Basic methods to help relax the neck muscles. How to get rid of pain and properly relax your neck muscles

In Eastern traditional medicine, the neck is believed to connect the body and mind. This important area - the cervical spine, in comparison with its other parts, is arranged very delicately. It is quite vulnerable because it directly depends on the condition of other parts of the musculoskeletal system. The neck reflects poor posture, chronic hypertonicity of the muscles of the entire cervical-collar area, scoliosis, kyphosis and much more. In this article we will do some simple exercises to relax the neck muscles, and also learn how to use the PIR technique - post-isometric muscle relaxation - for this purpose.

Our body lives in a state of stress, and a variety of things can cause it: the way we sit or stand, temperature changes, repeated movements from day to day, improper eating and drinking, and even the way we think. The body complains, sends us signs and messages, first in a whisper, gradually turning to screaming and even roaring. Because many of us tend to ignore these messages for years - exactly until the moment when pain becomes on the side of the body.

Think about where you feel tension and what words can describe it. You may feel a knot in your gut, anxiety, or butterflies in your stomach. Or maybe you physically feel the burden of responsibilities on your shoulders? Or just a pain in the neck? The last two places - shoulders and neck - are the most important repositories of stress.

The neck muscles react violently to any stress - with tension and even spasm. Have you noticed how we unconsciously draw our necks into our shoulders to protect ourselves from real or imagined danger? A sedentary lifestyle - at an office desk or while driving a car - further aggravates the already deplorable condition of the neck. As a result, we get hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

Here are some simple, effective exercises you can do anytime, almost anywhere. Even at work, allowing yourself to rest for a few minutes from the computer. Plus, it's a great way to start the day. And you will need only a few minutes to relieve hypertonicity of the neck muscles.

Today we will do exercises to relax the neck muscles; the shoulders will be the subject of the next article. The most effective exercises are those performed in post-isometric muscle relaxation mode. We are talking about the PIR method.

PIR technique - post-isometric muscle relaxation

To effectively relax a chronically tense or spasmodic muscle and normalize its tone, you must first tense the muscle, with even force and without changing its length. The PIR technique – post-isometric muscle relaxation – is ideal for this purpose.

As the name suggests, in the PIR method, each exercise consists of two phases - isometric tension of the muscle when it contracts, and its subsequent, that is, post-isometric relaxation. Usually, for this kind of manipulation, they resort to the help of a specialist in exercise therapy or yoga therapy, but in this article we are talking about auto-PIR, auto-relaxation, when you do everything yourself.

To do this, you move your muscles in a given direction and provide them with light resistance. The muscle tension phase begins with inhalation. Maintain this tension for a certain number of breathing cycles. Follow the recommendations and do not overexpose.

Providing resistance to the work of your own muscles, you do not need to be too zealous. This is not a fight. Work calmly and focused.

Enter the relaxation phase gently, while exhaling.

In each exercise using the PIR method – post-isometric muscle relaxation – the “tension-relaxation” cycle is repeated several times with pauses of 10-15 seconds.

Important! The basic principle of the PIR technique: each subsequent movement is made from a new “barrier” achieved after relaxation during the previous repetition. To do this, you need to stretch the muscles that just worked a little more - either tilt your head lower, or move your arm further away, and make the next muscle effort from the new starting position. This rule may sound unclear, but everything will become clearer after describing the specific exercises. In this case, these will be exercises to relax the neck muscles.

To relax the neck muscles, you first need to stretch them. Lengthening neck muscles that have been cramped by physical or mental stress helps to relax the entire body, as well as calm the mind and restore a state of overall well-being. In addition, relieving neck muscle tension will help prevent tension headaches.

Head tilt to the side

Sit up straight with your shoulders turned and down. If necessary, use props to make sitting easy and comfortable, use props: sit on a pillow, place yoga blocks under your knees.

Tilt your head to the right. Don't try to pull your ear towards your shoulder. Instead, lengthen and stretch your neck to the right. Keep the opposite shoulder straight, do not lift it, allow it to stretch as well. Stay in this position for 3 breathing cycles and return your head to the starting position. Repeat the exercise to the left.

