Tea has a diuretic effect. Green tea: diuretic or not, beneficial properties, use. Opposite effects on the body

To reduce and completely eliminate swelling in tissues, diuretic tea is traditionally used for therapeutic purposes. The main task of consuming such drinks is to remove fluids from the body while maintaining the balance of microelements, and to provide a laxative effect without side effects.

Many plants have diuretic properties. The substances contained in them stimulate the contraction of the renal pelvis, due to which the removal of salts from the body occurs more effectively. In order to relieve swelling and remove edema, various herbs are used:

  • bearberry;
  • lingonberry leaf;
  • tricolor violet;
  • horsetail;
  • tripartite sequence;
  • Melissa.

These herbal remedies gently, with minimal discomfort, achieve the desired effect, but when preparing decoctions and teas from these plants, keep in mind that in addition to their diuretic properties, natural diuretics also have other effects that are not always beneficial to the patient.

Melissa herb

Who needs it

A good method for losing weight is to include natural diuretics in your list of dietary products. Diuretic tea helps with swelling, gets rid of cellulite, and is also great for removing extra pounds, especially if the patient uses physical activity in addition to diet.

Herbal diuretics together with antibiotics help cope with a common female disease - cystitis, but in advanced cases, diuretics should be used in doses. As a result of impaired kidney function, the eyelids may become swollen. Puffiness around the eyes is also relieved by the use of herbal diuretics.

The use of diuretics is recommended when tissue swelling occurs; it is especially useful to drink herbal teas for pregnant women, who often suffer from swollen legs due to a decrease in the content of certain salts in the body. To reduce the leaching of essential microelements, pregnant women should add milk to diuretic drinks. Green tea for pregnant women in combination with milk does an excellent job of relieving swelling.

To quickly lose weight, teas based on diuretic plants are used by athletes when preparing for competitions, but even in this case, to avoid negative consequences, the drink is mixed with milk. In addition to weight loss, this tea reduces the production of lactic acid, which causes muscle pain during overtraining.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Natural diuretics can be safe for all categories of patients, but exceeding the permissible limits of use can lead to undesirable consequences in pregnant women. Active use of herbal diuretic drinks can cause hearing loss, weakness, frequent dizziness, and leaching of some trace elements and calcium. Therefore, pregnant women need to consult a doctor on the use of diuretics both in the early stages of pregnancy in the first trimesters and in later stages.

Diuretic drink recipes

The simplest and most accessible diuretic drink is green tea with milk. You can prepare it at any time at home. Green tea is brewed in the usual way and milk is later added to taste. For the healing composition to have the best effect, you should choose milk with low fat content. An improved recipe for a diuretic drink, but perhaps less palatable, is as follows:

  • one liter of milk is heated almost to a boil;
  • green tea (about 2 grams) is added to warm milk;
  • The cooled drink is ready to drink (you can drink up to 1.5 liters of this tea per day).

Should I add milk?

As mentioned above, by pouring milk into tea, we achieve a mild laxative effect on the body. Green tea, like black tea, contains large amounts of caffeine, which provokes surges in blood pressure or tachycardia. Milk softens the effect of caffeine and actually neutralizes it; in addition, the taste of tea with milk becomes pleasant and noble.

How to use

When using diuretic teas, certain rules must be followed so that the benefits do not turn into harm. It is known that when urinating, various toxins are removed from the human body, but in parallel with cleansing of toxins, some useful minerals and vitamins are also washed out. Increasing the diuretic effect with teas and plant-based drinks can lead to accelerated removal of nutrients. This process must be regulated, and in order to retain important elements in the body, milk should be consumed together with tea.

When using tea as a diuretic, along with milk, drinking no more than 3 cups per day. This rate will effectively cleanse the kidneys and maintain the balance of microelements.

Herbal drinks should be tested in small doses first, as side effects such as unpleasant rashes or other allergic reactions may occur.

Advantages over drugs

Currently, you can buy a lot of ready-made diuretics at the pharmacy with different names. Such medications may have positive reviews, but in any case they consist of chemical compounds that carry many side effects for the body. It is enough to study the annotation for the medicine with contraindications and consequences of use to assess the possible harm. Herbal diuretics do not have such contraindications; the main thing is to adhere to the daily intake of drinks and teas based on diuretic plants and not abuse them. Many herbs used in decoctions and teas to enhance urination have an anti-inflammatory effect, help reduce blood pressure and protect the genitourinary system from infections.

