute bursitis: Aloe juice is mixed (1 tbsp. L.) And honey (2 art. L.). Distribute the composition on a marlay (bint) folded in several layers. Applied to the elbow, fixed with cellophane and wool cloth. Hold 2 hours.

With purulent bursite: mixed alcohol (2 tbsp.) With pharmaceutical bull bile (1 vial), the hammer fruits of Konsky's chestnut (2 tbsp.), Chopped aloe sheets (3 pcs.). Insist 10-12 days. Then moisturizes the linen fabric and applied to the problem zone, covered with the film and fix the woolen scarf. Course - 10 procedures for the night, break - 10 days.

Sticks from tincture with propolis

Propolis insists (15 g) in vodka or alcohol (100 ml) 7 days. Apply the bums until the expected effect is obtained.

Baths with coniferous extract

In the bucket with water, the cones and branches of the needles (1.5 kg) are placed, half an hour boil and insist 1.5 hours. Separate water from the thickness and add 1-2 liters to the bath, in the bath for the elbow - 0.5-1 liters.

Output. The funds of traditional medicine in a comprehensive program are used to strengthen immunity, reducing swelling and inflammation, elimination of pain, prevention of complications. In this case, it is impossible to allow the undercooling of the elbow joint, and the load increase gradually.


After the operation and for the purpose of prevention of the bursitis, we assign wearing orthoses or bandages on the elbow joint of different designs and species.

The prevention of bourssita of the elbow joint also includes:

  • dosage loads on the joint;
  • the right mode of operation and recreation.

It should be excluded by the threat of injury and prevent traumatic influence on the elbow at work and during sports training.


The consequences of the bourge of the elbow joint are treated longer and more difficult.

Bursit provokes:

  • fLEGMONU: The purulent cellular space under the skin is melted up to the muscles. Inflammation and swelling applies to healthy fabrics surrounding Bursa;
  • lymphangit: lymphoid ducts are inflamed, which acquire the form of red lines or grids coming from the purulent region;
  • lymphadenitis: lymphatic assemblies are infected by flowing into them lymphs from inflammatory hearth. At the same time there is an abscess;
  • purulent arthritis: when moving inflammation on the joint next to purulent bursa.

Bursith or inflammatory system of the synovial bag of the elbow joint should be treated by conservative and methods of traditional medicine in early stages and operational intervention in the later stages of launched pathology.

The elbow process is a state characterized by damage to the tissues and inflammation of the bag (bursa) of the elbow process (a small pouch-filled bag located in the rear of the elbow), which can be a source of pain in the rear of the elbow.

The elbow is formed as a result of the junction of the shoulder bone and the elbow bone of the forearm. The elbow bone has a bone ledge located in the rear of the elbow known as the elbow process. This bone protrusion is a place to attach several muscles, including triceps and forms the very external point of the rear of the elbow. Between the elbow process and overlay skin is located bag (Bursa) of the elbow process. Bursa is a small bag filled with liquid - lubricant and its function is to reduce friction between adjacent layers of soft tissues.

Muscles - triceps mainly responsible for straightening the elbow and are especially active during the activity associated with the pushing. During the reduction of triceps, the friction is directed to the elbow Bursa. The pressure on the link of the elbow process may also occur as a consequence of the direct strike. When this pressure on Bursa turns out to be excessive due to too frequent movements or the application of force, then conditions arise for inflammation of the bunch of the elbow process.

The reasons

  • Moderate, but repeating injury is the most common cause. For example, people who rely on elbows cause friction and easy tissue injury over the elbow process. For example, there are such terms as "the elbow of the student" elbow a plumber or a miner elbow and at the heart of these terms a long support on the elbows.
  • Single injuries, such as a blow, in the back of the elbow can cause inflammation.
  • . One or more bags may be inflated as a result of a polyarthritis (but in most cases burst the elbow process, is not associated with arthritis).
  • Bursa infection. This may occur if there is a cut on the skin above the bag in which bacteria fall.
  • Idiopathic. In many cases, the bursitis occurs without any visible cause. However, it is possible that in some bursitis is associated with a small trauma that was forgotten.


Normally, a person cannot feel or see Bursa. If there is inflammation of the bourges of the elbow process, the skin thickening and swelling appears on the rear of the elbow. Bursa can also be filled with liquid and then looks like a small soft ball - a little similar to the cyst. In most cases (with uninfected bursts and not related to arthritis), the elbow bursitis is painless or slightly painful. Movement in the elbow joint is not violated.

If the bursa is infected ("septic" burst of the elbow process), then, as a rule, pain, redness and soreness in the elbow are developing.

Bursitis associated with arthritis may be painless, but there may be pain in the joints due to arthritis. Patients with bourisite of the elbow process usually experience pain, and swelling in the rear of the elbow. Pain is usually enhanced when, relied on the elbow or when flexing or straightening the elbow. In less severe cases, patients may experience only pain and stiffness in the elbow alone after such activities as wearing bags. In addition, such activities as the use of a hammer or straightening of an elbow against resistance also can cause pain in the initial stages.

As progressing, patients may experience symptoms that increase during sports or physical activity. Patients may notice to celebrate swelling and the appearance of a large protrusion over the elbow protrusion. Most patients with elbow bursitis have pain when touching the elbow process. Sometimes small lumps in the elbow procession area can be tackled. Patients may also experience weakness in the elbow especially when trying to straighten the elbow against resistance.


As a rule, for the diagnosis of a sufficient physical examination by a doctor. But in order to eliminate the possible presence of infection or arthritis it is also necessary to carry out laboratory studies and radiography. In some cases, it is possible to assign CT or MRI to eliminate the tumor genesis of education.


