The spiritual world and the earthly world pencil drawings. Regional stage of the XIII International Children's Art Competition “The Beauty of God's World. In the category “Porcelain Painting”

Rain Tatyana, 16 years old, MBOU “Secondary school No. 5”, Yugorsk (Yugorsk deanery), "Silence"

I age group (up to 8 years)

1 place:

Skrypnik Victoria

"Kind heart"

2nd place:

Shultz Alina, 8 years old, MBU DO "Children's Art School", town. Talinka Oktyabrsky district (Nyagan deanery),

"Happiness in the palm of your hand"

Laushkina Nadezhda, 8 years old, MIRACLE DOCH "Center "Spiritual Enlightenment", Urai (Uray Deanery),

"Defender of our Fatherland"

3rd place:

Rudnova Evgenia, 8 years old, MBU DO "Children's Art School", town. Talinka Oktyabrsky district (Nyagan deanery),

"My friends"

Pronina Anastasia, 5 years old, MADOU “Kindergarten “Guselki”, Yugorsk (Yugorsk deanery),

"Prince Vladimir"

II age group (from 9 to 12 years)

1 place:

Prokopyeva Ekaterina, 12 years old, MAOU DO "Center for Additional Education", Mezhdurechensky Kondinsky district, Kondinsky deanery),

"Easter holiday"

2nd place:

Kulishova Elizaveta, 12 years old, MBU DO "Children's Art School", town. Talinka Oktyabrsky district (Nyagan deanery),

"My favorite temple"

Zhuravleva Ekaterina, 12 years old, MBOU "Alyabyevskaya Secondary School", Alyabyevsky village, Sovetsky district (Ugra deanery),

"Beauty of nature"

3rd place:

Zavodskaya Ekaterina, 11 years old, MBU DO "Children's Art School", town. Talinka Oktyabrsky district (Nyagan deanery),

“1945. Meeting of friends"

Shmakova Anastasia, MIRACLE Kindergarten Center “Spiritual Enlightenment”, 9 years old, Urai (Uray Deanery),

“Through the pages of the ABC of Orthodoxy”

III age group (from 13 to 17 years old)

1 place:

Rain Tatiana,16 years old, MBOU "Secondary school No. 5", Yugorsk (Yugorsk deanery),


2nd place:

Pochekaeva Ekaterina, 15 years old, MBOU "Secondary school No. 6", Yugorsk (Yugorsk deanery),

"Guardian of the Skies"

Shpakovich Artem,

"My grandfather Ivan"

3rd place:

Lezhneva Olesya,14 years old, MBOU DOD "Soviet Children's Art School", Sovetsky (Ugra Deanery),

"Evening in the Village"

Saraeva Daria,14 years old, Sunday school of the Parish of the Church of St. Alexy of Moscow, Nyagan (Nyagan Deanery),


PRE-DAWN. Painting. Lyudmila Utkina.

The world of the artist, the world of his paintings, the search for methods of the best, truthful display of images dear to him is amazing. Outwardly, the path traveled may seem simple, as for example in the description of Lyudmila Utkina:
“I drew well, in my youth I studied in an art studio, but I didn’t want to study “socialist realism in art” professionally. And yet the creative profession won, I became a graphic designer.”
In fact, the process of forming an inspired state of mind, “reifying” subtle feelings coming from the depths of the soul is very complex. When the artist’s heart is filled with images of the Upper World, he strives to find the right symbolism, which at least partially conveys their unusualness, multidimensionality and colorfulness.
“In almost all my paintings there is a Star of the Mother of the World, the entire coming era is connected with Her Name, therefore in the paintings the Star is as a Sign of the Future of the World. Mountains, as always, are a symbol of Spiritual Ascent, and Water is a symbol of Earthly Life. The Lotus Flower is a symbol of Spiritual Knowledge. The color tone of the paintings is also not accidental - this is the color of the pre-dawn time not only on Earth, but also symbolically - in Space.”


Every person in life repeatedly has to go through oppression and experience difficult and difficult situations. But sooner or later, the oppression ends, and a person who has worthily gone through a difficult part of his life’s journey will certainly gain the Heights of the Spirit.


The symbol of Life is Water, which is a repository of information. The Waters of Knowledge are the knowledge about Life that it accumulates and stores in itself. The waters reflect the light of the Star of the Mother of the World and the Height of the Spiritual Peaks. The Lotus, the flower of the human Spirit, blooms in the Waters.