Possible side effects

Medicines must be accompanied by instructions that clearly describe the possible consequences of using the drug, but for natural diuretics such information is rarely given. It is believed that herbal teas do not cause harm to the human body due to the low concentration of substances that stimulate urination. This position is incorrect, since plants, in addition to the stated diuretic effect, also affect other functions of the body.

The following symptoms are considered common side effects for diuretic drinks:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • frequent attacks of dizziness;
  • stomach upsets;
  • increased fatigue;
  • individual intolerance.

Considering the described phenomena, allergy sufferers should take a moderate approach to drinking this tea, especially when a child suffers from a similar disease.

The consequences of exceeding the norm of using diuretics may be a change in blood composition due to the leaching of some microelements.

Abuse, even of natural herbal drinks, can cause a negative reaction in the body. You need to carefully monitor your own sensations when taking diuretics, and if undesirable consequences occur, immediately stop using these drugs. A reasonable decision would be to go to your doctor and have a detailed consultation; in this case, the negative results of taking diuretics will be minimized.

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Many people use diuretics to lose weight, without fully realizing all the negative processes occurring in their body when using such methods.

How does diuretic tea affect the body?

Different groups of medications have an effect on different systems and organs, but the direction of their action is always the same - to remove as much fluid as possible from the body. Indeed, this method is quite effective for losing weight - excess water is drawn into the blood from the subcutaneous tissue, which, filtered in the renal tubular system, is converted into urine and excreted into the external environment. The body begins to respond to an increasing water deficit by feeling thirsty; if water reserves are not replenished naturally, water begins to be taken from internal reserves - subcutaneous fat. Under the influence of complex chemical processes, subcutaneous fatty tissue breaks down into glycerol and water. Glycerin is wasted as energy, and water is used for the corresponding needs of the body.

It would seem, what could be negative about these processes? After all, with the help of diuretics you can get rid of excess fat deposits in a short time. The essence of the negative impact is simple - the fact is that, along with water, micro- and macroelements that are vital for the functioning of salt systems, such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and chlorine, are washed out of the body. The role of these chemical compounds for the body is beyond the scope of this article, however, it is worth noting that with a deficiency of potassium and magnesium, the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the work of skeletal muscles, is impossible. Sodium and chlorine take part in the functioning of the nervous system and in regulating the exchange of water itself in the body.

In addition, if a person has a tendency to blood clots, low blood pressure or kidney disease, then the use of diuretic teas should be extremely careful, and the use of diuretic medications should only be under the supervision of a doctor.

The use of teas that have a diuretic effect is a gentler remedy for humans. First of all, due to organic diuretic components, which means they are closer to a living organism, in contrast to synthetic drug substances. However, it is worth noting that weight loss cannot be achieved in a short period of time when using diuretics for these purposes.

Diuretic teas are indicated for people with disorders of the lymphatic system and certain heart pathologies, when, due to their insufficient functioning, water accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, which leads to the formation of edema.

Good to know!
The mild diuretic effect of herbal infusions is preventive in nature with the aim of removing accumulated stagnant elements from the genitourinary system, and excess cholesterol from the liver.

If you regularly use diuretics, you need to be aware of the negative properties. Too frequent use can lead to chronic renal overload and cause pathological processes in them. If at the time of consumption there were deficiencies of the above salts, a critical shortage may occur, which, first of all, will have a very significant effect on muscle cramps. In addition, a cyclical effect can occur - with frequent use of diuretic teas, a feeling of thirst will arise, which they usually try to suppress with the same teas, which further complicates the water-salt exchange during orgasm.

Types of diuretic teas

One of the most famous diuretics is classic green tea, of any variety. The drink supports the removal of excess fluid from the body, helps in weight management and blood pressure regulation, and provides tissue cleansing. The main diuretic element in green tea is caffeine, the amount of which varies slightly depending on the type of tea.

