Battle spells of dark magic. Combat Magic: The Basics. Combat magic at the informational level

Is the battle mage a fantasy hero or an active member of the modern magical community? Everyone who reads fantasy books has almost certainly heard about battle mages, because magical battles and battles, global and local wars of mythical kingdoms rarely do without the use of the power of sorcerers or wizards who specialize in using magic in battle. There are even special sections in book publishing devoted to this topic. In particular, this refers to the "Battle Magic" series, which includes works that tell about wars with the participation of magicians and not only.

However, one should not think that the phenomenon of combat magic, as well as the magicians themselves, exists only on the pages of books. Not at all! As long as there is a history of human wars, there is so much combat or military magic, which is a set of methods and techniques that allow, through the use of magical means, conspiracies and rituals, to achieve the desired outcome of the hostilities. This is one of the most insecure and difficult categories of magical knowledge. If only because it is too many-sided. It includes a huge number of important and necessary rituals on the battlefield: from the incantation of weapons and magical effects on the overall course of the war to protective spells designed to protect the warrior from mortal wounds in battle.

If we try to present the effect and tools that are used in this art in the most accessible and simplified form, then we can say that the whole theory of combat magic is based on the idea that the personal and accumulated energy of the magician can be used to strike another person ( enemy), as in some cases. In other words, magicians fight not with weapons and not with physical force. They use the energy potential that they have accumulated at the moment. This is the case if the battle takes place between magicians on a subtle level.

If a wizard or sorcerer helps an army, then, of course, there are other methods that affect the spirit of both a particular warrior and the collective unconscious of the entire army. One way or another, but combat magicians have existed at all times, and in our turbulent time, rich in armed conflicts and a high level of aggression among the masses, they are relevant, perhaps, no less. Fighters of the invisible front, they continue to influence the power of certain militant groups and the outcome of battles, not to mention the fact that they periodically fight with each other.

The most interesting thing is that people who own some techniques, which can also be called “combat magic”, are also found in the everyday world. Sometimes they use their knowledge in conflicts, emerging victorious from them, or they try to suppress the will of individuals they don’t like (even if it happens in an ordinary metropolitan office), activate psychological vampirism and train and hone their skills in every possible way.

Learning military magic

There are several ways to learn military magic. First of all, you should turn to literary sources for help and, having memorized conspiracies and rituals, try to use them on your own in battles or when certain conflicts arise. Fortunately, today there is every opportunity to gain access to such sources of information: open archives and libraries, a chic selection of magical literature on the shelves of specialized stores and book markets, and, in the end, you can always download books or collections of conspiracies on the Internet.

However, this method is not very powerful without regular practice and knowledge of the general foundations of magic as such, therefore, an individual who has embarked on this path is recommended to first thoroughly master all the material on magic in general, before proceeding directly to the theory and, even more so, to the practice of martial magic. arts. Unfortunately, it often turns out that the unfortunate magician, who has read a lot of combat spells, knows the basics of magical influence in battle only superficially and does not even represent the whole danger of his position, which can end tragically for him. Both the war itself and the forces that collide in the process of its implementation do not forgive mistakes, because in the most global sense it represents a great sacrifice in the name of maintaining the balance of power in the world. And therefore, one should be very careful when appealing to these forces or, even more so, entering into conflict with them. In general, those who themselves are trying to master the craft of a military magician should not forget how dangerous and even destructive is that combat magic, the training of which was not as correct and verified as possible. However, in addition to self-study, there is a surer way to comprehend this difficult science - you just need to find a practicing combat magician. This is where the main difficulty arises.

You can find yourself in the middle of hostilities, you can taste the bitter bread of war, you can study the affairs of modern military leaders, but there is practically no guarantee that you will find a magician. Of course, comparing various military incidents and incidents, analyzing the combat biographies of the combat masters of various states, one can find some clues, but the result obtained is unlikely to at least partially correspond to the efforts made. However, if you use, for example, the same magical means to find the right people or competently reach out to fellow combat magicians in the craft who operate in other areas, you can achieve what you want. It is ideal to find a teacher of such a level of power as the magician of Atlantis Monosov, who comprehended magic in its globality and created a personal school that only the elite get into. But even if you have a less powerful teacher, this is not important, since the very fact of his presence is already a huge achievement on the path of a warrior-mage. And here you will find the most interesting.

Learning from a war mage is one hundred percent discipline and hard work, it is a constant memorization of conspiracies and a guardhouse in the form of creating the most complex potions and collecting roots for them. These are not even magical training courses, but a kind of military service (“army”), after which you can become a real battle magician. But in any case, you should always remember that this kind of magical effect almost completely depends on the energy potential of the master who puts it into practice, which means that if you don’t have enough talents and energy, then no work, perseverance and cramming spells will help. Energy is the foundation of a warrior. The only thing that can be advised in case it is not enough is to look for ways and methods of accumulating it or transforming other types of energy into personal combat.

What is more effective: conspiracies for defense or attack?

It's no secret that the complexity of military magic lies in its global nature - it covers a huge number of practices that a warrior should never forget about (and ideally, use them altogether, creating a universal and perfect attacking-defensive weapon) . Combat magic has a variety of techniques: from primitive, often used by many soldiers even unconsciously (energy self-tuning, mental demoralization of the enemy, reading and praying, using amulets and talismans, self-hypnosis, energy exposure or tuning weapons and combat vehicles) to complex and complex (for example , invoking the forces of the elements, ancestral spirits with elements of necromancy and similar varieties of magic as such). The most key (or basic) techniques of combat magic are considered to be defensive and attacking.

An active Warmaster's attack can manifest itself as follows:

  • In the form of an attack on the astral level (relevant when the one being attacked is not protected by anything, the blow is delivered to the astral body of the enemy)
  • In the form of imposing a curse (a particularly powerful bioenergetic impact that breaks the usual spiritual and physical ties of the enemy with his world)
  • In the form of energy impact (suppression of the will of the enemy, imposing one's own will, energy vampirism)
  • In the form of a mental blow (the highest level of skill of a war mage, practically not identifiable by its characteristics, but the most effective, consisting in the total destruction of key personality parameters)
  • In the form of a physical impact created through magic (fireballs, laser beams, red-hot magma, tornadoes, etc.)
  • In the form of using third forces (egregors, resurrected zombies, etc.).

The magician's protective tools can be represented by protective spells, a protective aura, proper lifestyle and appearance, as well as appropriate behavioral responses and the ability to perform emergency protective rites and passes if necessary.

Variety of defensive spells

On the day of the battle, immediately before it, you need to find the nearest source of water, go to it, scoop up water with one hand and, after reading a spell over it “I drink the water of strength, I drink the water of power, I drink the water of invincibility”, drink up. It is best to wipe your hand on the weapon to be used in combat. The spoken water will help him too, hardening him with the energy of victory. After that, you need to turn towards the sun and read the following: “As I see (your name) this day, so let me Almighty God see the next one”.

If the battle began suddenly, any prayer addressed with faith to the Lord can help, or the most elementary conspiracy based on combat magic, like this: “The star that controls the weapons today! I want to bewitch you and I tell you to obey me in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”(we should also not forget that after this kind it is best to cross yourself).