In most cases, the elbow bursite can be cured independently by reducing the load on the elbow. But in some cases, medical intervention is required to surgical.

The conservative treatment of elbow bursitis includes:

  • Peace and change of activity. Patients with elbow bursite need to avoid activity related to the elbow pressure. Wearing elbows can also help protect the elbow bag from pressure or additional irritation.
  • Cold. Applying a cold compress to the elbow swollen for 20 minutes two or three times a day can help alleviate the symptoms and reduce swelling.
  • Compression. The use of an elastic bandage wrapped around the affected joint can help reduce swelling.
  • Element. The lifting of the elbow to the level of the heart or above reduces the influx of blood and thereby reduces inflammation.

Medical treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (for example Advil), Naproxen (for example, Aleve), and COF-2 inhibitors (for example, Celebrex) can reduce swelling and inflammation and relieve pain associated with elbow bourcite.

Aspiration. Aspiration of swollen bursts with the needle and syringe allows you to immediately reset the pressure. Aspiration is also carried out for testing fluid on microbes. (A positive test will mean septic bursitis).

Injection of corticosteroids. Bursitis symptoms can be significantly reduced by injection of corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, and the introduction of them directly to the inflamed Bursa, as a rule, significantly reduce pain and edema. However, the injections of corticosteroids have potential side effects, such as infections and skin degenerations on the elbow. Thus, these injections are usually prescribed with reprehensively current bursites and not the effectiveness of other treatment.

Antibiotics. Septic bursitis of the elbow process requires the appointment of antibiotics. The choice of an antibiotic depends on the microorganism that causes the infection (most often golden staphylococcus). Most people with septic bourisitis treatment with antibiotics is quite effective in some cases hospitalization and intravenous administration of antibiotics are required.


Sometimes, when chronic bruss or septic roars, a surgical operation may be required. With traditional bursectomy, an incision is carried out on the elbow and the inflamed bag is removed. Since the bag is under the skin, the elbow joint during the operation is not affected.

Complications of surgical removal of the bag may be problems with the healing of the skin at the scene of the cut and soreness. A few months after surgery, as a rule, a new bursa grows on the place of remote Bursa.

LFK. After the skeleton of symptoms, it is fairly effective to effectively appoint a leaf to strengthen muscle tone.


Most patients with this disease are restored and returned to normal life for several weeks. Sometimes, rehabilitation can take significantly more time (up to several months) in cases where the bursitis proceeded long enough. Therefore, early treatment and rehabilitation is necessary to restore the normal quality of life.

With inflammation of the synovial bag, any person deteriorates the general condition.

This is the first signs of Bursita. It can be discovered in the area of \u200b\u200bany joint: hip, shoulder, knee.

However, more often in patients of different ages is diagnosed serous or traumatic bourrsitis of the elbow joint: symptoms, reasons and effective treatment at home and in the hospital will consider further an article.

The disease is quite serious, so stop the inflammatory process better at the initial stage. The consequences and complications are quite unpredictable.

It is necessary to know how the bourssita of the elbow joint is carried out correctly, to which expert you can contact what to do if the hand is unbearable in the bend.

An elbow injury is quite frequent. It happens in adults and children. Some do not pay attention to the occurrence of pain, others experience traumatic shock, long can not recover.

Minor damage, unspecified movements, sharp blows can lead to injury. As a result, the burssit of the elbow joint is developing, the main symptoms and methods of treatment suggests an article for dating.

Burst of the right and left elbows appears for various reasons. Inflammation of the articular bag, nerves, tendons and muscles located next door, comes from impact, bruises, microtraums, abrasion.

Other no less frequent causes causing post-traumatic bourrsit elbow:

  1. finding a hand for a long period of time in a very inconvenient position when the elbow is intense, clamped or lowered from the working surface;
  2. deposition of salts next to the joints;
  3. availability of arthritis, diabetes;
  4. unsuccessful limb movement;
  5. medical treatment with steroids.

Persons receiving high loads on the elbow area are falling into the risk group: athletes, drawers, office professional.

Mechanism for the development of the disease

The disease, called the borsitis of the elbow joint, has its own features of the occurrence and flow.

There is inflammation of the articular or elbow bag, which is a small capsule filled with synovial fluid.

It is assigned the role of a shock absorber that protects the near-refrigerant fabrics and bones from friction.

It is worth infections to get in Bursa, how the process of inflammation begins. The amount of synovial fluid immediately increases, its composition is gradually changing.

It is noticeable that the elbow is a whirlpool. It feels pain, the joint is inflamed. The bag continues to expand, swell.

Sweet becomes noticeable. Very soon in the inflamed bag, in addition to the synovial fluid, purulent mucus or blood clots will appear.

With such symptoms, the presence of bursitis of hemorrhagic elbow joint is usually stated.

Infection accompanies the purulent process. It is localized not only in the field of the left or right elbow, but also goes to nearby fabrics. The purulent burssit of the elbow joint is unpredictable, dangerous.

The consequences may be different:

  • calcification;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • formation of adhesions.

Unlike other diseases, chronic burssit of the elbow joint has distinctive features:

  1. On the elbows there is no fat layer, so the muscles are not protected. Approximately the knees also hurt when the synovial bag is inflamed.
  2. Three synovial bags amazing at once, but Bursa is more in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow process on the extensive surface.

Otherwise, the bourssitis elbeva has symptoms similar to other diseases.

Symptoms of bourssita elbow joint

Finding out why borsitis of the elbow joint occurs, it is necessary to identify his symptoms for which the disease is determined. Symptomatics directly depends on the type of disease.

Serous bursitis is acute and chronic. It is distinguished by the fact that the liquid in the synovial bag resembles serum, but the exudate is not infected.

