Exam preparation plan. Is it possible to prepare for the exam in one year Proper preparation of the exam

Just don't fool yourself! “In principle, everything is not bad with us,” parents often tell me in the first telephone conversation, “At school, the child has fours and even fives, only the trial exam “accidentally” wrote two! I was probably worried.”

Friends! If a person really knows the subject for a B, he will not be able to pass the exam for a B, even if he is unconscious. Don't be fooled! Randomness is not a deuce on a mock exam, but a waterfall of fours and fives that falls on schoolchildren during 11 years of study. Unfortunately, practice shows that 90% of school grades are fake! We will not talk now about the reasons for this phenomenon (for more details about this, you can read here), but rather think about how to give yourself (or your offspring) an objective assessment.

I can suggest several options:

  • use tests in chemistry and mathematics on this site;
  • buy a collection of USE tests in the relevant subject and try to solve several options (only honestly, without cheating and without the help of friends!);
  • seek advice from a qualified tutor, ask him to assess the current level of knowledge and draw up a program for preparing for the exam.

Set a realistic goal for yourself. Consider time limits

If there are four months left before the Unified State Examination, at the moment you are barely able to solve 3-4 simple tasks, and you aim for 90 points, I'm afraid that you will be disappointed! To reach the level of 80 points in mathematics, even a very capable student will need 1.5 - 2 years of intensive work.

It is very difficult to clearly define what is realistic goal. Too many variables to take into account. The initial level of the student, his abilities, and the level of motivation, and, of course, the time reserve play a role. An experienced tutor already after one or two lessons understands what one or another of his wards can count on. A non-professional very often at times can exaggerate or underestimate the capabilities of a child.

I will try to give just a few guidelines on the example of typical situations. So,

Typical situation Forecast
We are preparing for the exam in mathematics, we have a year in stock, the current level is "below the plinth". We can count on 60 points in the exam, a maximum of 65, subject to intensive work.
We are preparing for the USE in mathematics, we have a year left, at the moment we can solve about 50% of the tasks from the first part. Realistic forecast: 70 - 75 points.
Preparing for the math exam two years in reserve, at the moment we can solve about 50% of the tasks. We can rise even above 90 points. The level of 80 points during normal operation is practically guaranteed.
We are preparing for the exam in chemistry, we have a year in stock, the current level is "zero with a minus". We can count on 70 - 75 points on a real exam (with intensive work during the year).
We want to pass the exam in chemistry, at school - a "real" four, a year in reserve. 80 - 90 points is an achievable result.
We dream of getting 100 points on the exam in chemistry, we have two years ahead and a great desire to work. We do all the homework, we work regularly. The dream of 100 points can become a reality.
Six months before the exam in mathematics, we even uncertainly know the multiplication table. Is it possible to pass the exam with at least a minimum score? Yes, you can. You need to find a professional tutor and start working seriously.
Similar question for chemistry. Of course you can.
There are two to three months before the exam. Zero knowledge. Is there anything to hope for? You can only count on passing the exam with a minimum score, and even then, subject to intensive work under the guidance of a top-class tutor.

Once again, I remind you that only guidelines are given here. Naturally, there are no guarantees in such forecasts and cannot be!

Make a study program

So, by the beginning of June, you plan to confidently solve, for example, ten problems in a test. Currently, you are able to complete 2-3 tasks. Take a sheet of paper, a pen and try to sketch out a rough work plan: December will be devoted to tasks B1 and B4, January - B2 and B5, etc. If you are preparing for the exam with a tutor, the situation is simplified: he will have to make a plan and follow its implementation. If preparing on your own, show your plan to the school teacher; maybe something needs to be adjusted.

It is likely that some changes will be made to the plan in the course of preparation. This is normal.

Give yourself time

It is important to understand that life makes its own adjustments to any plan. You can get sick, the exam can be postponed to an earlier date, it turns out that a topic that seemed very easy to you, in fact, will require more effort, etc.

You must provide for a reserve of time. Let's say you already know that the exam in mathematics will take place on June 10th. But you should be fully prepared by May 15th. If there are any problems, you can solve them in the remaining time. If there are no problems, you can once again repeat the material covered, or even work on more complex examples.

