Smoking and alcoholism presentation. Presentation about the harm of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking for high school students. Harm to health from drug use

The harm of alcohol Many people see nothing wrong with drinking alcohol in the evening, on weekends or on holidays. But few people have a sense of proportion and willpower. And a seemingly harmless hobby turns into a bad habit.

In the presentation you will learn: The harm of alcohol. The effect of alcohol on the human body. The harm of tobacco. Smoking and its consequences. The presentation was made by Student of the Housing and Public Utilities Group - 14 Chainikov A. A.

The effect of alcohol on the human body The harm of alcohol is obvious. It has been proven that when alcohol enters the body, it spreads through the blood to all organs and adversely affects them, even to the point of destruction. With systematic alcohol consumption, a dangerous disease, alcoholism, develops. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is treatable, like many other diseases. But the main problem is that most of the alcoholic beverages produced by non-state enterprises contain large amounts of toxic substances. Poor quality products often lead to poisoning and even death.

The harm of tobacco Tobacco and tobacco products contain and are formed during combustion of up to more than four thousand different substances and compounds, of which over three hundred are biological poisons and pose a danger to the human body. Among them are such potent substances as acetone, carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide and others. The tar in tobacco smoke, called tobacco tar, also contains cancer-causing carboxylic acids, carbon monoxide, radioactive compounds of potassium, lead, nickel, polonium, strontium and others. In this regard, tobacco smoke is even more toxic than car exhaust fumes. In this regard, tobacco smoking contributes to the development of diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. The greatest number of deaths among smokers is caused by lung cancer and other malignancies, as well as atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Being a strong biological poison, nicotine in large doses can cause paralysis of the nervous system, cardiac and respiratory arrest, coma and death. In addition, smoking in combination with alcohol intoxication often causes household fires.

Smoking “We all know that young people like to experiment at different stages of their lives,” says Professor Nutt. “It is our duty to provide them with the fullest information about some of the dangers of such experiments. But only if someone believes that intimidation is the best method of combating with bad habits among teenagers, then he is wrong.” Nutt believes that smoking marijuana carries only a "very small risk" of developing mental illness, while nicotine leads to cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, lung disease and other deadly complications. Nutt categorically protests the "artificial" separation of alcohol and tobacco from other, "illegal" drugs such as heroin and cocaine. This division creates the illusion for many people that they cannot inject heroin, but they can smoke, because tobacco is sold legally. But in fact, according to the professor, both are equally “successful” in killing a person.

Statistics Have you tried smoking: Have you tried smoking: By 12 years old – 30% By 12 years old – 30% By 13 years old – 47% By 13 years old – 47% By 14 years old – 55% By 14 years old – 55% By 15 years old – 65% K By 15 years old – 65% By 17 years old – 80% By 17 years old – 80% of Russians Smoking frequency, % of the number of respondents Smoking frequency, % of the number of respondents

TOBACCO is an annual perennial herb of the nightshade family: 66 species. True tobacco is grown mainly in Asian countries, the USA, Bulgaria, etc.; in Russia in the southern regions. True tobacco is grown mainly in Asian countries, the USA, Bulgaria, etc.; in Russia in the southern regions. Dry leaves of real tobacco contain 3-3.7% nicotine, 1-1.37% essential oils, 4-7% resins. Dry leaves of real tobacco contain 3-3.7% nicotine, 1-1.37% essential oils, 4-7% resins.

History of the discovery of tobacco The first information about smoking is contained in the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who mentioned that the Scythians inhaled the smoke of the plants they burned. The discoverers of America, having landed on the island of Guanagani in 1492, watched with great surprise as the local residents inhaled smoke from the smoldering leaves of some plant. In addition, they saw that the natives chewed the leaves of this plant and swallowed them.