His symptoms are pronounced, but attention is noteworthy:

  • elbow a little swollen, hurts when performing any movements;
  • there is edema in the zone of the localization of pain;
  • the temperature increases slightly (up to 37.5º), but the tide of the heat is felt in the place of the joint;
  • around the bursa skin blushes.

X-ray shows that there is no internal damage to the joints, but the cavity of the synovial bag is significantly increased (up to 10 cm), it means that a motor function will occur.

In the absence of treatment, the borsitis of the elbow joint from the acute serous will turn into chronic, and the symptoms will become less noticeable.

Let us dwell, what is the sharp purulent infected burst of the elbow joint look like. His signs are different. The key point becomes painful even with a slight touch.

Other symptoms:

  1. the presence of significant edema due to the accumulation of the synovial fluid;
  2. swelling increases sharply in size (to chicken egg);
  3. sprinkling swelling to adjacent fabrics;
  4. redness of skin in the elbow area;
  5. restriction of movements occurs;
  6. temperatures increase to 39º;
  7. when palpation, pulsation is felt at the place of lesion.

On the skin, you can notice the pussy if there are wounds from injuries.

If the elbow is swollen, the inflammation of the elbow joint continues when the burssitis, treatment must be started immediately.

Otherwise, new symptoms will appear: open fists, phlegmon, deterioration of the overall state. To cure completely such pathology can only surgeon.

There is a puncture, surgery and long-term rehabilitation after the course of therapy.

Acute hemorrhagic bursitis is distinguished by finding blood cells in fluid. The cavity of the bag increases, is inflamed. There is a swelling of tissues.

To stop distribution, you have to make a tight dressing for fixing the joint. Sometimes the operational removal of the bag is required.

Types of pathologies

The disease post-traumatic and traumatic burst of the elbow joints is different within the flow, reasons.

Modern medicine gives a classification in several directions. The separation is carried out on the intensity of pain, consequences and complications are taken into account.

According to the nature of the course, three forms of pathology are determined:

  • Acute. The main sign of the bourssita of the elbow process is pain. Frequently rises temperature. On her background there is no intoxication. Restriction of limb movements is found. Any minor loads cause discomfort.
  • Chronic. Paints are practically absent, but there are periodically signs of physical weakness. Hurt an elbow area, a tumor is insignificant. When feeling the fingers of the disease, a seal in the field of bursa is felt.
  • Recurrent. If post-tramatic bursitus caused an elbow injury, after completed treatment, infection may occur due to the integrity of the skin. Pathogenic microorganisms fall into the exudate, the new round of the disease begins.

The composition of the synovial fluid must be taken into account, deciding how to treat after the diagnosis is bouring the elbow.

In this case, the classification looks like this:

  1. Serous: In the synovial bag, a liquid is formed, resembling a serum consistency. This species features light pain in the joint. There is ailment, a small swelling is found. Her color is light. The disease passes quite quickly when restricting physical exertion. Operation treatment is not required. Medicine offers a number of effective methods of treatment, including assistance to folk remedies.
  2. Purulent: in the composition of the liquid in a different quantity is revealed by the pussy. Infected borsitis cause pathogenic microorganisms. The patient becomes sluggish, sometimes irritable due to constantly feeling pain. It is completely possible to cure, but you have to go through the therapeutic course. Sometimes it is necessary to remove contaminated bursa. Deals are dangerous, but is effectively treated. Coming the course of therapy is necessary immediately to cope with the symptoms.
  3. Hemorrhagic: The main feature of the disease is the presence of blood in fluid. Exudate looks rather unusual: a pink shade is noticeable due to the presence of red blood cells in it. The cause of the occurrence may be injured.

Often, medicine notes that the bursitis is mixed. In the presence of fibrous fall, it is called serous-fibrous. A disease may develop a purulent-hemorrhagic type.

Often the cause of the disease when the elbow swells, infection becomes.

The division is carried out in two types:

  • Nonspecific: caused by staphylococci, streptococci, other pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Specific: the cause of the inflammation of the synovial bag becomes gonococci, pale spirochete.

Diagnosis of Bursitov

After conducting a visual inspection of the left and right elbow, comparing them by listening to the patient's complaints, it determines the borsitis of elbow, but drug treatment or operation will be appointed after additional research.

To clarify the diagnosis and identification of the type of disease, it is proposed to do:

  1. X-ray: It is recommended to identify the state of the bone process on which osteophytes can be formed. According to the results of an X-ray study, the doctor decides, an operation or drug treatment will be carried out.
  2. Puncture: From the articular bag through the puncture, a synovial fluid is extracted to study its composition. Puncture during the bursite is carried out with a needle of 18-20 g with a dispere joint. Exudite's study is carried out in the laboratory.

Clinical studies are conducted to determine how much inflammation lasts is what character it has.

Analyzes are surrendered:

  • blood from a finger on leukocytosis and an increase in ESR;
  • blood from Vienna for serological research on the detection of antigen.

If the specified medical research is not enough, ultrasound, MRI and CT are appointed.

Treatment of bourrsita elbow joint

Only a doctor who received the results of all designated studies, examined by the patient decides how much and how to treat Lockieva Bursit.

The restriction of physical activity is assigned immediately if the elbow is swollen. Physical culture is not practiced, but the fixing bandages will be effective.

With severe pain, it is possible to apply compresses with painkillers, lubricate the elbow with gels. The appearance of infection and complications will be able to avoid if you immediately assign antibiotics to the patient.

The course lasts until recovery occurs. Introducing the purulent or hemorrhagic bustice of the elbow joint, how to effectively treat the surgeon solves. It will be necessary to extract exudate from the elbow bag.