New Fiery Energies are coming to Earth. If Their transformative Power is accepted into the consciousness of all humanity, a New Epoch will come and humanity will move to a new stage of its evolution. But if humanity is unable or does not want to enter the New Age of Fire and does not accept it into consciousness, then the Spiritual Fire will be transformed into the Purifying Fire. Then the Stars of the Apocalypse will flash in the earth's sky.


When one day his Spirit awakens in a person and a person begins to see his Divine Essence, he begins to feel his inextricable connection with the entire Universe, of which he himself is a particle. A person realizes that he is loved and expected there. Therefore, every person who has realized his Spirit will definitely one day say: “Hello Universe, here I am.”


The ancients believed that the Rainbow connected the three worlds - the Fiery, Subtle and Earthly. From the Star of the Mother of the World, a seven-colored Bridge is thrown into the Waters of Earthly Life, along which flows the Joy of Existence, comprehended by the Knowledge of the Spirit.


Earthly humanity is only at the very beginning of its Star Trek. The Cosmic Mother, just like the earthly mother, who endlessly loves her child, carefully preserves and raises Her Child - the Humanity of the Earth.


The entire further evolution of the planet is connected with the spiritual revival of Russia. In space there is an unprecedented infusion of energies for her spiritual transformation. The Mother of the World herself makes a prayer for Russia, makes a prayer for the Future of the Planet.


When the student is ready, the Teacher comes to him. Concentrated, listening only to his Heart, the student will be able to hear in it the Voice of his destined Teacher.


An Angel shining with spiritual light is hidden in every person. A person’s life may be outwardly simple and dull, but his Soul, if a person’s life is a constant presence before God and prayer, will be a reflection of the Angel in the Waters of Life.


The Spiritual Path of man is difficult. Before a person reaches the Height of the Spirit, a person will have to overcome more than one spiritual height, climbing smaller peaks, like steps. But the Temple of His Heart awaits the aspiring and undaunted at the Heights of the Spirit.


The essence of man is manifested in his three hypostases: Angel, Carnal man and Shadow. The first hypostasis is the Shining Angel - this is his Soul, the second is the flesh, where the needs and desires of his body live, and the third hypostasis is the Shadow in which the shortcomings and vices of a person are hidden.
The Moon is the creator of the astral shell of man. A person, being under the influence of the Moon, continues to be a being of the Astral. But the Soul, the Shining Angel, overshadowing him with Spiritual Light, calls him to follow him to the Heights of the Spirit.


Every person is the whole world. Mothers of the earth, giving birth to children, give birth to new worlds. The Mother of the World carries the Universe in Her Cosmic Womb, gives birth to new stars and planets and raises new Humanities on them.

Never, not for a moment
Not abandoned.
Your Angel
Eternally preserved.
You, in search -
And in daring -


The subtle energies of a person’s Aura envelop him like a light cover. The aura of a spiritual person is like a beautiful flower, shimmering with the finest tones and streams of multi-colored light. And the Aura of a person is especially beautiful when he prays. Since ancient times, the lotus has been a symbol of the soul. The soul under the spiritual Light of prayer opens up like a lotus, becoming a beautiful spiritual flower.


Now is a special time; High Energies are being pumped up for the further evolution of the planet. The darkness is raging, trying to counteract them, and its attacks are becoming more and more furious.
She constantly attacks a person in his thoughts, feelings, desires. But a person has a powerful Protection that is in his heart. This is his Faith. Christ, living in every living human heart, is the Shield Revealed from all the furious attacks of darkness.


In the very center of the highest peaks of the planet, the Himalayas, their Heart is hidden - Shambhala. The Path to it is long and difficult, it is laid through many lives of a person walking the Paths of the Spirit. The human heart knows how to lead the Path, and if a person listens to its instructions, then one day he will definitely come to the Altar of the Himalayas - the place where the Heart of the Himalayas is hidden. And where the Sign of Christ - “With human hands and feet” - indicates that only by applying one’s own spiritual efforts can Man overcome the difficulties of the Spiritual Path.


The Fire Angel is a symbol of the New Epoch, the Age of Fire. He stands guard over the Gates leading to the New World. The Fiery Guardian is not menacing; on the contrary, it extends its Hands towards those going to the New World, the pass into which can only be the Fiery Heart of a person.