Composition of tobacco smoke Nicotine is a poison, it reaches the brain within 7 seconds after inhaling, a cigarette contains 6-8 mg of nicotine, 3-4 mg enters the blood immediately, a lethal dose for humans is mg. Nicotine is a poison, it reaches the brain within 7 seconds after inhaling, a cigarette contains 6-8 mg of nicotine, 3-4 mg enters the blood immediately, a lethal dose for humans is mg. Carbonic acid - when smoking sharply reduces the level of oxygen in the blood Carbonic acid - when smoking sharply reduces the level of oxygen in the blood Ammonia - irritates and inflames the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, bronchi Ammonia - irritates and inflames the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, bronchi Tobacco tar - contains many substances that cause cancer Tobacco tar - contains many substances that cause cancer Carcinogens - harmful substances, combustion products Carcinogens - harmful substances, combustion products

Passive smoking The World Health Organization held the next global “No Tobacco Day” on May 31, 2001 under the motto: “Passive smoking kills. Let's clear the air." By doing this, WHO drew the attention of authorities, the general public, production, health care, education and cultural institutions to the severity of this problem. An earlier WHO resolution emphasized that smoking in public places violates the right of non-smokers to health. The World Health Organization held the next global “No Tobacco Day” on May 31, 2001 under the motto: “Passive smoking kills. Let's clear the air." By doing this, WHO drew the attention of authorities, the general public, production, health care, education and cultural institutions to the severity of this problem. An earlier WHO resolution emphasized that smoking in public places violates the right of non-smokers to health.

Attention! Know that the main component of success is that you really want to experience the happiness of breathing freely. Health to you! If you love yourself and value your health, you will say no to everything that can harm you. Know that the main component of success is that you really want to experience the happiness of breathing freely. Health to you! If you love yourself and value your health, you will say no to everything that can harm you.

CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco smoking is one of the most common bad habits that leads to serious health problems. Many doctors began to call smoking the plague of the 20th century. People do not think about the consequences of smoking, considering this habit as an expression of their independence and self-reliance, not realizing that they are thereby shortening their lives and the lives of their loved ones, and, worst of all, endangering the lives and health of their children. The most important thing is to find the right guidelines in life and be able to say “no.”

A national disaster, collective suicide of nations, a path to human disaster - this is how scientists and the public assess the rapidly growing abuse of alcoholic beverages. A national disaster, collective suicide of nations, a path to human disaster - this is how scientists and the public assess the rapidly growing abuse of alcoholic beverages. We are talking about the genetic tragedy of humanity. We are talking about the genetic tragedy of humanity. Over the past hundred years, a steady increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages has been revealed, outpacing population growth. Over the past hundred years, a steady increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages has been revealed, outpacing population growth.

With systematic consumption of alcohol, a disease develops - alcoholism. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is treatable, like many other diseases. With systematic consumption of alcohol, a disease develops - alcoholism. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is treatable, like many other diseases. Alcohol and its negative effects on the body.

According to the World Health Organization, alcohol consumption of more than 8 liters per year per capita leads to the irreversible decline of the human race. Russia and its neighbors. Türkiye - alcohol consumption 1.5 liters per year, population growth 900 thousand per year. Russia and its neighbors. Türkiye - alcohol consumption 1.5 liters per year, population growth 900 thousand per year. Central Asian states - alcohol consumption is 2.6 liters per year, population growth is 585 thousand per year. Central Asian states - alcohol consumption is 2.6 liters per year, population growth is 585 thousand per year. China - alcohol consumption 5 liters per year, population growth 6 million annually. China - alcohol consumption 5 liters per year, population growth 6 million annually. Russia - alcohol consumption per capita liters per year. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, since 1992 the average population loss per year has been one person. Russia - alcohol consumption per capita liters per year. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, since 1992 the average population loss per year has been one person.

It is known that the first bottle of vodka was made by the Arab Raghez in 860; distillation of wine to obtain alcohol sharply worsened drunkenness; it is possible that this was the reason for the ban on the use of alcoholic beverages by the founder of Islam Muhammad (Mohammed, 570–632); the ban was subsequently included in the code of Muslim laws, the Koran (7th century),

They also learned to produce strong alcoholic drinks in the Middle Ages in Western Europe by sublimating wine. According to legend, this operation was first performed by the Italian monk alchemist Valentius. Having tried the newly obtained product and becoming highly intoxicated, the alchemist declared that he had discovered a miraculous elixir that makes an old man young, a tired man cheerful, and a yearning man cheerful. All alcoholic drinks contain alcohol, which very quickly conquered the human world.