The X-ray is prescribed first, then puncture. The doctor decides where to make a puncture. In sterile conditions, a needle is introduced into the bag to extract the fluid. It feels unpleasant pain, but it passes after completion of manipulation.

  1. introduced into the bag of Kenalog;
  2. mazi ibuprofen is prescribed, Voltaren;
  3. physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended.

The operation is assigned to the elbow bursite when conservative treatment is unpromising. Usually it is resorted to such a radical method when puncture, drug recovery is ineffective, the disease becomes recurrent.

The operation helps to stop the disease, do not spread in pus on neighboring fabrics, go further the process.

Operational intervention is two types:

  • excision of part of the affected bursa;
  • full removal of a synovial bag doctor.

What prompt intervention is better to choose, the doctor will solve. Be sure after the procedure requires long rehabilitation. Physiosters may be assigned.


This article is only a story about the disease of the joints. She does not replace the campaign to the doctor and does not take the healing function.

Restore its information and be sure to visit the specialist. Remember, Bursit itself does not pass.

He is dangerous, so only a specialist can cure him completely: a surgeon, rheumatologist, manual therapist, orthopedist.

How much recovery will last depends on the behavior of the patient, correctly selected methods. Rehabilitation will speed up the recovery process.

Video: Treatment of Bursita Lock

Bursit is inflammation that occurs in the synovial bag of the joint. Most often, the disease amazes the elbow joint. The synovial bag is a bag with a liquid that performs the function of lubricant when the joint is operational.

Under the influence of inflammation, the volume of lubrication increases, the composition and nature of the fluid changes, resulting in painful sensations appear. Bursith of the elbow joint, the treatment of which requires a serious approach, cannot be ignored.

Key symptoms

Bursith of the elbow process is more common in men.

For this disease, such symptoms are characteristic:

The symptoms of this disease depends on its shape. For acute inflammation of the synovial bag, the rapid increase in edema, an increase in skin temperature in the field of inflammation and enhancing pain during hand flexion.

The transition of the acute shape of the bursita to chronic can provoke frequent joint injuries. In case of chronic inflammation of the synovial bag, the tumor at the elbow is imperceptible and barely tight during the inspection, there is no sharp pain.

Any of these symptoms should be a reason for visiting the doctor.

Causes of the disease

As a rule, the bursitis occurs as a result of injuries or large physical exertion on the elbow joint.

There are also other factors that provoke the appearance of borsitis of the elbow process:

  • stretching bundles, abrasions, wounds, bruises;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • accumulation of calcium salts in tendons;
  • secondary infections of bursa;
  • allergic diseases;
  • the poisoning of the body toxic and chemicals;
  • elderly age.

Bursith elbow process often occurs in people who give a permanent burden on the elbows. These include professional athletes, pianists, as well as those who spend a lot of time at the desk.

Drug Treatment of Bourcita Lock Sustav

At the first stages of the development of inflammation of a synovial bag, treatment is conducted by a rheumatologist or orthopedic doctor. If the disease is running, you need to contact the surgeon.

Medicase treatment of this disease is to receive such anti-inflammatory and painkillers:

The tramel C is a homeopathic preparation that has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating effect.

Ointment quickly and effectively reduces the swelling of soft tissues in the injection site, stops pain syndrome and speeds up the restoration of fabrics.

The preparation includes such components:

  • calendula;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • yarrow;
  • arnica Mountain;
  • calendula;
  • echinacea purple.

Tramel S.it is a means of first choice for the treatment of degenerative and inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system. The ointment is successfully used in complex therapy of bursitis, myositis, arthritis, periatritis, and other diseases.

Ointment is applied to the inflammation area two or three times a day. In a sharp period of the disease, it is allowed to apply ointment to four or five times a day.

Among the side effects of the drug should be noted possible allergic reactions in the form of redness and itching the skin.

Diclofenac ointment is used with the joint inflammation as a result of injury or disease of the musculoskeletal system. The doctor prescribes this drug with inflammation of the synovial bag, arthritis, tensile knitting and rheumatic lesions of the joints.

The drug is applied externally on the region of the inflamed elbow joint twice a day. For adults and children from twelve years, one-time dose is two grams. Children from six to twelve years just one gram means for one procedure. The duration of treatment depends on the form of the disease. If after the weekly use of the drug the symptoms of inflammation did not disappear, you should consult a doctor.

Diclofenac has the following contraindications to use:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug;
  • children's age up to six years;
  • damage to the skin;
  • third trimester of pregnancy.

A decrease in pain after marsing diclofenac is observed after one hour.

Treatment of borsitis of the elbow joint by folk remedies

Many methods are known to those skilled in the field of traditional medicine, with the help of which you can get rid of the inflammation of the elbow joint at home.

These folk remedies are most effective:

To prepare a potato compression, clean the crude potatoes and cut it with slices. Put the pieces of vegetable on cotton fabric, and then attach to the elbow.

Top to wrap the compress with a food film and wrap a warm scarf. Keep potatoes on the sore joint all night.

Follow-up procedures in the same way, replacing potatoes with pieces of fresh beets and leaf of white cabbage.

With the elbow inflammation of the synovial bag, celery perfectly helps. Infusion of seeds of this plant relieves inflammation and strengthens immunity. To cook infusion, pour one spoon of celery seeds glass boiling water. Capacity with medicine must be closed and wrapped. It follows the means for two hours. Strace the finished infusion and take inward one glass twice a day.

Cerencing the sharp bursitis of the elbow process can be at home with a tincture of propolis. For her preparation, place the ten gram of propolis in the bottle and pour one third glat of vodka. Capacity with medication tightly close and insist in a dark place for five days. From the funds received, experts advise to make a row on a sore plot. It is necessary to carry out the procedure to the complete disappearance of the edema.