Now let’s apply the PIR technique – post-isometric muscle relaxation – to our exercise for relaxing the neck muscles.

1. Phase of isometric tension of the neck muscles. Extend your right hand up and place it on your head above your left ear. Use this hand as a support for your head. Imagine it's a wall. Gently press your head against it, tensing your neck muscles. During 3 breathing cycles, without changing position, try to straighten your head and do not allow yourself to do this due to the resistance of your hand.

2. As you exhale, gently, without jerking, relax, the pressure of your head on your hand stops.

3. Neck muscle stretching phase. Tilt your head to the left a little lower than at the beginning of the approach, and fix the new position with your right hand. Hold it for 2-3 breathing cycles.

Repeat the exercise on this side 2-3 times with pauses of 10-15 seconds, each time lowering your head a little lower to the right, stretching the muscles a little more.

Repeat the entire exercise on the other side. Observe yourself: on which side are the neck muscles weaker? Where is the volume of traffic less? And day by day, pay attention to the progress achieved in the strength and amplitude of muscle work.

Head tilts down

Important detail: When performing this neck relaxation exercise, create and maintain space between your chin and chest. Imagine that you are holding a fragile golden egg from a children's fairy tale at throat level without using your hands. 🙂 Lengthen your neck and carefully lower your chin, protecting the imaginary egg.

Sit with your back straight, legs crossed and a pillow under your pelvis so that your spine tilts slightly forward. If you are uncomfortable, you can do this exercise while sitting in a chair. Slowly lower your chin as far as possible, continuing to carefully hold the imaginary golden egg under your throat. Feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders lengthen. Hold the head tilt for 2-3 breaths, then gently lift your chin and return your head to a neutral position.

Then, remaining in the same starting position, lower your chin to half the range of motion available to it. Raise your hands and touch your fingers to the highest part of your head. And again, get ready to use the PIR - post-isometric muscle relaxation technique in exercises to relax your neck muscles.

1. Phase of isometric neck muscle tension. Press your head against your fingers as if you want to straighten your neck, but do not allow yourself to do this with the resistance of your fingers. Without changing the position of your head, allow your neck muscles to work with even, moderate effort throughout 3 breathing cycles.

2. Phase of post-isometric relaxation of the neck muscles. As you exhale, relax. Take another deep breath and exhale slowly.

3. Neck muscle stretching phase. Now grab your head lower, behind the ears. Tilt your head down, let your chin come closer to your chest, and gently, using your hands, help your neck stretch a little more. Keep your neck elongated for 2-3 breathing cycles.

Return your head to a neutral position. Sit quietly with your eyes closed for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times. Enjoy the new sensations in the upper spine, notice how the hypertonicity of the neck muscles gradually goes away.

Singing Snake

This exercise can be considered as a gentle alternative to Cobra pose. After the previous exercise to relax the neck muscles - tilting the head down - the spine asks for a compensatory, reverse movement of the neck. But many people find throwing their heads back uncomfortable. "Singing Snake" will seem much more acceptable to them. However, if you have problems in the cervical spine or osteoporosis, it is better to skip this exercise.

Sitting with your back straight, inhale, relaxing your jaw and body. Exhale. Then open your mouth as wide as possible. As you inhale with your mouth open, slowly tilt your head back. Relax your shoulders. With this option of throwing your head back, you will most likely feel much more comfortable than with your mouth closed.

Having reached the maximum amplitude in tilting your head back, very slowly close your mouth, clench your teeth and lips. As you exhale, return your head to a neutral position.

Then slowly and happily tilt your head down to lengthen the back muscles of your neck.

Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

These three simple exercises will help relieve hypertonicity in the neck muscles. And in the next article we will continue this topical topic by relaxing the shoulder muscles. There we will also need the PIR technique - post-isometric muscle relaxation. By combining these two mini-complexes into one, perform it before an important meeting. Or returning home after a long journey behind the wheel of a car. In all these and many other situations, exercises to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders will be very useful.