For soldiers who are in a long, protracted war or located in enemy territory, constantly forced to “walk under bullets”, there is a simple plot that can be repeated every week. It is done only on that day of the week and only at the hour when the person who performed it was born. The words of the conspiracy are:

“On the sea-okiyane, on the island of Buyan, a combustible stone lies. There is a deep shovanka under this combustible stone. I (your name) am sitting in that shovanka. Until they reach the island, they don’t raise a combustible stone, they don’t open the shovanka, and they won’t find me (your name) until then, neither a bayonet, nor a saber, nor an ax, nor a bullet, nor a dashing person will take me.

In addition, potions and decoctions can help, as well as special amulets created to win and save life in battle to the one who wears them.

In conclusion of the article, I would still like to dwell in more detail on the problem of choosing literature for reading, which would help the future war magician, since a series of books devoted to this topic (and written in a fairy-tale fashion, suggesting the mythical and implausible depicted and claiming to be scientific) , is very numerous, as a result of which there is a risk of choosing the wrong books and the wrong textbooks as companions.

So, first of all, it is worth starting with canonical texts on magic, which appear in all lists of literature of this kind and are indispensable both for comprehending magical art and for further mastering martial magical techniques. Such works include, for example, the magnificent books of Papus, which contain a lot of useful information about incantations, potions, occult rituals and rituals. These are, for example, such works of his as "The Science of Magicians", "Practical Magic", "Occultism", "Ceremonial Magic" and others. In addition to his works, Richard Cavendish “Black Magic”, Eliphas Levi “The Doctrine and Ritual of Higher Magic”, Reinak “Theory of Magic”, Paul Hasson “Textbook of Black and White Magic” and others are also useful.

From domestic reading matter, experts highly recommend the books “Military Magic and Hypnosis”, “Combat Magic of the Slavs: The Way of the Magus” by Yuri Serebryansky, which, although they are partly works of art, are still full of historical facts and documentary. In particular, the "Way of the Magus" describes in detail the methods and techniques that have been used since ancient times by the Slavic tribes in the process of educating brave and fearless warriors. After reading this book, you can learn many secrets of the battle magician, which will greatly help the descendants of the Slavs. After all, as Don Juan Castaneda said, a warrior must act on his territory, then he will have maximum strength. By studying the military magical skills of the ancestors, one can discover the amazing facets of the combat magic of the pagans, which will be relevant today. Also from the books devoted to this topic, the works of Andrey Ramses, the canonical work “Fundamentals of Combat Magic” (author unknown), “Compilation-Manual on Combat and Ritual Magic” by Yevgeny Smirnov and others are good.

Of course, even if you read all the books, combat magic is unlikely to succumb immediately, because, in addition to knowledge, you also need relevant experience and the presence of specific talents, as well as the firm guiding hand of a teacher who could correct the process of mastering the craft in time, help to understand certain aspects of it, etc. However, in any case, for a novice adept, there is nothing better than a correctly chosen reading, as a result of reading which a person will finally realize what she will have to face in the future, and if she makes a positive decision on this issue, then it will be as verified and deliberate as possible.

According to the quality of the impact on a person, combat magic can be conditionally divided into mental and astral.
Mental combat magic is a light form of energy attack and defense. It is almost impossible to kill with such magic, except by causing irritability in the subject, leading him to a heart attack or an accident due to indiscretion. For the first, at least half an hour of intense exposure to the heart of the opponent is necessary.
Astral combat magic is an attack from AP and occurs at frequencies that are heavier and closer to physical, which accordingly accelerates the transition of damage to physical and makes them more significant.

The outcome of the actions of combat magic fluctuates in the following degrees:
Initial (damage to various layers of energy bodies and further impact of this on a person’s life and mood), advanced (energy damage that leads to the emergence of various ailments and ailments of internal organs), high (deep energy damage with severe and quick consequences for the human body) , higher (damages, in addition to various health problems, lead the opponent to partial or complete loss of memory, coma, insanity), lethal (lead to the death of the enemy - instant or fleeting within a week)

The combat magic of the elements is the use of attack and defense techniques of various qualities of action with a bias towards one or another element.
Combat psionics includes psionic attacks and defenses, which stand alone in combat magic, as differ from other types of such direction of influences.
Combat energy is:
- use of combat magic in street fights
- strengthening the physical body with the help of magic

For those who wish to dedicate themselves to such a craft as the way of the battle mage, I can give some advice. First, anyone can fight, even the blind. If you have vision problems, develop your other talents, including combat and defense. Second, no attack or defense is perfect. If you know the formula for creating a super shield, but saying it with your “liver you feel” that it cracked almost immediately, go on to attack or further defend, and don’t try to convince yourself that, like, “it seemed to me that such a shield cannot just crack !!! "
Third, don't be afraid, but don't be reckless either.
Fourthly, the best defensive attack even for the "blind" is the visualization of a heavy machine gun burst. Those who watched the movie Pearl Harbor remember the installations from which kamekaze planes were shot down from ships. These are the queues you should visualize in the direction where the attack is coming from.
Fifth, only three things limit you in combat magic - your strength, energy reserve and fantasy (inventiveness combined with flexible thinking)

The rest is in your hands.

Combat magic - magic aimed at attacking, often an attack on another magician, it is worth noting that this method of witchcraft is dangerous for the magician himself, because it requires a lot of energy, it is not recommended to engage in combat magic for those who have not mastered other types of magic, first of all, you need to understand how it works magic.
Combat magic is not spells or damage (which are also used), combat magic is the ability to use your energy, to master combat magic you need to know the structure of witchcraft influence. There are several areas of combat magic, astral karate, energy wushu, and. etc. these directions only teach to attack with energy. Energy attack is only a part of combat magic, it is necessary to master protection against witchcraft influence, to understand the principle of magic. The principle of the device of magic (what and how it works) is not published anywhere, true magicians will never say everything, in order to become a magician they had to go through a certain path and they do not want someone to get knowledge easier, in addition, in the learning process, the teacher must understand whether it is possible teach this student or bring the student to the state he needs, change him. Below is one of the options for explaining combat magic, remember to understand the principles, including reading between the lines. The easiest way to understand these concepts is to create the simplest weapon of "combat magic" - Fireball. To begin with, collect a bunch of vita between the palms. Now condense it with an effort of will. Remember the feeling of this action. This is another universal sign - Concentration. By the way, such a dense clot of power is sometimes also called a thought form. Then, without weakening your attention, remember something that makes you angry. Turn the power of anger into an intent to destroy the enemy. Put this intention into the thought form in your hands, turning it into a fireball that burns with a bright flame. Choose a suitable target and with an effort of will (which is best reinforced by a throwing movement of the hands) direct the ball at it. Imagine how it explodes, incinerating the target. In principle, the object obtained in this way does indeed have some penetrating power. Thrown at an unsuspecting person, it is capable of quite seriously damaging his ethereal matrix. However, there are a number of circumstances that make it difficult to consider "combat magic" spells as a suitable weapon in conflicts. Firstly, as has just been said, the same Fireball can only harm an unsuspecting person. It is enough to do yoga, qigong or similar practice properly to acquire a dense, developed vita, from which most of these blows bounce off like peas from a wall. The magician who knows about the attack is quite capable of simply absorbing and digesting an aggressive thought form to great benefit for himself. Secondly, this person must believe in the possibility of harming him in this way. A notorious skeptic who denies magic at all is not only immune to "combat magic", but also emits a kind of white noise, which generally greatly hinders magical activity within his reach. And thirdly, even when an aggressive thought form has really caused harm, this damage will not appear immediately. For example, the Fireball is capable of causing a short-term (but strong) increase in pressure and temperature in its victim about an hour after being hit. So it will not be possible to use it to fight off street gopniks. On the other hand, everything changes if a person has made an astral exit. His consciousness belongs at this moment to another reality, he is not able to change anything in the real world, but he is quite capable of creating thought forms. Moreover - belonging to the same layer of reality as their creator himself, they seem to be real objects. And they are able to cause real harm (of course, only to those who themselves are in the astral plane). This circumstance has led to the fact that "astral magicians" are happy to comprehend "combat" energy and spread legends that real magicians are obliged to sort things out with each other only and exclusively in the astral plane. In fact, applied energy really has a combat application. Many martial arts include "hard qigong". Its varieties are the ability of karatekas to break boards and bricks with their bare hands, and the ability of adherents of the "iron shirt" to endure the strongest blows. But hard qigong is practically useless for a magician. Due to its complexity, it does not leave time and energy to master anything else, so it is worth leaving it to professional fighters. It is nevertheless useful to study "combat magic". It contains many skills that are problematic to learn in any other way. This is especially true for defensive techniques.
Techniques and methods of attack!

