Features of taking contraceptive pills rigevidon. Reviews for rigevidon I have been taking rigevidon for 2 years and my periods have stopped

Rigevidon is a birth control pill that contains a low dose of hormones and can be used as a method of contraception and treatment of certain gynecological diseases.

ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.

Composition of tablets and packaging

Rigevidon belongs to the group of monophasic birth control pills. This means that all tablets in the package contain the same dose of hormones. One tablet of Rigevidon contains 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 150 mcg of levonorgestrel. One blister (plate) of Rigevidon contains 21 tablets, designed for 21 days of use.

Rigevidon 21+7 contains 28 tablets in one blister (plate). White tablets have the same dosage of hormones as regular Rigevidon (30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 150 mcg levonorgestrel), and reddish-brown tablets do not contain hormones, being essentially placebo tablets, or dummies.

Benefits of Rigevidon

Rigevidon birth control pills have a reliable contraceptive effect and, if taken correctly, provide high protection against unwanted pregnancy. The contraceptive effect of Rigevidon is achieved by temporarily suppressing ovulation in the ovaries and increasing the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal.

Taking Rigevidon for 3 consecutive months or more helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce and reduce the volume of blood loss during menstruation. While taking the OK Rigevidon, the risk of developing mastopathy, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and some other gynecological diseases is reduced.

The effect of the drug is reversible. Already in the first months after stopping taking Rigevidon, a woman becomes capable of conceiving again.

Rules for taking Rigevidon

Rigevidon is recommended to take one tablet per day, at any convenient time of the day, regardless of meals. If you are concerned about the side effects of the drug (nausea, headache), then it is recommended to change the time of taking the pills to the evening.

If you have not used any hormonal contraceptives in the past month

It is recommended to start taking Rigevidon on the first day of the menstrual cycle (on the first day of menstruation). After you start taking the pills, your periods may become more scanty or may stop altogether. This is normal. It is also possible that your periods will not stop, but on the contrary, will drag on for 7-10 days or more. This is also normal.

Take Rigevidon one tablet per day for 21 days in a row. After the tablets in the blister run out, take a 7-day break. During the 7-day break, your period may begin. Regardless of whether your period has ended, always start a new package of Rigevidon on the 8th day after a week's break.

If you are taking Rigevidon 21+7, then start taking the drug with white tablets and take one white tablet for 21 days. After the white tablets are gone, start taking the reddish-brown tablets. You may get your period while you take the last seven tablets. Despite your period, continue to take the pills every day. After finishing the blister pack (taking the last reddish-brown tablet), start a new pack the next day, without interruption.

When will the contraceptive effect occur?

The contraceptive effect of Rigevidon occurs immediately if you start taking the pills on the first day of your period. In this case, you may not need to use additional methods of protection against pregnancy.

If you took the first tablet of Rigevidon from the 2nd to the 5th day of menstruation, then you need to use it for another 7 days after starting to take the tablets. The contraceptive effect will occur after taking the eighth tablet.

Will the contraceptive effect continue after a week's break?

If in the previous month you took the pills correctly (without omissions and without factors that reduce the effect of OK), then the contraceptive effect of Rigevidon remains in the interval between packs, and you do not need to use additional methods of contraception.

If you had any omissions, or the effect of the tablets could be reduced for other reasons (diarrhea, vomiting, drinking large doses of alcohol, taking medications), see the instructions in the relevant paragraphs.

How to switch to Rigevidon from other birth control pills?

If your previous birth control pills contained 21 tablets in a blister pack:

    You can start taking Rigevidon the next day after the last tablet taken of the previous OCs, or

    on the eighth day after the end of the previous OK

If your previous birth control pills contained 28 tablets per blister:

    You can start taking Rigevidon the day after the last active tablet, or

    the day after 28 tablets of the previous OK

If you did not manage to start taking Rigevidon within the specified time frame, then you should wait until your next menstruation and take the first tablet on the first day of your period. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, other methods of contraception should be used before starting to take the pills.

How to switch to Rigevidon from a vaginal ring or from a hormonal patch?

When switching to Rigevidon from a vaginal ring, the first tablet should be taken on the day the ring was removed, or on the day when a new ring needed to be installed.

When switching to Rigevidon, the first tablet of the drug should be taken on the day the patch is removed, or on the day when a new patch would need to be applied.

How to switch to Rigevidon from an intrauterine device (IUD)?

Take the first Rigevidon tablet on the day of removal of the intrauterine device. The contraceptive effect will occur only after 7 days of taking Rigevidon, so use condoms or other methods of contraception until the eighth tablet.