The text uses materials from Lilias Folan.

There is the appearance of painful sensations in the neck area, while it is impossible to turn the head. A large number of people have encountered this. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure the disease. But there are times when pain appears suddenly and interferes with normal functioning. What to do in such a situation? How to relax the neck muscles with osteochondrosis?

How to treat the disease?

When osteochondrosis appears, a person often experiences pain. But the disease is dangerous because without treatment it can lead to the development of complications. For this reason, people who often experience severe pain in the neck area are recommended. If the pathology has just begun to develop, then it will be enough to systematically carry out certain steps. In an advanced form, the patient needs to get rid of the inflammatory process and restore vascular patency. For this purpose, tablets, ointments, and creams are prescribed. Sometimes the patient needs to wear a corset to support the head.

But in any case, with osteochondrosis, it is impossible to do without a set of exercises with which you can strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine and eliminate painful sensations. To get the maximum effect, you need to do gymnastics regularly. In this case, you can completely get rid of pain, which will significantly improve your overall well-being.

Worth remembering! It is impossible to heal by doing exercises that strengthen muscles. The disease will not go away. But gymnastics will help you forget about it for a long period. But, if a person stops exercising, then the pain will appear again after a certain time.

Here is a list of some exercises that will help relax the muscles of the cervical spine:

  1. You must stand or sit on a chair that has a flat back. Your arms should be relaxed, hanging down. You need to rotate your head in different directions 10 times. If painful sensations prevent you from performing the exercise, then you need to do small jerks.
  2. While in the same position, you need to lower your head. It is worth making an effort to reach your chest with your chin. You need to hold this position for 10 seconds. Such manipulations should be repeated 5 times. A similar exercise is performed, but you need to reach it to your shoulders.
  3. Sitting on a chair in a relaxed state, you need to pinch your chin, trying to move your head back. There should be 10 such movements.
  4. While remaining in a sitting position, you should touch your forehead with your palm. She should press on the forehead, while the head tilts forward. You need to do these movements 10 times.
  5. When standing, you need to relax. Next, you need to raise your shoulders, but you should do this as high as possible. You need to hold this position for 10 seconds. After relaxation, 10 repeated movements are made. It is recommended to take small dumbbells in your hands.
  6. Lying on your back, you should raise your head and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Such manipulations are repeated 8 times.

To alleviate your own condition, you can ask a loved one for help. He should massage the back of the head well. Initially, the patient will feel pain, but after that it will become much easier. An assistant can also massage above the shoulder blades, which will reduce pain.

Important! If you systematically perform such a set of exercises, you can save yourself from the pain that osteochondrosis causes.


To relax the muscles of the cervical spine and alleviate your own condition with osteochondrosis, relaxation is recommended. If you don’t forget about it every day, then in the near future you can learn to relax your neck muscles. Relaxation will also help other areas of the spine.

To start the session, you need to find a calm melody, put on comfortable clothes and lie on your back. Breathing exercises can complement relaxation. The person should breathe freely and slowly, and after exhaling it is recommended to hold the breath. The main thing is that the body is completely relaxed.


To relax your neck muscles, you can go to a specialist who will do it. But a person is able to massage his neck on his own when it starts to hurt.

First you need to stand up and stroke your neck area with your hands. After some time, it is allowed to increase the intensity. If there are spasms, then pain will be felt, so do not put too much pressure on the affected area.

Next, the hands should move to the forearms, massaging these areas. We must not forget about all the muscles, even the trapezius, despite the fact that only the neck hurts. During the massage, a person may feel discomfort in another part of the body.

After the manipulations have been done, you should start massaging the back of your head. Today, a large number of people lead a sedentary lifestyle, so pain often appears in this area.

Drug treatment for osteochondrosis

If you do not properly treat osteochondrosis, you may encounter complications. To prevent this, not only exercises and massage are necessary, but you should also start taking medications that will stop disorders in the body and prolong remission. But they should be prescribed by a doctor after he has carried out the necessary diagnostics.