Standing over Russia in the pre-dawn hour as a mighty Force, Spiritual Patron and Defender, is its Holy Primate before God - Sergius of Radonezh


Our planet from Space looks like a blue shiny drop, and if it is not protected by the Power of Divine Love, then in the blink of an eye a drop of life will disappear in the fire and cold of the World Cosmic Energies. The Divine Forces protect our planet with care and love.


Many peoples of the Earth live in the myths of the Fire Bird, which, when burned, is reborn from the ashes. The Phoenix bird is a symbol of the eternal renewal of the Soul, its fiery spiritual Revival


The Earth is a living being, it, like any creature, has a Soul. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of the Spiritual Revival of the Soul. Cosmic Fire, in the image of a Fire Bird carefully hugging the Earth with its wings, symbolizes the coming Spiritual Revival of the Earth


The era of the Mother of the World is the era of the Heart. The Fire of the Heart will give a person the Fiery Wings of the Spirit for flights to the Distant Worlds.


Where a person’s thought is, there he is. At the Peaks of the Spirit there is a person who thinks brightly about the Higher and Distant Worlds.


The coming Transformation of the Earth is associated with the name of Maitreya. The Light Energies of the Highest Essence will transform the planet in the blink of an eye...


The Arhat Teacher stands as a torch - a Light at the top of the earthly world. In his hand, raised as high as possible, psychic energy is concentrated, which carries the Light of Knowledge from the High Heights to all earthly humanity.


Luminous, subtlest, primary Matter underlies the manifested Universe. Mother Universe carefully carries her starry veil, creating Worlds.


At the basis of the manifested world are Two Principles; Spirit and Matter, Mind and Heart, Masculine and Feminine. But everything is One. Cosmic energies, flowing from one Origin to another, create Life in its two forms, giving birth to two Cosmos - Man and Woman.


Bodhisattvas are Great Souls who give themselves to the Service of all humanity. White Tara is the Bodhisattva-Savior, carrying the energies of the Feminine Principle.


The great moment of the Transfiguration of the Earth is getting closer. A beautiful and menacing moment. The Great Mother grieves for her children, who face great trials of the spirit and not all, to Her deepest sorrow, will overcome them.


Earthly humanity, like a child in the womb, awaits the hour of its Birth into Cosmic Life.


Protecting earthly humanity from the forces of evil, its Guardian Angel, stands the Archangel, the Messenger of the High Heavenly Host.


Many times the Arhats brought the Knowledge of the Supreme as a gift to humanity. The Crystal of Knowledge, similar to a sacred lotus flower, is a piece of treasure - the Chintamani Stone, the high Gift of Orion.


My Spirit, according to Star Trek,
forward, fly tirelessly!
You are an eternal wanderer and creator,
you are the beginning and the end
everything that exists in the Universe;
your riches cannot be counted.
You are my Mentor, Friend, Father -
crown of beautiful Truth,
you live in the Divine Fire,
you are the reflected GOD in me.


Mountains are a symbol of the Spirit. Spiritual Forces protect sleeping humanity, which has not yet awakened to spiritual life.


Each person has his own, unique world in his soul - his own Universe.


Every person is a creator in his own potential. Man creates both his earthly world and his spatial world. Everyone has their own heaven or hell. After... the labors of earthly life, or after... a difficult flight to the Distant Worlds - Relaxation in a wonderful world created by a bright and creative consciousness.


The basis of the Universe is Fire. The Fiery Tree of Cosmic Life, a symbol of the growing, developing Universe. The energies of Evolution in spiral movement are rapidly growing the Fire Tree.


The ruler of the three worlds - earthly, subtle and fiery - is called the Rainbow. The color violet is the light she gave to the iris flower, a symbol of spiritual union.


In the vastness of Russia
Temples - candles stand,
Spirit - Unquenchable Light -
keep it in your heart.


Man is like a fiery flower; fiery passions burn at its base, but its petals shine with the snow-white light of the spirit.


Man is a microcosm; the Universe is reflected in him.


The ancients depicted the Soul in the form of a young girl - Psyche. The soul of humanity is awakening... to become aware of itself.

IN A SINGLE STROKE. Graphic arts. Lyudmila Utkina

These works can easily be correlated with a unique phenomenon of Japanese poetry - short haiku poems. Capacious, expressive images generate chains of associations, revealing the diversity and universality of existence.