Black tea can also serve as a diuretic due to the effects of caffeine. The situation with dehydration when drinking black tea is somewhat simpler. In order to cause a water deficiency in the body, you need to consume at least 300 mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to 10 glasses per day or 2.5 liters. If this volume is not exceeded, dehydration will not occur, but the elimination of excess fluid will be ensured.

Among herbal teas, an infusion of dandelion flowers has a good diuretic response. In addition, this drink is often recommended for detoxification purposes - the plant contains a sufficient amount of antioxidants. The content of specific flavonoids is very effective in the prevention of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract.

An infusion of burdock root, St. John's wort leaves, red clover flowers with the addition of turmeric is also often used for a diuretic effect.

When using any diuretic drinks, you should always be aware of possible dehydration, the first sign of which will be thirst.

At least once in our lives we drank diuretic tea for swelling. An unbalanced diet with a large amount of carbohydrates, disorders of the heart and kidneys are the main causes of edema. And a drink with a diuretic effect will come to the rescue. You can buy diuretic tea at a pharmacy or specialty store. Of course, we all want to be beautiful and therefore, to quickly get rid of extra pounds, we also use diuretic herbal infusions. They have not only medicinal properties, but also a pleasant taste. But not all medicinal herbs have diuretic properties.

You can achieve the desired diuretic effect with regular teas, without resorting to the use of pharmaceutical preparations.

Types of diuretic tea

Green tea

The most effective remedy with no side effects. It possesses these qualities thanks to tannins, tannin, essential oils, alkaloids, and a set of vitamins and microelements. You need to drink only a freshly brewed drink and no more than 2-3 cups a day. This drink also burns calories, speeding up metabolism, so it is actively used in the fight against excess weight.

Black tea

Black tea, like green tea with milk, has a diuretic effect. But it is softer in its action. And the reason for this is the presence of caffeine in it. But since caffeine stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also constricts blood vessels, it is necessary to add milk to soften its effect. Low fat content is better. This drink can be drunk even by pregnant women and people with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also perfectly cleanses the kidneys.

Herbal infusions

The problem of puffiness can also be solved with the help of herbal tea. It gives a good diuretic effect. But most of us are not very knowledgeable about herbs, so you should buy them at the pharmacy in the form of infusions, such as kidney tea or monastic herbal tea. They contain more than one component, providing a complex effect - anti-inflammatory, diuretic and help remove stones. You can also use herbs grown in your own garden. Chamomile is a soothing and anti-inflammatory agent. With regular use, it restores normal metabolism in the body and thereby relieves swelling. A very large number of herbs have diuretic properties. Ivan tea is rightfully recognized as the most famous. Due to the caffeine content it contains, it has a diuretic effect. They drink it for kidney diseases.

Drinks for weight loss

If you want to lose weight by removing fluid from the body, then choose ginger tea. It removes toxins perfectly. And, besides, its taste qualities will leave few people indifferent. You can also drink monastery tea for this. It contains rose hips, St. John's wort, oregano, elecampane and black tea. Monastery tea can also cure diabetes, prostatitis, hypertension, hepatitis, relieve smoking and alcoholism, and normalize heart function.

Hibiscus tea

But the most popular among herbal teas is hibiscus. It consists of the petals of the Sudanese rose or is also called hibiscus. It has a bright color and a sweet and sour taste. Hibiscus has its medicinal properties due to the organic acids, flavonoids, trace elements and fruit acids it contains. These products not only normalize metabolism, but also improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. It is excellent for kidney and liver diseases. Well, in matters of weight loss he has no equal. Increases metabolism with the help of fruit acids and thereby burns fat deposits. The drink must be drunk for three weeks and after a short break, take a 10-day course again. After all, only long-term use of hibiscus will help achieve a permanent effect in the fight against extra pounds.

Swollen eyes in the morning and heavy legs in the evening decorate few people. They are caused by edema, which occurs due to impaired metabolism in the body. Poor nutrition, abuse of bad habits, and pregnancy also lead to swelling. Diuretic teas will help cope with problems.

How to choose the right tea? Before using any herbal infusions, you need to be diagnosed by a doctor. Behind the edema are hidden problems that must be approached with all seriousness: kidney and heart diseases, varicose veins. Edema occurs during pregnancy and requires careful attention.

Will tea help with swelling?