If you did not manage to start taking Rigevidon on time, then wait until your next menstruation and take the first tablet of the drug on the first day of menstruation. Before you start taking Rigevidon, use other methods of protection against pregnancy.

What should I do if I mixed up the order of taking Rigevidon?

If your package of Rigevidon contains 21 tablets, then nothing bad will happen. All tablets in the package have the same dose of hormones, so the body “will not notice” the difference. Continue to drink Rigevidon as usual: one tablet per day until the end of the package.

If you are taking the drug Rigevidon 21+7 (that is, the package of Rigevidon contains 28 tablets), then pay attention to which tablets you mixed up. If instead of one white pill you take another white pill, then nothing bad will happen, since all white pills contain the same dose of hormones. If instead of a white pill you accidentally took a reddish-brown one, the contraceptive effect of Rigevidon may be reduced. In this case, you need to do the same as if you missed a pill (depending on its number).

What to do if you miss a Rigevidon tablet?

If you forget to take another Rigevidon tablet, count how many hours have passed since the last tablet you took. If less than 36 hours have passed since taking the last pill, the contraceptive effect of the pills will not decrease. Take the missed tablet as soon as possible and continue taking the tablets as usual.

If more than 36 hours have passed since the last pill, the contraceptive effect of the pills may be reduced. In this case, your further actions depend on the number of the missed pill:

From 1 to 7 tablets (first week of use) : Take the missed tablet as soon as possible, even if you have to take two tablets at the same time. For another 7 days after skipping, the contraceptive effect of the pills will be reduced, so in case of sexual intercourse, use other methods of contraception.

From 8 to 14 tablets (second week of use) : Take the missed tablet as soon as possible, even if you have to take 2 tablets at once. The contraceptive effect of the pills will not decrease if you took the pills according to the rules in the previous 7 days before missing them. That is, if you have not missed a day in the last week, then you do not need to use condoms or other additional methods of contraception. If you missed a dose in the last week, you will need to use additional contraception for 7 days after the missed date.

From 15 to 21 tablets (third week of use) : Take the missed Rigevidon tablet as soon as you remember, even if you have to take two tablets at the same time. Then continue to take the tablets as usual until the package runs out. To ensure that the contraceptive effect of the pills does not decrease and you do not experience an unwanted pregnancy, you should skip the 7-day break. This means that after finishing the pack you need to start the next pack of Rigevidon the next day (without a break).

You do not need to use additional contraception if you have not had any other absences in the previous 7 days before your missed date. If you have already skipped in the last week, then you should use condoms for another 7 days after skipping.

Rigevidon 21+7

If your package of Rigevidon contains 28 tablets, then the instructions remain the same for the first and second weeks of use (see above). Changes apply to the third week of taking the pills:

From 15 to 21 tablets: take the missed Rigevidon tablet as soon as you remember, even if you have to take two tablets at the same time. Then continue to take tablets as usual up to 21 tablets (until the last white tablet). Then throw away the package of remaining red-brown tablets and start taking a new package the day after taking the last 21 tablets. You do not need to use additional contraception if you have not had any other absences in the previous 7 days before your missed date. If you have already skipped in the last week, then you should use condoms for another 7 days after skipping.

From 22 to 28 tablets: These are inactive pills, so skipping them will not reduce the contraceptive effect. Throw away the missed tablet and continue taking the tablets as usual.

What should I do if I missed several Rigevidon tablets?

If you miss two Rigevidon tablets in a row the contraceptive effect may be reduced. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you should follow the instructions.

Pay attention to the numbers of the missed tablets. If these are tablets of the first or second week of taking (from 1 to 14), then take 2 tablets immediately as you remember the omission and 2 more tablets the next day. Next, take one tablet of Rigevidon per day until the end of the package. Use another 7 days after skipping.

If the missed tablets are from the third week of dosing (from 15 to 21), then you should throw away the current pack of tablets and start a new pack with the first active (white) tablet. You should drink the new package to the end and only then take a 7-day break. If you have not had any other absences in the previous 7 days before your pass, you do not need to use condoms or other additional methods of contraception.

If you miss 3 Rigevidon tablets in a row, throw away the current pack of tablets and start a new pack with the first active (white) tablet. Use additional contraception for another 7 days. If you had unprotected sex during the absence or shortly before the absence, then the risk of pregnancy will be increased. In this case, you should take it 3.5 weeks after your last unprotected intercourse, or take it 11 days after your last unprotected intercourse.

If you are not sure what to do in your situation, use additional contraception (for example,) until you consult with your gynecologist.

What should you do if you experience spotting or menstruation while taking Rigevidon?