You can get rid of the illness with the help of a room flower calanchoe. Cut a few leaflets of this plant and remember a little to allocate juice. Then attach the leaves to the elbow and fix the compress the bandage. When the bandage gets up, replace the canchoe leaves used new. You need to repeat this procedure every day to complete recovery.

Bursith elbow: disease prevention

In order not to encounter the bourge of the elbow joint, follow these simple rules:

Bursith of the elbow process may have serious consequences, so at the first signs of the disease - a minor pain and swelling of the joints - you should consult a doctor.

Ignoring symptoms of inflammation of the synovial bag can lead to purulent bursitis and intoxication of the body, which will complicate treatment. Timely diagnosis will allow you to identify the disease at an early stage.


In the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow joint, there are three mucous bags: one surface bag - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow process, the other - between the tendon of the three-chapter muscles and the backyard of the articular capsule and the third (intrashair) is located in the thickness of the tembol. Triceps.

In children under 7 years old, there is no mucous bag, it appears in 7-10 years and is often one-sided (on the dominant hand). Then there is an increase in it in size as a person grows. Normally, the front wall of the bag is tightly connected with the bone, but after the first inflammation, it can separate from the bone and remain separated later.

Classification Bursita

  • Localization: subcutaneous elbow, bright, inter-site elbow bag.
  • For the flow: sharp, subacute, chronic.
  • According to the nature of the inflammatory fluid: serous, hemorrhagic, fibrinous, purulent.
  • The "septic" bursitis is found in 1/3 cases of elbow bursita. In 10%, infection is associated with the introduction of steroids.

Causes of Bursita Development

Often the reason lock Bursita serves primary injury when falling. Some patients note episodes of long-term compression of this area during the classes at the desk or related work (mines in slaughter). For Rheumatoid arthritisGout bursitis Develops as a reaction to salts deposition in a synovial bag.

Infection is possible when the microbes are driving through the wound, abrasion, gunnock, furuncle in the elbow area.

Symptoms of Bursita

Clinic acute bursita It is sufficiently pronounced: in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow process, there is a tumor formation, which can sometimes achieve the size of a large walnut.

Movement in the joint is usually not strongly limited. With maximum bending, the patient feels certain discomfort. In the absence of inflammation, the skin is not changed above it, but even in the absence of pronounced inflammation, the impression of some local increasing skin temperature is created.

With the suppuration of the mucous bag, signs of inflammation are very clearly: bright hyperemia, palpation pain, a pronounced edema propagating on the forearm, in rare cases there may be signs of the spread of infection on lymphatic vessels with the development of axillary lymphadenitis.

When palpation, the minimum soreness is determined by a test consistency or fluctuation. Subsequently, two outgoings are possible: recovery or transition acute bursitis in chronic.

Chronic burssit of elbow joint It may be, both the outcome of the acute process, and develop primary, without preceding acute inflammation. In the first case, inflammatory phenomena gradually decrease, the skin becomes normal color, the temperature is normalized. Pains decrease, but bother during exercise. The limitation (insignificant) volume of movements is saved.

Chronic Bursit It manifests itself in the thickening of the walls of the bag, the formation of granulations, partitions, villi. Often palpatorically detect dense nodules consisting of fibrin.

With the slightest injury of this area, a hemorrhagic component is joined, which is provoking the cause for exacerbation or infection.

For chronic bursite A bone spur can be revealed - osteophyte in the top of the elbow process, which can serve as a mechanical cause that supports inflammation and the result of this inflammation. Infection can occur through the wound, abrasion or during dermatitis. There are different forms of osteophyte.

Diagnosis of Bursita

The suspicion of nonspecific and specific bursitis is indications for puncture Bursa followed by the study of the point. When puncture in the overwhelming majority of acute cases, it is possible to obtain a viscous fluid with a hemorrhagic component.

With a microscopic examination, it detects a high percentage (up to 80%) of monocytes and a small number of leukocytes and red blood cells. In purulent processes, the sensitivity of the dedicated causative agents of infection to antibiotics is determined.

With specific inflammation, special serological and bacteriological studies are performed. In suspected, the specific bursitis of the patient is sent to a consultation to the venereologist or the phthisira.

When suspicion of gout prescribe a rheumatologist.

In doubtful cases, MRI joints are performed.


Causes of BurSita Locks

Bursith of the elbow joint may arise for a number of reasons, among which it is customary to allocate the following:

    In the first place, as a factor leading to the development of Bursita, the arthritis of any character is psoriatic, rheumatoid or gout. That is, against the background of acute inflammation in the hardest or in a synovial bag, a liquid begins to accumulate, which leads to the formation of a bursita.

    Bursit can become a consequence of the microtraum received, but it is somewhat less common. It is injured by elbow due to constantly repeating monotonous movements, so this disease is unofficially called the "professional" aid of all those people whose activities are associated with the support of the elbow on a rigid surface. It can be students, engravers, chess players, drawers, etc. In such people, the subcutaneous elbow bag is most often inflamed, and, for example, tennis players are an interstitial elbow. A similar difference is due to the features of the load distribution on the elbow, and therefore the place of occurrence of microtrams.

    Sometimes the bursitis occurs after a while after receiving the mechanical injury of the elbow. In the case when a person hits or falls on this body site.

    Bursit may occur as a result of entering the infection. Especially often it happens when the skin fabric was damaged directly next to Bursa, and a certain microorganism or bacterium came inside. The infectious cause of the bursitis can also serve as panaria when the bones and soft tissues of the fingertips are exposed to acute inflammation. Also, the infection may not get into the synovial bag not outside, but "from the inside", that is, to transfer blood (hematogenous way) and on the lymph (lymphogenic path).