Check yourself periodically

Any preparation loses its meaning if you do not constantly monitor the implementation of your plan. After each session, organize a small test for yourself. Check all completed tasks according to the answers (but do not adjust to the answer!) Periodically arrange a trial exam for yourself: you can use collections of exam tests or materials from the Internet. The main thing is that the exam should be as objective as possible. Do not look at textbooks, solve problems in an "exam setting", ask friends or parents to check you.

Your results should gradually improve. If progress is not observed, it is necessary to change the training system: use a different textbook, devote more time to classes, seek the help of a tutor.

Prepare for the exam every day

I understand that today is a friend's birthday, and tomorrow is an important test at school, and the day after tomorrow is the New Year. Yesterday I had a headache, and the day before yesterday they promised a collision of the Earth with an asteroid (and why bother preparing for the exam at all?). No, my friends, it won't work like that! If you plan to do it from time to time, once a week or even less often, I have to disappoint you: the effectiveness of such work tends to zero.

Daily sessions of 20 minutes are much more useful than one two-hour session once a week. Regularity of work is the basis of success. And let friends, holidays, social networks, football, TV wait until the summer!

Preparing for the exam is not just about solving tests

I would like to once again warn graduates against the thoughtless use of numerous "Collections of tests for preparing for the exam."

Firstly, the quality of a large (if not more!) part of these collections is not very high (this is putting it mildly!): a lot of factual errors, incorrect assignments, etc.

Secondly, even high-quality collections of this type do not replace textbooks, reference books, etc. These books, of course, have the right to exist, but only as an auxiliary element of education. You can use them to assess your entry level (see above), for periodic self-control during training.

The stupidest thing you can think of when preparing for the exam is just "solving" (as some teachers like to say) an infinite number of tests.

Preparation for the exam (as well as for any other exam) is work on certain topics, over tasks of certain types. Today you learn to solve quadratic equations, tomorrow you analyze equations with modules, the day after tomorrow you remember fractional rational equations, etc. You only need to fully master the previous one to move on to the next topic.

Obviously, test collections will not help you in such work. It is better to use ordinary school textbooks or specialized literature for university students.

When choosing a future profession, the question arises about the place of further study. You can get into the best university in the country and the most sought-after faculty only if you receive an assessment close to 100 points in all the required exams. If the chosen specialty requires historical knowledge, you should find out how best and more efficiently to prepare for the exam in history in order to earn the highest possible points.

USE 2018 in history

History in 2018 is an optional exam. The right to choose is given to the student himself, and depends on the university and the direction of specialization where it is decided to enter.

Those who pass history open the way to the top universities of the country in the most diverse areas

What tasks are included in the exam

You can get acquainted with the demo version of the USE 2018 in history on the official website www.fipi.ru/. The exam consists of 2 parts, it includes 25 tasks.

The 1st part covers 19 tasks testing the basic level of knowledge. Almost all offer multiple answers. It is required to correctly enter the desired number in the allotted cells.

Part 2 consists of 6 tasks of increased complexity.

  • Tasks from 20 to 22 are performed on the basis of the excerpt from the document given in the text of the exam. They test not only knowledge of history, but also the ability to analyze and systematize the proposed documentary source.
  • Questions 23 and 24 are reasoned mini-essays of reasoning in which you need to bring at least 2 facts to prove your thoughts based on the given historical material. Otherwise, points will be reduced.
  • Task 25 - a real essay on one of the proposed historical time periods. The task is the most capacious in terms of points (11 points), but also the most difficult.

Preparing for the exam in history in a month is almost impossible due to the huge amount of information


Convenient in preparing for the exam is the site https://hist-ege.sdamgia.ru/. It has the opportunity to pass the entire test and find out the points awarded, or you can select a separate topic and work out the proposed tasks on it. All options are updated monthly. There is also a timer that records the time spent on answers.

A few examples of proposed assignments.

Task 1. It is necessary to correctly arrange 3 events in chronology:

  1. The murder of Prince Igor.
  2. Founding of Novgorod.
  3. Formation of the empire of Charlemagne.

Not only historical knowledge related to Russia is required, but also basic information on world history. A 1-point event occurred in 945, a 2-point event in 862, and a 3-point event in 800. The answer to task 1 should look like this: 321.