While taking the drug Rigevidon or Rigevidon 21+7, you may experience bleeding of varying degrees of abundance (scanty spotting or discharge similar to menstruation).

Bloody discharge appears especially often in the first 3 months of taking Rigevidon. As a rule, this is not dangerous, does not indicate pregnancy and does not require urgent medical attention.

Despite this discharge, continue taking the tablets as usual. Do not stop taking the tablets on your own without consulting your doctor, as this may increase bleeding.

If you have not missed pills, the contraceptive effect remains despite this discharge, so you can continue to be sexually active without fear of getting pregnant.

If spotting occurs as a result of missing one or more tablets, continue taking Rigevidon despite the spotting. Use additional contraceptives, since skipping pills may reduce the contraceptive effect of Rigevidon.

How to delay your periods with Rigevidon?

You can delay unwanted menstruation with Rigevidon tablets.

To postpone your period, finish your current pack of Rigevidon and then, without taking a break, start a new pack the next day. You need to finish the second package and only then take a break.

By missing the 7-day break, you may experience some spotting halfway through the second pack. This is not dangerous and does not require urgent medical attention. Despite this discharge, continue taking the tablets as usual until the end of the pack.

Rigevidon 21+7

If your package contains 28 tablets, then in order to postpone unwanted menstruation, you should finish the active white tablets (up to 21 tablets inclusive) and then throw away the remaining red-brown (inactive) tablets. The day after taking your last active tablet, start a new pack. The second package must be completed to the end (including inactive tablets).

What to do if your period does not come during the Rigevidon break?

While taking Rigevidon tablets, your period may not come within a 7-day break. As a rule, this is not dangerous, but requires extra attention from you.

If you had any omissions in the past month, or there were other possible reasons for the decrease in the contraceptive effect (diarrhea, vomiting, taking alcohol or medications), then you should do so and consult a gynecologist. Until pregnancy has been ruled out, you should not start taking a new pack of Rigevidon.

What to do if pregnancy occurs while taking Rigevidon?

The drug Rigevidon provides a high degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy, but this protection cannot be considered one hundred percent. Within one year of taking Rigevidon tablets, one woman out of 2000 becomes pregnant.

As a rule, pregnancy is the result of missing pills or exposure to other factors that reduce the contraceptive effect (see next point). However, pregnancy can occur even if you take the pills perfectly.

If you become pregnant while taking Rigevidon, immediately stop taking the pills and contact your gynecologist. Since this drug does not cause malformations in the embryo, pregnancy can be continued despite the fact of taking birth control pills.

In what cases can the effect of Rigevidon decrease?

The effectiveness of contraception may be reduced in the following cases:

  • If you miss one or more tablets
  • As a result
  • When consumed
  • For (some antibiotics, phenobarbital, epilepsy medications, drugs, St. John's wort content, etc.)

What to do if the effect of Rigevidon could be reduced?

If you suspect that the contraceptive effect of Rigevidon may have been reduced, use additional contraception (such as condoms) for the next 7 days.

Do I need to take long breaks from taking Rigevidon?

Some women try to take long breaks from taking Rigevidon to give the body a break from the pills. You can read about whether this is really beneficial for the body by following the link:

How to properly stop taking Rigevidon?

If you no longer need contraception, or if you are planning a pregnancy, you should stop taking Rigevidon birth control pills.

In order to avoid the side effects of withdrawal and restore your own menstrual cycle as quickly as possible, listen to the following advice from gynecologists:

    Never stop taking pills halfway through the pack. Even if you decide to get pregnant as soon as possible, finish the current package to the end and only then stop taking the pills.

    After finishing your current pack of tablets, simply do not start a new pack.

    Please note that after taking the last Rigevidon tablet, the contraceptive effect of the tablets disappears. That is, you can get pregnant within the first 7 days after stopping the pills. If you are not planning a pregnancy yet, start using other forms of contraception immediately after you stop taking the pills.

How to get pregnant after taking Rigevidon?

If you want to become pregnant, start taking it at least 1 month (or better yet, 3 months) before you plan to become pregnant.

Please note that pregnancy can occur in the first month after stopping Rigevidon tablets. However, gynecologists recommend starting attempts to conceive no earlier than 3 months after stopping the pills.

Oral contraceptives are increasingly becoming an option for preventing unwanted pregnancy. Safety, effectiveness and reliability of drugs are becoming the main criteria for their preference. Rigevidon is a monophasic combination drug used both for the treatment of gynecological diseases and to reduce fertility. How to take the drug correctly and what should you be wary of? Rigevidon and menstruation: can there be problems with taking it and what to do?