“Haiku in classical times has always existed as part of a world in which poetry flows into a single and complex stream of meditation. Hence the meaning of surprise, insight, the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary, the eternal in the momentary in haiku poetry” (Sokolova-Delyusina).

The magic of laconic expression can stretch a thread from the human heart to nature, to other hearts and even to reach the sky. Lyudmila's artistic works, made on film and commented on by her short poems, will convey the joy of this wonderful touch.

Reach for your dream
and will respond by your name
Soul Star.

Guardian angel,
My pure heart -
Your living abode.

"Angel Has Fallen"

Having betrayed a dream,
An angel fell from Heaven,
from Light to Darkness...

"I Sing Joy"

Having listened to the stars,
fell at my feet
I am singing joy!

"Dancer at Dawn"

Young moon
dances with me fervently
in the crimson dawn...


Calvary Light
Ours illuminates the world
Through the darkness of centuries.

"Chasing the Dream"

By the aspiration of the Heart,
Flies boldly over the wave
Sail of hope.

"The Cat and the Moon"

Full moon power...
Drowned in the cat's eyes
Lunar eye.

Mario Duguay, a talented artist from Canada, paints beautiful pictures of heaven, depicting the spiritual world, which is described in various religions.

His heavenly drawings carry positive energy, awakening in us bright feelings and a desire to return to the Kingdom of God.

Not every artist can create such beautiful works; this requires a special talent and connection with divine energies.

In an interview, Mario Duguay tells his story: he was a tattoo artist and became heavily involved in drugs and alcohol, which led to a dark streak in his life.

He was left without a wife, money, job, and with a feeling of shame in front of his family.

All he had left was the light within.

To escape his loneliness, he turned to spirituality, became interested in the New Age movement, and began working for himself and underwent various treatments.

Mario Duguay admits that at that time he began to paint to exorcise the dark sides of himself, but now he paints with the goal of giving something to others, wanting to touch the spirituality in each of us.

The artist’s early paintings, according to him, were not so bright, and the current paintings reflect the experience that he receives.

Heavenly pictures of the spiritual world are Mario Duguay's attempt to bring more Light into life.

And it seems that the artist’s bright mission is achieving its goal, finding a response in our hearts.

We were lucky enough to behold 50 paintings of the Kingdom of God by Mario Duguay, and although these heavenly paintings are shown here in small size, looking at them, we feel in our hearts that this is approximately what the spiritual world should look like.

Description of heaven - the Kingdom of God

In addition to the artist's paintings, excerpts from the description of the Kingdom of God are given, borrowed from the Srimad Bhagavatam, canto 3, chapter 15.

Although different religions describe the Kingdom of God differently, one can still see many similarities in the descriptions of the spiritual world.

So, welcome to the spiritual world! A brief description of heaven, the eternal abode of the Lord.

The Kingdom of God is located above all material universes, including above the planets of the demigods, and even Brahma himself, the creator of the material world, wants to get into it, not to mention the other demigods.

The variety found in the spiritual kingdom is inextricably linked with the transcendental pastimes of God.

There are billions of spiritual planets floating in the sky of the spiritual world, which are called Vaikunthas. The inhabitants of Vaikuntha do not know anxiety, because in the Kingdom of God there is no birth, illness, aging and death - everything there is eternal and blissful. The Vaikuntha planets abound in incalculable riches, as we will see from further descriptions.

On these planets live the Supreme Lord Himself and His pure devotees - souls who have realized themselves, God and eternal relationship with Him.

The Lord, being an inexhaustible source of bliss, brings happiness to every person by His presence alone.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original Personality, the Source of the entire manifested world, who can be understood by studying the scriptures.

The Lord is full of pure goodness, and He Himself helps the souls surrendered to Him to achieve the highest spiritual perfection.

In the Kingdom of God everything is spiritual; all forms of life - plants, birds, animals, people - have a spiritual nature. All the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God are pure devotees of the Lord.

Wishing trees grow here, strewn with flowers and fruits regardless of the time of year.

Husbands and their wives fly in airships made of gold, emeralds and lapis lazuli, and tirelessly chant the all-auspicious activities and qualities of the Supreme Lord.

They have no desire to receive sensual pleasures because serving God (for example, chanting His divine qualities and activities) gives them such all-consuming bliss that any sensual pleasures, in comparison with this bliss, simply lose their attractiveness.