Patients are often prescribed painkillers to help relieve pain for a certain period. A common remedy is Ibuprofen.

This drug will help relieve inflammation, which is also important in the development of this disease.

It is worth noting! A variety of anti-inflammatory ointments and creams can complement the treatment.

Osteochondrosis is an insidious disease. If a person encounters it, then there is no need to delay treatment. It must be comprehensive. And some tricks will help get rid of the pain.

If you have a sedentary job that requires you to spend long periods of time at the computer, you are probably familiar with tension and aching pain in the neck.

It is more likely that you have headaches from time to time, there are “shots” in the neck and shoulder, and perhaps even dizziness.

All these are sad consequences of constant tension in the neck muscles and the resulting cervical osteochondrosis. To prevent serious diseases of the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to relieve this overstrain and give your neck rest.

It’s easy to guess that you are now sitting at the computer. Please pay attention to your shoulder joints:

- are your shoulders raised (to find out, try raising your shoulders as much as possible and then lowering your shoulders as much as possible, then it will immediately become clear whether they were raised or not)

Is there tension in the upper part of the trapezius muscle (look at the picture - it stretches from the shoulder girdle to the lower part of the occipital bone and cervical vertebrae).

The main cause of tension
The trapezius muscle is very often overloaded:

  • as a result of emotional or physical stress or simply fatigue;
  • if your shoulders are raised up (this often happens if the table does not fit the size of the chair, you are anxious or simply cold);
  • if the shoulders are pulled forward (this happens to those who slouch).

The neck is the bridge between body and mind

Such a philosophical definition of the neck can be found among specialists in Eastern relaxation practices, and here’s why they think so. Of the six sense organs, four are located in the head, and therefore it determines the direction of body movement. In this case, it is the neck that makes it possible to realize movement by turning the head.

In the cervical-collar zone there is a very important, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, energy and reflexogenic zone, which is responsible for brain activity and hand movement.

The human head weighs on average 4-8 kg and is supported only by seven small cervical vertebrae, which are cushioned by intervertebral cartilage. But to help the vertebrae, nature gave a person a complex of 32 cervical muscles that hold the head in an upright position, actively promote its movement and perform protective functions. And there is something to protect! The neck area contains 4 main arteries and 8 largest nerves, not to mention the spinal canal. They supply blood to the head, organs of the thoracic part of the body and upper limbs, carry out various types of stimulation, controlling nervous activity.

If the muscles of the neck and collar area are overstrained, this affects the functioning of blood vessels or nerve endings, and the blood supply to muscle tissue, impairs metabolism and oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, you feel pain in the muscles of the neck and collar area, as well as severe headaches and stiffness in the shoulder girdle. Prolonged tension of the neck muscles can provoke the early formation of wrinkles on the forehead, jowls, swelling on the face, nasolabial folds, the development of migraines, blurred vision, swelling, salt deposits, pinching of the spinal nerves, as a result of which radiculitis develops and disruption of the organs under their control and other troubles.

How to relieve tension in the trapezius muscle
There are several simple techniques that will relieve muscle tension in the neck and collar area, relieving you of pain and discomfort.
Let's now try to relieve excess tension from the trapezius muscle and relieve the lower part of the cervical spine from pressure:

  • move your chest forward (this movement is important for those who slouch)
  • lift your shoulders up and then lower them as far as possible
  • relax your neck and shoulders.

Exercises to relieve tension in the neck begin with correct head position. To do this, slightly pull the back of your head upward, imagining that your head is hanging in the air on an invisible thread attached to the top of your head. “Pick up” your chin, bringing it towards you in a “pecking” motion. The crown hanging and chin tuck movements are designed to promote relaxation in the neck and head, as well as to break the habit of lowering or lifting the head. In addition, this position is an important condition for free breathing and correct posture.