Read in this article

Why is Rigevidon prescribed?

Rigevidon contains ethinyl estradiol as an estrogenic component, and levonorgestrel acts as a gestagenic component. The main purpose of the drug is oral contraception. This effect is achieved by suppressing ovulation and increasing the viscosity of the mucus of the cervical canal of the cervix. The thickness of the endometrium of the uterine cavity also changes, which prevents the normal implantation of a fertilized egg.

Like other oral contraceptives, Rigevidon counteracts the formation of functional ones, therefore it is used after their surgical treatment or during conservative therapy.

Also, while taking it, there is a slowdown in the growth of fibromatous nodes, and menstrual function improves. But whether menstruation of a pathological nature is possible on Rigevidon depends on the existing gynecological pathology and the woman’s hormonal background.

This drug has a number of advantages compared to other drugs of similar action. These include the following:

  • After a course of treatment, the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy decreases. This effect is used to prescribe the drug immediately after surgery for tubal placement of the ovum.
  • This medicine reduces the severity of venous congestion in the pelvic area.
  • Placebo tablets are fortified with iron, so the drug is useful for women with heavy menstruation. Rigevidon helps stop menstruation excessively and at the same time renew microelement reserves.
  • During the seven-day period of taking pacifiers, the patient's own production of FSH is activated, which is necessary for the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovary. But with the start of new packaging, the process slows down again. Thus, the development of “hyperinhibition syndrome” and adaptation to the intake above does not occur: one’s own periods after Rigevidon are restored quickly after the final withdrawal.

Basic rules for taking the drug

Rigevidon in the package contains 21 tablets with active ingredients and 7 pacifiers. You should take everything one by one from the first day of your period, at the same time every day.

Many people wonder if they start drinking Rigevidon, how to induce menstruation? There is no need to take an additional break between new packages of the medicine. As the active pills are used and the placebo is started, the girl will experience menstrual-like discharge.

Some nuances of reception:

  • When switching to Rigevidon from other birth control pills, you should start using it on the first day of any bleeding. When removing a transdermal patch, hormonal IUD or vaginal ring, the first tablet should be taken on the same day.
  • After termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks, the drug must be taken at the time of the procedure. In case of a longer period or after childbirth, you can start using the product only after the first normal menstruation. It should also be taken into account that Rigevidon cannot be taken during lactation - it passes into breast milk in significant quantities.
  • If you miss another pill, if more than 36 hours have passed, you need to take it as quickly as possible. The contraceptive effect is maintained. If more than 36 hours have passed, you do not need to take the missed pill. And in the next week, additional non-hormonal methods of birth control should be used. After taking Rigevidon, in this case, your periods may not come according to the expected schedule, and there is also a possibility of spotting.

Watch the video about the action of hormonal contraception:

Possible side effects

In most cases, Rigevidon does not have serious consequences when taken if all instructions are followed. In case of minor disorders, they disappear during the first months of use.

Most often, women note the appearance of headaches, increased fatigue, irritability, and nervousness. Nausea is also possible, and rarely - vomiting and other digestive disorders.

Body weight may react to taking Rigevidon, and if the diet is not followed, it will increase slightly.

It is also necessary to monitor liver function and blood glucose levels, especially in individuals predisposed to such changes.

Like all contraceptive drugs, Rigevidon increases the risk of blood clots, so it is not prescribed to women with varicose veins and its complications.

Sometimes there is a decrease in libido, an increase in the likelihood of developing vaginal candidiasis due to changes in the quality of mucus.

Effect on the menstrual cycle

Rigevidon is a monophasic combined oral contraceptive. Despite the fact that it contains both estrogens and gestagens, the amount in each tablet is the same. This contradicts the cyclical and constantly changing hormonal background of a woman. Therefore, while taking the medicine, various malfunctions occur, which should be interpreted as the body’s adaptation to the new regime.

You can also hear the following remark from girls: I take Rigevidon and don’t have periods. The tactics are different in each specific case. In such a situation, it is better to contact a gynecologist, who will be able to most correctly interpret such failures.

Menstruation after taking

During the first month, sometimes two or three, a woman may experience periodic symptoms. In such situations, girls often interpret this by saying that when taking Rigevidon, their periods do not end. In fact, these are acyclic minor discharges, indicating adaptation to a new hormonal background. As a rule, everything returns to normal on the second or third package of tablets.

Stopping menstruation and causes of delay

Ideally, your period should come immediately after stopping the active pills. But their onset is allowed within 7 - 10 days. Therefore, there is no need to panic if the entire package of Rigevidon has run out and you are not having your period.

