After cauterization of erosion, the legs and feet swell. Cauterization of cervical erosion: what can and cannot be done after this procedure? Sports and physical activity

The duration of wound healing will depend on the method of cauterization.

  • With laser or radio wave surgery, this period lasts only 3-4 days.
  • Electrocoagulation involves a 6-8 day recovery period.
  • After cauterization, for example, with liquid nitrogen, a longer recovery course will be required.

REFERENCE! Cauterization of cervical erosion is a very painful process that is performed on an outpatient basis. After the procedure, the female body retains all reproductive functions, so moxibustion can be indicated even for young girls.

What needs to be done, is further treatment required?

In order for the wound to heal faster, you must follow a number of recommendations:

Rules for treating wounds

Most often, doctors do not recommend touching the wound at the cauterization site, and there is no need to treat it with anything. To prevent infection from entering, Can be washed with regular laundry soap. If the doctor is not against the use of various ointments to accelerate tissue regeneration, then you can use:

  • Levomekolev ointment;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Colpicide, etc.

You need to prepare a cotton or gauze swab, treat it with ointment and carefully insert it into the vagina, but not too deep.

Should I light candles?

Candles are also used for quick healing. Most often used on a sea buckthorn basis. To soften the tissue at the cauterization site, the doctor may prescribe the following vaginal suppositories:

  • Genferon;
  • Depanthol;
  • Betadine.

All medications must be prescribed by the attending physician, since each drug has its own spectrum of actions.

What not to do?

The attending physician should tell you in detail about the restrictions during the recovery period.

This is very important, since there is a risk of bleeding, prolonged wound healing and other unpleasant consequences.

After the procedure, a woman should know whether she can play sports, have sex, sunbathe, or swim in the sea after removing the erosion.

General recommendations include:

  1. During the entire recovery period, any sexual contact is prohibited.
  2. While bathing, do not fill the bathtub; temporarily bathe under a warm shower. No hot procedures. This may result in bleeding.
  3. Swimming in open reservoirs, pools, and the sea is prohibited.
  4. During the rehabilitation period, refuse hygienic tampons.
  5. Physical activity should be reduced to a minimum, no heavy lifting or strength sports.
  6. Situations that could damage the cervix again should be avoided; this could be wearing tight, uncomfortable or synthetic underwear, or douching.
  7. Sunbathing is also prohibited; if you really want to go to the beach, you can only sit in the shade.

    IMPORTANT! It will be possible to visit the solarium only 20 days after the cauterization procedure. But only if the attending physician allows it.

How long is the healing period and what to expect during this time?

The healing period, provided all recommendations are followed, lasts on average about two months. At this time, it is very important to monitor your health with special care and report any suspicions to your doctor. Undesirable consequences include the following complications, which, fortunately, do not occur so often:

Normal phenomena after cauterization include the following manifestations of the body:

  1. Aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Minor bleeding.

These signs indicate the wound is healing. The ichor should soon go away on its own. But if this process takes longer, tell your doctor about it.

A month has passed - how should everything be?

A month later, the wound has not yet completely healed; after a trip to the gynecologist, you can determine how well the recovery is going. You can gradually return to your previous life. But still There are some other restrictions:

  • Sexual contact will still be prohibited throughout the entire rehabilitation period, which lasts on average 2 months.
  • It is already possible to return to light physical exercise, but if the condition worsens after this, then it is better to hold off on sports and report the changes to your doctor.
  • Alcohol is also prohibited; it causes spasm and dilation of blood vessels, which can lead to bleeding.
  • Also be careful about your personal hygiene. A month after cauterization of cervical erosion, there is still a risk of wound infection.

ATTENTION! Bloody discharge at this time should no longer bother the woman, as it is present for 1-1.5 weeks.

Only a doctor can determine a month after cauterization what can be done and what cannot be done. Everything will depend on the speed of wound healing. Therefore, be sure to visit a gynecologist at this time so that he can examine the cauterization site.

Do not forget that the body must be prepared for surgery to cauterize cervical erosion. Therefore, start taking immune-strengthening agents and mineral-vitamin complexes in advance. The procedure is not as complicated as it seems, and the recovery process usually takes place without consequences, provided that all the doctor’s instructions are followed.