    It is extremely rare, however, an idiopathic inflammation of the synovial bag is found, that is, that, the etiological reasons for which remain unexplained.

Even among the risk factors leading to inflammation in the elbow joint, some chronic diseases are considered, for example, diabetes mellitus. The reason for the suppuration can also become the overall weakening of immunity, metabolic disorders, as well as the reception of steroid drugs.

As the main symptoms of bourssita of the elbow joint, it is customary to allocate the following:

    The occurrence of swelling in the relevant area. Sometimes it can occur without visible to that causes, be absolutely painless and not to interfere with the free movement of the hand.

    If you leave swelling without attention, then over time it will become much more noticeable, will increase significantly in the amount and a sense of discomfort and pain will appear.

    It is often observed redness of the skin around the elbow and its sharp pouring.

    A person can rise in the body temperature, right up to the occurrence of feverish states. With this flow of the bursitis, severe pains arise in the elbow area and the general condition deteriorates sharply.

    There are concomitant symptoms of intoxication, which are characterized by headaches, general weakness, sweating, apathy and loss of appetite.

    From the moment of increasing the articular bag in size, the mobility of the hand becomes somewhat limited, while trying to bend the hand, pain occur.

    If you continue to ignore a similar condition and leave the borsitis of the elbow without appropriate therapy, then it will go into a purulent form, and at the place of inflammation there will be fistulas, protruding, and subcutaneous phlegmons.

    Increase lymph nodes.

Depending on the burst shape, the associated symptoms will also be different:

    For acute serous inflammation of the synovial bag, swelling is characteristic, small pain and increase skin temperature in the field of swelling. The general condition is not violated too pronounced.

    If serous bursitis is not treated, then it is possible, or an independent disappearance, or the transition to a chronic form. With her, pain, not even during the period of exacerbation, they will continue to disturb the person, especially during exercise, the elbow movement is somewhat limited, with palpation doctors detect a fluxing formation, which can be both elastic and loose. If the bursitis takes a long time in chronic form, then several seals can be detected. Chronic bursites are often susceptible to relapses.

    If bursitis is purulent, then the painful sensations do not cease to disturb the patient, they pulling or driving. The elbow itself becomes bright red, hot to the touch. The general condition of a person is broken.

If any of the similar symptoms occur, should not be attempted to make a diagnosis itself, and even more so begin treatment. After all, signs of bursitis are quite similar to similar manifestations of arthritis, gout or polyarthritis. In each case, a variety of treatment is required using various drugs. Therefore, if there is a suspicion for the presence of a bursita, it is worth the elbow with an immobilizing bandage, to ensure peace and go to the orthopedic separation to the relevant specialist.

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The purulent bursitis is characterized by the formation of purulent content in the articular bag. Its cause becomes bacterial infections of this cavity.

Most often, the purulent borsitis of the elbow cause streptococci and staphylococci, which penetrate the bags as a result of mechanical injury of the skin in the relevant area. It may even be a small scratch or abrasion, but if it damages the synovial bag, then in almost 100% of cases leads to the formation of bursitis, which, in the absence of specialized therapy, becomes purulent over time. The presence on the skin next to the elbow joint or immediately on it, minerals will lead to speedy infection and suppuration.

But sometimes microtraums caused by professional activities can lead to the formation of purulent inflammation.

The symptoms of purulent bursitis are characteristic of any inflammatory process, swelling is located on the top of the elbow and, depending on the degree of illness of the disease, can have different sizes. Pain intense, leather red and hot to the touch, the human body is weakened, the body temperature rises to high values.

In case of suspected the purulent nature of the disease, the patient has a blood pressure on overall analysis and to establish a sugar level, urine collection is also necessary. If necessary, doctors can assign an ultrasound research and take puncture to establish the nature of the content, but as a rule, such manipulations are rarely required.

It should be distinguished by purulent bursitis from similar arthritis. With the last movement of the hand, it is almost impossible to perform, the pain is felt directly inside the scene.

For treatment, surgical intervention is necessary, in order for the pus to come out. After that, the excised surface is treated with antiseptics and impose a sterile bandage. Often healing occurs slowly and re-conducting the operation.

At the same time, the following complications may arise:

    Phlegmon muscular and subcutaneous.

    Purulent arthritis when the joint is involved in the process.

    Inflammation of lymph nodes or skin ducts (lymphadenitis and lymphangitis).

Prevention includes the elimination of traumatic situations and timely treatment of the incentive process.

If the bursitis is not complicated and is a consequence of a row bruise, it can pass independently, while restricting the mobility of the patient and the imposition of cold compress, followed by the use of Dimekside as a absorbent agent.

In all other cases, qualified medical care is required. For a start, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, ibuprofen in combination with nimesulide and diclofenac. If bacterium has become the reason for the development of inflammation, the reception of antibiotics is necessary. In the absence of effect and with a significant accumulation of the fluid, it is necessary to make a puncture. With it, it is used aspiration of fluid, which almost instantly contributes to the removal of pain symptoms and significantly reduces the pressure on nearby fabrics. When performing puncturing, depending on the testimony, either antibiotics or steroid preparations designed to remove inflammation are introduced.

Operation Bursitis of the Last Sustav

Surgical intervention is carried out only in extreme cases when all trial methods are ineffective. Most often, the operation is needed with recurrent bursite, or purulent hemorrhagic inflammation, as well as with serous perception.