Alcohol has four main effects in the body: it provides the body with energy; - provides the body with energy; -slows down the functioning of the central nervous system, reduces its effectiveness; -stimulates urine production (as a result, cells are dehydrated); -damages the liver

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Extracurricular event on the topic: “Drug addiction. Alcoholism. Smoking." Municipal educational institution No. 41 Biology teacher Alexandra Viktorovna Kalinger

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Factors influencing health. 20% – state of the natural environment (ecological well-being of human habitation); 20% - genetics (heredity of a given person); 10% - healthcare; 50% - lifestyle (meaning a person’s healthy lifestyle).

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World Health Organization classification of narcotic drugs The first three groups refer to “true” drugs. Drugs Opiates: opium and synthetic drugs derived from morphine. Cocaine, hashish (marijuana). Amphetamines (phenamine, ephedrine, etc.). Alcohol. Nicotine.

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The term “drugs” is translated from the Greek narkotikos meaning “to stupefy”, “madness”. Drug addiction is an addiction to “classic” drugs (opium, Indian hemp, the South American coca plant, etc.) Substance addiction is an addiction to the use of a wide, rather chaotic and ever-expanding range of substances that can affect the psyche, from various kinds of pills to gasoline. Narcotic substances are substances that can affect the central nervous system, chemically changing the course of nervous processes.

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Three categories of drugs. Sedative poisons, opium and its alkaloids, morphine, codeine, coca, cocaine). Classified as Euforica. Hallucinogenic drugs. This includes mescaline from cactus, Indian hemp, hashish and other tropeine plants. category – Fantastika. sleep poisons: chloral, barbiturates, tobacco, betel, plants containing caffeine.

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The facts are terrifying: every eighth teenager in Russia is a drug addict (substance abuser). According to statistics, each drug addict is able to persuade an average of 15-17 people to use drugs.

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The most dangerous drugs for human health and life. Heroin Cannabis Amphetamines Alcohol Smoking Opiates

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Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease caused by alcohol abuse.

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There are three degrees of intoxication - mild, moderate and severe. Moderate degree Severe degree Mild degree

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First aid for alcohol poisoning. 1. If a person is unconscious, clean his mouth with your finger without inducing vomiting, otherwise the vomit will go into the throat and he will forget. 2. Unbutton his clothes so that air can flow freely into his lungs. 3. Check the position of the tongue to see if it is stuck or blocking the path to the windpipe. 4. Lay the victim on his stomach and turn his head to the side. 5. If all these actions do not help bring the victim to his senses, it is necessary to call an ambulance

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Smoking. Tobacco smoke is a mixture of gases and aerosols, including several thousand different substances, the most important of which are hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, benzaprene, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, formaldehyde , radioactive polonium.

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Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin. Birds (sparrows, pigeons) die if you just bring a glass rod soaked in nicotine to their beak. A rabbit dies with ¼ drop of nicotine, a dog with 1/2. For humans, the lethal dose is 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops.

Drugs, smoking, alcoholism.

Compiled by:

life safety teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2


Volozhanina L.A.