In the spiritual world there is no difference between birds, trees, flowers, people and other inhabitants, because all forms of life in the Kingdom of God are animate and have God Consciousness (reside in God Consciousness), therefore they are all in a state of eternal ever-increasing bliss.

Everything here is spiritual and full of diversity, there is nothing inanimate.

The basis of existence in the spiritual world is the principles of devotional service to the Lord, which includes, first of all, hearing and chanting the qualities and activities of God as the Supreme Personality.

In Vaikunthas, even flowers and birds engage in the service of the Lord.

Pure devotees of the Lord living in the Kingdom of God have no shortage of emeralds and precious stones.

Gold ornaments studded with precious stones are obtained by the blessing of God, and not as a result of exhausting labor, as happens in the material world.

They own countless treasures without making any effort. But their true pleasure comes from serving God, and not from possessing unprecedented treasures.

Vaikuntha women are many times more beautiful than the most beautiful women you can see and even imagine in our material world. They are beautiful like Lakshmi herself - the goddess of prosperity.

However, husbands in the Kingdom of God have access to much more sublime pleasures than sexual pleasures, so they do not feel any need for them.

In the spiritual world, the Supreme Lord is eternally served by millions of goddesses of fortune. In their gardens they worship the Lord.

The land of Vaikuntha, as stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam, consists of the philosopher's stone. This is how heaven is described in the sacred scriptures of Hinduism.

How to get to the spiritual world, enter the Kingdom of God

The desire to return home to the transcendental spiritual abode compels one to study the nature of the spiritual kingdom.

Studying descriptions of the spiritual world is the beginning of the path to heaven.

One who tries to understand the spiritual nature of the Vaikuntha planets is considered a fortunate person.

Any person can transcend the material world and enter the spiritual abode of the Lord if his consciousness is sufficiently purified to realize his true nature, God and his eternal relationship with the Supreme.

Only one who has acquired all the virtues, 26 qualities of a holy person, can enter the Kingdom of God. Those who are engaged in serving the Almighty gradually develop all these necessary qualities. The 26 qualities of a saintly person are described in the Caitanya-caritamrta, as well as in the third canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, twenty-fifth chapter, verse 21.

It says that a person who is worthy of returning to the God Realm is very patient and kind to all living beings, so he has no enemies. He is always calm and unperturbed, does not start arguments with anyone or quarrel. Such a person considers Krishna Consciousness (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) to be his highest goal in life, because there is nothing higher and more blissful than being in God Consciousness.

He treats all living beings (not just people) equally, because he sees their spiritual nature. He is always pure, spiritually and physically, and has an impeccable character. A devotee does not feel or consider himself the owner of anything, whether in the material world or the spiritual world, because he understands that everything belongs to the Lord.

He wishes well to everyone and is peaceful, has no material desires and shows modesty. His feelings are curbed and he is devoid of false conceit. He does not eat more than is necessary to maintain the body in optimal condition. Respecting others, he does not demand respect for himself. He is friendly and compassionate. These are the qualities of a person worthy to enter the Kingdom of God.

Regular chanting of the sacred mantra (Hare Krishna maha-mantra) is the most important part of devotional service recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and other scriptures, and this mantra helps one to acquire all the necessary qualities to return to the Kingdom of God. However, while chanting the holy names of God, offenses should be avoided, because this will become an insurmountable obstacle on the path to the spiritual world. A description of the ten offenses that prevent one from returning to the Kingdom of God can be read in spiritual literature.

Unhappy people, the inhabitants of the middle planets (like the Earth), instead of discussing the description of the Kingdom of God, discuss topics that defile their ears and darken their minds.

People who refuse to listen to descriptions of the spiritual world, and instead indulge in talking about material things, make their way into the darkest regions of ignorance.

Lord Brahma, the creator of the material world, says that the human form of life is so valuable that even Brahmas and demigods strive to incarnate among people, because only a person can acquire perfect spiritual knowledge and perfectly understand the meaning of religion, that is, achieve the highest goal of life .

If a person cannot understand the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His Spiritual Kingdom, it means that he is greatly influenced by the external energy of the Lord - the aggregate of material energies that obscure the Supreme Truth.