The simplest way to energy attack. The palms are folded into a prayer position at chest level. After that, they begin to slowly move apart, forming a glow between them, gradually taking the form of a ball. When the ball is stretched to the required size, it is “transferred” to the right (left) hand and thrown at the enemy with a whip motion, trying to hit the energy nodes (points of energy exchange, chakras - you can call it whatever you like).

"Summoning the Sword"

Visualization: lower your right hand to your left thigh and feel the hilt of the sword. Then, with a smooth movement, you take it out and apply a chopping blow. The main thing is not to lose visualization at the moment the sword is immersed in the opponent's field.


Raise your right hand up and visualize lightning striking from above into the center of the palm. After a while, you will feel that the hand begins to pierce with discharges that pass into the body. Gently lower your hand, collecting all the energy received from lightning in your palms into a small sparkling ball of the color of lightning, and throw it at the enemy in the same way.


Sharply raise bent at the elbow under 90 degrees. right hand to the side so that the fist is pointing up. At the same time, you clearly hear a metallic clang. When the hand freezes in the upper position, you begin to feel the weight of the iron glove, dressed on your fist. When you confidently feel her (gloves) presence, you can deliver either a regular blow (it will turn out several times stronger), or a blow to the enemy’s field.

"Onion" !!!

Starting position: Feet shoulder-width apart, the toe of the left foot and the heel of the right are on the same line connecting you and the opponent. The left arm is extended forward at the level of the chin, but does not fully straighten, remaining slightly bent at the elbow. The brush is raised up 90 degrees, edge forward. The right hand covers the left.

Visualization: Your left hand is the bow, the right hand holds the string. You begin to draw back the string, spreading your arms as if you were holding a real bow. A luminous blue (black, red) arrow appears between the hands, which increases in length as the distance between the hands increases. At the moment when the tension reaches its maximum, that is, you understand that a little more and the visualization will be lost, the right hand releases the bowstring and the arrow instantly overcomes the distance to the enemy, hitting him.

Tips: After the arrow hits the target, imagine that the enemy reacts to your attack like a real arrow hit, this will enhance the effect.

Advantages: Penetrates almost any energy protection, because. is a targeted attack.

Disadvantages: Long attack preparation time.

"Falling Stone"

Purpose: In addition to general damage from an attack, it causes an oppressed state in the enemy, worsens work with energy.

Optimal time: Doesn't matter.

Starting position: Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered at 30 degrees from the body.

Visualization: Begins with a slow bending of the arms at the elbows. A clot of dense, heavy energy is formed, similar in structure to a stone. After that, the creation of a large gray stone from this energy is visualized, which, with the rise of hands, rises up and hangs over the enemy.

Sharply spreading his arms to the sides, the stone "drops" on the enemy. At the same time, it is desirable to visualize how the stone falls on the body of the enemy, breaking it and crushing it into the ground. It is recommended to visualize the torment and convulsions of the opponent for some time.

Techniques "Kat"

The complex of techniques "Kat" is intended for direct impact on a person without intermediate stages, such as an energy formation thrown into the enemy.

When performing any technique from this complex, absolute tactile visualization of the process is necessary. Simply put, you must be able to visualize with absolute accuracy the sensations that arise when you touch an opponent.


Purpose: The technique is intended for the impact of the type of suffocation. The victim manifests difficulty breathing, increased pressure, headache. With weak resistance to suggestion or increased sensitivity, fainting, loss of consciousness are possible. The extreme case is a stroke.

The technique itself: The hands begin to approach each other, while a feeling is formed as if you are putting them on the neck of the opponent and begin to slowly squeeze. You can feel his muscles tense up against the pressure, his blood pulsing. You see how his face turns red, how it acquires an unnaturally bluish tint, how his eyes pop out of their sockets, how he tries to gasp for air ...

When working, it is desirable to look into the eyes of the victim, trying to look behind, or through them, deep into the head.

When you see the initial effect, I advise you to stop the action, because. the technique has some inertia, that is, the effect lags slightly behind the impact in time.

"Heart in a Fist"

Purpose: The technique is intended for direct impact on the heart. The opponent begins to experience pain in the left half of the chest, difficult and painful breathing begins, pressure rises, red spots appear on the face. The extreme case is a heart attack.

The technique itself: The master slightly raises his right hand and makes a sharp jerk with his hand forward. At this moment, the following visualization occurs: the hand pierces the chest, breaking the ribs, and grabs the heart and begins to slowly squeeze the heart. The master sees and feels how the heart tries to convulsively contract, and continues to squeeze it. Here the fabric bursts and a stream of blood hits from the hole, and the heart continues to shrink in the hand. The lump of flesh in the hand loses its red color and gradually acquires an unpleasant yellow tint ... This can be stopped.

All the time while the impact is being made, the master sees not only the squeezing heart, but also the face of the opponent

When you see the initial effect, I advise you to stop the action, because. this technique also has some inertia, like the previous one.

"Open Fist"

Purpose: Contact-energy technology. It is aimed at causing damage to internal organs without leaving marks on the skin. May cause tissue rupture and internal hemorrhage.

The technique itself: Red-brown energy is concentrated in the fist. The concentration is considered sufficient when the fist begins to burn (or pinch the palm). After that, a blow is struck. The blow is made flat on a large scale (in order to achieve the highest speed of the fist), and in front of the very surface of the body, the fist opens and the very contact with the body of the enemy goes with an open palm, with the release of the accumulated charge deep into the body.

Tips: When hit, the hand does not stop on the surface, but smashes the body as far as there is enough energy.