Target: Target:
  • Prove the relevance of the problem.
  • Tasks:
  • Find out the origin of bad habits.
  • Show the effect of harmful substances on the human body.
  • To become familiar with the effects of harmful substances on the human body.
  • Learn to resist bad habits.
It is believed that the term "ναρκωτικός" (drug)
  • It is believed that the term "ναρκωτικός" (drug)
  • was first used by a Greek healer Hippocrates, - in particular to describe substances that cause loss of sensation or paralysis. This term was also used by the outstanding physician of antiquity Claudius Galen. As such substances, Galen, for example, mentioned the root mandrakes, eclat seeds and poppy.
A DRUG in a broad sense is a psychoactive drug that reduces physical and mental activity, dulls pain and has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Drugs destroy and claim millions of lives every year. Drugs have become a part of their lives for many. About 200 million people around the world have connected their lives with drugs. Most young people do not even fully understand what harm they are doing to themselves and their loved ones with the next dose. Drugs can be divided into the following groups: Drugs can be divided into the following groups:
  • 1. Hemp derivatives (drugs made from hemp)
  • 2. Opiate drugs (drugs made from or similar to poppy seeds)
  • 3. Psychostimulant drugs (these are drugs such as cocaine, ephedrone, phenamine)
  • 4. Hallucinogenic drugs (synthetic drugs - LSD and drugs of natural origin - from mushrooms).
  • 5. Sleeping pills - sedative drugs ("sedative" drugs mean calming drugs).
  • 6. LVND drugs - volatile substances with narcotic effects (drugs such as gasoline, Moment glue, etc.).
Harm from drugs Now about the harm that drug use causes to a person’s physical health. All drugs, regardless of the route of introduction into the body, necessarily damage to a greater or lesser extent:
  • - nervous system (including the brain);
  • - immune system;
  • - liver;
  • - heart;
  • - lungs.
Drugs require a gradual increase in intake. Drugs are the true shackles of darkness; drugs put a person in a hopeless situation. Drugs make a person a slave.
  • Drugs require a gradual increase in intake. Drugs are the true shackles of darkness; drugs put a person in a hopeless situation. Drugs make a person a slave.
The most terrible companion of drug addicts is AIDS (infection occurs through a needle when the syringe goes “in a circle”). Today we can already talk about an epidemic of this disease. According to some data, up to 80% of HIV-infected people are drug addicts. There are also such figures that one syringe drug addict can infect about 100 people with AIDS in a year, including those who do not use drugs. Recently, the number of infected female drug addicts has increased. A child born to such a mother often receives the AIDS virus from her and dies in the first 5 - 6 years of its life. Consequences.
  • Many drug addicts live no more than 5 years after the first time they took drugs, although there are exceptions: some die after 6 months, or live with it for 15 years. The main cause is drug overdose. In other words, death occurs as a result of heavy drug use. Causes of death: cardiac and respiratory arrest (the lungs are simply torn into small pieces). The cause of death of a drug addict can also be sepsis, or in normal words - blood charging, as well as liver pathology and diseases of other internal organs. The main thing is your health and your life, which is given to us once!
The life of a drug addict, a soldier who fought in Afghanistan under the USSR, it was there that he began to use drugs. According to him, there is nothing better than drugs. Photos of people before and after they started taking drugs 4 rules “No” to drugs
  • Rule one. Always develop the word NO for any drugs.
  • Second rule. Develop a sense of pleasure in everyday activities.
  • Say NO to idleness, play sports, study, attend various clubs, help your parents around the house. So, say NO to idleness and idle pastime.
  • Third rule. Choose your friends carefully.
  • Rule four. Say NO to your shyness and instability when drugs are offered to you.
  • Remember, your life is more valuable than anything. Many became addicted only because they could not refuse the first time. Whoever offers you drugs, refuse immediately. You don’t have to explain to everyone why you refused, just say “I don’t want to and that’s it.”
  • Tobacco smoking (nicotinism) - a bad habit that involves inhaling smoke from smoldering tobacco. We can say that this is a form of substance abuse. Smoking has a negative impact on the health of smokers and those around them.
General information
  • Smoking is the most common cause of premature death and disability.
  • In general, smoking kills more than 3 million people a year in the world, and if this trend continues, then by 2020 this number could reach 10 million. Recent international studies have shown that smoking shortens life by an average of 20-25 years.
  • Today in Russia people smoke
  • 67% men, 40% women and 50% teenagers.
  • 500,000 people die every year from smoking in Russia. Every 10th Russian in the world dies from smoking.
The harm of smoking.
  • The most severe penalty for smoking is considered to be lung and kidney cancer. Tobacco poses a serious danger to the heart; smoking causes calcification of blood vessels and a negative effect on oxygen consumption. Nicotine is a direct cause of leg amputation.
With passive smoking, a non-smoker suffers more. There is no organ that is not affected by tobacco: the kidneys and bladder, the gonads and blood vessels, the brain and liver. The lethal dose for an adult is contained in one pack of cigarettes if smoked at once, and for teenagers - half a pack. About drunkenness and alcoholism.

Drunkenness- excessive alcohol consumption, which has a destructive effect on a person

Alcoholism– chemical dependence on alcohol, leading to forced and excessive use.

Three important factors have been identified that are associated with a high risk of developing alcoholism

The effect of alcohol on the body

  • Chronic gastritis of the stomach
  • Liver cirrhosis develops
  • (liver destruction)
  • Affects the brain
  • Acceleration of biological aging
  • Leads to the development of alcoholism
Acute nicotine poisoning (nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, convulsions, increased blood pressure) is usually observed during the first attempts to smoke. Don't tempt fate, say NO to smoking, alcohol and drugs!