Task 2. It is required to establish a correspondence between events and dates:

When performing this task, you should find events that are 100% known. For example, the baptism of Russia (988) and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941). Further, from the remaining dates, you need to remove those that do not exactly fit: 2013 and 1054. 1564 and 1648 remain. The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov is known for several riots, among which was the salt one. It should correspond to 1648. Answer: A-5, B-3, C-6, D-2.

Task 9. Indicate the correspondence of terms and rulers, in whose time they appeared.

Answer: A-3, B-1, C-2, C-5.

Task 25. It is proposed to write an essay, choosing one of the periods: 1425–1505, 1762–1796, 1941–1943. At least 2 personalities of this period and 2 events should be indicated.

When choosing the period 1941-1943, it is known that the Great Patriotic War was famous for a large number of military leaders: Zhukov G.K., Rokossovsky K.K., Govorov L.A. Stalin I.V. was the commander-in-chief. The most famous battles and events in the initial period of the war: the battle for Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the defense of Leningrad, the defense of Sevastopol.

Which majors will require an exam?

Knowledge of history is required for admission to the following areas and specialties:

  • story;
  • archeology;
  • philosophy;
  • cultural studies;
  • art history;
  • sociology;
  • religious studies;
  • theology;
  • political science;
  • linguistics;
  • international relationships;
  • tourism;
  • hotel business.

How to quickly and effectively prepare for the exam in history

It is impossible to get deep knowledge of Russian history in a short period of time. In addition, the USE contains tasks that require basic knowledge of world history. Due to the large volume, preparation for the history exam should be done in advance, from the 10th grade. For 2 years, you can work out the material in depth, which covers not only the knowledge of dates, events and figures, but also the ability to work with maps, analyze historical documents.

If you decide to take history, it is better to start preparing for the exam at least a year in advance

Study the subject yourself or contact a tutor? This issue is decided by each individually. It should be taken into account that no tutor will be able to put a large number of dates and events into his head. This will have to be drilled on your own. A good tutor will be able to direct and organize the preparation process, tell you about the intricacies and criteria for assessing assignments.

For several months

When preparing for history in a few months, it will be more difficult to master all the historical material in depth.

  • It is recommended to practice the subject every day. Don't jump on history one day and then forget about it for a week.
  • Lessons should be divided into several parts. In part 1, study the theory. The educational material is not just to read, but to draw up a plan or summary based on the information that was gleaned from the topic being studied. Take a short break to better assimilate the material. Then, in part 2, solve tests on the theory you read, of which there are a large number on the Internet. This will help you understand and reinforce the topic.
  • Based on the material worked out, it is recommended to study all the maps available in the textbooks, view illustrations and posters related to the period under consideration.
  • Resting, do not relax. You need to usefully spend your free time watching documentaries on historical topics.

When studying topics, one should build them in the correct chronological sequence, without tearing out separate pieces of material. Then the cause-and-effect relationships of all subsequent events will be clear.

For 1 month

The less time left before the exam, the less material the examinee will be able to learn. In a month, you can only superficially study the main points of history. An in-depth knowledge of the subject in such a short period is impossible to obtain.

In task 25, usually 3 options for historical periods are offered. As practice shows, the 20th century is necessarily present in them. It is worth paying more attention to the study of materials on this time: the characteristics of historical figures, their reforms, events. There will not be enough time for a detailed study of other periods.

It is impossible to independently study and systematize all historical material in a month. You can resort to the services of professionals. A number of universities offer express preparation for the USE. You should choose an educational institution in which history is a core subject.

For 1-2 weeks

It is impossible to prepare a few weeks before any exam. In such a short time, you can only go through all the material again, refreshing it in your memory. Even if the student has a unique memory for a week, you can only memorize the dates and names of the main personalities. But there will hardly be time left to study historical documents, reforms, maps and illustrations, to study in depth any historical period in order to write an essay. It is not worth counting on a high score with this approach to the subject.