Sometimes during one cycle there may be no bleeding at all. If this happens once, you should continue taking it after ruling out pregnancy. Similar disruptions can occur while taking hormonal pills. In the case where a girl cannot independently exclude the possibility of conception, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

If there is a need to eliminate menstruation in the next cycle, then you need to skip the pacifiers and immediately start active tablets in a new package. In this case, your period will be in 56 - 60 days.

Bleeding: what to do

In most cases, the bleeding will decrease, but you will need to seek medical help if it does not stop completely.

Bleeding is also possible if a girl stops taking it in the middle of the cycle. But, as a rule, it is not abundant and only lasts for a few days. It is important that the beginning of the cycle must be counted from the first day of this menstrual-like discharge. Otherwise, the girl may decide that after she finished Rigevidon, her periods were delayed.

The advantages of oral contraceptives compared to other methods of birth control are obvious. Rigevidon is one of the popular drugs that is recommended for use in girls with a pronounced estrogenic phenotype. Sometimes, while taking it, minor cycle disturbances are possible. In such situations, you should consult a doctor who can clearly explain why, while taking Rigevidon, your periods did not come or other problems appeared. Only he can recommend further use or refusal of the medicine.

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  • Hello Olga.

    Rigevidon belongs to the class of combined monophasic oral hormonal contraceptive drugs. In most cases, this drug is tolerated very well by women, however, like many other drugs, it can still provoke the development of various side effects that can be observed in various organs and systems of the female body. In particular, side effects from the genitourinary system of the body may occur, namely, engorgement of the mammary glands, changes in libido, as well as the appearance of intermenstrual acyclic bleeding. As a rule, the appearance of mild acyclic bleeding can be observed during the first three months of taking the drug, and this can be considered normal, and this situation does not require discontinuation of the drug. Such spotting is associated with the fact that hormonal changes in the body occur, caused by the start of taking combined hormonal contraceptive drugs.

    If spotting persists for a long time, or severe bleeding from the genital tract is observed, then the woman needs to visit a gynecologist, since it is quite possible that discontinuation of the drug will be required, and in some cases, the prescription of special treatment.

    It is possible that the spotting you are experiencing is caused by taking this drug, therefore, if you are very concerned about your health, I would advise you to visit the doctor who prescribed you to take this drug. The fact is that before prescribing this type of medication, a woman must undergo an examination by a gynecologist, as well as undergo various tests, including tests that will help identify her natural hormonal levels. Without this, it is impossible to correctly prescribe a contraceptive drug, since it is the natural hormonal background that determines which drug should be chosen, low-dose, medium-dose, or high-dose. By selecting a drug based on laboratory data, you can minimize the risk of developing side effects from taking combined oral contraceptives.

    If the bleeding in your case is profuse, then you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist, since such bleeding may be associated with hormonal imbalance, which, in turn, may develop as a result of your taking hormonal oral contraceptives.


    Each medicine may or may not be suitable on an individual basis. An exception is not such a drug as Rigevidon, which has gained popularity among users in the last few years. Reviews about it reflect different opinions that will help you understand in which cases it is worth taking this contraceptive, and in which it is better to look for alternative options.

    "Rigevidon": composition

    Based on its composition, Rigevidon can be classified as a combined type of oral contraceptive. The drug is monophasic, which means that in each tablet the concentration of estrogen and progestogen components is the same.

    Based on the composition alone, a person without special medical education is unlikely to be able to understand how suitable a particular drug is for him, including Rigevidon. Feedback from women, on the contrary, will help present the overall picture and highlight the features of not only a group of drugs, but also a specific type of tablet.

    Many users claim that they decided to take the drug not only because of its high effectiveness. The main advantage of the medicine is the gentle effect it has on the body. It's no secret that side effects and effects on other organs can nullify even the best indications. Given that contraceptives are expected to be taken regularly for several years, the harm they cause should be kept to a minimum.

    Active ingredients and their functions

    How exactly does Rigevidon affect the body? The instructions, reviews from doctors and their comments will help you sort out complex concepts and find out how the drug differs from its closest analogues.

    One of the important components of the contraceptive is levonorgestrel, which is a synthetic derivative of 19-nortestosterone. The substance demonstrates activity that fully corresponds to the effect of taking endogenous progesterone, but the strength of action is several times higher than that of the latter. This feature of levonorgestrel makes it possible to significantly reduce its dose, protecting the woman’s body from the excessive influence of administered substances.

    The tablets also contain ethinyl estradiol, which is nothing more than a synthetic analogue of endogenous estradiol. The substances described above are supplemented by other components, the influence of which is not so significant.