Some women are interested in what consequences await after cauterization of cervical erosion and how long it takes to heal. A specialist will answer these questions and give detailed recommendations. Erosion of uterine tissue is a common pathology that can be quickly cured today.

Until recently, erosion was treated by waiting and waiting; it was believed that tissues could recover on their own and did not require intervention. However, if treatment is not carried out, negative consequences for the woman’s reproductive system are possible. Modern experts have a unanimous opinion - the pathology must be eliminated so that it does not lead to complications.

Cauterization of erosion is a painless procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. Removal of eroded tissue completely preserves the ability to bear and produce offspring, so this procedure can be performed on nulliparous women.

Among the commonly used, safe methods for removing erosion are the following:

  1. Freezing (cryodestruction) – exposure of affected tissues to liquid nitrogen.
  2. Radio wave method - the Surgitron apparatus is used (a radio knife excises damaged areas).
  3. Coagulation (cauterization) with electric current.
  4. Laser coagulation.
  5. Removal of erosion by chemical action - the product Salkovagin is used.

Any of the methods is aimed at removing damaged surfaces and requires properly organized rehabilitation. If everything is done according to the doctor’s recommendation, the body will quickly reject damaged tissue and new epithelium will form.

How long does it take to restore tissue?

All procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis, they are prescribed at a certain period - before menstruation occurs, or immediately after menstruation ends.

None of the methods is capable of instantly healing damaged tissue; after surgery, wounds remain on the surface that need time to heal. The specialist warns the woman about the possible consequences, gives a detailed description of the recovery period and the processes that accompany this condition. The length of the period depends on the method used:

  1. If electrical (current) coagulation is used, complete healing occurs after 8-9 weeks. Possible side effects include menstrual irregularities.
  2. When freezing with nitrogen (cryostortion), it will take 6-7 weeks for the epithelium to completely recover.
  3. Laser coagulation is the most gentle method and is minimally traumatic for healthy surfaces. The healing period lasts from 4 to 4.5 weeks.
  4. Chemical cauterization is indicated for minor injuries; the recovery period is 21-28 days.
  5. The radio wave method, like the laser method, does not affect healthy epithelium; wounds heal completely in 6-6.5 weeks.

Despite the complete healing of the cervix, doctors warn that if pregnancy is planned, it should be postponed for another 3-4 months.

What should normal vaginal exudate be like after the procedure?

Mandatory consequences of medical intervention are vaginal discharge, thus the body is cleansed of the dead, affected layer of epithelium. But you should know that there is a norm and there are deviations that indicate pathological processes.

The duration of this condition varies; maximum exudate can be released within 3 weeks. Moreover, the nature of the discharge depends on the stage of restoration of the cervical mucosa.

The primary period lasts from 2 to 10 days, during which time the woman experiences clear, watery discharge that is not abundant. Very rarely they can turn pinkish-reddish, but this is rather an exception.

After 7-10 days, the exudate becomes more abundant and turns from pale pink to intense red. But you should understand that after the manipulation there should be no bleeding.

12-14 days after cauterization, exudate from the vagina continues to be released, but its color and consistency changes, it turns into thick white mucus. Its quantity is moderate.

After 20-22 days, the recovery process comes to an end. Scanty brownish discharge appears. Sometimes scabs from healed areas are found in them; they look like brownish crusts. This period with brown exudate lasts about a week.

All of the above phenomena relate to the correct recovery process. But there are times when complications arise, and then the nature of the discharge changes.

Pathological manifestations

A woman should be alerted to yellow discharge that appears a few days after the operation. They signal that infectious pathogens have penetrated the wounds. A purulent admixture gives yellow tints to the exudate.

In this case, the patient must seek medical help. Infected wounds are cleaned using general anesthesia. After the procedure, the doctor prescribes a course of suitable antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If there is bleeding some time after the operation, the exudate looks like scarlet blood and is profuse, then this may be a sign of bleeding from the uterus. Often this condition is accompanied by weakness and fever. When the discharge does not stop within 2 hours and becomes even more abundant, you should urgently seek medical help.

Is additional treatment required?

Cauterization injures unhealthy mucous membranes, leaving behind open areas - wounds into which pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate. To speed up the healing process and protect damaged tissue from infection, specialists often prescribe additional restorative therapy.