Let your arm hang freely along the body. Allow the energy to accumulate in your fingertips. When the concentration is maximum (you will feel it, since you can no longer keep the energy in the body), you sharply throw up your hand in the direction of the target. Energy bolts shoot out of your fingers. With proper training, these zippers can cover a good area. But still, this type of attack is directed.
Destroys from the first attack of astral twins, small entities, Shadows. Doesn't require a lot of energy.
a short impulse of great power. Requires some time to prepare.


An energy ball is created using both hands. The diameter of the ball is brought to a minimum of 30 cm. Then, spreading your arms to the sides and raising them, let the ball float up. With a mental command, the ball explodes, covering the perimeter within a radius of 10 meters with fragments. Visualization that a fragmentation grenade exploded above you. Keep in mind that when creating "shrapnel" it is necessary to program it for safety for yourself, your loved one. To enhance the effect, you can fill the ball with any needles, nails (of course, energy ones).
Covers a large area.
Weakly affects the physical and etheric body.

Shaping an energy blade.

To do this, you must select the type of weapon. It is divided into piercing-cutting, throwing and shooting. The first includes all types of knives, swords, halberds and axes. To the second - bows, crossbows, pistols. Bows and crossbows are preferred as the arrow is easier to visualize and the hit effect can be richer. the third - daggers, hatchets.
how to make a dagger.
The primary form is taken. It can be a sketch on paper (which is easier for beginners), a picture from the Internet, or a real prototype. The main thing is to feel the shape, its heaviness, sharpness and other parameters.
Then there are several ways to create.
The first way: in the magician's workspace.
To do this, move your consciousness into this field and begin to visualize the blade. Again, imagine its physical parameters. When the blade is ready, full of energy and the destruction program (poison, lightning, etc.) is invested in it, just leave the workspace with this blade. It appears in your hand at the energy-mental level.
The second way: in the real world.
This requires the ability to work with "energy". You shape the shape of the blade with your energy, then begin to coat it layer by layer with energy. It's like a blacksmith processing a blade in several passes, adding strength and sharpness to it. At the time of creation, you need to program the blade for the effect of defeat. This method allows you to create a blade for a longer time and requires constant energy replenishment. And the effect of the defeat is several times stronger with visual intrusions on the body of the victim.
The third way: disposable-energy.
Preparation is required (as the best option). You make a "matrix" of the blade and store it in the energy field of your body. When a blade is needed, simply pass the extra energy through the matrix and the blade appears in your hands.
Fourth way: a gift.
Someone will custom-make a blade for you and bring its matrix into your biofield. You can make many different matrices and keep them in your workspace. When necessary, immediately take one of the matrices.
Small arms are formed according to the same laws. Only the arrows are made separately and strive in every possible way. The effect of a hit depends on your strength and imagination. You can combine several arrows, each with its own effect. For arrows, a separate matrix is ​​​​formed and built into the hand or into the weapon.
Thrown weapons are crafted like arrows, but the matrix is ​​built into the hand.
In the end, I will say that this is just the basics. I will not develop this topic, so that you yourself fantasize about the problem. But for a beginner, this material is quite enough.
belongs to the class of ready weapons, does not require time to recharge and form, since you go into battle with a ready blade. With proper pumping of the blade, visible damage is inflicted on the physical level. The effect of wounds is quite real, so if you beat in the heart, you can kill. perfect for mental combat.
in the physical world, you can't hurt with an invisible sword. Although with good pumping, the blade is slightly visible to mere mortals, especially in the dark. So I did not notice any disadvantages in this class of weapons.
How to close:
another blade, shield, or stop being visible to attack

A syringe needle is visualized (a meter long, a radius of up to 5 cm), and with a push of the hand, palm forward, it is driven into the enemy's aura or shield. After breaking through the guard on your side of the needle, a vortex is created through which you can draw the energy of the enemy or use other techniques with a non-scale effect. It can be imagined that a green liquid full of some kind of larvae flows down the pipe into the energy shell of the enemy.
The needle can be modified - it enters any point in space and pierces it through, then appears right behind the enemy's defenses. This can be understood by imagining a sewing needle stitching through fabric.

Working with other people's auras. This is the meaning of technology. The opponent's aura appears as a ball of wool. Threads are snatched from any of its points, and soon you become like a puppeteer with a puppet in his hands. So you can connect to someone else's aura and draw strength from it. You can also tie the energy threads into a knot and strike at them - this blow will hit the enemy in several places. According to the words, at the moment of "binding" the threads, the target experiences some incomprehensible sensations.

"Scourge of the Wind"

On your whole body, a lot of gray old bandages are visualized once (creating a shield), as if you are a mummy from a Hollywood movie (bandages are all over your body, but not very tight, they even sag somewhere). They are very sensitive to the "wind" - magical impact in your direction. This "wind" sets them in motion, they stretch in different directions and begin to spin around you, taking air, dust, pieces of broken glass, sharp stones, and most importantly, a black-gray mass. there is a tornado or a whirlwind immediately formed around you from everything that is sharp nearby (if not, then it kind of breaks into fragments) and darkness. That is, you are standing in the middle of a whirlwind and everything gets a little darker, then it is very important to hear the sound of this tornado, which from a strong wind it goes to a terrible howl, from which eardrums simply burst (not for you, but for the attacker).
This shield itself reacts to the attack and uses its energy to activate and act. With a weak attack, sharp fragments destroy it, with a strong darkness it absorbs. With a stubborn attack, bandages fly out of this black whirlwind like black steel (but flexible) whips, tearing the flesh of the enemy.
The ease of this technique is in the sound, tune in so that you hear the action of the shield, and by imagining the strength of the sound you adjust its power. Also, in a critical situation, all the bandages can sharply become pieces of sharply honed steel and scatter as if from an explosion, and from the places where you are without hitting you , all the remaining energy hits with a powerful stream, scattering everyone (except you) around.

We create shields.

It is visualized by many square plates of lilac color. They do not close tightly, but rotate around the magician. The plates, with the proper investment of energy, adjust themselves to the place of impact, and bend a little under strong stress. When threatened from all sides, the plates are compressed, forming a dense shell.
The advantage is that you can influence the outside world with this shield.
Shields are mainly needed to protect your biofield from external influences (ill-wishers ...) The history of the appearance of shields in the human biofield goes back to very ancient times. All the vital activity of the creatures inhabiting our planet, in particular, and man, was connected with them. We all know that the protective reactions of the body, affecting the entire energy system, arise in us due to the fact that we consider this world to be unsafe. Even in childhood, many were taught that a stranger is always dangerous, and one should always be ready for his attack.
In order to better understand the technology of their work, we need to consider their manifestations on the example of simple life situations, and the reaction of our body to them.

For example, a girl is traveling in a minibus and she is unpleasant to the person sitting next to her on the seat. On the physical plane, her reaction will not have consequences, but on a subconscious level, her biofield will take on the form of a needle-like creature resembling a porcupine. This is one of the simplest forms of your biofield in moments that irritate your psyche. You, most likely, will not feel anything with such a picture of your energy, but the person sitting next to you will feel an unpleasant tingling coming from your side. It may well be that he will not take any action either, but an unpleasant feeling and unwillingness to talk to you will be present in his soul as a sediment.