How to properly manage your exam time

3 hours 55 minutes are given to complete all tasks in history. In order to have time to complete time-consuming tasks, it is necessary to correctly allocate examination time. For each question from the 1st part, you should not spend more than 3-5 minutes. If in doubt, it is best to move on to the next questions. After completing all the tasks of the 1st part, you should return to the questions left unanswered and try to consider them again.

You can take 10-15 minutes to complete the tasks of the 2nd part. The time should be allocated in such a way that there is a free hour for the essay on task 25.

Some students try to start with the 2nd part, being carried away by writing an essay. It is difficult to control the time in the exam, so this approach can lead to the fact that there is no time left for the rest of the tasks. In addition, starting with complex tasks, you can panic when you find a lack of knowledge on the proposed tasks. It is recommended to move from simple to complex. This will help you better tune in to more complex issues.

Having chosen a specialty that requires USE results in history, you need to properly organize the preparation. It is required to rationally allocate time between studying theory, doing tests, getting acquainted with historical maps and illustrations. At least 2 hours a day should be allocated for preparation. It is recommended to study topics in chronological order. Starting to consider the next period, constantly refer to the materials already covered, consolidating them. It is quite possible to prepare for the exam on your own. A good tutor can only give the right direction, explain the subtleties of the design of the 2nd part of the tasks.

Every year in Russia there are more and more hundred points. The procedure for passing the exam and entering universities is becoming clearer and more familiar. This requires incredible efforts on the part of graduates and their parents. But how much does it cost to prepare for a unified exam in the literal sense, in rubles today? And is it possible to pass on the "five" without the help of tutors?

Set for success

It is good if by the time of graduation the future applicant has decided on the university and the direction of training. Someone chooses a specialty based on personal interests, someone - on the advice of their parents. Graduate of 2017 Evgeniy Schanikov carefully studied the ratings of the demanded professions of the future.

“Before choosing a university, I studied the market, I never wanted to be a “middle manager,” Zhenya said. - Working specialties attract little. I want to go to medical school. I hand over this year, in addition to profile, biology and chemistry. I study with tutors in all subjects, except for Russian and mathematics. We have very strong teachers, thanks to them for such training. I think they care about us more than we do. We started preparing for Russian in the 11th grade. Methodical days, additional classes where we learn theory, pass it, and solve tests. Once a week, probes, and after - error analysis. Weekend consultations. I work with tutors 2 times a week - it comes out 1500 rubles. They prepare exactly according to the USE standards, so I'm not particularly worried. The mood is excellent. But sometimes it gets a little scary because of the surrender procedure itself.

Understanding the USE system is 90% of success. Tests do not require anything supernatural. If you study for good grades and understand what they want from you at the exam, you can easily pass it yourself. The main thing is not to be lazy.

Graduate of 2017 Alina Kucher, on the contrary, she has never used the services of tutors and prepares for exams on her own, carefully listening to teachers.

“Understanding the USE system is 90% of success,” Alina is sure. - Tests do not require anything supernatural. If you study for good grades and understand what they want from you at the exam, you can easily pass it yourself. The main thing is not to be lazy. It is necessary to give all the best in the classroom, to fulfill all the tasks of the teachers. Solve KIMs of past years, draw up a plan for repeating the theory. Practice in solving options will give you the opportunity to understand your strengths and save time on the exam. So for now I'm just wasting my energy. I plan to enter Moscow State University, I am sure of success, because I have always studied excellently. ”

From personal experience

Sometimes the decision “where to go” comes suddenly. And he knows firsthand about the difficulties of such a situation. graduate of 2016 Elizaveta Demina.

“I started studying with tutors in the tenth grade,” says Lisa. - My parents wanted me to enter the Faculty of Physics and Technology. We spent a lot of money on additional classes. But in the 11th grade, I suddenly realized that I could no longer teach physics. Not mine. I decided to enter journalism. She began to prepare herself for the exam in the Russian language, mathematics, history and social science. Went to training courses. In fact, you can prepare for Russian without a tutor, repeat and learn the theory in the first semester, and spend the rest of the time on tests and writing. I prepared for basic mathematics “in a day”. My algebra teacher gave me a lot of useful knowledge. Watching a video with the analysis of tasks from YouTube helped a lot. But with society and history it was very difficult. Materials need to be taught on time or start preparing in advance. Barely scored points on them. In any case, I entered and now I remember my graduation class as a test. I think I made the right choice, despite the "wasted" money spent by my parents.