Among the common drugs used in this case are the following:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil or vaginal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Levomekol is an ointment that has a powerful antibacterial effect.
  3. Dermazin cream is an antimicrobial agent.
  4. Vaginal suppositories - Depantol, Genferon, Betadine have an additional effect, softening tissues that have become rough after cauterization, and accelerate regeneration.
  5. Gel Kolpocid is a complex drug with a pronounced antiviral effect.
  6. Terzhinan – tablets for local use.

Any means after cauterization should be recommended by a doctor. Some medications have an antibacterial effect and are prescribed only if an infection is suspected.

Self-use of medications can lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora, which will complicate the healing of damaged mucous epithelium.

5-7 days after the procedure, the damaged surface is treated, but without using a tampon. The drugs are used with caution to avoid mechanical damage to the scab.

Are there possible negative consequences?

Serious consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion occur extremely rarely and under certain circumstances. Mostly women are concerned about minor manifestations:

  • discomfort, slight heaviness in the lower abdomen (observed in the first 24 hours after the procedure);
  • discharge (normally it occurs cyclically);
  • disturbance of the menstrual cycle - delayed menstruation, scanty bleeding (more often this phenomenon occurs after coagulation with electric current).

Severe pain and discharge with the smell of rot are signs of complications. But in most cases, women tolerate the moxibustion procedure well, and the symptoms disappear the next day.

Healing time depends on the size of the erosion, the method used and a number of associated factors.

The doctor is obliged to instruct the woman, telling her what is possible and what is not possible during the rehabilitation period. General recommendations include the following:

  • you should abstain from sexual relations for 14 days;
  • use warm water for bathing and showering (hot water can cause bleeding);
  • exclude the use of sanitary tampons;
  • reduce physical activity (it is better to avoid lifting weights, working out in the gym, etc. for a while);
  • follow the doctor’s recommendations and use prescribed medications;
  • You should not self-medicate by resorting to dubious restorative methods; all measures must be agreed upon with your doctor;
  • mandatory adherence to intimate hygiene.

These general rules must be followed until the cervical mucosa is completely healthy. This fact must be confirmed by a doctor during a control examination of the vagina.

But there are a number of individual methods to help speed up recovery, depending on the method of excision of erosion:

  1. Tips for rapid tissue regeneration after current coagulation, chemical cauterization, and the use of liquid nitrogen (freezing). These methods are called destructive, as they are quite aggressive. The eroded surface is exposed to electric current, nitrogen or chemical compounds. After cauterization, women may be bothered by aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, doctors recommend taking a drug with an antispasmodic effect - No-shpu, Drotaverine, Maxigan, etc. Dead erosion cells will leave the body in the form of bloody exudate, the process is not intense, smearing. Gradually, the red discharge will turn into pink and after 2 weeks it will completely stop.
  2. Recommendations for recovery after excision of erosion using radio waves or laser. These are more innovative and less aggressive ways to treat erosion. After their exposure, the tissues heal much faster. But still, experts recommend using drugs for topical use - Methyluracil, Dexpanthenol + Chlorhexidine, Depantol. Good helpers at this stage are folk remedies - herbal decoctions with anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects, which are used for intimate hygiene procedures. Chamomile, calamus (root), bergenia, boron uterus, calendula, acacia, calendula have such properties. Women are also advised to take care of the immune system by taking immunomodulating, immunostimulating drugs, and vitamin and mineral complexes.

Once the tissue has repaired itself, it is important to protect yourself from further damage.

A woman should avoid promiscuity, wear clean underwear, do not forget about personal hygiene and regularly visit the gynecological office. These simple recommendations will help preserve reproductive functions and women's health.

According to statistics, almost every second woman has had to deal with a diagnosis such as cervical erosion at least once in her life. But, despite this, most of the fair sex are in no hurry to receive qualified medical help. They either do nothing or try to cope with the problem on their own, which poses a serious danger to their health. This is why it is so important to know what erosion is and why it needs to be treated.