Next, relax your shoulders and reach up with the crown of your head. At the same time, stretch the cervical vertebrae as much as possible, while at the same time carefully making small turns of the head to the right and left. After this, lower your head onto your chest, trying to “rub” your collarbones with your chin. Gradually, without making sudden movements, increase the radius of rotation of your head to the right and left. Then tilt your head back and try to “rub” the lower part of your neck with the back of your head. Return to the starting “hanging by the crown” position.

Throughout the day, pay attention to the position of your shoulders and as soon as they begin to rise up, lower them back down to the correct position. By doing this, you will relax the trapezius muscle and relieve your neck from unnecessary tension.

One exercise that will help you relieve tension from your neck!

Soreness and spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the shoulder and neck can also be associated with manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis. If you go for a massage, remember how uncomfortable it can be to massage the collar area.
Tension in the trapezius (this muscle is involved in various movements of the head, upper body and shoulder girdle) leads to overload of the neck and head muscles, which in turn overloads the cervical spine.

This tension is one of the causes of: headaches, neck pain, stiffness of movement and, of course, cervical osteochondrosis.

You can relieve these painful sensations and relax your muscles with a simple exercise.

Place your right hand on your left shoulder with your thumb resting on your neck.
With your middle finger, feel for the hard muscle that connects your neck to your shoulder, squeeze it tightly with your thumb and forefinger, and begin to knead it until it becomes warm.

Do the same with your right shoulder.
And the pain should subside.


Don’t forget about preventive measures that will help the neck muscles not strain and this will significantly reduce pain in the collar area, and maybe even get rid of them altogether:

  • Watch your posture, get rid of excess weight, train your abdominal muscles - this will reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscles that hold your head upright, preventing it from tilting forward.
  • While working, do not lean low over the table, create a comfortable workplace for yourself, take a break every hour to move around and change your body position.
  • To prevent neck muscles from straining, give them rest often; during long periods of work at a desk, sit comfortably so that your neck does not swell from a static position; take breaks to move around.
  • Even in a work environment, you can allow yourself a simple exercise to strengthen your neck muscles: sitting at your desk, “turn” your shoulders, imagine that your spine is a perfectly straight column, straighten your neck, stretch the top of your head up, cover it tightly with your hand and, lowering your eyes down, slightly press your hand to your head. Feel how your scalp and neck muscles stretch. Relax completely and then repeat the exercise 10 times. It will relieve some compression and strengthen the neck muscles.
  • Get rid of the habit of pressing the telephone receiver with your ear to your shoulder or combing your hair with your head thrown back strongly - there is no need to stretch your neck muscles unless absolutely necessary;
  • Neck pain can be caused by an uneven mattress, a pillow that is too large, or an uncomfortable sleeping position (such as sleeping on your stomach). Only when sleeping on a hard mattress and a low pillow do the muscles fully relax.
  • Learn to relieve the stress accumulated during the day with an evening walk in the fresh air, a warm shower, a cup of tea with mint and honey and, finally, a good, healthy sleep.
    Based on materials from,

There is probably not a single person in the world who has never felt tension in the back of the head or shoulders, but how to relax the neck muscles in the event of such a spasm?

Most often, discomfort in the neck area occurs when the body is in an uncomfortable position for too long.

A spasm can be triggered by:

How does muscle spasm occur?

All these factors lead to the fact that the intervertebral discs are constantly compressed or, conversely, bulge. This provokes compression of the nerve endings. At the same time, the neck is constantly tense, and the person begins to experience rather unpleasant pain.

In addition, spasm affects the mental state, which leads to outbursts of aggression that are incomprehensible to others or complete indifference to what is happening. If a person often has to be in a position that is uncomfortable for the spine, then gradually the intervertebral discs expand or flatten, trying to occupy the emerging space between the vertebrae.

These altered discs put pressure on the autonomic nerves and roots of the spinal cord, resulting in new contraction of the neck muscles and even more pressure. Thus, the spasm intensifies and the pain also increases. Everything happens as if in a vicious circle: compression leads to irritation, which again provokes spasm.