The fact that a tutor is not always a guarantee of success, said graduate of last year Konstantin Oleinik.

“In 2016, I could not score the required number of points,” says Kostya. - 10th and 11th grades I was preparing to enter the Polytechnic. Won the Olympics. I studied with tutors in all subjects, since the lessons learned at school were not enough. And the teachers did not have enough time to study with each student. As a result, I passed physics with 80 points, and Russian - with 40. I did not pass by the total points. Entered another faculty. Now I don’t regret anything, but at that moment I was very upset. By the way, some of my classmates did not try to get a higher education due to the fact that their parents did not have the means to prepare. As for physics, I can give advice to graduates. Only practice matters. If you are preparing without tutors, you can watch webinars.

Whom to pay?

What do mentors themselves think about preparing for the exam? The tutor does not always have a complete picture of the correct and, most importantly, relevant preparation of children for the exam, I'm sure teacher of Russian language and literature at the Sochi secondary school Olga Nesterenko:

“A school teacher knows all the weak points of students,” says Olga Stanislavovna. - He has more experience with children of this age, which means he understands their psychology. In addition, we, teachers, regularly work with the USE, understand the methodology and the assessment system. Many complain about the inability to deal with each student individually. Well, so you need to rebuild, include elements of testing in the program, learn to organize brainstorming sessions and courses right at school. This is much more convenient for children, and most importantly, there is serious competition for unqualified tutors. Why should parents pay for what teachers are required to give their children? Good teachers should be paid by the state. And not a penny for the number of those who passed and prepared by no one knows who. Then there will be real savings for future applicants.

The opposite opinion physics teacher Alexander Zherebilo:

“The level of teaching physics, for example, at a university is fundamentally different from that at school. - Teachers train the child exclusively for the format of a single exam. This does not give real knowledge, because a technical subject is not just a set of rules. It needs to be understood. Therefore, a tutor, preferably a university teacher, will give more practical knowledge. Prepare not only for the exam, but also for further study. Everyone knows that many can fail the first session thanks to the “school curriculum”. The very fact that a graduate is engaged with a tutor has a positive effect on his motivation and understanding of the tasks. There is a difference in goals: the teacher has too many of them, he does not know how to teach the child to think and master a large volume at the same time. And for the exam, it is important not only to systematize knowledge, but also to understand the algorithm of actions.

The school gives a set of factual information, but what to do with it further - does not teach. Up to 90 percent of graduates today are not able to properly organize their time. They are used to following instructions: parents, teachers.

Head of the Department of Modern Russian Language of Kuban State University, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of Russia Lidia Isaeva:

“It is quite realistic to prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language as part of the school curriculum. The only part that can cause difficulties is the composition. However, a speech development program is also usually included in the lessons. So in theory, it is quite possible to pass the exam without special special training. Another issue is that not all schools allow students to fully master the material. Unfortunately, often even educational institutions with a good reputation prepare children superficially. All this becomes clear when analyzing the mistakes that applicants make during preparatory courses.

The main goal of the teacher should be the ability to "teach self-study", set tasks and solve them in an organized manner. And teachers, for various reasons, give this, unfortunately, not enough time. The school gives a set of factual information, but what to do with it further - does not teach. Up to 90 percent of graduates today are not able to properly organize their time. They are accustomed to following instructions: parents, teachers... Without thinking about the consequences. And in such cases, a tutor can really help. An experienced specialist will find an individual psychological approach, not only give knowledge, but also teach responsibility.

USE. Usually this combination of letters causes at least anxiety, not only among students, but also among their parents. What you need to know about the exam in order to have time to prepare well for it?

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a mandatory test for all students graduating from high school. To date, in order to obtain a certificate of secondary education, it is necessary to pass two subjects: Russian and mathematics. The rest of the subjects students choose depending on how necessary the results of the exams for further education. All official documents, demos can be found on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

Option one: the student does not plan to enter higher education institutions. Then he has the right to limit himself to two mandatory exams (Russian language and mathematics at the basic level). If the exam results are positive, the student will receive a certificate of secondary education.