Erosion, also called ectopia, is one of the most common pathologies in the field of gynecology. Theoretically, it represents some kind of defect and small wound in the mucous membrane of the cervix. In total, there are two types of this condition: true erosion and pseudo-erosion. Regardless of which type has been diagnosed by a doctor, it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Today there are quite a lot of treatment methods, but the main one among them remains the cauterization procedure for cervical erosion. For the first time such a radical method was used in the eighteenth century. Then the manipulation was carried out using a special hot device that looked like a soldering iron. Now this method can rightfully be considered one of the most effective, safe and painless.

The main methods of cauterization include laser coagulation, chemical coagulation, treatment of erosion with radio waves, cryodestruction and exposure to electric current. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Laser treatment – the most preferred and modern method of therapy. In this case, the operation is performed non-contactly using a laser beam that acts on the damaged area of ​​the cervical mucosa and evaporates the liquid from the ectopic cells. This manipulation leads to the formation of a scab - a crust, which after 7 days is independently rejected by the body.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser is considered an advanced treatment method. This method has acquired a large number of supporters due to the absence of not only any pain during the procedure, but also subsequent bleeding and scarring. The latter confirms the complete safety of cauterization of erosion, both after childbirth (i.e. for those who have given birth) and for nulliparous women.

The disadvantage of therapy can be considered its relative accessibility, associated with high prices for the procedure and the availability of high-quality equipment only in modern gynecological clinics.

A similar method is radio wave treatment erosion. This method is based on non-contact exposure of the affected area to high-frequency waves. Such waves produce cuts and coagulation (cauterization) of tissue. It was this process that caused the term “radio knife” to become established in gynecology.

During cauterization of cervical erosion with a radio knife, soft tissue is heated and “cut,” which helps destroy unhealthy cells. The main feature of the method is absolute control over the depth of cut.

As a rule, to carry out this manipulation, gynecologists use a Surgitron radioknife. Its use provides not only a sterilizing effect and good pain relief, but also subsequent accelerated healing. Also, cauterization of erosion with Surgitron guarantees the absence of scar formation after treatment. The use of such therapy allows you to get rid of ectopia as quickly, efficiently and painlessly as possible.

Cryodestruction or cauterization of cervical erosion with liquid nitrogen. The method is based on the fact that due to low temperature, crystallization of water that is part of pathogenic (altered) cells occurs. As a result of this, their death occurs. Nitrogen is applied to the ectopia in portions, pointwise, using a special apparatus, which ensures the safety of healthy tissue.

Heavy discharge after such cauterization of erosion is not uncommon, as is swelling, but this method still has more advantages. This therapy is often prescribed to nulliparous women, since it does not result in the formation of scars that could open during childbirth.

The disadvantage of the method is that not all affected tissues are treated, and this, as is known, can lead to incomplete recovery. Also, cryodestruction is not used if a woman has been diagnosed with deep erosion or ectopia of irregular shape. The latter is explained by the standard size of the device tip and the fact that because of this, healthy tissue can be captured.

Chemical coagulation. It is used only in cases of small ectopia. The method is based on cauterization of cervical erosion with Solkovagin - a mixture of purified concentrated acids. It contains acetic and nitric acid, as well as a zinc salt and a derivative of oxalic acid.

The Solkovagin complex has a targeted effect on the pathological mucous membrane of the cervix, without affecting healthy tissue. The effect of the drug is manifested in the death of the affected tissue areas. Healing and restoration occurs under the protection of a scab (dead tissue), which significantly reduces the risk of inflammatory complications.

Another method of treating this disease is cauterization with argon . In this case, the affected tissue is exposed to a high-frequency electromagnetic field through the use of ionized gas. As a result, local heating and cauterization of the pathological focus occurs.

The advantages of this method: the absence of excessive trauma, the possibility of performing it on nulliparous women, healing without scar formation, painlessness of the procedure and short duration.

And finally electric shock . It is usually carried out at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. After cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current, a scab is formed. Shedding of necrotic (dead) tissue and restoration of healthy epithelium begins within a few days. However, complete recovery is observed only after 2 months.

This method is considered very effective and affordable, since it can be performed in almost any gynecological clinic. But such cauterization often leads to scarring, which makes this procedure impossible for nulliparous women.

Consequences of untimely cauterization

Despite the fact that the methods described above have certain specific disadvantages, the need for treatment still remains a prerequisite for a complete recovery. Self-medication can only aggravate the course of the disease, and inaction can even lead to cancer.