If a person hears the praises of the Lord and experiences ecstasy, in which his breathing quickens and his body becomes covered with perspiration, he enters the Kingdom of God, even if he has never before engaged in spiritual practice and has not performed ascesis (voluntary deprivation of sensual pleasures for the sake of progress in spiritual life). practice).

Other descriptions of God's eternal Kingdom can be found in other religions.

Studying descriptions of the spiritual world is beneficial for a person because it awakens in him the forgotten spiritual reality and revives the desire to return to the Kingdom of God, which is the first important step on the path home, to the eternal transcendental abode of the Supreme, full of wisdom and bliss.

Mario Duguay, a talented artist from Canada, paints beautiful pictures of heaven, depicting the spiritual world, which is described in various religions.

His heavenly drawings carry positive energy, awakening in us bright feelings and a desire to return to the Kingdom of God.

Not every artist can create such beautiful works; this requires a special talent and connection with divine energies.

In an interview, Mario Duguay tells his story: he was a tattoo artist and became heavily involved in drugs and alcohol, which led to a dark streak in his life.

He was left without a wife, money, job, and with a feeling of shame in front of his family.

All he had left was the light within.

To escape his loneliness, he turned to spirituality, became interested in the New Age movement, and began working for himself and underwent various treatments.

Mario Duguay admits that at that time he began to paint to exorcise the dark sides of himself, but now he paints with the goal of giving something to others, wanting to touch the spirituality in each of us.

The artist’s early paintings, according to him, were not so bright, and the current paintings reflect the experience that he receives.

Heavenly pictures of the spiritual world are Mario Duguay's attempt to bring more Light into life.

And it seems that the artist’s bright mission is achieving its goal, finding a response in our hearts.

We were lucky enough to behold 50 paintings of the Kingdom of God by Mario Duguay, and although these heavenly paintings are shown here in small size, looking at them, we feel in our hearts that this is approximately what the spiritual world should look like.

Description of heaven - the Kingdom of God

In addition to the artist's paintings, excerpts from the description of the Kingdom of God are given, borrowed from the Srimad Bhagavatam, canto 3, chapter 15.

The author of this article hopes that the texts of the sacred scriptures of Hinduism and the heavenly drawings of Mario Duguay will complement each other well and will be of interest to a wide range of readers.

Although different religions describe the Kingdom of God differently, one can still see many similarities in the descriptions of the spiritual world.

So, welcome to the spiritual world! A brief description of heaven, the eternal abode of the Lord.

The Kingdom of God is located above all material universes, including above the planets of the demigods, and even Brahma himself, the creator of the material world, wants to get into it, not to mention the other demigods.

The variety found in the spiritual kingdom is inextricably linked with the transcendental pastimes of God.

There are billions of spiritual planets floating in the sky of the spiritual world, which are called Vaikunthas. The inhabitants of Vaikuntha do not know any worries, because in the Kingdom of God there is no birth, illness, aging and death - everything there is eternal and blissful. The Vaikuntha planets abound in incalculable riches, as we will see from further descriptions.

On these planets live the Supreme Lord Himself and His pure devotees - souls who have realized themselves, God and eternal relationship with Him.

The Lord, being an inexhaustible source of bliss, brings happiness to every person by His presence alone.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original Personality, the Source of the entire manifested world, who can be understood by studying the scriptures.

The Lord is full of pure goodness, and He Himself helps the souls surrendered to Him to achieve the highest spiritual perfection.

In the Kingdom of God everything is spiritual; all forms of life - plants, birds, animals, people - have a spiritual nature. All the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God are pure devotees of the Lord.

Wishing trees grow here, strewn with flowers and fruits regardless of the time of year.

Husbands and their wives fly in airships made of gold, emeralds and lapis lazuli, and tirelessly chant the all-auspicious activities and qualities of the Supreme Lord.

They have no desire to receive sensual pleasures because serving God (for example, chanting His divine qualities and activities) gives them such all-consuming bliss that any sensual pleasures, in comparison with this bliss, simply lose their attractiveness.

In the spiritual world there is no difference between birds, trees, flowers, people and other inhabitants, because all forms of life in the Kingdom of God are animate and have God Consciousness (reside in God Consciousness), therefore they are all in a state of eternal ever-increasing bliss.

Everything here is spiritual and full of diversity, there is nothing inanimate.

The basis of existence in the spiritual world is the principles of devotional service to the Lord, which includes, first of all, hearing and chanting the qualities and activities of God as the Supreme Personality.