Injuries and bruises also cause spasm, which occurs due to muscle amnesia. Often, until healing has occurred, muscle movement is limited, and returning to normal activities leads to spasm. During stressful situations, a person experiences a feeling of fear, which makes him pull up his shoulders, shrink, or, as they say, gather all his strength into a fist so as not to give in to difficulties. As a result, the muscles are constantly tense.

Medical experts believe that relaxation helps improve the condition and is necessary for getting your neck in order. Therefore, knowing how to properly relax stiff neck muscles is so important for each of us.

While standing, take a mouthful of air and tilt your head forward. Hold your breath. Now shrug your shoulders vigorously several times, with your arms hanging freely along your body at this time. Exhale and repeat 2 more times.

Stretch your arms forward and clench your hands into a fist, slightly bend your knees while inhaling. Next, make a circular motion with your arms, and at the end press your bent elbows to your sides. Exhale, do 2-3 more circular swings.

Sit down cross-legged, clasp your head, clasping your hands at the back of your head. Tilt your head forward and turn your head 10-20 times, as if saying I don’t know anything.

This exercise is also done in a sitting position. Again, clasp your head in your hands, clasping your fingers into a fist at the back of your head. As you inhale, lower your head forward, and as you exhale, lift it up, straightening your elbows to the sides. It is necessary to do 10 such tilts.

The last exercise will help relax the side muscles of the neck. Also while sitting, we tilt our heads to the right (inhale), the starting position (exhale) and to the left in the same way, alternately moving our arms away. When your head is tilted to the left, move your right arm to the side, and when to the right, vice versa. Repeat 10 times.

A massage that anyone can easily do themselves is a good way to relieve muscle spasms. Let's figure out how to relax the neck muscles using self-massage. First of all, we get up and straighten our back. Now we place our hands on the back of the neck and begin stroking from top to bottom.

Gradually the movements become more intense, rubbing. In this case, there should be slight pain at the site of muscle spasm. But we shouldn’t press too hard; our task is to relieve tension, and not to bring ourselves to a semi-fainting state.

Next, we transfer the massaging movement to the forearm area, capturing the trapezius muscles. This should be done even if, according to your sensations, the pain is concentrated in only one point on the neck. Tension in the muscles usually spreads along the entire length, and you yourself will find other points on the forearm where pain is felt.

Having massaged this part, we move to the back of the head, paying attention to the place where the head and neck connect. Motor activity for many modern people is significantly reduced; we spend too much time sitting, which provokes a constant spasm of the muscles of the back of the head. Therefore, when massaging the back of the head, many are surprised at how tense and constrained everything is there. Now we once again perform massage movements on the neck itself.

We return to the back of the head again and find small depressions at the base of the head, rub and massage them too. But be careful, with a strong spasm these points are quite painful, so start with light stroking, gradually increasing the intensity. We move on to the scalp and do a massage, as when washing your hair.

Throughout the massage, it is best to combine stroking with patting, squeezing and light vibrations. Using different types of influence, we ensure that muscle spasms go away, blood circulation improves and long-awaited relaxation occurs.

How to avoid muscle spasms?

In order to finally resolve the issue of how to relieve neck muscle tension, you need to learn to protect yourself from negative factors.

To do this, try to follow simple rules.

  • - Do not bend your head down too much when doing sedentary work (typing, embroidering, working with a tablet or smartphone).
  • - Do not watch TV, computer or read while lying down.
  • - Choose a special anatomical pillow for sleeping that follows the contours of the neck.
  • - Try not to slouch, walk with your shoulders proudly squared and your head held high.

If you are already susceptible to muscle spasms, then do not aggravate the situation and protect your neck from drafts and piercing winds, which we can experience even in summer.

Knowing how to relax the neck muscles will be useful for each of us. After all, spasms can overtake even the healthiest person.

Causes of spasms

The list of common causes that most often provoke the appearance of muscle spasms in the back and neck area includes:

  • Elementary inability to relax the body and constant stress;
  • Prolonged sitting. For example, when working on a PC for a long time;
  • Hypothermia in the back area, past and existing injuries;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Staying in one position for a long time (any), causing the muscles of the body to become numb;
  • Excessive extension/flexion of the spine.