The consequences of untimely cauterization of cervical erosion can be expressed by the formation of a scar, and this can lead to problems during delivery.

Today, doctors have the opportunity to prescribe a treatment method depending on the individual characteristics of each patient - this guarantees 100% preservation of reproductive function and protection against cancer.

In order to avoid the recurrence of ectopia, it is necessary to regularly visit your personal gynecologist, so that if the disease is detected in the initial stages, you do not have to go through unpleasant procedures again. In addition, it is important to have only one sexual partner - this will minimize the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

Medical recommendations depend on the method by which the procedure was performed, the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and the woman’s body. In this case, we can highlight several general rules, the observance of which will help you recover faster and avoid the negative consequences of burning.

After radical treatment of erosion, you cannot:

  • have sex for at least a month (the period is determined individually and may be longer);
  • take a bath or wash yourself with hot water. It is advisable to use a warm shower;
  • lift heavy weights;
  • exercise;
  • supercool;
  • visit the swimming pool, sauna, solarium. It is undesirable to sunbathe in the sun and, of course, you cannot swim in natural bodies of water;
  • use tampons (except for medical procedures prescribed by a doctor);
  • It is highly undesirable to perform an ultrasound using a vaginal probe and other procedures in which any objects are inserted into the vagina.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in disruption of the integrity of the epithelium and damage to blood vessels.

After cauterizing the erosion, pay special attention to the discharge. They may resemble water or be bloody. Gynecologists recommend not to worry until the volume of bloody discharge exceeds the volume of menstrual discharge. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as a blood vessel may be damaged.

After surgery, it is important for women to know what not to do after cauterization of cervical erosion. If the restrictions are observed and followed, recovery will be much faster.

What is erosion and how to treat it

Cervical erosion is a disorder in the structure, defectiveness of the mucous membrane of part of the cervix. The possibility of its occurrence is identified in female representatives of different ages.

Examinations and treatment by a doctor are very important, because erosion and its symptoms often carry the risk of developing a cancerous tumor.

Erosion is an area of ​​red epithelium located around the external pharynx (size from 2 mm to 2 cm).

Video about erosion

Symptoms and causes

This diagnosis is often made by a gynecologist only during an examination, because the disease itself manifests itself in rare cases. Patients come for consultation with a doctor only in case of pain during sexual intercourse and bloody or purulent discharge after it.

Discharge indicates an infection.


  • polygamy;
  • development of sexual life at an early age;
  • infections transmitted through sexual contact and inflammation of the female genital area
  • hormonal abnormalities and weakened immunity;
  • birth defect;

Treatment methods:

  1. Chemical coagulation is the treatment of the site of damage with medications intended for this purpose, helping to destroy the site of damage to the columnar epithelium. In this case, the squamous epithelium remains intact and covers the area for restoration. This method of removal is considered the easiest, but if more serious procedures are needed, it will not be effective enough.
  2. Cryodestruction - the area damaged by inflammation is treated with liquid nitrogen. Leads to instant cooling of tissues and crystallization of intracellular and intercellular fluid. The vital activity of frozen cells and microcapillaries stops, which leads to the destruction and death of tissue, which is subsequently excreted from the body within 1-2 months.
  3. Laser coagulation is performed using a laser that is inserted into the vagina. The beam is directed to the area of ​​formation to cauterize the inflamed areas and remove them. At the same time, small capillaries are healed in order to avoid bleeding and bacterial infections. Erosion of the cervix after cauterization is completely removed in this way.
  4. Diathermocoagulation (electric current) is an operation using electric current. Which removes damaged areas and promotes the appearance of a scar. But there is a possibility that this procedure will not be able to cope, so this method is now rarely used.
  5. Radio wave surgery - the method consists of converting the radiation of radio waves into energy located at the end of the surgical electrode. When exposed to it, the affected tissues are removed, and the surrounding healthy tissues are not injured.
  6. Medical removal - a drug is used that causes tissue necrosis, forming a dry crust, which is subsequently replaced by a layer of new epithelium.
  7. Drug treatment - is carried out using drugs that can act on inflammation and restore damaged tissue.