Diuretic teas and mixtures help reduce swelling of tissues and bring them to a normal appearance. When using teas, the amount of excess liquid is removed. Sometimes you can find the right anti-edema tea after several attempts. You should listen carefully to the body’s reaction and take your time. The medicinal components of infusions accumulate in the body and give a positive effect after several weeks of regular use.


All medicinal plants have their own character and can bring benefits and harm. In order for healing infusions to have a positive effect on your health, follow a number of rules:

  • Treatment should begin with a minimal amount of kidney tea for edema and gradually increase it.
  • Don't expect quick results.
  • Avoid drinking the medicinal drink late at night.
  • Change the composition of the tea periodically to avoid addiction.
  • Use caution during pregnancy. Some herbs included in kidney teas can adversely affect the development of the fetus or lead to miscarriage.

Tablets or herbs

The modern pharmacological industry regularly provides drugs designed to reduce swelling. The action of such funds is based on:

  • increased excretion of potassium and sodium salts from the body (Dichlorothiazide, Oxodolin, Klopamide, Triampur, Amiloride, Veroshpiron);
  • stabilization of kidney function (theophylline, furosemide).

The effectiveness of medications is high, but they can often negatively affect the condition of other parts of the body. Herbal infusions have a gentle effect. They are famous for their ability to strengthen a weakened body, and a properly selected composition helps to remove swelling. With high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, only kidney teas can help against edema.

First aid kit for swelling

Popular diuretic herbs: mint, saffron, hops, dill, yarrow, birch. You can collect herbs yourself and make compositions from them, or use ready-made mixtures sold in pharmacies. On sale you can find special tea for edema during pregnancy with a safe combination of plants.

The power of Russian herbs

Herbal infusions have diuretic (diuretic) properties due to their effects on the body:

  • activation of the urinary system due to a gentle effect on the ureters and renal pelvis;
  • removal of salts from the body.

Plant properties

Each plant in the collection contributes to its effectiveness:

  • Mint improves kidney function, additionally soothes and reduces blood pressure.
  • Horsetail present in renal preparations, helps remove excess fluid while maintaining normal salt balance.
  • Pharmaceutical chamomile reduces inflammation and has a calming effect. After its use, there is an improvement in the functioning of the digestive system.
  • St. John's wort is included in kidney teas during pregnancy for edema.
  • Melissa also good for women expecting a baby.
  • Cranberries and lingonberries– berries that add flavor to teas.
  • Birch leaves They help restore the functioning of the kidneys and heart.
  • Parsley and dill- familiar herbal seasonings included in diuretic preparations. They should be used with caution in pregnant women and patients with nephritis.

Popular combinations

Proven herbs that will help with swelling:

  • fennel seeds, birch leaves, chamomile, horsetail;
  • yarrow, immortelle;
  • birch leaves, strawberries, nettles, anise;
  • black tea, mint, St. John's wort.

How to make tea

To prepare the collection, you will need to brew a teaspoon of the herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water. The tea should be steeped for 15-20 minutes and then used immediately. If desired, add honey, sugar and milk. The ready-to-drink infusion after breakfast and lunch, without delaying until later.

Ready-made herbal teas from the pharmacy are consumed 2-3 times a day. They can be purchased in the form of filter bags, which are convenient to brew at home and in the office.

Green tea against swelling

Not only herbs, but also the usual green tea will help with swelling. It perfectly removes fluid from the body and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Green tea helps with swelling due to its rich chemical composition. You can drink no more than 2-3 cups per day.

Decongestant drink for expectant mothers

Pregnancy is often accompanied by ailments. Edema is a problem that pregnant women complain about.

Herbal teas will help relieve the painful condition of expectant mothers. Green tea can be a safe and proven remedy for edema.

Other options for anti-edema infusions for expectant mothers:

  • rosehip with hawthorn;
  • strawberry tea;
  • lingonberries (dried or dried berries are brewed, you can add leaves);
  • dried fruits compote.

By starting to take herbal tea for puffy eyes, you can improve your overall health.

To quickly get rid of 2 - 3 kg of excess weight, you need to drink diuretic tea, and almost everyone who is losing weight knows about this. Indeed, with proper use of a good/quality drink, you can get your figure in order in just a couple of days. But how safe is such emergency weight loss, and does it have contraindications?