Here is another example: a person to whom you turned on the street with some question (and the question was asked by you in an affirmative and disrespectful form) starts to boil up and attack you with dozens of the same ill-mannered answers. Your interlocutor at the moment is a perfect example of hysterical defense. He answers the word with ten. This type is also considered a defensive reaction, although from the outside it looks more like a typical attack. But it only seems so in appearance, for real, the interlocutor in this way will not cause you any harm if you remain calm. At the moment of his hysteria, his energy flow will simply be concentrated and directed towards you (like a wind blowing in your face). In this way, this type of people is trying with the help of this wind to prevent your energy from getting on it.

There are many more ways of the body's defensive reaction, many of which can be caused artificially, thereby protecting oneself from external influences.

Shields are divided into several subspecies. There may be more, but three stand out:

We considered two examples of emotional shields a little earlier using the example of situations in a minibus and on the street. As the name implies, emotional shields can be controlled by controlling emotions. It's not that hard. Emotional shields are mainly used to warn the opponent from unwanted actions. Therefore, we still have them more on a subconscious level, and many do not attach due importance to them. It's strange: after all, with the help of control over these shields, you can not only repel a person, but, on the contrary, win him over. This is very useful in business meetings.
The way to learn to dominate your emotional field is very simple. You only need to constantly monitor your reaction in this or that case, and in parallel you need to monitor the reaction of your opponent. And try to change your internal state depending on what you need.
They represent the embodiment of your own energy into energy of a different nature in terms of composition or density. Simply put, these are shields that arise with the help of the effort of your thought. Basically, such shields are used as protection against the attack of vampiric creatures, or from the attack of the enemy. Their main advantage, and at the same time a disadvantage, is that the energy used by this shield must be yours. And she is quite exhausted. Of course, there are many ways to replenish your energy supply from external sources without harming them. But still, alien energy will need to be driven through itself. This is not the only disadvantage of this type of shields. We will consider them in more specific situations and on the example of what shields are and how they can be made.
Placed with a spell

Usually, mental type shields are made along the contours of your energy body. More often, they simply seal the outer layer and that's it, but this degree of protection does not always give good results. Moreover, such a shield cannot be made for a long time, because if it is in the form of an egg (your aura), then it will block your energy centers: 1 and 2, and there is nowhere to go. You can, of course, loop the circulation of energy in yourself, but this is also not advisable to do for a long time.

Such shields can also be easily removed if the enemy has them. It's just simple physics. If you press on the egg, then it will not be crushed, but if you prick it with a needle, then it will already have a hole. And we just needed complete impenetrability from this shield. The shield is almost gone :)

Mental Shield Technique
All these methods can really work, but on the condition that you see someone else's energy quite well, feel your own and can activate it.

You should not constantly walk under protection, because. You will break contact with the outside world, which will prevent you from taking earthly life lessons, and will also interfere with contact with the Higher Forces.
These methods must be applied situationally when you feel the possibility of an attack.
In order to apply these methods in extreme situations, they must be mastered in advance, from all the methods, choose a few that you like best and that work better; and these methods should be used.

Simple shield with closed loop
Imagine that from above, from a height of about 35-40 cm, a domed dense energy roof (made as if from plexiglass, transparent) smoothly descends downwards, it smoothly descends to your feet and, passing through the floor, closes under you. This energy wall may be only 1 cm wide, but it will be very dense.

This kind of shield can be used simply from the impact of someone else's biofield for preventive purposes. I repeat that all shields with closed circuits can be made for a short time! Maximum - for 3 days (provided that you have enough strength). In the best case, you will have energy exhaustion, which will manifest itself in the phase in the form of a very strong weakness. A person just slowly fades away, and life calmly leaves his mortal shell.

Closed Loop Mirror Shield
You need to do the same operation as with a simple shield. Only when it goes down, it should not consist of a durable transparent material, but be mirrored. And mirrored from the outside.

These kind of shields with knockback properties are very good against vampiric creatures, since they cannot stick to you (to the mirror). Thus, you become simply uninteresting for them. But to be honest, it’s impossible to save oneself from all energy vampires, and a separate article should be devoted to this. But this is all a little later, while we consider simple defense techniques. Notes on all closed circuit shields: A shield can be made up of completely different substances, even dust that will swirl around you. It all depends on the purpose of protection and on your imagination. Psychologically strengthening the shield can be done with simple visualization. You need to imagine that this shield that you made is hit with a sword (good, strong), and the sword simply breaks. Such a visualization will make you believe that a transparent shield 1 cm wide is strong enough. This is very important, since the main thing in the mental shield is your thought. If the thought about the shield is that it is fragile, then the shield will be useless ...

Similar to the above... but slightly different.
It is necessary to imagine yourself from all sides and from above surrounded by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. From the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world. And from whatever side the attacker tries to attack you, he will always receive a reflected and mirror-enhanced retaliation. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once. When using the "mirror wall", never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are being defensive. Your calmness and friendliness will make him deliver even stronger blows, which will return to him with more and more force.

shield wall
This shield does not have a closed contour, as it is visualized as a wall that separates you from unwanted influences. It is done quite simply. You need to imagine that a wall grows out of the ground at a distance of about 1 m. Its thickness and the material from which it is made can be completely different (fire, brick, concrete, glass, mirror, etc.). The shape can also be completely different (arc-shaped, around you, square ...)

This kind of shield saves only from directed action and cannot protect you from the enemy if he has at least a little brain :))))

In common "egg"
To perform this technique, it is necessary to develop the ability to feel any objects at a considerable distance. First you need to master the "touch with your eyes", i.e. mentally touch objects and capture the feeling from them (you can touch the object with your hand, and then try to reproduce this feeling in your mind without touching the object). Having mastered the “touch with your eyes”, without looking at the object, “touch” it again. At the same time, the eyes should not be closed. This is how you develop clarity of visualization. After mastering this exercise, we build an “egg”: you need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of the intercostal space in front, behind and from the sides, at arm’s length, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. it turns out a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body. When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which is easy to turn into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside. The walls of the egg are very dense, the biofield layers are wrapped around each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary). It is desirable to use colors golden, blue, orange. It is very important to clearly spatially feel all your actions. It is necessary to warn that training for "probing" objects should not be longer than 1-2 minutes and more often than 5-7 times a day.

brain protection
Not everyone needs to get to you in the biofield just from the side, or from the back, some just need your head. Such demanding are those who either want to inspire you with something, or vice versa, to find out. They penetrate your biofield very easily, because they do not apply strong fiery blows with a roar to this, but simply pierce it quietly. Our body is not so sensitive to such penetrations, but the head ... that's another matter. It betrays violators of your space with discomfort in the area where the boundaries were violated. Thus, if you react to it in time, you can prevent an attack. But what to do if you feel that a part of something alien is left in your head (his thoughts that they wanted to inspire you)? It is necessary to imagine that a small ball is formed in the center of your head, the size of a grain of semolina (less than 1 mm) and gradually it begins to increase in size (along the axes). Moreover, in this gradually increasing grain there is nothing, not even your own thoughts. It increases, gradually pushing out your thoughts with thoughts of a foreign origin until this ball occupies all the space inside the head. In this space, you can continue your thoughts... without fear of being disturbed. But if your opponent does not calm down, then you can do this operation as many times as you want, without harming you. But the enemy will not only get tired, but he will definitely get tired of it. In order not to repeat this pattern endlessly, try to focus on the fact that this sphere will be solid and durable. By the way, several such spheres can be made in the head, and when passing through one sphere, the enemy will fall into an unfavorable environment (fire, alkali, nerve gas). This will also make it harder to get inside you.