Contraindications to cauterization:

  • inflammation in the genital area;
  • diseases transmitted through sexual contact;
  • large discharge of blood;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • malignant formations;
  • pregnancy, often – lactation period;
  • recent birth;
  • spiral;
  • previous cesarean section;
  • papilloma;
  • certain types of mental disorder;
  • the presence of acute chronic diseases;
  • wearing a pacemaker;

Recovery after cauterization

After the operation, the patient must follow all the recommendations of her doctor so that the recovery time does not prolong and various complications do not appear. Usually lasts about two months.

Possible consequences:

  • inflammation of the fallopian tube or ovaries, can develop on one side or on both sides;
  • large loss of blood (small bruises are considered normal);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • complete scarring;
  • recurrence of damage in the same area;
  • endometriosis;

A large amount of discharge and aching pain in the lower abdomen are not considered dangerous - this is a sign of natural tissue healing. They appear to varying degrees after any removal procedure.

Bloody discharge is considered normal if it goes away on its own and does not last for a long time; otherwise, you need to contact a specialist.

  1. In the first month and a half after cauterization of erosion, you should not return to sexual activity. To avoid inflammation, you need to abstain from sexual intercourse. You can return to sexual activity only after examination by a gynecologist, who will give permission.
  2. It is forbidden to lift weights, otherwise the risk of complications and uterine tone may increase.
  3. After removing the erosion, it is prohibited to swim in reservoirs or visit establishments dedicated to water procedures. Showering is allowed.
  4. As a little help, a woman can do a little treatment at home. Which consists of using tampons with sea buckthorn oil or ointment. This can help the scab become softer faster and come off easier. It may also help prevent it from coming off incorrectly, which can lead to bleeding.
  5. Planning a pregnancy within a month after cauterization is not possible. The waiting time is until the menstrual cycle ends after the procedure. In addition, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.
  6. Conducting an ultrasound using a vaginal sensor is also prohibited for the first time after removal of inflammation.
  7. To reduce the risk of infection and the development of bacterial microflora, pay great attention to intimate hygiene. Change pads as they become dirty, but do not wear the same pad for more than three hours. You will have to give up tampons for a while. Linen should be chosen from natural fabrics.
  8. Smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited. This affects the dilation of blood vessels and the occurrence of their spasm. Therefore, to avoid bleeding, give up these bad habits in the first two months.
  9. It is worth being careful with folk remedies in order to speed up healing. Because they can cause completely the opposite result. Especially, you need to be more careful with different solutions so as not to cause infection or cause burns or injuries that can cause bleeding. Be sure to first discuss any procedures that you want to carry out on your own with your doctor, otherwise unverified reviews about certain products can lead to disastrous results.
  10. It is allowed to insert the IUD only after healing, so as not to cause infection.

What happens after cauterization - video


Is it possible to play sports after cauterization?

You can resume training after a week, but it should be light. That is, light fitness is allowed. But if you experience pain and your condition worsens, training should be stopped and postponed for a month until complete recovery. An exception may be professional athletes who should not lose shape, but training may be allowed for them, also after consulting a doctor. Restrictions on sports occur due to the risk of bleeding caused by heavy exertion.

Why does there be an unpleasant odor after surgery?

The appearance of an odor, unlike discharge, is not normal during recovery and indicates poor intimate hygiene. But if a woman takes proper care of herself, and the smell does not disappear, this indicates an infection. In this case, you need to visit a doctor and get tested.

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

The process is absolutely painless. There is no need to be afraid and postpone the operation; this can only harm yourself. There are very few nerve endings on the cervix, so you don’t have to worry about a painless operation. So the potential patient can sleep peacefully.

Is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization?

Pregnancy is possible, but only after waiting 1-2 months for complete recovery, so that you still have time to recover. For women planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to correctly decide on the method of removal. Diathermocoagulation is strictly contraindicated. Since during this operation a scar is formed, which can complicate the birth process. When you can start planning a pregnancy, you need to check with your gynecologist.

Can erosion appear again?

Only under certain conditions can inflammation make itself felt again:

  • injury during childbirth or abortion;
  • introduction of a dangerous infection;
  • the factor of the previous damage is not completely removed;
  • cauterization using nitrogen or chemical coagulation - procedures that allow incomplete removal of the damage;

Try to avoid these reasons so that the cervix does not become injured again.