    The effectiveness of the drug can be assessed by finding out the opinions of users. What results does Rigevidon show? Reviews from women indicate that the pills can indeed be called reliable. Expert opinions also confirm the effectiveness of the contraceptive.

    All contraceptive means are assessed on a special scale, and they are assigned one or another index according to the Pearl method. The Rigevidon indicator is 0.1-0.9, which assigns it the title of an independent drug that does not require additional measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    As noted by patients of gynecological consultations, the tablets give reliable results. Birth control pills "Rigevidon", reviews of which from obstetricians and gynecologists are mostly positive, surprise with their effectiveness, first of all, ladies who have tried the influence of other means or methods of contraception.

    Main action

    How exactly does Rigevidon affect the body? Reviews from users confirm that most changes take place without external manifestations. Experts highlight the following effects of the drug: suppression of ovulation, increased viscosity of cervical mucus, decreased sensitivity of the endometrium to the blastocyst.

    It is necessary to consider in more detail the mechanism of action of the drug "Rigevidon". Reviews from doctors will help you understand the contribution of each individual active component included in the contraceptive.

    How exactly does the drug work?

    The following aspects can be highlighted:

    • blocking the release of releasing factors in the hypothalamus (namely luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone);
    • inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic and similar hormones by the pituitary gland;
    • The maturation of the follicle slows down significantly, and eventually it ruptures.

    To summarize, it can be noted that the active components of the drug generally inhibit the course of ovulation, the likelihood of fertilization, and as a result, the onset of pregnancy is practically reduced to zero.

    In addition, the progestogen element of the substance, levonorgestrel, helps to increase the viscosity of the cervical secretion, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity, and in addition, due to changes in the texture of the endometrium, it interferes with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

    Additional effects

    In addition to the contraceptive effect, the drug, when used systematically, leads to a significant reduction in the risk of various gynecological diseases (we can especially highlight the reduction in the threat of the formation of ovarian cysts, various fibroadenomas and fibrocysts in the breast, congestion in the pelvic area).

    Reviews regarding the effect of the drug "Rigevidon" on the body also indicate a decrease in the frequency of dysmenorrhea, a decrease in the volume of discharge during menstruation, as well as a decrease in the risk of ectopic pregnancy when taking the entire course.

    Side effects are what worries users in most cases. Some fears can be dispelled by information from the manufacturers of the drug "Rigevidon" - instructions for use. Reviews from patients in gynecological clinics confirm the information that even after a particularly long use of the drug, fertility is fully restored after 1-3 cycles immediately after its discontinuation. Taking pills will not prevent you from having children later, and this is the issue that concerns many women.

    Composition of the drug

    The product also contains placebo tablets (7 placebo tablets per 21 tablets, including active elements).

    Some elements included in the product, due to the concentration of iron salts, prevent the formation of anemia, and in addition, due to the lack of hormones in them, they help to increase the content of follicle-stimulating hormone in the body, which is necessary for the selection of a dominant follicle. Thus, when using the drug there are no signs of hyperinhibition syndrome.

    Pharmacokinetics of the drug

    The pharmacokinetic properties of the active components of the drug determine its overall effect. You can consider the influence of certain substances separately:

    • Ethinyl estradiol. When used orally, it is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Its bioavailability reaches 48%. The peak concentration of the active substance in plasma is usually observed 1-1.5 hours after administration. Due to absorption into the bloodstream, ethinyl estradiol binds to plasma proteins, mainly albumin, a tiny proportion continues to remain in an unbound state. The initial stage of metabolism occurs in the walls of the intestinal tract, the subsequent stage in the liver. The most significant metabolites of ethinyl estradiol are considered to be HO-ethinyl estradiol and 2-methoxy-ethinyl estradiol. It is excreted both in natural form and in combination with metabolites in urine (approximately 40%) and feces (approximately 60%). The half-life is approximately 26 hours.
    • Levonorgestrel. It is perfectly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, bioavailability is 100%. In blood plasma it binds mainly to globulin and albumin. Metabolized in the body to form sulfate and glucuronide conjugates. Excreted in the form of metabolites in urine and feces.

    The instructions issued by the manufacturers of the drug "Rigevidon" will help you find out more about the active ingredients. Reviews will tell you how the product is tolerated by the body.


    The drug is recommended for use as a method of contraception for representatives of the fairer sex of childbearing age. The drug can also be prescribed to eliminate multifunctional pathologies of the monthly cycle or for its general correction. Tablets can be used to eliminate the causes and symptoms of the following abnormalities: dysmenorrhea, functional uterine bleeding, pronounced pain syndrome that occurs in the middle of the cycle, and premenstrual syndrome. The drug is recommended for use in women with a moderately dominant estrogen type.