Learning to relax with exercises

Exercises to relax the neck muscles, which we list below, can be performed both at home and at work:

  • Lean your head forward, taking a mouthful of air. Shrug your shoulders sharply two or three times while holding your breath. Position – standing, arms along the body;
  • To relax your neck and shoulder muscles, stand up. Bend your knees slightly and make fists with your hands. Inhale, extend your arms forward, and perform several circular movements. Exhale, repeat this action to relax the back muscles several more times;
  • Learn to relax in Turkish pose. In order to relieve muscle spasm, place your hands on the back of your head and fold them together. With your head tilted forward, make turns as if repeating “no”;
  • While sitting, clasp your head with your hands. Inhaling, lower it forward, exhaling back, spreading your elbows to the sides. This type of relaxation requires 10-12 approaches;
  • How to relax the neck muscles with osteochondrosis? Sit on a chair, tilt your head left and right, watching your breathing. Tilts of the neck and head to the right should be accompanied by tilting of the arm to the left, and to the left to the right. Do 10 repetitions.

In order to understand exactly how to relax the cervical and shoulder regions, it is worth watching a video on the Internet.

We provide massage

One of the surest ways to relax the neck muscles is to perform a massage. You can perform self-massage, it will also give excellent results. To begin, stand up and straighten your back. Place your hands on the back of your head and stroke from top to bottom.

You need to move from smooth movements to intense and rubbing ones. If you perform the massage correctly, you will feel a slight soreness in the area where the spasm occurs. Do not overdo it, otherwise you will bring yourself not back to normal, but into a semi-fainting state.

After massaging the back of your head, move on to your forearms, working the trapezius muscles. Do this even if you feel pain elsewhere in the neck, as the tension can spread further.

Move to the back of the head again, to the part where the neck and head connect. Remember that massage in any area should always be done with light strokes first. And only then with intense movements. Finally, don’t forget to massage the entire scalp as if you were washing your hair.

Alternate patting with stroking, light vibrations with squeezing. With the help of different types of influences, you can achieve amazing results: long-awaited relaxation, improved blood circulation, and relief from spasms.

Use of medications and drugs

In some cases, it is possible to get rid of the disease only with the help of complex treatment. If the patient, due to health reasons, does not have time for massage and exercise, medications are used. Modern pharmacology offers many medications that can give the desired effect quickly. Medicines are administered by injection.

IMPORTANT! Never prescribe medications or inject yourself with them. Since only a doctor and only after diagnosis can correctly say what exactly led to the appearance of health problems. In addition, after injections, the muscles will require special treatment and strengthening. You also don’t know how to carry out such procedures.

We carry out prevention

Preventive measures are of great importance; they can prevent the occurrence of spasms and their recurrence.

A few simple rules:

  1. Before bed, you can drink tea with honey and mint, treat yourself to a warm shower and an evening walk in the fresh air. Ventilate the room before going to bed;
  2. Strengthen your abdominal muscles, and then you will reduce the load on your spine;
  3. If available, get rid of extra pounds. Find out how much you should weigh based on your height;
  4. Watch your posture, do not slouch when walking or sitting;
  5. Take short breaks every hour during sedentary work. Thanks to this, you will not only relax, but also increase your performance. Walk around the room, go outside. If you feel that your body is starting to go numb, take a walk, do not sit in the same place any longer;
  6. Perform self-massage and the exercises we recommend at least once a day;
  7. Do not comb your hair by tilting your head back too much. This way, you stretch your neck muscles without really needing to do so. Do not press the phone to your ear - for the same reason;
  8. Consider how comfortable your mattress is and whether your pillow is too big. The mattress should be hard and the pillow low. The habit of sleeping on your stomach can lead to health problems - this position is not very comfortable.

If cramps bother you frequently, you should see a doctor. Frequent pain may indicate that your body has developed or may develop serious diseases in the near future. As a rule, one visit to a specialist is enough to understand the cause of health problems and prescribe appropriate treatment.