How long does it take for erosion to heal after cauterization?

Depending on how the operation was performed. The fastest healing period is after chemical coagulation (3 weeks). The longest is after diathermocoagulation (2.5-3 months). On average, the uterus heals in about 6-8 weeks.

By following all these simple recommendations after cauterization of cervical erosion, you can avoid possible complications and speed up healing. Most women who decided to undergo this procedure, following the rules of recovery after surgery, forgot about the problems associated with the cervix.

Do not be afraid to undergo this operation because it is completely painless, but if you cannot overcome your fear, the doctor can provide you with painkillers and sedatives. Follow all doctor's advice and closely monitor your health.

Article last updated 12/07/2019

Treatment of erosion, in order to achieve an effective and stable result, is recommended through surgery. This therapeutic procedure is called cauterization. It can be carried out using current, laser coagulation, liquid nitrogen, or radio waves. Erosion of the cervix after cauterization requires compliance with restorative and rehabilitation measures. Throughout the entire rehabilitation, which lasts from 1 to 3 months (depending on the chosen technique), you will have to face a number of limitations. Recommendations after the procedure must be followed unconditionally so as not to cause complications.

What happens after cauterization? The mucous uterine layer of the cervix needs to be renewed, so the rehabilitation period can take from 1 to 2, sometimes 3 months. After burning out the erosive lesions on the cervix, the doctor will give the woman recommendations on what to do if certain symptoms occur. The doctor will also tell you what is prohibited to do in order to prevent negative consequences and complications after cauterization of cervical erosion.

The cauterization procedure (see title photo) is a safe method for removing pathological lesions, but the likelihood of complications is always present. Where can complications come from? For the most part, their occurrence is associated with improper work by the doctor or the woman’s failure to comply with the gynecologist’s instructions.

The most common consequences after cauterization of erosion:

  • formation of scar tissue in the area of ​​cauterized erosive lesions;
  • instability of the onset of menstruation;
  • inflammation developing in the area of ​​the appendages and uterine cavity;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • re-occurrence of pathology.

Consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion, which are not related to pathological symptoms and accompany the entire rehabilitation period:

  • lower abdomen hurts;
  • there is itching in the vagina;
  • Discharge of medium intensity occurs periodically.

These symptoms will go away on their own and are not treated.

When the body temperature rises, symptoms such as heavy discharge with bloody streaks, bleeding that comes out along with dense clots, excessively intense pain in the lower abdomen, which is not helped by analgesic and antispasmodic agents, are present, there is an unpleasant vaginal odor after cauterization of erosion - you need to visit a doctor. During the normal course of the recovery period, these manifestations should be absent, regardless of the cauterizing method used to remove the erosion.

Normal indicators

After cauterization of cervical erosion, discharge of the following nature is present:

  • weak or moderate intensity, transparent, white color. Sometimes the healing process is accompanied by clear discharge with blood clots;
  • discharge of a pinkish tint, gradually becoming more abundant and thicker, disappearing on its own after a few weeks;
  • brown daub that thickens and disappears after 7-10 days.

Photos of normal and atypical, white and bloody discharge can be seen in the gynecologist's waiting room. The discharge continues for 2-3 weeks while the cervix heals. Gradually their intensity and volume should decrease. If this does not happen, you need to see a gynecologist.

Everything that is prohibited

After cauterization of cervical erosion, a woman will face a number of restrictions that must be observed. Contraindications for cervical erosion after surgery are aimed primarily at preventing the development of complications such as bleeding and infection.

Rules that must be strictly followed:

  • sexual rest for a period of 6-9 weeks;
  • do not visit swimming pools, baths and saunas;
  • ban on solariums;
  • refusal to use tampons during menstruation;
  • swimming in rivers, seas, lakes is excluded;
  • Any kind of sport is prohibited, as well as exercise and heavy lifting.

After cauterization of cervical erosion, vaginal douching is prohibited, and taking any medications, especially those affecting the rate of blood clotting, is prohibited.

Intimate life

If you do not maintain sexual rest, injury will occur. After cauterization of the erosion, the mucous surface of the uterine cervix forms a wound on which a protective film is formed, which helps accelerate healing. But this film is very thin, and with the slightest physical impact on it, it can tear.