Read in this article

Impact on the body

The main effect of diuretic teas is complete cleansing of the kidneys and urinary system. The urge to go to the toilet becomes very frequent, which brings quite significant discomfort into a person’s life. But the scale readings over these few days are “pleasant to the eye”!

First, under the influence of diuretic tea, all fluid is removed from the kidneys, then other organs and systems of the body, including the skin, get rid of water. Unfortunately, such rapid weight loss does not always have only advantages; it can cause significant harm to health.

Pros and cons of diuretic tea for weight loss

The main advantage of losing weight with the help of the drinks in question is considered to be quick results. But those who are losing weight need to remember that every person’s body consists mainly of water – 80% of it! And if fluid removal occurs quickly and in large volumes, then health deterioration will certainly occur.

Another benefit of diuretic teas is getting rid of puffiness. And this automatically makes the figure slimmer, the skin becomes smooth and without visible signs of cellulite.

But here are the disadvantages of losing weight with diuretic teas noted by nutritionists:

Rules of use for weight loss

Each weight loss tea with a diuretic effect comes with instructions. According to it, the drink is consumed in the amount of 2 - 3 cups (200 - 300 ml) per day before lunch. Some formulations contain senna leaves, a plant that has a fairly powerful laxative effect. And if just such a drink is chosen for weight loss, then it can be taken only on those days when there is no need to go outside, go to work or visit.

The duration of the weight loss course using the method in question is a maximum of 3 days.

Often people try to enhance the effect by drinking too high a dosage of diuretic tea, which can lead to an overdose, which has the following symptoms:

  • short-term nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness, up to trembling in the knees;
  • increased drowsiness.

The presence of at least one of these signs means that you need to stop taking diuretic tea and seek advice from a general practitioner.

Recipes for good homemade drinks

You can, of course, buy ready-made herbal tea at the pharmacy, it’s easier and more practical. But you can cook it yourself! This does not require any exotic fruits, rare plants or special equipment.

The easiest way to prepare diuretic tea: Pour 50 g of dried rose hips into 1 liter of hot water (no boiling water!) and leave in a thermos for 10 - 12 hours. This drink will be useful not only for weight loss, but also for general health. Rose hips contain a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens and improves immunity, participates in metabolic processes, making them stable.

Often, diuretic tea refers to a decoction of a collection of herbs. To prepare it you need to take:

  • nettle, senna and medicinal – 20 g each (almost a full teaspoon);
  • mint, dill and fennel - 10 g each (half a teaspoon).

All components are stems or leaves, and only fennel uses the root. This herbal mixture is brewed according to the standard recipe: 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per 0.5 liter of warm water. Everything is boiled in a water bath for a maximum of 7 minutes, then cooled and filtered.

To learn how to prepare diuretic tea for weight loss at home, watch this video:

Which one should you buy at the pharmacy?

The variety of drinks with a diuretic effect is quite large and sometimes it is difficult to make a choice. Nutritionists advise first of all to study the composition, which should contain lingonberry leaves, rose hips, etc. Various dried and fruit pieces are used as additional components.

There should be no flavoring additives, aromas, vitamin enhancers or similar synthetic ingredients in diuretic tea for weight loss!

Pharmaceutical tea with a diuretic effect

In general, ready-made preparations in pharmacies are sold to those who suffer from kidney pathologies and need to forcibly remove fluid from the body. Famous herbal teas for weight loss, which are advertised in the media and on the Internet, contain ingredients with a laxative effect and do not give good results in 2 - 3 days. If you need to quickly get your figure in order, you should give preference to drugs from pharmacy chains labeled “diuretics.”


What can be achieved in 2 - 3 days of active use of diuretic tea is just getting rid of 3 - 5 kg of excess weight and swelling. Plumbing occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, fat reserves remain in place.

If diuretic tea is used in conjunction with a low-calorie diet and physical activity, then weight loss will occur at least one and a half times faster.

Diuretic teas are a good option for those who need quick weight correction by small amounts. Long-term weight loss involves drinking the drink, but only in limited quantities and for a course of no more than 15 days in a row, after which there should be a break of 2 weeks.

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