The note:
The same technique can be used to stop the Internal Dialogue (ID) for better concentration and focus. She helped me more than once when I needed it. I hope it will help you too ... the method is based on the Power of your will. Therefore, if your opponent has strong willpower, then it will be difficult for you to resist him.

mental pyramid
There is a rather interesting shield, which has not only protective properties, but also healing. You create a mental image in the form of a pyramid, golden, rather bright color. By the way, you can increase it. At least cover the whole house with it. It all depends on the amount of power. The most optimal is to finish the pyramid about half a meter above yourself. Of course, the lower base of the pyramid will be at your feet. It is desirable that the pyramid be regular and tetrahedral. The corners of the lower base of the structure should be directed to the four cardinal points (it is better to navigate using a compass, since the magnetic field is constantly changing, and the accuracy must be high)
Such a pyramid is known to have healing properties. Especially gold) + creation of positive energy in the very center of the pyramid: where you are. Well, some, but still protection from unpleasant effects. If you are sick, then this is very useful. This kind of structure works on the principle of accumulating positive energy.

The note:
The pyramid changes the internal circulation of energy even in a positive direction. It cannot be called a shield, but more just a healing thing, but a good thing :)
It is important that when she is sick, she really protects others from you. It is a fact…

Whirlwind protection
Vortex protection is a technique that, due to its great power, is recommended to be used only in special cases. Enter an altered state of consciousness (in this case, it means strong concentration and calmness, accompanied by a clear head). Raise your hands up (while standing), imagine that downward flows of energy penetrate into the body through them (from space - from top to bottom). At the same time, imagine that ascending energy flows enter through the legs (from the ground - from the bottom up). These two streams meet in the body at the level of the navel and are wrapped in a vortex in a clockwise direction. The whirlwind spins stronger and stronger, becoming bigger and bigger. Soon it completely covers the whole body, and you feel that a luminous cocoon is spinning around you, which throws away everything negative and negative.

As long as there is a history of human wars, there is just as much military or combat magic. It is a set of methods and techniques that allow, through the use of magical means, conspiracies and rituals, to achieve the desired outcome of the hostilities.

Battle Mage Is he a fantasy hero or an active member of the modern magical community? Almost everyone who reads fantasy books has heard of battle mages. After all, magical battles and battles, global and local wars of mythical kingdoms rarely do without the use of the power of sorcerers or wizards who specialize in using magic in battle.

There are even special sections in book publishing devoted to this topic. In particular, this refers to the "Battle Magic" series, which includes works that tell about wars with the participation of magicians and not only.

War and combat magic - aspects of the relationship

However, one should not think that the phenomenon of combat magic, as well as the magicians themselves, exists only on the pages of books. Not at all! Combat magic is one of the most insecure and very difficult categories of magical knowledge. If only because it is too many-sided and many-sided. It includes a huge number of important and necessary rituals on the battlefield. For example, from the incantation of weapons and magical effects on the overall course of the war to protective spells designed to protect a warrior in battle from a mortal wound.

If we try to present the effect and tools that are used in this art in the most accessible and simplified form, then we can say that the whole theory of combat magic is based on the idea that the personal and accumulated energy of the magician can be used to strike another person ( enemy), as well as an invisibility potion in some cases.

In other words, magicians fight not with weapons and not with physical force. They use the energy potential that they have accumulated at the moment. This is the case if the battle takes place between magicians on a subtle level.

Varieties of methods

If a wizard or sorcerer helps an army, then, of course, there are other methods that affect the spirit of both a particular warrior and the collective unconscious of the entire army. One way or another, and fighting magicians existed at all times. In our turbulent time, rich in armed conflicts and a high level of aggression among the masses, they are relevant, perhaps no less. Fighters of the invisible front, they continue to influence the power of certain militant groups and the outcome of battles, not to mention the fact that they periodically fight with each other.

The most interesting thing is that people who own some techniques, which can also be called "combat magic", are also found in the everyday world. Sometimes they apply their knowledge in conflicts, coming out of them victorious. Or they try to suppress the will of individuals who are objectionable to them (even if it happens in an ordinary metropolitan office), activate psychological vampirism and in every possible way train and hone their skills and abilities.

Learning combat magic

There are several ways to learn military magic. First of all, you should turn to literary sources for help and, having memorized the rituals, try to use them on your own in battles or when certain conflicts arise. Fortunately, today there is every opportunity to gain access to such sources of information. Archives and libraries are open, a chic selection of magical literature on the shelves of specialized stores and book markets, and, in the end, you can always download books or collections of conspiracies on the Internet.

However, this method is not very powerful without regular practice and knowledge of the general foundations of magic as such, therefore, an individual who has embarked on this path is recommended to first thoroughly master all the material on magic in general, before proceeding directly to the theory and, even more so, to the practice of martial magic. arts.

Common mistakes

Unfortunately, it often turns out that the unfortunate magician, who has read a lot of combat spells, knows the basics of magical influence in battle only superficially and does not even represent the whole danger of his position, which can end tragically for him. Both the war itself and the forces that collide in the process of its implementation do not forgive mistakes.

For in the most global sense, it represents a great sacrifice in the name of maintaining the balance of power in the world. And therefore, one should be very careful when appealing to these forces or, even more so, entering into conflict with them.

In general, those who themselves are trying to master the craft of a military magician should not forget how dangerous and even destructive is that combat magic, the training of which was not as correct and verified as possible. However, in addition to self-study, there is a surer way to comprehend this difficult science - you just need to find a practicing combat magician. This is where the main difficulty arises.

You can find yourself in the center of hostilities or taste the bitter bread of war. You can study the cases of modern military figures, but there is practically no guarantee that you will find a magician. Of course, comparing various military incidents and incidents, analyzing the combat biographies of the combat masters of various states, one can find some clues, but the result obtained is unlikely to at least partially correspond to the efforts made.

However, if you use, for example, the same magical means to find the right people or competently reach out to fellow combat magicians in the craft who operate in other areas, you can achieve what you want.

It is ideal to find a teacher of such a level of power as the magician of Atlantis Monos. He comprehended magic in its globality and created a personal school, which only the elite get into.

But even if you have a less powerful teacher, this is not important, since the very fact of his presence is already a huge achievement on the path of a warrior-mage. And here you will find the most interesting.

Magician's training

Learning from a warmage is 100% discipline and hard work. This is a constant memorization of conspiracies and a guardhouse in the form of creating the most complex potions and collecting roots for them. These are not even magical training courses, but a kind of urgent service (“army”), after which you can become a real battle magician.

But in any case, you should always remember that this kind of magical effect depends almost entirely on the energy potential of the master who puts it into practice. If you don’t have enough talents and energy, then no amount of work, perseverance and cramming spells will help. Energy is the foundation of a warrior.

The only thing that can be advised in case it is not enough is to look for ways and methods of accumulating it or transforming other types of energy into personal combat.