    Instructions and method of use

    Before prescribing the drug, it is recommended to find as much information as possible regarding the nuances of using Rigevidon contraceptives. Instructions, price, reviews and opinions of experts will help you get a preliminary idea of ​​the possible results of taking it and whether this remedy is right for you.

    Before writing a prescription, specialists must obtain the results of a comprehensive gynecological examination. In addition, it is necessary to provide the results of general examinations and tests - blood pressure, glucose levels in urine and blood, general blood and urine tests, data on liver function, mammologist's reports and cytological examination of smears.

    The drug is taken orally, it is recommended to consume the tablet completely, without chewing or crushing it in any way, with the required volume of water. In order to achieve the best results, the product must be taken at approximately the same time of day.


    As a contraceptive, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet per day. It is recommended to start taking it on the 1st or 5th day from the start of menstruation. The duration of taking a course of white tablets is 21 days, after which the course must be supplemented by taking 7 red-brown tablets for a week.

    During the period of taking red-brown tablets, girls usually experience menstrual-like discharge. If subsequent contraception is necessary after finishing taking the red-brown tablets, the course can be resumed, adhering to the specified scheme. Experts do not recommend avoiding breaks between adjacent courses (a full course lasts 28 days - 21 white tablets and 7 red-brown ones). The next course should begin on the 28th day, preferably at the set time of day. The recommendations are almost the same for those who decide to change their previous oral contraceptive and start taking Rigevidon.

    If no negative changes or side effects are observed during use, you can continue taking the pills as long as there is a need for contraceptives.

    Features of application

    After an abortion, the drug is usually prescribed for use as early as possible, in the first few hours after the procedure, but not later than the next day after the drug intervention.

    In some cases, the drug can be prescribed to mothers after childbirth, in the absence of breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to start taking the substance no earlier than the first day of menstruation.

    If the period for taking the contraceptive was delayed by less than a day, it can be resumed without taking additional measures. If 36 hours or more have passed since the previous dose, it is recommended to use auxiliary contraception.

    In order to prevent intermenstrual bleeding, it is necessary to continue taking tablets from a previously opened package, leaving the missed tablet. Red-brown tablets can be ignored as they do not contain hormonal components.

    Side effects

    The vast majority of medications exhibit some side effects, and Rigevidon tablets are no exception. Feedback from patients helped create a complete list of symptoms, dividing it into the following categories:

    • first days: nausea, vomiting, nervousness, convulsions;
    • periodically: rash, hardening of the mammary glands, discomfort when wearing contact lenses;
    • long-term use: impaired glucose absorption, changes in facial pigmentation, changes in body weight (decrease/increase), increased blood pressure.

    The full list can be found by examining the packaging of Rigevidon tablets in more detail. Instructions for use, reviews from users and the opinions of doctors agree that most complications arise under the influence of aggravating factors, which include alcohol intake, smoking, poor diet and sleep.


    Collecting information allows us to summarize what opinions users express about the drug Rigevidon. Price, reviews, absence of serious side effects in combination with high effectiveness explain the popularity of this contraceptive. The moderate cost (about 200 rubles for 21 pieces or 600 rubles for 63 pieces) makes the drug stand out from its analogues.



    Bleeding while taking birth control pills can normally occur in the first months after starting to use these drugs. If it is chosen correctly for a woman, then after a while the bloody spotting will stop, and only regular menstrual-like discharge will occur. In cases where the latter persist for more than three months, the doctor will determine the cause and select another contraceptive.

    If heavy bleeding appears in the middle of the cycle, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Discharge while taking birth control varies. They occur both normally and indicate that the chosen drug is not suitable for the woman.

    Adaptation bleeding

    The maturation of eggs, ovulation and endometrial shedding during menstruation are regulated by hormones of the female reproductive system. In the first phase of the cycle, the action of estrogens predominates, which stimulate follicle maturation. A mature egg is released from the follicle in the middle of the cycle, i.e. ovulation occurs. In the second phase, the level of estrogen and progesterone is increased, which prepares the walls of the uterus for possible implantation of the embryo.

    The concentration of sex hormones in birth control pills is always less than the content of these active substances in a woman’s body. Therefore, it takes some time to adapt to the effect of the medicine used.

    Normally, there may be spotting for 2-3 months when taking contraceptives. They stop on their own after getting used to low doses of hormones. If the bleeding is insignificant, and the use of several panty liners is enough to maintain hygiene, then no additional actions need to be taken. Brown discharge is this color because a small amount of blood mixes with vaginal mucus.