During the rehabilitation period after treatment, the cervix will lead to mechanical injury to the mucous surface. This risks causing the woman to bleed, and the presence of a wound on the surface of the organ provokes infection. Sexual activity is possible only after 1-2 months, strictly with the doctor's permission. In the future, for several months, sex is possible only with a condom to avoid infection.

Sports and physical activity

Statistics answer the question whether it is possible to play sports after cauterization of erosion. According to her, women who engaged in physical activity, be it Pilates, fitness or long walks, experienced a deterioration in their condition. You can start training 1.5-2 months after recovery, and the ban on sports can only be lifted by the doctor after the patient has been re-diagnosed.

Early sports can lead to pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, and the need for additional medical treatment.


Why can't you use tampons? After cauterization of cervical erosion and later, when menstruation begins, the use of tampons will slow down the process of bleeding. They will begin to accumulate, and this will have the most negative impact on the state of the vaginal microflora.

Pathogenic fungi may develop, and infection cannot be ruled out. Once the erosion has been cauterized, the woman can only use pads. You need to change them as often as possible and wash them every time after changing.

Warming manipulations

The category of what should not be done after cauterization of erosion includes a ban on visiting saunas, solariums, baths, and applying warm compresses to the stomach. Any exposure to hot temperatures on the body will cause the blood vessels to begin to dilate, the blood will move faster, and bleeding will most likely begin.

What else cannot be done after cauterization of cervical erosion? It is forbidden to take a bath with very hot water or stay in a shower for a long time (also too warm) if the water temperature is above 38-40°.

Use of drugs

What not to do after the procedure of cauterization of erosion , So this is to douche the vagina, insert tampons with various medications and drink any medications. It is forbidden to follow the advice of friends who had to resort to removing the pathology, after which they used tampons.

Comprehensive treatment of pathology is carried out. For a speedy recovery after cauterization of erosion, the doctor may prescribe the use of certain medications, the use of tampons with ointments and solutions. But such additional treatment is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor, after the results of an additional medical examination of the woman are obtained after removal of the erosive foci.

If signs such as pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen occur that disturb a woman, painkillers can only be taken if they have been prescribed by the attending physician. It is especially dangerous to take medications belonging to the group of anticoagulants (for example, Aspirin), which cause bleeding.

Swimming in natural and artificial reservoirs

The consequences can be the most negative if you violate the ban on swimming in pools or rivers. The water in swimming pools, as a rule, is excessively chlorinated, with impurities of various chemicals that can greatly irritate the unhealed mucous membrane of the cervix and significantly delay the healing process.

Such irritation may cause bleeding, and a decrease in the protective forces of local immunity will cause infection. For the same reason, swimming in rivers, seas and other natural bodies of water where a large number of pathogenic microorganisms are present is prohibited.

Installation of an intrauterine device

Many women who had to treat erosion by cauterizing it are interested in the question of whether it is possible to install a spiral for erosion.

The use of this method of contraception after treatment of a pathological change in the cervical mucosa is not a contraindication. But an IUD can only be inserted after the organ has been completely restored.

The period of time for the mucous membrane to heal varies from person to person. Therefore, before placing an intrauterine device, the patient is examined by a doctor and prescribed a series of medical tests. Women who have the IUD inserted before complete healing has taken place run the risk of encountering very serious complications - the scar on the tissue will not have time to heal completely, bleeding may occur, the risk of relapse in the future will increase, and the possibility of infection cannot be ruled out.

On average, the period from the removal of erosive foci to the possibility of inserting an intrauterine device takes from 40 days to six months. What determines this difference in recovery time? Depending on the cauterization technique used and the severity of the clinical case.


Every woman needs to know what erosion looks like (see photo) and what to do to protect herself from relapse after the cauterization procedure. First of all, you need to carefully follow all the doctor’s instructions during the recovery period. When asked whether it is possible to self-medicate if signs of erosion reappear, the answer is clear - no.

In case of relapse, a repeat cauterization procedure is required.

Prevention of relapse includes timely treatment of various diseases of the reproductive system, maintaining careful hygiene and preventive visits to the gynecologist at least 2 times a year.