Bursectomy is a rather traumatic intervention, which in the future brings the hand for a long time, depriving human ability. That is why surgeons in their practice increasingly began to use the following, no less effective treatment regimen: the operation of the operation is punched, then the puncture is carried out by a rather thick needle that allows you to aspirate the liquid. Then, with the help of special manipulations in Bursa, a catheter is introduced, which at one end has a compressed pear. After it gradually grips and completely removes all the contents of the bag of the bag. Thus, its global excision is not required, and healing occurs in significantly short time.

Sometimes the bursitis requires treatment even at the stage of remission. The method of therapy is determined by the doctor, quite often and very successfully apply ultrasound warming and electrofarez. These procedures make it possible to remove spasms and voltage from patients with muscles. Cryotherapy is used to remove the swelling. After the main symptoms are eliminated, massage and imposing paraffin applications can be assigned.


Causes and types of inflammation of the elbow process

With elbow bruises, injuries, long-term exposure can gradually develop bourrs of the elbow process - excessive accumulation of fluid in the synovial space. This leads to a local tissue edema that is sacrificed. The synovial fluid may contain blood in itself (then the bursitis will be hemorrhagic), and may contain pus (purulent bursitis). If these components are absent, the bursitis is called serous.

Bursith elbow caused by infectious causes is divided into a specific (the pathogens of it: gonococci, tuberculosis sticks, treponama) and non-specific (causative agents are staphylococci and streptococci).

In the form, the sharp (sudden pain, rapid progression of alert), chronic (prolonged, muted, is missing, there is no tumor) and the recurrent bursitis of the elbow process.

How to treat elbon bursitis

The diagnosis occurs when the joint is tested, the study of its radiographs. In case of suspected purulent content, it takes puncture from a synovial bag for research. Various shapes are treated in different ways. Serous burst of the elbow joint does not require a special treatment, since when minimizing the load on the affected area and with the support of special elbows, it passes in two weeks on its own.

In case of injury and squeezing, caused by the problem, the borsitis of the elbow will be treated with alternation of cooling (ice) and warming (heating, ointments, compresses) procedures. In case of pain syndrome, Introduction Bursa corticosteroidal painkillers and thrust preparations are prescribed.

If the disease is infectious, antibiotics are prescribed. During relapses, the bourssitis of the elbow process is treated, applying other drugs, since the return of acute symptoms indicates incorrectly selected drug impact (or non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor and the interruption of medicinal reception).

In cases of accumulation of purulent contents in a synovial bag, drainage produce - pumping liquid and washing the bursa with antiseptic solutions.

During the diagnosis, the bourge of the elbow joint is the treatment of its chronic form produce symptomatic, use fixing bandages. Sometimes the deposition of calcium salts is removed (with excessive stiffness of movements and amplification of pain).

Doctors indicate that the disease bursitis the elbow joint treatment is not difficult, except for the emergence of complications: arthritis, sepsis, the appearance of fistula. This happens rarely and is prevented by the timeliness of appealing for medical assistance and compliance with all medical prescriptions.


What is the synovial bags of the elbow joint?

The elbow bag is one of the three cavities surrounding the silence of the arms:

  • bursa is a closed slit space, a mucous bag located near the junction of the shoulder and elbow bones;
  • the synovial capsule shell is filled with a lubricant material (viscous liquid, which depreciates the pressure, contributes to the movements of the muscles, reduces friction);
  • slim cavities helps the joint function painlessly;
  • drying joint bags are shock absorbers that significantly reduce pressure on bone articulation fabric.

Causes of inflammatory disease of the subcutaneous joint bag

Bursith of the elbow process is considered to be a disease of athletes, as well as representatives of a number of professions. Risk factors for the development of elbow bursitis:

  • chronic traumatization of the elbow joint for a long time;
  • long-term monotone work performed by the upper limb delivers discomfort, causes friction syndrome, inevitably leads to chronic overvoltage of articular tissues and articulation damage;
  • the primary sources of the "tennis elbow" are violations of metabolic processes of substances, autoimmune states, infectious diseases, hypersensitivity reactions, intoxication (toxins poisoning);
  • the traumating effect of mechanical surface disorders of tissue integrity with soft tissue injuries, wounds of various origins, bruises, exclirations (abrasions, tensions of ligaments);
  • subsequent infection by pathogenic agents of a sliding cavity, the development of the pathological process can cause pathogens of the gonococcus, brucellosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, pathogenic for the human body streptococci, treponam, staphylococci;
  • gout, arthritis of various etiology;
  • sediments of salts in the articular capsule;
  • the root cause of the "elbow tennis player" are excessive physical overloads affecting the muscles of forearm and hands;
  • often, the bourssit of the elbow articulation is developing suddenly, without obvious predisposing factors of development.

Group of increased risk

Employees of certain professions are subject to more than other diseases:

  • shoemakers;
  • polishers;
  • engravers;
  • this is especially true of athletes (bodybuilders, tennis players, fighters, arm wrestlers).

However, there are many reasons for the occurrence of bursita. Therefore, no one is insured against this ailment.

Symptoms of the disease

The elbow bursite develops if the amount of fluid increases in the synovial bag or it changes its composition, it is inflamed.

Signs of the disease:

  • localization of the process in the gamebulch bag;
  • since the tissues do not receive enough synovial fluid, due to friction of the bones, pain occur.

Classification of bourssita elbow process

Undage is divided due to the appearance, the nature of the pathogen.

Specific bursitis:

  • it arises as a result of the drift of pathogens of gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis and other pathogens who provoke complications;
  • pathogens penetrate the struck joint from other organs lymphogenic, hematogenic.

Brusit nonspecific:

  • in many cases, the disease is a complication after other diseases;
  • arises against the background of viral infection, angina, streptodermia, faces.

The inflammation of the mucous tissues of the joint capsule is classified by the nature of the liquid released in the tissue (exudate).