What is more effective - conspiracies for defense or attack

It's no secret that the complexity of military magic lies in its global nature. It covers a gigantic number of practices that a warrior should never forget about (and, ideally, even use them in a complex, creating a universal and perfect attacking-defensive weapon).

Combat magic has a variety of techniques - from primitive, often used by many soldiers even unconsciously, to the most complex.

Primitive Techniques:

  • energy tuning,
  • mental demoralization of the enemy,
  • reading Vedic mantras and prayers, using amulets and talismans,
  • self hypnosis,
  • energy impact or customization of weapons and combat vehicles.

Complex and complex techniques:

  • invoking the power of the elements, the spirits of ancestors,
  • having elements of necromancy and similar varieties of magic as such.

The most key (or basic) techniques of combat magic are considered to be defensive and attacking.

Ways to manifest an attack

An active Warmaster's attack can manifest itself as follows:

  • In the form of an attack on the astral level (relevant when the one being attacked is not protected by anything, the blow is delivered to the astral body of the enemy)
  • In the form of imposing a curse (a particularly powerful bioenergetic impact that breaks the usual spiritual and physical ties of the enemy with his world)
  • In the form of energy impact (suppression of the will of the enemy, imposing one's own will, energy vampirism)
  • In the form of a mental blow (the highest level of skill of a war mage, practically not identifiable by its characteristics, but the most effective, consisting in the total destruction of key personality parameters)
  • In the form of a physical impact created through magic (fireballs, laser beams, red-hot magma, tornadoes, etc.)
  • In the form of using third forces (egregors, resurrected zombies, etc.).

The mage's defensive tools can be represented by defensive spells, a protective aura, proper lifestyle, and appearance. You also need an appropriate reaction and the ability to perform emergency protective rites and passes if necessary.

Variety of defensive spells

Conspiracy for water

On the day of the battle, immediately before it, you need to find the nearest source of water. It is necessary to go to him, scoop up water with one hand and, having read a spell over it:

"I drink the water of strength, I drink the water of power, I drink the water of invincibility."

Drink up. It is best to wipe your hand on the weapon to be used in combat. The spoken water will help him too, hardening him with the energy of victory. After that, you need to turn towards the sun and read the following:

“As I see (your name) this day, so let me Almighty God see the next.”

Conspiracy for a star

If the battle began suddenly, any prayer addressed with faith to the Lord can help. Even the most elementary conspiracy, based on combat magic, will do, like this:

“The star that controls the weapons today!
I want to bewitch you and I tell you to obey me in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

(we should not forget also that after prayer and conspiracies of this kind, it is best to cross yourself).

Conspiracy to protect

For soldiers who are in a long, protracted war or located in enemy territory, constantly forced to "walk under bullets", there is a simple conspiracy that can be repeated every week. It is done only on that day of the week and only at the hour when the person who performed it was born. The words of the conspiracy are:

“On the sea-okiyane, on the island of Buyan, a combustible stone lies. There is a deep shovanka under this combustible stone. I (your name) am sitting in that shovanka. Until they reach the island, they don’t raise a combustible stone, they don’t open the shovanka, and they won’t find me (your name) until then, neither a bayonet, nor a saber, nor an ax, nor a bullet, nor a dashing person will take me.

In addition to conspiracies for protection, potions and decoctions can help. Special amulets, designed to win and save life in battle for the one who wears them, work just as well.

Combat Magic - Books

I would like to dwell in more detail on the problem of choosing literature for reading, which would help the future war magician. The series of books devoted to this topic (and written in a fairy-tale-magic way, suggesting the mythical and implausible depicted and claiming to be scientific) is very numerous, as a result of which there is a risk of choosing the wrong books and the wrong textbooks as companions.

Foreign literature

First of all, it is worth starting with the canonical texts on magic. They appear in all lists of literature of this kind and are indispensable both for comprehending magical art and for further mastering martial magical techniques. Such works include, for example, the magnificent books of Papus, which contain a lot of useful information about incantations, potions, occult rituals and rituals.

These are, for example, such works of his as "The Science of Magicians", "Practical Magic", "Occultism", "Ceremonial Magic" and others. In addition to his works, Richard Cavendish "Black Magic", Eliphas Levi "The Doctrine and Ritual of Higher Magic", Reinak "Theory of Magic", Paul Hasson "Textbook of Black and White Magic" and others are also useful.

  • Battle magic of the Slavs. Way of the sorcerer | Yu. A. Serebryansky | Russian way
  • Battle magic of the Slavs: books, techniques and training from the master
  • Military magic and hypnosis | Yuri Serebryansky | Special forces school

Domestic literature

From domestic reading matter, experts highly recommend the books “Military Magic and Hypnosis”, “Combat Magic of the Slavs: The Way of the Magus” by Yuri Serebryansky. Although they are partly works of art, they are still full of historical facts and documentaryism. In particular, the "Way of the Magus" describes in detail the methods and techniques. Since ancient times, they have been used by Slavic tribes in the process of educating brave and fearless warriors.

After reading this book, you can learn many secrets of the battle magician, which will greatly help the descendants of the Slavs. After all, as Don Juan Castaneda said, a warrior must act on his territory, then he will have maximum strength.

By studying the military magical skills of the ancestors, one can discover the amazing facets of the combat magic of the pagans, which will be relevant today. Also from the books devoted to this topic, the works of Andrei Ramses, the canonical work "Fundamentals of Combat Magic" (author unknown), "Compilation-Manual on Combat and Ritual Magic" by Yevgeny Smirnov and others are good.

Theory and practice

Of course, even if you read all the books, martial magic is unlikely to succumb immediately. After all, in addition to knowledge, you also need relevant experience and the presence of specific talents. The strong guiding hand of the teacher is also needed. The teacher can correct the process of mastering the craft in time and help to understand certain aspects of it, etc.

However, in any case, for a novice adept, there is nothing better than a well-chosen reading. As a result of acquaintance with such literature, a person finally realizes what he will have to face in the future. If she makes a positive decision on this issue, then it will be as verified and thoughtful as possible.

Combat magic is a direction of magic that includes combat magic on a subtle plane, combat energy and various methods of attack and defense. It should be noted that this type of witchcraft is dangerous primarily for the magician himself, since it requires a large supply of energy and the ability to control it. For the full use of energy combat techniques, years of hard training are needed.

In combat magic, there are various directions - energy wushu, astral karate, etc., which teach energy attack. Before attacking with energy, you must first understand the principle of the device of magic, as well as master the protection against energy attacks. It is impossible to learn combat magic from books, you need a teacher for this. However, finding it is far from easy. Those who advertise their knowledge in this area are mostly charlatans, and true battle mages tend not to advertise themselves. In addition, in order to master the skill of martial magic, they had to go through a certain path, and they are not interested in making knowledge easier for someone. Also, a certain readiness is important for the student.

To understand the basic concepts of combat magic, try creating a weapon - a "fireball", or a fireball. To begin with, imagine a clot of power between the palms, then concentrate and compact it with an effort of will. Remember your feelings from the concentration of energy. By the way, this compacted clot is also called a thought-form.

Remaining in a state of concentration, remember something that makes you angry. Strengthen this feeling and turn the strength of your anger into a strong desire to destroy the enemy. Direct your intent into the soapform in your hands, transforming it into a fireball blazing with bright flames. Then choose a target suitable for the next action and, with an effort of will, supported by the movement of the hands in the form of a throw, direct the ball at it. Visualize its explosion, incinerating the target.