    Discontinuation of the drug or replacement with another during this period is not required. The contraceptive effect is not reduced if the drug is taken on time.

    When bleeding does not stop, becomes profuse and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    In every fourth woman, adaptation bleeding persists for 3-6 months. If after this period of time they do not disappear, and attempts to select another OC are not successful, then this method of contraception should be abandoned.

    Menstrual-like discharge

    It should be understood that with this method of preventing pregnancy, it is not true menstruation that occurs, but withdrawal bleeding when taking OCs. They are also called menstrual-like. This type of discharge is normal when taking birth control pills.

    Most contraceptives are taken for 21 days, and then you need to seven day break. For example, this regimen of taking Regulon. A woman should wait for her period to appear 2-3 days after the last pill from the pack has been taken.

    Sometimes, during a break between packs, a girl worries that her period has not started. If a woman regularly took OK in the previous month and did not delay taking the pill for more than 12 hours compared to the prescribed time, then on the 8th day you should start drinking the next pack of contraceptives. There is no need to wait for the start of menstrual flow.

    When a girl takes birth control pills irregularly and is sexually active, but her period has not started, then it is necessary to rule out pregnancy. Before this, it is not worth resuming the use of OCs.

    Some OCs are taken for 28 days, after which they immediately begin to take tablets from a new package, without taking breaks. Blood discharge will occur when taking those pills that do not contain hormones, i.e. they are a placebo.

    If menstruation was regular before taking OCs, then after discontinuation of contraceptives they remain stable. Sometimes menstruation returns within 2-3 cycles. In cases where this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

    What does bleeding at the beginning and end of a dose indicate?

    If the adaptation period has passed, but brown discharge in the form of a spot persists, this may mean that the chosen contraceptive is not suitable for the woman. In such a situation, it is necessary to replace the drug used with another one.

    When a girl takes pills from the beginning or middle of the package, and spotting brown discharge occurs, this indicates an insufficient concentration of estrogen in the drug. In such a situation, it is necessary to select OCs with a higher content of this hormone. For example, if such discharge is detected when taking the micro-dose contraceptive Jess, a drug from the low-dose group (Yarina) is prescribed.

    If bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle or when taking the last pills from the package, this may mean that the woman does not have enough progestin component. In such a case, a drug with some other gestagen is prescribed.

    Heavy bleeding

    If, while taking birth control pills, heavy bleeding appears that is similar to menstrual bleeding, this indicates the occurrence of breakthrough bleeding. This is typical for the case when, after the influence of progesterone, the endometrium begins to be rejected, and the estrogen content in the OC taken is not enough to stop the resulting uterine bleeding.

    In this case, you need to contact a specialist. But there may be situations when it is not possible to immediately see a gynecologist. Then doctors recommend taking a double daily dose of contraception (1 tablet in the morning and in the evening). It is necessary to drink the drug in this mode every day until the bleeding stops.

    Later, it is important to visit a gynecologist so that he can find out why this situation arose. Afterwards he will recommend another drug. For example, if bleeding occurs while taking the microdose contraceptive Jess, the doctor will prescribe a low-dose OC (Yarina tablets or any other drug from this group).

    Breakthrough bleeding can also occur in cases where:

    • the regimen for using oral contraceptives is disrupted, i.e. the woman forgot to take the next pill;
    • diarrhea or vomiting occurred, which worsened the absorption of the contraceptive;
    • the woman is taking antibiotics or drugs that affect the functioning of the central nervous system;
    • products containing St. John's wort are used;
    • the contraceptive regimen is prolonged (in this case, OCs are taken for 63 days, followed by a break for 7 days, and then pills are resumed).

    Bleeding after emergency contraception

    This contraception is aimed at preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or when other means are ineffective. Drugs from this group include:

    • progestin drugs (Postinor, Escapelle);
    • antihistamines (Gynepristone).

    These products must be used within 2 or 3 days after unprotected sexual contact. The drugs cause significant hormonal imbalances, which prevents possible pregnancy.

    The most common side effect of emergency contraception is bleeding, which can begin several days after taking the drug. For some girls, the use of such measures leads to cycle disruptions.

    Bloody discharge when taking OCs occurs both normally and with various disorders. Therefore, if the adaptation period has passed and the discharge persists, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Urgent help is also needed in cases where bleeding is profuse, regardless of the duration of use of the drug. During the examination, the doctor will find out what caused the bleeding, stop it, and then decide what contraceptives the woman can take next.