Development develops:

  1. Aseptic inflammation may be serous. At the same time, treatment requires treatment, since the movements are significantly difficult.
  2. Very severe inflammation is purulent bursitis. If the purulent inflammatory process extends to the tissue surrounding the joint, the pyretic body temperature is observed, which reaches 40 ° C. The patient's well-being is significantly worse. The fistulas - cavities with pus, who do not heal for a long time.
  3. Hemorrhagic bursitis develops, if, as a result of injury from other tissues in the joint pocket, a viscous protein liquid (plasma) penetrates, connecting tissue (blood).

There is a classification for clinical flow, the duration of the disease. Acute bursitis joint:

  1. The disease begins unexpectedly (from the appearance of edema and intolerable cutting pain, which arises during the movement). These painful sensations are enhanced when attempts to move the upper limb.
  2. Skin covers over the inflamed joints of pale, cold. When exposed to a painful point (the epicenter of the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow), sharp intense pains are often given along the outer surface of the hand.
  3. The sign is redness of the skin over the joint. She gets hot.
  4. Gradually painful synovial bag increases. A pronounced swelling is rapidly developing. There is a small reddened outflow, filled with liquid. If swelling remains unnoticed, the patient's position is aggravated, since the beginning of treatment is postponed. The swelling is pretty soft to the touch. Over time, it increases, reaches 10 cm.
  5. Temperature of the body may increase. There are signs of general intoxication of the body. The body develops functional disorders.
  6. The patient loses appetite. At work there is a rapid fatigue when performing movements by an affected hand.

Recurrent bursitis:

  • declares itself like an acute form of pathology;
  • arises as a result of infection;
  • since some of the pathoral microbes persists in the shells of the bags, the development of the illness may be due to the repeated damage to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe limb;
  • the deviation from the norm is resumed with any slightest damage to the limb tissue.

Chronic bursitis:

  1. It is characterized by the appearance of a weak pulsating pain in the problem zone, which is preserved for a long time.
  2. Freedom of movements, the mobility of the upper limb in the early stages are not lost.
  3. Painted small volumetric education.
  4. The swelling of the tissues in the bag area is first soft, insignificant. Gradually, it increases, the tissues are compacted.

Complications Bursita

Gradually, the walls of the synovial shell melts. Calcium sediments are formed around the affected joint. There is a contracture (Tugidity of the joint).

As a result of the development of pathology, it is formed:

  1. Purulent arthritis. On the joint, located next to the affected area, the causative agent of the gloty microbial flora (pathogenic golden staphylococcus) is distributed. The pathogenic process leads to a limitation of movements.
  2. Lymphadenitis. Fabric fluid from the focus of inflammation flows into the lymphatic vessels, causing their inflammation. The abscess is formed.
  3. Limphangit. This secondary pathology develops when the infection processes the lymphoid ducts from the section of purulent education. They are inflamed, pronounced bright lines, a red grid become clearly visible.
  4. Phlegmon. The walls of surface and deep lymphatic vessels are affected by infection. There is a purulent melting of tissues that are located between the muscles under the skin.

What to do patient with suspicion of bursitis? Recommendations:

  • appeal to the doctor when bouring the elbow joint is mandatory, since it is impossible to make a diagnosis independently;
  • the surgeon will hold a primary inspection and assign activities to form a diagnosis to find out the pathology option.

Diagnosis of the disease:

  • it is necessary to conduct a general blood test;
  • to translucent the painful portion of X-ray radiation, magnetic resonator tomography;
  • it is possible to evaluate the liquid content of the affected articular bag as a result of the accuracy of the cavity puncture.

Conservative treatment of Bursita

The use of integrated therapeutic procedures and drugs is necessary. Tactics of therapy depends on etiological factors. Depending on the causes of Bursita of the elbow joint, the treatment chooses a doctor.

In order to dissolve the contents of the inflamed synovial capsule, it can assign the following:

  1. Peace of limbs.
  2. Treat Bursith Elbow starts with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds.
  3. Compress with antibiotics, domexide on the joint.
  4. Electrophoresis, UHF, thermal procedures.
  5. In the case of purulent accumulation in the affected capsule "Athlete's disease" is treated with puncture. This procedure performs an experienced doctor. First, it removes the contents of the cavity of the painful capsule using puncture. The doctor introduces drugs with antibiotics into the body cavity. Then the pressing bandage is superimposed.

Surgical treatment of the disease:

  • if conservative treatment is ineffective, a surgical operation is offered to patients with chronic bursite;
  • the doctor performs the bursectomy - excision of the synovial capsule.

At home, you can use wise recipes, tested by time.

  • a piece of ice wrapped in a towel, applied for 20 minutes to the patient;
  • the thin layer of honey is applied to the joint and closes with a film overnight. Even the solar bursitis will retreat after the course of 10 daily procedures.

Prevention Bursita

Preventive measures will help avoid the risk of development of pathology:

  • strict adherence to the mode of operation and recreation;
  • dosing physical exertion;
  • immediate competent treatment of infectious diseases;
  • timely start of treatment in order to prevent the transition of the inflammatory process into the purulent phase;
  • preventing traumatic influence on the area of \u200b\u200bthe synovial capsules;
  • use of protective agents if there is a potential threat to injury;
  • scratching, scratches, cuts, abrasions need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, antiseptic.

Bursith of the elbow joint is a dangerous disease. The disease cannot be allowed on samoneck, since complications can be deplorable. It is impossible to bring the disease to heavy forms.

The disease can be successfully cured if the first suspicion for the presence of this dangerous illness immediately contact a specialist.

Qualified doctor's help - Healing guarantee. Disease is treated easier than its consequences. The prognosis is favorable, if you are attentive to your health.