In Vaikunthas, even flowers and birds engage in the service of the Lord.

Pure devotees of the Lord living in the Kingdom of God have no shortage of emeralds and precious stones.

Gold ornaments studded with precious stones are obtained by the blessing of God, and not as a result of exhausting labor, as happens in the material world.

They own countless treasures without making any effort. But their true pleasure comes from serving God, and not from possessing unprecedented treasures.

Vaikuntha women are many times more beautiful than the most beautiful women you can see and even imagine in our material world. They are beautiful like Lakshmi herself - the goddess of prosperity.

However, husbands in the Kingdom of God have access to much more sublime pleasures than sexual pleasures, so they do not feel any need for them.

In the spiritual world, the Supreme Lord is eternally served by millions of goddesses of fortune. In their gardens they worship the Lord.

The land of Vaikuntha, as stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam, consists of the philosopher's stone. This is how heaven is described in the sacred scriptures of Hinduism.

How to get to the spiritual world, enter the Kingdom of God

The desire to return home to the transcendental spiritual abode compels one to study the nature of the spiritual kingdom.

Studying descriptions of the spiritual world is the beginning of the path to heaven.

One who tries to understand the spiritual nature of the Vaikuntha planets is considered a fortunate person.

Any person can transcend the material world and enter the spiritual abode of the Lord if his consciousness is sufficiently purified to realize his true nature, God and his eternal relationship with the Supreme.

Only one who has acquired all the virtues, 26 qualities of a holy person, can enter the Kingdom of God. Those who are engaged in serving the Almighty gradually develop all these necessary qualities. The 26 qualities of a saintly person are described in the Caitanya-caritamrta, as well as in the third canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, twenty-fifth chapter, verse 21.

It says that a person who is worthy of returning to the God Realm is very patient and kind to all living beings, so he has no enemies. He is always calm and unperturbed, does not start arguments with anyone or quarrel. Such a person considers Krishna Consciousness (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) to be his highest goal in life, because there is nothing higher and more blissful than being in God Consciousness.

He treats all living beings (not just people) equally, because he sees their spiritual nature. He is always pure, spiritually and physically, and has an impeccable character. A devotee does not feel or consider himself the owner of anything, whether in the material world or the spiritual world, because he understands that everything belongs to the Lord.

He wishes well to everyone and is peaceful, has no material desires and shows modesty. His feelings are curbed and he is devoid of false conceit. He does not eat more than is necessary to maintain the body in optimal condition. Respecting others, he does not demand respect for himself. He is friendly and compassionate. These are the qualities of a person worthy to enter the Kingdom of God.

Regular chanting of the sacred mantra (Hare Krishna maha-mantra) is the most important part of devotional service recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and other scriptures, and this mantra helps one to acquire all the necessary qualities to return to the Kingdom of God. However, while chanting the holy names of God, offenses should be avoided, because this will become an insurmountable obstacle on the path to the spiritual world. A description of the ten offenses that prevent one from returning to the Kingdom of God can be read in spiritual literature.

Unhappy people, the inhabitants of the middle planets (like the Earth), instead of discussing the description of the Kingdom of God, discuss topics that defile their ears and darken their minds.

People who refuse to listen to descriptions of the spiritual world, and instead indulge in talking about material things, make their way into the darkest regions of ignorance.

Lord Brahma, the creator of the material world, says that the human form of life is so valuable that even Brahmas and demigods strive to incarnate among people, because only a person can acquire perfect spiritual knowledge and perfectly comprehend the meaning of religion, that is, achieve.

If a person cannot understand the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His Spiritual Kingdom, it means that he is under the strong influence of the external energy of the Lord - the aggregate of material energies that obscure the Supreme Truth.

If a person hears the praises of the Lord and experiences ecstasy, in which his breathing quickens and his body becomes covered with perspiration, he enters the Kingdom of God, even if he has never before engaged in spiritual practice and has not performed ascesis (voluntary deprivation of sensual pleasures for the sake of progress in spiritual life). practice).

Other descriptions of God's eternal Kingdom can be found in other religions.

Studying descriptions of the spiritual world is beneficial for a person because it awakens in him the forgotten spiritual reality and revives the desire to return to the Kingdom of God, which is the first important step on the path home, to the eternal transcendental abode of the Supreme, full of wisdom and bliss.

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