The resulting object really has a certain penetrating power. If thrown at an unsuspecting person, the ball can seriously damage his ethereal shell. However, there are some important reasons that make it difficult to use this and other combat magic techniques in conflicts. Firstly, these techniques do not work on all people. For example, they may not affect a person who has a developed level of consciousness, is engaged in spiritual practices (yoga, qigong, taijiquan, etc.). A battle mage who knows about the attack can easily absorb and feed on your aggressive thought form to great benefit. In addition, in some cases, you can get a kickback, rollback on the principle of a boomerang.

Secondly, the harm of an aggressive thought form will not appear immediately. For example, a "fireball" can cause a strong increase in temperature and pressure in the victim only an hour after being hit. Therefore, this technique cannot be used in a skirmish with street hooligans.

Another thing is if the magician makes an exit to the astral plane. At this moment, his consciousness is in a different reality, while he is able to create thought forms. In addition, since they belong to the same layer of reality where he is, they are seen as real objects and can cause serious harm to someone who is also in the astral.

Applied energy also has military applications. For example, in many martial arts, “hard qigong” (“iron shirt”) is used, which allows its adherents to break bricks and boards with their bare hands and endure the most powerful blows without harm. However, "hard qigong" does not bring much benefit to the magician, because, due to its complexity, it leaves no time and energy to master various magical practices. Therefore, it makes sense to leave it to professional fighters.

However, it is useful to study martial magic, as thanks to it, you can get some skills that are difficult to learn otherwise - especially in terms of using defensive techniques.

Black magic spells have long helped sorcerers achieve what they want. This is a powerful and dangerous witchcraft that can destroy and create. If this ancient knowledge is in the hands of an inexperienced or self-serving magician, then the consequences of witchcraft can be terrible and unpredictable.

In the article:

What are black magic spells

Black magic spells are very dangerous for both the sorcerer and his victims. Most often, such knowledge is used for fatal diseases, bewitching people, attracting money, communicating with gods and demons.

Black magic will help punish the guilty, gain an advantage over others and resist the attack of other sorcerers. You can use black magic not only for destruction, but also for good.

Effectively use the knowledge of black magicians only the person who has a very large supply of energy and willpower can. There are many frightening and disturbing rituals that can greatly impress a person with an unstable psyche. Before undertaking such rituals, one must gain experience and learn how to create a strong protection.

There are various classifications of black spells. They are divided according to various criteria:

  • by power;
  • method of influence;
  • guidance technique;
  • difficulties.

This is not a complete list of classifications of black conspiracies. In the most common classification, there are 3 groups into which all black magic conspiracies are divided.

IN first category includes conspiracies. They are designed to a greater extent not to cause damage to other people, but to create protection. Such spells can consist of just one the word that the sorcerer utters when he senses the approach of danger. An example of such a spell is the word:

Such conspiracies do not require rituals and the use of magical attributes. Most often in the text, the sorcerer turns to his magical protector, with a request to protect him from adversity.

Co. second group includes double conspiracies. They work according to the principle "fight fire with fire". Their essence lies in the fact that the first spell is able to cause the necessary action, and the second - to stop it.

Black curses - third, the most terrible category of all magical conspiracies. These spells are used only by experienced witches, who can not only complete the ritual by inflicting damage on the victim, but also protect themselves from negative consequences.

Remove these curses it is forbidden. Even if the magician tries to eliminate the damage induced by himself and refuses his words, it will be impossible to stop the process. Such rites purposefully deprive the victim of joy in life, money, loved ones and bring them to the grave.

Black magic: conspiracies and their forms

Strong black magicians often use not only accepted spells in rituals, but also make up their own. The ability to do this comes with experience. There are also general principles for compiling black spells. For example, at the beginning of each text there should be an appeal. The sorcerer can refer to anyone, it can be:

  • forces of nature;
  • demons;
  • perfume;
  • People;
  • elements.

At the same time, the text should contain not only the phrase:

I command...

but also a threat, meaning that retribution awaits the one who disobeys the sorcerer:

..., and if you disobey, you will be unhappy forever and ever.

In the text of the conspiracy, it is necessary to indicate an intermediary between you and the victim. For example, if this Moon, then it should be mentioned in the plot. In addition, the intermediary needs a sacrifice in order for him to agree to the deal. At the same time, the text of the slander should have a symbolic meaning - "you to me, and I to you."

In one of the forms of black conspiracies and spells, a higher black power must be mentioned. You can limit yourself to mentioning the name of a demon of the highest rank, but, to enhance the effect, sorcerers often resort to mentioning God of darkness, Devil, Satan . You can order someone to perform the desired action "in the name" of the Lord of Darkness.

  • all four elements;
  • food, drink, spices;
  • wound, diseased area of ​​the body;
  • items that are the property of the victim.

Quite popular spells that have the form " assimilation". These are conspiracies that mention an action (which the sorcerer must immediately perform) and the result that this action will entail. For example: "As I pour this water, so the tears will spill down your face."

Love spells in black magic - love to the grave

Before undertaking such witchcraft, once again make sure that this is the effect you want from the ritual and sensibly assess your abilities. If on the day of the ceremony you feel unwell, there is a sharp decline in strength and malaise, postpone the ritual.

waning moon conspiracy

The witch needs to find 3 graves to perform a deadly rite. If the victim is a woman - women's. If a man - men's. The graves must be fresh. You must have a bottle of clean water with you. Pour this water over each cross and say the words:

The water is dead from the house is white, bright, plentiful, love is dead, it goes to my house white, bright and plentiful.

Leaving the cemetery, look for a burial with the same name as the victim, remember it. The next night, with the remaining water, make a road from the victim's house to the chosen grave. Pour the last liquid into the cemetery and leave the container there. The path from the water should be clear and not interrupted. Otherwise, a person will not come to his grave.

death needle

In order to make a person suffer, there is an equally dangerous rite. the witch purchases a new pack of needles and refuses to change. In doing so, you should whisper:

I take not for myself, but for damage to the enemy.

At midnight, go out onto the porch and read the text on one of the needles:

May the happiness, health, luck and joy of the slave (the name of the enemy) break on this needle. Let the needle of my enemy (name) prick day and night, it does not give rest, like a splinter in the body. Let the slave (name) be exhausted, dry, whine, having lost rest. My will is strong, words will not turn against me. Amen.

The text is read 13 times, after which the needle must be stuck in the door of the ill-wisher. It is necessary to stick the needle in such a way that no one can find it. Because if it is discovered and damaged, then all the negativity will return to the magician.

Rite for funeral candles

In order to send her enemy to the grave, the witch needs to come to the temple, buy a new candle and put it in place of one of the unburned memorial candles. If there is a memorial table in the temple, put sweets on it, leaving them to the deceased whose candle was extinguished.

Burn, candle, burn! Turn life (name of the enemy) into dust! Illness and misfortune smile at her (him), people turn away. Dead fire, bring burning damage, combustible trouble. That light is not simple, it is taken from the churchyard. Dead man in the ground, light on my desk. I do what I want! Let it be so!