Option two: the student plans to enter higher educational institutions. Then he needs to get acquainted with the university website, the results of which will be required upon admission. An application for passing the exam of choice can be submitted strictly until the first of March. You can refuse the exam, but adding it will be problematic. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance which exam results are required for admission. Exam results are valid for four years.

So, with the choice of exams decided. You have a whole academic year to prepare well. You can do it yourself. In bookstores you can find collections with practice versions of exams. By referring to the answers, you can easily understand what material needs to be worked out.

You can refer to the open bank of tasks on the FIPI website, to Internet resources, where you can also take a test on the subject and assess your level of knowledge.

If, during independent work, questions arise that you cannot answer on your own, you can turn to teachers for help. There are a lot of offers on the market of educational services: tutoring, training courses, distance lessons. You just need to choose the most convenient option for you.

A permit is required for the exam. Admission is graduation, which eleventh graders must write in December. Such an early deadline is needed so that those who have not coped with writing it have the opportunity to rewrite the work before the start of the USE period. Topic directions (there are 5 in total) appear on the FIPI website in September, so there is time to prepare here too. And the wording itself will become known only at the exam itself. The essay invites students to talk about universal problems and values, drawing on the material of literary works.

How to prepare for the exam

To understand the full significance of successfully passing the exam, you need to realize that the list of universities that you can enter depends on it. Achieving the desired results is simple - just pay attention to preparation and act wisely. How long does it take to start preparing? It takes 2 years to prepare for the exam. Better to start in 9th grade. By this time, it is desirable to know at least 50% of the material that will be on the state exam.

Without a good base, it is impossible to prepare for the exam in 4-6 months and get 90 points. Therefore, those who need a good result for admission to the desired university should start early. To consolidate and better understand current topics, you need to periodically repeat the material covered. Periodic rest is required, otherwise you can not cope with the load. If you start preparing 2 years before the exam, there will be many opportunities to take a preventive break.

How to choose items?

The choice of USE subjects is carried out in 14 subjects. Of these, 2 are mandatory - Russian and mathematics.

  • Focus on your own interests, future profession, the current salary of graduates. The main thing is to make it interesting to work in your specialty;
  • Decide on the university you want to go to. It is better to have several options with different requirements;
  • Find out what subjects are needed for admission;
  • Pass exams only in the disciplines necessary for admission.

If you prepare for 6-7 subjects at the same time, there is a high probability of scoring low scores.

Tutor or courses?

Self-training is suitable exclusively for disciplined students with high academic performance. The school curriculum is limited to those who do not seek to get the maximum scores. In other cases, a tutor or preparatory courses should be preferred. Having made the decision to study with a tutor, the student enlists the support of a competent mentor. It is desirable that it be associated with the passing of the exam, since even errors in registration can affect the result.

If you can’t afford to go to a tutor, you should enroll in courses that take place online or in person. The advantages of group learning include a more affordable price, motivation (competitive factor), as well as communication with students interested in high scores. A clear program based on past exams will help you mentally and intellectually prepare for the stress of the exam.

Olympics, medals, certificate with honors

Victory in the Olympiad is the correspondence highest score in a particular subject at the Unified State Examination. It provides an opportunity to get rid of one of the disciplines. Medals and certificates with honors play a minor role. But in some universities, they can provide additional points and give advantages over other applicants.


Formulate for yourself the reason why it is important to successfully pass the exam - studying at a good university, a successful career, scientific activity. Remember her in the most difficult periods. Don't hold on to stress. It is better to talk in time with someone who is able to provide support.

Before and during the exam

The day before the exam, review all the material covered. On the day of passing the exam, do not study anything - it will only get worse. When submitting work, make sure that the answers remain in their places.

Keep track of time. To be on time, it is better to practice in advance. Start with questions you know the answers to. This will provide an opportunity to devote more time to more complex tasks.

These are the most common points related to the exam. The main thing is to understand that nothing is impossible, and the exam is just a stage in life. Of course, very important. Take your time and don't be nervous, as this will increase stress. Keep calm. This is the only way you will get the best score.